efalft. - Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. Klamath Falls' First and Best Daily. Tiiihd Ykak. No. 781. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 190'J. Price 5 Cents Ik ftoetiinis 9 ILI1 yJrlL MANY CARLOADS OF FREIGHJ ARRIVE Merchants Receive Twelve Full Cars Last Week and Nine First Iwo Days This Week Besides Small Shipments Tlu-mi mi tinny 'I") it with lli" N'n I thlpiiiciil if height wlili h IniM' been licnt l in Ciitiiniiiy 'l 'I'1' tiaimfei icielvcd dining lln' iNt week Imil roini'uMlc' mi iiM'tmut ill lln lui ! " Im hutili'il liy helghl tcnum, a In ,hl.ini nix being I l-d HMiii.Iii) van tin' blggcsl ilu fur Inialint Unit (tie Nm Unit Inn ('iitiiniii h.is lni'1 iliiru tin')' began liiullii'ii'i. mnl 1 1"') ptuli.tlil) ilcllwu-il I"""' Height Hum da cer I"'''" htnughl lulu K t.iiiuil li Kail In 'Hi" 'I'1)- l"'l"i'' Twvlvv (nil riir loads kith milouil id nt Dm wharf dining last week Tlicnc "IT" unlomli'il (mill thu uhk tin nut Mr) illmiinl juihI, It would take month in (Iciiii It up. Now, liuui'MT, It l .Iclhcrcd to t lit mer clninlx Dm ilu) following Unit when It icaihc the terminus of Urn rail roll. I MR. PITTS BUYS 0. SHORT RANCH IWMOCH POTATO I'.tll.M HOU (INK 111' Till! IIKHT IMI'ltOV- i:i IN THK COUNTY. ("Mill. lllllltOIOIIK OMIM.VY WIIIIiuii I'lttM, who cuinti to KIhiii ntli Coiinly fiom HI. Louis for IiIh lii'ullli, Ih mi nnicli IjiiiiuIUiiiI by lliu clliuutit mill liken ililu country ho well thut In huii decided to remain hem mnl limi iiiiiilu Hcvciul lurxv In vontineiiin lec-cnll) Mt 1'lltn Im u pinmlncnt cupltnlim and ov.ii mime vii y vuliiiililn iioMirty thioiighout llii' (oiinti) Hit tuinu hero last (nil on lliu recommendation of friends anil li In dot-torn, suffering from imth ma mnl heart trontilu. During till Hhort hi ay hen In.' linn ht-como hearty ami lolniHt, mid IiIh wire's health tut h also been wonilcl fully lllipioved. Mr. I'lttM latent ImcHtluetit In Klamath (,'ouuly v. an thu purchase of 1 lliu Uhvil Hhurt ranch, coriHlxtliu: of U6U acri'H. Thu conHlderallon wuh , approximately 1 12,000. Thu Hhort YOU CAN NOW PAY YOUR TAXES roll oMi'i,irn:i ami ti;hni:i ovkii to mi: Hin:iurr 'huh .ivri:it.oo.. Win rutin Willi (lie Kluiiiiilli l-'ulUifaim u considered cine of thu bent l'i-...l.. in 'ihHi- OjH-iilriK lln I improved farms In thu county. Ahout it Holland mnl liiiniKlil in thin ill) i '"" -'""""- half of ll In under Ilia gou-rnmunt lr ... .in...... ..... ,i..l,.i u l.i. . . : irlgnlloii yHti thu remainder he- u"u",h; I In-theater kimtniiI KMiniilli lallri'K B,,.i laml II wan bin huccomi tvi-r Annum Ihn shlplm-uta w who wln.cm.ed the opening pln glv- Krw,,g potato.- on thin Inller unu iiirliiml null f nitilMiltiliiil Im-, vii l) Ilu- Clark Hiiimiir.li Coinpuii) ; m,(l tmt nvu r jjhoit thu name jluui-lila, I'OlliliMti, lutiihei. iilimti i ' "I Hi" llia I Ion.- last in iiIiik. ,,r .(,tal Shoil. or the potato klliK .ml KrM... mid .i.-n o.rl.U , " -i-MWy icuriiilwil It l -r ,lf Ktaumlli County. It In claimed . .. . h-IiIi.iii thai a inmpaii) of till lam , , lMO best plcto of potato land UHrthMidli... IhU does not Iii.Iii.I..,,, ,,, , ,,,, , (yi ,,, Kl. (j t( of he the unmll nhlpinvtiU of ki'U IiI'i mutti I'M In In kiiimli a ii koihI hIiiiw )IOiitni-H fiirnlHhrd thu pvoplu of this utrolmndUd (in tin-hoat .timii mid ocinnlomill) Mr lliiimlon .cly ,y jr short, v.111 tentlfy. I aliln lo Kit It llmt iliihi. troupe, lltliij Ar .ltH ms .nHci1 thu propert) Ih iiiim of the n anion mid uuilouhl. t .r. Hhort for IhU year, but It U e.ll the (Murk llurrniiKliH Compun) nn imuntltiri to mart nn orchard on Mill lln. I irundid Iiiiiih.-m kntIIiik portion of Hie hill land Mr. 1'lttn tln-m 1'iiih utfiiliiK of their may here ivhm Unit fruit KrowltiK ran lu lu the piiM-iitatloii of "A TuikUh I m, n muicuhh III inuny Hcrtluna of Hath." lam rtniliiK. tin in wen liot, ,oiiuly and Im will net out quite Tin- tnx roll of Klamath County wan thin nflernooii turned over to thu sheriff' olhtu mid faxe for thu veur 1 y 0 S uru now due mid payalile. The totul tux to bo collected In this county UKordlnx to thu iiueHsmunt roll Ih $U.L'.H7:"J1 TIiI Ih out lln.UlJU meiiler than Unit of lam ycur. Thu IiiXi-h uiu il hided mi follows- Amount or ntnte, county, achool nnil other tax, ftOC,CU9.3C; amount or Rpeclnl Hchool tax, 111,'JC1.T2: amount of road tux, U'l, "&'.!. 1'0; amount or city tux Ui Klamutli Fulls mid llnnmiui, IK'.Ulu.oi. Henry Xewnhum hn been t.-xlt'iid-InK thu toll for thu county ami thin la thu llrat time In u number of ycnrti thut thu roll Iiuh been ready to de liver to thu Hherlff ulthlli one day of the tlui'i net by law. DEPOT SITE AND RIGHT OF WAY Merrill People Promised Railroad Within Two Years if They Provide Them--Re- ported Sale of N. C. 0. to S. P. Ilidliulloim are thut thu Modoc Northern railroad Is to bu built, and that ork in to commenco In thu mar future. Thu survey has been mndu nnd thu uiiKlni-erj are , now uiukliiK locations, Thu people of Merrill me ury anxious that the road Unu operating betweoti this city and Alturaa, and will mako It a portion of Its projected Itcno-rortland syg- , tern. This deal will cut out the projected line from Alturas to llazen, which was to bu tho connecting link be- pasn through that town. Tho surtey 'tween the Modoc Northern and tho MI'IHUMj nkwh. ViiUrday miih iiImi miother hli ill)' Thu follow lim irn hiivu been ri-nhid an fur this week One car luuil of polntiM-i, one tar of hiiuiu. I.i ram of lumlier, and Ihn i.hh of wrrl.niiillM. 'Ihn llldll Al lllllll III.' llmt ,1.1, wuuk lln. fi.lKl.1 r.-r.Ui-l , "'r '" "" C:,M ln rreai;u lit tl.u hurdler varieties 'iharniter wan cli-erly purtriie.l and f pp,.H( plninn, penchtn mid otliur III nwrtiRif two rnrlonils 1I.1) j(l. n.ui.-. m. nuttiiiil iin.l I1-uh1iik fru or tliU ntiturt. Tho nalnncu of Practically all nt thU fri'lcht l tux minwliii! the natural ability of urli I u,,, hill land will ho planted to iMitii Ktanmth I'ull people, and liiillinlv-i I participant. Mr Cl.uke llurioiiKhs, t,.H u,n eiu rlthc-r that bilnlnisa mint I rep- llounll) 14001I or tin' uii'irhanu lire U)lnie In a bin mok lor fiitnrn iihu It li eUdi'iil 1 lint thu lorini'i limit l the ruae, ns alncu thu apprnaih of tin- lallroud, thu iiuhIiihiIh .In mil find It mceitHiiry lo inrry a hlc mil plim of Murk to IiihI lln-iii iIiioiikIi ninny miinths itf hud wialher When lliey had to depend on lliu freight teams fur huuliiiK their Irrlr.lil the) util) botiKhl about two or llireu limes u year uud In thu fall iiuun huiir.ht munch Kouila to luat them until PtlllK Since thu wlthdruwal of thu freight liatus mid the direct connection by lull mid water, the mei chimin buy oflciicr nnd thus am ublu to ulwnH kiep tin lr 1 link frenh mid rompleli'. Thl lunicnluucu In lln- rciehlim ut freight iippuruiilly doen not hiii prlsu lint buslnc-HS men mid they seem to unept It an If they had uluajn l'Vn lined lo It, If Ihenu ImmeiiKu n lliu rellr.'d bunker fiom Koknmn, Aim a whole ahow In hliiiKelf He wan llle perHOIillll'lttliill of Ihn I'lillio old upon, and eai li HiiueedliiK pre dliauieiil that In- became cnluiiKled In and ao cleverly extricated himself railed forth thu lieait) upplntiHu and won the admiration of the audience i:ny ait of bin from lh lieglimlni; IN .MKMOItlAM. AriiIu ban thu Orand Mauler of Ihn L'uIvuihu called nt our dour and taken from nmoiiK un our filend mid brother, Krtit-st Soule, whom wu nil know un an upriKhl mmi and Manuii. C. C CinrrlBon fiom Steel 3 amp, was In Merrill -Sal urdu. Harriet (JarrlKon ban been npond Iuk her viuatlon with her parent at Steel Hwump. V. I'. Whitney Iiuh lelurned from Coitm,u Oiou, where hir bus been vlHltlnK with hi wife nnd children. Ilu nlxo vlhlted with bin brother, Al bert , nl Medford. II. C. Ilurtiett, of Klnm.'Uli Kails, wan a Merrill visitor this week. i:u Itutllrf jtnvu n Milentlnu party Hiiuduy afternoon to thu Ceclllun Mu sic Club. 1'iof. J. II. HoblH, or Uulu. was In town Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs, (I. II. Oraybuel spent Thurndny with Mr. and Mm. Krneat Wnlforil. Mm. Filch nnd mnu, llcibuit. IM die and Jeiry, mid Itetilnli alU Ito- Ibenn Ithod.-H hpent Wcdlieaday nf- leniiHin with Mis, W'olford. Mr. mnl .Mis'. Charles Anderson as Hindu only come within a mllu of Merrill. V. P. Ithodes, who In In thu city I from Mcrrrlll, Hiatus that they have I taken thu matter up with the officials bf tbi road nnd have offered to do nate depot mound If the load runs lo .Merrill. They havo been consid erably uncouniHcd and an agreement will soon bu Hlgucd donating about ls.ncrea for this purpose to tho rail road. Mr. Uhodcs himself will give ten acres. In consideration of going through Merrill, thu railroad, besides thu depot kite, wants tho pcoplo to procure thu right of way from Mer rill to this city. .Mr. Rhodes states thut he has been discussing the mutter with S. B. Mar Ogden route. Oil, MY! HLC1I STltKLTS! What Is tho matter with tho peoplo of -Klamath Falls' What is the mat ter with the City Council? One would bclicvo that tho former had dropped Into Innocuous dessuctudu and that tho latter never existed. Especially Is this true when an attempt Is mado to walk down Main street or to cross that thoroughfare. Of all the dis graceful, abominable, back-woods, an-te-dcliivlan streets on tho Pacific Coast Main street is tho worst. All this winter this tbordughfaro has been In a practically Impassable con dition, and yet no attempt has boon mado to Improve Its condition. It would seem that tho council did not care nnd tho people bavo not the rumnllnn tn rail tho attention of their tin nnd other business men of Merrill counc..man to tho matter. who are In town, and they believe Wednesday night there Is to be a Therefore, bu II rosnl.ed: That tn thu end of the play heemed to llr-, thu deuth of llrolher Sonic, the klu thu lioiiHU, und he us wull as hlriiniiuuiilty has hint u member of suppoit han minion hit. whlih will jMterlliiK worth, the ludgo u Mother unHiiie Hie lolilpiiliy a guild week Maud Francis dlnplnti-d exception al nullity III li''i rule us Mm. Iluvln. the Jealous wife; Jmnen Conway add ed to Hie run. (I. Lchicr Paul made a hit iih Ihn iiiuhIiiiI compuHcr, mid llealiu Howard. Muble llurtuu and Charles U-wIh helped to make eury feature of thu play a mini a. Tonight thu bill will be or an en tirely illrfeieiil initnre, mid will gle the lonipiill) nil oppnitlllllty to use mine or their benutllul scenery. "The W.Kierner." which Is to hn presented tonight, la an exceptionally strong iiruduclloii. Thu play Is said to bu onu of Htlrrlffg Interest and c-ontnlim lots of rlcb, wholeHomn comedy, wliosu memory wu nil honor, und his fumlly ii kind mid loving hushuud mid lather. Ilu ll further icsohed: Thut Klu tnutli Lodge, No. 77, A. F. & A. M.. does deeply deplore thu loss of llio. Boule, and that wu do extend our heartfelt sympathy lo the bereaved rumlly. Furthir: Thut the Be lesolullons he HpicJil on tho iniiiutea or thu lodge mid ii inpy he furnished for publica tion. Ueo. Noland, T. W. Stephens, t. F. Wllllts, Coinmlttco. they will havo no trouble to secure tho rights rit way to Henley. They dn not know what can bo donu be tween hero nnd Henley, hut think thu people of this section should in sist them to this end. They havo pincilcally agreed to take up the mat- ....... I . .. 2l it tail rt t f rfiilllli' Wl-ll- III "" I " '... , , .... ...., ,! , Mrs. Tolle was In town Saturday. '" ""u '"" "'""" Hov. and Mis. I.. M. Anderson on condition that tl.u railroad Is built t - . ........ ... .. m, I !... gave ii party lo n iiiimuer oi men wiiuin iwo jeara. invy umo uixu filemU last Wednesday. Hefresh- aimlrt., thut that will bs suillclent meiilH or cake, sandwiches, cutuly and . . . . . .. d , 0 cikoii were served. Tliosu attending wen-. Mrs. A. It. Tenllrook mid,l"u,u"' sons. Johunlu nnd Alex.. Mm. Joe, ino lonowiug uispaicu irom ueiiu. Ilrnndoii. Mm. D.iu Harrows mid Nevada, would Indicate that thero daughtern. (Intro, Agnes. Mary. AnjjB KOmuthlng moru than talk In tho .... .....I Mi,... Mr A1..Y. Patterson i ii.i i..u ,..i. . . and daughter, .limit. Mm. I), Van- "1 Thoroughbred Hats The Hat with a Guarantee and a Pedigree. Best $3.00 Hat on Earth. New Spring Styles Here. KRK STORE For New Nifty Spring Togs TAFT WANTH CO-OPKIIATION OK HT.VTK CJOVKHN'OHK. HATTIESniJIKl. Miss.. Feb. 13. The principal speech President-elect W II. Tuft delivered today In the course or his tllp nnrUi whs at Hat tlenburg. "I think," ho said, "It Is well that thu tluvcrnors of tho states and the President of tho United Status should huvn a clone association In order that In tho gient reform lo b accomplish ed In many directions, especially that or Hip conBcrvatlon of our resources. I hem may bo team-work botwoen the stales uud' tho United States so that wo shall ull work together. "Whoever you prerorred beforo the election, I am willing to accept your kindly and hospitable welcome aa an Indication that although somebody clso was scltcUd In spite ot you, you nro willing to take me. at a tort ot a bad second. But. seriously, my friends. It Is a Twy treat pleature tor mo to com. Into the South and re colvo tho cordial wolcotno, the cor dial personal welcome, I may say, that I havo received at ovcry hnnd, by whlto and black, In Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana and Mississippi, and especially In Hattlesburg." ' Tho Washington itate live game exhibit at tb'e Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc exposition will show all the wild game ot the region. llrlmmei- ami daughter. Eleanor. D.i vld und Herbert Fitch, Johunlu Nu. Calvin, Luther nnd Chester llusklns, Leo. Churllo and Phoebe Ilrowu, Essn and N'lta llntllff. lloulnli Rhodi'H, Alia Ilalln, Herman and Uudolph Kntteu horn, draco Crajbael. Km ma and (lusnlo Hurr, IMdlo und Jen) Fitch, Lucy and Cecil Johnson, Solliu Dew ey und niley Powers. Tho Methodist ladles gave u play called "Tho Old Mnld'H Convention," l-ildny night. Tho old mnlds wore all thero with their pets, fnco pow- decs and lunches. They weio con templating a trip to thu Sunny South. where thu bachelors lolgu nu pi erne, when Pror. Makeover appeared ou thu sceno and demonstrated that he could changqor mnko them over In to anything they wished to ue. some came out ns IwIiih, men, pi linn dun lins, nnd bologna sausages. Tho sing ing was fine, especially tho numbers rondered by little lleulah Ithodes, whoso voice Is wonderful for a child. After tho play they 'had a Lincoln Tableau. ThU play was well woilh SO cunts miywhoie, nnd the Motho dtst ladles deserve much ciedlt for tho ublo way In which they put tho entuitalnment before tho. public, es pecially as they were handicapped for stugo room, and tho room was a very hard place to slug In.- Tho Lincoln Tableau was especially., tlno, great credit being due Miss Nolllo Garri son In the role Ot: Freedom..:-"Forgotten" was .very, swoetly rondered by Mrs: John PatteVson. "Dream ing" was rondorod by Mrs. Young, who has a very sweet: voice. Thoso taking the parts of old malda wcro; Meadamea Barrows, Carr, Patterson. Httrtor, Cloracns, Wilson,. TenDrook, Young, Johnson, Misses 'Lena Katfou horn, Yrotta Johnson, Jesslo and Nol llo Garrison, .Gypsy Johnston, Lucy,.;; Ada aand Alice. .Turner.-, .Rudolph . , Kattenhorn took:' tho ; part ( Prof. Makooverr ' I Klamath F.ills-Alturas road: K. K. Calvin, general manager of the Southern Pacific Company: J. II. Young, general superintendent: G.B. Herrington, resident engineer, und II. W. Sheridan, superintendent of the Sncrnmcuto Division, are In Reno and It Is given out from an official source thut cannot at this time be meeting ot tho council and some steps ought to then ba taken to Improve this street. A It Is now, pedestrians hao to "duck" Into door ways In or der to let teams go by, and the win dows of many of tho business houses are spattered with mud. This Is a condition that nothing should permit to exist, and as tho council Is the ono body that tho peoplo must look to for a remedy It Is Its duty to take tho matter In hand and bring about a change. Tho business men ought to get busy-nnd forco this matter to an Issue and sco that some Immediate action Is taken at onco. Engineer T. H. Humphrey, who has been engaged on the Klamath Project for tho past two years, left this morning for Phoenix, Arlxona. Mr. Humphrey has been transferred to.tho Salt River Project In Arizona. London Is probably tho wealthiest city in the world. Its property Is In sured from dro at $&,:00,f89,230. Despite Mills, however, there Js a largo amount of poverty. The fig ures show that ono tierson In every quoted that tho Southern Pacific Co. 33 ,s Q paUpCr Twonty persons In has purchased tho NovadaiCalltornla- every 100 dlo In n workhouse or a Oregon Railroad, a narrow guago workhouso Infirmary. Bargains This Week A NICE LINE OF FRAMED PICTURES, WHICH WE WISH TO CLOSE OUT. THIS WEEK WE WILL SELL THESE AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. PYROGRAPHIC WOOD PLAQUES. SUPPLIES. ETC., AT -10 PER CENT OFF. . . GENUINE JAPANESE BASKETS AT , GREATLY RE DUCED PRICES. BE SURE TO SEE THESE JAPANESE VASES AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. ROYAL DOULTON CHINA. VERY CHOICE WARE. AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. . GOLD, SILVER, AND GUN METAL PICTURE FRAMES, OVAL ANP SQUARE, CABINET SIZE, ONE-HALF PRICE FOR THIS WEEK. ART" CALENDARS, AND MOTTOES BELOW COST. BE SURE TO SEE THESE LINES THIS WEEK. Star Drug Store ii "Thiey Have It" .i ' su