MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY .N 303 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS, EASY W!y - i TERMs w ' 'tfu ,. fli :?.5i: su w t " M, THE EVENING HERALD ImuoiI Dully, Kxcopt SiimUy, liy tint HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor SUHSCKIt'TlON KATK8 Itelly, by null, ono r f J tally, liy mall, rix month - ! Dally, by mall, thrve montl 1 "" Pally i by mall, one month M Dally, delivered by carrier, one week 15 KLAMATH FALLS. TUESDAY. DECEMBER S. VMS. Tin tlonlnl li John 1) KockcfolkT Hint lu litul tin) wroiiK Inti'iitlim In liiNcstltiK In tin stock of rallro.uls that lunnti'il rebaton to tlu Stiuulnrd Oil rumimny has hetn tnkvn lth a liarrcl of .ilt by many iltlivns Clr evidence sit'MH to tm Irl li tut. The situation recilN a utorj tohl roKanliiiK Soiinlor Vest, who, time uHn n time. i ilefoiiil ItiK a man nrcuititl of a crltiu' to which thcto hail born no actual wltiimmc rhla ram- rcmlmlri mo of u 1oIiihkI f i loud." ho told the Jur). "Tho lad Htolo nnd ate n custard l I)iilrlUK to avert autlclon from Minm-lf. ho M'ltrd tho funill tat, ttmenrod Hit l.iwn and mouth with nittnrd and tlicn took tho animal Into tho baik ).inl nnd vliot her, olisiTitnt:. 'There liooa ono moro lrilm of ilrciimstun tlal evlileme.' " It la net-tlleiM to ttdd that tho M'nator'rt client uax ar qultlo.l. - Accordlnc to those mho have noeli most of the disease In the l'hlllidni Islands, leprosy Is not contagious, and Is hardly InfectliiiiH. Lieut. Chiu. i:. MarDonnld, of tho army medlrnl corps, has Just sent to Dr. Isadoro Djer. of New Orleans, fresh proofs that the disease Is really a rare form , of tuberculosis, contracted from In fected sea food. It has often been observed that persons afflicted with leprosy have lived on diseased fish I and clams. That the disease Is not spread from its human host or by bad sanitation has been demonstrated . Dr M.'eDotiald w)k. aiuotiK the lep o . or Samar Next u unifies will he convened at Hereon, Norwuv, at which It Is hoped thai the profis slounl and lay delusions about lep Mm) will be domed a wax William J llr.van is ueKotliitliiK fot the piiritax" of two Inritt traits of land In the lower Itlo (Irande vallev, Texni. known as the llrownsvllle couulr) Itumor hiih he will move to Texai and become a candidate for the United States Senate itKalnit Sen ntor J. V Ilalley. He neither denies nor affirm thin report slmpl) saxlne, that time makes many chanm-s and that he mlKht some time move south and live In Texas. While vlsltlni; friends one da) l.iit week, .Mrs. MarKaret Smith, a well-to-do widow of Senford, X J , raised her o)c to the celling and exclaimed "Why, Frank, where did )on come from?" She at once fell dead Otil) n few hours before her favorite Krandson, Prank Knne, had died, hut she was not aware of the fart - HOW rtAWIIl'hT IS I'SKIt. Sawdust Is one of the puzzlln,K wastes In lumbering operations. The waste Is serious, too, for the kerf -the part cut out b) the s.nv In the mill and transformed Into sawdust alwn)H bears a rather hluh ration to the board obtulned. In cuttlui; thin stuff one.fouith of the Iok, or even mote, nut) be kerl Crfoitit to I in II sawdust Into pulp Tor the p.ipei mills have utilnllv been ttusuieesifiil on lueoimt of nut liiinli'iil illllleultles In hittullltiR In several Cuiopeuti lottti tries, however u new vvnv hat been found of tuiiihi(4 snwdust to minimi The sawdust iltlell.v pine and llr li ground with nillliliiiii'x. evaith a old'tlmo ui'lls made eotu m wheal oi tve tlinii expensive ma ehltiei) Is not teiUlted, but II In net esxaij lo take speiljl pieeantlous iiKaltixt llres whli li iiiIkIiI stint Item sparks between the mill stones 1 Sawdust Hour Is milil to iluiiiltilt. fin littles. In be inlXi'd with llllim-h ii'iln. and fniliis the bodv m iiImuiI 'lit fol thill high explosive II In ill so III ileliuiliil or tile lli.iuiirailuie nf i heap hlollltiK .ipiis The mills In the Unix .Mountains, In (ietmati) an Important, umnufatturlni; center an kept busv meetliiK this demand Tin ' pi lie of Hie "lloiii" In (iermauv lam es from JT .'ill to 111' .'.0 a ton It I shipped In hap, like mial. or In bates of about III cubic feel, made lij m nil of high pteisure I New Arrivals in mitici: or sti.i:. In Hie Count) Court of Hie Slate of Oregon, for Klaiiuilli Count). Ill the uiiltlei of I lie Kstale of Itod liey. S Howell, DeoVasid Notlre Is heiebv Klveu that In pill siianie of an older of Hie Cumin Court, for (he Counlv of Slate of Oregon, made ami entered on the 1st dav of Di tuber 1'itis. In tie matter of the estate of limine) S Howeii. demised, the undersigned tex. Marl I ii, Jr, dnilnlstrator of said estate, will sill at publli, or pri vale. tale, for null, on Tnesda). the Mb day of lUcember, lluis, between tin' hours of '.i a m and I p m or aid da), at the Klamath Count) Hank. In said Coiiutv. the followlni peritiiiiul propetl), lowt , '! mares. 1 vearling mil. 2 spiltii: colls, I farm wagon, 1 set of li-irnes. Idoublei, and I breaking liamnti. Dated this 3ril da) of lli-cember I'.iiix. Al.i:X .MAIITIX. Jit. diuliilslrnlor for the Untitle of Und ue) S Hnwcii, Deceased 1-. Men's Suits and Overcoats Boyer Hats, Furnishings We ennnot do Justice in describing our new arrivals in Men's Wearing Apparel. You have to see them, Mid if you are a judge of exquisite values you will see them at our store. Hart, Schaffner 6 Marx and Friend Brothers' Clothing need no recommendation. Different from the ordinary make in quality, style and workmanship, you are buying right when your suit bears the label of these makers. 300 Pairs of Douglas shoes have just arrived BEST $3.50 AND $4.00 SHOE IN THE WORLD Portland Clothing and Shoe Store UiJs' t V, I ill; j II ive von In. I one of tllli-e S II II I 'hi.' ilgars ,i i c .Milium li" 'Ho hi'M tlveieiil Irar on the market m W- The Ainirlraii Hotel Hllillii: Kihiiii Is open all ulgl.l. IVesh o)teis ev ery da). la-tf ooo : Gifts That Will Please Each and pwery article in our Holiday Stock was very carefully selected. Nothing was bought hap hazard. We believe 4n securing .goods which will PLEASE. To secure .gifts that will please, just visit our tore and see our large and varied stock. The stock is now complete; make early selections. Stationery: All the newest things in Correct Stationery in beautiful gift boxes. One of the most satisfaq tory.gif ts. Prices from 50c. to $2. 50. Candies: i W Tbi lilttl Xdu rift for Lira or hfr girt wblca mil t J tx uwd ratDj llnm a dij ill . I the lfr for rotor inn. I ' 1 PARKER Lucky Carve I Fountain Fen M Z k Utor bfiatlful, irttitle dt K . tlrni la ipcltl Xaiu Kk f twitt. I'rlcto fror& MtM H tl SO up. U ur MH H FOR 8LC BY WM J I H niNiiiimiiuaiinunmn WS ' STORE i HOTEL HOUSTON RATES Single Meals 35 cents Meal Tickets, 21 Meals - - $5.00 Rooms - - 25 and 50 cents per night Rooms - $1.50 and $2.00 per week J. A. HOUSTON, Proprietor BALDWIN & BALDWIN Not Brothers; Just Plumbers PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS CONTRACT WORK A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Work Guaranteed f'llAS. K. WOUDKN Prcniilent A M. WOltPKN Onihier I lll'li MIXIIASL re l're.llnt The American Bank and Trust Go. STAR DRUG Fresh for the Holidays from Nunnally's factory by express Psrlume An ideal gift for, a lady is infeiftpackage of her favorite perfume. We keep all the standard odors in beautifully decorated and artistic gift boxes. TYllpf QpfC We arc PurUculiii'ly XVI1CL OCID. prou(1 of lhc scts W(? are showing this year. In sets from three to ten pieces in beautifully decorated boxes. Fine Brush Gifts: Many use f u 1 and beautiful presents can be chosen from our fine line of bristle goods. WG LINE OF COPYRIGHT NOVELS JUST RECEIVED The above Is orrt j a small portion of our immense Xmas stock. By all means See ttfcese goods oon, while all lines are unbroken, fresh and dainty. ome aniMook. Tell your friends to come also. STAR DRUG STORE "The Chrfetmas Emporium." "They Have It." t .1 i j j ! II 3t ILiil sa 1 liiif ill, fh ;?& 5 i5?5, t?!sQ X M Sjli CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. Sth and Main Sired ftMfttci. ....c DON'T BAKE I.t us do it for you. Everything Home Made. Prices j Reasonable. BREAD A SPECIALTY. W put up boxjunclieri; lunches for huntlnir, flHhlnjj f and picnic parties. :: A trial will convince you that it is cheaper to buy than to bake. i KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY I AND DELICATESSEN t Get Our Bread at Cawkina.