phone" 303 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. EASY TERMS MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY J m THE EVENING HERALD liaucil Dully, Kxct'pt Siimlay, liy llm HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor SUIISCttlfTION KATKS lallv, ly nmil, one )ear f" 00 Jtallv. Iiv mall, fix moull 2W llly, liy mall, tlirve montlii 1 SS nl,ml ""' f lilHtt tiltinti- Pally, by mall, one month W) Dally, ilelhiTMl by carrier, una week lft KLAMATH FALLS. MONDAY. DECEMBER 7. 11XKS. IIKMAHKAIII.K II.I.OIIXATINO yl'.U.tTIKS OK .U'KTYI.KNK. , Ini: it ilollnr per tlimmntiil ruble feet Tl.e lionnl of I'tiKlneors of tlu Nit- tlunnl llorml of Klri IMulerwrllers A reprint ntul revision of llulletin hni. nflor n cir' cxnmliirttluti of No fi" of lln State Pi'imrtnit'iit of tin- mitijeit. iloclnreit tlutt iuetleiie, AKrlcnltun.' of l'enniulvaiil.i li!. tieon wlu-u Instulled with Itnpruw-il lsueil by the Department of Clieni- tin, It vnfer tlmn the llliimltmiitft tlutt Mry of tliv l'eimlnnl;i State Col- It rvpluriM, nttd lln.u.1 of li'Ki. ttnilor lliu nuthurslilp of (leorp I'mlerw titer litis rvvln'il Uh uile In Gilbert Pond, I'll. I). The whole-sub- mull u mnnner us to iih-ouiuk' Its Ject of Calcium Carbide and Acety- more raild Introdtirllon. Calcium lone Is cowrril miwt thorotiithly with- Cnrblde, whlrh tins In sonic iiuurtertt out tlu use of techniral language, been rrcariled nt n ilmiKenms unb uild the book contains complete nml'stniKv, has been liiU'Mlmiteil uml ile uilthorltatlte Information, so nlmply ,clnred without hmard by the Fire I'll lulil that the public generally w III find derwrltcrs. These fnrt.t will mine the hook not only Instructive but ex- In the nature of a ureal HiirprlKe to tremely intereatlnK. many nbo hne reKardeil m-eljleiie The use of arctlene mm men tally as dangerous. In ilenllng with this Is nn evolution covering ten or twelve phane of the otibjeit, I'mfesstir I'oud year. The rapid Mrlilcs which tbe has glwn thoroiiKh Inforiuatlnu its to new lllunilnant lias made, especially the safe, use of ncetylene anil the pt In country homes. Is making It n for- cautious which must be taken with inldable competitor for faxor where- any other llluinlnatit. iter Illumination Is required An Interesting phase of the subject The spectral analysis of the light is the remarkable use of whut It shows It to be a practical duplication known as the oy-nrctlene- blou of sunlight, so that the colors hae pipe. Ily burning acetylene In nu at their true value when Illuminated by mosphere of pure oxygen, the highest this brilliant gas. Itecetitly the use temperature In chemistry Is eoled. of acetylene for the headlights of nu- practically equalling the elettrlc au tomobiles. Its adoption by the Covern- A pencil of Hume two or three Indies ment for beacon lights, lighthouses, long, and no lurger than the barrel forts and Indian KChools, has glren Jof a fountain pen.cnn be draw u ncro-n tiretylvno new Impetus. a piece of sheet metal nnd literati) Professor Pond has shown that the' melts the metal In two. The proe dweller In the country home rnn se-itun be reversed, nnd sheet metnl. Iron cure this excellent lllunilnant at a brasi. copper, aluminum, nnd in fan cost which compares, to the advan- any of the ordinary metals ran b tage of atetylene, with illy gnH w hen . literally melted together and. ciiilou burned in the open flame burner cost-jly, the Joint Is so perfectly formed that a lllo Mill not dlxcliHe the point of fi art lire llililge glrtleis haxe liven out with meal uipldlD. ami It Is Htat ed that this simple pencil of llaim plomlHes to iciotutloti In the methods of metal working establishment Uiothcr mrlous phne of the suli-' Joct is the (nit that Calcium Cat bide i at certain teuiperatuien has the powei of IKIiii: lie iiltiogen of I lie nil ami ill this u nlll pioilnte a fiitillri ijtlled svaiiumlile. which It found l Few pi' pie reallie that tlfteen million iliilliu worth of Chilian nitrates have be, u liuiutrted into tills Kiuntry ami us. d lit the f.illueiN li.-ie liming Hie p.i . teal Calcium Cat hide Is u link like xtili slanie pioiliiced Ii) melting togelhi i lime mid inke In .in eleiiile fiitnai It is not iiffisteil b any substmne e lept water, ami wlien brought lit con tail Willi water gies rf iiiplill) tin g.ts known as acetylene The lliillitlii on I'alilmu t'ailild and Aeetlleiie tun tie had flee lit in plication, iitininpaiileil bt six lelit- liostitge, to the Department of fheiii Istfy, Tlie I'eiiiistltanla State College State College, Pa .notici: or sai.i:. lit the Count) Court of the Stale of Oiegon, for Kliiliuilli Count), In the matter of the Cm, He of Hod lie), S Unwell, I lei eased Nullre Is heielit giieti Hint In pill suailie of all ordei of the Colinti Colli I. for the Count) of Klaliiiitli State of Oiegoii. made and eliteied on the tst da) of December. I'.-os. In tin matter of the estate of Undue) S Howell, deteased. tile undersigned. Alex. .Martin, Jr . Administrator of iald estate, will sell at public, oi pri Mite, s.ile. for iitsh. on Tuesday, tin Mb da) of December. It'Os. between the hunts of 'J ii in and I p. in of -aid da), at the Klamath Couitti H.tuk. in said Count), the following personal proper!). hi-wlt 2 mares. I teal ling lolt, sprint, i nits, I farm wagon, I set of hiirne-w iiloiihlei. nnd I breaking harm-. Dated this 3rd da) of Deceiubei l!Mls. Al,i:.. .MAIITIN. Jit, dmliilstrntor for the Instate of Hod lie) S llouen, DiceitMsl. I s If you are looking for a Correct style and Right Fit Perfect tailoring and all wool honesty of Clothes, look here. You'll find HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX i l.ttiliis nciiF m i m l.tMiu i: i:ii win. hi: . I.IIM. s Mil l'l.l.s Ulllllll I IIMHSl. N I lit N4 in. i rn: i mini: (i.itiiii's iti mi. in. n 1 1. msd hum liltilll IF lt AM. IIMI Mil DON I Ml Will. M till IIII..M HllillT. Suits and Overcoats $10-$20 Better Grades - $20-$40 Portland Clothing and Shoe Store K. SUGARMAN, Prop. sumkii urn Mtasieg- fcfv q br sU Tho Main Coat r.Jctliriiurr, Stem Cj, M . . ," tii ii I one of lliiue Sun C.igl' ilgin.ii ill Miinuri li- Th, lei tin i. in i igar on the uiarkei ," :-: Tlie Xiiiencnii Hotel Dining Hootii is open nil nlgi.l IVesli oysters et ry da) lU-tf fC000Csr j f-; : :. Gifts That Will Please Each and every article in our Holiday Stock was very carefully selected. Nothing was bought hap hazard. We believe in securing goods which will PLEASE. To secure gifts that will please, just visit our store and see our large and varied stock. The stock is now complete; make early selections. The Ural Xraia rtft tar Mm nr h.r a rift hlrh will La tt utri mtnj times a dty all tbt jrar for miaj years. PARKER Lucky Onrv Fountain Pen Manr boatlral, artutte d- lens la special Xbu twits. Prices fron II. SO up. 1) ture you get a Parker Lucky Curve. ron salc av TMSUUiantuaiMtminiu. I STAR DRUG STORE Stationery: All the newest things in Correct Stationery in beautiful gift boxes. One of the most satisfac tory gifts. Prices from 50c. to $2.50. Candies: Perfumes: An ideal gift for a lady is a nice gift package of her favorite perfume. We keep all the standard odors in beautifully decorated and artistic gift boxes. Fresh for the Holidays from Nunnaliy's factory by express lYtJlataf Qpfc W ll,,(J particularly 1VM1CL OCU. pr0U( ()f the R0l8 W(, are showing this year. In sets from three to ten pieces in beautifully decorated boxes. Fine Brush Gifts: ?Z?yZi beautiful presents can be chosen from our fine line of bristle goods. i 'i i t t I t 1 1 i". ! i 1 i 4 c HOTEL HOUSTON RATES Single Meals 35 cents Meal Tickets, 21 Meals - - $5.00 Rooms - - 25 and 50 cents per night Rooms - $1.50 and $2.00 per week J. A. HOUSTON, Proprietor BALDWIN & BALDWIN Not Brothers; Just Plumbers PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS CONTRACT WORK A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Work Guaranteed ciias. k. voi:di:n President A M. WOIIDKN Cashier 11(1 I. MI.I.IIASr.' , i I miditit The American Bank and Trust Co. BIG LINE OF COPYRIGHT NOVELS JUST RECEIVED The above is only a small portion of our immense Xmas stock. By all means see these goods soon, while all lines are unbroken, fresh and dainty. Come and look. Tell your friends to come also. STAR DRUG STORE ei ill i nasi Sh. c . . -. I I CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. flth and Main Street ?! 1 -- fi DON'T BAKE v.t nn mi n mr you. Kveryming Home Made. rnw 2 ? .., Reasonable. BREAD A SPECIALTY. 2 L Wl lint 1111 ltv lim,.l,..,. ..i.. 1 1 ... i....i t.,li!nir ' . .7i . i " ""'"i. Mio lunencs ior nuiuiiiK, iw"'". Zk ! picnic liqrtieH. :: A triul will convinco you that it I la cheaper to buv thnn tn hakn. KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY "The Christmas Emporium." "They Have It." AND DELICATESSEN I Get Our Bread at Cawklna. I " iWMMMM'WtMHMMWMMMtMWtMMHitMOMMMMMMmHtMMMWMW MMIMMMMMMIIHltu j' s