lie twtiiitg efalft. Klnmnlli Falls' First and Beat Dally. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results: i 1 ILI' TlllHH Year. No. 787 - zz : r WELCH IS STILL BEING EXAMINED Details Every Event Erom the Theft of the Carload of Horses to the Final Sale and Disposal of Money Alter Hid utu.i in.' j liuil innilii ihelr nociilng mnloiinint 1. 1 tint Jur), Wal i r A Welth iu nit nil iliu stand ntnl gao a tlctiillfd nctniitit nf t, ii i .1.1 . . """"" h '" '"' '"' uf horses, lor which Charles l.lakey la linw being tth'il A ill. Ill 1.,-hhIiiii n nccfsiuiry fur Wulch to complete Ii t UMIiiiony Welch r.avo mi acioiim ol hit tint i iiiiIiik l" Kl.itnalli Count) mid lilt itiiiU'inents since tlut time lie stnt- i I that hu timl been working fur Mr H'uwart nil l.iot summer liamllltiK i i airy hone, and that when .Mr .. ......... H iiuiirt left he told hlui that If Ii l,iu iit'tnm tin) poll) limnc in ,t hlui KniiH and In liny tlicm fur Mm I Id had worked u a ilcik fur .Mr. Davlusi at hi" (ton' In Dairy, and m Hie rfimok l,mcl Vinson mare In the hunch, and lunch nnd other pliiee-i mid hud lic"l,,ro" 'hem Into, thu pasturu Thuy miiiu acquainted with I.t-iko). rode next day hut did not llud any tlw hud ii eoiivcrantlon with l.lakey horaea, Wallla una worried nhout atiout polo honea mid mm told that he had four or II vu of hit nun, and that Wnllln had four or five, and he knew of Mime more, nnd would go to tlin llc.cnntlon fur some lie telegraphed to Mr. .Stewart and waa .ilt..,rl...l f .. .... .. ...I....I .. ...I ..... M.I...U.... .. ... ,,. ., l.,.lj UUII iVl an iil.ttiiii mi llixtti 1 When he went to l.ltko'n thu day after Thanaglilng Make) told him a'loul nonie mares of Ktruliel'a that wvro gone, and tali) the peoilo thought hn had them hid .iway In thu I llli. and naked lilm to tell In front of tho people tin the ranch that ho v anted to hire him to i;n with him and hulp liu) moiiiii polo puiilca. A man liy llie inline of 1'caMon mid hh wiiii weru ain)iiig on tlie rnmii. and i.itKcy i.thii inn iiuw mm it wasiu-iaw, sta)eii at inu House with ruing lit cle 1,1m, nnd I told lilm I them that night mid In t he moinlni: II r. it a tiny would lie K.itiHfucliir) l lie) Ktnrltil fur Wallla anil sttip-i l"i at Halt) where the) heard Hint two of the I.lske) 1iii)h were auested hv thu sherln fur steiillug the Kurd tattle l.lskey talil he would havu to i;n bark to eu what tho troiihlo waa, so they both went to thu l.likcy ranch, thu home ranch The hoys had not heard jiii) thing about It so they went to Wnllls' the nuxt day. The ruilu five ur hlx iii)h, and lb - I ., ... ... ..-. ....-!.. -.-. .inu mi) wiiuiiii up in ,,ir, ihcii aj.irri.iu in .hu i.u.i. i..-.ii umu 1'iiiiu nun (ouutl some mutes ou iiio.ociuck hi iiiu morning. i ue neit I "it of Itiniml iiiomitalti There waa a til lie hiiiwn ludliu mail) In the bunch and l.lakey told lilm hIiu was mi canny mid they might as well taku bet Ilium; He replied , "It goci with the Swede " That he claimed waa the Ktarlcr of Hi v whoto bualueas. Tho m tt buiiili thuy ran across had Jim Wight's Horrel driving team In It cr-5- 1 1 . BBaf saw MA SBBBBBKBBbV BTSBDBBBBBBBB BfafaftfTBTfBTsTaH TaTaTaBBBWBBBB ((afafafaHlffal aMBBVHl nVH . BVaBBHTA.UlBBlflBBBL. 'TMKIIfaTaTaTaTal HI "TsHlBrtU HBBHBBm bbV HiSoiIiMbbPVbbI B9 flHKssSsBBlBBB fafB bbHBbIIiBtHbbbbbH BD aBBBBBBSBSaBBBBB HH bBbBbBbmkHHbBbBI bBbBbBKBIBbBbBH fjgjr TsBbBHIbBbhbBbBH am bbbIIHbbbB BaVBnBtaafBaaaaaaB .BBBBBnKBafBnBBBBBl ' ' bbbbBRtbTbWIbbbW ' ' bbbbH2 ibWbbI ' Mr HbH ' ' MbVbUbI bbbI bbY bbV bbV bbV bbW bV bbw "aW bbw aBr , aLr'aiflbl'BW and the) took them along, and run Ihem all Into WalllH1 im-uuni wiii Ihey wuro hrlin:ln: thu lion-1 hack tlii-v I'ni Li.f, ,..,.i i .. . ' " -"' "" " ' IIIIMll to Bll), t,o,, i,,,, ,(.for(, ,a.y iKul Ilium collected again they came out In front of Jin. Filch' nliico. and Mrs, ritcli and thu hired man were Ilium nnd saw thum They stayed at Wallla' that night and thun l.lakey wnt home to see nhout (hit boys helnK uricsted. lie mid Wall In went to lloiu.iua to get I 1"'r"0 "" That, alter dinner, i'"'')' I'OiiKlil a liituli at llindley's and lul. ..- . .. wire tuner at Ilrnadawoiira. They then ruturned to the imicli and on the a run onto a hunch of liune- u,n ""' HH'm Indlmi iiimo and tin1 i.nacy noi returniHK, ami ho went to Charlie l.lakey'a that night nnd found hlui In bed, and atayud with lilm all night Tim unit morning h and l.lakey left tho ranch telling tho I'caiHiina that they were ruing to the llejerva tlou. and met Wallla n mllu from Wild llorao HprltlRa on Hid Yaluai road. They had ridden the or alx dp) a nnd only n-ftiruil in or IS liiiraeK tit to alilp, nnd weru pret ty badly dlicouinged, and were thinking of glilug II up. check caahed and bought n Portland doing down fmin Wild Hone rlilgolilralt for Idou, piling the balance In they ran ncron a big bunch of horaea ' hla pocket. probably A head, moatly Vliiaon'j, and they droe them to the WallUlor iiir,.,. ,us and then went to pamire. Mr. l.tigue, Wallla' hu recogulted Wight's auriel Iciini III tlie pasture, and the) turned lliem out mat tiny tliey cut nut 21 head of thu best of the hum I. thu fallen, and best ones lit to ship, mid Hi- others, about 40 or f.O head. turned out Into thu hllla After din-1 ncr iney siancu oui wiin inu uiiucii and nhout dusk cionscd Lost Itlver nud started out through the bills for the I.iimi llcda, and hint lo cut from' 10 lo 1'.' fencts ou the way They , . .1... I.. .., I iriiirnlng about daylight they minted again, Wallla going with tlicm tor about an hour uud a half, and after giving Ihem directions how to go, started bark for llouauta, The following night thuy stayed In tbu l.nva lleda and next day had ii hard time traveling over tbu rocks. They arrived In the evening nt tlw Have your Spring and Summer Suit made to your exact individual requirements. You have 1000 Neweit Spring Pat terns from which to make a telection. You are getting your clothes from the BEST TAILORING HOUSE in the U. S. through a firm that guaran tees satisfaction in every, re spect. TRY US. KKK STORE KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Urine ranch, and hu went to Mi house and gut purmltmlon to May llieie nil iiIkIU, timl put tho hornet. In Hi" ciirrnl. A fuinlly liy tho nnmi ir llinltli lived there, from whom l.ltkuy Imcl bought IiIh rnnch ncitr Dairy, nnil l.lakey said he thought tin') knew lilm, ii leu a nian by tne liiaiim or John IIIhh, wlioin they both know. They linil Intended gcttlnn nomcono to help Urlvo tho honiM tn j.Mt. Hebron mid I, lake) wiih to re turn, rut lio did nut wutil nnonu ho knew to see lilm with thu hortcf, I hut thuy did not want to link any of tho Hmlth (joys, and ho no they 1)011 decided to co on to thu railroad Mid tuku thu tlmmcu Whuu they urrlvvd within a mil of ill. Hebron, ho luft Llakuy thora and went ou Into town to niaku ai rniiKementv to et u car. Thu na tion n;;uiit told lilm that he could lit hi in out ho that hu could hIiIji at two o'clock that day. 'Ilu mailo th.i contract and had tho horaca hrougbt in mid loaded ou the car and consign ed them In hlx owu name, V a. Welch, to K. Stewart. Wostorn llonu .Market, H.m PrancUco, Ifo cot bU dinner mid went to thu trnln. After l.lakuy Kot IiIh illntier hu catna ilowu to tho train Just heforo It pulled out mid hid lilm r.ood live, mid anld hu would xtiirt hack that day nnd proh n My Htop at the llriicu rnnch that iiIkIM On the train hu met Tom URlold who wanted to know wheru ho was koIiik, and he told lilm hu had a cur load of horiivi which hu waa taking to tituwmt. At Sacrmnunto ouu of thu horacii which waa n little lame, waa left at a livery atahle. and thu remaining 20 wont through to San I'rmiclaco, where l'J were aold to a liujer from Sun Joae for ISO u head. the other holnt; an old mare, waa nold for $JD. After thu anlo.n uettleiuent was made with Mr. l.ona, one of Klewart'a men, who. after deducting the 1'iiiiiiiilnnloii nud expensca, gave lilm a check for 1771. He thou went to the MUhIoii Hank ami had the , liu I uiiiuiiii-u ill Gun riuniiBii, iwt, tl.. -.....I I ,.. U.... L-.......I. father-'ninienio mid llnally came back tol , icimiinlh Kails arriving '(M,. - !,,!,,,.,,, ii,, ti,,,,, went heie on ii liiitiini. z nil bearing that there was llalilei,,l"e ""' Proposition to steal hones , noulile left and went to imnonto, where lit. was later mi fated, whM Vmn mc ,, ,,,,. ie , fo. ,,. Ul.fl.nill, lo Mrlk uul vMvuta ,,, by Welch was , M,u col,lomlod ia, whero thu Indictment charged thu stealing of a number of bonus, thu evidence tended to prove the theft of a cer tain uiiniber of limit, Miles, geld- lugs, etc. Decisions from the courts ;of Toxna. Montana ami other atntoa wuro quoted showing that tbu Sit picnic Court held that the churgu had to bu bustnlned by the evidence. While tint decisions of the Texas com l was favorablu to thu defense, thu prosecution argued that tho de cisions of a larger number of other atato Supremo Courts held that tho term horse Included all thu spocles, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909. an marcH, geldlnga, etc. Tho motion was overruled by Judgo Noland. Wnltur Welrh waa then placed on tliu Miinil mid croaa examined by Milla, He atalcd, that he was 38 years of age mid waa born In England. Ho en in 0 to thla country when 10 or 17 yenrx of ago and first stopped at Ma ker City. Hlncu then ho had been all over tho I'nclllc Coast. Working at Pralrlo City, Udrando, Portland, Ontario, and tho Hums country. Ho en me to Klamath County In the fall of laoc, stopped at Dairy nud then wont to work on thu rrank Adams ranch. Ho alao had spent a, number 61 )cars In Canada, Montana and oth er states. Ho bad worked for llonry Egley driving horses from Wagoutlra coun try. He mado three trips coming by way of fipraguo Jtlver through Yon na Valley, rrosslng tho Lost Hlvdr near Morton's nnd stopping at the A iliuna ranch. I'roin there tho horses were taken to Jlontaguu whuro they were Hhlppcd. Ho had worko'd Boino time for Stewart, not all the time, but principally In summer. He had novor bought nny horses for Stewart, but had Instructions to buy horses. Ho worked at the Shook ranch In Milliner of 1907 nnd that fall clorked In tho xtoro at Dairy for II r. Davles. AIho workud a short time for Chas. 1)1 ow and then went buck to the Shoo ranch. Had been with Shook's three different tlmcH. He had helped Mr. Stewart's foreman drive horses to thu railroad and had helped break hones at thu Adams ranch. Uy tho questlous of Mr. Mills a statement was secured showing every Action since he lint- came Into the couutr). Jlr. Welch was still on the Hand when the Court took a recess for noon. When Court convened at 1:30 Welch resumed tlie atund and Attor ney .Mills proceeded with tho exami nation The witness stated that dur ing the past three jears he had'drlv en from wagonttre mountain between COii nnd tin u head of horses. .lodge Noliind Interposed n query In the matter of the cross examina tion an to the purpose of lite lino of tiuestloiis. the object being to nrac- Sue-',,r!,"' aurvo notice that everything "' '" "" o cipetnie ine inai "' ""' """ The witness Btated that tho Dm was broached was near Jtrs. Kltch's litiUbe, where hu went to look at soinu polo ponies l.lakey nnd Wnllls owned, Tbero was a U. C. maru on thu ridgu. l.lakey said: "There's u maru that could bu aold In Krlaco. What do ou say to taking It along? It would help pay expenses." to which the witness replied: "It goes with the Swede." This conversation was had before they reached Mrs. Kltch's. After thuy left there Llskcy and witness had some conversation about steal lug horses; but Wallla did not engage In thesu talks. , After reaching thu corral with a bunch of hones gathered that trip, tho question of stealing tho horses was gono Into thoroughly, and It was decided to abandon tho question of 'securing polo ponies and steal a car load of horses for tho Krlsco raarkot. This was about December i. "Isn't it a fact that you got Llskoy and Wnllls to gather a hunch of hors es for you, on thu pretonse that you wanted to buy some polo pontes', and after you hud cut out u lot of minus nnd guiding suitable- for your pmposo did you not get some ouo to aid you to drive these bones to the railroad, your puipoao being to steal those honesT" "No, sir, I did not." Attorney Mills followed the horses step by step from Wnllls' corral to Ban Francisco and their sale. " He hud thu witness detail all of hU movements from tho time, the horses woro sold until ho was placed under urrest. Tho cross examination had reached tho conversations car ried on between him and the officer of this county as tho Herald wont to press, CONCERT FOR BENEFIT OF THE LIBRARY. A covert will be given on Wednes day evening, March 3, 1909, by the faculty of the Klamath Conservatory ot Music, assisted by Ivan Daniels, 'cellist,, and the Shakespeare quartet. It 1 to be given (or the benefit of the Klamath Fall Library. A special feature ot the program CRATER LAKE ROAD BILL Appropriation Erom National Government All that Is Now Needed to Insure the Building of State Highway gate, violin; Ivan Daniels, 'cello, Ev oiyn Applogate. piano. This form of music has novcr be fore been given In Klamath Kails by local talent. Ilealdcs numbers with accompani ment of piano, violin, and 'cello, Jtrs. Zumwalt will sing "Tho Erl-KIng," acnuuervs raastcrpioco or song, which Is nearly always Included In a concert program of Gadikl and Xordlca. Tbu legend Is, that tho Erl-KIng was monarch of a forest folk who woro like human beings, except that they had no souls. Tho only way a iouI was to bu secured was by steal ing that of a young child, which would mean the child's death. Tho song represents a father riding by night In hastu thro' tho forest, holding his little son Woro him. The child In terror sees tho Erl-KIng pur suing them, and It la In vain that the father tries to reassure him, telling him It Is only fancy that he sees the dreaded creature, and hears his se ductive voice calling him. In the very difficult accompaniment It heard tho galloping of horses, and tho walling of the wind, ull going to tho perfecting of a wonderful drama. The Shakespeare quartet, compos ed of pupils of Mr. Zumwalt, and under her direction, needs no further Introduction. The admission will bo GO cents Students of tho Conservatory free. EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS. A Hcrlc.i of evangelistic meetings, conducted by Rev. A. Murrmon. of Chicago, will begin March 7. Geo. Hum's new hall has been secured for this pin pose, since nono of tho churches lire largo enough to accom modate tho crowds that Ror. Murr mon Is sure to draw. Henry Rabbes and William Wagner have purchased from P. D. South worth, the Klamath Inventor, a half Interest In thu egg tester patonted by Jlr. Southworth. It Is their In tention to proceed at once to dis pose of tho territory, selling stato rights for tho sale of the Invention. Tho big demonstration of teas and coffee will bo given at the Monarch tomorrow. Don't fall to visit our storo. You may bo aula to learn something valuable In the selection and making of these bovorages. Bargains This Week A NICE LINE OK FRAMED PICTURES. WHICH WE WISH TO 'CLOSE OUT. THI8 WEEK WE WILL BELL THESE AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. PYROQRAPHIC WOOD PLAQUES, SUPPLIES, ETC., AT 40 PER CENT OFF. . . GENUINE JAPANESE. BASKETS AT OREATLY RE DUCED PRICES. BE SURE TO SEE THESE JAPANESE VASES AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. ROYAL DOULTON CHINA, VERY CHOICE WARE, AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. ' . ..i , OOLD, SILVER, AND QUN METAL PICTURE FRAMES. OVAL AND SQUARE, CABINET SIZE, ONE-HALF PRICE FOR THIS WEEK. ART CALENDARS, AND MOTTOES BELOW COST. BE SURE TO SEE THESE LINES THIS -WEEK. Star Drug Store "They Have It" - Price 6 Cents IS Tho Crater Lake Road Dill passed tho Senato today nnd will now go to tho Governor for his signature. The hill passed tho IIoulo several days ago, but thcro was zomo fear that It would bo held up In the Sonate. . This practically rmiiros tho build ing of tho Crater Lako Highway, as . both Klamath and Jackson Counties have pledged their share, and with the appropriation from tho state, It Is believed that furtLer help will bo forthcoming from the National Gov ernment. WORK I1V ENCAMPMENT. Tho Ewauna JJncampmcnt, I. O. O. K., will Inltlato flvo now member Into tho order this evening. All mem bors of tho camp and visiting patri archs aro cordially Invited to attend at tho A. O. U. W. Hall. , Deep snow has prevented 20,000 wild, oik from graxlng In Wyoming, and they aro devouring the haystacks of tho farmers. Tho. legislature baa come to tho rescue and will provide feed for the starring, animals. 'r. ' '" The United States 'Stjri Corpora tion has announced Its jKct-sbarlng plan for tho present, yea A: Employes may suoscriuo ror 'iuopreforrc stocK at siio a snaro anHhe com mon stock at $S0 a share. 'Tho com mon stock has never bcon offered to tho employes heretofore. The pre ferred stock has been offered ln-Hhe different years at tho following pric es: 1903, ts:. so: 1904. tcs: 1905 187.50; 1906, 1100: 1907, $10 1908, IS7.S0; 1909, $110. That tho American people re trenched on tho so-called "luxuries of llfo" during tho recent hard times. Is evident from statistic Just Issued by tho Department of Commorco and Labor. Four million dollars' worth of automobiles wero Imported dur ing 1907, but In 190S thero were on ly two nnd a quarter million dollars' worth. In 1907 thero wero'lmportcd 985,000,000 pounds of coffee, but in 190S only 890,000,000 pounds. In 1900 thero woro a billion pound brought In. In 1907 more than $35, 000,000 worth of diamonds were Im ported, whllo In 1908 there were but $14,000,000 worth. A JEll 1 . 1.3BH JI VBV will be the trio by Elsie Apple-