MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY f!S 30! 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. EASY r" lv iii i-r.i a B n i . M '. m ! I? ( m1 P t ft K -1 I'v II. I s ', (Is' srt ." lj. rr- J. 5 Jl't H u t'J- r w; it'lTI EVENING HERALD Issued Dally, Except Sunday, by th HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH. Editor NOI'ICK OF HIIKIUFF'H HAI.IC O.N KXtCCl'TIOX. 8UB8CKIPT10N RATES iMlly, by Basil, one year Daily, by mail, sis month. Dally, by mail, three month. Dally, by mail, on month Dally, delivered by carrier, on. week. . . . 15 00 It 60 15 A0 15 KLAMATH FALLS. THURSDAY. JANUARY 21. 1909. -NKW8 FKOM TIIK Sl'HUtUS. Contest Notice. late reeling Itema Prom the Coanlry Kast of Klamath Falls. Tom Martin took meat to town thl. waek. Tom Sears went to Merrill Thure. conteatant, against homvaleaa entry Department of the Interior. U. H. Land OOce, Lakevlew, Oregou, Jau uary IS, 190V. A sufficient affladalt having been filed In thla office by Mathlaa Artnaud day to buy bay, Mra. Kline vlalled our achool lait week. E. W. Smith la hauling hay from the Ankeny ranch. Last week we paddled to achool through so much mud and water that we feared we would become web rooted, but today the sun ahlnea bright again, and aprlng avems near at hand. John Depew bought a atraw stack of J. D. Hooper containing fifteen loads of bay. for which he paid SIC. Abel Ady waa out to his ranch In Midland laat week Dave Wade and Louis Dixon went to the Falls Friday. Jai. Dixon butchered thirteen hogs last week. Jas. Dixon went to town Tuesday. One of the wheels of W. W. Mas ten's buggy got mlrod while he was going to the Falls last week. In get ting the buggy out one of the wheels waa broken. Ben Itoacncrana went to town laat Tuesday, Tom Sears left for San Francisco this week, and may make a buslneaa .trip to. Arizona before returning. Join and Johnnie Haort went to the Falls on Thursday. r J Bears was a Falls visitor Thurs day. J. Bears bought 40 ions of hay at Merrill, paying 9 a ton for It. They are going to winter 90 head of mules. Mr. Churchill, chief engineer of the Southern Pacific, was at Midland on railroad business last week Mrs. E. W. Smith and Mrs. II. L. Bogga vlated tno Falla Wcdneaday, attending lodge there that night. W. J. Daxroch and wife and Roy Vernon were visitors to the Falls thla week. Mr. and Mrs. Darroch got caught In the midst of a storm and as a result Mrs. Darroch con tracted a very bad cold. Morgan and E. YV. Smith have On Ished hauling hay for Frank McCor- mlck. Mrs. Scott David Is home again after her trip. No. 27ti& (Serial No. 04). made Sept. 15. 190. for WJ4 ', Sec. 2S. T. 38 3.. K. 10 E. by Eleanor S. Ogden, conlestee. In which It Is al leged that Ogden never settled upon aald land within alx, mouths after making said entry as required by law: that said Eleanor Ogden never iraprovea saiu lanu uy erecting a dwelling bouse uur made any Im provement, whatsoever: that the said Ogden has wholly abandoned aald tract and for more than six months since making said entry; that said entry la not cultivated as re quired by law or at all, and said Og den Is not at thla time nor has he been living on said laud during the past )ear; that said Oicden has whol ly failed to realde upon, cultivate or Improvo aald entry; that the alleged abaence of aald Ogdeu la not due to hla employment In the Army. Navy or Marine Corpa of the United Slates aa an officer, aoldler or marine In any war In which the United States may be engaged, aald partlea are hereby notified to appear, respond, and oiler, evidence touching aald allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on March 3. 1909, before R. M. Richardson, U. 8. Com missioner, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on March 10, 1909, before the Register and Re ceiver at the United States Land Of fice In Lakevlew, Oregon. The said contestant having. In a proper affidavit. Died January 7. 1909 set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made. It U hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper public tlon. J N. WATSON, 1-ltf Register. Ity virtue of an execution duly In sued by thu County Clurk of Kltiui nth Count), Statu of Oregon, nml ex otllclo Clerk of the Circuit Com I uf , Mild Statu lu aud for aald County, ; dated the 30th day of December, A. jl), I90S, lu a curtain action lu thu Circuit Court fur aald Count) ami Stale, wherelu J. O. Pierce as plain tiff obtained ami recovered Judgment agaluit II. I.. Aldrldgu and Agues I. Aldrldgu, defeudauts, fur thu wutn of Thrvu Thousaud Five lluudred mid Thlrt)-alx ( 13030. 0U) Dollura, nud co.ta aud disbursements taxed I,"' Dollura. such Judgment having been obtained and rendered us aforcaul.l on thu 23rd da) of December. A. l) 1908, and It being ordered mid ad judged therein by the court Unit the certain .property attached lu said uc tlon bu Hold to satlafy thu claims and demands of said plaintiff: NOW. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREHY OIVEN, That I v.111 on the 30th day of Jauuary, A. I)., 19U9, at I the front door of thu Court llouae In the City of Klamath Fall., Count) and Stale aforesaid, at 2 o'clock In the aflernuun of aald day, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for caah, the following dencrlbvd real property, being the property attached as aforesaid, to-wlt: Lots 1, 2 and 3 of lllock 41, Iota 1, 2. 3, 4 and 6 of lllock 45, In FIRST NOTICE KOU I't'lll.lCATlUN. Dvimrtmeut uf thu Interior, U. S. l.iuul Ottleo nt Lukovlew, Oiukoii, De cember 24, 11)08. Nut I co Is hureby given Unit John J Rahul, of Klamath Full, Oregon, who, on January 9,1907, Hindu Hume- mtetul Eutr), No. 370&, (ttorlnl No UlUCI), for us amended, thu KmiWli Hi. 30. KKM NWV, NW H NEK. Sec. 31, T 38 S, It. to E, W M , bus filed not lie of luteulloii to make dual lUu yunr proof, to establish clnlm to thu land ubovu ilvacrlbvtt, befuru County Cli'rk, Klniimth Conn t), at his uince. '.t KUumtli Fulls, Or egon, on the 8th day of February, i iH4 Clulmuiit immi'S us witnesses J N. I'lue, Frauk IrUli, John Sbt herd, Arthur Kvlley, Ruy Kliisuiun, II. W. Kiimn ull uf Klamnth Fulls, Oreguu. J. N. WATSON. i-n itmiitiT. Don J. .umwai.t, President ADwracung ,,;.,., Maps, runs, Blue trims, tic. nd Tm, Klamath County Abstract Go, Surveyors and Irrigation Engineer! Ilsat K WiTimow, Secretary Klamath Falls, Oregon 4OA,AAtt 1 CHAS. K. WOKDEN President M, WOHDKN Cashier MtKUMUm, ' "-ITSkkt The American Bank and Trust Go, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of thu Interior, V S Laud Office ut Lukevlew, Oreguu, D cumber 14, 1908 Notice la hereby glvu tlmt Maui llayden, of Klamath Kails, Oregut. who, Nov. 30, 1908, itiadu Timber tun Stonu Appllcullon No 0882, for NEv NWV. Sec. 29, Tp. 37 8. R ! K W. M bus nied notice uf liilvutlo to make final proof, to establish dull to iiiu isnu auuve uescrllivu, tielor ol , AUDITION i.. it... piiv ..f k-i ., County Clerk Klamath Co , ut his Falls, lu Klamath Count). State of ;. at Klamuth I all.. Ongou. on lh, Oregon: .Lu an undivided one-hulf "! ! ay of "". '' Interest In and to Lots 7. . 9 aud 12 : ?""".. "".""'', " "ilDwt of Block 1. Lots 7. 8. 9. 10. II and . I ., ""'"".' .', ". ,. .' 12 of lllock 3. Lots 1. 2. 6, 6. 7. 8, ." 7. ." ". "" 11 and 12 of lllock 7. Lot. 1. 2. 3. 4. r KI,y"B,h "'" Vr!f0"' , f. 41. IV A I i)Ui1( OLENE MAPPKNINOB. (sMMfekF .Faith, at the Qrlgsby ranch, th muscular rheumatism. Pool returned the 16th from a visit to the city, and at his daugh ter's, In Mcdford. Mrs. O. Brown, who has been vis iting her mother at Klamath Falls, returned Wednesday. Frang Oalbralth. returned the 14tb from a vlsity to Ruby. SI Pool and BUI Logue visited old friends In our burk Friday evening. Miss Ward and airs. Whitman spent laat Sunday at Mra. Dixon's. We kavs organised Sunday achool to be bald at the Oleno achool home at 2:30 p. m. Tbo following officers were elected: Miss Mona Ward, sec retary; Mrs. Tracy, superintendent; 8. Dixon, treasurer; Miss Carrie An drews, librarian. All are.lnvltad to come. Dan Lovelady spent Saturday night ut Bachelor Hall. Miss Cora Orlfilth passed through here last Sunday on her way to the Falls to attend high school. ,WU Mona Ward Is staying tot th present with Mrs. Whitman. Mrs. Kally was quite sick with haart trmrbl last waek. ."TM gatuagrn quite lata MMaftt'C-tfctfcft4 roads. Lost Rim la .quite, high at the present writing and .1. still rising. The two bachelors and Dan and Tbo: Lovelady spent 'Sunday with Chas. Andrews. Tom Robert, of Po Valley.passed through this burg Monday on hi way .to the Klamath Falls. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lakevlew List No. 51. United Bute Land Office Lake view, Oregon, Jauuary 12, 1909. Notice la hereby given that the Northern Pacific Railway Company, whoso post office address is St. Paul, Mlnnnasou, has on this 28th day of December, 1908, Sled In this office Its application (Serial No. 0945), to select under the provisions of th Act of Congress, approved July 1, 1898 (30 Stat. 697. C20), Lot 1 ot section 3 In township 33 south of range 1 and Lot 8 of section 7 In township, 33 south of rango7, all east of Wil lamette Principal Meridian, contain ing 61.83 acres. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the lands described, or de siring to object because of the min eral character of tbe laud, or for any other reason, to the disposal. to ap plicant, .should file their affidavits of protest In this office, on or before tbe 13th day of March, 1909. J. N. WATSON, 1-18 Koglster. 6, 6, 9. 10, 11 and 12 or Block 16, Lots 1 and 2 ot lllock 20, all of Blocks 2, 4, 6, 6. 8, 9. 10. 11. 12, 13. 14. 1C, 17. 18 und 19 In NOII lill.L ADDITION to auld City of Klamath Falls, said I ml de.crlbed lots aud blocks being a portion of thu NEU of SEK of S. 20, Tp. 38 B . It. 9 E.. W. M In said County and State; also, an undivided one-half Interest In and to the 8WK of NEK of Sec. 1, Tp. 38 8 , K. 9 E.. W. M., In said County and Stale; and the following described piece or parcel of laud, sub ject to tbe certain mortgage thereon amounting lo tbe sum ot 11600.00, to-wlt: Commencing at tbe Intersec tion of the centers of Conger Avenue and Main Street In said City of Klam ath Falls, according to tbe recorded plat of tbe survey of Couger Avenue as recorded In Plat Book No. 2, In the office of the County Clerk of aald ' II fUm.A.AMSB i1; A & i - $ &$ did sii JIUBni U . WIB.JHHH it-iii Regl.ler CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. 3th and Main Street NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S HALE. II) tlrtuu of uu eivcutlon nud or der uf sale duly lou.d by the Clerk ot the Circuit Court of Klamath County. Slutu of Oregon, dated the 30th day of December, A. D, 1908, In a certain furecloeuru aull In thu Circuit Court for the aald County rud Stale, wherelu Eugene Spencer a. Plaintiff recovered Judgmiut agalnal F. I.. Wright and Clara Wright fur the aum of Three Tbouaaud Nine Hundred Thirty-five Dollar, and I Mrt Ceuta (f 3936.30), and co.ta aud dl.bur.emeuta taxed at Thirty one Dollars and Seventy Cents (131.70), ou the 24th day of Decem ber, 1908. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that I Klamath County, taking the center " ' 3"" day of January,IS09. of Main Street as N. CO dug. 42 mln. " ",e "ou uoor ' ln " "" B.. thence N. 19 dec. 48 mln. W. In Kl""' Pl'. In ld County aud 4C6.6 feet, thenre N. 42 de. 18 mln. I 3""e' al lt" ",,ur u CIOCK I'. M W. 94.33 feet, thence 3. 49 dcg. 30 jof mla dlir' ,0" ul ,ub"c " o mln. W. 17.6 feet, to thu begliiuliiK U, ,'lK,lu,,l bl,Wer' ,or c",h' "" rlnt' of the description of the land hereby "" " '' " r. u. wrignt aud described, thence N. 42 deg. 18 mln. cl"rtt WrlK,,t '" "d t0 " toUowlut W. along south line of Conger Av- J-',",' iropcrty, to-wlt: nue 66 feet, thence B. 49 deg. 30 mln. T,' x11' "" of hu Southwest W. 126 feet, thence S. 42 dcg. 18 mln. Qu,,rUr "f B"c,lon 20' o" " E. 16 feet, thence B. 49 dr. 30 uilu. r "'8 Northwest Quarter and Lots la the Circuit Court or tbe Bute ot Oregon, for Klamath County, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. B. f.anl nfllA at LsLawIab, nM.n. nik iu fi uiaitBr ui iuv a,.iai .wii '- ...ww, w,aMM, ww- Cbarla Christopher Henrlcksen, D. tober II, 1908. ceased. I Notlo Is hereby given that John Notice of Settlement of Final Account. In th matter of the Eatat .of W. to tbe east or left bank of Link River, thence down said Link River along the easterly or left bank 60 feat or more to the line of tbe prop erty ot th heirs of Harry Ruford Hargus, deceased, thence N, 49 deg. 30 mln. E. to th south Una of said Conger Avenue and th place of be ginning, being all situated In said County and State. Taken and levied upon as the prop erty of the said H. L. Aldrldge and Agnes P. Aldrldge, and their title and Interest therein will ba sold by me as aforesaid or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy tbe said Judgment In favor of said J. Q. .Pierce against said H.L. Aldrldge and Agues P. Aldrldge, with Interest thereon, to gether with all costs and disburse ments that have or may accrue. W. II. BARNES, Sheriff ot Klamath County, Orogon. ated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, the 31st day of December, 1908. M 90 . -e444itM I It Takes Good Taste To decorate a home prop erly. Firft you must have beautiful wall paper. It must be well put on. It must be durable as well as beautiful. We handle the newest patterns, the most beautiful shades and the best qualities. The price also recommends them. i I am prepared to do U kinds of Flotura Framlag lu glit and SBlsalon. SalMtr, the rorakor. Mam. ISM Notice Is baraby given that Alex- under, Martin, Jr., . executor of th abova aaUtlsd, attgte, bavlng-flUdin th County Court for Klamath Coutt' ty, Stat of Oragon, bis final account aieuUr in add ut and that Friday, January 29th, 1909, at S P. M., being th time fixed for tbo hear ing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof, all per sons Interested In th said estate are hereby further notified to SI objec tions to th said, final account or any of them thereof on or befor th day appointed for such bearing and set' tUmant. Alexander Martin, Jr., SxMutor, l'Mwk. A. Plnkerton, of St. Jo, Idaho, who, on May 27. 1908, mad Timber and Stone Application, No. 4189, (Serial No. 0184) for SViSWH. NWKBWK See. 9, 8BHBEK. Sec.8, T. 17 8., R 9 B., W. at., bu S!d ootlc of Inten- Iob to oak Final Proof, to Ub- llsh claim to the Und above described before Register and Reclver,at Lake view, Oregon, on th 14th day of January, 1908. Claimant name at witnesses: Dan Johnston, of Klamath Falls, Or., J. Smith, ot Klamath Falls, Ore. Harry Pelts, ot Klamath Falls, Or., J. H. Plnkerton, of Wolf Creek, Or. J. N. WATSON. One and Two of Sectlou 29,; also the Northwest Quarter of tbe Nonhead Quarter, Urn Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and Lots One, Two, Three and Four, of Section 30, all In Township 39 South of Range 7 East, Wlllamelto Meridian, Oregon, containing 400 acres; save and ex cepting the following described por tion of said Lot 2 of Section 29, to wlt: Beglnnlug at th Southeast cor ner of said Lot 2; thence North 10.80 ,-lialHM. Ufa.l ,A AA L . thoncu South to the meander tin of I the right bank of the Klamath River; thencu following the said meandor line, up atruum, to place ot begin nuig, containing iz acres, more or lass, The samo being the land taken and levied upun as the property ot the said F. L. Wright and Clara Wright, or so much thereof, as may be neces sary to satisfy the aald Judginont and docree of foreclosure. In favor of Eugene Spencer against F. L. Wright and Clara Wright with Interest there on, together with all costs and dis bursements that have or may accrue. W. B. BARNES, Shorlff of Klamath County, Oregon. uatea at Klamath Falls, Oregon, De cember 81, 1908. ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS IWIHI IIMIIMHM4' MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered tt bargain prices a number of ahrewd inves tors bouKht; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there ia every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lota are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double tbe area of most town lota offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE Office on Fins SW CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Lsnd Salesmen. WOOD BAWINO a specialty. All order will rscelv prompt attention. J. L. Fielder. l0tf DR. WJVL MARTIM Deatlst Office over Klamath County Bank TaLsraoN u D. V. KUY KENDALL Attorney st Law Kkavtk Fall, Or t I) , ' BRICKWORK AND PLASTERING S CHIMNEYS AND K1IIE PLACE8 A SPECIALTY H. I. CHILDERS CENTRAL CAfll Open Day udNlgnt Private Dining Pl Oysters fcervett In Asy W" J. V. HOUSTON, 1W DR. C. P. MASON Dentist " ? im... auk A Trust 0H . i I