MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY rS 303 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. EASY TERMl mi k i j r i rr hi. ISM It' i. t liYA If 1 IH Hi I ( I ill I 'Urn Ijp THE EVENING HERALD Issued Dally, Except SuniUy, by t)m HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor 80B8CKIPTION KATES l(u( WYtlm-nlii) Mr IiIh old Inline, Chlirilmi, luwn, to spt'iul Clillillimi with tils imreiiti, Mr anil Mm Jhiium KhiHiimii Prank Irish ciunt In from tlio tint lior Saturilny to tin Ills Christmas shopplnc Will UnKi'll visited In tin- a1lo j Thursday mul Frltln). Wnltor Turner cninn down from Dallr, by malt, one year $3 00 tlu' ooilt Prldny to nttoml tlio ilnnro Dally, by mail, tlx months ,r m ul '" Short'. ml to llml eook Dally, by mail, thrve months ' 1 :.'. toxi' thnl would rook noiuethltiK l- Ially, by mall, ono inontl M xlilei pan taken, Dally, delivered by carrier, one week f, KLAMATH FALLS, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1908. 81BURIUX NKWH. Intrrratlnx It emu From tlio fountry KMt of Klaniatii Fall. toon itiiK. Sho says the Ivltl was no. mi i,oo.l as n expected A number of tlio children were ali ne lit from school this week on tic- . count of sickness Those who hai Mr. SnowKoose. from neui Keno, bwn ntiseiit ero Uracil- Ctiiiiitnu stayed at Chat. Mack's Thursday. He ham, Callo Icenhlcc. and Prank and Is taking orders and delivering Koods Hosu lllhberts In this section. , Mrs. Herbert Wells went to the Mr. Mack and Mr. Klllott butcher-' Palis Thursda). where she will re ed nine hoiti Thursday They were main until Mr. Wells' return from assisted by Iven lcenblce. i: A Lew- Nevada Is and J. S. Mills. Mrs Chan. Morton and Horace Dun- The threshlnK machine engine be-' lap were vlltori In our nriKhhorhood longing to Mr. Mnstcn, who recently I Wednesda purchased the 8 T Summer's place. W I). Campbell, of l.orella, inlled was taken to the Chas. Hortou ranch ftt the school hoimo on his wa to the on Lost Klver Friday. ! Pulls Mr. and Mrs. Jasper lllbberts and ! Court is In motion and a number children moved from Swan Lake to ! of people from here are In nttettdamo John Hlbbert's place for the winter. Delia Short, the slx-enr-old dauh Mr. and Mrs. Jay Arunt railed nt ter of tlurtell Short, met with what Mers I 'rank and llnny Wilton were builneis visitors of the Pull Saturda John Koontt and Mis tlreelet drove to the Kails Saturdn Will Humphrey drove to town Sat uidii and bioiiKht out Heveral hives of Imm' I .sr.tlt TAIM)ltl(l IIDl'Si:. Uulles' and tiettts' Suits mudo to rder Cleaning, pressing and repair UK n specialty. Mil In St , Wilson lllk 7-lino K.MMITT ltKYKS, I'rop THK HKAOY-MAUK HOUSES are warm la winter, cool in summer, sub- tuutlal, nttrarttvo and sanitary, and nt half the prlco It costs to build In ho old way. Sea samples and plans nt the oltlcu on Main street. I'liutie Buy "His" Christmas Gifts at a Men's Store Ladies are especially invited to visit our Store. Here you can find an abandance of good things that will please men folks No. SI I. 13 the school bouse Monday Steve Low Is hauling hay to the Falls. Henry Masten drove to Lost ltlver Friday. Mr. Klrkcndall rode up to Hoy Kinsman's homestead Tuesday. Mr. Anna Zlnn Is teaching the pu pil tome splendid new songs. She It a violinist of unusual ability and It li a rare treat for the pupils to si cure so able an Instructor Mr. McClure. of Poe Valley, was a Pine Glove visitor Wednesday. might hnve been n serious accident last Wednesday While plalng In the Irani she fell about s feet and struck the manger on her back. Her back was badly bruised, but she plus about us usual. i .irs itouiicy spent inursiiay mgnt at the home of her son, J. it Dixon llurrell Short has completed plow ing his grain Held and is buullng al falfa hay to fill his barn. Mln Lovelady took a load of sup plies to the Horton ranch Friday Jay Arant Is building an addition John Shepard drove to the Falls to his bouse Wednesday. Mr. Slmmonds hns moved to toe Mrs. C. Harris Is sewing at Mrs. ! Herbert Arant place Mack's. Hoy Kinsman came down from his Mr. Routley has all of her pot a- homestead Saturday. He expects to lullei We have just rwelveil a line Hue of Steinbvrger A. Knllther INky Kid Gloves In black and ol- orx Stilts Dry tioods Co T-lwk In buying Drugs, Chemicals and their official prepare- tions, we buy only from the most reliable sources, Insuring the Highest In Quality. GHITWOOD DRUG CO. : Men's Suits Men's Overcoats Boys' Suits , . Boys' Overcoats. . Smoking Jackets Pajamas Dress Shirts $10 to $40 $ 9 to $30 $3 to $15 $3 to $12 $5 to $10 $3 to $5 .75c to $3.50 Hoycr Hats , Hole Proof Hosiery Silk Underwear. . . Sweaters Knncy Vests. Neckwear . . . $3.00 $1.50 . $2 to $5 . .$1 to $5 $1.50 to $5 35c to $2 Silk Suspenders 50c to $250 The Portland Clothing and Shoe Store AGENTS FOR HART. SHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHING. VV. L. DOUGLAS SHOES, AND HOLE PROOF HOSIERY. Have you tiled one of ttmiu Sui Kugtu ciiiars ut the Monarch? Thi bent rivveviit tlgur on the murkot.Su Tho Amorican Hotel Dining Hootn 4 open all nlgi.t. K.-esh u)sturs ev ery doy. M 44V0O44-OC-X Gifts That Will Please KBWUJT'JI Each and every article in our Holiday Stock was very carefully selected. Nothing was bought hap hazard. We believe in securing goods which will PLEASE. To secure gifts that will please, just visit our store and see our large and varied stock. The stock is now complete; make early selections. Tl W Tbo Idsal Zmat gift for Ma V 7. M or ttr atft wblca will t I M urt auaj tlsM. a dsr all I tts m for aaar i tars. i I PAXOm Lsoky Obtt I JouaUla Pn Jj 2 B Ifaoy WsoUfnl. arttetic do- M ? i A atgaa tl apodal Xaaa B Z L 1 bona. Prlooa froa. k w it to. u put Bk 2 T jroaiHaPsrlur HV HHk Lucky Cam. WWTM T H FOR SALE BV WfM Z PjTJ W wan MomimiHiMiia. UB Z KT i "W " HOTEL HOUSTON RATES Single Meals 35 cento Meal Tickets, 21 Meals - - $5.00 Rooms - 25 and 50 cents per night Rooms $1.50 and $2.00 per week J. A. HOUSTON, Proprietor BALDWIN 5 BALDWIN Not Brothers; Just Plumbers PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS CONTRACT WORK A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Work Guaranteed CHAS. K. WOKUKN President A. M. WOltUEN Cashier rliKDMKLHAJX Vice-I'rrsidiat The American Bank and Trust Go. iAR DRUG STORE Stationery; All the newest things in Correct Stationery in beautiful gift boxes. One of the most satisfac tory gifts. Prices from 50c. to $2.50. Candies: i Perfumes: An ideal gift for a lady is a nice gift package of her favorite perfume. We keep all the standard odors in beautifully decorated and artistic gift boxes. Fresh for the Holidays from Nunnally's factory by express TnilPt SUtQ We are Particularly J.UI1CL OCU. proud of the fifits we are showing this year. In sets from three to ten pieces in beautifully decorated boxes. Fine Brush Gifts: fy beautiful presents can be chosen from our fine line of bristle goods. BIG LINE OF COPYRIGHT NOVELS JUST RECEIVED ;: The above is only a small portion of our immense Xmas stock. By :; an means see mese gooas soon, wmie an lines are unbroken, fresh i:; and dainty. Come and look. Tell your friends to come also. STAR DRUG STORE I CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. flth and fttaln Street "The Christmas Emporium." "They Have It." .) '"t DON'T BAKE Ut ua do it for you. Ivenrthlntf Home Made. 1W Reasonsble. BREAD A SPECIALTY. We put up box lunched; also lunches for hunting wm S una Dlcnic Dartifa. A .i ...hi nrlnnn vrm tlttv , , is cheaper to buy than to bake. jKLAMATH FALLS BAKERY I AND DEUCATESSEN tVin,l'111'"11"1'1',1"'T VI T nrm i ii ilium i nfiMMfMntiMiMU; j jj !t our Bread at Cawklu. '