Bbe Keftuo. Klamath Falls' First ottd Best Dally. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. wmD YKAK. No. 737. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1908. Price, 5 Cents Jatmox iit'XNKu defeated. Uagbosl, Famous Imk Ay ''' IiiiIIhii lliiiini'r, nun Hunan in TViriityl Mile """' SEW YOltK. Duioliito IMulll, nf curl liiy '"''" "' '" ' Lies III ' Miirnllioii I"'" l Mml , tfcpinro llnidou by Tom; Li lliu utiilurfiil Canadian Indian nttit. DuiwJo UmI '"", "f l1'" ' ,nd, ufai-ii wllhln sight tf Hii' tilth lino uciuiiibi-a to I'thuusllun. UbiIkmI miUlitim "I"''" "' - -.06 j.t, Ibo mark being ! 8-5 seconds ,lowrr Hi" l'1"1 ostubllshod y "" nJo In UN ""'" "K""11 Jli"" II,,, wriilly Tli dlilmnu w n 20 all. J& , . , Looruosl's tactics worried Durnn- do conldrrnbl and '"' proliubl) trtpomlbli for Hi" Italian's defcnl liorsndo took lliu km! t Hi" tail .id tsBtnlnltivU II marly oil Km dl- tM((, rtrrpl win1" Longboat nnrltl loto Ibt lead tut brief intervals Tb Brsl flvw "1lt developed a (ruelllD( race between the pair U riodo kept In lli" cmniiiniidlng l'l' Hon ill lh distance, bill ()' Indian tmihrd him hard. Tim flvn mlK- n turord tnluulo faster lliHii tint Do. rndo-IUyr raco. Uuigbosl censed sornlng lb Italian for several miles, tbta b took Ul the spurting luellc ijiln. doing Inlo tin' fourteenth mile, tlm ttJ uisn took tliu load awny frmn llm ullTfiklnnril athlete. l.iiiiKlonl'ii timtM lie : abend t tin- prev loot tints uf Doraudo aud ll)es fur M ttllrs. This done longboat ul lottJ Dorando to Inko tlm lead In tb ilittcntb uillv. In tbe followlnu mllu both Mini ittktotd visibly, longboat npiM-mrltiK tb orM off, However, the I ml In n rillltd wondsrfully ttud his Ionic, islsitng lopi-strldo carried blm ihMii lo tht tviilletli iiiIIk. Three Bllw fsrthtr tbn Inillmi regained the Itsd U lost In tbu iw.nty-nrst mile. Porindo took Inn lead In tli twenty fourth nil and hold It until thu bt- tlulngof tbtt.nty-tlitb mllu. Here ist'wondsrrul endurance of tho In dia! ibowrd ItMlf and ha took tlic ltf away from th Jadad fori-lKm-r. la tht dmI half inllo linKbuat UbIUbrd a quartrr lap W-ail. Iorati damadt a (real effort lo rccotvr tin M (round but collafied when n Unit over half way through thi uillf. Dorando, It will bu raniorotwrt'd, collapird In tbe running of llio Ul)iii. pic Marathon racv in Uindon, Kiik Uod, Uit July, htliiK hratcn out by IUjtm, I lie Ainvrlran. IU-, Uhik boat and Dotando arv now proli- ilontla. llll)M lllllKIT tlmt the woili would luuo I I IIiiIhIii'iI by llilx 1 1 til . Tim r.iiv-1 'III It 'HrJlHM'IH lllltK lllMIMTtffl llll' work mill In u t, npou n,,. i t-li will liiivn lo bit luwi-icil fioin two lo thri'o Ilii'lii'M 'IbU In kIow work mi mctouiiI (if III" KIOIUlil luting fluI'll mdiiiiii.i, iickiiiii ni:iH. 1". Hli'Wiul A. en, hIiIiiim it nil Imnl of polo ii'inl.-H fiuiii tlm llnrliry iiini'li (o Wooillaml, Ciil., lint wi-i'k Jny Mllrhi'll tlm i-nllri' lii-nl of 7T rntllv In Mi-rrlll hint wink Tliurii with K0 Ill-mi, unit 3Do worn liiki'ii lo tin' mill Miit Kiln woiik for liniiit'iiinio u In iln miirki'i 'I lie I'll!!' iHllll WUII t fa ll'lllH HnMiklnK of IiIk thliiKx nini of llic MtiMMM mii ,y M Miller or l.nki vli', to Tho Dki'iir Mi-at Cn., uml wi'lulii-il nt .MiTrlll.tniuliiMl tin' m uli'x nl IS In imiiiiiiU 'I tint 'w tiri'tty bU 'Tim Hi roiil rilllnr vn-lttlm 'Jin ihmhiiIk hllinti'lf, bill IIii'hit iliit!Ui' nli'iTn. iiiltn, nml iiiuli'n, ii i on ml thin pliicu of till', inoiliirl", innku tj t 111 fvul llkti N hiiiiiII Imliito NEW SIPREME COURT DECISION Can Try Old Gases on Information Filed By District Attorney Without New In dictment By Grand Jury C'hrlHtinnn i.'iitortnltimcnt Klvcn by tin' Humliiy Hchool. Tliln Im to hi a .MlHMloiniry (JlirlKtinitH. 'J'Iki Wi'uk of I'ruyiT, to bo oborv cil by thu clitirchui of tho city united ly, bi'KlnH Juu 3rd. Hiiicliil CvuriKcllHtlc m-rvlci.-H to ho jcoiicliictcil by tho Ili-v. Adam Mormon, I of CIiIcuko, will bof;ln on Jan. 10th. I Wntch for furtluT iinnouncomonts, Cli:o. T. 1'JIATT, 1'Mtor. NOW AN l.VCOIH'OHATKU TOWN. 'llorrli Vote In Favor of Incorpora- tloif'l'wo I'ormiT Klnmiitli Falls .Men Anionic First Officers Elected. Noiio of tbo miliKTouH iioriioiiH coti'ia crlmo oxn-iit by n r.nitid Jury, It vliiod uml niciiiii'il iiiiiIit liifoniinlloii' cont-fnl-il Hint HiIh rmiilorcd In-, ni.'il by vi.rl..u. liUlrlct .M)n(.y!vi'lld tho DLtrltl Attorn.-y's Itiformu- Itloim. uml iniiilcri-il iicri'imurv n re union.' ino ki uiiu jury iimi'iiiiiiiniii 10 Tho pcopto of tho town of DorrU voted Hlmoit unanimously In favor of Incorporation at tho special elec tion held thcro tbe first of the week. There wore only Ave dissenting votes. The following officers woro elected: Trustees, K. L. Oliver, Fred Moss, Dr. A. A. Atkinson, T. F. McLaughlin and tbu ( 'omit It ut Ion wont Into ellicl. will khIii bin llhrrly ny rcnium of thu urn I'lnliniiiit, us witn foiiri'd by thu prouu ruiliu: ullkliils and bopi'il by tin do fotnlmit 'Ibo ili'i'Mlon of ttio Hupinino Court In ila Jew Nun cimv )i'ulonlay i- stibuilHslon of tbu uno lo tlm Krund Jury. Tho Hupri'iiin Court, In IioIiIIiik tliu t tho constitutional nmoutlmunt did not rcpotil or cIiiiiik" tho law un der which tho Information!! woro filed, ovortunis this theory. Tlio Uiipreniii Court diuwn it dlstlnc- I nun uuinoeii i;iiurKHiH u jji'ibuu i'.sm:.jKitN. Tho follow Inc. pnnni'iiK'Tn wont out on tlm bunt this inoniliiK: Mr. mid Mrs It V Hiillon, JiiH'ph I'crry, Mrs (I () llriinileiiburc II N IMson, J. II I'nrker, l(o Walker, John Hdiiih'II, II ll Mrdlnsbahl 1. II Ornish), II I' Tlii'l.". II lluii.T. II. I). Poster. Mrs i: Hiilton, Mrs. J, Krell, Curl Hluiuioiis, M Hblveri, I'enrl HnrdliiK. John LobeiK, 1' IliirKln. Miles l.lp pert, Hleltn l.lppert, Juck Purber mid (leo l.ullls muu-i all diitiKer ol a leversnl of un ,,,,, a KtUnu hHll ..,rJ.tlK'' or "1)ror. or thi'Sf uises on this icrouiid. Tho !,,,.,, nR.. Mm rhv t.itirKliiK, It Ik tourt held that tlm Infortunium", filed i 1C.)(), cmnintH In the wrlttun uccusu b tho Dlxtilil Atlornoys heforo ' tlrxi. and nil thoso nrcused by Infor- nmendnieiit lit ran tlectlvn nro alld tnnilctn woro locally "chnrKod." uml the ensiH may ho prosecuted lo T,ur u ,,,1,1,,,. t1(, nmciidmont their final delerinlnallon which prcvenln 11 contlnumuo of tlm IIk'iiiiho an miioiiiliueiit provides trial under tho Information, by which thai mi person shall ho chawd wltli ino cmirKiuK was 110110. iciegraiii. , Duptlst Sorvlcvs Hahbath School ! at 10; tnornlni: worship, 11 a.m. ll.Y.P.U. at 7:20 p.m.; evening wor ship, 8 p.m. ltll.... .1... .....I MIM... iu h u. ..ui. ... u . ..U,i- . Tobe Tren. lor. " will ho tho subjects of tho nor- I motiH which Itov. V. C. W. I'arkerl"uror. Jc" : Marshal. John will prench ut thu Ilaptlst church to morrow nt 1 1 u. in, und 7:30 p. m. Mr. l'arkcr Is tho gcnornl mission ary of tho Daptlsts In OrvKon, having churKu of tho missionary activity of tho denomination In this statu. He was for soiim juurs associated wuti Dr. I'. S. Ilcnton, onu of the most prominent leaders among tho Bap tists, lie clato pastor of thu creat Tremont Totnple, 0110 of tho most unique and widest known Ilaptlst churches In America. All nro welcome. HKV. J. H. aitlFFJTU, Pastor. Itughos. I SKUVICKS AT IIIK CHLItCIII. lillCI'IT lllfllT ni:vh. Tho trlnl of thu rami of Wltlirow. Melliii.e Co s A M Taylor, it ul. Is still roltiK on Thu defclmo Is pre inlliiK their into today. Jimi Cobiirii, Indicted for stl'slliiK n row from J.t). Wlnlil, nus nrrulKiied this inornlni: and entered 11 .plea of not pilliy HI trlnl " sot for Jnn uar 7 Tho Indictment wus found 1 two enrs nKO 1 Mrs, Frnnn-s Wills will leave In jtho inoniliiK on her return lo her I home nl Vnnroiiwr, Wash H( IIUI,.ltH (IF I'l'III.IC hciiooi. i:.vri:itTAi.v. Servkes will bo held In tho several Tho pupils of tho Fifth and Blxtl. j jhurclii-a of Klamath Falls Sunday as crudes uf tlm 1'ubllc Hchool nuvo un j'"110"- unlerlaluuient lust eieuliiK at llm Gruce Metliotllst Klscoial Church school bulldllii: lo tho purelits and 'Huhbnth school 10 u. m with classes iltltfiii An InleiestltiK proKruiu was jfor all nKes. Subject: "Tho ltlrth rendoied and nllvi refreshments werolof Our Saviour " 11:00 n. in. Tho sorted an iturtlon wni hold of fancy I sermon will bo (.specially for tho artli'loi uiuilu by the Kills. JudK", members of tho Sabbath School. Tho lleiiuoii atted 111 aulloueer and SL'C.OO Ipnronts as well as the children uru !iu iiulUed from the sale The lllKh ' ureil to ho preio'iit 011 this occasion. HcImmiI orrhi'Hiia fiiiulnhed some ex-1 7:00 p. m. Upworth League. Sub rellent uiiihIi' which was greatly np- Ject: "Tim Open Doors." 7:30 p.m. ' pn elated by the lari;o nudk'ui'i', uiim- Illnhop I'uddock, of tho Kpltcopal bvihiK ovei onu hiiiidred. Thu pro- Church will preach and conduct tho (eeilR will lie ail 11 en 10 1110 luuu iur iCYunine norvicu. I the sillily of bird life Tho public Is cordially Invited tot 1 these services. Strangers spoclallyj .iackm.n n.r.vrv mav hi:nii clcon,R bca,r T'0,m D I 1. 11. ki-b, rMiui.' For a town but a few weeks over a year old, Dorrls has had a won derful development. Thoro hat been no boom, ct today tho population Is close to 600, with about sixty school children enrolled. Tbero are threo gonoral merchandise stores, and ex clusive clothing and gents' furnish- was lnit with him as asso- nK store, an cxcluslvo grocery store. drug store, furniture Store, black smith shop, confectionery and notion store, two barber shops, three hotels, two boarding houses, threo restaur ants, a substantial banking Institu tion, large lumber jard owned by the Weed Lumber Company, two livery stables, billiard hall, opera bouse, el even saloons, Jail, doctor, two church es and a newspaper. Christian Hclence Services will be held In the Ilaldwln Ilulldlng Sunday ul 11 u in. Subject: "Is tho Uni verse, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Forco?" KpUcopnl Service nishop Pad dock, of tho Episcopal Church, will hold services tomorrow (Sunday) as follows: At 11 a. m. In tho Opera IIoudo and at 7:30 p. in. In tho Meth odist Church, (.sol nt tho Chamber of Commerce room as previously an nounced). .Ul are Invited to both these ser vices. The Illshop has been visiting Lake view lately, and on Monday goes to Tho Dulles for Christmas. Church of Sacred Heart Mass dally at 7:30; Sundays at 10:30 a.m. WABNINO. sri:i:i. to mav SCNII WASHINGTON. SOITII lUtANCH CANAI. IH I'lMCTICAM.V COMI'l.nTF.I. W. II Mason Is In the city today from Ids ramp near Merrill. He lUtu Ihut bin contract with the guv runsut In about completed, Must of Ihr rrew have been let utf und ho feu only kept a few men und teams lo put tho fliiUliliix lunches on tlm lob. The roiil met called for tliu con tMCtlon nf seven miles of ditch. 1 1 lt wldd 1111 the bottom mid 32 foot o top. Mr. Mnsun says that If tlm ld wrutber had held off fur h few We Hie u-iuly fol Nlnns. Wlnteln- 1 NothliiK nicer fur a Xmns present than 11 bos nf Holeproof Sox. Ladles and Men's. Tlm Portland Store IS Ijut rliiluriluy I toy Kllnoro suld In J II llelliiltd nf Ukevlew a title brown Missouri Jack weighing 12 'Hi pounds. The prlie pnld was lliimi Mr Kllgnre had two Jinks, a brown and 11 lm. but nil Inter of mull's pronounced tlm lunwn mm llm best of the two as It had superior style and nrtloti. llunnuin lliilletln. Allhoiigh I In kaiser's Incuuio Is 1 1 U.OIHl.oiMl uiinmilly, his runner magnificent scnlo uf lltlng has ho ox liaiislol his resniirri'H that he has been cumpellid lo sell lands, caslles and tlm liusseldorf ro)nl palace. II Is suld tho Imperial ramlly must prat tlm rigid econnmy fur an Indefinite time. The Mi'dfmd Culiiliierclnl Club iiassed It lesululloii rvcnmmelidlUK 1 and urging that Will (I. Sleel bo ap- ....i..t...l 1. it 1I1.. .t.sitttlv -v-iurt iif Jiirl :7( jn; ;:v:p;.;.aV. or ' dromon High.- I'reshylorlnn Chun b The usual services In the church at tho regular hours. Morning sermon; "Fishers of Men." Evening sermon, "Tho Day Prompt, Reliable Service Jackson Cuiiut) and Its people, to go to WnMhliiKtoii to urge an appropria tion lm llm Crater l.uko road, and) thai such rcnuoiiabln appropriation ho made as may bo necessary to defray his expenses to Washington city aud return. lleluueli 30,0(10 and 3S.000 work muii ) early nro killed in accidents In this tommy, accordlni; to tho report ol tint bureau of labor. Kcports cov ering Dm years of ltlOO to 1'JOC, show llmt out of oor 0110 million deaths of mules, more limn nine per cent worn duo lo accidents. In tho niilhra Iclto mines of Puuusyhaulu, during ten )eurs, theiu havo averaged an nually IMS filial accidents for Mcry 1000 ouiplo)od. Thu death rutu from accldenl In tho llrltlsh coal mines Is only 1.29 per 1000. Koports or tho Inierslulo Commerce Commission have shown that dmlng tou years lii,:0:i iitllruad tialumon lo.l tlieir lives In accident, ccjuhulcnt to 7. 40 ck'ullia per 1000 omployocs. On Thursday evening, Dec. 24, will bo tho annual Christmas tree and Only a few more days to buy your Christmas presents. Winters, the Jeweler, carries the most complete stock In tho county. 18 Tho Monarch Mcrcanttlo Co. will carry a complcto lino of vegetablos from the California markets. Fresh shipments dally. 10 T1MMR-WAHD. A marriage license was Issued this afternoon to Williams Tlmmt and Calllo M. Ward. Wm. Tlmmt Is tho colored porter at the Klamath Barber Shop and the bride will arrive on the boat this evening from Chicago. Tho marriage will tako place tomorrow. OPERA HOVSR TOMOHT. New Pictures, New Songs. Laa 11 Orchestra and social dance after tho show. I havo a number of very pretty odd pieces In the popular Chantllly pattern sterling silverware. Mctlattan Homo made neckties will make an Ideal Christmas present. The Port land Store. IS A choice line or Cigars and tobacco at tbe Monarch Mercantile Co. 30 Really a royal Xtnas gift an Edi son Phonograph. See Muller, cor. th and Main streets. 18-lw WE are prepared to handle all Baggage Orders and Heavy Freighting. Gooda stored or packed and forwarded to aU points. Let us save you time and trouble by handling your shipments for you v We are equipped with up-to-date Piano Trucks and can handle with safety all heavy or bulky goods :: :: O.K. TRANSFER & STORAGE PHONES: COMPANY service Day 1 1 1 Office, 871; Barn, 873 and Night Senator Dick, (Hop., Ohio). Intro duced 11 lOHullllloil this week urging Uml February 12. l'JO'J, tbu ono-huu- 1 1 id tli uiiiilvouiiry uf tho birth of Ahiuhuui Lincoln he celebrated Iu u llllliii. tillilllli.t lilt UU-UO.ttM thnl 1 1 Inn 0 tin a Joint sessloil ol tlio two housiM of eoiiRii'ss on thai day to lis ten lo 1111 uppioprlalo uddremi upon tho lliu. vhnructer, gonitis, putrloilsm mid public ncrvlcoi) of tho stutesmun who guided safely tho ship of stato through lis greatest peril and to otu- utwl.y commemorate lu Qttlng wan ner hla Invaluable services to tho na tion. Ho auKcats that the centennial ho celebrated by tbe whole country, through mooting. In ovary city and town ol orKanltod bodies of cilltons. und thui spoclal services should bo hold iu ull unlvmsltles, colleges, aud uchools. A monument to Lincoln, to ho erected in Washington, worthy of his great fumo, his service to buninu- lty uud to his couutry, is also pro posed, e Do Your Shopping at this Store. Largest stock of Toys and Dolls. Xmas Goods. Ap propriate Gifts for all. Here are a Few Suggestions for MN K k K STORE Kk K STORE Watch me (or Watches. McHattair. LADIES FIXi: I'MHHICLLAH SIIOPPINO HAUS I'l'ltSKS fanuv JL'i.nrrs FCIt TIUMMED (AU Colors) FASCINATOHS AND SHAWLS NEWEST 8TVI.ES DRESS SHOES FINE WlXTKIt WAISTS LACK CURTAINS TAHI.E SETS CLOTHS AND NAPKINS TO MATCH FANCV IIANDKERCIIIEI'S AND COLLARS IIDKF. UOXES WOIIK UOXES .MANICURE SETS TOILET SETS Itl'lUIEK HOOTS Rl'GS COATS AND PONY JACKETS SWEATER COATS INDIAN BASKETS, ETC. ETC. CHILDREN SUSPENDERS AND NECKTIES (one In Boa) FANCV SOX IN XMAS DOXES XMAS IIANDKEHCHIEFS M'lT CASES KID OLOVES Sl'EDE SILK LINED GLOVES WOOL MITTENS AND OLOVES FANCV WAIST COATS SLIPPERS, ALL STYLES WAI.K-OVEH DKESS SHOES WINTEIt CAPS COLLAH AND CUFF UOXES NECKTIE UOXES PAJAMAS, NIGHT GOWNS FINE VMUHELLAS A STETSON 1LVT WOOL SOX OVERCOATS FINE SILK SHIRTS SWEATER COATS FINE DRESS SHIRTS FANCV WOOL UNDERWEAR RUDDER BOOTS AND 8BO B ETC., ETC. TOYS OF ALL KINDS DOLLS DOLLS BOOKS GAMES HALLS GUNS TOOL CHESTS TRAINS GUNS MECHANICAL TOYS RUBBER BOOTS COATS CAPS MITTENS KNICKERBOCKER SUITS FINE DRESS SHOES AND SCUFFERS HOODS TOKES ETC., ETC. Fine Doll and Auto mobile to be given away Xmas. R. K. K. STORE THE SANTA CLAUS STORE v! .1 "". h 1 ., ""Mm