Pbe mtimk KInmnth Fnlln' Firm and Bent Daily. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. -- mmtm Tiiiiuj Yeak. No. 7M. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 100'J. Price, 5 Cents WILL CUT APPROPRIATION. V)i nml Mrmia t'oiiiinlllei' of Wlilili Mrrryiiuui I m .Meinlxr, IMir. iiilnt'il In Hhw hlnlx Ui'Iiik .Miilih.l. Into will not l,u mulcted, and the mil) iliiiikci h wlimi tin. IIoiihij mill lll'llllt.', III ling (ill Ihu HfVutlll IIOIIIH Mlilili mo null him ihu. try to Imvu lllllltll llllllltlltMl tlm h Tho Wnya mill Menu Comiulliec ol Ilia Htntv Bennlo Ik eipuitud tu ue tun k ii l(o freely on nil Mil inroliig appropriations wlilcli are referred to II Selinhir .lerrmnii In n iiiciiiliur ut tbl lumnilttvv, unil la win because It wiit known Hint liv hud nu mu to KiltiJ tliut hi' Mint ni'lvitiit b) I'reat ili'lil IIovji'Mimii. It In milil tluit How iirinan avlecled III" Wuy anil Mt'iiiia Committee with icclul vlnw of ll. tin Juwn appropriation thla m--slun. Nuttlnitlimii wnnta nothing, uu tin cornea frutn Multnomah, mill the utm li truu of Coffey Wood lupruavnts district of frucr who ilu nut want tu see tlm atMtv'N money wuated lledgea It from Clnckniiiini, nml needs buttling, neither doea Hiholfleld or Murr)iimu With n committee inn Jo up of in on who hat no mun to irlml, It la poaalblu tu hold iIiikii the Dual appropriation bill tu leu'ioiiuble llialta. When Senator Kny appear before tho cominlttvu to ask foi npproprtn tlooi (or Ibu statu Institution., lio will bu reminded of tiU cotiiialnti ngulnst the BtiimtlliK of clerk Hinltb of Marlon linn boon offering 1'oitlnnd normal school, ilia bill cnmlna mi appropriation of tluu.uou, but hi offer bin boon declined with thanks by the Multnoiiinh people, who hnw Informed Ibu Senator (mm .Mutton tUt Multnuinnh U nut niklng (or nthliit In the way of atnlu grabs To this Hmlth hut rrpllod thnt bo U but asking (or nn thing thla noialnn, liber. Hmltli, however, l cipectrd by hie con.lltuenta to work wltb Kay Id securing RnnormiN lii-lp for tlu stale Inalltutloiia, mid llila In about Ihu only coramon ground on wbli.li llio Marlon County Hvuntura urn able (0 Meet, Sunator Hrholflolii n)a lio iloran'l Intend having nu uunece.aary appro priation bill ko through If bo cnti pre vent It, anil Senator Merrymau echoes thla acntlmont. HcholnYld bellevee In legltltnalo anil aubatuntlal appro priations wheru tboy nru neceaaary, but aaya Hint If cvury bill cnrrlng an appropriation were paaacd, thu tate would bavo to no Into thu hands of a rocolver. Therofori'. he la de termined to alt on tho hafoly valvu ud hold ihlnge down. NottliiKbam Ima boon acunnlnK tho lUt of appro prlatlona already requested, und aaya lio area whore It la ponalblo to knock ut at leaet $1,500,000, and mnybo U', 000,000. So fur a thu Wuya and lltmna Comrultloee nru eonccrned, thu win, nijirr m:wh him,. Tlmlx-riiim lliruiiKlitiut tin- Ciitlro hlntc Will MtuiiKly OpM,p tho 1'iu.aKo of llio Illll. It nooina thnt tbo tlmbur iiitin of Klninntli t'uunty nru nut tbu only inn- wbo nru prod-atliiK iiKiiluit tbu pii'iiuuiu ot tbu llonl'ii bill 'Ibu I'ort Inmt pnpiTN atntc Hint puntlcully v ory roahloiit owner o( Ofxuu Umber IiiiuIh In I'mtlniiil met nt the Oimmer clnl Club lu furm it piotcBt iiciiliml thu bill nml ropronoutiitlvoH will ku to Hnlem tu IIkIiI II when It I omen up In tbu Henutu Ibu I'uitlniiil TeloKium hh)ii Thu iiieuauru, which In now beforu tbu alnto aoiiiitu, piuMilen In ifTeit tl.ut i-uili owner of Umber limits In tbu atntu be compelloil to fllu with thu nudltor of tbu i on nly In uhlih tbu liilul la lotutGil the rcptiila of crillaum ua lo the true iiiNntlty nml quality of timber, iokvUmt with a awoin Mute liient nllektlliK to thu ucctituc) of audi repoita Tu provide me:in for tbu Ukac4amonl of llio prupittluj lu their true vntuu lu the purpoau of thu bill. . Owner of tlinbor liimla object to the bill mnlnly bonuiai' of tbu pub licity audi IIIIiik would i:lu lo thu trim nluo of lliolr pioputtlui. main Inlnliu: Unit Midi imbllilty would moan Ihu loi of thoumuida, unit per- bapi intlllouh, of diilliiii to tliem. "Uftoutliura It la ntciitHiiry (or un to keep the renl value of limber prop ortion nut of tbu llmollifht," mid l.e-' wla Montgomery of thu llriu of Miinii A MoiltKiiluer), who In one of the fathom of tbu movenienl iinta;unlstlc to llio bill "We do nut Intend inak Iiik public Inforuiullon whkh liaa cott ua lurtlo auina of inoue) to eciire; v do not Intend clvliic It tu our bu llieva rlvnlx free of rliurK" "We will light the bill nt eveiy WELSH COMPLETLY EXPOSES GANG Accompanies Officers to Scene of Opera tions of Stock Rustlers and Shows How and Where Work Was Done COVUt.NOIt DKXSOIV. It la reported that Walter Wulah him luadu n complete coufoailon In rei;nrd to thu horau HtonlliiK caao and Iium kIvoii (ull Informntlop an to ev ery member of thu Kane Implicated, WeUh went to tbu Dairy country )eati'rtlny In company with Deputy Hlivtlff Hum Walker nnd Win. Shook, and It la Huld expouei thu entire aya- tern uaed by thu xuhk In their ruttl Iiik opernllona. Ilu ahowud thu ofil- com whero thu fencea hnd been cut and the corrnl that w uaed to round up thu buueh. It I claimed thnt tho olllcera now Ily nro vlaltlni: nt the homo of Mr. orty but to tho Uvea of thu fannern. auJ s,rl1- sy I'1' of Vonna, tbli I'roapectlvo aeltlera, na soon na tliey,'''0" dolln. Airioni; thoio present wuro, .MIhh May Hoblnaun nnd llarrlaon . Uruy, und Mr und Mm W L, Hlmp-I.Vo lniKirtant Clinngea Expected wbM eon. Ho Tukca Onice After 5farch 4 Those on thu Itoll of Honor of thu, lli two Votca on Iloturd. Illldebrnnil ncliool for tho past month weru; Henry Stanley, Joe Hterzl.j SALEM, Oro., Jan. 20. Secretary Nolllo Dllaa, IJorllia Heck, Mzzlo Vl-jof Statu Frank W. Bonaon, who will orra, Wllllo Deck, Theresa Ster2l.;succeod t0 tho KOTornorahlp whan T.oa bavins ihu most perfect lwjnoorgo n. chamberlain refl,.bout iioua as shown on tho star board wcro I , lat Brnde. Maudu ICIrkpatrlck, 2nd,tMnrcl1 t0 lako bU eat ,n th Un L'url Allnd, 4th, Wurd Ilucck, 6lb, HcJ Statca Senate, cxpreialy aUttd I.oulsa riackua, Tth, Nclllo lllUs, itli In an Interview that In all probabll Joo Stcrzl and llonry Stanley, a tie. my tncro WOuld bo no cbangai In the air. r,. jonn roo. una m.iadninlltrltUo dep,rtmenti tUt b. learned of tbo depredations which weru prcvnletit, would refuse to lo cate nnd would lenvo the country. In thlii way thu deielopmeut of tlio upper lountry hua bien Krently re tnrded. It In stated on cood author ity that tho member of the gang were ko bold, thai even when n man jaw another man riding one of his borne ho wua afruld to protest. If bu entered n claim to Ihu uulmtil he wua Klven a wnrnlng which was us ually sulllclent lu keep him quiet. Welsh will be brought back lo thu hure a complete string o( uvtdonct city lonlgU and tomorrow ho will nppcar netoro tbo tjrand Jury lo give from the time they wuro finally sold in California, and that they will bo able lo convict wcry member of tho gniig. Thu utoplo of tho upper coun try nru elated over thu succoi of tho utneers nnd It Is stated that innny wilt be ready to testify with further evi dence when thu cases come up (or trial Thu stock t hie Yea were getting so bold In their operations thnt they wi'io u menace not only to the prop- hit testimony In the case. Thn trial which will come up within tho next two weeks will attract thu greatest attention throughout tho cntlro counly. Thu conviction of thu gang, It la believed, will wipe nut cattle and home stealing in this county. Thu country la fnst settling up and boon filled by appointment! undr Governor Chamoerlaln, becausa tn unexpired term Is so short. It Is tho Intention of Mr. Benson not to disturb the boarda that bava been appointed by Governor Cham berlain or to mako any change la Willie Jonas Is working at Kred Deck's place. Jluil: Creek Is so high that the road supervisor Is around thu valley looking after the bridges. Ilu Is afraid tbu high water will wash them out. Win. Shook was in Yonna on bull ion WedncsJay. J. II. O'Brien wa? In Bonanza last Tnf.flne CI as. Wagar went to the Tails on,iuf 8uch stQps' Tuesday. i T1- secretary of state does not Chaj. McCumbcr, who has boon on ' know of any change that will take tho Grand Jury, returned 1 ome last j.incs upon Ms coming to the govcrn riursday. joral.lp. Tho offlco of secretary of .iuuuei , icrin uuugi i buiii? (.ruin tho management of any state InsU tutlon by putting In now superlnten- I dents or other officials, unless Inves tigation should reveal urgent need of CI as. McCumbcr tl Is week. John Lnguc, who las been In the Fnlh on buslncsi, returned homo on Tuesday. C.C. Pearson Is doing Wm. Wight's work ns Mr. Wight Is sick. Cbas. Drew, of Yonna, was look ing (or aomo of his horses north of Bonanza last Thursday. Harrison Gray is making a water ing trough for Henry Stocshler. Arthur Langcll with two other tho opportunities for this kind of men, who nru taking about ISO head work aro not d great as when the of cll, bolonglng to Louis Gerber, from tbo Reservation lo Merrill, country was more sparsely settled. CUI'ITAI, KKMOV.U, HKIUOCK. DoloriiiliHHl Kffort Will tx Mmle (o Hutu Kiilr (irouiiilx unil All the limit Intlltullon Located at 1'orlluud. The leaolutlon Introduced by Sen ator lllnghum (or tho amendmont of thu constitution providing for thu re moval of thu seal of government from Siilem to Portland, Is nut considered turn, und If It la passed wu will takOja joke. Tho purpose of tho reaolu- tho mutter Into thu supreme court These weru generally the nunll ments of all thone who attended tho meeting "If thu different counties wunt to find out thn nlue of our Umber lands so they inn almoin tlieiu wllh regurd to their truu wtluo, let thorn nond crulheiH out nnd get their own re port," mild one Thu Umber men usu'it thnt their nnlagonlxm toward tho bill Is not canned by rejourn of thu (net thnt tuclr assesstnenlK uudor tho llenla law, based on thu cruhora' reports, might bu aomcwhnt hlglier limn now. 1 1 i aaTJaaa ijTafafafafafafafafA TaVW faUIl jTM afaaVtaT aav MF aTaTav aBBBBBBW (PBBB .BBBBBBBBBBBBBvH JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BaV .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBm .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSbbbt .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb .jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb jbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbH BBBBBF BBBBBBBBBbTBBBbT BBBBm. BBBBBBBBBW bbbt bbbbbW bbbbbbbbbW F BBBBBBhBBBBBBBBBr bbbbBbbbbbbbbbT aBBBBBBBBBBW SbbbbbbbbH fffffffffffffffS BBBBBBBBBBB I I M BBBBBBBBBH aBBBBBBBBBBt ' ' aBBBBBBBBBBH ' ' BBBBBBBBBBBV aBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBBa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb IbbbbbbbbbS BBBBBBBBbI ' ' bbbbWbbbbb bbbbTbbbV aTaTaTM faTafflTflfi ' ' M IbH ' -aBBBtBBBBBtBBl BBBBS "ffffffffffl ' ' bbbbbbbH bbbbI bbbM bbbbbbbbbbbbB BBLt bbbbbbbbbbbbH bbH bbbQbbbbIbbbbB bbB bbbbbbbbTbbbI bbB bbbbbbbI fffffffal bbV bbbbbbB bV bB BBBBbB TflTflV VBBBaBMmHBPHBBBaBm ValBBBBBBBjBJa'jBBBK(aaMaBBBBBB-- I M Mil s TEP In and look at our Spring and Summer Line of Fine I Woolens. All the new est patterns, tailored to your exact measure, at the same old terms: 'If the clothes don't fit and satisfy, don't. take them." Continental Tailoring Company, and t Strauss Brothers'- In ternational Tailoring t Service. Samples on display KKK STORE llou was to allow tho people to voto on tho question of removal nt tho next election. If thla la done It Is believed tliut tho voters of Multno mah County will aoo that the change la made. This la believed to bo a good time to make a fight for tbo removal as tbo statu houau and other Mtato build ings aro In vary bad condition, and it will nocossltato cither new build ings or a big appropriation tfr re pairs and Improvements. Tho Mult nomah County delegation has a very strong urgumont agalnat wasting money In repairing old buildings, and If a now state houso baa to he built they want It built In Portland. It apponra to bo tho plan to clean Salem off thu map as far us atutc In stitution tiro concorned and move ever) tiling to Portland. Senator Bai ley has Introduced a bill to Instruct the Statu Bonrd of Agrlculturo to sell tlm Fair around property In Marlon County ami ptirchaso lands In Mult' noinnli County for atato fair grounds ami exhibit. Soon to como will bo a menaiiro tranaterrlng tho Asylum for Insane, nnd It now looka aa If all thesu resolutions will pass tbo Legis lature, and tbo people will vote on the qucstlou at the next election.. hhi: urn's i:lixt oiticeus. Pimm Heine Made for the Annual rjit-iiuin'it Hull on Murili Sl'tl'UtlH'Illll. Tho members of tho Fire Depart ment held their regular annual el ection of olllcera last evening. The now olllcera elected aro: Prcsldont, W. W. Baldwin; Sec'y nnd Trcas., C. 1. Kobcrta; Flru Chief. Herb Bald win: Sergciiut at Aurms. J. C. Mou-gold. A committee was appointed to mako arrangements (or the Annual rire- mun'a nail, which will bu given on tho evening of March 17. O. B. Gates and D. A. Keioon wcro elected mem' bora. Tho department Is now com posod of 45 members. stopped at Mr. Vlcrra'a placo Thurs day night. Tho cattle aro In very good shape (or this tlmo of year. Mrs. L. M. Fitch went to Dairy Wednesday. TO HKLP UNLUCKY INDIANS. INTERESTING NEWS 1IAIIIY AM) YONNA VALLEY. AT TUB OPERA,. HOUSE. Tonight The great, feature Sim, "The Call of the Wild,1' or the aad plight of the civilized red man; "The Orphan," melo-dramatlc; "He Oot Soap In Ills Eyos," comic. Now songs, Emma Ltskoy, a sister ot Chas, LUkoy, who Is confined In the county Jail, catno In from the ranch yester day to aee tier brother. After a con- fortfuce with him she sent 'the team home by another party and went out on the Uut this morning, On Wednesdny ovcnlug tho stoge which runs from Bonnnzu to Klamath Falls was dclaed for soma tlmo near tho Dairy school house, where It got stuck In tho mud. J. G. Wight and Manuel Vlcrra re turned from tho Koaervnllon Wednes day aftornoou. Mr. Wight and Mr. Anderson rottirned to tho Kcnerva- lion Thursday. They report that the Sprague River Is vory high. Manuel Vlcrra Is helping Chns. Mc Cumber butcher hogs thla week. Tho telephone wire was blown down by tho high winds of Inst Wed nesday night near Mr. Vlorrn'n place. Walter Simpson mado a business trip to Dairy Wednesday. It Is roporied that Win. Wight, of Dairy Is qullo alck. Jeff. Klrkpatrlck and Wm. Norton, who havo boon trapping on Snddlo Mountain, returned to Yonua this week. The dam belonging to Geo, Rlttcr and Jasper Bennett, ot North Yon na, has more water In it than, at any time last year. Joe Welch has completed bis shed which ho has bean building for his horses. Jesse Drew mired his wagon with a load ot straw on It near John Llnd's place last weok. Last Bunday a party of thirteen persons wore entertnluod at tho home ot Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Pearson. An excellent dlunor was enjoyed by all, and some very good music furnished part ot the entortatnment. In fact, It was a musical party, as there was music on the violin, cornet and man- Secretary of Interior Would Guaran tee Them Good Lund. WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. The Sec retary ot the Interior has urged Con gress to pass a bill In tho Interest ot reicrvatlon Indians who havo taken allotments, and said allotments have turned out to bo valueless, or of Sit- 'tlo worth. Ha urges tho passago of u bill providing that where tho sur plus lnnds of any Indian reservation havo been thrown open to settlement, Indians on said reservation who have been allotted lands unsuitable for al lotment purposes may relinquish their allotments and select In lieu lands ot equal area from tho unappropriated portion of the reservation. The Sec retary sns It otteu happons, through error or Ignorance, thnt Indians aro allotted worthless lands, und ho In sists that they nro entitled to tho best lands ot the reservation, prior to the opening. state will remain In charge of Chief Clerk S. A. Kozcr, who Is regarded aa qualified to tako charge of all details of tlo ofllce. Mr. Benson Is not yet ready to an nounce who will occupy the confi dential position ot private secretary to tho governor, to succeed W. N. Gatens, or whom he will Install la the clerical department of the execa tlvo office. Tho responsibilities of Mr. Bensost will bo uncommonly great In his new position, as It Is recognised be wlU bavo two votes on the executive boars) ordinarily composed of the governor, tho secretary ot state and the state treasurer. This board bas charge of each and. every Institution provided for under tho laws ot the state ot Oregon and practically directs the government of the atate as provided by tbo constitution and the laws. Mr. Benson will aerve out the unex pired term ot Governor Chamberlain, or until tho first Monday la January, 1911. Engineer Rankin, ot the Souther Pacific survey, left this morning ac companied by his wife and son for the surveying camp near the Agency. Mr. Rankin states that hta crew la now working this way from the Ag ency. They encountered snow to the depth of tour and a halt feet oat tho Klamath marsh and were' finally compelled to break camp and finish tho work on this end of the Use. E. Egcrt has purchased 61 bead ot cattle of Godfrey Beck. ' Impure Drugs Make 1 High Doctor Bills Glvo your doctor tho very best aid by getting your pre scriptions flllod whore you kuow thoy will bo filled with pure drugs and by compotont men. Even tho best doctor cannot cur you with below strength and Impuro drugs. Then, too, un skilful wns ot compounding drugs will spoil even the purest, Our drugs aro pure and our methods of compounding are) skilful,' Any prescription we compound gives just the reaulta the doctor Intended' It to. The prices wo charge are as low as It Is possible to : them, considering the purity and skiltulnesa. Star Drug Store "They Have It"