MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY S 303 frim i . a invi. i lit lAlJi '"itir'tHS At SI raw . iwjs ICJ I :; PiMM J Hi Trrvrii hi . ?. .S2T & S Kit- , H B'. V(m ft TUifi K.S! y m lm eliVtf Si? It SO PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 FER ACRE AND UPWARDS. EASY THE EVENING HERALD Imu1 Dslly, Eiccpt Sunday, bjr Uit HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor HUBSOKIFTION RATKB J)lly, by insll, on year A 00 Dally, by mall, lis months 2 M Dally, by mall, thrva months 1 at Dally, by mall, uno month ft) Dally, delivered by carrier, on week 15 KLAMATH FALLS. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1908. HlUtltU-iX NEWS. Win. McCluro was nt the Ankcny ranch Friday to buy butter and vggn, but did not succeed In these rare articles. Several loads of lumber ero haul ed to Money Bros, camp Krjday. Hiram Hoberts nnd son. Homer, nri- selling beef from the wnnon, In i our neighborhood, school. Ola Smith and Maud IIokks The social at the Methodist church t went to the Kails for a horsebuck Saturday night was a delightful oc-irlde Saturday. While enJo)lnK u laslon. much enJo)ed by all present. (swift trot, Mnud fell off, but fortu A program of music and addresses nately was not hurt, was first presented. After the pro- M. Lovelady visited Nelson Smith gram an Informal lunch was served, i Sunday. The church was crowded to over I Mr. E. W. Smith visited her sis- h Intends to spend Christmas. Nelson Smith came home Sunday to islt with his parents, Mr. and Mm. E. W. Smith. O. Short went to town Saturday with a nice lot of sausage aud head cheese. E. W. Smith's team ran awuy with him Thursday, breaking the tiny rack. Two of the girls enrolled In our Mowing. W. W. Masten has gone to Imperial Valley, California, on a business trip. Cnle Oliver, who lost twelve bead nt horse about a week or two ago, found them In the mountains last week. W. W. Masten has bought a now S1S00 traction englno to pull his sage brush rake and plow. ter-ln-law, Mrs. Fred Smith, Sunday. J. C. 8ayers left for Dorrls, on u business trip the first of the week. H. Anderson made a trip to the Falls last week to lay In his winter's supply of groceries. Tom Roberts had the III luck to have all of his potatoes enten by Mr. Pickett's bogs this fall. J. D. Hooper has sold J. C. Saers Cbns. llorton returned to his homo 14 head of hogs at C cents per pound from Merrill where ho has been try- Charlie Baldwin, of Klamath Kails. Ing to buy some rattle. Is hauling hay from tho Masten and Miss Delia Mclhase Is going to have , Ankeny ranches, a Christmas tree at her home on ( E. W. Smith visited J. C. Sayers Chrstmas eve. i last 3aturday. K. W. Smith butchered ten bead I Miss Oladya was out to spend Sun of hogs last week. ,day with Miss Maud Boggs. Hoy Kinsman, who has been on There are 101 head of cattle stand his homestead In the mountains for, Ing In the barn of J. D. Hooper, the past month, came down last week j Lionel Roberta and Oak Boggs went to visit a day or two with Jas. Dixon I hunting Sunday and brought down a and Everett Klrkendall, before leav ing for his old home In Iowa, where a big honker. A special school meeting Is to be held nt the Suiumeis school house I I Saturday, Dee lUth I Our teacher. .MM (Inrrlsun. suit ed I lie town ucliool hut week. i J. D. Hooper Iiiih iIiii! his well deep er, and rimls tho water much better ' Josso Turner, who has bion on an1 extended business trip through Cl- Itornln, returned to tho Falls last' week lleit Slioit Ik plowing on his ranch Mm. James Dlton spent Tuedu with her nlxti'1-lti-lnu'. Mrs, l.uui Short. . Our new solum! stable n com- pleted last week, and our horses nre so proud of It. that they hold theh : heads sowritl Inches higher than the I did before. I Some of the illstrlctH adjoining ourH hne lomplnlncd to the nlllvo ( Hint we are getting nil the mites from their districts. Now we can suggest only one remedy for this disaster. If juti don't want us to get our uowh wake up and get It )ourself Master Oak Hoggs nnd l.lonol Itnli Inson went to the Falls with some ducks last week. J C. Sayers Is now working on the 11. W. White ranch. He expects to finish his contract about Janunry 15. Miss Ola Smith Waited at Mrs. II. L. Hoggs Sunday. -e-r 8TAII TAIUMtlNU HOl'Hi:. TERMS Buy "His" Christmas Gifts at a Men's Store Ladies are especially invited to visit our Store. Here you can find an abandance of good things that will please men folks Ladles' nnd Oeuts' Suits made tin rder. Cleaning, pressing and repair- ng a specialty. Main St., Wilson Hlk 7-lino EM.MITT HEYES, Prop. In buying Drugs, Chemicals and their official prepara tions, we buy only from the most reliable sources, insuring the Highest In QuaUty. Men's Suits . . $10 to $40 Men's Overcoats. $ 9 to $30 Boys' Suits $3 to $15 Boys' Overcoats . ... $3 to $ 1 2 Smoking Jackets $5 to $10 Pajamas $3 to $5 Dress Shirts 75c to $3.50 Boycr Hats $3.00 Hole Proof Hosiery. . . $1.50 Silk Underwear $2 to $.1 Sweaters $1 to $5 Fancy Vests $1.50 to $5 Neckwear 35c to $ J Silk Suspenders. . . ,50c to $250 The Portland Clothing and Shoe Store AGENTS FOR HART, SHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHING. VV. L. DOUGLAS SHOES. AND HOLE PROOF HOSIERY. CHITWOOD DRUG CO. I 1 Ham )ini tried one n( thono Hun I.'agle cigars lit the Monarch? The best llie-cviil clgnr 011 the niurkst 20 -.- The American Hotel lilulng Itoom Is open all nlgi.t. o) iters ry day. l-tf Gifts That Will Please Each and every article in our Holiday Stock was very carefully selected. Nothing was bought hap hazard. We believe in securing goods which will PLEASE. To secure gifts that will please, just visit our store and see our large and varied stock. The stock is now complete; make early selections. 1 SmgsHaSV t ? W Via Idtal Xaai tilt for hia V X M or ktr gift wblca wilt u I M ostd suaj tUMS a dsr sll 4 Us rsar (or otisy jssrs. I ' I PAim Lucky Ounr I A Fountain Ptn 1 A lfaar kMaUfat. artistic fl- M Y UK alias la spsctai Xoaa H X BBv ben. Pries, fro MM L 1140 ap. Ussws MfM yoaaaaFirksr JWHl 4 HVJk UskyOisrM. MWLM tKM rom v hi i r ww sisisiiiiiiihhs) Wa $r HOTEL HOUSTON RATES Single Meals 35 cents Meal Tickets, 21 Meals - - $5.00 Rooms - - 25 and 50 cents per night Rooms - $1.50 and $2.00 per week . J. A. HOUSTON, Proprietor BALDWIN 6c BALDWIN Not Brothers; Just Plumbers PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS CONTRACT WORK A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Work Guaranteed CHAS. K. WOItDKN i'rvsldcnt A. M. WOHIiKN Cashier H Ml MKI.IIASt Vi.'irpi!ll The American Bank and Trust Co. imxR DRUG STORE C f o fi on A1T7 AM tne newest things in OiailUllCiy. coect stationery in beautiful gift boxes. One of the most satisfac tory gifts. Prices from 50c. to $2.60. Candies: Toilet Sets: Perfumes: An i(Jeal gift for a lady is a nice gift package of her favorite perfume. We keep all the, standard odors in beautifully decorated, and artistic gift boxes. Fresh for the Holidays from Nunnally's factory by express We are particularly proud of the sets wo are showing this year. In sets from three to ten pieces in beautifully decorated boxes. Fine Brush Gifts: fMua,nya7d- beautiful presents can be chosen from our fine line of bristle goods. BIG LINE OF COPYRIGHT NOVELS JUST RECEIVED ; The above is only a small portion of our immense Xmas stock. By : all means see these goods soon, while all lines are unbroken, fresh .. JL m m m sa. m ana aauuy. womc ana iook. leu your irienas to come also. STAR DRUG STORE Jr t : I lilJi.ll IpII ' - CJ " " 3. . - J ' i The Christmas Emporium" "They Have It." CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. 0th and MUn Street cee :. vwfffMW DON'T BAKE Let us do it for you. Everything Home Made. Pri1 j Kcasonabie. BREAD A SPECIALTY. Wo put up box lunches; also luncheg for hunting flWD, and picnic parties. :: A trial will convince you that n ia cheaper to buy thun to bukc. KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY I AND DELICATESSEN 4 Get Our Rr.ri r r.ufiin t ""TTTTTTTrr'TfTT'f f'T'1 f'l'fln f'T rr Tf Tint mm i mil , nilj