MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE ANP UPWARbS. EASY TERMs NE 303 LfiM fal . ; tffj : .iiRi.ri I .,s5-ir in Ni i IJ)7VriR : I" . It mm Bv m WT.S THE EVENING HERALD Issued Dally, Ktcpt Sunday, by Ilia HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor SUltSCKIl'TION KATK3 tally, by mail, ona year 6 00 I tally, by mall, its months &0 Pally, by mall, tlim month 1 Xt I 'ally, by mall, one luontli , f A0 llally, delivered by carrier, one week 16 U'lulti-rs' cMiinliintliiii tit tint I'nllt rllitwr. Wlioulnr Wilson BcwInK Inst week. Miiclilmi Arii'ticy. cur. Ctli nud Main K W Smith la iitlvmlliiK i'mttt)fiir iit't-dtiMi nnd oil. Mncliluo lot lit tlio Knlls tlili wi't'k, a Im Is ono rent. 12 Of lllO Jlirjllll'll ! s5n.spwBBnamr. Clattdo Clopuiii brmiKlit u ....,.. "... 7,".,,,,..,. u, ,. il.iK down (mm Mm rill this u.rk Mnli NHKIUH H MAM.. for Loon llorton. I i no piipus in siininit'iii hciuioI mi' Hyvlitnn of nn I'Xcciillim ntiil unlvr Kln.1 to horn of th.. lin.i,ivfiiioni ml0,' "J" ,'"ly. '""""J ,1.'?' U" C1"rk "f tlio condition or Wl Miuiu.ii. "" ''Ircnlt Cou.t of Klnnmth llonnt). former pupil li s""" "' ' '" ,'l "'" 9" ,ln Mr. Wttlnrd ,ls i;iiIiik lo hntihcr Homer Smith will iihsIhI o( Jnmuiiy, mutt. In n icrlnln mi-Uoii nt luw In tlm (.'li cult 1,'mirl of tlm KLAMATH FALLS. MONDAY. FEBRUARY IB. 1909. In this neighborhood now 1'I.KVX.V ITK.MM. Ilin Know bvlUK about vlKlit Italics dci', Mr nnd Mm. 0. 0 Kvrua visited Mr Crcai and 1.1 .later. Mn. lMr "d Mm. SoMln TlU-sduy. Ilmwn. from Klmmilh W.IL. vLll.-.l I ' '' '""1" '"l," trip v 1th Mm. S. A Itrenin.r lnt week. ;'" ' w ' '" Monday. Aithur llr-nlnnr fnther ..rrlie.1 ""rr" IViirMin panse.1 here 111 II fiim Santa llarhnrn Saturday. all( IhIoIIi Wrtlnesduy think tiling look rather "wlnlorlMi 1 no. Mm. Drown, of Klamath Falls, vls I' l M LotiK ljiko Inst week. 15. K. Sflls caiiKht a wildcat nnd : coyote Tucsdn J nt. Kan-cow lirmichl her two Miir, Nickel nnd Alexnuder, to the l.r.ol Tuekday. J II. Harm- U rnltliiK wood now. II. II. VatiValkonhurK drove some c. it: j throned this district Tuesday. If all report arc true, thU Is a fn.-el unction after nil. We read of lilkmrds In the youth. nnshnuts nnd hniik. In the earn, and bitterly i ill! i rather In the north, while we l.ave hid a very open winter o far. E. Thompson, ot I'ltio (lrou has purchased scleral hundred cords of wood of Mr. Kvnns, of Iaiiik 1-ako. and will move to that place aeon to Install n wood Kaw anil preiuro the wood for l ho market. Mr. Spencer went t n town Tuesday. Mr. Kelley, one of Mr. Mclnllre's men. waa In the Fall Tuesday. Mr. Myers hauled a load ot wood out of the hllli with a sled tondny. Ho reports deep snow In the mountains. Mr. Sutter visited with Mr. Itycrs family Tuesday . Krnest lloyd, of line drove, pass id hero Tuesday on his way to Long take to see. Mr. KvaiM. He visited our school In the afternoon. Mrs. Sevlts visited with our tench tr. Miss Lola Thompson. Hitndn Arthur Sevlts, who N .iftiwidlliK IIIrIi School In Klatn.illi I'ulU. vis ited with his parents. Mr and Mrs G. P. Sevlls Sulurdn5' mid Sunday HkvlRhlnK nnd toastlni; are kooi! Mr llers sted our school Inst Wi-dnesdni II. A. Alford lost a curling call last week. Those iitteiidliiK Iho Keno enter tnluiuout from I'tevmi Friday were: Ml is lllanche mid Lola Thompson. Mr. anil Mrs. U. F Sevlts. Mast en Charley and Clifford Sevlts. Homer. rturdctto nnd Mary llers. Mm. A. Ilretitncr nml son Howard, Clarice Itonner, Kmory and Olenn Sevlts, this week. him , Itoy Smith Is niiseiil fiom school on ncvount of his eyes Karl IIokkm visited K. YV. Smlth'H rnurh Saturd.i John Lamlicil. the hIuko Ii Ivi-r. illil not liuiki. his iiuiinl iiiiii.t Kv li... school house Momhi. ..., acou'nt of ''" " A,,K,"" !,0S' ut 'I'" l".Mf I State of DreKOli, for the I'outil) of I Klamath, wherein Albert Slim us plaintiff recoveied JmUlueUt HKnlUst I V. II. May, defendant, for thu sum of Four Hundred Forty-elKht and 7n. imi (Hv7"l Dollars. toKiiher with Intel est thereon from the .'Ith .44H7r; Abstracting ,., Mipt, rum, Blue frlnta, He. I Him J '.iimwait, rretldeiil ' M. II,,,, -liM.aiklliNi Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Ittvr K Witiisdw, Secrulary Klamath Falli, Oregon sH4Ht4 the dtsp Hliou II L. HoKf.s wus ill tlm house Motulii) and made a path for us We iippieclated the fawn- eij much as the snow was seieial Inches deep. Ilotmr Smith has Rone oer to (he eatnp on the Wot den place. Mrs, A. Mc.Mullan Is iiiokltiK on the Smlth-Noliiud ranch, ami Mr Mc Mullnn Is workhiR on the steam shov el, i Jack llorton has retiirnul to the much from the Itescnntlou, wheie he has been HiIIiir nflei (iuts llor lou's rattle. n per cent per milium, uud un order , . of sale of the NKU of HKV ol Sec st IhmiI . . ; ., ..... Hon :il, Touushlp 10 South of Uiiiikh , s Kasl, W, M , as upon execution to satisfy said sum, on the IMli day of fJauuaiy, lim'.i Nut lie Is hereby Rlicti that I will on the l'Jth day ot March, Itfult, ut the front door of tlm Court Hoiikii In Klamath Farts, OreRon, ut the hour of 1' o'clock p III of said dii), sell Ut j pilbllu auction to the hlRhest bidder i , for cash the follouliiK described piop-l erlv, licwlt: The NKH of the SKl; of Kccllou 21 In Township to, South of Jack Drown went dou a well tlilr- j ItaiiRo s Fast, Willamette Mer- ty fis't deep after a battel which had jldlaii. In Kliimath Count), OreRon, Willi. Ilnriind titnl Al.tviiliilnt tvtit-. ..... ..... ... hi... a..n. ..... . a....,. 111-1 I I VI' ,111. , .....,,,.-. .),..,. .It... I. . . , . ., I Milken Hint t.ill.ul nil nu 111,. lirintrll cow. Mr. Svlts furnished four hors- dronned Into it i .....,., .., es nnd n InrRe sbsl and everjoue en-( i:,s,rRO Orr and Clm Clop,.,!r w; " May- "r " "X'TX th' " i. n iih ,i.i Th. ,.!...,.. -, i .., .., l.'.... mu bn n.s-essary to satisfy said JihIr- j,.... .. ..: o.i ... ...... . ...- v.... . - lJUUKilt ,....! .! ...I., .11 I (till-. tnlnment was it Rreat success. SIMMKHS XKWH. Miss Addle Llnzl, who Is attend Idr school at the Falls, spent Sun day at home. One ot the men working for Mr. Campbell, Rot Ills team mired down In front of Pointer's, and the latter had to help hitn out. One yiif Clinn. Llnil's horses Rut severely cut on ISarbed wire this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wells visited Mrs. t-:. Klrkendall Sunday. Hoy Schmelser has been very sick with blood poison In IiIh Icr Mrs II. L. IIorss Hindi s.ninil) calls In Iho nclRhborhood last week, j Chus. Ilorion took Jon liivd of,' rattle out to b fed this wis.'k. , (leorRo Orr sMnt the night ut II. L. Horrh' last Momlti) , Scott llt-riieh, win has been eryl slrk. If sr.mewiint belli r, jltl.oiiRb he Is still unable to speak. Mm. K. Klrkendall altomled the. Don't miss the new I'orll; days -inly. meat In tiiMir of the said Albert Shur and iiRiilust said W II May and s.ild land, tORethiir with Interest j thereon and mats and disbursements! lo iKcrtie. Dated this Dili day of February, lunu, at Klnmath Falls, OreRon. W. II. IIAIt.N'F.H. the I..C. S. window at Sheriff of K In ninth County, OreRon I and Sloie. For a few .'HLa-lil .im.iiia4aM.44ntt)M)t(t The Universal' Bread Maker Mixes and kncadi Bread thoroughly in Three Minutes. The Hands do not Touch the Dough. ! ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS HHmWMMMMIM aaFSaKArYl I jjiBWaMBLJL sl Tl flifTV MrCortuuck, miild look them to tin llorton rutirl' , Frank MrCormnik hroiiRht mime cattle from his rnurh to Hie Anken) ramh. Mm Ran Smith Is feedliiR them. 13 ' II. the I C S. Sj.iliiii 1111 eilucalloii Is tasy to oblnll. See the I. (' S. mini nt the new I'orllainl Store For .1 few das only 13 TsurHnsi'l, D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney it Law Klamath Kails. O FIRST thing to consider in doposititiR money In 11 bank Is M-curlty. The capital and surplus are I lie depositors protection fund. The NATIONAL government superintends mid examines this bniik. Our stock holders and directors are resotislble, well-to-do Jmslness men. This BANK hns been established li years. durliiK which time It Iiiih served the batikliiK publlu faithfully and built up a large and prosperous business. The best service posslbln Is noue too good for our country customers nnd the people of Klamath Falls and County. The First National Bank of Klamath Falls. Ore. Interest U the greatest Incentive towards saving money. When you find your money "Is earning something yo.u feel moro like saving. 'Intfreat, like a much advertised remedy, "works 'while you leep." We pay Intorest on saving's accounts J.rpm II up, and on certificates ot deposit (or 6 or 12 month' time. Absolute safety, llborallty and courtesy our watch-word. FURNITURE When you buy furniture, won't you nive this .store the opportunity of competing for your pur chaneY We can and will save you money, if you will Ki've ii.i the chance. We cun't if you don't. Surely our claims are worth testing it is your money we are talking of Having. Come, test us. -GILLETTE BaAAAaAAaaAaaaaAaAAAaaAAAA FffftffffffTfffffffffffffff 0sysKi0 $ Guaranteed Paints We have full line of MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were olTm-d nt burifuin prices a number of shrewd inves tors bouuht; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots arc FIFTY feet in width nnd ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FLET deep -more than doublo thu urea of moat town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE Office on Fifth Street CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. The first Trust & Sayings Baak Klamath Falls, Are. !,MHUWlliM. W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS A Big Line of Heating Stoves Just Received GEO. R. HURN BALDWIN & BALDWIN Not Brothers; Just Plumbers PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS CONTRACT WORK A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Work Guaranteed HERALD ADS PAY - 1 KB . i J .UJ- B aBvwajsBsBavs' asaBBSsfiasBSBBBHSBBj laVV'lusBBWBHBVSsWWIsaaaaV VAN RIPER BROS, crocks NOTICE FOU I'l'IIMrATIO.V. Department of thu Intel lor. U. 8. Land Office at Lakevlow, Uresou, Do cornier 14, J U0K, Notlco Is luTi-by Klvi'n Hint Maud Haydeii, of Kluinatli Fulls, Oh-k'oii, who, Nov. 30, IUU8, niadu 'llmlicr nnd Stone Application Su 0SKS, fr NIJ SW, Hui:. L'K. Til. 117 H . It. U K.. 1 W, M has filed nutlco uf Inluntliiii , In liiukv filial uIjIIhIi clnlm j to tin- land ubovu dusirlliid, bufnru vuuill L.HTK luomutu co.i nt Ills of. Hen, ut Klsmutli Kullu, Ori-Kim, on tbu 2Btli day of r'ahruury, XDUI. Clalmiihi nniiivs as wltaoatoa; Albert llmihun, A. M. Jamison, John 0. Bchollotk, Pea Carlisle, all of Klamath Kails, Orogon. .... J. N. WATSON, "J Htiaslitnr. CENTRAL CAFE OpenDay and Night .Private pining Parlors Oysters Served in Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, "Prop. ClllMNEYH AND FIRE I'LAOKH A SI'KOIALTY H. E. CHILDERS t siiuith ritll. O1I00S hitC!!!) MMJ BRICK WORK AND PLASTERING DR. C. P. MASON 'Dentist American Dank A Truit Co.'i BrfW DR. WM. MARTIN: Dentin Oflto lw Ktanatb Ceurtf I