Pie tiitii Mk Klamath Fans' Flrsl nntl IJcHl Dal,V' Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. i , Ykaii. No. 7.U KLAMATH FALLS. OKWiON. TUKSIMY, DKUKMItKIt 1C, 1008. I'kice, 5 Cents mi f ICKETSTOLAKEVIEW tftcr January 15 the Southern Pacific Co. Will Place on Sale at all of Its Offices Tickets to Bonanza and Lakeview iimiii nml Nllt III! M ,h- ,, , li'il It In tlii iiiiiiI.. Notlt" llllN III I II H"t"i m, I ,,,, up nil III" dlili'.i:llh ill CimiMH , ,iil Hum" iii Mi'ii umii in i.iiui' i mini i, a tt.'ll iii In Id ii hi ihhI l.liiiiiln '.niiil Ii-m iik. iii:m i.ini: i,i u.i i wt: OnBtia niter Jiinmir) If. utery tl. -. ..i... mi lliu Hmitli I'm llli , -iii luitr mi unlit IIiioiikIi til-I , io llotniiuii. Ill) nml l.nk"U" it KUnintli I'ulU 'Hi'1"" Hiki'tnl mi i. mill I" iiiimi'iiimi i"i "i" kUtuatli Ml"' .NutlWillon '"iiiiiin ,j tin. Kluliiiiin i iiim'i.inn'iii me Ciiliiiuili) Tkli Hillnli y t I" NnlltlielU I'm llli ... TMimu" I .. Alfiilr.1 Mm liiiliKlit I........... ...,, .1,1 nil Illlto ll li'lini'iitj in I ' ,,,...., , I hi iiu liilin. ..I Ij.ii.I. ii i.r i ii mi iiiiiii iiiniii i - ........ limit ' - liruuib Klwimth Fulls II U ii.ll- nulls! Hint Hil' Imvi'l will ! mi- nouiilurluK Hi" '-r "" nmiiiiii n, tbC I ltlllU" Hlltl'MlklUg hi Unit Hub b Hi" On-giill Villi") Muni Ciimnf II I" ii'IMirliil Urn I llilai i . ..ii .. nu ...... i i (om'ti) nun "iii " "" "" " """ ld nil tlial mut )'" I"" puri'luin- ,n, n'llllli'THin lliuilklllltl", "Ill nun.' u Uki County lih Hii-lr fiuiilll" The illvrrtliiK f Hi" nii"iiK"r Irn- irl IhrmiKli Kluinnlh ttlll nUn hate IB rffrtt ill brltiKlng III" Kleiiler put -lion ul Hi" limt" "I l.nk" Count) In iijruf Kluumth Fulls TliU IiIk ! tortunlty utinulil mil It" nt.irluuke.l bj II" people of Hiln wtlwi nml ifjr iUtahn tliimlil Ii" r.lten Hi" lUllroml 1'nuipnii) In ImliirliiK lintel, to fume lliln n),ii II lll Kit" I'm"-1 Ictlte iK'tllem ii ilinni" to Intokll ( rilr Ihn uiltnntiiK.il uf III" Klmuiitli louolry I'lll. 'll itiillillH pel mil. Illlllliull) 1 1 Hi" rental to li paid It i 'leel fur IiU 1 I .. -1 iiiraltii (in in inMir l.'ilin l) ll mum nl Id.' Mfnllii M.-nl Mill III tlllll pint" 'I Ml. In II,,. ,,,, ulliilf.i iii.'iil mill in id.. iiili-. nml ih" Ipliidllitk i,t tin (nun win Unit. H IkiuiiiiiI lull. Hi" lu'M I. ! U'luli' lltllK iM, ttltll.llll lll.lllit. tin. Mc-lieni li'litul )il I'.il'l for ii In IK.' Iran nl! In ml In til.- iiiiini). tin' 1il rnin Ii In immlili'inl oh" nl til" b-l ll li .Mltiiiit.il iluil It will "fiKlly prod n is ".'li Into. In Hi" mi" iiiiiiunlt) Tin inllllliK inmp.tlit In in Imiiill" tin ilii"lt without all) i p'elii.u In Mk tmti.'i NOIIII It lli:i IMIIIS IN mi i, us i nt vn: cimi:. UioIImt i inn Ii win ii'iii ln'il tliln li i nni. ii In Hi,- riimuiiH MIIIh iik" Iiiii Imlii" Niilniiit ri vi'tv.'il III" tlt 'I Inn .if luilK" (Itimili ur IIih Cniinl) ('null nml ii.'i..i Him tin. niJiii''ii Hi'ii nr Hi" i iim" liv Ciiiini) Jinlfi.. ( I'.ih Mihii" In INIl'i in In- Hi" Until will, nii'iit nl tin. (in." 'I lin ml in I ii Miiillmi nr llu 1'iiliiti. nf W I' .MIIIh Iiiih I. ""ii In llni imiilH lin li ihmIiiiI nl 17 i"nm nml im tin iiii"ii inn In Illk. h fllllll III" Hl lIlllHlllll, II It piinllil" thnl t mu inlltltlll" In tin. i mil I h rm n riiiiiili.T nl wiih yul l("i"iiil .Iiiiini' (Irlllltli ritiiljinll iltli.l Hi" IIIH" nil Hi" KlillllMln tlllll nu id nil" li'iil iici'ii kIm'ii tn id" ii i.'itlinrti mi llu- tirlRlnul uiiIit, nml ll" IlllnvU'lI Hi" .lullll III III" Mill leu uiim In N II KnlKlH JI.'DH 'Hi. nrlKliiiil nnlir liy .liiili" Mum" iIhIimI JhIi j, y.,, M nu fnllnwii "It In .ir.l.'i.Hl. iiiljnili:"il anil ilxn-fil Unit ulil i Ini in i if N II KnlBlit iim nuiilliix In tl.12'1. I n. 'Hi it Willi ln-t"i.-l iIhtiiiii nl Hi" ruli. (if X "T ii m liii'-nit ii r it ii n ii in Irniii 111" lllh llu) nf Mm ill. IhllZ. Iim ntiit til" Mimw Ih In nil i.-ni.nIh ulliiwml nml uilil I W 11'inii.ik' i . ihIiiiIiiIkI rator nl ii hi "tiii", I." nml do In IiitiiIiv nrili'i'il tu ins until ilnliu nl N ll Knlulil In full .l.l. HIT t IIIII.VIIA.SS .vim: ll.M!lti:i I'lEIIM I Ills I'dl.OW. tl t SOI lllMIIICIt.s ri.cvn IHMIIIIItuU. ITO MITH Al.iolltil, IN MIMK I'ATKNT .MKIIICI.NKS. Actinic unilur Hi" Inrnl nitlnti ln Is Un County, lilnlrkt Allnni") I! IL llr)Min hint Jiut nntlrii'il tli" ilrilK rliti o( Kuti'ti" Hint tliry inimt tint wll fiTUIn klmU nt lntt.'in. wlilili. II I allfKi t, liaMi Iiim'Ii knlil i.'khIiiiI) III... Ill" llMIll llt.lt llll Hl'lll lllll. ilt 1 1) a large iiiiiiiIiit ul iii'tunnH lor brtirnK.il. mi uii.ninl nl Hi" rtntl amount nf nlmlml wtlil In li (utilncl In llii'in AinniiK Hi" mull rlon plkr.il miller Hi" lutli li)' Hi" I'lilrlfl Atliirti")- urn fniir iml.'til million. Tin. ilriiKKUlM lint" kiii- Irn In llni nillllllfltl tllli'lH ul nu li ul I Nn Jill) i.ini'n u.-i" lii'iuil I nilii i, llln- Court ln'lm: tnk.'ii ii i Willi llu urrnliiKiiin.'iit nl Mult. in. Iliunipnui ami Hal" (or III" mlitier) nt tin. B. Iul link K H.ikk.'II ktnii'. uinl In liynrlni: liinllntik mill k.'llliiK III" trial nl mi ni 'Hi" ili'f.'inlmiu In Hi" rnliln-n i in." wi'ic Klti'ii until !i 3D tnniurmn IIKirlllllK ill Ullllll Hill" ttll'V Kill 11 II- hu.t Hi" iluiiC" iiKiilinit llii'in llin noli Ar Ktnli" will I "pi mi III Hi" li- I. lllllllllK Id" Jul. In llin Ki Iniliiii'ji'r v I'mtn iiiki. lirniiRliI In ii tiTillr! lor Hie plaintiff in Hi" mini nf 1 .10 33 an piixii.'iil for work pnrfuriii.il ..n Hi" ! I.'HiIiuiI'h i nix-li. liruiilH rum A niiinlii'r nt fiiin lllin hat" nrrlvnl lti-r- frnlii Hi" iiikI in mnk" tlo'lr hiinii'H nltli iho lilimt roloii). Ix'ltiK "lublulnil nl Wolf Ciwk. In Wolf Cr.i'li Valley. In Hi" nuriliorn tut of .liuu.pl. luc ('mint) I It" i.il.int Ih iM'tns fiiiinilnl miller Hie illrntlon ul Hit W. H. Sinllli A lure" fnrtn. ur intloT tnnrnl IiIk fur nm. w.T" pun Imkcil nml nulnlhlil Inl lulu kiimlli-r tin. in. nml III" ini'lii-'Ix-rk of Hi" lili-nl riilnny will turn th.ili a) ten i Inn Inru.'ly tovvnril Hit. grnuliiK uf frnll, fur ulilfli Hi" ill- mitt" anil InmU nf Wolf Crrok Vnll.-y iirr vm'II nilnplril. Duty ClirlHtlnn pn.pl" aro miIiI inn In limhlii Hii ml nut, anil in. !i;il('Oiiu ur plnifH uf tlci "III In- allowed. Tti" kiln uf Hi" ml nn) ik (nni uf III" mint ili tuii"iii" nml U mi Hi" uinlii lino of I lid Koutli rti I'm III". I (lKi;il MlltV HOLDS IIS llltsl .( ,. 'Hi" I. II Appli'Kiili. r.'Klili'iii. nn WuilliiliKlmi Iiii I. wlili'li Ih mm llu-' liunii. uf 4)ic Kliiimitli 1'i-iim n.iloi) j Uf MllBl", WIIH III" kl'llll" uf 11 ll UKIlIlt I "tolll Hatllnlnv I'VeiiliiK mIiimi Hi" film lilunu i". llni ur Hi" Hi'iiunn w.m1 lilti'ii liy IHtli. Netii I'mmlit ' MIhm N.'tn "iitiirlnliii'il Iht mull- ' .nun ur Mini" roil) perkuuH li r.'ti- llorlllU Hi'll i tlllllK flUIII V.lll kllUHII 1 oiiiioh!'ik In n iniiniii'r Hint una linly li'llililknlili' fin 11 (liilil of "IkIiI yciiiH if ml". i:inniiliinK nr ( ii llli r:t I I'.ti ami nppiii'lnllnii nf llu- IHti.- Iiul)'n plnyliiK ni'ic lii'iuil 1111 "Vit luiml. Him Hiiri'lv Kit. 11 proinlM" of rnrn inn- .41(11 1 illlllll) I'lli'inlx nml p.itiuim nf IIk Applu t;nlu lone ku l.'.irin .1 Hint rIiu kiuipih nn "(fori in pi'ifntliiK Iht pnpiln In tlmlr in 11 nl :il work, nml "in li puMIc r.'i'llnl ili'iiiniikliiiti-ii iimitt HiIb fail. Until ,Mlgn Notit nml Iht ti'iulioi uiu lu Im iniiBralntiili'il. An iniiiklon uf I liln klml Is n.'tiT iilllii mi Miiiiil"t. nn ttlieii J! I Bit Ai pliiuul" ran In- p.'iMii.iiliiil tu ilu) Iht Milt Vlnlillnu lu Hi" t'liini'Kl H'iiii'sU fur n wiln. nil., ri'inli'ii'il ' HiitiRarlati Itliniwoil) Nu ll." liy I'm 11 l.lszl. In l.i-r own lilKlily tu Untie tnAtiniT wlili li, tn llin" fmnlllar wltti Iht plnylnc nii'ils nu flintier loiunii'iit. .ri'i:iis sr.w ia.M itt'i.iNc. 1 1, ilili- llnlr) mini I'liiiir 'I IiiiImi Mini.- Ail Mi.) I'll" lli'foi" S.'.'lni; U1111I. mill PLAN riSJIING RESORT H. C. Spink Secures Lease on Lands Along Spring Creek, the Finest Trout Fish ing Grounds in the United States Iht-Mi iiiIiiihiiiiiiIh In He" wllelllel ill llllillli'lllH illlll) 'I li. Mniiarili Men illilllii Co will illlll 11 lulllpl.l" llli" nf t.'K.'llllll.n j.'lilll. . k. f I till! III" l.lllllll lllll Illlll l.i lit I'l". Ill I'ur iim litft nml l:ir"Ht iiHtorl int'iil nf I'll. in. mraplin or Hottlnc Mst- Mtill.'i, cur fith nml Main ::n Tin" llli" uf ttiitt'hi'H Wlnteri WokhliiElun. ll Ih held hy Hi" Huprrini' Coin l uf Hi" Dlittrlit uf Co lilinhlit lh.it Ih" Interior l)emitment ciiniioi rciitilr" Hint eiitr)nmn nntl.T Hiu lllillier nml nl one 111 1 ttlisill pur uin.illy ku upon tht Inml kuiiKht lie- fore nmkliiK their Inlthttltii entry. TIiIb ileelnloii wait renileri'il In Hit ini) nf Mnr) S. Nest. whoo Hnihcr VnlfW ICtliut lit Hi" lltnelilirc. On Hun. laml ullli" hail heen i:ineelk'il lifuiiR" nli" li.nl nut vlnltc.il th" laml hvlurti IIIIiik. Tim itinrt I10I1U that llin lit'p.'irltni'iil win wllhtiut aiilhor Hv In .mi."lllni: tliln rnlry ntcrcl) mi Hie Kionml "that lht appllrant iIIk tin "ifd Hit iharnctt'r nf tin; laml from hntliic hail nn expert ox.unlmi It." 'Mils tli'iltlun lit uf fni'-r.'iichliiK t'lfrit. ami nTloimb alTi'itf th" !iw i.'Kiilatlnns reotnlly iiruiuulpnUil Tor Ih" . nfuri"iuinl nf Hi" 1 1 in Iht ami Kluti" at't. i'tiKi'i..Mi i.irncu. Hi") arc innveriliiK Hi.- (nrimiH into rurniH uf utility ami henut), they uro billlillni; hIhi'iIk nml iuIR'Kch, the lllhlii tlHlun ur "t"r limn ilwelllnK 'inilor his own tin.- nml (Ik tree In r.'nll.-l I ii, wh"t" I. ottiry li.illly inul uml iiilcllii'luul uniil limy Im Kiatlfl.tl. 'Iht- nut 11 ml Health uf the miliary U Kn-ut nml km at itru IIh ai hluvcniunt,!!. but hcttur thuu all this nru lliu titjopl" llioinii"lvi a cliuien nun KruttlUK In ntiinhors uml In all tlm iiCKimpllHlirnuiiU ami KraLes t hlih iiial.o a people, mutually uneful a.ir l.nppy." Th" tontentloii uf thu Oregon State Dairy Asmichitlun nt Datum hut week wan the mint miciesHful ever held ny that hotly. Wuiblngtoii uml Cul Kortilu ttciu rc'iiieueiiti'il In both at U'liilnnco ami exhllilm. Thu Kraml prlr.e for thu best display of dairy pruductH una awarded to P. A. Schu liliiKer uf Salem fur nn exhibit com- prlaliiK -'"' tarletleH uf ilieese. The IxiiiKldH C'reamery Co., uf ItuaubtirK. Aim the Unit award fur highest scor Iiik tnuiiHTy huttiT, I'. O. Muttkc, of .Sweet lluiii", for hlKheHl HCOrlUK inittiT. uml T. J. Ilallaiityti", of Hob' out Hie, fur hlKhent morliii; theotu. The dairy men pleilrd a fund uf (ISO per month fur thu cmphomcnl of un expert to brlnx dairy eondltlona throughout thu Mntu up to thu hlsh- eat po.Hllile standard. An niiproprla Him uf tiiuuu will hu asked from the .1.1-Klsljturc. I'resldent P. L. Kent, uf Cortitlll. was re-elettetl, with Carl Ahimux, of Salem, decretory. The tliiit- of next year's meeting will be rhtmeii t'u harmonize with the date telvited by the Washington dairy - in. .1, who meet at Chehulls this week Hun. C. I.. Mltchel, of thu Dairy Dl' tUlon, I!. S. Department of AKrlcul' turr, is In Chehulls for this meeting, ..io-:--:--:-' Kk k STORE Do Your Shopping at this Store. Largest stock of Toys and Doll$. Xmas Goods. Ap propriate Gifts for all. Here are a Few Suggestions for K K k STORE LADIES iim: 1 Mimi:i,i..tH HIKll'I'INd .JK i'i'itsi:s V.i' Jl'I.IKTH II It TltlM.MICD (All ftiltirk) '.SI IN.VKIHH AMI Nll.iWIM M:VI9iT HTYI.KH IIKKHS HIIUIM '"IM: WIMKIt WAISTS Ml'l! CIIITAINS taiii.i: sins I'Ul'IIIK A.VI .VAI'ltl.NS 'J .MATCH I'A.VCV IIAMlKIIItCllllvl'S ami roi.i.Aim HHKr. itoxics WUIIK IIOXICH MAMCUKUMKTH 'IOII.CT SKI'S H'lllltlt ullOTU HL'UH UUH AXI IHI.N'V JACKKTS HWKATKIt t-OATH I'M IMNKKTH. KTO. IITO. MEN si si'i:.M)i:its and MXKTII.'S (uiu in a llov) i'am'v sox in xmas homn x.mas iiaxiiki:iii'iiii:is srir t'ASi:s KID HI.HVIN sii:ii: sii.k i.iMiit hi.(ii:s UIMH, MITTIvNS AMI (JI.OVIS TAXTV WAIHITO.VIS Nl.ll'riCIIS, AI.I.SIVI.CS WAi,u-ovi:it nitiNS shoi:s wi.vtiik (.'ai's ihim.au ami itiv iiom:s NKCKTIi: IIOXDS I'AJAMAS, MCillT (1IIW.NS ii.m: u.miiui.i.i.as a hthtsox hat WtMH. HOX tlVKHtXIATS iixt; sii.k siuitis HWKATKIt COATS KINK DIIKSS WllllllS FANOV WOOL IJNDKUWKAIt UDIIIIKU HOOTS AND SIIOICH irrr., i.-h'. CHILDREN IOVS til IIOM.S HOOItS lll,I.S Al.l. KI.MIS IKII.I.S i.Mi:s (IH.N'S '. 'i $ iimiii ciii;sis TIIAIXS til.NS MIX IIAMI'AI. TOS Itt'lllIKU IIOOIS I'O.VIh DAI'S MIITUXS KicKi:iti!ocKi:it suns iim: iiiicss siiocs m sriii'Vi:ns IHMIIIS 'lOKCS i:id., inc. Fine Doll and Auto mobile to be given away Xnuis. K. K. K. STORE One uf the most Important Kuthcr IIIKH In hi held tin the I'.iellle Coast ilurliiK ltHili ttill he the contention In Portland uf the AhhiivI.iHuii uf Amer- linn Aitilcullitral Collenen ami i:pe- Hint nt Ktutliius, hrniiKht here thruiiKh i'l th" llmtl-illlleulillll) uf I'lt ..lilent W yj Ken. nr thu Ort'Kiiu AKlli'Ulttirul S j Colli u. The Ainerlf.iu AHSoelatlon ?,nf I nltelHlt) pleHltlelllH, thu Atuerl xitau AM-mlallon uf I'.irmeia' Institute WnrkoiM, llin AKriinnmle Hoeluly, uml thu AsKitlutlun of AKrit'iilttirul Che iiiIhIh altviDii hold their lonti'lltlouH ul Ih" Mini" plat 11 uml time us thu Assoi lalloii of AKiieultiiial ColloKes uml i:peiluieut Sluthilis, uml will Hieiefniii ho lieu) also. Delegates tu tht'H" luivtiiiKi itiuiprlsii i'uIH'K" and uulteislty prenldenlH, tllrettniw of ex pel linen! statliius, evpeilH In the tilt feienl huieiiMH ul III" llep.irlliient of AkiIi nllilre. and uthei Hlieclullsts.nud un utteuilmii'" of hetween 1"0U uml I Mill Is expit'ti'tl. All eMemled tlidt to the -V -I'. i:poidtiiiu Is imliuleil lu I hell- m licluli'. Thu exuit tlate or the tiiuti'iiliiiii will he uuuouutetl Intel .1 i: DefelKiuith. etllloi- of thu Ameiliun l.uiuheiiuaii, of t'hiuiKu, who Ii.ih hesluweil ttui'h 111:11 mil piulso un Dniittl.iH llr, lian thu fulluwliit; tu i.ay I'tllliiil.ill) in the iiiiient Hsuu nf the l.iliuheiuiau: "llu. I'ai'llle Nnithttt'st makes u wtnuleiful appeal Io uteiy tUlloi. It U u land of living wuteis, of Kulduu soil, uf inluoial wealth bu)ond itim- pi'olienalun, of foie'Jti whkh will bless liiauklntl when uthur lauds ntu tlt:.ti- .stoci; rri-Ms. 1'. M. Miller, ur l.akevluw. sold to Mitchell c Co . 4S0 head of lieof cat tle at Merrill. The ruttlit will be tak en lu (iiiielhi uml shipped tu Oak land. Lewis Cerbei ttturted 3UU head of rattle Inst Sat unlay to bu shipped from Ml. Ilelntin tu S.iernmento. Chiis. Ilorton will start 30U head In u few day for Mt. Hebron. Their det-llnatlon Is Oakland. It Is asserted tfiat tlio beef cattle In lliu Merrill country aro nearly all in thu hands of wholesale liutebers uf C.illforula. I'luns are now belli K matured which when lompleto will bu good news to lliu spoilsmen uf thu Pacific Coast. This Is the establishment of u well equipped flshlni; resort on thu famous Sprint: Criek which Is lucated on tho Indian Itesertutlon. Spring Creek is known as lliu llnest trout flshlni: stream In thu United Stutes, but has herctufor.i been almost Inaccessible to thu sportsman on account of being located on thu reservation and tho lands being la thu ownership of tho Indians. It. C. Spink, of Klamath Am-ncy, has succeeded In securing a Ave year leas'i on lands along both sides of thu stream for u distance of a mile. This Includes practically all of thu choke tumping and fishing grounds along this stream. It Is tho plan of Mr. Spink to form a company to han dle thu tourist trade to this point. At least bo will have .: agent In this city to furnish Information and look after tho transportation of tourists going to tho resurt. It Is thu Intention of Mr. Spink to put from 20 to 30 good comforta bio tent houses for sleeping quartors and a largo dining room. The ac commodations will bo first class and a first class tablo will be set. No campers will be allowed on tbo grounds and with plenty of boats the patrons of tho resort will havo. tho exclusive right to those fino fish Ing grounds without tho Intrusion of outsiders. I'XITKI) STATES XAVV IS Nl'-Vr TO QIIEAT UIUTALV. . IIIKTIIS. To Mr.' nml .Mrs. J. C. Mougold, at :: oVIot'l; this morning, a 10-pound hoy. To Mr. and Mm. I). T. Meldrum, at 1 o'clock this ufteintiiui, nu i pound hut. Tho United States li now second to Ureal Ilrltaln only as a naval pow er, acordlng to tables of tho naval strength of leading nations, which are Included In tho annual report of . cx-Secretnry Metcalf, of tho Navy Do-. partment. Franco Is building reoro ships than tho United States, and woro theso completed In each coun try Frnnco would supplant the Unit ed States In second place aa regards aggregate tonnage. Tho following tablo shows tho rank '. of tho navies In total tonnage as they ; now aru aud as they will be when vessels now building are completed. ' Tho first column Is tho tonnage at ' present and tho second as It would ' bu when essoin building are com--, pleted. Client nrlt.it!!.. 1.CC9.005 1 1.S7 1,170 United States. Franco Gertnuny Japan Russia Italy 0S.r,,42C j U2S.8S2 I S24.S73 j 371,391 I 240,943 j 20,438 j Austria 1,14.250 801,183 770,408 693,699 444,903 330,040 248,778 148,350 It Takes Good Taste i ;44K44e z I f THE SANTA CLAUS STORE ; t.illet, cil u people ',le,ll lu Inlelleil, eueigt, end in ante, uml Muillliiftm, lu this I'.olden Xoilliwest, in .1 ill liiato wlthuul tho haisliness uf thu North or tho cnorvntlng softness ot tho South, theso peoplo m o building lean AkiIiuUhiiuI Collegcti uml Hpe uti earns tin- power, or, pouring them over tho plulus, have produced fruit ful Holds and gardens; they nto wiost lug (tow tho earth Us luluoiul wealth To decorate a home prop erly. First you must have beautiful wall paper. It must be well put on. It must be durable as well as beautiful. We handle the newest patterns, the most beautiful shades and the best qualities. The price also recommends them. ROBERTS 6c HANKS . .HARDWARE MERCHANTS