era! ft Klamath KjiIIb' First onil licHt Daily. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. Tumi) VK- No- w'!. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON. MONDAY, FBBRUARY 1C, 1909. Price G Cents He pfutno m W. W. SLECHT NEW PROJECT ENGINEER Government Will. Resume Work if Land owners Agree to Pay Cost of Water and Maintenance Charge Provisions of the Crater Lake Road Law wwrtiiiNcno.s. ivii 1:1 - Dint tor Nuwi-H. of lliu Kei-lnmiitlou H-r-lce, stiili-d today tluil ordiiii bail tiM'ti Iihiu-iI In Html ilimii work on llir Klamath Irrlttnlluii piojiit, pend ing ltd J tie t 111 i tit of illtfi'tc Iii'i-h helwi-i'ti tin KovaTlilili'liI liml tin' i llli-rt 'Ibis iiuiiiiiiici'ini'iil follow u derision li) rWnlnry (Iiilfli'lil Unit mUIiih miiM pu the niiliuiil liiiillili 11..111 j iIiuikm o( if, tunl) per acre, lii'KliinliiK Mil) I nuiti liml mint mitki' trn n.iu'inl pii)uiclils 'if 13 nidi mt mri' fur tin' water light, Ilit' Hi kI wal"i m)i,n'i,i (iiini; iiuit Mid- i. lum Mkny Hillli'm haw iiiiiioiint'-d tluil they tniihol iii)' 1-in P-r ii't" fur wit lif, liut, nil till U III" in I mil iiiinir llOliatl' (lint III hulhllllU III!' pliljirl. tint H'-irt lnr inuiiol .-iiii'i't li'" lit requested I In' Willi r l'i."iH Ate-mln-tlui. to luloiin In Ml wlml II U willing to lu tllulir I lio ilmiin. tallies Inn D It tin 4 nut in Jilt' npl). In fi-lt ob llltiil to iluji (urllirr coiihi t lit t lo:i un til Mtinlnrlur iigri-'iii'-iil U n-m-lu-il Tliu ottli'ti, under I lui In Ht unit of thf project, which l riiliiili-ti-il, ft III l furnltlicil water 1 1ll.- mining i'it on. If llu'y n' ilit iiiultiti'tiiim-i' charge, but, utiles llii'if in ii speed) agrt-vincut, iiiiistriiclliiii ut the Cli-ni Ukf it-nTMilr will not he carried forward mill tint M'cuml milt of tin piojiit will remain undeveloped Meantime, Engineer , Hi chnrgj uf Ilit Kluninlli iirnjrct, Iiiih Uvn called to Washington unit will U' surrveiliil liy W W Strrlil F W lliuinn. piiulli'-r itiliitnatliiii rmlnrcr, lias In-i-ii sent In relume On' preliminary urk of the Mulhciir project, niul. If the Kliiiimlli cimtro wsy li nut adjusted, work mny tit-runci-ntrnliMl nt MnllH'iir, pinvlili-it tin? settler miller Unit irni-cl nri' ulilu lu meet ri-iiilri'iui'iitn P-ili ri inn i'iir in ji-iii u iu ii h small mi possible Tim HiTM'tury dwili upon l lin Imporiuiiio of llm iii-iipirailuii of Hie stitti-s niul tin. Federal lluvi'rmui'iit In llm develop-mi-ill nf mill lands. Id gnvu the llllltllllll'l' tOUII'HUKKeHlllinH 114 III till' fiilni" iiiniriil uf llin lirlgali-d lands. "I here should lio no leliixiltloii u Mm ii-iUlit-uii'Ut Unit llu- uiiiui-y ex- ll-lllll llll IlltlS" lit II ll H IIIIIHl tin ri" liiiiinl in lli" Kuvi'iuuii'iit, ami there hIiiuiIiI In mi peimlsslun i-rimlcd fin tin- postponement uf llii llrsl pay. mi'iit." In- miiIiI -Tlii' Hun' has ur-ilvi-it fur Hi" lltnl p.i)ui"ntH in In mini" uii mime uf I lie piuJi'tlH, )i-t iiiiui) niiii-niH lur mi i-sii'tmliiii uf Hun- IiiiM' lii-i-u mini" If puvmenlH uri- lu In- postponed ur pii)iin-nlH en-llrt-ly nliamluiit-il, tln-r" will mil long In- a rtt'lainiitluu fiiml " Tin' Suri-lary approcd In mutual-Ifli-il h-rimi llm water tun- astiiUa IIiiiin. kii) Iiik Unit tin-) an absoluti ly neie-isary lu tin Hiiii-i-Hful man agement uf mi Irrigation plaut Hi' fa wired tli" Hiimll-liil Im in unit In Irrigated Ht-rtlumi. Whlk- It In iiomltili' Hint mi onli-r inuy Im rti-olwd lu resume Mink nil the Kluiuiilli Project, It It mil h'-llev-il that Hurt' In uny pumiltiln kIiuh i Kt-l an t'ltuiiHiiiu uf tlini' hi- any rt'lli-f on tin m)nii'iil fur unti-r ilKhtii. Hi'i-ruinry (Inrliulil In MruiiK ly uppoat'il to uny cliouttn bi'liu; iiiatlt' In the iininnor uf piiyiut.nt iik l utinwn liy thu folluwItiK illnpalrli friiiu WllHlllllKtOII A riimpruhi'lmlvn irvlrw nf the work uf thu ItiM'liiliiiitlnu Hi-nlm ur id" luii-rlur Di'pnrlmi'iii wiih itUrii lu llm lluiiau (iiiiiiiiltti-ii uii IrrlKiilliiti liy Hot rotary Unrflvltl. Mr. (Inrllclil wa til Hint lu the mm itriirtldii of thu tili; Irrigation planlH wry ultoinpl hail In-i'ii mail" mii In imiHtruct tlii-iu that llm lust uf n- wii.i.ii: MiTciu:i.i, I'MIClUiO HI'CltATION. Ildiim.' Mltilii'll it'turnt-il Uii" I'Vi'ii' Inn friim San Krmirlinii fur u few ila)n II" Hlaliil Unit Willie In Mill t vi-i ulik He In utiiv at l.aii"'il Iiiih.' iillal anil nttumltil by thu Ih-hi hiw-I rlnllnti in the illy. He only hail to kIIkIiI hruiiirrluiKi-H nlm-u Ih-Iiik tak en Ih-Iiim, but ll huh luti'HUiry to per form an oix-riitliin loilay ami it la lint kliimn Jimt what the result will be. Mr. Mitchell Kill be Infunilt'il by nlre ami will reluriiWeilneilny. Hlmii nrrhlliK hi-ie iIiIm eenlnr. Mr Mitchell reei'lveil n tek'Krulil from Mull rrnurlKCii HlalltiK that IiIh hoii hail ulthvtouil the tipeiatlnn niul m Ki'lllliK iiIoiik In line Hhupo with x'M't Imllratluu uf ii-i-uver) woitKMi: wit.ii (iivh u.WQt'irr. There will be ileKri-e ink at the A O. I'. W ImlKe tnmurrow iiIkIH. After thu Initiation a bis banquet will hit Klveii. ami eeiy member of thu IihIku Ih eiirneHtly llHH-il to be preiient. The text uf the (Jinter l.aki) luail bill n h panHnil by Ihn lloim-i In nn fol low, h'ur mi ait niipiupilatliiK 1100,000 lo alii In thu cuiuttriictlnii of u Htiiln roiiil from the l'arlflc oce;m via ('ra ter Lake to thu Idaho boundary, mid to pi ii vide for the appointment of a (otumlinilun iu miperviiio the expendi ture of nuiIi money mid lo mipurlu lend thu coimtruitlon of Mich load. lie It imaclod by the people uf I lie .Hate of Un-Koii lie ll enacted by the Icxlulalivi' im lemlily uf lint NtnlK of On-Kon Heetloii I There In heieby appro priated out of the any iuoiicJh III the haiida of the treimuier of thu Htntu of On-Kon, mid mil nlhi-rwlHc aiipru printed, the hiiiii of i I UK, 000 to be expended for the purpuxe of nblliiK In the luiiHtriiclluu uf a Htntu mail from thu I'ni'lflc men li to thu Idaho houndiiry ia Crater Lake; the llrm Hit-tloii of the roud to be i (Mull in ti-il to be from Medford, Jaikiou Cuuuly Ulti-Kuii, to thu illy uf Klamath I'.'ilU, Klmunlh Couiil), On-Kuii ApHilul n CoiiiiiiImIoii. Hetllun ".'. Whelieer llm Kovern ur of IIiIh Htnte hIiiiII be uihiHi'il thai JuekKou County Iiiih iipploiriateil the ; hiiiii of ir.0,000 to ulil Hut i-oiMlrue-lion of ii ruad In Hiiid (oiiuly fioin .Medldril, JiiekHuu t'uuuiy, to a point .on the went lino of the Cimcnde fotent IreHcrve, un the roildt lo Criiler Luke, he hIiiiII appoint n rummlHHlon to In known im the Crnler Luke load com iiiUhIoii, to roimlii of neven memberit, (two of whom hIiiiII he retldeutH of jJai-kHon County, Ort-Kon, two of Kla math County, OreKon, mid ihereup Un l.'.o.uoo of thu mm hereby uppio I printed nliall be available for iiik- lu JiiikHun Count), IK.r.oo the firm )t-ur and fl2,r,Uu each kikthiIIiic enr for tlm-e yeura; mid upon Kla math County appropriating :.o,0oo to aid tlui t'oiiHlriictluu of u mini from Klamath KhIIh to thu emit line of the CiiHcaile furenl ri'Hi'De un tin route to Crater l.nke, or the mini herewith appropriated hIiuII lit mailable fur use III Klanuth Count). $r.'.r.o0 the first ) utid IIU-MIU eiit-li HUiceeillnK year for throe jeara, Work fur lane Only. Hertlou .1. That Raid romiiilHSloi'i K. or r. MKirriM). At Sandernoii'B hall nl ":30 to nlnlit CnnlerrlnK of KiiIkIiI'n rank. All inembera nf the ordur am ro iilenleil to be pu-Hi-nl Thoroughbred Hats TheJHat with a Guarantee and a Pedigree. Best $3.00 Hat on Earth. New Spring Styles Here. K K K STORE For New Nifty Spring Togs Htlllll leeelve no ( oiopciixntloo for their hi.'i vicei, exn.-it their actual cxponw-H when cfiKnKi-d In thu tiunl iichm of hiii h lomiiihitlon, Thu Iiiih IlienH of H.'ild inn in IhkIoii hIiiiII be lo en-operate wllb the eounly ruurtH of the Heveral (iiiinlleii thruiiKli which nld loud paKKtH, mid the proper fed eral nuthoiltlcH lu thu selection uf a proper mid fcnilhlu route fur u road that tun) be lonmrutteil by the feder al tuiitu UiioukIi tlie Koverninmit iu H'lVt'it HuiioiimlliiK Cruler Luke, mid fo tupeivlhe the expemllluie uf mild mini uf f luil.uuu iiipiupiialed by the Hlnte. Hi" Jf.0,000 appropriated by JnckHou County, thu r,o,ooo appro printed by Klamath County and nil other inoneyii provided for thu run H,triictlon of said ruad not In the boumlaile-i of KuveriiDiunt resere. Said tomiulHsluu shall hnu entire chiirKu of lomitructlon of aald ruad. (tuition 1 That hiilIi money shall be expended only upon u county road li'Kiilly t-Hlahllslietl, ami nu part shall be uxpundnl for KecuilliK u l Wit of wity for nthl loud. 4 "citlltilfKhli iii'm liitli-. Hi i lion I That Haiti toiumlHslon shall eleit a presltk'nt, who nhall preilde ut all meellliKH, mid u sicre tary, who ahull keep a record of nil pioceeikltiKH of the coininUslou, und uccoiints of all liiotie)s received and expended b the toiiimUsloii, mid hIiiiII make u iiturteily report of all tratisittiliiiiH of the commission to he tile. I In Ihe ullli-u of the secretary of stale. Heel lull 0. That nil money appro priated heroundcr shall be paid out by Ihe U ensure!- of the Htntu upon the onliTK or vouchem of the' com mission. Hlitiieil by the pri-tldem und tecretnry. Seitlou 7. The euinmlnslon shall mnko all needful rulea or reRUla tlous for the transaction of business, und lis plari-H uf meetli'iK sliall bu Meilfuril, .laekson Cniinly, OreRon. or Klamath Falls, Klamath Comity, Orccoit Kiur meinbers nf the board nIiiiII lonetltutu a tiuoriir.i fur the timisaclloii of hilsliieas. Aerilun v If ii acnncy occurs In said commission the governor nliall fill the Mime by appointment. , INSTRUCTIONS TO REPRESENTATIVE Many Misunderstandings As to .Purpose of Directors Sending R. S. . Smith Back to Washington ami was followed by the Kamo of whUt. Much merriment was caused by thu unique place cardB, which were comic valontlnei. Tlio homo was prettily decorated with he-arts and carnations, pink helm; the predomi nating color. Mrs. Ucorcu Noland was winner uf thu lady's prize, llj belnt: n beautiful heart-shaped cut Kltis-i nappy. Thu Kcntleinan's prize wnj u sterlltiK silver match safu and was won by C. K. Stone. Thu con- aolutlon prizes were- won by Mr. and I Mrs. li. St. (leu. lllshop. I MIKi: rj.I.LA(illLU DEAD. Ilelleitl lo lln" Taken nil Ovenlow of Ijiuthiiiuiii Mail Ik-en liiliikluu Ileal liy. Mike Oall.iKher, a contractor, who hus been In Klamath County since early last summer, died this morning at thu Klamath House. Mr. Gallag her was nbout flu years of ago and worked for Money liros,, and later had a sub-contract under V. II. Ma son on the Kovurnment ditch. Ho Is said to have been un cxporleuccd railroad and ditch contractor. Ur. Hamilton attended the man Just before his death, and states that death was duo to opium poison, probably from taking an overdose of lauuanum. .Mr. uauasner, wno was nn expert workman, had one 'great fault, drink. Ho had saved up about a thousand dollars during the sum mer, but for a number of weeks has been drinking, heavily and squander ed nearly all of his savings. Ho had the delirium tremens a number of times, und yesterday ho requested the attendant to give him some laud anum so that ho could go to sleep. which wns refused. It Is helloed that he feared another attack, and must have persuaded somo one to get tho laudanum for him. No bottle or other evidence was found, and al though n diligent Inquiry was made. no kuowledgo was gained as to where the opiate was secured. CtiARK HUHItOl'GHS Appearing Tonight in "A TUKKIHH HATH." HEllE WITH TWO TONS OP 8CBNEKV AND EFFECTS. 1 Too Clark Burroughs Company ar rived on this ovonlng's boat with moro scenery and .Sects than all tho shows havo carried that-novo played here for the past two years. Tonight they present tho oerenm Ing farco comedy. "A Turkish Bath," which Is guaranteed to cure the very worst caso ot bluet or dyspepsia. If reports from Ashland, Medford, and other northern cities are to bo belloved the Burroughs Company It one of exceptional merit. And their week's stay In Klamath Falls will provo a treat , to, tho 'amusement loving public. Ererr Pl' presented by thocom, pany la up-to-date 'and' gl von V thor ough production In every way. AH tho scenery In ovcry play Is carried by tho company. VALENTINE PARTY. PASSED EXAMINATION. Tho following were successful In tho teachers' examination last week In securing grades for county pa pers: It. II, Dunbar, A. E. Elder, W. A. Boudlnot, H. E. Leo, Ernest Ilurnham, ll. P. Alexander, Archyo Klrkcndall, Cora Grltnth, Veda Mul koy, Allco Lytle, Jano Olven, Rachael Applegatc, Ida Orlmcs nnd Kuby Nichols. There were 14 passed out of IS who took tho examination. Prcsldont Alex. Martin, Jr., of thu Klamath Water Uavrs Asioclatlon, received a telegram Saturday even ing from Attorney II. S. Smith stat ing that Secretary Garfield know nothing aboui tho work being lu's ponded on tho Klamath Project. Mr. Martin was asked If tho Association had any knowledge of tho work be ing stopped, nnd replied that the Astoclatlon had no oOlrlal knowledge whatever of any action of tho lloclu matlon Service stopping work on the project. Secretary Chastaln, ot tho Associa tion, stated that no notification had been received by tho office and that tho only knowledge ho had of the matter, further than tho letter from Garfield, was from a personal con versation he had with Mr. Murphy, who told him that ho had been or dered to stop worlt. Tho news that Garfield did not know anything about tho work being ordered stopped Is not significant, as all orders pertaining to tho Uoclamn Hon Scrvlco would naturally omanato from Mr. Nawell, tho head of that branch of tho Interior Department. In fact all of tho correspondence re ceived by tho'Assoclatlon, which was sont out under Mr. Garfield's signa ture, camo from tho head of the Re clamation Service, and tho only way Mr. Garfield would be liable to have knowlcdgo of any particular order, would bo by his special attention bo lug called to tho matter. This was tho purpose, which It given by somo of the director! of the Association, for sending a represen tative to Washington.' Tho Reclama tion Scrvlco has mado Its decision and order, and there Is not much liopo to get this changed unless Sec retary Garfield should order other wise. There has been considerable mis understanding among the people at to Just what Attorney Smith wat or dered to do In Washington. The res olution authorizing sending him there rends ho Is to go to Washington as tho representative of tho Water'Us ers Association "for and on behalf or said Association to securo some relief from the charges for water rights." Tho letter received from tho Department In regard to the, prob ability of stopping work If tho Asso ciation Intended to repudiate their contracts, called for a reply, and Mr. mlth was sent to Washington to make the reply In person. ISc while they last. Gilt Framed Pictures nt THE DEAL. Stt The membors of. tho Brldgo Club, with their husbands were entertain-, od at a valontino party at the home ot Mrs. C. H. Undorwood Saturday evening. Dlnnor was served at '6:30, j Valentines WE WRAP, WEIGH AND PREPARE TUEJI FOR HAIL 1XG FREE OF.CHARGE. We havu a largo aud well solected lino ot all ktndt ot VALENTINES, embracing all tho now stylet ot AMERICAN uud FOREION NOVELTIES. DROPS, MOUNTS. FANCY CARDS, BOOKLETS, PULLING CARDS, SCENIC DISPLAYS, FANCY AND COMIC, POSTALS IN UNIQUE, DESIONS AND NEW EFFECTS. A largo lino of new combination! In HIGH ART boxed NOVELTIES, ranging in price from I One Gent to $5.00 Each, i Star Drug Store "They Have It" w ,,. J.J.M.'-A- I ,