He ftewng lefalli. Klamatli KnljH' '"'l Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. n,DYiUH.No.7Sj. KLAMATH FALLS, OKKtiON, THUItSliAY, DtiCKMIiKIt . l'JOS. Price, 5 Cents SOON REACH WATER SOUTHERN PACIFIC BUILDING WAREHOUSE AT HOLLAND Lleel Gtincj llccjt lodtty luyinq Kails Across the Marsh-1 freight. Will Be Shipped t Color Until Chuntjo Is Mdtle to llolltmd Which Is Scheduled lor .Inn. I Draft Irrigation Code for Adoption By Legislature I'Oin I, .li, li,.i MuhI lniKirl- JiiihI Hint tin stale hIiiiII Iiiiw the rlghl , Hill III Mil IHIHxIMl- I'ff. I I II J M III t 111' f 1 1 - ill llll pllWI'r III ll'gllllll Hi" OKI llf Ill-Ill I I'IkIiiIIuii v. hit J will i nun' In i light in pnwii imi'.lh) lln i.lnt or l mi) liiiiiiniiiiti il i II) in Iiiv.ii j li'ili'HiNliitH(. 1 1 r (i ri t cxpi'ilH to (in. i. n. Inn AROUND THE WORLD FAMOUS GLOBE TROTTER STOPS AT FORT KLAMATH I li. nexl mliin or llli- li'glal.i Iiii i hill llllilit will In. llll. Ill it'll- Hun iml. iinw In iiiniHi. of diiiflliir.. have Hit' ini'lliiiliiiiry ilralt of IiIh hill i C llMllllt. leple.l.ltllUto I'll-ll fllllll olllly III II Hlllllt llllie. Il Will then Mllllliulllllll toillltt, llllS llll. Illll miller .. i Tlmiiir '"' ""' Wiiiillii'in I'm f, r, nl Hi nlnr. I In " " ... it . .. I.Hlltd t I lUpnrnt itn " " " .kmlinMll1l HI'" ' . ..i l i. hniiLfi'il fr mil . ,iii n '" ' ; i iilnriml linilnilily will " "" . i, r.u'1 Hiitlii-ii Hi" "'"" ' ""I J, ulilrli " "" " ' irckl Tin" fiiiuimii) l l"'w u'Miii- hi a bit nrili"U. '"' ""' ""' k lh nirnK' "' iK'iK'ii "" Lincv l liiml" Tkn'-il KniiK IwKnti laying liniK hli nininini! mtii me uwituip nnu lifiimir.l llmt ll' rnlla Mill nil Ulil tu ilii' ihniilu'l In iilmiit Hi- iod)i Work train, will thou ' it otft Ilii' Hit" I" "illl" '"" "' illisrhl urn" 'lit' Hniiinp wi llmt Wtraik fan '"' ballasted lii'luli' he- illtlKtmui'tiiii' mi't fi'll'.l'l "T In- k (tinci In Holland, whlth l ikt all mil mill water connection i Mtb Klamath I'hIU la arhmluli'il In Lie I'loc Jnniinn I mst: I'Im: iti:mh. . mi ilili'iiiilnn mill u winking In line .Mllllllll llll'HH Of Hlllll' ClICllH'i'l .lllllll "" ll l.i'Wlt, III!' l'lll'Mllll llf lll (III- - - nun mini' Miiini'i', Mini tin' iilmm of Mm I'limlli' Hli'i'lnmin, All mnl MiajHie Uin'mi iiiiiiiiilnnliiii fin I ti i mi -Alli'li IIiiiiiii'II. Min Kimimi, Mr 1 1-1 fi-i val Inn nl llie luilniiil I mini i i-h of Mini, Mm I, Wmt. Mm lllff.iiil, Mm. 'I In- nlnd Hlitti'. Mm Win lliil.l"). Mr. Amler min, I'lnk Hark", Wiilli'i Unman, K'linn.'iiiiilh.' Ilijnnt linn lii'i'ii ii'inlliii' iiiihIi Hum mnl thought In Hmiiiii) Ciiiuuii, IM:nr lllfTonl, An tin III iiNlili'iiitlun mnl at inly of tin lllffiinl, I'll) Weal, Mad. 'Iln W'.'nl, i wali'i in I'll ol tin' hiiili'. i Iuih iu. Aiiiiln lli'i'lii., (lined.' Him In-, (ii'iirinti'llcih'il ii liui;.' miimitil nf liifiirinallon Hli I'tiiiiim, IMilli- lii'Kuti, Cnl In l.'..i mnl in.iti'i IhI fiinii oilii. i Hliiti'H viIiit" lli'HHIi, Vi'liim IIimiIIi, I'm I llnlili . lillKllliiili null's ll.ui' lii'i'ii I'lilu Inl, Curl ll.ii kn mnl I'll.li' llui ka Mm V.i ami innlliii. Mm lltii' iiiiiIik. fiinii Whl I.' I. ilk.. I'll), ui'ii' lllltilt Mm IT, ii II.. Hli'i'tiimm laal Til I'm! a Tim lai'll Hiitkllu: mi III.' Ii'li iiImiih' IIiik mi- Imiiiilliii: hIHi Mm H lluuili 'llii'ti' wan a ilaiii at Mike Culm lii'iiil linliii' taut I'llita) IiIkIiI Kv .'I)(iiii. i.iiiiil in fiiluy Hii'lrni'lxit Iln) Hull U uillklllK nil tin- lint 'rilllli'llt li'ti'lilmlii' lllii' TIik ii'ili nf l.iiin' I'Im. am iiIiiii iiIiii: nn an a Xiiiaa In-" In tliflr jm'w nrliiMil Iiiiiiki llinmli' lli In- ami llarr) llnulli wi'ii' 'liili'il u a inlimiltti')' for nilli'i llni: I il ml Win. uml I'lnk ll.tr Km lm)i ioiii llli'liii'il tilnwliu:. Jutin li.'i'i'W Ik limitlm; lia) limn Merrill in tin llC Hllljtlllttl'll III HlU OIIX'T VII tloll IOIII iiiIhhIoii, Ilii' main Kraiu'.i' ami to llm Ktati' I'liiillii'i'i. ami Ilii' unik of inl II ih; II In!" flint I Hlnipi. will In iimli'i lnlii'ii 'I In- liiml iliiill will In-a rli'iu ami oiiiiii'lii'iilw wali'i imln i.'iiily foi tlin ioiihIiIitiiIIoii of III" .'i;liilii llltn. Tin' Kir.ii iiiiih.1 of llllcntlim now; lil'llltlllK III III"' I Illll IH of till' Ktiltll OUT will it iIkIiIm hIiouk dearly (hut tlicrt Ih niKi'iit ni'i'il In OrrKon for ri'lni'illul Ii'kIhIiiHoii. Aironllni; lo nltoriiu)ii wlio Iiiim- niaili' wad r uinli'HlK n hm i tally. Ih. ii- Ih no xlali In Hut Union lias Hoboed through Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America Now Covering United States Been Three Years Since He Started on Trip ami mil of lliln inarm of iluln will inii-jlii wlili Ii iln- v. uli'i Iiiwh am In him Ii I'lt-J mnl Charlli' Hlocliiana went Ii Klimalh I'nlla Tm-nlny with n i nf uram lie now Iuih renlril Mr CIRuiil uml liimll) liai innti'il Mlki- (lalnrneaii went In ICImiialli 1 1 Mr illll lnTi' Mr HlfTim! Inlenilai I'nlU Wcilii.Diln afler n limit nf Inin- kiln fiiiirr wink Hr liui ,r ( v I.ewlH Imvii n- titilj miUfil in Mr (' llrmllny'ii it(h, Kline Mr l.rwl la fei-illliK ilil- ilu (' II ll.nl leliiriieil liml -Mini- Ii) fiimi tlilllm: frlemU ami tela- in In l'i iiill.'liui Iih I'llie mlionl iliimil Nov S&tli, lib a ktmiitiiiil iIIiiiht nhin In lion- fdf ll.n li.irlnr Mm ,iIii 'I lini rmr.1 i'ie Mr mnl Mm llarr) jolh, Mr uml Mm IIiiiiiii'II, Mr uml It, lithe Mr ami Mm (' W l.v. . Mr anil Mm Win llurkH, Mr ami rT all in I IiIh hill .lllll.'.lill's Illll llll' lllllll, Tilt) new nn amiii' will In- iiimli'li il alimi: Ilii) i li.'lul illll of tin' Inilil il Of lllllll' Illll llll lllllll. I'll III Ilii' IiihI ii'Miluli of Hie Ii Klullllilli' Ii) lleiti o.'tnnihi' I'lrkhm of .liirkHnn loimly mnl ilefentcil Id a inn tow innrcln nf li'i a liltli-r II14I1I .liail liei'ti wmteil iienlii'ii Ii liy Hie ii'iui'H.'iiintHi'H of Malm tmu'er Itili ii'ilH In Iln' liniini 'Iln llllilil luillilH lieltiK inntililereil Ii) Mi I II 0 11 1 urn Uml tin' v. at em nf Mm Mm lilt l.ewln, MIh!Ui.' alllle Im'IiiIIK III lite ienile llf llll' 1 Mule ami run lie iihimI .illiiler 1. 'lllllll li'ullli Ilium fni lieiii lldal nn.' Unit wiili-i. itiiirnirlali'il fur IiiIkiiUoii IHllli.i'. it lutniiin iiiillili'tiant lo llll' Imnl. Unit wnieriower iieriiilta Klven liy Hie ntate In lniltliliiiiln or toriorii- llniklli liimll, wlili Ii Holla al Ill lie lllllltetl In ierlnilH of : win, ami 1 luii minimi f 1:111 to in llvi'il h) Iln- leuUlalilir hlliilllil Int iliarcttl fur Hie inte of mwer liy lor ItiirnllniiH i.i'.'!liillia II ; lli'iit'lill wn leiiowtr iorioraUoiiii alioulil lit) nn elall) Int 01 1'liiaiiil. mnl llmt no ior . liuiiilliin tli:ill Im allow nl to make new Hat ',iiilliatloii for 11 htihuI pnwer Hlle AT .MillAITAVS. Sntne er luelty ami wmi. In aleillliK aller. Hnllle M'ly pli'll) illllilllile l.llei liollnw arlliliti. Till III. KM tlinl linn mi ilval New llllliltH In all klluU nf Jewelr) lleiiieinlier I am not i;eiiiiiK new kooiIii tlall). io If )im want to Ket )nnr 1 linlie ilim't fall lo mine In hihiii Nn timilile In hIiiih kihhU 2 .Mtll.VITAN I Iiiiiih ItH III tllefon I'llllt'l Hie ii'Kint l.i v, nlioiit H," unit win liv v lilt Ii tlie n.'iter iIkIiIh of Hi" iiefiple III It tllx Hlit lakliii: ilieir wali'i from tho name kOlllte linilil lie mljililiialeil Ufilllil lie for eer iiemon liotillni; lam) In Hint dun lit In In- niiiile 11 intrl) to a mill of ileit'rmliiatlon, anil een ilien the ri'Kiill woiilil lie imc.'ilalii. Il Ik t'iietletl Hint Hie ri llll I UK Hen itloii of Hie leKiilallire will paxH 11 Wilier iti.le Illll, lis tlieic lian lieeii 11 rie.'iilll) vrowlm: tleinanil for run Ii li'K lutlitlnli Tlii'le was Miieli 11 il.'lllllllil III Hie llthl ih-hiiIoii hut II wmi ilefejtetl h) Hie iieiHlHteiii I'fTortH of a few wn leliotei Inli'reiU The men who ei reHciili'd Iheie Inleri-HlH will not he III I lie irTeiit k.'hhIiiii of tint leKlHlattiru anil II la exiierteil Unit the Jiulillc Oe 111:1ml will he met Mr. Ilryniit. iih fathi'l nf the ItilKatlnii inilu hill nf Hit' prrHi'iit ki'hkI.iii, will imike Ilii sue 1111H lU pilllilpal elTiill tlllllim the IteHKlnii. iu:i.ti:vi:s nrv SHoci.it IIAVi: .MII.K INSI'IKTOII. Illlll II IlilH ile)t'hlplll Hie Mill' alte.lll) hehl In II lia .1 Kraut fiimi Ih" Klnte, ll;al full HlnletiieiilH of Hie roilhlr lu ll in ami lahor of all power plants nl all he llleil with Hie Hlaln etlKllu-er iiihiii It.' ii.liiplellnil nf llll) pinjeit, anil thai Hit Hliite nliull reaer6 the iliilit in hii) liaie or loiitlenin mi) u.,ri hi iln. vnltiil Iiiii iif the term I " , ... - . Fiir weeKH 1 null' c iililellllil.lli'il wrii Die f.iimlilHe or lH.li.itj Hull lnotiK m Ulu.rrM n.tminva , , linpe Unit the riniKtnnl toniphilntR nf To the IMItor. rie.ife Kle me a little space In jour paper. If not fur 111) Hake fur the sake nf the liii'tlielH ami hnhli'H of thin city who aie fort nl lo piirthasu what W tliilnie.l to iH'.mllk uml tiemii. Willi them inlRh't" he lutliiileil othem who lou the liii'leiil lluhl iiuailiilterutetl. Kor wt'i'kit I have totileniplaU'il writ- home h) Mm. Kuiullea' alatur, Mrs. II. It Chilli. TH. Mr. mnl Mm. Ju. CJrlinoa, O. L. drown and wife. Jack llaaliii and I 'rank I'ool Hpeut Thnnkaglvlne In town ut the liuiny of .Mr. and Mm. IIiikII OrlKHh). Mr. Iterenue, who lit workliiK for the Midway Tel and Tel. Co.. tamo mil from town Hunduy with a load of new phtiui'M lo he Initialled In thla Mille). Uatur AiiderKou ha turned nurse and la tnrlni; for J. M. Cox, "Jim and Ilrownle" arc thlnkinR of riiunlni; uiposltliui tu Mr. McClure in Die hulcher lumliicai. They killed two lioKH Tuetday. The J. it. Watklus man la around xtockliiK foIkH with hla i;ooda. Omar O'.imphell of Lnrella went to Hie I 'a II it Sunday. I". W HromiHworil, the hardware man of liouanza, went homu Tuesday from the KiiIIh with 11 lo.ul of frolcbt. VAIIIKIW tilAtii: ItOAII NO .uiVA.vr.uii: to iaiiKVii:w. ..u...... ......i.....i.fc.i;4M'44mivMvvv' IT-JTYTYT,VTVtVVVVyVyyTVytTVTYTYTYy.TT-rT ,w. .----- . .5. KKK STORE Do Your Shopping at this Store. Largest stock of Toys and Dolls. Xmas Goods. Ap propriate Gifts for all. Here are a Few Suggestions for KKK STORE LADIES iim: 1 Miiiini.i.As MIOITI.MJ IHliS ITIISI S I'AN'V .M'l.liriH Hit IIIIM.MKII (All Culiim) I'ASCIVATOHS AS'll SII.WVIM m:ui:st ktvi.ix muss snoi'M I'IM! WIXTIIII WAIHTH I.Wi: I'lltTAINH taiii.i: sins I.TIIS AMI NAIMilSH TO .MATCH i'antv iiANiiKi:iiriiir.ix AMlCOI.IiAIIH Hiiiii'. iioxi:h WOIIK IIO.XKH A.MCI'IIHin'rt I'HI.lri' HKTH "'lllir.lt illMITH Mm M AMI 'O.NV JACKKTH HW'K.VIKU COATH N"MX IIAHKKTH. KW, Ktt MEN SIHI'CXIIKItS AMI M:ci;UIH (nne In 11 lint) IMM'V HOX IN X.MAS ItO.VKS XMAS IIAXIKi:il(llli:iS SI'IT V.WW Kin ii,ovi:s si i.ih: mi.k i.i.m:i oi.ii:s wimii. ,Mirii:.s AMI (ii,ivi:s I'A.NfV WAIST ro.VIS Hl.iri'KIIH, AI.I.HTVIiCS WAi.K.ovi:u ihiiiss sihi:s WI.Vi'KIt CAI'S I'oi.i.Aii .m 'I' mxix .nccktik ioxi:s I'AJAMAH, XKIIir DOWNS itxi: i'Miiin:i.i'As A HTiriMtlN HAT WOtlli HOX OVKHIIIATS I IXi: HII.K HIIIIITK NWUATKU COATS I'lXK IIUKHU. UIIIHTS I'AXCV WIMlli I'XIIKUWKAK ItllllllKIt HOOTS AXII HIIOKH IITC., KTU. CHILDREN 'IOVS Ol' Al.li KIXDS 11(11, US DOLUS I1IIIH.S i.Mi:s hi 1, us mix's inoi. ciicsis TltAIXS OCXS MirilAXICAIi TOS iti'iuu:it hoots CHATS CAI'S .MII'ITIXS Kvii KuitiKK ki:u sir itm: IHIKSS SIIOCS ano scriTKns H1IOHS TOKCS in r... inc. IS Fine Doll and Auto mobile to be given away Xmas. K. K. K. STORE THE SANTA CLAUS STORE nf runlnliierx lulslil Koflen the con tileiHti of miiiii'iiui', hut II vet'inx that these iiiluphillitK till!) M't'lil to pit), time haiiliit'KK and a pnoier tiialll) of milk mnl tieatu. I tlieri'iuiu turn In the llt'iiihl fur awiilntaiice In plarliiK the mailer heftiin Hut people of thla tlty and llie Ini'iiihem of the council and the major. If any of the mem hem of Hut city council are hi unfor tunate 114 In turn llilrt milk and cream, I need made mi argument to them, for they know fiom sad experience what It la, and will leadlly reroKiilzu the iuioshII)' for llie passing of tin or illnatiie prnxhlliiK fur n milk Inspec tor. Thin liiHpecllon can he done hy the luamhal without addltloiial ox pcime to Hut city. An ordinance, pat terned after Hlmllar lenUlatlon of tho larger cltleit, oiiftht to he In force hem for It In 11 M'lf-evlilent fact that until Hlllll Ih llie ciiKe the people will he ohliKfd to put up with poor cream ami iiiliillctntfd milk. Theieare many niothem In this illy who mo forced to riiiulHh I his btun to their Infants for food, and I know nf one cum) where lhi hah) neat ly Htm veil on the con cm Hun. If this Ih line In one cimi It Ih iintlouhteilly lino In others, mid wheio pi'oplti are conHcleiicolesH tinoimh to fiirulsli milk of this tie Hcrlptlun, then. Iheie shoulil he no mini' nieiey slioun them than they allow tho Infant Hint has to depend on it for nouiislimeiit. A SlIlISCiUBER. OLKNE HAPPENINGS. .1 (1. Wlnht of Yiiniiu went to town H11111I11) and leturued Tiittsduy. Mr. and Mrs. S H, Orimth of Poo Valley went tu ttnni Monday ami re turned Tuesday. 1). L. niBhtlor went to town Tues day and brougia home Bomo lumber. nilly Stevens of Douunza passed on Ills way from tho Falls Tuesduy with a loud ot freight. ti. S. and Mrs. Randies spent Satur I.AKi:VlKW. Dec. 2. The. comple tion of the N. C. O. to Alttiras makes Lakes lew's nearest railroad point CO miles away. The extension ot the road to (his point will, however, not make tiiut h illir.'reiicu, lu frt'lKht tu Itke lew. 'I he rates on thla narrow guaRe mad an: allium as high as those ihuri;i'd hy the teamsters. I'aasen Kcr rales are the same as thoio chnrg oil hy tho st.iKii lines, and at times the son Ice Ik very little better. Lakc- lcv liiialness JHMUKrUlAAMU on lunliiK all theiFrreTRh'l nH"'Vli Klnmnth FnllsJuat as soon as tho hiiiiit h of tlu).SMtwrn Pacific is ex- loniieti in mat rujrj-ffuicn wiu.iujiy he In tho cafly sprlni;. The haul by wiikoii from Klnmnth Falls will bo appioxlmntely luo miles, but tho dlfforenrit In the rate will moro than warrant nhlpplng freight by that route I list end of via Alturas. Lake Count) (axpj)ers are very mixloiiH thai Klamath County build good loads tn tho dividing line. Lake County will do Its share toward op ening up u route between tho two tow iih. Ilusliiess men of Lakcvlow lunu for eam been paying heavy freight rates, and they will welcome 11 new mute, even If it Is not less ex pensive than tho old. Indications are that unless tho X. C. (). Is extended Into (loose Lake .illey during the eaily part ot next ear, most of the freight will come l.i Klamath Falls, which will glvo the Portland wholesale! h uu excellent opportunity tn compete with those of Han I'lanclsco. FOUT KLAMATH, Dec. 3. This city was vlaltcd yesterday by the fa mous gloho trotter, Mr. Mac McOon-nt-r, of Pretoria, South Africa, who Is girdling tho world on a wager, tbo terms of which require him to visit all the capitals of tho world and In terview tho rulers and prominent peo ple of each country. He Is almost nl the finish of his long bike, having compiled with tho conditions of his contrail, to this point and completed his tour ot Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, Australia and the Philip pines and has vlaltcd every state In the Union. Mr. McOonncr Is a very fluent talk, er and his stories of the experiences on his long trip wcro very Interesting. Ills sketch ot Interviews with the rul ers and national characters of tre countries through which ho has trav eled and of tho conditions of the countries was most engrossing and tho dotalls would fill volumea. The trip up to date covers a period of three cars and one month, and he expects to complete his Journey with in eleven months from now. The trip to this point Involved con siderable harshlps as ho has to hobo It entirely. Mr. McDonner Is cer tainly to bo commended for his grit In his undertaking. In the course an Interview ho expressed his dellgi 1 at tho open handed hospitality ot the people of tho' United States as com pared with that of Europe and Asia, and bo further expressed his Intention of visiting Crater Lake and Klamat! County again before leaving for his home lo tho Transvaal. , SKHVICE8 OV REV. HALL. -1- 1 .- A large and appreciative audience listened to a sermon delivered by hRVMtall.. ot Medford, In the First Baptist Church ot this city last, night. Ho chose for his text a part of tl fifth chapter ot Matthew, and took for his theme, the other mile. Those who hne heard Mr. Hall make It a point to como back and bring a friend with them. Ho Is a man of pleasing personality, and still better, u niati ot deop spirituality. He will remain over Sunday. Do not fall to hear him. Como and bring your friends. ELKS NOTICE. All members ot the D. P. O. Elks nro requested to assemblo at tho store ot O. Ileltkemper, Jr., on Sun day afternoon, Dec 6th, 1908, at 2:30 to attend Memorial Service. Memorial Committee. Flno line ot watches. Winters 4e-C00 00)MM)MMM : It Takes Good Taste To decorate a home prop erly. First you must have beautiful wall paper. It must be well put on. It mutt be durable o well as beautiful. We handle the newest patterns, the most beautiful shades and the best qualities. The price alio recommends them. ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS mm 11 m m i MB ill I"1 HI '. i FT, S .f . p 'ffl 31 tl day In town, and were accompanied