Hfi KM i f y ii L'lVi ef alii I Klmnatli l-allH' 1'iiMt nll.l Ht"' I);liV- Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. nll Hcsi iiniiy. i , Li.Yi-.au. N.WI. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. SATURDAY, DEGKMHKK 12, 1D08. Price, G Cents TO WOKING BY BOYS ILLEGAL LmU'io N," 1 Asked lo u'sl!(.ilf Ollt'iiilcrs ol Anli-t irollts hm .1 (HI llll' Ittlltllll I M il iiilliiii law in iilii'iiUuli ill Inn I hi') iulllilill' li.lltl. I llllH ll-li-lll-ll lull mill mi effort i v. tin' law niifiin i .1 In I.IIVK IIKllllt . . II I ii well i iiiip ' lniiiilriiln ni ii. iiimilii'tlm. iln .1 H. II IIH lIllll'lK l.lll ll'lllllt IIM ful Ullllllllllli H.-.l II) I h, I ,ft . 111111 ' i"lliill Ilin iiimihIi.iI'h Hlll- Mnli In $ ,l p,,! mnuili rtlui II I HI I dirt- i uhm ii. inn Hiiihiiu' ii. nmi,, W11H ,1,,,,,, 'I In- Mntni iiiiiiiiini.il i n it t ilin tux- ilili. iiiiii-iI, III III,. it , ttllM mi thing Iimh Hum (tin, nun ,. mill iii uk li.ln. fin ih,. paum-M "' "I I II.IM H. Illll III, . ,,. Ii'llll ririllll. nt tin. ,11) , ,,,,.. HiIiik III nr lli-nn ii lnri;i'i tax lll him. in In. I it i.i .! 'HiIh will In I nit ihi. niiiiii., nl v n illii.iil) 1 " '" '! l-iiili. Voting iiwi,) tin milium ii'Vi'iiiin Iimh Ih ilinwliiii lot uh !! IK llllllltIKH Ml'ltlll Hlllllll II I. M I ll nits tin; I ITIIIt KMMAill i.aki:. .1 'Id.- I iii. Kliiiniilh Lake Ih I'll lit. Ii fi.iri'ii nt.. i iiIUhmii'Ii Ilin Ii.. '" " i..mI i, in inili In Ilili kni-Hii II U In II,. i,., I ImitiMi li, il ullh :i ! linn i nidi iiU'hiH llii'i.. will , miiIHi I. -hi in. to i imiiin in i. iiiiiiiik Tin' iila.iiiiii.ru v lni. him anil .Mniiinii liiit.il on Uh. ii , laki. Irli Ihu uiiirii log mill xpurlei I ii slight illlllriill) III Knllllitt uwn fiom llii. aliiiri' on m lilt nl llii' In. 'ii. limit mi. nut . II, HID' (llllll. nr -llll- w II Ii In- Im-iiUm mill It In .1,1. Ii iiilinuii luriiiii ' iniliiilili. Hint an kihiii iu tin- inlil oiilmiil lliii writ- aa.'iilli.'t wt lii tliKt Hi. up for iii ni mull iiiltiiir Hi.. inlil hi .mil wlii'li mill Kansas Plans Reform in Road Building lilt: Milili'H In mini building will In) tiiki'ii liy Ilin hIiiIii or Kun- hiiii, iii i iii illiii! Iii nliili'iiii'iilH liy Waller Itosron Hlulilm, Ilin tn-wly !! I'i'li'il t'.ini'imir, wliii liikim oIIIki lifter lliu Hist of Ilin imw ji'iir. (If uiiiiki' thi'iii will nut im highways iirrnH Hm eullrn Hlnlont firm, Iml llir I'liHii'in lint of ICutiHiiri Im In liilllil imiiln, liy n Mynli'iimlli: I'liui. mi tlnii i-iii'li link will help lo form chains of coiiIIiiiiihih muds. 'llii. iHuJiiL hiikki'iiIi'iI hy Hut niiw governor Include u mail fiom Kiiiihim I'll) lo l.uw. riTii ii unit llifiicc to Toinkii, tlm itiplliil of tint Kluli' Aiiullii'i' pinji-it Ih lo mark I lie nlil Hiintii 1'it trail, alii-ady Klald'il mil thimigli llii' whole of Kiiiihiih Willi nil granite iiiouil- iih'IiIm, wlili i, pi. iiiiiini. nt mini TIiIh mini wiik xi'li-ili-d fm Uh mod. inili. iiiiiilli'iit mill tin. nlil i oiii , iiiMiiiilmiili'il. wmihl iruiki. oiii of Ihi-llni.nl lilgliwn)H In the muuti). 'Wlii'li tin. new gnvi'iiinr taken iillli ! It Ih iiiiiIi'IhIiiihI tluit tliurn will Im In Ii Ih nn-HMigc u puiiigruph iihIiIiii: tin. i'i;iilaliiiii to rente llm olllni of liluliway a-uglni-cr or iiiiiiiiilHHlotii.r. ho lliiil u oiniri'lii'UHlii plan of mail IhiIIiIIiik may at nun. In hugiin .Matin lul Ih clow nt hand, ho far uh rcgurdH tlui I'MHli'in i'oiiiiIIi-h of tin' Htitto, Tlio dllt iowM fartlii'i- west will be I'.hi'ii tlui hi-iit tii'atim.'iil devised for their hoIIh a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Ml.ltltll.l, IIIXOltD IIKMM. II Im unlawful . i ii' nr In mi) nit minor iimlnr nut Inli.ii rn, I- I HKIIVICKH ,T TMK CIII'IU.'IIIIM. 'llm ni'ioiiil nutlet nl tin Inwnr vml J Service will Im Inlil in Hid several of 'lull' I.aki' wan opi'iii'd litHt Moii rliiirclieii of Klamalli Kails Hunday iu lay, ninl ugulti llm How wiih not us ' follow: . i i"i inlliiii, linn i i i ' I"' (llVrll In "im. Im ilin trail 1 "iii,".i. ii;h,ii i.' II nit) III wlili 1. 1. II III lill'lla" ra ti, i Ik- i.ivlmi Ii' I iitlrll i... In n.'i !" than Ihi- . ii .hi llfiv ilollnrH i ' ill iir unlawful iti'l' i Hi, asi of I rn in mil way nw i liiliarai hi i... ii i In all) a a 1 1 I (.im . , Hitinraa or r. ! MilllltlllK till- IH"' ' '! ull. iiKin ron i ni .mi mii id not li im' than li'ii iliilliti i i. ' at tlui option ail I . ' fill I'll! Il iilTi'll". I.IK iih wiih i'lpi'iti'il, tlioiinti n InrKu inanilt) of walir run tiliiK out. Tin niiiiii wiih Inoki'ii up atul no further woik will im ilium until next HprliiK. I'miik Ktrli), ai'i'ouipmilcil hy f'liaili'H llariow of MontiiKim, win In Mi'itlll tln Hint of tin. wi-i'k liHikliiK for i Inili ! lirrr rati h for (' J Jiilin- mui of Han I'iiiiiiImo Wi iimli-r- Hlauil that Im Ik oIIitIiik I'i'iiln per i m ml for ihohi. Hli'i'iH Mr. Klrhy 'wan afli'r the "T nil lie hut iih .Mr. '.Miller wiih not on the nceiie, he went lo I'ort Klamath TileHilay. retiimlUK Wriltii-nila) He Ih now In tlui city ' Some time iiko the Iteroril aiiliounc liallia t.n palrai iiMIh' iii'Wim! thliiKn nl that N H Merrill hail two inuh-H In a-iillnr .lii (s iihuiiIih olil Hint wrlcln'il KJd ami 'I Im M .MiM.t'lT.W'.s. Ileautlful. Mill mnt Bp.nklliiK. aut Klaaa nt Mi lliiltaii'H. .My nmliii'llii iiii.ru hni. niiheil (Now lirliiK In niir iiiiihti'llii. 1 A ptell) llii.. uf "I'lwtonii" in-ik- Ihtiiiliiiimi N.'W WHlrli.K ullh ililctl Kraile lililli'llli'lllH PA Mill. I.I.W I Hit Ml.ltltll.l. MII, lull pliiH am) liiiH.ihi.il 'Mm iimimlia ri'NI'irllM'ly, with the m.'illnm ami nlaii'ini-til Hint they were Dnmorriillc uiuli'H iiml that Mr Merrill wiih on the hIiow me" hi'iirh If tliere were mi) Iti'pulillimi mull", n kmhI. Now ioIiii'M lli'iij lliahnlii with the Ktute. in. nl that iih he is a Itupuhllt-nn ami that tiiulet are llm exprema prlvllcKe of Ili'iiini'ijitH, It woiilil III htxonie him to Iio.'ihI of ixtrii kooiI inuli'M. hut that lie Iiiih il full hliHiilrtl Ilepuhllcnn mil that urlKheil MO ioiiiiiIh when It wiih i ilayn hIiiiiI of S iiioiiIIih olil. Ami lliai'H not hail either. t a in. i. of i ha town toiiui'tl 4 hin' ii. i 1 1 ih.. Mii'tiM' mini ol Jn i .i, tr im, i'miik llliiom l.ratiii ). nt nun il until nm h '. I ',. ., ,.tl. Hlllllllll. lull ii . ,t, . will, lln- nii'iii Hw.. in ( i'iiiiiiii'I iloikH, S ilny. nml Hie l.ili.l, f.ini') htonie rloikH, one it.iy Hun. llnrlinm Htetllin; nller ll.it ware In llm " JeRi'itnii" ami "I'liaiitlll)" imlli.riin I'ri'H) nml u:iiiiy new nli'tlliu: nil ler IlliM'llli'S, IM? ItoKi'l ll.it ware In M'lH ami nlllUli' plart-t-s III llll. Ilnmt pnpuhll pill-la-ill, "The VIlilliRe." Hh. Auto I'.I.HKi'i, Himiki'il kI.issi'h .mil rn- kUhk iii'Ih I'ntikllii i ni'ir-llllliii: I'iiih hai i'iintl II tint air a II it wrililliiK ptrni'lllH or ClirlNlinai )rllli I think )mi rail llml Kiniii'Hiliir, In ni) Htork MrllATTAN Mm Hliliiiiil Shore Smith kiiio n "" illlilier In a few flla'tulH lant eveiilni; i the oiiiihIiiu Iii-Iiik Ml Sllllth H lilrtll-llll) rine lluu of watches. Winters I k: -:'-:.':.-:-. aA .;...--: ..'' Kk K STORE Do Your Shopping at this Store. Largest stock of Toys and Dolls. Xmas Goods. Ap propriate Gifts for all. Here are a Few Suggestions for LADIES 'IM- I MltltlM.ias MIINTIM. IIAUS ITIM s 1 II i.nns II II IIMMMCII (. CoIoih) '.tlNVlHIts M MIAWI.K MAVI'M- M'VI.CS nin:ss siioi:s '"IM UlNTIIlt WAISIS ' I ItTAI.Nh '' ih.i. sns llOllls im, VM'KINS TO .MATCH ''N . II iMlKIIIICIIII'irS M'OI,liAIIS ""M. IIIIMis WIIK lioxutf S--Ml I ItMSKIS 'iiii:r sins "'llll.lt IIHH'IS HK.S VIS im, ''NV .lAt'Kirrs "tt'l-'A-l fit COATS NJI.N IIASIvlCTH, irrc. KTC. MEN si.sii:.iii:its and .i:('KTIi:S (one III il llai) I'A.VCV KOX IX A.MAK IIO.i:S XMAS IIA.MIKi:it('llli:iS si it tsi:s Kin ni.tvi:s si i. in: sii.ic i.isch hi.uviw wood .Mirrnxs AMMIMIVi:S I'A.VCV WAIST CO.VIS hl.UTIIItS. ,i,i.stvi,i:s w.i.K-ovi:ii iui:ss hiioks WI.NTUK CAI'S COI.I.AK AMI CIIT IIOXKS xiichtii: noxi:s PAJAMAS, XKIHT OOWXS i'i.m: i'.Mimi:i.i.AS A STiriSOX HAT WOO i SOX OVI.TtCOATM iim: sii.ic siiutis SWKATKIt COA'IH iim: 1)iu:sh siiiius l-A.NCV WOOL UNIVKBWEAK ICITIttlKIt HOOTS AND SHOICa inc., kit. X KkK STORE i .- , i i . i , i . i on a trli to Mlnnohotu, tier old homo, Hlin will vlnlt her parents thin winter J ami return to Ori-iiou next May or I J une. ' Win. I'tiruimm, of Yonna, went to i the I "a 1 1 k hint .Sunday, lakliiK with him Home of Hid JurlxlH, who were John AiiiIithom, I.', II. Mit'uinhi-r uml W. I'. 8'-iIkii. 1 (Iml frey IP.'ck Ih liaullni; IiIh win ili-hraml Itonil ranch, Is intcrnllng to hri-iik n train of horm-n for a htiKK) train. loin Mli'huel, of Hairy, Iiiih K'nie to Swan Luke anil JiiiIiik his ahHrncv his wife ami chllUrru hid vlsltlni; with her mother, Mrs. ()i-ii, Smyth. John I.lnJ huttherrd live hues last week. Many of tho fiirintTi nru bccomhiK ttrcutly comurned about Kcttlni; wa tt-r for their stock, as tnoru well arc ItolliK dry i-u-ry day. Kreil Heck's ranch Is now without water and he Is obllKed to K-t litH supply of water from (loilfrey Hoik's runili. A (I am Weldman Is now huullnc polvH for Hey l'ool and will build a Krannry on hi own place us hood ns ho Ih IhrouKli. J. Drew, who Is maklni; Improve ments on his homestead, hus moved a burn from his brother's place to his homestead, which Is near Win Flackus. T. A. Hammersley, of Yonna, Is busy S'-ttlnK telephone pules und will Install a telephone right away. Mrs. I.. A. Stcrzl Is dispoHlni; of her turkeys, which are selllnK nt $3 each. Mrs, Win, Welch bought two of her last week, Theodore and Wm. Flackus and W. L. Simpson, of Yonnn, are at work on tho grade which will complete the new bridge over Lost Itlvcr near Ilo- " " inanta rr.-l.jterlnii Churtb The usual chai Wotf,k , ow u Vonll., work. servlu-H In the rhurch nt the regular nB u ,,, ,lonittlU.ai, m.arGco. hours. The Hinnlny Hrhool Is for tho smith's. study of Hod's Word. Kverjono Ih 0 0. I'eurson nun returned from welcome. The C. K.. the tralulnc tno Fnlu and u now. dolnK u faI, school of tin church, mertH at C:30 I plowing. p. III. There Ih II eollBtlintly growing! den. Smith wrnt In Ilin AnVnni- ranch Wednesday with two milch DOINGS IN THE CIRCUTCOURT Garrison-North Case Goes to the Jury-Provo Divorce Case Being Heard tarnce .MelliiMlInt l.'pinropal Cliurtli Hubbiitli sdiool lu a. m v.llli clnHses for nil ages. Subject. "The llulld ln! of the Temple." At 11 u. in. the Haciument or the Lord'H Supper will he ohm-rvril. The HiTIIIOII Will he delivered hy Itev II. K. Dunlup, Ills Irlit Huperinti-mlent l.'pnorth League lit 7 p III. Leader, selected. Sllbjeit, "Joy of the Overcomes." I'ralnu und KlilllgellHtlc Service at 7::iO, Sub ject' "The liiHplrutloii of the Illble." The public Ih (onllally Invited to theHii H-rvlces. Htraupvra Hpi-clnlly welcome. Si-nts free. J. W. l'HICK. I'astor. Iiileri-Hl In the young people's meet ing. The M-rmous, .both morning and evening, will Imw on "Slit." la the morning on "I'rcHiimptous Sin," n ml In the evening on "Tho Unpar donable Sin." Until citizens and ull hi rangers nre welcome to all the ht-vlri-i of the church. flKO. T. I'HATT. I'aslor ClirNllnii Sclrliie Hertlres will b held lu the llnldwln Ilulldlng Sunday lit lln III Kllhjeat: "(loil the I're-M-iver of Mini." HapVlHt Sorvlces Sabbath School nt 10 a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m. H.Y.I'.U. at 7:20 p.m.: evening wor ship, S p.m. Hi:V. J. II. OHIFKITII. IVstor. Church of Sacred Heart Mass dully at 7U(t; Sundays at 10:30 a.m. .MAKO.MO rXKCTION. CHILDREN TOVH Ol IIOI.I.S HOOKS HAI.KS ALL KINDS IHIM.8 HAMKS OU.NH lOOli CHDSTS lltAINS OII.NH MKCIIAXICAIi TOYS ItllllllDIt HtMU'S COATS :.! MITTKXS K.vicKi:ituocKi:it sens iim: iihi:ss suncs AMI SCIIFKKHS HOOIIS TOKKM inc., irrc. Fine Doll and Auto mobile to be given away Xmas. Iti'gular Communication of Mason ic lidge Monday, December H. An nual election, W. A. DKLZKLL, W. M. IX AXI) AltOUMl VOXXA. liiterentlnK Xi'Uh mill IVi-minnls i'niiii llm IVrllle l'pM'. Ciiiintry. K. K. K. STORE THE SANTA CLAUS STORE ter's Hiipply of wood fiom the lloppo ranch up In the mountains. Muuuel Vlorra, who owns the 1 III Mr. WIIhoii, neur illy, passed this way last week on his return trip from tho KulU, where hu had gono to meet Ills Hlster who has come from Canton, Ohio, to make her home with him near Illy. She has come west on umlaut of her poor health uud hopes to leguln It while lino. Vol non HastlUK. uf Yonna, is build ing " new hnrn on his place which lie has recently bought from Joo Welch. W. l Sedge, of Dairy, was called to the I'll llsto servo on the Jury, and during IiIb nbueuce Wm, Welch, ot Dairy, hus clmrgo of Mr. Sedge's atoro. Jacoli Itueck went lit the fulls hi'Jt Saturday to tho Water Users Asso ciation meeting of which bo la one ut tho dlruclou. The Yonna Valley Tailepuoue Co. 'a dlrectoin, numely: L. A Sterzl, Wm. Welch uml W I'. Hedge, held a meet lug hint Hutuiduy nt Daily. Mike Itueek, who In one nl tho Jur ors, went to the Fulla tuklng with htm a load of wheat, and on his re turn will bring out u loud ot flour. Mr, and Mrs. M. P. Nelson wero visitors ut the homo of Mr, und Mrs. J. II. O'Urlen last Sunday. Wednes day mornlnc Mru. Nelson will start Lows which hu has sold to Cluis. Mor ton nt $20 per head. Alf Wullls. of Yonnn, has been but chering this week. Ho will save tho I meal for his winter's use. Chun. Carlton butchered a hog last week which weighed over 300 lbs. Huehen White, or Tort Klamath, was lu Yonna Valley last week. While here hu bought 10,000 pounds of oats from the Deck Ilros. Karl Adums, of Upper Yonna. was lu Dairy Sunday. Geo. Smyth went to tho Henley ranch near tho Kails lust week on a business trip for Chas. llortou. Chns. McCumber Is plowing some land for u large garden for next sum- inor. II. 8. Orlgsby, although not n res ident ot the neighborhood, has help ed lu a substantial way to build the addition to the Hlldebrnnd school. We wish tliero wero more such pub lic spirited people. At 3 :.u HiIh afternoon the dofenno nnlHhnl HubiulttinK tho tasu ot (iarrl the attorneys ug cane to tho Jury fhu Jury was given the'nttorneyH urgued before tho Judgo In rrguril to tho Instructions which were to be given to the Jury. The Jury retired at 1:1& and was still out nt live o'clock. Tho divorce caso of Margaret I'rovo vs. Joseph I'rovo was then taken up hy tho Court. F. 11. Mills Is repre senting thu plaintiff and Judgo Den ion the defendunt. Tho first witness for the plaintiff was Dennis Provo, brother of the defendant. AlUOUtXS UNTIL MONDAY. As It was necessary to wait for some witnesses before proceeding with the uvldcnco In the Walkes cato, thu Urnnd Jury this afternoon took an adjournment until Monday morn ing. It Is bellovcd that all ot the wltnesscH linvo been examined In the cato of thu State vs. Melton, Johnson and Hale, and tho Jury will probably 1 1 ready to report tho first thing Monday. OI'KltA HOUSE TONIGHT. Tho Devil, taken from the late dra matic cruzc. Antl-Hatr Powder, com ic. The Hcconctliatlon, dramatic. The Ureat Bargain Sale, comic. Now songs and social dnnco after the show by thu Loam Orchestra. S. Wordcn went to San Pran- c'j-co this morning on a business) trip. For the best and largest assort ment of Phonographs or Sewing Ma chines, see Muller, cor. Cth and Main. Tom Stateu has moved to town from his place at nattlcsnako Point. It U stated that ho will move bla mink fnrm It hu can find a suitable place near Ihn lower end of tho lake. Thu small scow being built for Frank Adams on tho Upper Lake Is ncarlng completion. It Is an easy for a millionaire to bu an optimist as It Is difficult for a pessimist to bo a millionaire. Iter. It. K. Dunlap arrived last ev ening from Lakeview to attend the quarterly conference ot the Metho J.lst church. Mrs. It. It. Hamilton left this morn ing for Portland where she will re main about a month visiting friends and relatives. In the Quarterly Conference .held at tho Methodist Church last evening. the names of V. W. Mastcn and Dr. C. V. Fisher wero added to the board of trustees for church and parsonago property. -The completed list stands as follows: u. r;. wiuaocs, n. u. High. II. L. Benson, Dr. Hamilton, John L. Leo. Geo. W. McLean, W. W. Mnsten and Dr. C. V. Fisher. KeO-KC-)-)0IMMMMMM; ; It Takes Good Taste !: To decorate a home prop erly. First you must have beautiful wall paper. It must be well put on. It must be durable as well as beautiful. We handle the newest patterns, the most beautiful shades and the best qualities. The price also recommends them. ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS $ iik-tfuw-jti jb v m is11f iiiill I Wa f ' raLiiiHHHl'p a receM .wk4U .f "."i'!,,,l:tWiJ f j, il CI . ..X4',