. ; Kliimnlli Kails' Wist .Hid Ucsl Daily. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. V KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1909. Price 6 Cents mmim 1 alii Ml Tiimn Ykaii. No. 7w; MUST RETURN BY l-IFTCENTII Or Cily Will He With oul n Mayor .Ml!. SI IttS II.H I Mil. IV IUVH UHHl II'.S" l.. TO l.l..tl. Ul' AIISLXtb I' i x t ilnm I en v.i .,( u limine nf .n.ir HtUu i.ns iiji on .Muiitlny, anil tnv iii)llil"li nf llio Cllv Attorney wna II ikul in rrKiinl 10 Whet 1:11 tliu Clinic it miiiM i'i till tlii tlin Mr Ben run unit' il t ltd t tin' Cumuli liml nu tile In tin' matter lie ilmrti-r ,iiiiim tl nl mi officer I.' Inn nlnunt finm tl") cm for tblny days. Ills of ll'u stunt hceoiuo vara ut, but tlm ( "iiiicll iM ilit nrnot n I" ave ut lib- nru not to rXCMt slxt ilns Mr l mini ntitfil tint ti had nut lookeil ) to tin' iniili'T bat that It wnii bin i, '1111011 II ut tin; office v-oulJ not be. coimi muitil until tin' aililltlonol Idlrlv iin IhiiI expired m .iat he In Hi vvil tint It would l tafu lor thu t'ouueil to accept lli.it iliw nf tic iniiti' i At the expiration of thu ti lrt iln. however, the office would h rutin' vu'iiiii without nn art 'in on tl." part of tli" Council In thin 10 Maor Stilt will hnvu t Ihi In Klnmoth K.ilH liiforu li'ti'i'iitb uf Mnr -t In ouI.t to bold I. pimliliui Mr tltllt "xpm'ta to n'li'liil 1 1." Iraucuralliiti of V II Lift a IT aldmt on Manli 4 TbU, v. It ivi l.lm t"ii ilion to rotimiliiMin Suiltli and Cl.nrli'i It. WIIIUiiih, tonic wlirb mil bo rlmiy of timo.l'"fr.ri tticm with tl.r crime of llbol . , . on noveti cnttntn nnd tliat dlnrlcd mcnlnat llii World i-Iiuik.m Joseph IVIPniTArjf I AMH il'MllUtT. Caleb M Van llumm. Hub- liTII Ji I I1 I LllJ , ,, Lymau nIlll t10 I(ri.,H imbiith- irMOinti iif 'tnri " ""; Company with llbol In five coiintn. IILLIolUil hLVXl VI.IJ Tlm pprenna nlliK'd to have been 'lllbHI-d an. IToaldtint ltoouvlt. J. I OMMI.ssioM i: Itl.MNl.-. It) l.lil liMISiT Til III. IlllOt't.lU. l. r (' llrouer. Kttorn" for i: I. i orKor, nai just rccoivuu uouro m me r aumtiinui for the rrcxs rublltn- luToTlon of tho Scrrotno of tlio In-1 Ice Comrany and bancli wjrrunts for tirlor in tli aD In wbleh It. " Ko.ilio lUtcndautt. I r, of l.nlie Count. tried to brlHKJ "" I, conii.it nrnlu.t tbr Imniratcad of l-.tllHUXKs H TO I It WOHI.Ii. .. . . . . . . .. ......., Mr Korki.. near Illy. Thu il".iitinv cuiiflruiii the du utlon of th Acllni; Comtnlislotior, deiiylnK I'oit.T tlio prtvlloito of brInB !': flirb conical. Thlii ilii'lnliin wilt te ood newa to t'.i Iriendi cf Mr. IN tker nnd I alio of r.vtcrnl Inlerott na It nppenra to l" nloiii; iitiuauiil linen lu proterttnK l.uiii.-Ht. .idi'tM from liaelMi cxpciiae and nuuotiitifu of rontenta. Mr I'orUir """n nnni "v" car primr upon lila liiincHtenit In tho full -S3 r?)b- Ilsl, t & I If Ml ? rm,t& i i rtt.i n a X '-iiw " nl ll'in nil. I ii(ci., 1,1m IIiiiiI ut tillnili. riu III" muiii- lii iii" i.iiiu: of I'Miij i, '0ln,.r mail" mi nullum t nmli'iit iillidiivlt, "hlcli n (hhmhUiiI h il,, j i f. lire 'III tin' ('tllllllllaaloillll, mh lu ro 'Pllii'il In mult (iiHi.1,, f, ri,r . lowing ll.i. iiiiii.'nt , ,riiii;n. Mi I'iiiI.ci li'uriuil nt II, In iiiii 'lirout'.li I, In nltuiii.n, Mr Ml i.wi.t, 'iitt'li) iiMmlloiiH nnil in i;n in i'ii t uf llm mw direct, to tin' CoiiinilHHloiicr to I'P'M'til thu conical Ii"Iiik liroiiillil. Mr t'lNtur'ii counsel lontcliileil, und oil via nijri'd will, hit vie, that objection coiilil not Ihi heard before Urn CoiniiiUalmior, but oul uiion trial uf a inmost In llm unuul u Hut iliu Aitlnn CoiiirnlMlonor riilml other wln nnil ipfuacil to allow h contest 'o lii' liroiiKul, ti ion tlio Krounil Hint thu iitllilHvIt of Mr. 1'iutcr illil not "(I furlli tiirlH aiillltlont to ini'rromi; Hi" niili'iiri. iirniiiictil bv I'nrkni up mi lila fl tin J iiroof, or to Justify n ion lest lifter llmil inoof luul lu-iui nmilo. I'ont.'r iiin'iili'i io Hi" H"crntnr ml iilao put In furllii'r allliluvlta, but tlio Department sustained tho ib-cla-Ion of tlio Acting CoinmUiloner mid tllatiilascd til" riue ClUWItS Alti: IMIIITUI. I'ulltir nnil Mnlili (Inn -,il l.ili'l .IkhIiu.1 Itousi'ii II Ullll Olliilo, '.Villi WASHINGTON. Peb 17.- The Federal (Itiuid Jury today returned Imlli'tinrntii iiKnlnm thu Press Pub lishing Coinpnity, of New Vork. und Joseph Pulitzer. Cnl rl Van 1 1 niiiin mid Hubert II. I.yiiiiin, editor or the Now Yolk World, and Hi" iiwiu'W of ibi' InillatinpolliNi.wa. Dilnvan Hmltli tlii-iiiml Clmrlea It Wllllatua. r-tinri;!iiK j llbid Iii publlmtloiiR In connection with the purchnxi' of tin' I'anainu Ca mil The liiillrtiiicmt ncalnii tbr pub- Halmra of tlm liidlntiuniilU NiMH. IH'I- ' inrnoiit .MorRim. itinrii's r. I nil, '.,.. i. . i. . . 1 1 . KIlliu Hunt, DoiiKlni Itolilimon unit William Nohon Cromwell ' The Indlctini'iita wen- llli-d before Jii'lnc (loulil In Crltnlliul Court No. I clilsi- lor a telephone, tulcKraph. ii I Tlio Court directed the Uauance. ,.. ir.,,,,,,1.,1,.,, ii,.h nml otber . .. W.MtlilNOTOX. Tel' 17 Vice Presldenl Mid Mra l'.ili l.atikH are .vnintnnlnilnir t.ihtiic n trln nrtiund tbo v,orbl r.hottl. alter tho ni!Joyrn." """ "" iiieiit of Cimxrciii. Tlim piobibly1 An ordinance, which bnd been pro will tike n ktcatner at Han rranclsco pnivil by City Attorney lleubun, war vlalt Hawaii and the 1'hlllppltien. Ibeii I ntrouiiul convertttiK ult nnw. pen Chlnii and Japan mid iclum via Eu-, . .,.,, rc..iVt.,i from n rope OreKOii llarnpim Co. for l.arncau. 2-0-3-1 I Have your Spring and Summer Suit I made to your exact individual requirements. You have 1000 Newest Spring Pat terns from which ta make a selection. You aro getting your clothes from the BEST TAILORING HOUSE in the U. S. through a firm that guaran tees satisfaction in every re spect. TRY US. K K K JURY FOR LISKEY CASE COMPLETED Opening Statements Made By Kuykendall and Mills-Taking of Testimony Will Commence in the Morning f'rocucdlncj Hi tto l.ukuy c.-uo woru not ri'xutm.'d until tbli utter noun. Tlio special vonlro Rummonvd rrom tlio vicinity of Kuno did not ar rive until lut o nud II win ulinoa Z o'rloi It buforu thu "Xiimlrintlim of Juror n li"i:un. J II. Joiicii, black suiltli of Kuno, una tlio firm onu Lull oil. Ho wria nrccptablv to (lie dafvnsc, bu''Mia wcuai'd by tlm projijcutlon. Klluworth Mouru, of I'oo Valluy, wan ox'ituliii'd mid HCLuptcd. J. II. UnrnoH of Kuno, qur.llHi'd, wbllu G. U. Kurna, u iai.ilii'1- rualilltiK midway bitwi'i-n ililu rlty und Kcno, mis tlmrounlily .'X.iiuliii'd and wan llnally i'xi imi'd by llm ilcfi'imc, wblcli uxt-rclri'd Ita laat iui'iiii(or) cliiillcncu In ro dulnn, II V. .McCuitnlck, it bardwuro int'iclmut of Kino, waa accoptitbln to tlm ditutiti', but wan i'.xcuB')d by tin. proiirciitlou, it iwIhk IIh luBt pre uuiploM I'linlli'iiKo on lilm. Cliiii. SiH - wgnosr. uNo of Kcno was vi-ry unot. - riilii In nil of blr rrplk'S. !! 1wim lltinlly uxmiilnod by tlio Court RI1S1NFSS BEFORE THF TITY rnilrtril IflL. VB VWIlVlbl M.N XKW OIIIU.VA.NTIjS Vi:itK ISlUOIUTlUt XIOIIT, lasr A ollllmnc mtroJuccd In ,,..., .... , . . tlio City Council Inat I'vniliiK. n re- ' j't'"1?1 "f " w- lnhy. .f tlio llwln- i million .Scribe, askliiK for n Iran-. -....- - -- uercunr worka. The lino to bejtln at the main IrrRattou cai.nl nnd ruu alonR I Huh street to Conger avenue nnd up ConKcr avenue to California an cot Tbo ordinance piovldid for .i perpetual Irnnclilitu Actlop will .joe taken on ll.e orUluanco a the kIhiwk, atrcct exhibitions, dog tnxes, otc, to llio street fund to be used for tii.. improvement of thu utreeta of ! XI STORE and ixcUBbd by JudKu Xoluud an be lli K unqualified. 0, K Boiitli and David Kord, iiiHldutitH of tlm Kuno miction, were ucccptablu to both tho diifunne end tflu proKvcutlon, coiiiplct iiiK tho Jury, wblcli la inadu up of tbo following: A. i:. I'olnti'r, K. W. Smith. J. V. Blvuioiit, 1 M. Uonnott, W.P. Uhoadj Jaa. Cot. V. T. Shlve. C. W. Iwli, KlUwortti Moore, J, II. Itarnoi, a. P. Hovlta und David Ford. Immediately after tho completion of thu jury IToaccutlmt Attorney Ku.tkcndnll road thu Indictment und fiiado the opeuliiK HtatcDicnt lu the case. Attorney K. II. MIIIh mndo the ulMemem for the dcfotiau after which an adjournment wai taken until to morrow. During tho entire afternoon every lent In the Court Kcom una occupied and It la uppaiout that much Interest will be manlfcKted tbroUKhout tho lnlin trial. u" elty n molton tbo rdnnce kha paifcd to Ita aecond rcadlnK and lwdbyiUl.only. The ordinance, which waa prepared oiiio Huio i.lticu, maknif, unlawful, I tho bcIIIdi; or giving uwny of Intoxl ,'ialiiK ll'iuori, Kaiiibllutf, opium lolntH, and bawdy liou.ea. within tho ".urporato llmltu. iiqh Introduced by crlMcr und on motion whh laid on ilm tublo. Tlio ordinance provides Hint II be unlawful to keep for aale to iMvc uwuy or dispose of, any vln oun, mult or Intoxicating liquors, and piovldc for the Issuance of a war rant by the Pollen Judge for tho scarclilUK of any place suspected. An internal revenue llccnio Is made proper viidcuco of Intention to sell. The Clt utlorney was Instructed to piepure the necessary papers so that the Council could taku steps to declare a special election at which to vote ou extending tho city limits. Tho street commlttuo was ordered to' have the street leading to the dock Improved. At tho present time It It impossible to get to Mam street from the wharf with anything but a small load, and as all of the freight for tbo merchants of the city has to bo do llvcied over tills street, it was con sidered ncccHJury to taku Immediate steps. A TRAMI .MAKES A HIT. It is soldo that it tramp la well received In any community but last night proved an exception for Clark Burroughs In tho character of u tramp made u largo theater full of I people laugh nnd cry ut will. Tho uiiuk iiurrougns company seem to Improve over' tlmo they are seou and tho fact that tho slzo of the audience steudlly inci cases proves that tho peo pio of Klamath Falls appreciate a really good thcatilcal company. Last night "A Good Fellow" was all kinds of a hit. Every member of toh com pany was at their best. Mr Bur roughs was ot hi very best and showed that evou a happy-go-lucky tramp has bis heart aches. Mr. Paul In tho part of tho vllllan made him soil thoroughly disliked. Mr. Lewis Jn tho part of a Southern gentlemen ga7o an oxccllon. portrayal of a dif ficult part and James Conway was a very handsome and convincing lover. Tho -ladles held down their end of tho performance in a most satisfac tory manner. Miss Francis looked very chic and portrayed her part In a manner that aroused the sympathy ot tho entire audionce. Mist Howard and MIkh Ikmy weio up to their ui uul standard which meant above re proach. Tonlulit thu company presents "Tlm Deserter," u mllltbry comedy ilni in u which Is claimed, by tho man agement, to bu ono of their very Hlrcngi'Ht plnys CITIIK I'HOJKCT NKWH. Ilapicnfiig In IjiiikcII Valley nnd Hie LUatcru I'ortloa of Klaioatli Couuty. Florence Hoggs Is recovering from the measles. Tbo stock raisers of this valley have been riding for horses lately. Douglas Duiacy, who has been out of school for several days on account of sickness, started again Tuesday. Clarcncn Walker Is working for Oeorgo Noble. lloruce Shldlcr has been forced to quit school on account of tho illnetH of bis mother. Geo. Noble Is building a black smith shop on his place. Mr. Miller roturned to Klamath Falls last week otter a few days' vis It with C. 0. Hunt. Oeorgo T. Cllne was up from the Falls doing some surveying last week. Mrs. Jeff. WlUon has returned from Central I'olnt whore sbo has been visiting her mother. Mrs. Alllo Vinson has been called to Uonanza by the Illness of her fath er, Mr. Davis. C. N. Snow and Geo. T. Cllno wont to Klamath Falls Thursday. Tlioy report the roads Inia bad condition. John Alexander 'was through the valley the first of .'the week buying hldos. " ., Tho little Wllkorson baby Urslck with tho "measles," as It Is called.' Mrs. Frank Uoxgs has been sick with the measles. ' Mr. nud Mrs. Darld Campbell wero visitors at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. It. C. Williams last Sunday. llaxol Burnham, of the Vinson dis trict. Is visiting at the home of Mrs. It. C. Cowley. Mrs. ,11. G. Russey Is In Dairy vis iting her dauKhtor, Mrs. Emma Burg dorf. Mrs. IM. Duncan has been very III tho past week, but U now Improv ing. NEW gl'AKTEKS FOR WATER USERS ASSOCIATION, Tho ojllcu equipment and records of tho Klamath Water Users Asso ciation wero moved this attornoon to the new office, in tho Murdoch build ing over the post office. Tho now quarters are tho rooms formerly oc cupied by Attorney C. F. Stone. J. W. DoPrles, representing Fair banks-Morse Companywill bo found at the Baldwin Hardware Store tho romalndcr of this week, where he will be glad to meet those who con. tcmplato the purchaso of gasollno onglnes, windmills, pumps, dynamos. motors, steam onglnes, boilers, or de sire estimates on any cnglneeorlng plans for Irrigation or other works. Bargains This Week A NICE LINE OF FRAMED PICTURES, WHICH WE WISH TO CLOSE OUT. THIS WEEK WE WILL SELL THESE AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. PYROQRAPHIC WOOD PLAQUES, SUPPLIES, ETC., AT HO PER CENT OFF. ' OENUINE JAPANESE BASKETS AT GREATLY RE DUCED PRICES. BE SURE TO SEE THESE JAPANESE VASES AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. ROYAL DOULTON CHINA, VERY CHOICE WARE, AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. GOLD, SILVER. AND GUN METAL PICTURE FRAME8, OVAL AND SQUARE, CABINET SIZE. ONE-HALF PRICE FOR THIS WEEK. ART CALENDARS, AND MOTTOES BELOW COST. BE 8URE TO SEE THESE LINES THIS WEEK. Star Drug Store "They Have It" FIRST STEPS ARIETAKEN To Improve Condition of Main Street L'XLSKI) CAIt RAILS AHE DECLAR ED XUSAXCE AXDVn. DERED REMOVED; Tho flr3t ttepi wero taken last ev ening by tho City Council for tho lm-' provomont ot Main street. A resolu tion was passed declaring tho unused portions of tho street railway '.track as a public nulsanco nnd tho Company Ih to bo ordered to remove sama forthwith, or they will bo removed by tho city at tho cxpsnse of tho Company. I. R. Itcamefi, tho resi dent manager of tho Company, Is ex pected back from California within a week, nnd a copy of tho resolution will bo served on lilm on his return. Some of tho members of tho Council expressed the opinion that tho whole track ought to bo doclarcd a public nuisance. City Attorney Benson stated that the now charter would provide for the paving of Main street, and If that was done tho street car company ' would bo compelled to pave tho cen ter and on each side of tho track with tbo same material. A CORRECTION. In oaaounclng the turning over of j A ' the tax roll, to. the sheriff, tho sta'.e- ment wasvspWa hls was tho earliest It bad' been- turaed ot er to tho sheriff In a number ot Mart. Tho facta aro that, though tho frail' this year was only ono day ovbritlsne, It waa tho lateaf that It has beeh'ro- celved by tho sheriff for four yeafrs Tho sheriff received tho roll In ISO on Fob. 3, In 1906 on Feb. 12, and In 1907 on Feb. 10. WOULD REGULATE LIQUOR SHIPMENTS. WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. One of tho most Important quostlons agreed to by tho Houio in years was Incor porated today in tho Penal Codo bill, which has bean under consideration. Tho legislation seeks to regulate the Interstate rhipment ot intoxicating liquors. Speaker Cannon look the floor and spoko tor tho legislation. Col. C. M. Allison arrived In tho city last evening from San Francisco. Mr. Allison is on his return to bis homo at Portland and camo. In to Klamath Falls to tnako arrangements for the Improvement of bis ranch below town. fJ tw i Si RlfE lv PI I 'i 1 1 Mi W-t M