Pte ; Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. lUlllKllll lulls' KilHt mid HcHt Daily. iteming 4) jfefttlfc. LlMi YliAH. No. 71. KLAMATH FA U.S. OltKtiON. WKDNKSDAY, UKCKMIJKK J). 1WJ8. Prick, G Cents BIG BARGEUINCHED Great Activity at Holltinri. Which Is to Bel (lie Winter Railroad lorminus ! . InuiiililMK "I "'" '! barge iLlch li l'"'n l"'1" ,,y "'" MoiiIIii.iii "' "little mi Hi.' Anki'iiy i.inih. '' . .. ....... .. . I ll..., j .,tHf (illlll'IIM) Mir WH'ir IK w iiiimiki. i nuiiu. Hill Hihlilll Hllpl'llli plan I'"'1" "' ""'"""l "" "l" ',oir !"' '"'I u 'I""'' "" ,',',i H..n" " ' "" "" Uhc iln-dr" 1" " ''J "" ''"' ""ll !,,!. Htnl fill llii' lint lit 111 n) It iIii'iIkc l:Irli tU" "' ") I'h.iih) pun iiiih- tj Id H.i n riniiilxiii. ami lili li mux v) Into llml It liml ' '"' taken tu IHr tlaiiinl I" citliiiiH 'Hiln liieunn lilt mirk l tu iiiliiliii'iiri' In III" ni'iu fiiuri' mi llmiwlmt ni tin' mail lieil H'liUelH. Mli, III., mhiinl mi N,,v , 21 mill iii-nln im Sm :tu i. liioiiHlit llii- new Ilium) liniil.H W, .njnjnii ' "! iiieiiiifin h lull H t,lB vu liiinli mill In.!,. . H( ,... nr.iiin . iii.-it ii New Contracts on Marsh Land Likely Mini Mi J I "IgllHiill, nf llli" III Llll lllllllnii Kl'IVIll'. Willi WIIH HI'llt lll'IC 'mm I'. mil. inn , ,iw m exnm iniiir Hi- t il I'M In nil (hi. Hwiimp IiiiiiIh null i llii. i:iim-i iiiiiciil innlciL mill rniiii! nti'i Hi,. out mii In nf tint In mt lili Ii Iiih l,""ii hIi'himI up. While lie gllVeimill lit llllH been H.'Cllllllg . hIiiiiIh nf llll" nl nil the IiiiiiIh mulct Ik hv Kiem. t n li"i.ei Hint ,H i wnil, en t. Humnii IiiiiiIh nl HiIh llii" Ik fin mime .intli iilm nlijei I mill Hint lli"ie will In. milnetlilm: Our Chess Players Begin Battle Royal II llilil J li Wight wmi ,,,,1 i,,,'1"11 Hli Hieie IiiiiiIh In III" nenr vlll lilii rninli nt M I.I In ml pint week.!'"""" '"'" K"M'iiiiiimi nlllc Inl will Jnlili Kimntj lum kIwh ,,,, (j nillnlt mitlilni; (Hither III an I lint nr- IllH llllllll. Will, I, I, w ,,,11,,,, J,,,,,, 'ill l IlllVe ll I'll Instil il In huve HiIh Hplllii: l.uke Kiln...! ,. 1.1,1,1, M "nil, ilnne nl nun irtuii II"' n.mli '"I "I"' '' "I'l" "I ' '"' ""l','l i liiinli 'llii'ii i mails 1 1.I wnrk will In. i I." n ii'iin lii) nem I !, tun li. It Ifcr Kxiilli.Tia I'mllli l'iiliimti) nml nelKliliurhuii.l i i, u.,t fr ( H It Iiiiii l "ii ri'imttiil Hint Hliue tin rot lit l mulinil il" He' inmi'iili) fat not wlli l I'lke nn limine In mini; an) iHn)' In Hi" wnrk Tin no mull diediiia will nn uliuul nml itut Hr np'tilm! nml Hi")' ir in he fjtlom.l li the ''IK ill" ill'."' nml tin tU I'll! Illlllpll'tl'll IIH fllKt (IN Hie) lilunrc The aii'liiiii" wlilili h ImIii v I milt br tin railroad nitiiti.itiy nt llnl- mil (in He im in:" nl (icIkIiI when IUr li-rtiiiiiua l innti il Ih ni'iirl) nun liHit Till" Imllilliig Ih 3u liy i.n r( anil adjoins Hi" wlmrf nml iIim k 1 1 a uliltli Hie im 'il lire tmw winking If Hack hn been llnUlieil In (lie lit'ul tin tiinrli nml mil. hnve lieon ui4 pail nn Hi" inmi l.eil mtiiHH HiiiieHHiiu enniln In iiii:niil7il "llllllll nml Hllliiln hilinnl lr Miiiiiii. Il.'iny llnlvin. I.imIIc UiiKi'ii nml Dili Ciiiii,l,. II wen, limit. Im: In nur iielKlil.nrliimil Kuinlii) Hie liirite l.ntH iilnl cliN ,,r Hm llilliltni'lH mlinn, Inue InteHteil In n riintliiill 'Id,') t , realty I III II Bill, I I Hill .IIMIX'I" wllh Ih I.. . ()HI ' " " l'"'"1'' 'nlnpnny Iiiih lieitini pmiiliK III Hi" ilMi" in i, mii (he niniHli, Hi" I'.nciiini. nl Iiiim iledileil Hint the awmnp l.imlu inn he RiilelrrlKiiteil. If HiIh Ih the inr." It will he ll"( "n;uy In replme Hie nhl iniitimtH, Willi II plnlilei fill nteillnw III Imilhin, with new mien TI.IIM. Willi llllllll in kiniu Hllll" llllil HiIh Ih III" nine nml Hint the III linn nl He Kiiti'iiiliieiit In nrilcrlllU lentil MIh l.i nnle lliM.per will I'm.. In ll hIiiiiI lime Im AhIiIuii.I, wheie nlie inlll"lllil;il"H alH.ll.lllIK neenl nf the Willi"! mniilliH Hll" Hill . I lii Knot n( Mih Will H.itiil.Tnin W .MrhI' ii Iiiih l.iken the hlK hiiki'IiiiihIi ink", whlili I' MHi-h Iiiih hi en wnikliiK nn, In Hie Jni'k the iillnliiei In i milnltie the llll'vi, Ih ut iuiiii ami there Ih tin itietlmi i llnrtnn i.imh He will Ih-kIii liiK Inmi mi llml niiirli rlclit nwny I I'liuik AilnniH Ii.ik in nt n humlreil Ii.'.tI nl InitHeH tn the I'pper Kliiiuiith l.llke tn he Intel. .1 i: W Smllli Iiiih n In plnw nml Hen! Inn niim fur .Mnjni Wnnlen 1 I'runk Allium . nl I In hi ml n( i lit tle In Hie MiiHteti rninli hut week In he wlntereil Ml hi Letitile llnnper In Hn mlllic eviTlil weekn nl the I'nlU with MIhh ll" CrmiH II Amlerxnli la plnwhiK (he Ahel Ail ptme nt .Mlillnml. He p-tH $1 nn m le mt bill whnt the Kniltherii I'nrlllr latcnJ tn mm.' the terinliitiH In llnl- Ui'l at tiuin u Hie Irmk Ih (IiiIhIh'iI. bleb lll plnhnhl) he nhnill the tlll il Ibe )mr Tie 'a'llk'.'rH lime heen (nrileil la U'ot'l.n (nr anine time mm, hm tlu altrrnnun the iIIiiIiik inr nml nf ftin wrre liniili.l frniii C'nlor nml Hit itatlnn will he nlinnilnneil tn oorro All fcilcht Hhlpmetita na irll ai patHi'iiKi r irtlri will he In Worten liiri.illir iinlll nmitlier ltlDt In llllllll' i In new intiltmiH It Ih i,tnteil Hint pin Hi nil)' nil nf I In- KWnnip l.unl iiw'Iiiih will he ierlelH) Wlllllii; In meept the reliirn nflhe nhl innlimlH nml bIkii lip (nr HIIU-lrrlKMInn. iih It U heleei Hint Hie Hint will he miiih Ii-hh. It Ih iiImi hIiiIiiI, ininlhi hill), llml wnrk nn lei Inlnilni; the hwiiiiip IiiiiiIh will enliitneme iiiliie.liilel-iipmi Iheinin pletlnti n( Hie inllin.ul lull Hi-limn the niniHli. w hldi will he In Hi" e:irl HpiltiK Ah mxiii iih the il)k" Ih lln-IhIii-iI Hie henil Itlll.-x wlllill IlilM. heen leillt inn he rlmeil nml Hiln wnuhl ilrnlli Hie entile HWiunp. Aflel the IlltellllH lime heen llllllll', Hiiinrleiit wiiler inn l.e liimeil nn in Miih-irrl-Kiile the lllllil. IU I, W Mllhi A HwIhh iiiiihIi i llll" i, nr. leinurk- nl lllllt etel wilier mi S, hliKtllili llnrli Hhf.ul.l in fiii" his illrtiniuxe. mi iiinllii win, I nml hnw muili he In- temleil In h:iv, with Hi" mknnwleili; lilnnl thnl ll inmpiMeil hut the nne IIiimihiiiiiIHi pml nf whnt mUlit he Hiihl m miMhi in he milil mi ih,. hiiIi Jeil. TIiIh IiiiIiIh iiillill) i'iiihI nf mil li'it llllllll Kiilne nf CIii-hh In the llrnl llllil" It h in iicieenhle ilniv In inen Iliill the i-entlfiiieii win. hiike exeileil tlii'HiKi'h.'H In hehnlf nf the HiiiieHM nf niir flrnl iIh-hm imiiimiiient In Kin- imilli Omiiity. .MexHiH '. C. IImkuc, .Mr llninli, John Ymlen nml I, W. Miller Mm leil ll net leu nl i lieKM Kliim-M etui) IiihI (nil wlilili llnnll) eil In Hi" W",.l i 'Hiikh nl the Aliieilimi llnlel llnweer. tie "li lleineii in wlii.m we me imlehteil the IIKmI (m Hie Hllll" nf nnr il"K"lll imirnninetit nre .MexKrH AI. Hlnnn nml J. K llmliti'. wlni liiiiiiKlit lliii tniittiT hefnre the .Military llnml Cluh, link In i: them tn i,ic'ii thcli iIooih (or nil the iIkhh iI:i)uih In Hie illy mill tin entnil), nml tn nffir n trnphy (nr the lii'Ht phi)ei TIiIh the hnml boy H ilhl nml Hie imiimimetii Ih nn Hiirclv. AFTER THE HAWKERS Merchants Up In Arms and Will Ask City Council Tonight for Protection win k Hloiie lepieaenl Hit, plnlntllT ami llnrrlx U Irwin, I lie ilofemlnnt. A l 2.31) I Im uvlileme fur the plain UtT wiih In nml the ntlorii") for Kin. lie) lieciin the ilefeiiKe In exiilnliiliiK the llrnl wIIih'hh n inntentlmi nrino h'tween Atlnrta')H IleiiHiin nml Harris ntei the mlllllHHlnll nf tellillll l. ileiiic. 'Ihn ilefeiirn linil ileuled each nml ewry ilnlin nf ihn Lone l.ako l.iimher Co , ami IiihI entercil a count 'r (Inltii The himlncsii men of tho city aro up In arms today nml It Is tholr Intention to turn out In forcu and nllonil tho Council iii""tliii; thin ovcnlns and nxk that koiiio onllnnnco ho paaiicd to protect them from pcddlcm und auc tion Halemnen who tiro Invading; thu city. Homo time Inst summer an at tempt was in u lie to kl'I thu Council to p.-iHi u peddlers' llccnso ordinance Tho Council appeared willing to do what the citizens wanted, but tho ltff. It,, ,,.,-, .,..! ll.,, nu ,1...!. .. . ..... ' ' ....fc n mill lilllrrier Hlllir.H nnr! fruit tlralnM ,.t-,i n-ieiii." nun ii.'iiieu nil i lie (1311111 of hi nn- plaintiff, only ones that look iini' Intnrr-ot lliei had mi Kroutlils l .i,(, malter. and nn tho wording nf .limn nml H m enier a imimer il.ilin llml Hi. In prfpnrliiK tu iihtiilii mi hitter lieadiiinilirs for nur Inn IIH. II M'llOOl, XOTIN. hi III IIIUN m:vh. Ur HluipMiu nml .Mr Btttls lime I'-ioocl,t twin!) hi nit of lintm-H (rum Ullli- Sluiain In the Ankein inmli I I IH' l , hm Chat lie, ..,ii i, f. , ilit. tr lmiii li.n.l sTi:vMi:it i. i:vks ,i h::ih. A lueetlliK "f ll"1 KlmU'liI llml) was hehl HiIh nfli'i mum. Chester llnwx hiimt linmleil In his ichI;ii;iIiiii as nsHlhtmit himliieHH iiinu.iKer on the II. nun"! It wiih nuepteil nml llnw nnl llnucH elirti'il tn III) the nram-y I'iiuiiiii in Im; tnumrrnw iiinrnlm Hie Minimi Kl.unntli will tin Ini k nl K .in. n hnlf limn Inn r Hi. hell Inline jut Kiiiit. Hint IH nml lit tn null ami suits pin kel linnk Hint lilt the pni-ket he I'niH.iml Sini" s Tho Mr.Minnvlllo iaper said of .Mr. Hull the fnllnwitiK. after he had read ....... llml llnnll) Hie neater part of '"- l'on' " " recently: Imttle,1. Anil meihliiks I ",cv' ' ult,' ,ull "f Medford, af aii i;veninB with lllley,' at the llaptUl church last Friday ovcnlnu to the ilelkht nf n Isku audience. Mr. Hall's Kenlal dlaposlilon und sunny tniuitenanio especially (It him for In lerprctliiK tho llooaler poet. Ills ar- llciilatlon, Kcstlculntlon and faclot ex pression were of the highest order." llemeinU'r tho date Thursday. Docemher Uith. tttm4-44Wc- :---5'--':-''- Do Your Shopping at this Store. Largest stock of Toys and Dolls. Xmas Goods. Ap propriate Gifts for all. Here are a Few Suggestions for MEN CHILDREN Kk K STORE K k K STORE LADIES im: i'miiiii:i,mh MHUTIMj IIAUS I'l'ltSCS r.ncv .iri.iiriH I It ritlM.MKH (,ll CoIiiin) '-' I.YVlHItH M) HII.WVI.S M:VI:ST HTVI.KS diicss niioim 1 im: ui.nticu v.inth MT. i IIITAINH t.mii.i: sins ""ins ami NAI'KINH TO MATCH ''xcy ii.NiiK.:iinii:i.-s MMIlMaKH 'iiKr. ii(ixi.:s WIIK IIHXHS sl-tMCI'lli:NI.TH "H.I.T HKTH "I'HHMI ilOU'l'H HllW ''VIS AMI l-HNV JACKKTS " liiTK'H COA'IH W'U.V IIAHKICTH, Ul'C. KTC. hl'SI'CMIKIIH AMI M:CKTIi:S (one in ll lint) I'AXCV HII.V IN .XMAS IIOXKS .V.MAS IIA.M)Ki:il('llli:i S hl'IT CASKS till) (IMtVKS SI'Klli: SII.K I.IM.II ii.oi:s WIHII, .Mini INS AM) n.ovi:s I'ANCV WAISTCOATS Hi,ii'i'i:its,'.i.i. mvi,i:s WAI.K-OVKII ItltCSS SIIOIN WI.NiKU CAPS COI.I.AK A.M CI'I'T IIOXKS NKCKTIi: IIOXKS PAJAMAS, NKIIIT liOWXS I'lXK K.MIIIII.I.iaS A STICTSON HAT WOOL SO.V OVKItCOA'tsr I'l.VK SILK SlllltIS SWKATKIt COATS I'IN'K IIIIKSS SIIIKTS FANCY WOOL UNIIKHWKAH UKIIIIKH IIOOTH AND HIIOKS KTC, 1CTO. TOYS Ol DOLUS HOOKS HALLS ALL KINDS DOLUS (.A.MUS (JUXS lOOL CIIKhTS TIIAIXS (IIINS MKCIIAMCAL 'IOS lirilllKII IIOOI'S CO VIS C'AI'S .MII'IKXS KMCKI.'IUIOCKKU NI'll'S KIVK DIIKSS NIIOKS AND .NCl'I'TKIIS MOODS T)KKS inc.. inc. Fine Doll and Auto mobile to be given away Xmas. nnmeiit miilil he ft.ii ml The inntus nre iniuuimllmiH nml i heerluK nml mi lii'llei irnwil of Jnll) hn)s miilil he fouml any where I'rmuptly nt S o'rloi I. Hie hn)H were lllllil lieil and the war 'uih on What a Imttle' I'm ii imiiiieut, nml mil) fur n mo inent. thi'if wiih iiulettH-si, biiiIi as piert-iles n nilitlit) sinrm. llnl. ipilik "r lllllil It Inlles the time In tell, the lir.-ite llitte fellows, the Kinnil and Ili.M" Indium nf aliens, the linrsetilcii the IiIhIiiiph. the iiieetis ami klui;, nil weie In lintlle royal. Hut who llki-s to ilfMrihe the ImrrlMe Menu1 n( a Imttle mmiliil. let ll KIllMie to MO the Imttle AiiiI meihliiks I inulil lienr the shnittM nf a thnlisaud iiln-H iitiilei the fjeur IiIiid Ori'Koiiliin sky when plalnnus surremlereil to pl.ilnmis, imupanles In innipanles. ii'Kliii.-iilh In leKliueuts ami hrlKtiilcH, ami the litnrlnus cenerala mine imirihlm; Into inmp Then. Iiiih heen n IiIk Intel est dis played in the mutest and the llrst ei'iiluK shows thai there will he man) Ml IT Kniiies iliirlni; the mutest 'AimiUK Hie plu)e.-s whn put up a ipailli ulaily Mioiik n.inii' last eeu jltiK were- C. K. Muse, Allau Sloan, I. W .Miller. Itoy Walker. It. IJ. (lllllil lili;e ami (llemi .Inhusoti. Oth er strnm; players may develop later In the series us II N nut ulwnys pns slhle to JmlKi' finm the Mist i;ani". I'nlliiw Iiik me the Kami's pl.iyed, the llrnl name helm; the winner h) lakiiiK two cullies Aithur l.einittl s. c. c. iioKue; c. i:. mus.) vs. i:. M. Huliti. Allau Slnau s F.J. llowne; I.. V. .Miller s. J II. SwanseH; ny Walker s. .1.11. IIimIk"1: Hoy llnmaker s, It, Wymnop. In the riiiiio lie. tween It, I:. (iuthrlilKe nml nietin Jnliiihou, who me hnth Mr si class players, .Mr. Johnson won one kuiuo ami the rest weni draws. They will cnntluile pla)ltiK until one hits two mimes In his credit. Otheis who were matched hut miilil not play last evcnlni; weie: P. II. Mills, .1. (I. Pierce, John Ymlen, I). V Kuykemlall, A. I.. I.eavitt. K. II. lien. l.v, V. Nlckersnn and Dr. ('. P. .Masim. The next meetlni; will Im Satin iln. Decemher IL', nt N nVhick shuip, t this lime the Court took a rccesi until I .relink, when the JudKe will rulo on Hm ohjeillon. ll Is expected that Hm case will Ko to the Jury hy toiuorrow noon MIKHIIT CANNOT STOP IIAWKKHs IN THIS CITY. . inn orilllilllice nn nrrHienletl van nn! MithorlH-s mi hnth shies wero read. 'jnn was laid over from tneitliiR to meetlnt; and finally died n natural death. At that time tho fruit and meat men were tho only ones being hurt, and the rest of tho huslness men took very little Interest and (ailed to assist. Now, however, other stores aro be InK hurt. It Is stated that recently one man Mild IISOO worth of dress Koods by a house to house canvass. Another salesman sold $5000 worth of stoves In tho county last summer. which took three months to deliver. Groceries and extract solicitors and other peddlers have also been mak ing tho rounds. Tho merchants, therefore, feel that they should bo protected and bavo circulated a peti tion, which has been signed by prac tically every business" man In the city, and which will bo presented to tho Council tonight. Snine of the men limits of iho city hiue naknl the sherlfl to nrrest tho panics inmliiiHiiK the auction sale nf Jewelry, illainntids. etc.. at tho itiiltdliiK formerly occupied by tho Owl Milnnn. On looking up tho law the sheriff finds that tho state law regulating the llieiislng of peddlers. hawkers, etc. does not apply to In lorpnrated cities where the charter piinlili-H licensing Mime. Tho matter Is theiefnre up to the City Council, 'I HAT HILKY KVKNINU. P. Iteynolds, who has taken tbo i nntini I to finish building tho dam for (leu, Hitter nml Jasper Ilonnctt In the upper part of Yonna, Is work ing nt il now- with the help of John nie Hitler, but does not know how imiK im can continuo ills work, as the liny for I lie Inn son has nearly giv en nut und mine can bo houcht In iiimin vnney, as nay is wry scarce (his year. Fine lino of watches. Winters 2 Tn Hie McrrluinU nml Public of Klniiiulli Fulls: As per tho Kvonlng Closing agieemeut, wo will open our Store evening from December mill to 2SH1. K. K. K. KTOItK. AT McHATTA.VS. Ilcautlfut, rich and iparkllna;. The cut glass at McIIattan'f. My umbrella coven have arrived. Now bring In your umbrella., " " A pretty lino of "Festoon" neck- chains. CO pairs of tbe newest thlnrs In collar pins. Ilandsomo rail pint and brooches. New watches with medium and high grade movements. Swell lino of enamel clocks, 8 day, and tho latest, fancy bronze clocks, one day time. Gorham's sterling silver flat ware In tbo "Jefferson" and "Chantllly" patterns. Pretty and snappy new sterling sil ver novelties. 1S47 Rogers flat ware In seta and single pieces In the most popular pat tern, "Tho Vintage." Spcx, Auto glasses, smoked glasses and cyo glass reels. Conklln's self-filling Pens bavo no equal. If you uro after wedding presents or Christmas gifts I think you can And something In my stock. McHATTAN. NOTICE TO W. O. W. All members of tho Woodmen of tho World aro urged to be present at Sanderson's Hall Thursday morning nt 9:30 sharp to attend the funeral of Neighbor It. E. Kcuey, of Stock ton, California. TDK (illAND .ll'HY'S FIHST IMHCTMKVr K. K. K. STORE THE SANTA CLAUS STORE ' o ' Tho (list lepnit nt Hie (linuil .liny was liiinli) at nonn today. Thoy In ought In tin Indictment agaliiHt Dave Alexander fur assault with In- tent tu kill on tho person or an In dian The ultiictu In the WulU'l c.i".o bus mil arrived, ami tho Juiy spent Hm iifteniuon vuiiilnltig witnesses) In Iho cujo of tbo Statu vs. Mellon, Halo und Thompson, for lohheiy of tuu otoro of Sclmllock & Daggett Com pany Tho thieo men have been In the loiinly Jail awaiting Hie adieu nl' tho (luiiiil Juiy hIiuo lust July. FIHST Jl'UY CASU NOW tfEINfl HEARD. The taking of ovldeuco in Iho case or tbo Long Lake Lumber Company Yd. A. Kinney, began when Court con vened at 9:30 this morning. Boa- l-Af-frH-sf-af-afta.A.-,af.AiiTanai ...m....-..... .-.vV r-w -WT-W-WWW W -W WWVWVWVWVWVWVW X It Takes Good Taste To decorate a home prop erly. First you must have beautiful wall paper. It must be well put on. It must be durable as well as beautiful. We handle the newest patterns, the most beautiful shades and the best qualities. The price also recommends them. t I ROBERTS 6c HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS J rH m m- 'i -