The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 13, 1909, Image 1

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Klamath Kails' First
mid Ucst Daily.
Our Advertisers Get
The Best Results.
Tumi) Ykaii. No. li
Price 5 Cents
Has Been Appointed to Head of
Technical Branch of Service
uii.i. remain i viii. m:v max
MU'mir.s iWMii.i.wt wnn
'i mi: work.
I 'or tliu past kiiwi.iI itiiMt it ,
ho. n purnMciilly riitiinicil thai pro.
l.nwyiri. uilulatciHiiml dlliui t..-ui ii
ed nicii. t.-Kurtl i iih a well written
book It Khei mi alii piesenlutlou
lit mull H'IIkIdiih hiiIiJimIh tluil ure
Juitt mm iir toon will he up fin Htudy
anil iii Itlcini'hl
Tin- loin nr urn a book nt Hiirh n
time In llttlu lens limn a national nil'
unilty. in view uf Hit. kh.jk U,j
itiuuitiful rffitiu i. .iii... i..
HH 'mwi Mvmr. iihiuh iu M'VIHV
I In MMMtllllllUII UU (lf rlKtttH Ut
C4iIi.jC.IhMi i find intiMiit.t.l tll.,..t.
J.ct Emcliieer I) W wn. . sh jirk Htl(k,.r u , (mm.r ()f
Ini: to leiiv.t tlila umjtri mid enter uu. i hoine (,U ill) ami Ih ulile to llio
other liramli if tin- Itecltiinutliiii rki-jl'r Miifrtiitil with ,U wtru uu
tliu Thin minor Mi .Muiii lm ""' l"""11" ''" '"' I'm bun nut
........ ,.n i n .'"'" """ "' r-.ulillHli I III wonder-
fill book even Iiail lie it longer lnHi'!'i" I'rBiik Upp will pic-Hide.
u... t.-t in.iciii m imoiii or in.. , ,m ,,. ( )( .,, ,,,,. Flom Mnntim will slug.
JUclumiitlnii Hi Mice. Willi lii'iulqiiiii- In , i iIlt ritliui. .n.nU or thin' The public In inrillnlly lnlted to at-
li'iu In U'iilillii:tnii, I) f Win ii lii-JKHi't initlinr pint out of 'XlHti-iiii'u'"l l"'e w'mIu'h, us It Iu believed
l l.nvo Ih unknown, nu In. it to ii-r"" "'" llr r l:l''" "tuckei Iu ii"xtl"'" ' " '""' Iivlprtil.
! thing to a irlmi lleru in the Wc-sl J W. PRICE. Pustor.
where llioiuamln of iIhIIiiih uru I) lug
Services will bu liulil In tho suvoral
churches i,r Kluiiiiitli Kill U Suniluy as
Gum. McllioilM i:i(oml Clilinb
IU DO -Tln Ultili) hi-IiooI, which
meets ill tlilH linur, Ih hilng tuailc
inlli' helprul to n luiiHtuiilly Iim runn
ing inimbei of all kh.
11.00 - Kxercltcn will he held uu
"Lincoln Memorial Day." An itllruc-
the piogium Iioh hem prc-puicd. The
annual rollirtlon for tlm missionary
work or tlm ihurch will bu taken. A
lilt t Will III' hiiiik l MIhh Oolillf
lliiriii'H ami MIhh Nina WINwi
3 0U -Junior League Thu ser
vice for boys ami girls. In charge of
Mix Harris.
:4S llpworth Li-ugnc. Uubjvct:
"Kli'lilH for Clirlntlnii Burvlcu."
7'. '10 lintoml of tin' ifuulnr Mor
lm Mr. I'llco will ilvlltcr a k-iturf
on "Tliii Hlory of lliiiniin Hlniry."
iniilti until liU Huccimur mrhm anil
fmnlllarUv lilmicir with tin. work ,,u. for Wllhl ,)f Wl((, im,.,,,,,,.,,, , IVt-kliyii-rlmi '
luio. Wliu liU 4iini'koi in to liw linn' woulil himiih to iih that joiiukit luon 10:00 n. m. Illlila ncliool. C'lnnii.H
not J't I n iiihiIu iiiiuIIi-. hut tlint . Hh llio iii-rtHMiry inpltiil wonl.l caic-j'01 n" Comu nml ntmly the Word.
ho Iih bi-vii tlirliliil upon U iiiltv vrl) count forward with th.'lr inoni'j i U:'J0 Mornlni; wornhlp. Sub
llkvly. an Mr .lurph'H promotion I "" " liIr I'liurK) to piano thUiJ'c' ' ' Tiinn. "A Pannlon for
ttrauil piihllintloii hi'loio tin pi-opli-1 oohih
ami nt Hut mm.) lluio tiinki' n rortiuii'
UV iulilUli tlilx ailliltt with tin hopf
that othur 111'Wiip.ipi'iH will top), and
bit llio iiiiihi. of noiiin lar-vt'liiK iniiii
or nii'ii liurlli;utliiM HiIh iniitti-r
thoroughly Klilcr Mtuikii him u
wni in ml ij noun' tlmtt ng"
It It niurly ilirn. )uit nv Mr.
Muipliy anaiiiuiMl rliniKv of tin- Kliun
nth I'rojict and tlurliiK tbnt Hun. linn
wnrki'il ludufnllcably In It InHTimln
1 lint in ttcli of hi lubotH wiro uiiiip
pr.'Clatol In iiiltit wi-ll known to hla
frli'lidii. I In linn tii-in nuirilli'd on nil
hli'i by iiuuiy who wcrv inifiiinlllnr
ulllt ulint ti, lin.l In rjitil.f.i.l I. ill llil.l
rrltlcHm ( him to lorn, tioiii of
tilt unlhiiilnitn for tli Klmmilh ln-
Jvtt. If much of thu uuwililrn hl-
lory of HiIh proj'il hut linoiiifi puh
llr, It will it-HUlt In m.ikliiK Hiow who1
Iimc oppiiHod him, IiIn
frlflid Tht- rhmiKc will IiiIiik to ...,, . . ...... v ....vutiii-itimi mi'ii.I
n-no p in. c. ij. i'ra)fr ini-vtitie
and Coim. oration uiucilim,
7 :to -Uxt'iiliiK wotMlilp Sermon
Hiiliji'it. "()(caHloiiu or StuinblliiK."
Tint IIwuiKi'llHtlr nu'ollliKH Hint
wi'ii iioiitnoiii'd rriini January to.
fw or hU hooka on hniiil ami will lll ! h.ld In March. Mr. Adam l"kl'Ir "ion Anna iinu kiio n
Mi-rmoii. or ChlinKo. fxpt-ctH to bo "'onoionui-. una win. lonowiu n
'hero to IiikIii Sunday. Murih 7. lotllcr' "KS nnd t-'nlfi tnlnmuiit. iti-i. iinliin K..pi h HK nnd lardn. and flnnlly ri'fn-nli-
ciitcrrr couirr m:vs.
Iko Wrlislil wltlidrow IiIn rormiT
plea or not itnlll) nml today cntiTud
a plia ol unlit) i u tho charcv or tin
violation or tin.. l.oal Option law
IhU wim llio uihu which win ri'iuntl)
tried and In wlilih tin Juiy railed to
UKri-c, The Conn Impoai'd a llnu of
$S00 nml lOrlH, whlili wuh paid h)
Mr. WrlKlit
On motion or tin' 1'ronccutlni; At
tornuy tho Imllitmont iiKnltiBt Mi.
Wilnlit on a (hiirK or pcrjui) wiih
'I lot Jut) wan m-liili'd thin luoni
IliK In tin null or It. IJ Cauliall i.
J. I) Canoll, wlilih MH'w out or thu
pa mi-lit or a iroto kIvcii Jointly by
Mr. Cnrroll ami Mr. Cantrall, which
Mr. (Jauliall (onlcinln wav for tho
bunvill or thu rormiT Mr Carroll
ontiTH a loiintcr (lalm for i;inln fur-
nlnhi'd and work.
Acklcy Bros. Installing Band Saw and Will
Begin Turning Out Box Material about
the First of the Month
itm timi: at "i m: hai.iiwi.nv
I.iiKl night hijlwcoii HVM'iity-nc
and a hundred pvoplu KiithcitMl In
tho "Haldwlu" to wltnont kovit.i1 llt
tli plajH nnd ntuiitH Khfii by the
KiiontH. Thin Is the ronrth or a 8er
lc of rntcitnluniontii or llki ih.irac
trr nml a movouicnl In on root to or
Knnlzo n iluh ami kIo ilanccn and
oiiti'italuini'iitH or thin kind nt li'K-
ul ii liiti'iMtlx TIhtc Ih u Iiiiko room
on tht" accouil lloor formerly occu
pied by tliv ChrlMlnu Silcnro,
and thin will bu Riven oer to theno
ontiTtaliinii'iitn. l.unt evenliiK this
was iry prettily decorated with
Tint proKrnui conxiiti'd or a one-
art Hoclety fnnc Riven by "Miae.
Dornhnrdt" nml "Mrs Lenlln Car
ter " Thin was followcil by a aon?
from "Mclba." Then rami, u two-
art melodrama by "K. II. Soullicrti"
and "Kntliryn Kidder" Two conns.
lately from "iJorkiUitder'x .Minstrels"
follow ud with a take walk nnd a
ruielit. imiulrlis cordlnllt
who will regret his depnrturv, but to
whom it will bu KratifylnK news to
learn or his well merited promotion.
This district will liercaflir bu rep-
resentid by Win. Wanner, who will
have chnrxu or Klamath Count).
want L'.viroitM ahsi:ss-
The Southern Orison lilmrlit or',1K"",B Wl',e '"''
the ChrlHtlnn KndeaMir Socletv Ih to1 Icimhiu Kwiued to enjoy tlim
hold a innwiitlon iu OmntH I'iihs oii!bi'Iuh nni "" "r" UW forwurd
:a, h7 und :'k
UKO. T. I'KATT, I'ustor.
Mr Murplo'n mnii) rrlenda both rt"
ril nml plianuii. -tei;nt In
Ifiiu-N here nnd plcanui" tlmi bin
alilllty In ao fully recounlreil thai It
bun broUKht III in this will e.iruid plu-motion.
tiicAi. ami oiisiirniicii.
ClirNtlan SrliTirc Kenliett will bt
i held III the Murdoih HulldinK Sun
,day ut 1 1 u m. Subject: "Soul"
VAi.i'Aiu.i: woitK niLsi'itovr.n.
Old Itealilent t.r Klaiiiiilli Knll l.o.i.
Hinatl I'tiltlliie In Kin.
The former Colorado Statu IJvjii
nellnt. und an far as uu know thu on
ly author who liven In this rlt), linn
met with i)iiltu a Inrfce linn. Wo ro
fei to inn nelKlihor, i:ider Stitcker,
who IimI elKlit titiiidrcd of Ills xrent
hooks, "SlundliiK on '"' ''a lf ft"""
at tho publlsliltiK house of I'. W
Zleler, In I'lillndt'lphln. Pa , recent
I) No Insurance, mo ii total lost
The workmen hni been busy this
week linnsrorniliiK thu Hi'coml lloor
of the White renlinu(i Into turRlinl
nnd ohstitrlral ilepartinenls lor the
use id the new hospital, which is to
ho known an the Klaiuuth Hospital.
It In to have an up-to-date, llior
oiiKlily equlpp'-d surscry, thu appui
atiin for which will in rive Iu iibout
two weekn.
While In tills temporary location,
thu number of beds will bu noieasur
II) limited, Thu present location of
the iKMpltitl In mil) temporary, how
own, and us soon uu a suitable lo
cution Is secured, n modern structure
Is to he ereiled and equipped
! ;
Thoroughbred flats i
ThelHat with a Guarantee
and a Pedigree.
Best $3.00 Hat on Earth.
New Spring Styles Here.
For New Nifty Spring Togs
llupllst Service Hnbbuth School
nt 10 a.iu.; mornluK worship, 11 a.m.
Il.Y.l'.U. at 7:20 p.m.; oveuluu wor
ship, 8 ) III.
ItKV. J. II. UUIKF1TH. Pastor.
to the next time
Aiiordlng to Assessor J. P. Lee,
Alio returned last ovciilnx from Sa
lem, where a conreicncu was hold
between thu lounly asac-swrs und tho
statu board, un iffort will bu made
to compil nil thu counties of tho
stnlo to make their assessments on
u c-usli basis
Klamath County's asiesiment Is
niadu on n basis or SS per cunt or
thu nluntlon, I.nke Comity on 33
pir cent, and other counties on a
bnsls all the wit) fioin SO to 71 per
cent, while Miiltnomnh County Is as
sessed on u cash nluatlon.
t'nder thu present system Multno
mah Count) pa)s nearly one-half of
tho statu taxes nnd other counties, on
account or tho lack of uniformity In
aivnsment. It is probable that a
bill will bo passed by the Legislature
pnnlilltit; lor the annual ineetliiK or
the asfccisor-t at tho name time the
tax commission meets In Salem. This
will ensblu them to devise a uni
form and better system or assess
ment for the counties of tho state.
Display jour ambition with an I.
C S course Sco window display at
th9 now Portland Stoic For a lew
da) k mil) 13
Church of Sacred Heart Mass
dally at 7:30; Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Uuftuno Sponcor went to Kliunnth
Falls Wednesday on business.
Walter Anderson was a Falls' Is
itor Tuesday.
Mrs. Hoy Anderson has returned
to her homo In Klamath Falls after
a few days' visit with relatives In
the Wampus precinct.
IJiiKonti Spencer und daughter,
Mo nu, r'eturnod Thursday from their
trl to Ashland, where they went to
attend tho funeral of Mr. Spencer's
brotlicr-ln-lnw. tho late John McCnl
lister. Leon Aiidi'ison went to Klanmtli
Falls Wednesday to meet Mr. Kus
cell, who came up from San Fran
tlsco to stay at tho Southern Pacific
crmp near Wampus.
Lew In Connolly comu over from
his homo Sunday to begin Work ou
the S. P. grade.
F.i.ii.ono Sponcor wont to thu Fton
Keins' ranch Friday after a beef.
Leon Andoison went to Pokoitum.i
Sunday after a load of freight tor
the Southorn Pacific Company.
Miss Esther Anderson returned to
her home Thursday after a few days'
vltlt with nor aunt, Miss Bertha An
derson. Harry Pearson, ot Kono, passed
here Thursday an, his way to Poke--a
V.C. Way pasted here Friday on his
wnv to Klamath Fails.
Tho chief glory ot splnstorhood la
tn'tmaginlng that ono Is a martyr to
umoquitcd love,
Tho mining exhibit Ot the Alaska-
Yukon-Pacific Exposition In 1(09
will be the most complete mineral
display ever shown at a world's fair.
Abel Ad), In an InleiAle- with a
repiuenlntUe of the Met rill Itecord
stated that as sooti as llio weather
bic-aks, ho will tuke up the mutter
of runnliiK a boat from Ally to the
Hopkins rnnch nbout 7 miles west
of this city. Tho bout will carry
freight and passengcis a well as
mall. Mr. Ady Is of the opinion that
tho boat will ho u pu)liiK proposi
tion oven lifter llio station Is estab
lished nt Midland, and hopes to con
tinue tho service Indefinitely. Ho Is
also of the opinion tlint tho Depart
ment would consent to hnvlnt; tho
Meirlll outuldo mull atrlvo lti Ady,
and Merrill, but thu Klamath Falls
route must be maintained an a mini
delivery route and for thu tinusmlt
tal of local until. Iu a coin ertnt Ion
touching thlb matter, Inspector Vnlle
lufoimcd Mr. Ady that thu Depart
ment would bo wIIUiik to do any
thing that would better thu surWce.
As a matlor of coinmeiclnl value to
Morrill, tho proposed boat lino twlll
bo a great thlug- It will kIvo us
our mall a day eniller than ut pres
ent, and will offer a moans whereby
travelers may outer tho count) dlicct
via Merrill. It would also furnish
tho key to tho present desperate
freight complication.,
Edgar F. AUon, who has for tho
past few months' been 'located In
this city representing tho National
Casualty Company, has boon ap
pointed special ngont and adjuster
for tho states ot Idaho and Washing
ton and expects la- loovo for his now
Hold next Monday. While in this
oity Mr. Allen did an exceptionally
big business for the company bo rep
resented and the new position he has
received Is a declded"promotlon ov
er the one held while here, He made
a large number of frinda while here
Oust IVtterson. tin- railroad cou
nselor, nnd Wm. McWllllams, his
superintendent, uru In tho clt) fiom
Dorris looking over tho work on
this end or tho lino.
Acklcy Bros, have received thu
now machinery which Is to become
nn ft.UlllA.. . lli.l. ...II. .. ......
..i. ..uu.i.Mu iu iiieir mill uqu which
ls to bo used iii tho manufacturo of
'box lumber. Thu machinery Is from
llhu well known Ilnclno Iron Works,
or Racine, Wisconsin, ono of tho
1 largest manufacturers of saw mill
machinery in Wisconsin. Tho big
band saw received by Acklojs Is
said to bo ono of tho best that this
firm turns out.
Tho machinery U now bolng In
stalled by 11. M. Ackloy and A. F.
Stnnkoy. and It Is planned to bavo
tho plant icady to begin operations
by tho first of March. Ackloys bavo
a quantity of dry lumber in tho yard3
which will bo roiawed for box lum
ber, and by tho tltno this supply Is
exhausted it is expected that the mill
wilt bo sawing logs.
Tho product ot tho plant is to bo
shipped to San Francisco and Los
Angeles. Tht-ro Is a first class mar- .
kct In California for Oregon pine box
lumber, and it is a great money mak
er for tho saw mill men who can thus
dispose of their excess stock of com
mon lumber.
This section Is destined to becomo
a great box manufacturing center.
Acklcy Uros. aro tho second Arm to
ongage In tho business, tho Long
Lake mill being tho pioneers In this
county. It Is predicted that before
many years thcro will bo many moro
largo factories established hero to
engage In thu manufacturo ot fruit
and other boxes. Tho market for
most ot this product will bo In California.
S P Nelson, a prominent rancher
near Kcuo, had quite a bad accident
on Thursday. He fell from a log
on nu ux and cut his kneo very bad
1). Dr. Hamilton was called to at
tend him.
The Kpworth League ot tho Meth
odist church will givo nu cntcrtaln
mont nnd valentine social In the
church vestry at 7 o'clock this, Sat
urday, eoning. Refreshments will
bo served Admission 10 conts, The
public Is coidlally Invited.
February list of Edison Records
aro now In at Mullers. 3
Entlro change of program tonight.
New acts, new pictures and now
songs. Laatn orchestra will give a
social danco after tho show.
All members of tho order are re
quested to meet at tho hall at 10:30
Sunday morning. st
These winter evenings aro Just tho
time tor study. Sco tho I. C. S. man
at tho now Portland store. For a
tew days only. 13
ISc wbllo they last. Gilt Framed
Pictures at THE Q DEAL. 8tf
Wu have a large and well selected lino ot all kinds ot T
VALENTINES, embracing nil tbo now styles ot AMERICAN
A largo line of now combinations In HIGH ART boxed
NOVELTIES,',' hinging 'In prtoo from
One Gent to $5.00 Each.;
Star Drug Store
"They Have If