He iratmita jbftdo. Klamath Falls' I'itst .mil UchI Dally. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. ft TUliiu Vl.Alt. No. 7iU KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 190. Price, 5 Cnrn RIAL PREEVER HAS LEARNED LESSON Will Iryand Show By luture Behavior That He Was Worthy of the Leniency ol the Judcje and Friends l.uti l'irvor. Hi" niiiit:ir of iln i,n i, -ii minified ol tmi nljr iiml h ,i nix aeiileiii'cil to tun years In ll,. I" nlli'tillur). (till iniiitiliiK "I' ll, nml tu nallm mole lull) lllll Hi'r-Iimi-iiiii nf III rlim Up nppcmril III u il t xrll t II f 1 1 IIHKIll llllil atatfil ll al lio was ileluriiiluud. b hi f tit - umi m'liii. tu show. Unit Im nppri- tinted Mil filvbiMhlp llml was hIiuwii In ii Uli'l llii' lllllt'llt') Willi wllllll ln . it u i with liy Hid I'ouit Tlif i It IuhIiik I' Hit vim written h) him- , I in Jnll umi tin rctii"it-0 Hint It III IMlWlllll'tl .,lini lit niltl I hiiiiIiI ink you I., iikiii In wiur iiitumna in) Ihtitika tu no ii.un filt'iida In Klumiitli who ,mu Mildly stood li) mu In in) ili'Wiiln.l lao tu till JinllJO nml nil ll' i. mil nlllrern Im tln'lt l"iilenr ami iiiunt Umlneanoa tu mi I inn 1,1.1 .i in ii.tnrii. llml I Mill In l mi' liv umi In- ili-irinK nf ilil l . n.l.lili iiihI Mmliieaa wlilrli lliu) I klll'HIl til 1110. HI I lllllllll). III III) I- .1 llf lldllllll' Ymini ri"ijicctlol). iti.vi. iiti:i:vi:it I tl.l OIIMA II.OOII SI II. I, COIN DOWN. Iralna t .iiiiint Iti-aunte f i,r IH)i fnmi S.K niinriiiii tu hull I nuiilM ii. H I'll ANCIttt'O, Jim 2U Hie f"l alt i iitliiii In Northern I'iillfoiiilii m. in lira nllnvi'il loilii) tlirouitli mi I 'iriiitlon lo tin rnlliftill tliut run ' ml tliroiiKliout last wtttk K.ul) ri'imiti rueheil nl lliu lo ul uimIIht I'lirrim loiliiy linlli uti'il Unit tin pie iiiltatluii throughout tin' Hm riuin'tilo Vnll.'y i.tat tiigiu was mniiiK In nui mini .Snrlli nml mat of riiicrniueiito Hm railroad niiiy Im partially ulilu tu rrallllli' OWllllllil trilllle toiln), Init between Saciiiiueuto n ml .San lrim then till' iiinlii lino la uiiahed out lor n rnnalilernhlu illatniirn nml iiettHsnr) ii'imlra will ri'iiilru iIioh In tliu lui'iintliuc, nil train arc op- ruli'il liy wny of Sloiklon. Local trnRIi' In Hm iiclKliliorliiinil of Mnr)H- Hli la onllriily miapi'iiili'il liceauan hi itiilniiKii lii rimillicilK nml lirlilK"" tu Urn vicinity of Hint illy. HioiianiiilM nf ncrcit of fiiriuliiK Inuil K'Holniiii: tliu Hacrninuntii Itlwr linvc "ii Ilooili'il iliroucli n ilotun lirenKH .P.-C'CJTX VNS Newest Styles and Colors Four Colors In Derbys Green, Brown; Tan and Black. Thoroughbred and Stetson Largest Stock in Town K K K STORE KLAMATH FALLS' BEST VALUE GIVERS Mmwmmww" III lliu el bank i.i.i., ,tn thu loan In tin. r.re.il nterllnw liimlu In more tlinii imiiiti'iliiiliiiKi'il liy )i Kd'riluy'H ii'iliii Umi In tint i Ivor's lion. I iiliini), Willi ll hllll llttllllllll Bill cm tlmi Iiml tlui'iili'iii'il anki'iul lotuia mid cities lilting Ita haul n A.NOI llCIt I.IOl'Olt case. I'm I liliuiiiilli Man I'li-mlt Vni UiilH) to ll.lllil' of XlulillllIK IH'l.l 0iiliui l.m, Jmk llcrr. of Pint Kl.uiiittli, una nriiilKiii il llila iiflvlliuiiu on mi In illiliiii'iit Timii.iI li) Hn titmiil Jur) iliiirulm: lli-rr) nml (Ira Ciiitli' wltli lolntliii: tln local optliiti law llcri) pli'uilfil not Rtillt) anil luilpr fur nlalii'il lull una nlloKi'il to i;o until ll..' inai in ail for liliil, ttlilili will fnlliiu tin' otluT loial option CIHIH iiniif tlmi' iiIIit tin1 ilnlilli of I'i'lirii ll) Ola IIiikI" la nxpriU'cl lo I"' hi'rn IoiiIkIiI, nml lif will piolmliU li" .irtnlUurU liilliul in llll.ll M lllllll, MHI.S. 'I he Kliiliinlh ('until) IIIkIi Helmut la aU'iiitll) itrimlliK 'lu almli'iila weiu leii'Di'tl tlit wti'k. Wmri'ii Hm rla. friiin Ciitlfuriila. ami I. like Wal ker ul IIiIh rlt) The Hi'lionl la InokliiK Inrwatil tu a baaket ball Kami) tu bu plii)iul iik- iliikt llimiiiirii. t'rliln. .laniiarv 22 .. ...... . ,....-,. . , ,. ; iiiiimiirn lemil will come orr 10 nor - li the Opera IIiiiibu Ah IIiIh In III" I ,..., ,,i,.i,i i ,i,i ii.. .., ii. r....... Inlltal Kiiiiieof llm wuihiii It Is arnua'""tt "'R'" '" 'hN ell) nt thu Opeia Iiik itreiil unthuslusiu r. ..T.mi.iuiiiin. mm- " -.. - - - meiiru next week. Inaleail of laklliK half a da) (hi tin uxainliintloiiH In I'liih Hilbji'il. ll short leal will In1 Klv i'ii nt tin' icKiihir hour inch da). Will lliiin Htraliied his hip whllo Thu lllith School boys naluinlly, jumi Rnrollcd Bills. plaliii; bnakrt ball nnd It Is doubt- and with good reason, hcllevo that' Nottingham ot Multnomah, Kay of fill whether In- will be libit tu pinyjthey lmo thu best team In thIA sec-1 Marlon. Coffey of Multnomah, Hart I'rlila) Marlon Haines Is aliacnl with his father mi it trip t Salem AT 'I Hi: OPEIIA lllll'HL. New pic Cntlru ilimiKe totiltsht tllU'N,HIIIIKS, ute First Showing New Spring Hats h.u.Ain advancih i-im:i iiv hiinati:. Ctentllif nml Hiipiiine Court Judge firt limimil Iteiiiiimriitloii.' WAHIIIN'ilON'. J.tli 20. Tim mil 'i.iIih nf lln I'ujlili'iit, Vlie-Presldi'iit nti'l !'iki'i nf Him lloi.ai' w.'io kujiIii (under iliacusmuii In lliu Hunnto, aIiUH I i In,' li'cixliitlvo, oxcciitUo ami Judicial 'appropriation I'lll wiin tnkun up. Aiiujiiiliiii'iitH weie uOoit('il Increasing 'tlu I'reddi til's anlnry tu $100,000, llml of Die Clili'f Jusine of tlic Su liuenm Court lo $111,000, 111111 thoso 'of Vmoriniu J nation to fl4,r,oo. Warren, In chnrr.e of the LIU, ex jpresaul i In hope Hint thu iilluwnnecs of Jdouo .innuitlly for carriages or otl'i'r icIilcli'H for lliu Speaker mill ' Vl'i'-I'imliloiit wmilil bu iill'iwed to ' lltll.Hl riii' mm.nilini.tit lucicnami,- the hM .11) of (lii Pn-nliluiit to $100,000 una mlopti'il by ,i oto of .IT, to 30. Tlie lli'piililliiui Hi'iiiitorv ulio votnl uk- .-iliut tlii IniTiiim? ui'iu. lluvurlilRu, Iloiali. Iliowii, Dili lull, C'lapji. Dot llhir, l.nlolli.llcmiil I'lli-a. No D.lil Incinilr iji'imtoi's Mitid In fnor of tlio iliKii-aai' Tliu iilnuniliiii'iit ai udop- luil pni. Mini: foi mi "Iniler Sftrc jtnrv of Htulu." tu I'O paid J 1 0,000 n j)t-iir ! 'Hi" Milnry of tliu Cliluf Juatlcu of 'lliu Htipri'iuu Coiiit of tliu t'lillud Hlali'H una tltt-il at IK,, 000. Iliatund of f I2.:,uti, im nt ptcat-nt, n nil tin Hiil.irP'H jif AhblHlatil Jiiatlri'M nt $1 I, .Mm. iiiMuml of II2.CU0. Thu bill una Hllll miller illariiaalon uliuti till HTnt" niljiiin in ll High School and Bonanza Play Tomorrow Night Thu IiIk ('ant" of liaikel ball bu- Uwti-ii thu lliiih School team and Hi", ... . ... .. . I"N I lie Hours will upen nt ,:.I0 "'! "' Hi will bu lulled at S. ' Walker will act an refen e, mid HurKo Mason ns umpire for thu Kin- i math Palls team. Thu will bo it and 3!i cents. nilmlssnon I Hon Thu loam Is composed of the'"' """' """ '" ul " isaiuu men who wuro winners In last j.nr'H chumplonshlp games, and lhu mmlo ,hc dfstrlbatlon. Kay of Mar liavo somu strong substitutes In case Mori was tho luckiest of thu lot, for ho any of tho regular plnurs aio not 'not ouly secured tho chairmanship able to take part. It Is not known wlPlllt.r will Hum will bo ahlo to jplit)' ns ho was recently Injured In a Iprnctlcu gamo. Hum plnjs center nnd ho Is the hcnWcst man with the j11(.u sdl0Qli am, 0l8 Bmy Mmemllt I weaken the ten in. Thu boys, how "Vii, ere I'uiillilutit of success. T Thu lloumirn te.im Is an unknown j iiimitlt), ns far us tho admirers of J I thu game nuio nru concerned, but tho Slluports triim llounnzn are' to tho of Jlf"(t that they hnvo pretty husky 2, hunch of bo)s who run go some. It Is Klnled llml they hnyn huon putting in a lot or lime pinrtlciiiK nnd me In line uhapu nnd me coming hero with lliu delci initiation ol winning. Thu lineups for the two teams nru us follows lliiiiaiua. High School Earl Hamakor. . Corner .Will Hum Pnt Parkor Forward. Carllslo Yadon Ray Howard . Forward,, Erwl'n Rofo Fied Vluson. Guard,' Vincent Yadon Fred Harpolil Guard (1 VanRlpor Substitutes- Bonanza Cleo. Horn. High School, Howard Boggu, Marion Unmet! mid Uco DuFault Another game game luiu been tr innitod foi tho High School team with the Indian' team at tho Klamath Agency, and will bo pluyed somo tltno within tho ucxt two weeks, the dnto of which has not yet been set. AOIIH 1:0 I.VHTKAI OP TUX IMVMI.'XTH. Hi iinltir .MiCiiniliir Una Hill to MkIiI i'ii lluitlt'ii of Arid Knlo'ini'D. WAHIIINflTON. Jan. 20 Thu fuct that Irrigation uorkH hnvo K"nc.Tiilly prmi'd to Iju morn i-xpi'iiulvo than i-h-lliuuti'il with thu nttundunt Iticri'iiau In buidun of thu minimi puynmnt tv gurud of thu uiitryincu under tho act uf July IT, 1902, Iihh cauaud Senator McCtimbor, of North Dakota, to In- ilroiliKu 11 hill piovhlliiK thai audi pu) munis bu inudu In 20 Inatcnd of 10 annual Installinenla. In North DnVolu the liiatnllint'Uta aru 11a high mi It. Co pi-r acru; under thu pruui-nt law, no that nt: i-ntryiiiiin with 40 acrea la obllKcd to pay about $200 nntiimlly, whllo 11 a u rulu ho doei not obtulu Irrlhtitlou for more than half ot lila land, When thu Irrigation work wen; projected, It wan not sup poud thu churRu would be ao Kreat nml It was expected thu result would b'j to k!u kinple water for all thu lun.l liiMihiil In thu project. North nml South Dakota, Arizona, New Mex ico, Idaho, Colorudo, Montana nnd Utah uru all arretted by thu proposed ItKlslatlon, which Is now before the Somite lomniltteu on Irrigation and reclamation or arid Innds for consid eration. I Tin Wfirlf (if flu N'f ui.ll flail tinlrh- ery on Whldb) Island, In Washing-1 'ton, will be ili'inoiiHl rated at the Al-1 iiHku-Yiikon-I'aclflc Kxpositlon this. year. The exhibit ut thu 1009 cxhl jliltlon will bu token from 40,0001 slock mountain trout now In the big hatrhury. fiKTH (JOOI) COMMITTEES. . senator .ilcrrymnii tilirii llmlniuin hilt tit IrrlKiiliuii luliiinltti'v. Senator Merrymun has been well treated III legnrd to committee op-. I -ointment In the Somite. Ills re-) quest wns granted for Chairman of tho Irrigation Committee. Ho was q'l, l''nci1'' "n l'10 following commit. leer: Ways and Means, Public Lands, Medicine. Phnrmacv and Dentistry. tured in tho best committee chairman- shins when President Dowcrmnn of resolutions, which Is ono of the most Influential committees, but al so of enrolled bills, which has a con sldernblo clerkship pationage, owing to tho fuct that this committee must ropy nil tho Sonato bills after they hnvo been passed. Nottlnghnm secured the chnlrmun Hlilp generally most desired, that ot ways and means. Hart has the Judi ciary committee, tbo one most bought nftcr by the lawyers, and thu ono whlrh usually wields tho most power In tho disposition of bills. It is the Judiciary committee that puts most ot llio bills to Bleep by tho Indefinite postponement method, Bingham has 'the chairmanship on assessment and taxation, always an Important com mittee, requiring ronsldernhlo work. Smith' of Marlon has two chairman ships, banking nnd medicine, as also hua Beach, who Is chairman oft In dustries and of penal Institutions, the former a good committee. Par rlsli has two chairmanships, mining und county and state offices.' . SOIL SURVEYS TO BE MADE IN WEST IN IBOtf. WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. Tho Bu leau ot Soils of tho Depuitment of Agiiculttiro announces that during tho tlscal year 1909 Its agonts will piosecute surveys 'ou a scalo ot six miles to tho .Inch In eastern Montana nnd other parts ot the West. The field work or the soil survey Is di vided Into soctlons, the Cheat Plains sections being placed In charge of M. H, Laphain, and consisting ot Mon- L A. OBENCHAIN HAS THE SADDLE Feels Certain From Description that Roy Vesta! Was the Man Who Sold Him A Saddle the Night of Nov. 22 tana, Wyoming, Colorado, Now Mexi co, and parts or North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma mil Texas. Tho 1'aclflc Slates section ,1s in churKO of W. W. Mackle, and con sists or California, Oregon, Washing ton, Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Ari zona. Soil surreys will bo prosecuted In theso sections, and a result will bu Included In thu goncral classification and correlation or tho United Statci which Is bclDK made by .the Bureau of Soils. MAKK ADDItKSS AT IlKItLlX. Itooaetvlt Accepts Imitation to Lcc turc at t'nheralty. WASIIINOTON, Jan. 20. Presi dent Roosevelt has accepted an In vitation of tho University of Berlin to glvo u lecture to the students and faculty of the University In May, of next year. The Invitation was brought by Count von UernstrofT, the German Ambassador. Mr. ltooauvelt, ll Is said, will limit his addresses to ono before thu Sor lionno In Paris, one at tho University or Oxford and tlin ono he has now promised to deliver In Dorlln. NEW IIAKN'OiS COMPANY. Thu Oregon Harness Company which will occupy tho old postoffico hiilldlnR will bo ready for business Kobruary 1. Mr. J. O. Lclnlnger ro turucd Inst, evening from Portland where be purchased a full line or har ness, saddles, leather, etc. Mr. I.eln Ingcr was formerly with tho. Link Wile Saddlery Company, nnd while there established nn enviable reputa tion as an expert In his lino. WAVES SINK HOUSEBOAT. A housobont, belonging to Roy Hnmaker, which was tied up on the lake near Ooellor's mill, was partially sunk last night by tho heavy waves from the lake. It has been occupied until recently, but no ono was In It at tbo time. It was Oiled with water and Is now resting on. tho bottom, with onu corner on the bank. ATTENTION FIREMEN. Firemen's mooting on January 26. Electlqn of officers. Your attendance Is requested. No excuses recognlted, Wm. Baldwin, President. C. T. Oliver. Fire Chief. Help The Doctor By bringing bis prescription to the store where It will bo . tilled .exactly as ho ordored It. ' ' ' No matter how good the doctor may be, tho roooTory of li' patient la much retarded If. the' medicines are net properly' compounded. , He rofers you .to-us because he ,.. knows the ulg. standard ot outwork, 'the absolute polity i. ot the drugs we. use,, which are tho boat procurable; aad the promptness with which we fill all orders. Prices' no higher than are consistent with tho boat of everything. Remember these facts the next time yw have a prescription to be filled Star Drug Store "They Have It L. A. Obencbaln, who arrived laat evening from a visit In Rogua Rlvor Valley, Is quite positlva that Roy Vtsv tal Is the man of whom he purchased a saddlo on tho night of November 22. Ho has seen the photograph aad description of Vestal and they tally with that of the man ot wbeaa he bought the saddle, with the esceptloa that tho man wore rough clothes. Ho went with the man to the corral at the feed stables where he sot tho saddle and bridle from the hone, mast ;be believes that the man waa no other than Hoy Vestal, whom the authori ties nru very anxious to get hold of. Obenchaln has the saddle with, hlas, tavlng brought It from Jackson. Coun ty where he has been using It daring his vacation. NOW HAVE THUEE. Officers Keep Adding to .the Xi of Those In Jail Bapposed la tM Implicated hi Cattle atai Horse Steaiteg. It Is not kuown Just what) tho tare men, Welsh, Llskey and WalUa. who are now In the County Jail, will hare a hearing. Llskey and Wallla wart) Indicted on a charge of stealing cat tle, but were let out on ball. They were again arrested on a charge. It la said, of being Implicated with Walsh In horse stealing. They have not yet been Indicted on this charge and will probably ho held awaiting the action of tho Qrand Jury when they meet again attar a two weeks' recess. It Is also believed I that tho officers hare evldeneo against others and wish to get them Into eua tody, before making anything pub lic. SIX MONTHS IN SCHOOL. 8ALEM, Or., Jan. 19.- ot school for every district la tha stato Is provided for In a bill whfV was Introduced in theuittM by Haw toy of Polk. The mtflRi the out come of tho comblneaBoh of tho educators of the state. Sheriff W. B. Barnes returned thla evening from Salem where ho baa been with tho trio ot prisoners. IM 4 l- a, ,JrUi.waaifca)ls)ealiU.,