lie iwitui Hrfala. Klamath I-W First nnil Best Dally. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. i YKAlt. No. 7.U KLAMATH FALLS. OltKGON. WEDNESDAY, IJKCEMIiEK IB, 1908. PltlCE, 5 CENTS ;VEN BOYS ARE HEROES THE GRANDEST EVER hool Children llruvely Vol- snleiT to Save Child I rum Becoming a Cripple nml MlHit Clam. .MrN.llidilin MIhh Huh I iimim. .MIhh IVi.lla (llicrkliiK. nml Mr ami Mm Tull N H MiM 1 1 II m now Imiiihii in i. i'iimiliti.i mill work In progresslnc I hi lln Imi n ri I it . w ih i.oii :.. .i.i...,ik LlaboraLe rnmnrntiofm Ifcinfi Marie Rv AIII'TI imi iii 111 rniiii or iiin iiiiuH. (iirrtini in lining tiM. hii, (' . lllllllllli: In ImpiovliiK IiIh piop I ml) IICU to (he (.'lillilluii Hcl'liic chiirih. which In. nifiitl) piirehns.'d 'I ln sick in nil liuiuoUiii; niiill I I lli.i.r.l I ..l l .. I ... .i... ,.ii,. .,r .u " " ' ""i'i" i in in. ' Af " " ''win. in town this ,,-k rtftUX wu. l"'"orimil )i-Ht.'i.iuy ny -j n .lait muni, h.-lil a Imiiiii in ih Mr. Houston for the 14th Annual Kail lo He Given on New Years Night ii It. rr)i '""I '" l,'", "" J"'" it At". ""l' ' ' "'""" trr, rt'k. MK' Hie rlillil ncildenll) f bsckw.rd. III!" l"H "t IioIIIiik ilr, which resulted In n litirn ex- Irsdlnc oTt-r Ih" wholu Imrk mill rlglil irn Thi- amount uf ""kin l" wit. "" iidl I tint II seemed Impossible nl !, Ilnio for tin' ilill'l I" ID" "Hi" ;tM dlil to well, however. Hint skin irtfUnz ,,"",' " IT"'" deform- i of the inn, shoulder nml liuk m. ,ll.t.l,t Iiiivm rriilil III., ,. I .100.11 '" " ' .. Lith nd elichth (trades f tbu ,ubllc ',..,...... Lcbool rr brnvu enough to ntninl ,(ll, ri) lllnhornlu plniiH un liflni' iiimln; Iiik by mmlng off one of iho prizes John V lliiiiitliin fur IiIm Tu.ilrili Tlitu t.ifi. il...... ,.-. ...,!..,... ... i . ii ii in it-Hitf itMfi AlllMllti MftHiiui. iin 1,1,1, )H , ..,, (t Ku.ater iMimliitror iliuruM.iH ruiiri- "I"II1 t 111 lit till flt'M Mill tit llnilJX llll Vi'VV t. tflfllll' till. KlnlLu I I. I ' -' iiii, .- .-..,.--. iiii fiinini' niin:n ill ii nutiihor huvu nlruiid) Hlgnlllod llllllbll Haul ll' I .. . . a. '; " ' ,,,""""! A Year ,. night. Jni.i.a.) I The., mas- uric.. H....I s ,.,.,.., ,, . w, ,,,, ,,. II KOOll Kill. OH. . . mull. I'Vrtil of III- year, hilt thlH )cnr ( i ..iin... i,.h, ... to ... ...v.,, i Ml ir()110i1(M, ,., m() Ui0 .itll". mil oili'llll', ITf HOl.l..l nml Mi'tl.oill.t . hiin Ih-h Rrninli'Hl hull .vir kIvkii In Kl.ttniiih I'nIU 'I'.... I r.. If ...Ill m. ,. ... t ....... i...-i. ..I... ii.iiin. 7 .. Ill linn i' ..M-riiii hi iiiiiii hiii no in un'ir , lillaltni.H i i ii Imi. ii uo'k n till Hi. XI 'I IiiiihiIii) I'lllllk (llll)hlH'l hllH IIXl'll ..I! till' liilik of III a hull her kIioi for n iIhuII- !.. I I...- I. . . ... . ..iK 1.1111 in... inn iniiiiiy in. UI la,iUf, pnrt (i.'ii llriiliiloii Iiuh niiiM'il to hi. nuu v, iimiiuIi... i ,. ...i..., i... r" b. i, .... niiMlilaui uhu nr- lo InrnUli thu inu- 'lllllllli.lllli I Hi. Ult lllllliy (M III lllhl Xuik unit li"lili. t Ii Ik K'hitvciI iicntN ulll h- iirriuiiti'il tor f ti ni'ialni; of ru vinl humlri'il 'iilu, who iloKlro 'to HlliK'iw thin Krnntl ifitiiclu wlth- lliiihmu lia. I.i'i ii Un hiii ilntliii on v mrlli" tii thi Lliosittlon uf IiuvIiik llii' Kriiflu ri-- coitd vfitliiK iinu-liolf Inch hy lirto ur four lnclir. Iouk (lli'iiii I'ftli, l.lo)il AKri'il, Alhi-rt Jmoh.on. hVtlttr Iton.rt nml rri.ton Avmit About fifty Kf.fl. 'tu ami rninp U oncritlun lon.uiiu'U tlm icrnt.r i Krimk Amli-riioii. iirt of tho da Th.' cm. I. .IoIiik!"" tin.llni; In ton Momlny. 1 Vlnu kf .1.1.. Il...i..'d ,. It...- I iimuktUy ll lodn) u , "iri'IIIHlli'l M'tl il III UiJ tll 41 I' Thli U probably on of (ho mint u,.k,. ,,, , .lr ,,, ,,, , dflcult opvr.tton. ovnr iM-rforini'd In' Ohio til city nd ouM bu n ri'inarknlili'l - IM njhi'l (Irrnt criMlll U Oiik tk cj(l IIIt.VMK.M M.lUlls Ujounie bo), who .o timu'ly ot. moMIV IIV MAKIM. MD.MIV, .ttrnl to .How tho croft, lo bo iin from tbnlr arm. In orilcr tin Thi, .....,,. ,..!., 11M1.n , irtTtnl thi. child from hfcoinlnit a ,..,. ,,. . .,.nr ,.,.,,,.,, Jull a trippl for llfo. Th lo.. uf .kin i, 1S0H. ,,. t ...:. 1 1.3? 1 on th mlnui-i' iirrtl that there wa. nu .o.lblu . .... . ..lkl, ..,. niHr,.n, bruniL tkuc of complotB rrcotrry with. (K. iMh rvtvwM tho .llfforrn... tcw ikln tifltiK Krfl.'.l cm, ami It ,vlw. ,. ,,rr(. ,a, h) tho ki.uth- iIh'Ii- liiti'iitlou of tnkliiK part mid some hno koih mo fur nu to boulti tho ; liriijuiiiitlon of thu toHlumoH nml ud- vorilBlni; iiiiiltcr .Ni'MT In fore wan thorn MUflklvnt loom to aKoiiiiiioiIuto tho lurcu tit icniliiiiio, hul thin ) with thu In iiiiihoiI lloor Hp.uo, no troublo will ha oxiiortuiKoil and mcrjonu will hu mi ni for Willi (omfort Tho .'iildlllon, iiico, of tin- roHorvul h iiIh for npLita- tor., w III ti'ml tn iliiiw a blK uttvml mii'i' of 8n (.l.iinrB A iinmbur huu nlKinly nnkod for ri".TMitlotiH for hot INirtk'n. Ii Ih iirullctod that this your'. iiMomlanio will oxicod SOU Ai an Imllcittlon of tho iittontlim this Kroal for plu)or. Vou can pluy any mmi In thu toiirnmnmit at any tlrnu ou ploiiHo and kI iiicIi other rrodlt for tho ki.iiii'h lout or won. Thin way, no iiiatlor what uvunlnx you lorno up to thu iliih rootim, you will nlwnyx havo a i-haiiLo to play hoiiiooiio. Tho KatiioM that liuvu buun played ho far ahow hoiiio Mho iilnvliiL- and '.oiiio of tho nownr plu)or aro mak i Ihk M-'ry kuuiI hudwny. IJvcn at thin early Htnt;o of thu tournament It I uvldonl thut thcru will bo runny tiur-irl'-M. Theru will b firm, kecond, mid third prlzo.. to lontond for. Thu reKular liiurriMiiifnt cvonlnK. uro on I'uenda). and Saturday. How over, )ou can piny your tournament Kameii at any other tlmo, eMiii; jou a ilinmci to innko up for came, that ibould huo been played by this time. GET FREIGHT AT THE DOCK After January First No Deliv eries Will Be Made to the Stores By Company le for thu ot-tn.Uiu and uxtra earu will In- tnkM in choonlnt; tills Im portant nail of tin I'litortnluuieut lOllll(l) SlIU-iTI., in-,., I,. ,,f ih,. ,11. ,,, ,,r,iiiiU,nl .Ih. I U 1... I. . .... ' ..., ..... .,.,..,, ;,.. ., ,...r in...... . ,,,, ,. 1U ,., (nn h KottonMinnuul Iii nttrnaiiiK mnonn the "",'"'" ',"" 'ton. ih. r in Hil M. uilty I'or tho ui IhikIiifmi mi'ii, Mr llouHon Iiiih ro- ''-"" ''." i ii.iiiii..i.aiion ..f th.. wl.hlin: to al low,. ttiulliiK. Miimlnv (,,, Mr ,, n,n i.mnovur llfly jiiiiii nun l up Until Hi, ah op )Url,. i.Mtum... for lent, rrom present IihIIiiiIIuiih. howutor, thuio i.'ixoil iiian) i.'iiiestH for advortl.ini; Mi.iiro on tho walls mid In tho hull, Imi ho hns nut itodded whether hu will allow any other advertisements will ba voi) hiri. number of .peel other tlniti that rupreHeutud by tho ully ili'slitned lostiimoii In ) oars pint il.nrm.tors iiimiy or tho husltioKii hous.'H luu-1 Tho usual cash prizes havo beon boon rupirauiitoil nmonit tho nmtiki'i. .loubli.l this )uir. mnkliiK 130 In nml a wnrm rlvtilry has iiIii)k ho. u i prlzim to be Klven as follows: Most i ton. e.t in soolni! which of tho tlims uiiiiliiil. host ni.itnlni.-fl and most or- uoulil miin i hi.-- vnli. .thi. ndv.'itU-. lelt.ul vhnrarterH Should Have Made Proof of Damages Before County Court Ii to wondur that then youni; men ft now thu li.irou. of their cI.-m M:UH KltOM .MKItltll.l.. Uri. Kii.u Morrill returned Hatiir- f from a In California William Turner I. Kolnr; to build i tot new hnu.o in West Merrill AmntiK tho p.-oplx friuii dale In Iran la.t wmik lo attend tint buinur r'ro Mr and Mrs. Hob Anderkon tii.'tit for the uietnls nml their coin iiko vnluo ItlriTlnr of Hi" Mint Crank 1.1'inh Klvos the... Iliturcn In his mi nimi ropott Hindu public .-Ktord.i at tin: oi'i:it. iiotsi:. i A v.T) luiportmit decision was ren dered this iiiorull.K )' JudKu Nolnud In Iho Clrrnlt Court v.lilih will he or Intoti'xi to rarn.eiH or tho i.iuntv This ui.s the dismissal of thu appeal I rum the Count v Court In tho insu of , ".r " .,. It (' Short. C C. Low. II. S I'urrlsh New tunlrhl -Ihe HlnKiiiniitor h Wife (.Irmunllrl The Trmiip ami uii.l Mih Aiiihi TIii.i.i.u u the County the Cliihuinii New Sui.K" ol Klamath ih. .lu.lKe UiildlnK that . th., Circuit L'.iurt had no jurisdiction Kiln llnu uf wutches Wltitern 'J Tlil cm..-Kiew out of thu estuhllsh- ;oi:.s ioi mii,!:s i.v mx vimiih. ConsIderlriK thu millions of letters that aru mailed every month and that reach thulr destinations promptly, wu hnvu little reason, on tho whole, to complain of our mall service. Hut occasionally public attention U called to n luio that Illustrates thu possi bilities of dela). Hue), mi Instance lias been reported recentl) from the statu of Washington. John Paul, a esldent of Nahiottu, Wash., las Just received u letter that was mailed to hi m from Obinpla, the statu capital, six eurs and llfleen days previous to Its receipt. Thu dlslaoco from Ulymplu to Nuhcotta Is 100 miles. Tho letter, therefore, traveled at tho rutu of nlnet)-tvvo hundredths of a mllti a da) or one mile aver)' twenty two und two-ninths das. That Is about tho speed that a street car nnkts on mornings when ono Is lato In starting to tho olllcu It also re mits the snail-like unwinding of of ficial red tapo. Thu letter was slow ouough to hnvu quullllcd as u mes senger boy, and at that Is what it was It probably was (IoIdk all that oucht reasonably to hnvu been expected of It. Tho message that It contained In formed Mr. l'aul that hu had made au overpayment to thu land ohlco of tho state government and that a tueiit of n count) road. Viewers werei!hcck covering thu amount would bo appointed mid they found lu thulr re-1 mailed to him. If Mr. Paul had re port that tho benefits derived werulcelved tho check, ho probably would eiiinl to iho ilaiuiiKCK sustained by the I never havo Und federal authorities Mlfl9 Kk K STORE LADIES KINK r.MIIHKI.MH "IIOITINU 1IA0H ITItNKM VASVX JDMKTH Kilt TIIIMMKI) (Ml lUtton) WHIINATOIW AM) HIIAWIJi NKWI-MT HTVI.KM DIIKHH HIIOIM KINK WINTKIt WAIHTH MCK CritTAIN'H TAIII.K HKTH t'IX)TIIH AMI NAI'KIXH TO MATCH MM'V II.M)KICIICIIIKF8 'NIX.-OMiAIIH UI'KI'. IIOXKH WOltK IIOXKH MANKUlltK HKTH TOII.KT HKTH Itl'llllUlt tiOOTH HIGH WJATH AND OXV JACKKTH KATtlt COA1H ::'::':: Do Your Shopping at this Store. Largest stock of Toys and Dolls. Xmas Goods. Ap propriate Gifts for all. Here are a Few Suggestions for mn K k K STORE propoii) along which the rund was lo.ati'd. or It. effect no damages were allowed JuiIru Nnlaud held that tho properly owners should havo then appeal. d to the Count) Court from thu decision of thu viewers. This de cision practkall) means that parties must make proof of damages before tho County Court at tho tlmo tho ensu Is being considered In order to recov er damages. Thu ncceptnncu of the vIowb' report Is final unless a review of the case Is taken. KMHiimiO.V TO TIIK I'. N. TO UK NTOI'l'KH UV J.UM.W CHILDREN Hi'HI'KMIKHH AMI .VKCKTIKH (one In a llo) r.l.MJV HOX I.V X.MAS IIOXKS XMAS IIANI)Ki:ittllli:i'S hi'it ;ahi:h KID (IM)Vi:S HUiciiK hii.k i.ixi:i ui.ovi:s W(M)l, MITTK.NH AMI (JliOVUS FANCV WAIHT COATS HI.II'I'KHH.AM.HTII.KH WAM-ovi:u nui:ss hiioi WINTKIt CAI'S COM,AK AMI CHIT ItOXIJS NIX'KTIK IIOXKH I'AJAMAH, NlflllT (JOWXS 1'INK UMIIIIKM.AH A HTKTH0N HAT WOOL HOX OVKKCOATH KINK HILK HlllltTS HWKATKIt COATS PINK DIIKHH SIIIHTS FANCY WOOL UNUKHWKAR TOYS Ol' KINDS ll()l,l,S DOI.I.S hooks (i.Mi:s llI.I-S JJITXH looi, ciii:sis TKAINS (H'NH Mi:CII.VICAIi TOVS iti'inii:it iioois ro.vis r.ii's MITTIIXH KicKi:itiiocKi:it sens ii.s'i: Ditcss siioi:s AND SUUFFKIIS HOODS TOKKS inc., inc. Fine Doll and Auto mobile to be given away Xmas. INMAN IIA8KETH, ETC. BTC. RUDBKit BOOTH AMI SHOEH Kn. , B.-H.'. K. K. K. SfORE THE SANTA CLAUS S'JRE llllllUmilll t44ttMMMMIlttTHltAr-tAJ--a' I CIIICA(K), Decomber 15. A spec lul to tho Heinrd-Ilorald from Wash ington sa.vx "All Japiturso emigration to tho United States Is to bo stopped by thu Japnnesu (loveriimuiit. When the JupnncBu Diet ineetH u few weeks hence Huron Komiirn, Minister of Porelgu AfTulrs. will mnko official an noumemunt that tho Government has decided to prohibit nil emigration to tho I'tilted Suites after a given date "Thus will disappear tho Inst le maltilng dlftereiico of possiblu cause or troublo between tho United States and Japan. Though tho utinoutKo- ineut lu Toklo nmy ho made upon tho assumption that tho Jnpaneso govern ment hat vnlunt.iilly agreed upon this cotusto, as a mutter of fact, thu de cision was leached through a lung series of negotiations between Sccro- ur) Itoot mid Huron Tnlinhlra, Jap anese AmbiiHsiulor to thu United Stntim. of Iho letter that wus six sears in going 100 miles, but thu check has not yet been received, und .Mr. Paul has askod Undo Sam to see If It Is not still trjlng to Und him. This case Is so unusual that onu naturally looks about for an explanation. Per hups Mr. Paul Is only paying tho penalty for living In Nancotta. Commencing January 1, the Klam ath I.ako Navigation Company, which has been operating In connection with tho Southern Pacific Ilallrood, will discontinue tho store door freight de livery. It Is expected that about that tlmu tho new terminus of the railroad will bu established ut Holland and direct connuctlon will then be had with the steamer. Tho freight rate to Klamath Kalli Is to bo reduced at that time and all shipments will be delivered nt tt Jock or wharf. Thu mere) ants ami others receiving goods will lav? to .naku arrangements with tic ell transfer companies for I' o dellv of goods from tho freight l.ojw i. Is dono In all cities having rallroa I connection. It Is not believed that this change will make any reduction In tho cost of freight, as thu reduction mode by tho Southern Pacific will probably about equal tho cost of city delivery. IN TIIK CIItCLIT COL'HT. flic Mellon, Tlioinpsoii, Halt- Itobbe-iy Ciiko Is Set for Trial on January -I, i' or thi: CHKSS TOl'ltX.VMKXT. Ammunition to bo used by Presi dent Roosevelt on his African trip has been prepared nt New Haven, Conn., and forwarded to Washington, to gether with tho weapons which the President will uso and which wcro sent there to bu examined by experts. Tho ball cartridges aro lu varying weights, tho largest being deomed of tho right caliber to bring down a pachyderm. James II. Melton, Frank Thompson and Milton Hale were brought Into Court this morning and each plead not guilty to the charge of robbing (hu Schnllock & Daggett store. Tho caso was set for trial on January i, 1909. Thu concluding evidence in tl o Provo divorce caso was heard this af ternoon. Tho caso waa submitted to tho Court at 3 o'clock. Judge Noland stated that he would render his de cision later, probably this evening. Tomorrow tho caso of Wlthrow, Molbaso Company vs. A. M. Taylor will bo heard. Tho trial will be before a Jury. sepahati: statehood fuh ahizona and xf.w mktico. WASHINGTON, Dec. 1C Separ ate statchooa for Arizona and New Mexico Is provided for In two bills In troduced today by Senator Foruker. A. M. Taylor, tho contractor, ar rived from Ashland this afternoon to attend the suit in which hu Is In volved which will bo tried tomorrow. For the best and largest assort ment of Phonographs or Sewing Ma chines, see Muller, cor. 6th and Main. Tho Monarch Mercantile Co. will carry a completo lino of vegetables from tho California markets. Fresh shipments dally. 30 Prompt, Reliable Service ; Tltu committee cm rules and regula Horn) bus made n slight chango In tho tournament schedule. As It Is Impos sible for nil tho players to bo present on tho tournament evenings and con sequently causes many delays and complications, tho committee deenia It moio expedient lo hnvo each per son play oveiy man lu tho tourna ment tliroo gamcG, each gnmo count ing one and u draw ono-half point. The gumes thut havo been played tip to date will utitud u pla,ved, but lu case where two opponents only play ed two gutuos they will be required to play off the third game. This tualces it vary simple and convenient WE are prepared to handle all Baggage Orders and Heavy Freighting. Goods stored or packed and forwarded to all points. Let us save you time and trouble by handling your shipments for you v We are equipped with up-to-date Piano Trucks and can handle with safety all heavy or bulky goods :: :: O. K. TRANSFER 6 STORAGE PHONES: COMPANY. Service Day Office, 871; Barn, 873 and Night 5W it-rail y.r fT m I