mm timing o Klamnth FallH' FirBl Our Advertisers Oct The Best Results. ami Hest Dally. J tl , J I It N UH Ybaii. N. 7:i0. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1908. Price, 6 Cents llllBD : fie lef aid. i fOGRESS OF CIRCUITCOURT;; (ci milrlti LH Inrt lHClrt to Re- lll"l' ili"liiiportmi.eof tho pranojuM 1 iuy Hrin,oi i ti rutmij wtt nnrt Soon Verdict lor Mwnl( i'tiiiriuliilni;ly on tlm rullglous iiulliHik met lila largo territory. Dr. II11111III1111 Kill apeak on tlm church lit 11 hnaliioaa loipotntlou mih Anim Kiilo will iti'iil with tho mitltiir ehiiuh ilinlr mill Km lelnllon In aplrltiuil worship, c. i: Wlddoea (ho Hun- being of Hi" ihinih unit Ihi' nation. Iir I.Otltllllll Mill MllftlU fill (llllll.ll.u hu n Loiuj ll Company i,,.,, u, UHI. ,miuy u,,. , Tlm matter nf tint Inral church niiUtlx fifth lny Hint ihu flrand ,ilflt will uUo 1,0 preaoiitod and un . . 1 in m.kHliiti unit titilv i lltiholtllllllv iflvoii tn nit wtui miiv ftu. ..- Ml IM'l II in " - ' ' - ' I ' rrtorl I"'" '"'"" i,ll,,,,, ,'"' Hii'l' "lr" ,u ""'"I I'" liquidation, tu I' ' ' . I. ...I ll.... 41 ill. I... 1I..I.I Kill I I...I ... .1.. .1.... -n iiiiin imeni uniiiuai . !"" "" ..inn Mm iti kiiiu in uo iiim . ..... . I.. Ill lln. I .li. 1., . ...II. I- inJcr hollie 'i '"" uii-pin 111 I" '' i'i'i''i" hi n ki'-iiiui viiiiiiriivjr . unikn 1 '- and Hi1 lobliery nf 'r mi tiigunltiilliiii that di-alres to ., friMI'KK l.IKK"U atlllll hllte "lllllli:" Its Mphero llf llacflllllOSS. afimiilii"!. hut hhiIiI mil bo row- Them will nlwi lm mimic iitnl rcfroah lcJ mi nf""!"1 '" ""' i",","i" iif 1 "". "veryiiiiiig ii'-iiik entirely iron. ia t l'1" wiiiifiim-ii H l staled Tho primary object uf tlm enter al tr him' im arrived mul It Inlliliioiil In amiability; to become bet ' i rouble U't repuits lll ' iimilojtiT acquainted with inch other, and w iiiir 171M1 11 m i'ijii'i-ii'u nun mivr tin' apvoth mnkliiK mul tin more for- lit Jury In Hi" """ "' I'1" Inline"1"' l""l "' "'" pmgratii l over, that ir l.jtnlii' t'oinpiiliy t A Kllino) ""'rjiinii) in ir 111 goi ucqiisiuiou MUM a trull' I I""' " "'Kill In "I"1 ""rnii" "lo nor ol tin I.iiiiiIiit i'oiiiniii) fm I 11 l i'-,hill) i"iiiit"il lliul ull ii!2 Tin' I'liiniMii) huil nuki'il miniiKi'iii mm nnw niini'm in town ,r ;io nml Hi" iMi'ii"" hriiiiKhl In IH Ink" Oil outMirlunlty of inoot- anii- mill fr IbC iitnl l&uu i mi: wiui ui" o r niuui'iim, unci iiiun ,,,.,, In tliolr ni'w mul tiiuiK" I'litlroiiiiii'nt Tke ' "I Mllll" (Inrrlnoti v.. O ' North ! Miik trlfl tmliiy. Tint UlttiC nuliiit for Ih" ri'turn of n xitlon fii anil to lm ri'lnitiurmMl ) Lrr I'll" ' III nlti'IUitlllK lo '" irf a i.ii.'i-r rlulm It l nlli'Ki'il lit tin' pin.n'in wm Iniliui'il to fllo titlmbrr rtnlm mul ntli'r intturtli. U proof ill" illiiovi'ti'il Hint Ih" !ilm not na ri'iri"ii'iit't, mul tmfoi dlil not Mink" proof Hh" o rnnti Iirr moil")- hark which "lie Id tor lorn' Ion fro At 4 o'rloik (tore lutitnlttltiK th"lr uhl" of (ho ik Ih' drfinio uikiil for 11 non- It Tic rrmalmlrr of tho atlnrnoou llf i will lioiomo iiioro ikuniit for ull ,T Mi IIATTAN'M. I Millions for Rotdi In Pennsylvania. IIAKItlHIIUHU, I'u., Doc. 10 Tho nnnunl report or Htnto lllnh- wny C'oiiimlHHluuvr I Inn tor, vovorltiR thu work of hli hrutich of (ho Htnto Kovoriitiiont for 1107, which won timdo public horo hut wook, tontnlmi ii rocommondiitlun for nn untiuul appropriation of from !4,uuu,uou to 15,000,000 a yoor for 10 yenrM to build roml mid oiilllno n N) M no of main hltthwitya. Iln noton tin growth of kooiI i on il h Honllmoiit mid roportH t hut on tlm lout day of l'JOT ViU.Z inlloH of load hud boon romplotcil mid 2'i mlloH wiih undor iiintruct liurliiK IU0H thu roudK undor contrurl linvo hi'on ompitiil mid ul- luiiHt 200 uddltlouul uillva addi-d, that tho Htuto hUa ovor 700 inlluit of ruconitructod road or hlkhwuy which Ih no fur udvoncod toward tomplntlou on to to ready for avrrlco. Tho report alio contains a atatc map lliowlnn In rod tho hoc- (lon.of lilxhwuyH rebuilt undor (ho Kood roudM rut Whllo (bono Mlrotchou aio wldoly acntturod, It la milly noon how limy cum bo counoctod (o form ioiiOiiuoun hlhwu)a In many countrioii mid tho iirodlctlon In mudo thai If tho roudhulldlliK of roniiiyUnnlu In ar- 4 rli'd on for too tioxt flvn yoarn ut tlm rnto now koIiik on (bono roads will ho Joliivd, Thu report, dealing ontlroly with oporntloriH of lant your, dot-H not rvfor to Oovornor Btuart'n propoiod hlichwuy acrom tho atnto, uIHioukIi lllxhway Commlailonor Hunter baa In tho laat 4 fow week, confurrnd with tho Kovornor about tho dotnlla of bin pro- Ject. Humming up tho work, Mr. Hunter uricw that 14,000,000 or IS,- 000,000 be ivt ailde each your for tho n 10 or 12 years ao that tho department can plan a ayatom uf main hlnliwajH throughout tho Htalo Other logUtallon hi aiiKKt provldlnK for organltatlon of auii'rvlor along tha line of county and atuto lunoclallon or hu- porvlion and that tho act of ISOG ho amended no uh to provide for ubolltlon of work tax and paytnout of thu IC percent to town- ahlpi entitled to receive It by rvaion of nbolUliIng work tax. Mr, Hunter Hpeuka of thu rebulldlnifof the National pike, or Cumber- laud road. In (ho outbwontorn portion of tho ntnte, and urgei an appropriation to put It all In fine condition. Thu money from motor 4 car llceimeH, after deducting expense!, wa 139,:!) !)G, which was used fur rock tenia aud trials of dust layers. quant of the officers of that tvimp tho local Woodmen took chnrgn of tho furiurnl. It was tho first burial sor vice conducted by officers of tho local lamp and served as u splendid Illus tration or thu benefits' or fratornullsm, Tho service was augmented by sing ing by tho qunrtot, composed of Me sin, Zimmerman, Kolfe, Hoy Walker and Itev. I'rutt, which rendered .jv oral approprlalo seloctlon. rONNA VALI-KV 1TUMH. TIIHKK IIUMUItKO HJHTV FKKTMt.MlKIt THK OKOL'M). Ilemillfill, i Irb and sparkling. The cut Klaus nl Mcllattan'H Ty" umbrella tovers have arrived (Now hrliiK In )our umbrella., A prell) lino of "IVstoon" mk- V.I(. Davis, who U In the city from cbiilus &0 pnlri of Hi" newest Ihlngs' Dorrls, stales that thu Houthern I'a- In collar pins. .title Company, which Is boring for r- HuiiiImiiiio rull plus and brooches Itoilnn wuter, now has thu well down Now wiitchoa with medium and tu a depth of 340 feet. Mr. Duvls IiIkIi grndo movements. had u .ample of Iho soil which was Hwell lino of enamel clocks, K day, found nl Hint depth, 11 Is a sort of hu tiLrn up by tho arr.utnents oflmul tho latest, fancy broniu clocks, a Mack loam and In said to be deconi- r.ttorm and tho JiuIk" will irob- :j under bli declsluu In Hi" niorii' f MiniiiinisT Mhiai, r.Nio.v. one day time powxl tuleH, Oorlinin's storlltiK sliver flat warei It Is assertod that tho whole of In tho "Jefferson" and "Cbsntllly"' lluttn Valley was at ouu tlaui au lut pattorns. menso lake, or Inland aw, Infact'tbls Pretty and snappy new sterling sll- whole socHon waa aupfMswd to havo tor novelties. been under water. From tho class The program for tho entertainment is 17 lingers flat warn In sots and of soil which has boon brought up It at sum Jiatunlay ovonlim Is iilmiit hIiikI" pleim In Hie liio.l pupular put- Is evident (hut the bottom of the lake 1' anil the ptoiiile Is for un;terii, "Thii Vlulngn." Ihas not yet been reached even at 340 JtHlKtual fount of KihmI IhlllKS Hpe. Alllo Klnsses, smoked glasseslfeet III ImrltlK the well, at 110 time iTillle Judge II I, llunsuu will ili-'nml " Kliihs tools lint" thoy oncotiiilored rock. Shells Itrr tf upeith nf Hie oteiiliiK. on fnnkllii's "lf-nilliiK I'ens linve no mid other things of thai naturn havo I r,. . . . ' I. . ........!. . u Ulan aajkast las UTIC llieliliiiuaiieSN, It tuliat not'e.tilM uw" uiuuaiu " -' - !-i formitten Hint thorn will ho other! If you mo after wedding presents supposed to linto boon rtsli bono. lo'iktrs well worth hearing or Christ inns gifts I thluk you can I nn It I li.iuli.ti. i, former nastut II ml no thing In my stock. . 'loll Muller your Hewing Mncnino l:iJtiii iti.imi a .1., i. ,.,i utn VrllATTAN. ttoublos I'honti 'ibi. 11 - . i I...I JWPaBBsj 444004) WWfWWtMtM HMHHHHMMMIMIM Kk K STORE Do Your Shopping at this Store. Largest stock of Toys and Dolls. Xmas Goods. Ap propriate Gifts for all. Here are a Few Suggestion! for Kk K STORE LADIES i im: muiti:i.i.AH MIOITINd HAUH I'l'IISCS I'ANCV Jl'MKTH I I It TIIIMMKII (All Colors) KASl INAI'OIIH AM) HIIAWIJi m:wi:ht iuii:kh hiiokh im: ui.vtiih waisth laci: cditTAiNH taiii.i: Hi-rrs II.OTIIH AM) NAPKINS TO MATCH I'A.NCV ll.NIKi:itCIIIKFri AMI COhliAIIH IIIIKI'. HO.XKH WOIIK IIOXKS MAMCUUK HKTH THII.CT H.-rs ll'HIIKIt itOOTS Itl'tiH I'OAIS AMI HiNV JACKliTH NWKATUK COATsJ INDIAN IIAHKETS, KTC. WW. MEN Nl'NI'KNDKIlH AND NKCKT1KH (oue In m lloi) FANCV WX IN X.MAH IIOXKH XMAH IIANDKUHCIIIKra Hl'IT ;AHFJ4 KID OliOVKH CHILDREN TOYS OF ALL KINDfl DOLLS DOLLS DOOKH GAMK8 flALLH GUNS TOOL CHESTS TIIAINS OUNS MKCIIANICAL TOVS HUKDK HILK LINK!) MUtVKS IIUIIBKH HOOTS WOOL MITTKNH AND OIXIVKH FANCV WA1HT COATS H1.IITKKH, ALLHTVLKH WALK-OVKH DHKHH 8HOK8 WINTKIt CATO (X)I.LAH AND CUFF IIOXKH NKCKTIK IIOXKH I'AJAMAH, NIGHT OOWNS FINK UMIIIlKLIiAH A HTKTSON HAT WOOL BOX OVKHCOAT8 FINE BILK SHIilTS SWEATER X)ATS FINK DRESS SBTRTS FANCY WOOL DNDERWEAR RUBBER BOOTS AVD HMOS ETC., HTO. COATS OAIS MITTKNB KN1CKKHIIOCKKR HVITS FINK DHKHH 8UOKS AND HCUFFERS HOODH TOKKS KtC., ETC. Fine Doll and Auto mobile to be given away Xmai. K. K. K. STORE THE SAN.TA CLAUS STORE nmnilUIIIUlU mititttt l HOCIAL HKKHIDN t)F CITY (Xll'NCIL. The meeting of Hut City Council Inst evening was morn of an oxper luncu nioetlng than anything else, as far aa any actual business was done. All thu members of the Council wero present With tho exception of Ankeny, President Hnndorson was acting Mayor. It waa discovered that tho building ordinance under which the Council wo comsrlllug everyone to taku out a permit beforo erecting any build ings lu (ho city, was nou-effectlvu, as there was no penalty- attached for non-compliance. The Council re quested the City Attorney to draw up u new ordinance which will be fntro- ducMt ut the next mooting. An ordinance In regulate tlm sell ing of llqunrti, which was copied from the Ashland ordinance, was placed on the table, but aa none of the Council men offered tu Introduce It, It could uot be ucted upon. The fact that It waa not Introduced Is sufficient proof that It would have received little If any support. The greater part of (he ovonlng waa (aken up In discussion of the ques tion of enforcing tho prohibition law. President Sanderson atated that tha pollen wished Instructions aa to what lo do, and he Intimated that ha waa lu favor of Instructing them to as sist tho ahorlff In this work. None of tho other members of tho Council appeared lu be of the name opinion, at least they did not so express them selves. Some of tho mombors, how ever, took tho opposite tIow and ex pressed themselves as opposed to tho city taking any such action. It ap peared to bo tho fooling of the Coun cil that they did not wish to take any part In tho matter, hut would turn the job back to tho sheriff to do aa bo pleased with It. Harrison Oray has been hauling wood for his winter's usu during the 1 first part of the week and Is now help ling Manuel Vlurra and Jus. Wight I drive their cattiu to thu Heiervatloo. Steve Coluhun, of illy, passed Fri day on bis way to the Fulls to attend Court. Manuel Vlorra and Jas. Wight are taking their cattle, about 200 head, over to the Itescrvatlon where tbey bare bought hay.. Tbey will begin (u feed the cattle soon and when their hay at tho Itescrvatlon has been used, they will drive the cattle back to Yon na to feed during the reuiulnder of thu winter. Ed. Illoomlngcamp and Jas. Boyd weru In Yonna last week. Wm. Smith puncd through Yonna on bis way to tbu Folia to gut a load of freight. Qeo. Smyth waa at the Beck Bros, ranch last week to get some oats for Chns. Horton. Klchard Brietcnsteln, of Klamath Falls, passed through Yonna with a load of freight, en route lo Lakevlow. Mrs. Cbas. McCumber mado bus iness trip to Dairy Tuesday. ILLUSTRATION OF TRVK FKATKHNALISM. Under tho auspices of Ewuunu Camp, Woodmen of the World, tho funeral of R. E. Kenoy was conducted yosterday from the chapel of Under taker Whttlock. Services wore con ducted at tho gravo by Qoorgo Orlixlo consul commander of Ewauna Camp, assisted by A. II. Poll, clork; C. T. Oliver manager; F. T. Sanderson and mombors of tho local camp. The cas ket was strewn with floral pieces and In the absence of any relatives of the deceased their ofllce were ful filled In the conduct of 'the -rl tea by frataxnal neighbor ot the order. Toere were about thirty uuM&bera of Mm order present sua naber of the ladlee ot Ewauna Clreto, e nay the last tribute. Tjils death was uartlculaily sad la thut It was no suddeu a to render Impossible tho presence of the mem bers of the family of tho deceased, who la survived by two children and an' aged . mother, residing at Stock ton. California, where R. E. Keney waa a member ot Protection Camp, Woodman of, the World, At the re- A DELIGHTFUL KVE.VING. - A delightful uvenlng was spent at the Baptist Church last night. About ISO people were present and enjoyed tho musical program and the readings from Riley by a. LeRoy Hall. The program consisted ot selections by Prof. Wlrti, Mrs. Morgan and the malu quartet. Thu readings by Mr, Mall were thoroughly enjoyed by Hie largo audience. The Riley selections as Interpreted by Mr. Hall wero a rare treat. Last evening's entertainment waa the conclusion ot Rev. Hall's service In this city. He has been here over u week and his special services at the Baptist Church have resulted In awakening a new Interest among the congregation and outsiders. His meetings have been well attended and he has secured many warm frlenda aa well a admirer during bis short stay here. VVARTERLY CONFERENCE. Rer. R. E. Dunlap waa expected to each town today, coming from Lake view. Ha will bold the first quarter ly conference tonight at the Methodist church. It la expected that all who are en titled to a vote In the conference will be In their seats by 7:30. The ses sion Is not prtvate.nnd any one wheth er a member ot tho church or not, desiring to witness the proceeding Is wolcome to attend. For the beat and largest assort ment of Phonograph or Sewing Ma chines, Muller. cor. 8th and Main. NO TIMBER FOR POOR MAN Garfieids Ruling, if Enforced, Will Be Rich Harvest for the Scrip Owners It is now claimed that If the recent ruling of tho Secretary of the Inter lor In regard to tho price to be charg ed for timber claims, Is enforced, It will mean that tho timber buslnes of tho country will bu given Into the hnndfl uf tho scrippers and poor men will bu unablo to tako up a claim. The ruling of tho Secretary which was to go Into effect tho first of December Is to the effect that Insteal of paying 12,50 an aero for the land, the tim ber will havo to be appraised and the claimant will havo to pay accordingly. It Is said that the government can never appraise all tho entries. There are several thousand timber claims filed In thu United States every month, and it would require almost the entire army to appralio all these claims. Tho government has about CO special agents to do tbli or, and more than 30 of tbeso agent u located on the Pacific Coast. A i ' gle agent cannot appraise more H -n three or four claims In a month, aud only then when the claims are In groups. To properly appralio a claim will necessitate a practical cruise of the claim and this require time. The force of special agents Is entirely In adequate to keep up with the filings. The Secretary says, however, that In the event ot no appraisement being mado within nine months, tl.e (mi shall go at the estimate of the entry man. Owing to the small force of special agonts, hundreds of claims cannot be reached In regular order within the prescribed time. According to tho timber dealers', tho new ruling of the Secretary ot tho Interior will make claims run $3000 and $4000, and even higher. and this places them beyond tl.ert-.i ot the poor man. They contend ll.Uv It will drive the sale of timber land Into the band ot scrlpper. through purcbaso of Northern .Pacific scrip. . If the land rises In price the acrtp.wlll be bought up and timber land secur ed through this means. The now rul ing of Secretary- Garfield will make a lively market for scrip and the rail road will be one ot the chief benefi ciaries ot Garfield' order. OPEN UP .MORE STREETS. The City Council has decided to open up more street. It will be necessary to buy the property need ed a the street were not dedicated when the plat were filed and the land Is now In private ownership. It I believed that It will be better to e- cure this property now tban to wait until later, a the property I bound t) advance In value and the city would havo to pay a greater price at aome later time. The street to be opened are Jet- tenon, between Second and Third, and Eighth, between Klamath and Walnut. Fine line of watche. Winter S It Takes Good Taste 1 To decorate a home prop erly. First you must have beautiful wall paper. It must be well put on. It must be durable as well as beautiful. We handle the newest patterns, the most beautiful shades and the best qualities. The price also recoitimcnds them. ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS r niJvvffl Vfl ;