The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 31, 1908, Image 1

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Our Advertisers Get
The Best Results.
mill I lest Daily.
1iinti Vi:aii. No. .
Price, G Cents
At the Meeting of the City
Council Monday Night.
It is to Hove Kufurunru to the Contcnioliitcil I'lirtlwisr
ol tin! Light and Wuter Plants-All of the City
(Mlicitils are Silont on the Question.
S, v M..M.I i nlghl lll "' Ix't'l
i i , iinr iihiMiiK f Hi" '!) I'ihiii
ill nliil II piollilses I" '" - i'f Hi"
mini In in miii: ai-aalona of Ihul IhhI)
,,,r If Hi Hi Mil" !' ' "I'l I'nii"
IliiniiM " unit: Hi" irnlli 'Hi" lit
ir iiioiih HI ! Hi" MkIiI "ml
Ulir I iilll'iil I" Mii)m Hlllla will
i n, i, 1 1 uiiilrr iiiiiHlili'tiiilun,
,,) , , i ill i'il t tint In iniiiii'i Hun
,r '. .in.ililiiK IH ili'M' t tint
ii ti i iiipl" H "I' iiikI ink" no-
... I ' .1 I- IllKlllt lia llir II 1111)1111"
mil r- Hi oitilK illuli Willi III" null
.! N of Ml" "II) nllli lula Hill
i mm '' "li ii ! mi" "i mi
, II..'. .tUlpl) kit). Mllll llllll
In i in 1 1 miii Hli IhU Hi") fleet)
,!,,'. ! i in ,i It it nil til" lli-atlutl
,,( In Mi. i Mm rll) ought to iiiinlum'
m IikIiI mill water plants or Inatiill
I '4.' I a-atl'lll 1 ll"f" l IKI tl"-
mil !. Mint ut iri'M'M imlillr nil-
, '.ll' HI til Ml ll III IllVlll III III" "W
I 'l II III) I til" IlllCOIIltea III til"
I' i'l Mi" light "ml wati-r
iir.' know thin lli") mi). howoter,
nat tlil will ilintiK" when Hi" pulillt
(illy iilnli latnmta III" sllllntlnli One
tilulm if Mil louticll. wtlll" inking
list lilt iiaim In- mil liai-d. oipn-aai'il
I imwlf Ha follow h
I iiniui Mint til" -opl" Ki-iii-rnll)
tint ti Mir flrat Tluil l iitlt"
t.ilurui for Mutt It wluil tin) un- In
lw.1 lit l.ill f Hill l.llllllll llllllt Its
xii in tin liiiut" iiml mil) lake ran-
if the prem III llio Hill" Hill i olni
ohcli Ha iiiemhel will Ii" wnisl
latntud i-iiiuti of ini'ti III III" rlt) I
anl nmm n mill Ii us iiii)iiii", mil
i' I Id Mn .iiriluio of III" 'IkIiI
ntnl uii' iitiint wniilil iri iiml" III", ri of getting tin-in, I wniilil
Ii- iic.i 11 i i I.I . i hii- Hut I f""l
Ilia' It It, II liuatell III" llll) when till"
Hi. Will lauti II Mil" Hi-WIT H)Hlllll
If Mo miiii ln-ri- put III ii n"wt-r
lltllll III I Willi II I"W lf IlllllUUt"-
i put. lunim: tin. light miii nnim
tIfliit wluil will Hit-) Iiiivk Inn"''
Till') will hatit llilili'il lift) "T ("lit
I'l tin- iilui' uf tlm wilier plant iiml
liirlhlK tin i will hate in i.i) Hum"
M) Hint Ih all iiioiiiialiln", lull It Ik ii
f4(t Hint mi) (ur mludi-d person will
ml in It lii-wet tin-mi inn liiKlnlliilloii
"f Inlli in in irm I leiill) "Mi) Ilium
In llll- ut) T liny lili'lili Hit. iiililllloll-
lll llll- Of WIlIlT llllll It tllllHt lll-ll-KHIII-
Hr follow Him n iium. wnti-r sold
tin- mum uluiihlo tin. plant Iii-i-iiiiii-h
(In tli other limiil. If lh illy
I'liriliioti'H Hi., plaiilri IIihI It will hate
iiniiin, i Hud ,!, I,,, iiuniiul fur nuf.
i In fact everything for
7. Ihol l ... I l T
f Htm is iuuiiu in au up'wiis ! v
K. K. K. STORE j
Klnmnth Fniu' Ftt Value Givers
Ihl-'lll In uliiil tin- m-wt.i h)Iiii lit
Mill II II lllllMllll l Ihl- I'WIIH air
lliatulli'il iiililltlotiiil l.unila i mi In' lii
iii'il, mill tliln iium i'kk i. in I ii-
llilili'il until tin- )l.'in mhiiI'Ii l.-il
I llllllllt. llUWell-t, If It Will III'
tltll-aum) til laailll ii minlMl lilt III
IioiiiIii fur m-weia It a m) ,i,, ( tmt
tin- Illal la f Ii U will n aulll
l HI In iul III tin- iiinIii ai-wi-i 'llioii
III" ill) inn l- ili.. lulu illalrlitt.
llllll HeWI-la III. I. 'Mil llltlllllt Mll-tl'IU
llio mat tin mil In In. gi.ilil !,) tin
nliuttltii: iioi-ii) 'tin- iiiiiiiiiitoi
la I'lllil Ii) tin- auaiiii of tnxhlll
wlili Ii lirioiii. a Hi n on tin' propi-rtt
Im'Ii.IIIIi',1 Tllla a)at,-iu n folluwoil
III mull) iltli-a ami It la iiiolititil" It
llll In- lilt llll out lll-l", tltlllUUgll I
liu" not luki-atlHiitt-it Mila phase of
Mi" l.m" If It tan It suites tin- it oli
li'lii In a manner tnat our.lit to toi
a.itlafui tort to all parth-a iin-rtM-il
ii mh:s..siiim:.
At I. o i link tliln nun iilni: llu-ri'
nun 1 1 li'litnlril at Mi" lioui" of Mr
ami Ml W T Slilx-Mi" uinrrlm:" of
tlii-lr iliitiKliti-r, I'lora. to Mr Auatln
lla)itin. of t'allalian, C.illforula. Iti)
J II litllllMi otllil.iMlu: 'Hi" w.'.l
ill Hi; u.ia ultui-aaiil lit Ihi' l.'lllllvi"
iiml a fi-w i loai- frli-tnla
Id" niartlai:" of Mla Slilti- i.iui"
iih it auriitlM' lo Iiit tiimii f 1 1 ml h
till" luia lotm tin n nil" of Hii-jHiiulni
t-i-tllliMn of III" tolll)'ir k"t of till
Ii v l.i'liii; miii-il for lii-r ilisinoni
liaii) illaHialini, w hlrli.ti)i iirril
In-r to a wlili ilrclc uf fdi-mU Hln
win. oiii- of tilt- lllKll Hrliool atiiiti-ut
lit t xar. Ii"i rrcoril la Mint itiatllu
Moti in lu c a moat liillllani nur It
waa wlill" ntli'iiilliiK tliU Hiliool Mia'
ilii- iih t Mr lliiwli'ti. uli-ii oiii- of tli"
rtiuli-nla ami tin- iiituanri- whlili ml
I lu ' ui-ilillui; lii'Kuu
Mr llatili-u, with Iih lirollii-t man
I-;.- Iiln fatlurH liur." Hloik hum Ii
Hi Siakl)uu Coiitil). I'allforula II"
la .i )oiiui: liKin of xli'illiii; 'liinlUli'K
l 11 KHI'll Of a lliatlUtlT mill lllHIOHl-
t it'i Iliat ithauri-a lilm hikii'kh In Uf"
I nlluwIIIK III" il"liiotl). II m-ililltlK
Im-aMaM waa i-i-rti-il. afli-r wlilili tin-
lirdl" ami Kio left for llii'lt liutii"
lu Calliilian. i.UDltiK with llti'lil III"
lii-at ulalii'H uf tln'lr mail) frli-iuli
Volt' fol )ini ilinliH ni'xl Tin-sila)
Inn at illnm-r nl OIIxt liiiili-uii-til
Hturi- I'rli" '.'r.i llfiti'lli of Hi"
l.mlliH Alii, M C Cluiltli "I
Ladies and
Gents' Coats,
Sweater Coats
, 4
Fall and Winter wear $
faA CAA 4
l.orl. s(i( in V.
Mih Kllaa (Hii'iii linln iiili-rtalmil
(inn lalili-K at Mm hiKt i-vi-iiluK In
honoi of h'-l hIkI.'I, Mih. Dunn) Cat-
i"lllt. Willi llllH III I'll HM!llllllll! H"V-
ml wm'Iih Iuti- wltli lii'i liualianil
tlHlHlIK ll'llllltl'K
ini;lilful llalluwo'i'ti iiirl) wnH
illfii laal "Vi-ullu; al Mi" homo of
Mix ioii;i- T f 'rut I In liunot uf
Mlaa Hhh. -ii or I'm t limit Almiil llilr
l Ihi- oiiui: I wet" iniHi'iit mill
tin- "ti'iiliu; waa iiIiiihiiiiM) HM-nt lu
mail) miiiiM'Uii-ulH iiullalili- to III" ov-
lialuli Ii tllllllllllliU III llllllllll'.lll Willi
llio t i.toili-a 'llio itui-Hta wen- all
iioi.'il) illauulai-.l In nliicla ami pil
low uiat-H
Minl.'i Alhi'il I'li-to- waa llu- IhhI
Mila utli Mii'iin to a hiiiiilii I of Ii I k
)iiiiiii- pi i)tnat)-M at III" I'li-tio Ilium
uu Cuiu'.i'i ati'tiui- liiiini'H wen- iln-
III. llllll w llllll a lll-llltlllflll Hitii-r
waa at rv.-it at .'. u i lot k
Mia tiiurit" Xol.iml kiim- a illum-i
It t "ti-ului! lo tin- fortiii-i imi'IiiIhth
of tin- Whin- Him ll.iaki-l Hull t-mii
II," illniu i wmi In honor of Aimtlu
lliitili'ti 'lliotto pt""til i-i" Aua
tln llii)il"ii, .liiulot Ii.iuk'i'H, iliur
WiIkIiI ami l.lo)il llauiuioml
Mnati-r H'Mitt lii-ilii'i i-nti-rtiiltii'il
almiil IKH'i n of lila toiiim fill-lulu
Mila aflitniHiii at a I l:illnu-'t-ii patty
(nun :' lo '. i. IlKlitful Hill" waa
Iiml iln lutt ilillilrttia cmiH-H ami
wlii'ti linn In on wai miniiiim I'll It waa
a Iiiiiii lot of lu-nlilit ilillilri-u wlio
I i.l l. r...l .....i.tiil It,., . Until. ft. till.
to i ujot Mic kooiI tliluea it"piir-il for
tin in
Mia I) II liati-a ami n iiuinli-'r of
tin Inill" will clti-a llallowi-i-u par
t) at tin- lioui" of Ml (iali-a Mila
i-ti'tilnc at wlU'li Hlil Mnilin- will Ii"
plati 'I
V t i) inii)nlil" llaltowi-'i-u putt)
.waa ;H .'ii laal i-M'tiltiK nt K"iiu at
I tin rilioul. lllnN t tin- illrii Hun uf Hi"
1 1. -in In r. Mica Klaii- I'll to-) Alioul
'.K uf llio (.lillilrtii ami patiutiM uf tin-
a liui.l Wijriitir-ai-iu ami "tiJo)"il a
until "UtiTlnlnlnK prorani
t Wir i'.iir in roi'MA.
! Cuiiutt S lioui Supi rltitcmli tit .l(!
'Swan, wliu liaa Ix-i-n IsltltiK III" ''"
.ki-KUlmi ailioola I. llilili'il lioui" loila)
Hi- h!m!" Mutt In- IIiiiIh Ml" ndiuolx
In llu- wial p.-ut of tin-iiiiint) lu llll"
oliillHoii 'llu- ai-liuol at l'uk"Kaiiia
w hlili la iimli-l Ml" illlii Hull of lly
roii Hall. Iota to pitpllH anil la itilli-i-towili-il
'I In aau mill In Mill lu
lull opi't it ton ami IokkIuk oM-t .itloiiH
wilt louttuiii1 all wlntir. Til" Colli-pin-
la f.iiniliii: Mi" i-itiplo) mi-til of
i.ii-n v.ltl. f.imllh'H urn) ll Ih i-xii'i'ti-il II will I"- iiiit-aaat) In liati- an
i-lr.lit tiio'itlia li-riu.
MltK .'m-IIIii W'oiiiI Iiiih i Ihi IX" of III"
a I ool al i Iiiihi-m Hiatlon aliil III" l'l"V
mi m-hool Ih tuiiclit by MIhh l.ola
'I liotupHuti. Mr Swan nn wry plraK
nl in mil" tint appt'iiraiu'ii nroiiinl
llii-H" hcIhioU Tim ilillilri-n riiciinr-iiKi-il
Ii)' tli" li-arliciH Iiml ili-am-il tilT
llio miK" lirtlbli mnl put tli" Kiouiiila
In it tcty rn-illlulil" lomlllluii. The
"x.inipli' H"t liy lhi-ai ti-acln-iK iiiIkIiI
h" follow nl liy uthi'iH In mom fat
uinlil" lunilloiiH.
m:v hooks nut schools.
Th" Hhlpuit'iit of tint library ImokM
for Mi" piihllu kcIiooIh uf Hut county
I nit an hid ami will lu nppurtluucil
mnl illsli llilili'il lu tint ilinVrrnt Ki'liool
illHltlttH noon. Tlu-nt an-iiliout 10(10
I Ih In tint Hhlpuii'iit ttlih-li will Int
u itii-at uililitiuu to tlto llhrarloH uf
th" mIiooIh, Tho hookH nn piirt-liiiKt-il
hy Hut County l.lbtaiy Tax mnl thin
H Mi" thltil oar that this ftttiil Iiiih
Iiopii itHi-il. Th" ni'W Hlilpmont will
liiiii-iiHi) Ih" iiiimhi'r of hookH In tint
mIiooIh In iiliout :H)i)D- I'll" hookH
mo all r.iittfull) ni'l"il-il mnl nro for
Huppti'tuoutuiy wink mul liunio rt-iul-I
Puilk'ti who lmo ln-on ubIuk our
pauturo. ri'titliiK from C. 0. Low, may
It'uvu tliolr Block In tho pasture by
nrniiiBliiR with uu. Rttteo for ruttlo,
bogliinlne Novnmbor 1st, $1,00 per
month: horses, f 1.G0 por month, pay
ublv In ailvimcu.
Hot SpiltiKH liiiprovoiiK-nt Co.
Special &0C iiml 7Co Neckwear nt
25o for Saturday nlRht only. Taft nnd
llDitii canipuliiu ties Included, Tho
I'oillnml Stole. 2t)-3t
Wo can show )ou a nice lino of
Heating Stoves. Virgil St Son. 28
AN'IK ll'.MI.S (lltCXI
(fllOU'lll I'llli HON NZ I
'Ihi- Hoiuiiia Htilli'llu atali-H Hint
win k uu Hi" Ciat l.ako ilmii Ih pro
KIi-hhIiii; 'lull" Kiit Infill lutlly ami Ih",
liullt ntluiia am that n Unit Htatt will
hit iiuulit Mila fiftl I, "furo Ih" 10I1I
VMiithi'l hiIh In to ilnlat uniatluiiH
'It la ti-ttalu that Ih" oiultiK )"'ti
Iwlll h"o an aitltll) lu (ioMtrmni-iit i
work uu Hi" Clear l.akr il.iui ami th
llrtlKiiMou piujitt lu Kt-iii'ral that will
liittk" IhltiKH fall I) Iium In HiIh m-r-l
lion uf Klamath tuuiit) ami that will
jiilltni't tin- iittcutluu uf tliuai- ilittlr
IIiik lu aiiili" laml ami iiiiiki- ilium
lo Invi-allKai" Mi" UK'ili uf tin Ho ,
li.tua loiititt) Alnl to out" Ititi-Hll
cull- Ih to I-1 nun- i iiiitlni imI that no
wh"l" "la" i. in In- foiiml am Ii f.lll
"ilK"il upp"iliitilH"H fur Hallifai lur)
lUtl'Htlllllllt OwIiik lu Hie ( ulliir
luiiitlun uf lliuuinii, tlilu liiwu la Ihi
uatiital In ailiiiaiii-rH for four tlcli
tall")H- Kpraiiiu l!lt-r. I..ini'll, I'u"
ami Voiin.i 'I In- ti-r) li"t lamlH lu
Klaiualh loituty ar" nlluatl lu lh-"
tuII")h ami wllh Ih" ailtitil of wati-r
for Ittlifatloii I liuti- lamia wlilih n
itilt" niolatnri- will In- ri'ii'li-ri-'l M"
iiioht proiluitlt" ami t.iliiahli- of any
on Hi" inaat It Ih a wi-II known fait
Mini IrtlKatlun Ih a uti-at putt t-nt.itl t
of iliiiiumliiK fi'Mta ami with It ami
Iih" i-ati-ualt" iiiltltalluu Hiiro lu fol
i low. wi- ma) iiiiillili-titl) antlt Ipati-
tint In Hut near fiitun- tin- lamia lu
Mila tltlult) will In- iih fr-" from ilati-
I iter of ili'Htriu th" fronts iih Ihtmo uf
uMu-r tall")H hiivo hi'iuuii- iitnl.-r aim
lllar lomlltluiiH. Cteti iltirltiK th" ai-.t-Lou
Jtiat paat w hltli Ih Kadi '" hat"
1 1 n urn- of tin- 111111-1 uuf.itoralil" fur
actli uliiil" oti-r "xpi'i lent nl on tin-jl'ailtli-
Co.tai. Kl.itiialli loiinl) auf
if i'l nl no iiion- than In-r flinn- aloim
in HIi tin- othi-r loutillfs uf Hi" hint",
'ami lu matt) favonil luialltli-a IctiiliT
intul ili'lldoiiH rniltK ami ti'Kctahlix
ii-wariliil Hut art lK-atowtil upon
I tin-in Citlihatlon of ihu lamia ami
j wider for ihi-lr Irrigation will hrltiK
lout to th" full Hi" l"i-l iIhti- Ih in
t ti in ami It will I nl) a fi'w ).im
iiiitll tin-) will pruiltl"" ahiiiiilanll)
i fi lilt h ami irups iIiuiikIiI poaalhl" now
'lu what ant auppoaiil to Ii" loiallllt-H
ifittoti-il In Komi- pi' nllar manut-r Of
lion. inr.i will ili-tclop mnl
ltuw iih tho loiintt) aroiiiul ili-vi-lopcH
ami KrowK, ami Kilualiil an th" town
llu. HiIh iKiillh) growth i.iiimil li"l
llmt i miii-
JWIION'AI. l'Olti:.sT Wll.l.
item ti: ('c
I'ollouinu a hlati-uii'iit mail" a )c:tr
:ii;o nl tin- im-i'tltiK uf tho National
Wool Ciouith' AaMii'latlon ill Salt
lik" City, (ilffonl I'linhot, forester,
ami A. I'. Toiler, ahsUlmit foiestoi
In th" t'liltnl States I'oreat Sett lie,
hate Just utinotiurcit a reduction of
in to I.', per lent lu the rates for
sheep KialiiK on Hie forestH
of tho wi-bt. This general reilitttlon
lu tho schedule of KnuluK rates ttlll
lake elTeit fol lint totiiliiK season of
The rhmiKes lu market I'lmilltluim
which luive limilo the sheep business
less prolltuliln this piist joar, espec
ially the Kreatl) reduceil prices offer
ed for wool mul the depteclatloii lu
the Millie o( mutton, make the an-
noiinteineiit of creat Interest lu the
slit op business bill to the men of
eer) nllleil Indtistrj. tn IHOT, when
the pioinlses for ii ledticod bihedulo
were niiide, It was with the, under
simulitli; beltteeil the htiiikuieu nnd
Hie I'orest Settlco Hint the unizlni;
iiilcs would not be chaiiKed fur minor
lliiitulloiis In the maiket ulilili would
naturally occur Iium to )enr,
but would apply only In case of uul
leal or unusual diiuiiU'H.
Tho new schedule does not affect
thi cases whero the mlnlmtiiu chnrRO
of Ti i'i'iiIh per bead bus nlieady ben
allowed or a specially low into has
been tlxed on account of somu local
(Otidltlons. In most ensos the revised
roe will menu u reductlou of about
om.t per cent per head.
In llltiK the tates (or gt.irlni: by
dlffoietit kltidu of stock, the local con
ditions, tho effect of uiazltiK by dit
to ant kludd of stock on toreot growth
tho tletnnnil for tho use of innpo by
owiieis nt dlffeiont klmln of stock, the
needs of tho homosteadcr, and tho
profits of tho business hno boon tak
en Into consideration.
Suits wero died today by J. F. Ad
ams mi. T. O. Tin ci and by the same
piuty s. 11. Ii. Fouler, for locoteiy
of money. H. S. Smith utid 1). V.
Kii)keudall uru tho attorneys tor tho
First of What Will Be This City's
Greatest Industry
Will Ho Located on the Upper Lake Material Is to Be Furn
ished by the Long Lake Lumber CompanyOther
I victories Will Follow al an Early Date
lil.iuinth Calls la glowing, thiiuks
lu ih" "ffurtH uf tiiiiu who arc
hack uf tin- inuteiiK-ut lu bring to
thlKill) new i-nlerprlai-s. The luteal
ntqiilhltluii to tin- Itnliistrlnl wilfart
uf Hila ill) Is a box fat lory. Suiiin
luotitlix ngo the lli-rntd stated that
Klamath Tails w u ilc-stlned to bu a
great box tnauuf-ii 'tiring city nt tho
(nliiil Ktnti-M N'utulthstmidlng tin;
fan that sola" uf the tni-ti who ought
to gi-t out nnd tlnuw up their hats
mul say "That's true," worked over
tltni' lr)liig to funvlncu the pc-oplo
that It was a lie. Hut Herald again re
in ats that this ilty Is destined to he
the center of the box Imlui.try of the
t'nlted Stales In proof uf tho state
ment ll now makes tho announcement
that m-xt spring will tee tho erection
of tho first one uf those factories. It
Is lu bi- loiatc-d nt tho Upper I.ako
on what Is known as the Warden
trait That other will follow Is as
f rlaln as is Hie erection of this one,
mid fur the rciiaonUhat tho greatest
supply uf box timber, mid in fait
about th" oul) supply of any conae
liieniit lu the t'nlted States, is con
tiguous lo this city.
About a wick ago there was sign
ed in this rlt) n contract between
oil" of tin- largest, It not the larRest,
uholi-Mil" denlers In boxes on the t'a
cillc io.ikl and the Lung l-ike Lam
In r C'oiupun) culling for the delltery
uf .Ol'U.OOO fe-.t of box lumber, and
as much more as the company enn get
out. This lumber Is to be made. Into
boxes In a factory that Is to be erect
ed by the firm making the contract.
lunsinuih as -.'.UOO.OOi) will bo tho
limit of the amount nf lumber that
enn be supplied It) the Long Iiko
people I he box factory to bo erected
will not be as large us It would be If
the supply of lumber was greater.
About forty men will bo cmpto)od.
It Is understood that orders have
been giten for tho dismantling of
the Long Lake saw mill and Its trans
fi r to a new site on the Tpper Lake,
on land adjoining that to be occupied
b llio box factor). It is also under
stood that deeds for this property
wen- signed within I he last day or
W. () lliison. manager of tho Long Lumber Compnn.t, was seen to-
l.iy by u lepiesentutlie of the Herald
and asked If tho above factH wt-ro
true. Ho was surprised at tho ques
tion. It evidently being his deslro to
keep tho matter quiet for tho pres
ent. He absolutely refused to con
firm or deny the story. When asked
A Peck of Grain In tho Born
lo worth oBumhol In tho Flo Id
IXL Root and Barn Paint
ProvontB toakn-aiiti muck to awtoavanoe
If ho had purchased property from
Major Wurilen for tho box factory
and saw mill sites bu begged to bo
excused from making any statement
Major Wordcn was seen and bo was
as reticent us Mr. Husnn. "I will
not sayv whether tho facts set forth
nro true or untrue. If there Ii any
thing to say on the subject, Mr. IIu
son will hate to do tho talking. It
Is his business, not mine."
Notwithstanding this attltudo on
the part of tho two men who know
tnont about tho transaction tho de
velopments In tho near futuro will
remove all uncertainty In the matter.
Onu of the first moves to confirm the
story will bo tho dredging of a chan
nel 35 feet wide, seven feet deep and
half a mile long. This will lead to
tho foot of the hill east of tbo Wor
dcn landing. It Is to be used as a
log run and storage pond for the
Long I-ake mill. Arrangements have
been made with the California North
eastern for a spur which will run to
the saw mill and the box factory, the
understanding being that tho track
ttlll bo laid to the mills In tlmo for
use next spring.
About two weeks ago there waa a
gentleman In the city who Is exten
sively Identified with the box Industry
of the Pacific Coast. It was he who
furnished tho facts relative to the
Long Iako contract but asked that
his nnmo bo not used In connection
therewith. Ho further said:
"The people of Klamath falls need
not worry about a payroll. This
problem will bo solved within a very
ihort time. This box factory will not
bo tho last. Thcro will be otbors,
many others, and they will bo ot such
proportions as to acquire national
significance. This will be necessary
from the fact that the best box lum
ber In tho United States Is hero and
wo must come and get It. Klamath
Falls will within a very short time be
known as the city ot box factories."
November 5, 1008.
There are funds In tho City Treas
ury for the redemption ot all War
rants protested prior to and Includ
ing Sept. C, 1905, Interest on tame
wilt ceaso from above date.
City Treasurer.
Come to tho Klamath Hoaae for
nice Furnished Rooms, Sl-lw
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