.4I J Klnmnlh I'W Flitrt I .mil Ucst Dnily. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. tint in o Tumi) Vi:au. No. 7M. KLAMATH FALLS, OKEGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1909. Price, 5 Cents Ibe COMMENCE WORK ON SWAMP FARM Government Getting Ready to Drain Its 160 Acre Farm Near Railroad On Lower Klamath Marsh The lleihtliiiiHnii HiTvlii' I t iniiii by t lnll- pnnlm, so tlml li) iirlnK l lommi'iim work on llii'lt lln- I'lnl ur tlic hi.ihiiii tin- public will rll.riM. Hint fiirin ni'ur the mlllnml ,1 ae nmre ill llnlle Infnimiitli.n iik In nailc mi tin Mini nil I tin mnilier mr .ll.e uilne ol I hem. IiiiiiIh, iiiiiI IIii i- .1..-,. (li- pllllll' IMIII'III'I. "" "" '"" '"" ami nlll I" luki II down til" lull" l uorro '"'" f""11' hlih consists i.( auniit I'1" "'' I1"11 ulM'iiily been ,nrnid Hh mi 1'iilli.ilikiiiKiit ami a iiimiii: t'iu I ' I"' l'" M '" drain tl"' I'""1 Ail.li' ftt'in tl.i- ! ItiU'til In Im lixti' Li' ' '" di'iiwinlinlo l'" "grl cjltuml ti In" uf tlx' swamp hinds. llir first work in In- uinli'Miik.'ii will U In il"Hriiillic certain i'HKlli"rlllK liruliti'iim Tim eliihuriklni'lit hae trt-n rnl.ittiiitiil In a must milmluu tlal LiAinn'r, an tluit with pumping rttllrnllr nil if I'"' nlr inn Im drained frum H.n eullin tiuil II li lu ls il- imilialinlcil whether II will b rufi'n.ir' In iiiiui'li-lrl) ilralii the UdJi nml Hi" IrtlKtitu by overflow, or I I'll i'. rail u( lln water inn be rtiiot.il a il il Irrigation used "ii tin lands Man) oilier finluies (rum tl rcciu Int. standpoint will Im t ili-l It li pituibl tlal at first all nf tie nt' i hiII tio pumped tiff tin' l.md an Hat Hi ' 'ili-i will ilr up ami tin rwjli die Vfirr tl i engineering prnh- Irmt l.avr lioi'ii settled, i'iirlmi'iil lll lit- made Willi tin' soil In deter mine wlnt crop It will I. rut crow Tie urk nil tlir iTpiilmcnt (arm will I." ntrli. d wild Interest, im nil tin' triiilt il-, i. ill tln future of Unit vast arra nf Klamath Coiinl)' lamia, kniin a Ur marsh hind. II'iKIih He work mi tin' gnwrii-rni-tit (urn wllrli will ln rnrrlcd nn tl U )i'.ir ether r 1 tiifti I will In iroi.O I'ltOI'CltTV TOO 111(111. Mirny Clllcii IihI mi Acioiint of (In- lliipromlnii Itcieheil Tluit City l'rnM'rty Vnliirn nri' ;- II'KnIH'. rniri'i Im-aii nl tin- uertliiii, li nlll i InU iiml lit her a, thai I lie imirali IiiiiiIh nf K lit unit li ari destined In hetiuuc tlin gimt 1 1 Iit) iniiitin Ink hi linn n( tin' I'liltnl Hlnte r.i:.iM.NMi;si' or mains is i:itv in i ri:it. I'M MUM!. N V . Jim I I. -Mar ilinllliiK tin .iiili'iiii' lii tin' trial nl riniiiiti.il J lialiii. Hi- Hlntu's At tiirnc) loila) ri'aiimtiiri I. In iIiihIhk iiii', Mtti-rl) urialKiii'il the d. (.'iiil.ilit ami lila litiitljiT us tun mw aula Unit had followed Mr a Aunt in tin' I! nat t i it I tin-) in I Kill alinnt l.ir liualiiiiiil lii'fnii' In nulil In' warn I Tlnrtnn Until wiltlii'il In lila idalr iimli'i tin mnri IiIhk aariaam, iiml In iiniiil) tiirni'il lila (mu awa frniii tin- Jur Mia AiiiiW wept while tin- Slate's Altnrni') Inlil linw l.nr hiiabumrs ilaitrtir I. ail l.ci n tn'iiiiiln lii"l. ii ml alii' awai'l In In-r -'air na H.inlii. lila mice ritiKlnu with I'lnntlini, aalil Priilil linw nil tlitTt' will Im tm nnri' irlmlial trlala wln-ri' a ili'inl 'iiialiuinl'ii il.ainitff will lie ilraKKi''l inlii tl. lulu1 nf miJiiHillli'il ili'iiuii- lallnli. iiml a wninan'a linmir aaaaa Innti'il liy two inwai I wlm lint" lime In ili-atli lnr liiinlinml Sili'iiillil untili' rl.luilr) fnr tlira.' tun K''ll' IIH'II " 'lln' Statu' Atlnriii'y atlarkul llm till. i nl liifiuill) Hat Iiml lii-i'ii inail'i wltli riKlltil In C'aitalli llnlllH, kii InK t tint It mu tin' plan nf (niinail fnr tin' iti'tcmii' In fiuli'iiMir wlii'ii tliu i'iiiiIiiIii (linn' In trial In "linw tlml In- Iiml hi in i'ii 'I III nii'iitnl lialatiro HI In tnn mniitl.a lifter tin' kllllliK nf AliliN IIOItHK TIIIICK C'AITUItHI). .MIiIiIk'ih I'iikIIUi' From Jualld- for (Iter ii Vi'iir, ('iipliirfd lit .Mnc- iIih'I, ('ullfnriilii. Keep Dry Ma9 If llm iiitnliiK Kiniiinrr iIoi-h not hIiiiw llm Kri'iili'Kt Imalni'HH artlvlty In tlin Iilatnry nf Klamalli 1'hIIk, It will Im llm fault nlnmi nf tlio prnp'Tty nuiii'iH ami illlri'im. I'rnni tircai'iil ImtliiitlmiH HiIh )iar Ik kiiIiik to liu a IiIk iiiii- fin Klamalli KiiIIh ami coun ty. TIiiiiihiiiiiIk of ii'iiilu arn romltiK hi'ii. tn loi hIii ami maku tliclr lioincn ami I'xti'iialvii IiiiIIiIIiik (iu'rntlMiia arc nlrrmly iilmiiicil. TIhtii Im orii' tlilliK, however, that I MnliiK In ri'tanl ili'Vi'loitni'nt, ami tlmt I tlin prlii) of prnpi'rty lu tliU ilt II hii'Iiih (o Im tlin Kcnvrnl Im lirraalnn of pi npln (otnliiK licru with mime) tn InW'xt, that too lilcli n price I put on the property offiTi'il fur mil' I'artli'H liavi! Iicen known to liaM' lift here after tunkliiK Hie atntc Mii'iil Hint It wiih liiii(iaallilii to liny any prnpiTl) In the city at unytliltiK lllie a ri'iiannalili' price. A iiirefiil liieHtlKallun, linw ever, ha illai Inai-il Hie fact that mil)' In a few liiataiid'H turn there heen nil) fiiiirnt.it lull fnr Hitch an luipreHlon. It la true that a ureal many people here iiwiiIiik koihI property, arc not ilealmiia of huIIIuk ami, llierefure, when aakeil to put u price on certain piopert) iln no at a IlKiire that they lo tint expect tn Ixi accepted. The main fnunilatlun fur Hil heller, am- urn; atriitiKcm, thnt iropert) U too IiIkIi. N line to Kiiiue of the men of the illy who are iitteniptlliK to sell properly mi cninmUnlon. Ktery time a at runner enter one of the hotels of II e city he I npprouchctl hy une nf theHu men who nltemptK to veil Mill a lerlalli iteci) of reul eatate. If he I lutereateil enoiiKh to Ink nt the properly am) imk the price, the unle man hcc a (liance lo make n rooiI pliin of money anil name the price arinnlliiKly. After the Btrnncer run up iiKiilnt Hi'M'ral men like thin, no mutter what hi original Intention, he initially leave with the belief Hint property here I out of sight. He leaveM without tunliiK hail nn oppor tunity of fully renlltltiK Hie value of property or learnluK whnt It could he huimht fur. It I not believed thut thei.e conilltloiiM nro any woro lu Klumuth I'iiIIh than eUcwhcre, but they (citnlnly du ilrlvo away tunny proipiH'Ihe realdonta. There ha, however, been a few In atanee where the cxcoaalvo prlco of I properly ha hurt tlio town. There teeiu to he any amount or vncniu I tiiiul lu the neighborhood of the city, jliut fuclorle nnd bitalncsa Institu tion which were coutemplatliiR locut jliiK here, linvu found It nlmot Impos- Hllile to securo a suitable location without pnyiiiK nn outrageous price. lu inoHt cltleH eery Inducement Is of fered for the location of factories, but Klnmnlh Full hus not reached that hMko et. DOItltlH, Jan. 14 Mnralinl John IIukIh'S wiin Inatrutnentnl In the cap ture of a MIchlKan horsa thief nt Mucdoil Munilny. Ilnrry A. Ilcnjn nlln wn the man, arid he In wanted at OKi'iiinw County, Michigan, on a ilinrne of Htciillni; horses, cows, farm liiiplemi'iitH, and In fact cverythlnK lie linppeiied to find Ioohu lit one end. rlherlff llownrd's oftlto nt Vroka was notified soino time iiko thut lien Jiimln wns tliounlit to he In this sec tion of thu uiuntry, and It wns only a few day after HukIich was noti fied that lie wns nblu lo locale his man, who hud been holding down n homeatead In Hullo Valley. Depu ties (leney and Uickyenr came over from Yreku, and II Is snld Hint he mndu u partlul confeHalori of the rrlmu to Iho officers when ho wus tuken. The MIchlKan sheriff Is on hi way here and will Uke llenjamln to the H(eno Of the crime to stand trial. llenjamln ha been a futtltlve from Justice for oter u year nnd during that time was trured to Aberdeen, Vnh,, nnd later to liutte Valley, Oil-Ifornln. No trace hn yet been found uf Kred Alexander, the mnn who broke lull nt Weed a few iiIkIiIs iiko. He was being taken to Yrekn to appear before thu Oram! Jury on a clmrgi if stralltiK onts. WHAT IS IT? INTEREST SHOWN IN WRIGHT TRIAL Much Depends on the Result of the First Local Option Case-lf Cleared Fight Will Be Complete Failure tlfylni; ourselves with somo of the grandest, nnd most essential attri butes of life? Is it not more so of this Kumu than any, other that we learn foresight, which looks Into thu future; circumspection, which sur veys the whole scene of action; cau tion, not to tnuke our mine too has tily; and Inat, but not least, chess de mands u. reasonable exercise of the will on well as of thu Intellect. Most of the tournament members leem 10 tie In favor of percentage piny until the first f October, nnd 'rom the first of October to thu first it the year, to liuve clnss work. I.e. innklng about four clusses, each com posed of members who havo won a curtain percentage or the games play ed during the summer. If you are .1 friend .of chess or wish to tako part In the tournament, do not fall to at tend the meeting on Suturduy evening at 7:30 In the Military Hand Hall. L. W. Miller. TO KKKKAT CHAMIIKIti.AIN. ICravenette Rain Coats and Overcoats AT special prices Complete Stock of Rubbers KKK STORE KLAMATH FALLS' BEST VALUE GIVERS I'l.ANS Cltl.MIXAIi ACTION. Itellalile Authority Tluit Itooacvclt Will Hrliiit Hult Agalnat l' mth in New York. WA8IIINUTON, Jan. 14. It Is learned today upon reliable authority Hint the Department of Justice has turned over to United Slates District Attorney Stlmson of tho Southern District of New York, all tho papers connectod with the ranama Canal purchase that has boon tho target (or criticism for tho last six months. It la bel loved this transfer Is made with tho vlow of bringing criminal action In Now York against publishers of nowBpnpors who havo been held re sponsible for tho reflections on men connected with tho transaction. At torney Stlmson, It Is oxpoctod, will turn tho pnpors over to District At torney Jeromo for presentation to tho Qrund Jury that a suit may bo brought under tho laws of New York, A strange animal has been seen wandering on the Ico between Duck Islnnd and Howard Day. It Is report ed as of collossal site, of a dark col or and very slow of motion. Viewed with a field glass it resembles a griz zly bear but of such monstrous pro portion as to mako one shudder while looking, as to what the mon ster Is doing out on the Ico n mile from shore Is 'puzzling. Someone snld, "There nrc strnngcr things In Heaven nnd earth than In philosophy," nnd there may be strnn gcr thing In tho Klamath forest than anyone has yet seen, and It makes ono nervous to think of this mon- Hlrou thing, whntover It Is, wander Ing on tho frozen faco of the grent Klnmnlh l.nke. The above mystery was again lo cated hero yesterday evening on tho Ire a mllo or so off Squaw Point. The boys who nro trappers first took It to bo a largo black bull and start ed out to mako a closer Inspection, but when they discovered that the murks on tho Ico wcro not those or nny kind of a cow, but marks of hugo claws, they concluded that the high rocky promotory of Squaw Point was. near enough to view, from which vantago ground they took long rnngo shots with their Savage rifles, but with no moro effect thun to elicit, as they thought, a low bellow or roar, nor could their bear dogs bo Induced to advanco a foot towards tho mys terious thing. What Is It, an apparition, n' mlr- nge, or somo monstrous megatherium resurrected by somo fato unknown to usT ' Commodore Nosier. Ilellcc(l That Hitchcock Ii Taking a llniiil In the Oregon Fight. I'OHTI.AND, Jan. 14. Thnt n Jeaperato effort I being made to de-. feat Governor Geo. K. Chamberlain, tho people's- cholco for United States Senator from Oregon to succeed Chas. W. Fulton, becomes moro cer tain as the days pass. That Krank Hitchcock, Chairman of the National Republican Commit tee, Is taking n hand In tho fight Is Indicated by tho fnct that Italph Wil liams, Republican National Commit teeman, Is here, as also Is 'Oi'msby Mcllarg of Chicago, said to bo tho personal representative of Hitchcock In tho fight to defeat Chamberlain. This Is not Mcllarg's first visit to Oregon. Last fall ho spent some tlmo here endeavoring to harnlonlzo dls cordnnt elements within tho Repub llcan party. That tho antl-Chambcrlnln forces will mnp out n lino of campaign be tween now and next Tuesday, when tho first ballot In tho Senatorial con test Is to bo taken, Is certain. It Is expected that Williams, Mcllarg and others Interested will get together in this city and develop somo scheme In an attempt to weaken tho State ment No. 1 forces. Tho first trial under the local op tion law In Klamath County was com menced In tho Circuit Court this morning, In tho caso of tho State vs. Iko Wright. The Slato Is represent ed by Harris & Irwin, who wero ap pointed by the Court to assist tho Prosecuting Attorney, and the defense I s being conducted by .Attornoys Tlios. Drake and R. S. Smith. At 2:30 this afternoon eight jurors had been selected, the defense excusing five. As tho panel had been exhaust ed, tho Court ordered a special ve nire of six summoned. Tho Jurors selected nro: J. II. VanMeter, J. J. Arant, J. M. Ander son, Krcd Loosley, John Forbes, W.Y. Garrett, Kd. Uloomlngcamp and John Matney.- Exceptional Interest Is being man ifested In this case, as on the result will' probably depend future actions In tho local option cases. Mr, Wright is tho only ono against whom an In dictment for selling liquor has been returned, and It Is believed that tho Grand Jury Is awaiting tho outcome or his caso before considering the charges against a number of other men In the city, who wero bound ov er after a preliminary hearing await ing action of tho Grand Jury. If Mr, Wright Is cleared by the jury. It Is believed that there will be no more local option cases tried at this term of Court, and tho fight made by those opposed to the saloons will have been a failure. It Is also quite as certain that If Mr. Wright Is found guilty by tho jury, that other Indictments will be brought In. Tho people 61 tho city naturally are greatly Interested In the outcome, and from, tho attendance this after noon, the Indications are that the Cburt Houso will bo crowded to It full capacity during the course of the trial. AT TUK OI'KH.V HOUSE TONIGHT. "Woman's Way,' a beautiful dra matic picture showing the nature of tho feminine sex that Is, some of them. "Rheumatism," comic. "The Bad Man," .a tale of the West." "Wonderful Flames," colored trans formation. Now songs. THK 1IENKK1T OF CHKS8. That tho chess tournament of 1909 promises to bo qulto a success Is 'not only manifested by the unutfudlly largo number of players already en rolled, but the conditions ot the sec ond tournament will be such .thnt ov ory chess player In tho city and ocniiA ty, no matter how busy a man ho njS bo, will bo ablo to tako part In 'a play that Is ono ot the most happiest com binations ot diversion, amusement, and Instruction, at our present time. While the most ot us look at chess as a mere mental recreation, aro we not at tho same time laying hold, tor- Help The Doctor i t.i "-By bringing his proscription to tho. store where It will be " filled exactly . as, --be ordoredt1t. .t , "' " No matter how good the doctor may bo, the recovery , Qf a pstlout -Is much retarded It tho medicines are not properly compounded. He rofera ycrtr to us because he knows' the high standard, ot-our work, tho absolute purity' 'Sf 'tho dpgs wo .'use, which' -Jaro .the best '.procurable, 'and the' promptness- with which' wo DU all. orders. Prices no'- blgheVt)iaii ,a,re consistent-'with 'the best ot . everything.' "Remombor these tacts tho next time you -have. a prcBcrlpdon to. .bo. filled. ' '"' , , Star Drug Store "They Have It" I