. -C'J-'X fcaarcaau, ; ' :rt iv R? r r ?jf z 1l m RV IA-" 'iv' M 7V 'Hi M .iJv''i I njfjfl OUR GROCERY STOCK Y Ctiolcctions In our llroccrle Utiurpii3cil. Olio uf the juent X clinrnu uf dcallni; at ihU sturo fur tlitiiK!) to i'tit li tlio ubso- liltoly choice quality uf at or thins; we sell. T Wu want thu ladles nhil tuuii of Klamath Tails to visit a our more. Yon will likely lenrn (something which will inovu J Of value to )on. Wo can assure jou that 5 on will he the i gainer thcreb) I WARD 8c OBENCHAIN GENERAL MERCHANDISE BRIEF MlSNT'tON. , 1're.l I 'l )tletectle. t Comic Valentines at Chliwood n Itnlibht. the hint) option united nil the boat IMi W It l).tvl nrrlved In the cllv Init i-M'hIih: frntn liU home nt llrnwn-ell February list of Ktllnon I are now In at Mullen. Itccordx I W T. Shlve relnnieil litM evenlnc X j from a trip to Onklnml J I 1 5c while the) hist, (lilt Prniiied Picture at Till: Q DUAL Mf FREE DELIVERY PHONE No. 34 .! ";:; ? o : :-::::::: I Prompt, Reliable Service i W t t i PE are prepared to handle all Bajjgage Orders and Heavy rreignunfl. uoods storea or packed and forwarded to all points. Let us save you time and trouble by handling your shipments for you v We arc equipped with up-to-date Piano Trucks and can handle with safety all heavy or bulky goods :: :: I V I Hhoilett In up (nun Merrill attending Court an a Juroi I.nrgtnl tock, Krcnti'jt tarlctt. nt , Jimt what ou want In the way of j valentine They aie the Intent thine out. ami our prices nre piultlveli s li- innnt rcaonahle. CIIITWDOD lillt'll CO Mf A II Nnfugor nriltvd 1I1U et CU lIlK Irolll 1.04 Atlgclet Vnlentlnen frntn one cent up tu J." at the Star Drug Store. I Great Kemovai Sale Of Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, Musical Instruments, Fancy Stationery, Indian Curios, Etc. On or aliiiiit PCIIItl'AllY K.lh wu wilt uiuu to liitr.fi mid Ittnl modem i., ,, Amcrlciiii Hotel. Ilnther tint ( t.ikii Hie ink o' dulling1 to goodi fiotu iiki Iiik. n (UK Sl()( K At' (IIH'tTIA IICDI I Cll I'llH l-'l. TIiIm will ho one of the OilHVIIM' MUM SWINfJ KW.I'M i.' Id. will lie (IiihciI out at Hie Olttl.lVll, COS I'. A OMPltlsON ill' U It Mtl, m ntoreii will convince ou thut our urlti during thin n.ilu are the I.OUIM I in, IN KLAMATH COt.NTV. "PI'OilU i, ' ''WK OH '" nf oib H. J. WINTERS, OLDEST E&TABMSHB JEWELRY STOKE n KLAMATH COUNTv" xuiavTS!ar.;.iiziiiux iclmol hail a debate hut I'ndix Tin iiucitluii wan, "Leiolted. tlmi lnii.ei has canned more aorrow than war ' TI1040 on tli" iilllrniiii i.' iii inn Harriet !itrrlon. Calvin mid Luther llntiklni ami I llrown mi the nc nt I ve. Alia llntli. Clu-nti'r I 'a ..in David Pitch mill lllmer Cnn 1 . nlllniiatlw nldo won A whlu party i:len li l"ll Mi I' II Meiilll. " Im I 1 Mil', IMltli Allen, lam Salunlut i jiuuk )aliit ii'trc'iliiiiciil. vmii t-ivtl Mi A l( Ti ntlrmiH 'i tlrxt pllte. Thoe ilieu u i- Mi .1. 1 Mi A It Teubrook i .M.u S i: Mnitlu. II r nml Mi 1 I l.i". .Mr nml Mm (i It inl . m I nml Mm. It. II. Amlernon. Ml ami .11.1 C II Kniiit, jltn iii 1 Major Chan i:. Wonlmi nml wife "'' "- SrrtiBKlnt. Ml I..11.1 K 11 : left ipnlny imirnlnK for Toledo. ,,,'l"""i xll i:llt All-n. IIiin.m OMo. where tiiev were called hy the '" mlolili Katlenl.niii. Mi ..1... Mirlom lllntxii of Mr. Wiinlxn'M timtli. M" ""' H'TrJII. Hr Ah X I'aii.-r , R P McCornack nrrlxed thin even-1 Int: from Salem on a liurlnena trip LOST. 110. IU:WAIII, for the re-1 turn of a neck fur lot on the road ' hetween Port Klaninth and Ixlnmath Kail PI ml pi n turn to Laltenlde Inn s,-3t Pot Caul Valentine nt Chltwoodn Siiperltilelnlellt II (V Wlluiti, o' the ICIamntli RunervaMoii. tntne dew 11 Sntiird-i rvalnu on M vn to Hit railroad , Canaries Por t!;ile I have four KltiKers whl-li I will soil at 11 ver renionable prln- Jlnt C C LOW. rornni Pointli and Oak &-2i r V TT? A ATS 17171? G WrX A rV I PHONES: COMPANY Service Day ; I Office, 871; Barn, 873 and Night er. ilue to a iiroku of parnlvMlH. Our t.ltiuleitm. Carpets and Mat tliiRH are on the '.'i). Virgil Ac Son. I Por tniHt lomplete line of Phono Krniilis nml UerordJ. seo Mullur, Cth and .Main. I'.' Count v C'omtnluluneri nre nil niiil wife. Joe )iiwi. Jul.ii ,ti tin and Mr. ami Mm P II Mm nil , Mr and .Mm. T. A Hall 111.nU ui trip. to the Palls lliln witiK Mm. I '1 1111 1: (.'ravliael i.n.l 1' ll.li Mary anil Clio. ar Mtltu: with 1. r' lti r. .Mit J1I111 Cohit'll. The Lndlek Aid of the I'n-.lj) tir Inn church fave an ire rnuiii mulal "r V voo Ar rano rr t im i fe Vpiual $?&? '(ill 1 fr? (il- Th i.oldliu an niljnnrneil meetltiK thin Prldny nlitl.l A liirso crowd m Hi nfternoon to eomldiT the purchune'tittendaiKu laid eurjom- iijutd uf notno rond liulldlm; machinery. tln-nmeltei enunj: Ite i ream ind take and finite fM'ii If II win. In the colli. I mil prepared to do nil klti.li of ,jll(t . f lv(,r,r ., l(f) r,.,(llt.(, I'lrtiire I'miiilni; In Kilt nnd mliiHlon ..- -0 fr(im ,i10 i0cuH. VAN RIPEK i3ROy. gbobb -v4v-:Ci ':: '.-4 -:- WHY SUFFER FROM -:- Kidney 1 Bladder Troubles When MYAL'S STONE HOOT COMPOUND Is such a positive rcmcdy7 It stimulates the kidneys to the full ccrformance of their function, eliminates uric poisons from the system and acts as a soothing, hcullntl ajtent upon th bladder. By Its timely use, healthful conditions of these organs are promptly restored. PRICE, $ 1.00 per bottle Ilolheer. the Kurnltitro Mnti. .'If UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY Klamath Falls, Oregon COltNElt 7th and Main Streets Larceft and ln"it vali-iiilnii at (he Stat itrortment of IrtiK Store. I loo. Chnstntii. (Jrorce OrUtlc, Con-co I,. Humphrey rud IJ. II. Henry ruturncd this cvenln; from Little Sim .in wl.cre t)ii' n I'oiiipanloil the body of the late I'rtmit Souln. Mr. ami Jli ,.i.i.in mil daii tern, Vein ami UokiIIi). m-iI hi i:u i'nll, I'rlilay alurniMin. Mm. Have ('ox I.'k rre.'i.i wot I th at her latlier U dnnctio.n l ill nt Voniolla, Orecon I Ambi-rol Hi i in. li i)j I'lllinten. At Mnlliim I..I lour No. 5 No. Don't overlook this opportunity to i&m buy a CARRIAGE Wi'&i HEATER ivm't foraet Till: bead. I.otn of new - Di:.L I:uDp OtlCi. sf Mmtlcal Vnloutliiiit nt Chltwood's R B Clark' 3D HEATER Healer, $2.25 2.75 ;:::. ::::::.. I Guaranteed Paints We have full line of JIONi:V TO LOAN on rancheH.Hm bcr land, and cll) property. HALL- siii:i'in:iti) co. 2otr The Womnn'i Club will kIvo ii Sli ver Ta nt the room 'formerly occu pi'd ) the ChrKllii'i HclclitlntH In thu Ilaldwln buildltiK. on Wednesday afternoon from '1 to '. for the bene fit of tlio Public Library, nvcryuno U cordially Invited to nttcud and help In this worthy cnuso. Oct your valontlna pout cards at !the Star Drue Store. Ttll Muller our Sewing nml Talk ItiK .Machine lioiibliM. Photiu HjI. t Phone 261 BALDWIN HARDWARE ...::.:.:..:..,.:....;. . .:..:..:.4....4 ! CO. Tlio moil miccosiful btinlueH!) men of Klamath Palis are tlnn.o that ail vertlBo In The Herald. KliiKer, Wheeler & U'lUon Suwlni;. Machluu AKetiey, cor. Ctli and Main j for needled and oil. Machines for rent. i: FURNITURE When you buy ftiniittnr. won't you rive thil store tlu opportunity of ci'inicliiir itr jour pur chiiso? Wo cm n nml will ave j'i niitiie . if you will irivo ii.h tlio chiincc Wt-1 ,in' i s m tlon't. Surely our clnimn nre worth teiijj it is your money we tiro tulhimj of Hiving. C iim. test us. MONi:Y TO LOAN' on rnticheH.tlni-j iirr lanu, nun city property, HAl.l.-i Tlio American Hotel Dining Itoom Si:i'i;ur CO. 30lf lis open all night. K.-cah oyutor uv- ' ! ory day. GILLETTE la-tr in:iti:s a W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS cii.wci: rou AM, THE IIOVH. A Big Line of Heating Stoves Just Received GEO. R. HURN : 4:-4 NEW YOItK, Feb. C Pour hun dred German maldenu rrom Wurlnin burK arrived heio todny on tlio Hrnf Wuldoraee, nniouto to OrcKon to find husbands. The uttontlou or the Ger muu Klrls was drawn to OroKou by .Mis, Prelda WalburK, wlfo of an Or 'eKon sheephcrder, who Is reported a.4 responsible for tlio Immigration i of the i;lrlH. U444lii4iiimAA.A.AAA. ..aAaa.aMAMMH H The Last 3 Days KLAMATH FALLS FORWARDING CO. Transfer Work of All Kinds Promptly Done Baggage a Specialty. Phone 605 Charges Reasonable a 'em. nrJAI. Valentines. You'll want 8tf MUlUtlLL NEWS. 3olllo Dowoy and Herbert Fitch ' woro abiont from school Trldny af-1 tcrnoon Mm. Leo Clomlni and baby spent ' Tliureday night with Mrs. W. P. I rthodeo, while nor husband was ab-1 flont on n trip to the railroad. , G. II. Oraybaol nnd Leo Clomtns roturned from Ml. Ilobron Friday af-j tornoon, whoro thoy wont to got a load of freight. Tlioy roport that tbo roads aro vory bad. Mark Howard, of tho Hnrtory ranch, was kicked In tlio head by a nor so last week. Th upper room ot th Merrill of the GREAT SALE at the Portland Store will be a Rec ord Breaker. Don't forget that our new location will be in the Murdoch Building on Feb. 10. We extend a cordial invita tion to all. K. SUGARMAN. "'""lf M,,M,MM,MMMM,M, mf,,