WM ; , We Deliver to Any Part of Town. .? BALDWIN Hardware STORE Phone 261 in hnvinti Drutts. Chemicals and their t official prepara tions, we buy only Bin the most reliable urces, Insuring the hest In Quality. 5JHITWOOD DRUG CO. j BRICK WORK A AND iPla:tering CIIIMNI.YU AND KIHE I'UCKh A SI'hCIALTY H. E. HOLDERS KUMATH rALLS, OMOON ENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlor iters Served In Any Style I. V.HOUSTON, Prop. C.P.MASON Dentist xricin Hank A Truit Co.'s llulldlng WM. MARTIN Dentist lOfflceover Klamath County Bank uioni it D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falls, Orvgsn NOTICK. N'oicititu.p K inna Tkro aro fund In tho City Trcas- "or mo redemption of oil War " P'otntwi prior to and Include l8Pt. 6. 1 'J 0 r, . Inl.r,.t .... ..inn 11 tel" from above date. J. W. SIEMENS, City Treaauror. 00 ACIIKH FIIKK. IJ5 kkosldo company hai 3600 H Of Ian..! ... k i -. ...IU unuor the Adam ditch , " w glvo HUNT mKB foi Tear. tm. ii..j ..- . and water. The renter muat piace the land In culutla- The rentm .11 .k. . 1 " reaarvn n. -i..u - . ubbl.. Tho Ukvahle Company, ' Prank Adami, Manager, Merrill, Oregon. iHotel P81 Hitch or licaae. , '" everything new, dining feDa fifffht rnnmi nlnt 1 Wtrona tA,' .' . :: wT ,n,uf t Hotel Oorrli, " wenta, ici: aii.im a ton. 1 will iut iii tipper Luke leu nt lliln prim oviuythlng furnished, iix- I'llpl SUWllllst. ). m limy , t ill thin ollWit -7-11 II13UT HAM. Hum ynii mien those iliiuhlii-rdiloil mhoiiIs at Hellkiiiiipfr'H7 Two se imtliina fur tliu prim of mm, ao 1 nm prepared to do nil kind of lituro I'rmnliiK In Kilt und inlnnlnii. Milliner, tlm Furniture Mini. 22tf Toll Mullnr your sowing nmliliij roubles Mm tilui'it for runt. A I no leedlen, nil, etr. Telephone 254. 18 WOOD HAWINtl n specialty. All intern will rn-elvo prompt attention. I I., Fielder. J3Utf I.OTH WA.VIHH THE HEADY- iiaih: iifitmi: company win b) iiiiiii vucmil lutH nt lenioni.til'i prl"- C'nll lit the uflHu on M l.fi street liciuu Nu HII n I'OH IIHNT 501) mien of ngrleul- mill unit KrniliiK hind. I0U acres In iiltlviitliin, Willi (ili'iily nf range En- iiilr nt tlm Herald otllm 23 Put your nrilcr In now for the 'ultuge or lliingnlow ynu will wont it-it spring. Cull nt tint officii of I'Iiii l(-uit)'Mnili House Co., on Main ilriit, unil '! maples and plnnii lionn No. KM. 13 HI MMO.NN. Ill tli Circuit Court of tin- Htuto ot iregon fur tin- County of Klmnntli Chin M lmiii.r. I 'lit I nt 1 IT. vh Ininin M. Ituiiillu, Defendant. Bum noun I'ii Jiuniii, M It'iudle, Di'fcndunt In tin tiuinv of tliu Htuto of Ore ton You uru lnTi'by rryulrrd to np IM'iir mnl nnawiT tliu (Miiiplatut fllid illiiltit you In tliu above uiitltW'i! null, in or lii'for Wt'dm-iidiiy, tlm 30tli In) of Dllrlllbir, l'JOS, tliut bi'lllK tlm ilut" of tlm lint publication of t It. iiiiiiinona In wild mlt uud tliu limt datii wltlilu villi cli tlm di'fi'iidmit llicrt'ln I. rojulri'd to aimwiT uld coinplultit flii'd by tliu order for .iiibllrntlon of till, uiuiiiona, ami If jrou full to apprur and aunwur. tlic till I lit 1 fT will upply to tliu court for lliw riillcf prnyud for In auili com lilnlnt, to.wll Qulitlnx plalntlrT'a title to tlm fol IowIiik ili'Dcrlbeil nnl property: The Went half of tliu Houthwent quarter of Kiitlou Nlni', tlm Koull.eaat quar ter of the Nnrtlirnut ijuarti'r and Nortln'Otit quarter nf the Houthi-ant quarter o Bectlon Klilht, In Townnlilp 'ort-oi.n Mouth of ItiuiKU Hweii Kast 'f tlm Vlllniiintln Meridian, In Klnin- ntli County Orckit, containing ICO l.ir'-" of land. Till" mimiiiniii la publl.hed In the Cv.'IiIiik llernld, a dAlly newapupet printed and imblliihed at the city of Klniimtli I'iiII", In aald County und Hliile, by order of Hon (leorKo Nol mid. JiidKe of the nliinn nmned court, iirli order beliiK dated the Mtli da or Nowtiitmr, 190S; tho flrat piibllni Hon of tills miimniinn to be miido on the lCth day of November, litOS. TIIOMAH DltAKK. Attorney for Plaintiff Klamath Palla, Orvaon. XOTH.i: FUll I'l'lllJCATION. Department of the Interior, U. 3. I.und Offico at iJikovlew, Oregon, October S8, 1908. Notice la hereby given that Charle) V Del.ap, of Klnmoth Kalla, Oregon, who, on Oct. 22, 10S, made Tlm her and Stone Application. No. 0710, for tho WV4HWH. Bee. 30, T. 32 8 . It. 7 '4 K W. M.. haa filed notlco of Intention to mnko final proof, to oh tubllili clnlm to tho land abovo do icrlbed. beforo County Clerk Klam ath Co., at hla office, at Klmnntli Knlli. Oregon, on tho 11th duy of January, 1V01). Claimant nnmoe aa wltneaaoH: Wnrron I). Klngdon, of Ft. Klnin- nth, Oregon, Chester II. Dol.np. of Klnninth Falla, Oregon, l.oula llrun lion, of Ft. Klnninth, Oregon, llort K. Wlthrow, of Klamath FnllH, Oregon J. N. WATSON, 10-31 ItoglHtor. NOTICK FOll I-UI1UCATION. inmmtnant nt tlm Interior. U. 8. i.ml otllce nt Lnkevlew, Oregon, bctobor 8, 1908. Notlco la herhy given tnnt noruori n Mri.nnu. of Klamath Falls, Oro- gon, who, on Sept. 10, 1908, mndo Tlmbor and Btono Application, No. 0G02, for WHBWK. Section sa, n. , a n. q E.. W. M.. hns filed no tlco of Intontlon to make Final Proof to eatabllsh claim to tho land abovo deacrlbod, boforo County Clork oi Klamath County, ot his omce w Klamath Falls, Oregon, on tho 2 2d day of Docombor, 1908. Claimant names as witnosses. n w. Mol.ane. Mary B. McLano, J. 8. Mills, B. H. Lawrenco, all of Klamath, Falls, Oregon. J. N. WATBUN, I1AI.H IIAI'I'KM.StJH. Mniiilii) iineriiooii while riding for Mr liuliiiii, will Whltihlniili wim lliiuvwi In Dm m mi ml iilrlklm; on IiIh Iii-miI iin wim iiiiiniiHi'liiim all 'In) Inn in nnw nliin tn ), ma it C AihIi'uuii, with Ihn liulp of Jutk Amli'iHoii. I! ( Alblli H li (I Will tei Hllui, liiiteliniiiil ill i hogu liiMt Wml liri.ilny Whlln riding liiinin from hkIiooI on Mniidiiy (limn;.! Wnrd mid Wultor Ty ler Winn tliiowii f i nm their pony. It did mil hint the luiyx Hindi but greul ly miiiined Hie hi IihiiI W II 'I mid In buiiy pliinlerlliK hU minim mnl getting n-iuly for winter. IMiniiiiiI Clvy Inn Hold produeo to the miiiiuiil or 1 1 mill ofT or viiven He len uf hU dry In nil rami. 'Unit Ik hettei Minn being under the dllili. Mih (lliiiiiiiiliii U lining nil nf hei npiiie Hun' In giving IriHti utlloii on the plnnii Aliyiiun wlHhlug to tnki Ii'mkiiiih In mimic would do well tn mil mi tier im Him Ih Hidind lo limn Hi her lnn(ruitliiii nm) iila)lng. It C Amleriinii went to Klumutl. r'ullii Hiiinlii) Mih It I Aliilernnu left Mondu) iimriilng for Wnnilliuid. Culir , to dpeml Hi" winter with her pureutH. Mr (lerber brnuglil -CM Ik ml ol iiiltlu In WIIUh JiiIuihdh'h I'rlduy to feed Minn llliinchn llnblimon wiih greut I) illniippiiliited TliuiikHglvlug In nut iiiDlng ii vlilt frnm her nlnt.-r, Minn Mil) ItiibliiHiin, nf Dulry .Minn Itnb iiihimi bud her arm npriilned und wan iimible In mill" Hii" In expecting to vlnlt li n befiirn Clirlntmnn. Mr mid Mih I'rmik Hudley re turned I'rldit) evening from u week' irlnlt nt the KulU Hllpt J tl Bwiiii left fnr bin holm In KlmiiuHi rutin ufter u week of work nu Hie ninrli Mr and Mm Tenhrnnk und chil dren and Mr. ritdi, nf Merrill, apent Sundu) with Mr mid Mm It. B, Woo den In (ijile l.lttle Mildred .Morgan ban return ed to ncliool after nil ubnence nf two vveekH on accnunt nf Hlcklienn A party nf nelghbnm met with Mrs. II T Audemou Tuenduy evening, Hit the mciinlnn being to lelebrutu her birthday They did uuiple Juntlcu to n bnuntlfiil blrthdii) aupptr. Minn lllmiche Koblnnoii entertained frletiiU from nutnldii Buiiduy, The) were Minn Dellu (lerklng and Churlvi Hwltier. of Itnnehury, and Thnnmn llawtlinrue, of Kugemi. II T Andemnn und daughter, Mlns (iluil)n, went to the Kalla mi liunluenn Innl Krldu) Mm tl C BIuIk vlnlted tho dale mIiihiI .Monday We uru alwn)n glad to receive vlnltom. Wulter Tyler and Hurley Johnaon wire a bur li I frnm Hclmnl Tuenduy on nctnmit nf nlrknenn. -X -- The diinm ut Mr Miinnen'H wan nne nf the nodal an well an ono of the tunnt en Jo) able eveutn of tliu Hen- ion, uud those whn attended It hint r'rldny night will long have pleasant neiiierlen of the iiri'enlon. Among hone iirenelit were Dick Munnen, vIIiih Kelly Munnen, Mr. and Mm rdile CoUlon, Jay Fulrclo and Mr. r'ulrclo, Br.. Judge Short, Mr. and Mm. StepheiiH, Minn tiertrude Stoph nn. l.eou Stephens, Wado Short and 01) ile Short. i Win. Tlugley Is plowing with seven horses. ' M.U.K HCI.P WANTKD. York City. ItCPOHT OI' 'IIIH COMHTION OF 'J hii 'Klmnntli County flunk fit Klam ath Fill In, Olegnn, ut the clone nf bun luenn, Nnvembnr 27th, 1 DOS. KiriiniriiH. J.oaim mid illnionntH. ., 2 1.1, Kl 4.43 OviirilrnftH, Hi'i'iiied mid iiiihik iinl , K2, 1 74,37 IIoiiiIh, Hecurltlin, etc . . ri2,737.01 llunkliu: limine, furnltiirn mid llxtureH r.,lK8.01 Other real "Hlatu owned 1,002.40 Duo from Imnkii (nol rn- Hurvo bankn) 23,'j78,8& Dun from approved re serve Imnkn r'J,2C7.8u 4.'heckH mid other eanli Items 7,829.70 C'unb on blind 4IJ00.7C Total 1118,793.49 l.liibllltlen. Cnpltul Mtnek paid In. .. $100,000.00 I ndlvlilid prolllH, ll-HH ox- peiinen mid tiixen paid 8,493.09 Hue tit biiiikH mid bankers r,2C3.71 iidlvliluul ileiinnltK nub- Je I to tlieik 347,784.34 Jeliimid ' leitllliutes of depnnlt 50,372.80 rtlllid clinks C3C.00 ,'unliliT'n iliiikn oiitntund lug . . .... 244.50 Total If, 18,793.49 State of Oregon, County of Klum utli. hs: I, Alex. .Martin, Jr., Caahler of tho bovi-iiuuieil hanlc.do solemnly awenr Hint the ubnve stutement la true to the bent of my knowledge und belief. AI.CX. MAItTIN, Jit., Caahler. Jorrett Atteat: K. It. UKAMCS, AMJX. MAItTIN, Directors. Subncrlhid and sworn to before me bin Uth da) of December, 1908. C. P. CHASTAIN, Notary Public, .NOTICK. L'ntll ufter thu Holldnys my store will remain open evenings. 3-1 w II. J. W1NTEI13. Fresh oysters, flah and dressed poultry nt thu Monurch Mercantile Co. 30 $ e0 ' auarameea ramis We have full line of W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS A Big Line of Heating Stovea Just Recelred GEO. R. HURN MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lota are Bargain Buya at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FITTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. Office on Firir- Mr. 0)f 44M-4fr -::: Don J. ZcMtTAiT, President Abstracting Maps, nans, Blue rrtnU, tic. E M. Hess v'lie-l'.e- n I FOIt 8AM-: A good piano. Klara tth Ave., next to Oregon House. 3wl Sewing machine and Phonograph icudquurtem. K. W. Muller, corner flxth uud Main streets. IS Iloth the two and four-mlnuto Kdl ion records for December are In at Mullem, Cor. Ctli and Main. 1 HTAIt TAII-OltINO IIOC8E. UulU-s' and Oents' Suits made to rder. Cleaning, pressing and repair ng a specialty. Main St., Wilson 111k. 7-lmo KMM1TT HEYE3, Prop. TUB HEADY-MADE HOUSES aro warm In winter, cool in summer, sub- tantlnl, attractive and snnltary, and nt half tho price It costs to build In he old way. See samples and plana nt tho office on Main street. Phono No. 811. 13 Tho hit en t in Hdlson Phonographs nd records, at Mullem. 18 Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Bim E.Wmiacw, Secretary Klamath Falls, Oregon -:-4'-':--44- i Heavy Freighting a Speclelty. Baggage Orders Are Given Prompt Attention 0. K. Transfer & Storage ! Company Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving ornre 871 PHONES Barn S73 1 KENTON & GRIMES, PROPRIETORS J ! C0 44H44e40444 AT SETH'S SERE5ADE. You nro ambitious and possess at li'iist an average amount of tact und perseverance. Therefore, wo want vou and will pay you $75 n month 'or taking only four orders a day. You can earn a big Income Wo fur nish all supplies free. Wrlto toda) o MANAOKIt, P. O. Box 1150, New 12-1 i Save Time 1 Money : i By Arranging Your Railroad Trips and Securing Tickets at KLAMATH FALLS. Eastern Trips Arranged I Over shortest routes equipped with through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Chair Cars. Wanted: Two desirable residence JSSiMm. , ots, within throo blocks ot tho Court 80ms took drams, and some took pans, I llouso Square, north ot Main street And some took whistles, and some tin cast mi: UUADY-MADK HOUSE COM- wiM"V to tto It0 Wsim to PANY. Phono No. 81 1. 3 And ther yowled like wildcat at Tsry scrub. And the dnrnlsst noise that ersr waa made Tho Monarch Mercnntllo Co. will Was the whooptsdsw at Sets' serenade.) curry a complete lino ot vegetables J Lum li rnllfnoiln mni-Lrnta Vvrnnli .. .TTVr '..'. iiiiiii 1 lu .... ... ....... .... shlpmonts dally. To that little home, w girls and boys. am I.argost lino of cut gluss, tora." m Mii mz.-.. z-z' - .rzz zz. ;. " Asa aiicr ue nang, ana ion, ana aia, 1 Beth gar us aa Invite and w wsat In, win. And under each arm was a bundle hid "' Weloadedthemdowo,Uat'awhatwdUI - Pounds of this and pound of that -1 Humes wen Dig ana sag wen ut. For Sale Cheap Threo year old $f t"oowtU3?8tk,' riding pouy, weight 800 pounds. En- Mfeoad. ' ' qulro at tont back of Gillette's Fur- 4 iir Him.. 6-lwk ,,We'rhsttowtaylontlU,'WhT nlturo atoie. d-iwk ,1 .nj,.n.iii".-j ,.i.hf ' . -"v. " as can ds. Tickets Sold at Lowest Rates Baggage checked through to Destination, Sleeping Car Berths Reserved. call on oa warn Southern Pacific KLAMATH LAKE NAVIGATION GO'S OFFICE T. A. K. FASSETT, - CITY TICKET AGT. i Ladles: Wo hnvo Just received n Start every day as yVr Urtla' aow lino lino of Stolnborgor & Kallshor WlUsmuoa your uceaad acars-frso Kaky Kid Qlovos. In block and col- a,,,' Mto-nliht-frlaadifiathaaa .1.11. T rfnmla fr 7lwl mm w liril, Dlllia Ul uui v-v. .-.no JBIV . . A can of the chssr that starts w day." WOMEN'S OA.AAR Hoom 20C. Ihen he crowned the hp-h'lnowla NOTICE FOn PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, C. S. Land Office at Lakovlew, Oregon, Oc tober 11, 1908. Notice' Is hereby given that John A. Plnkorton, ot St. Joe, Idaho, who, on May 27, 1908, made Timber and Stone Application, fJo. 4189, (Serial No. 0284) tor 8V4SW14. NWKSWK Bee. 9, 8EH4BBK. Beo.8, T. 87 8., R. n wj If " ! AIajI Mn4lA Inlait. r M you Ma VAN RIPER BROSu 'Z'XrzZiZu m Daldwlu Bide. 2tf man Fnncy Work on Salo. with a Chase 8nboraoa can. v And before we left we had coin mads Iwai the best Ot U treat at Sett's The best way to get a start In ltfo -- llih claim to the land abort described beforo Register and Rcelver,at Lake Tlew, Oregon, oa tko 14th day ot January, 1908. Claimant name at wltne: Dan Johnston, ot Klamath rails, Ore., J. Smith, ot Klamath Fall. Ore. Harry Pelts, ot Klamath Falls. Ore., J. M. Plnkorton. of Wolf Crook, Or. J. N. WATSON, Regtetor. hiubjKdho tor Uw MXMJkUh a ' -w trv.i IrtVlt