The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 26, 1908, Image 1

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Klanmtli HU
Our Advertisers
the Best Results
and H't '
Hefftlo. f
LiiYkak. NO.IKH.
judge Nolancl Brings a Cheering Message
from the Lake County Metropolis.
. Hull IHIIIIIiIh OT 6.IMMI lllllH.
,h )cnr' OH" lliiriilM-il Ion J ""'") mi'l IIh'Iiim llnoiieh Riiiiox with :tii,oiio pnuiidx of tndght TMm
,k ,iurl i K'ii n ')' Thiil U V,,ll,'y A" " '",v" '" (l" '" '" '"'"'I " H" Hint Milpmoiit If llm proposed
I, stimuli! r fiellthl lliiil goes Intii '" "'" l'"1"' ('""' "I"' '""I Hi" I""- : rr Ix mad., mill lliii madx kept In
.t, CniiiiM tmli )eur 11 requite I'lf "f Luke will do tin. text 1 ho lime :. : ., iml,,. repair I will gmirmiteo
'if mine llian ordinary I in por titric x.
MiiIiii I hln illy u illHlrlliiitltii; point
mill )oil have nil ompllMhoil one of tint
limit Impoitniil iIiIiikh fur Hit wolfmo.
Vow Ik tin- lime in go nfler Luku
. until v x IiiihIiiohk "
I l'iiiliiln J .M Mrlnllio Kim Heuli
lllllt III- H.'llll "All l OOF Of till I'lIK"
I nllli wlili li t Ii I it city nut capture llu
Lake County shipping, If llm loinit on
(niiiie.emeiit Ih given, I ulll nay tlmt
It hlx iiioiiiliu; I aim led for Lnkuvlow
luo leu-mule fieli-.hl Iriiiim. loaded
of Hid order 'Iho Klamath Falls
Mlllliiry lliinil will furnish mimic from
H to K:8(. A (orillnl Invitation Ik ex
tended to nil Itcdmeti mill pnlefaeea
to attend till meeting
.tout ti'Hli''lKlil 'lul'1 Iioiio teulua
ajuii'l" Hfty iiii'ii to handle It
tfi)uiillii I" I'"1'" Kl'illiiitli tllll
tit tlil liMiiiitix' iimoiiiit of fti'lKlil
i Him'iikIi I'" ttnli'wny If II
toil II n ll"u' " '"" "r"' " i111"11
MiiniiliiiiK tiiwiit'li : 1 1 1 n i- the
ujji IcailliiK l""ii tlil" lt' I" Uiki-
ilt In n fi'lil) pabn . oiidltliin.
I Mi I' II"' nii'MiiK" Unit oiiii'h to tlila
llj (rum lake lew
Hon (li'iiric Noliiml returned from
lilrtlfn Haliinlii) evening It being
Hi flrmt till' I" III" mettopolU of
Lile Count, tin' llernld n rutloua
jitfritnln lil oiiilnn of this Inliitiil
II! In 1 1" lolllmi of It lonlermitloll
tub ii'iuociitutlti' of lliln paper
The fnt tit t- of Lukovlew, to in)
r.lsJ, It an.iiiiO II Mill li ii illy of
it mall iriiMirilnnii, mnl win of tln
tlil rt-atuiii fur tlil optimism l the
intrcr si'l thrift of It clilroiia ()n
itltc that was of particular Int. lest
urn and which m culled to my at-
killon by Judge Dal) Vent Snolllug
ul other Imaini-aa ini'ii til l,aki'l.
iittlir maklr.g of Klanmtli I'nlU the
ihlfploit Hilni for Ijikevlew I win
foimiil Hint upwnrda of ton mllltoii
loicilt of f (eight teaches Lnkuvlow
hum I he i nil i mnl eiu h )ent At pre-
nt It ruin.- Id way of lti-no ami the
r.irrvw r.unite rnllroail, nml tliu er
likt It an)tlilnK hut antlnfattory The
i nlont im ii of l.akp)li'M nritiiiuloiia
Itotbancv to tlila city, nml I ticllnw
htat If tliry renlle.l (he leak! lilt of
kcouratpment tliey coulil Im IiiiIucihI
fa mike tlila city the alilppliiR point
"It It uniiereaaary to it well on the
roi'Ottinci' hi tlil rlly of accurliiR
I'ala chanKe i:ir)one ran reiullly
T that (liltt ill) i an lie iiiiule n iirent
I'llitrltiullni: iMiint a let that II ran !
'lly ilcM'lopt'il Into a uiolennlu ren-
Tliere ate many punilleln The
list It nt liaml fur the Ural IIIOM'
tUl iif a.TiirltiK tin' l.ukiule hhlp-
mutt, mnl it uinilil im a Mine policy
for tln liimliiea men of tlila rlty to
ti.ullio mutter In liaml ami aee what
iaa b done aloln; thin line
"lly tl.oHo ulili whoiii I tnlkeil II
auKReateil that a new roml coulil
talJ out from lloiiamn to Lake
ilw ami materially ahorten (ho din.
'we It uoiilil eliminate many of
" lu-atli-al itnulea nml fiirnlali a
'lKhn tluil iimlil liu eaally kept In
"lr Their lilen wiin to H niht
lf"n Iliiniuita to the foot of the
, , ; ' ; I ' '" ""' ","' '" " " '""SKiiKfln IntciiHlve fnrml
,"'", ; ,""r ,r"! "'""I; ' HlMrlliiitlnK point known tlmt ,, mlll1,nl) ,()
lie liaile fiom I ..kevlew ,,,,., tlio.i.amli. of -lollarH to it... Tl).y (11IIW
aitj:i: aktksia.v '.ti:ii.
AriaiiKeinentH lire Ih-Iiiu nmdu for
thu ImrltiK of mi nrtexlnn well cant
of tlila city on the Kntoiprlmj Tracta
Til'.' promoti'iH of llio pioioaltlon are
I'llink lia White, M I, Alllvin, V. J
Ktulnmelz, flnrrlKht llrotlierH mnl Hen
II. Owen, who own an neuron"!" of
128 acre of the lurid to he Improved.
Work will hexln thlx week ilearliiK
tin land ami KettliiK It In renillneaH
for mi experimental farm. It la thu
Intention of theae gentlemen to on
Kane In Intcniilve fannliiK, ralslnn ev-
thln illmato.
ratliiK that th
poriilbllltlea of thlx Mrtlon mo not
of a llmlteil I'tiarai u r and (hat every
thing tlmt la Krown In xeetloiiH havInK
ruf uri.iili.r ... t. I i !... ! ....
.... ......... ,.n ,. M.iiiiiiiM j ill in 1 1 1, ii uio rnti-k Will lie Hlll'h tlmt 110
U iit hiiiid. and It N up in the people oiler Hhlppliii: point will Im ahlu to
of thin ill) to meet oppoitiiiilt) wlih n,i,i-ie with Klamath I'iiIIk Any
ouiHiieiiiieii iiamlx ami extend to her one who liaii over lived In a illy that I
a ioniial welioin
hiillon la Ih
III View o llio Klioil wink that I lit- inuni i.ll i. nl Ii. ii,. i.,l If,.ll,
I'IiiiiiiIiki ol Comilieilie hax ilniiu lt , I'ltll i will l.e m, exieptlon."
Utailliii: llm ('later Lake hlKhwa). the I I'riititli J llown... who Ix In the
pieapleiit or that iitKntilrntloii wax ill) fmm llonanrii. wax iniextloiied ,., , ,
..., and naked If he ,hoKl,l the ax ... tl r. .I.ahlllt, and t""!!'"-Uallty can ho mixed horu with Kroatcr
( number would lake mi) aitloii In lt of the piopoti d new hlithwny 'llj cct.xa than elauwheru
Hi., mallei 1're.lilent l.elzell w.1.1 l, e,f,,,y feaxlhle ami oilKllt to bo, Tl( . tt,.)u ,,int nro to b0
M...I "'i-'l '!"' Uiamher of Imitt . will red,,,,, tl. tamo at ar ,ll)0V(. , Mn lull(1.
(.iniiliieiro will lake Mime in lion 'Mint loam ten mil. and kIvhu better road. i .
' iiuniHK nuii'i (.uiiiiui hu nvvuiru iii;u
ti' for. ami at lhe, have no doubt hut that the peoplo, ,. ., ,,.. i,,,,,.,!,.,! a .. I.
, .i i,. .... ... ... .... .... ,'- " .. .....,. ...
in-in. ..i milium nun ill .7II w O.IIU lie lieilllllV in lav or ...
. . . I . . ... .. , "
uiaiier win ne nroiiKin up ami mine- c,r hii. Ii a mad ami will rentier all
iltltiK done towatda hrliiKliiK loKelher poxalble aid towarilx Itx loiixtnutlon "
Hie people III thl illy and Lakevlew Hull J II (Irlllltlix, Jlltlco of llm
who me Inteieatetl In thlx matter Count) Court, wax Been, mid when the
Kvi'Doiiii readily lealltex what the ( mutter was explained to him he x
mnkliii: of thlx city the l.'ike Count) iirexneil hlumoif nx heliiK heartily In
rhli-pliiK point liienna and there will fMilir f t. Tim plan for thu con-
not be a peraou who will healtate to atruitlou of tlila mail la a Kood one
..I... Il...l l....,u ..........1 I. I .1.... I .1 t
ki- im-,. iii-ii,ii iiiiiiiii'fu iii mhj-'uii! one nun una in uurren in me. ii
tliliiK that wilt iHToiupllali thlx iiiuih- am er miiili In favor of It and other w,'"t Klamath Knlli. nt C:16 Satur-lo-be.ili-.lred
realilt " I luiprovemeiilx i.liuiK thlx line, wlttilt. i,,a' -1VotllK. Tlio ilmlll of Ull outlK
1 I ! . a m adif iiptitife vtatfl iMff
JudKn llaldwln waa Interviewed renaon II Ix pmidlilo tlmt the moat '""" " h'1"1 -"i"" ""
and h" waa enlliualnatli- over the pio
potltlou "We want lo make Klam
Most Successful Affair in the History of
the Schools of Klamath County.
la what
im 'it
hu eKtiihllahoi! In the vicinity of
thu Hot HpritiK and the walurx there
of pumped into the camp for heating
land tooklnK .iirioea.
VI.ITtKK II. I'llll.l.lCS.
Alfred II I'hllllpa. .iRed IS ycara,
I died nt the home of hlx parent, In
Iprartliat.Ie wn would he In Improve ' lan mvau: ilia ninexx wax
'Hi., ri.u.l lo lib. where Junction could l"f ''"l u fuw d'H lumlloii and waa
ath full, the wh nl- in.. made with the I'alale) and"r i''1" u """"', '" ",,lno ,"L' '"
of koulli lenlrnl Or. i;an." h xald
Lake roadx However, tlila Ix a mat-
and Ihla la the fliat xtep In that ill-iter that tan he Rime Into more Ihor
rectlnji Ax ii trade tenter and ill- hukIiI) at the proper time. Klamath
irlhutlnK point Klamath I'iiIIk la Idu- Kallx mux! have the tiade of the aur
ally located nml everyone know a that roumlliiK lountr) and the oiilv way
It liienna ux miirli lo tlila lit) aa an)
I to i;.t It Ih to r.o nfter It.
medical aklll I). 'nth wax due to an
abscess on tho brain. The funeral
wax held front tbo l'rcb)terlan
ciiurch nt " o'clock Sunday afternoon,
Itev. (1. T I'ratt oinrlatlnK, and was
I uln , attended by n Inrcc concoursn of ir
on.) other tliliiK that can happen I invor of II. and will do my pint. I
nin heartily In favor of the propoul-1 believe the other memherx of tho
Hon and will do nil I tan to brliiK It 'board feel the aatuo wny. It la up
,,lii - llo Hie hiinliieux men of this city to do
A II. NafUKcr. prealdent of the
Hut SprliiKx Improieiinut Complin)
mid the Ktaiiinth Develoi nt Com
pan), when naked of the iidvlxahlllt)
of the fonnlrmtlon of Ihla new toad,
' II) all in. 'ana build It llulld not
otil) that road, but over) other IiIkIi
wii) that will hrliiK lo Oil rlt ll'"
(rude of the xurrouiidluK country. In
thlx way Klamath I'allx will be made
a Kieat ell), and that la what wo di
aire Thlx movement oiinlit to have
tho hearty aupport of Iho entire com
iminlty. ex.eclally the bualnexx Inter
calx "
Major C II. Worden wax eiiinlly
hently III hlx endoraeiuelit of tliu pro
piiHltlon. Klamath I'nlU miint reach
out for Iho trade of the Hiirroundlni;
country, If It 'WT lupc to l rlty
the real "
At the next ineetlni; of tho direr
lorx of the Chamber of Commerco
xtepx will b.l taken touardx Iho nr
r.inr.lni: of n nie.'llni; of the bualnexx
men of thlx city and Liikevlow mid n
crjhlalllriiilnn of the ncntlmonl f.iv-
lorabln towmdx the conatriutlon of
the proponed cut-ofl mid tliu ma In
tnlnlnr. tif Rood roadx.
wi:i.l no.Ni:
m alaKV ain-AaV .
frr&'KR Qt Interest to Young Men
Tht young man theae days
wantt to be dreaatd Juat a
neppy m poaalble. If he la up.
lotlate in hii clothea. he U re.
(aided aa up-to-date inhlaideaa
and coniequently bia chances ol
succtas art enhanced juat that
much. It takes tailors long eatab.
Ilahed In the metropolitan cities
to understand perfectly young
men's clothes requirements.
Strauss Brothers
National Tailoring Service
represents the means of bringing
to the young men of this com
munity the kind of clothes worn
by the most stylish men In lbs
business and social world. We
are pleated to announce that
we have the exclusive local
agency and are now displaying
new Kail and Winter woolens
in all the latest colorlncs and
designs. We invite all those in
terested in good clothes to call.
County Superintendent of Schools
J (!. Swan, U to no congratulated on
tl indent and auccexafiil manner in
whlili ho conducted thu Tvachera In
xt It ute, which came to a cloxo In thlx
city Saturday A deRreo of outturn
laxm and lutcrobl wiih manifested that
xurpaaxed all) tiling of tliu kind here
tofore vvltneHxed and proxaRtx an In
tercut un the part of tho teacher dur
ing tho forthcoming inonlhu that
hoilex well for (he educational Inter
eatH of this county. Siiperlntcndont
Swnn hax net a paco that his tunny
frleudx hope will not Hlnckcn. It
ineiinx ureal thltiK for thu bcIiooU of
Hi In county and In hlx efforts ho has
the wm til mtpport of Iho Herald.
A movement Ih on foot looking to
ward tho orRaiilratloii of n camp of
Kedmeii In this city. At llm onrnext
aolicltatlon of ttuvcrnl of tho hualnesx
men of thlx city, Mr. .1. II. I'itReriild,
(trout Hnchem of tho Impioved Order
of Iteiliueii of Oregon, ciime to tlila
city for the purpose of InetltutlnR tho
IoiIro. Mr. ITIruciald U head of tho
ItoRiio lllver Valley Klectllc Com
pany nnd electrician for Iho city of
Medford, beliiR ono of tho luiatlliiR,
enterprlslUK cltliuns of that bustling
city, llo I'l full of entUuolasin for tho
Order of Hodmen and equally bo ov
er tho cordlul reception tlmt has boon
accorded him by tho peoplo of this
city. Ho Is uccotupunlcd by Joseph
Caskuy, great moBhowa, and O. M.
SclHby, keeper of Wampum.
An Informal mooting of all formor
Itcdmon will bo held tlila evening at
Snudertiou's Hull, Immediately follow
ing tho meeting of tho Woodmen, tho
hour probubly being 'J o'clock. Every
Heilnmii Ih hi gently requested to nt
tend. Tomorrow evening Mr. Flu
getiild will nddrosa a meet ut 8:30,
In tho aame hall, on ItodmauBhlp, ex
plaining tbo prlnclplofl and bonoflts
rowing frlenda. The bereaved fam
ily has thu sincere sympathy of tho
"On H'xlcrdny as we came lo the
city from tho wext, wo beheld a crowd
of our prominent citizens Kilting In
front of the Moore llros. sub-station
anxiously looking down tho road to
ward Klamath I'allx and moat con-
uplcuoiixly among thu group wua ILL
Kllgoro. We halted lo Inquire the
cauau of tho ruali to the vcenu of ac
tion and wero promptly informed by
Mr. Kllgoro In "tones of entreaty,"
'Here am 1 waiting for the Juice,
waiting for the juice, oh, Lord, how
it will upset me. They sent around a
phone and caused mo to lenvo homo.
Thlx Ix what they wrote, here's tho
very note: 'Cnu't get away to come
to you today, tho transformer wou't
let me." " ISonnuza lltlllctln.
Tho electric light wires nro now
being strung iu this city by 1). Mel
drum and crew. As soon as carpen
ters can bu Bpared from tho work at
tliu Kails, tho construction of tho
power house will bo begun here.
Merrill Itecord.
Davo Alexander, who hud a hear
ing before Judgu Miller Saturday at
toruoou, on tliu clung.) of assaulting
uii Indian with a deadly weapon, was
bound over to await thu action of the
grand Jury. llt bond was tlxed at
1,000, iii default of which ho wax
plucod In tho county Jail.
Wo would bo pleased to have ou
call und exumlno our Latest Shipment
of Couches. Virgil & Son. 2b
Wo can show ou a nlco lino ot
Heating Stovos. Virgil & Son, 20
New tonight Bunco Stcercrs, An
I mated Snow Halls, Avonged Servant,
Late for Lunch. New Sougs.
Itegular communication A. K. &.
A. M. Lodgo Monday night. Work In
tho Third Degree.. Banquet. Visiting
Masons cordially Invited. ,
W. A. nolxell, W. M.
Some men seem to deulre money
merely lo demonstrate how fust a
tool can walk on two legs,
room to
let a. V.
livening heiolnii, Odober -.1.
1 he xcioti.l (-vi nlng hl-ixIoii which
wnx largely attended, opened with a
piano polo by Mlxa I'velyn Apple-gate
which was highly appreciated by all.
Ml x Marvin nddresned tho audi
ence in a splendid talk on "Libraries"
giving In brief what tho Oregon State
Library Coimnlaalon had done and Is
doing for thu people and schools of
tho state I'ew people appreciate the
great work that hax been accomplish
ed by this tomml4loii, but thu citi
zens of Klamath Tails who wcro pres
ent at this session wero delighted to
learn that Oregon Is doing so much
for her people In securing good bonks
ut low tost.
Supt. Acki-rtnnn was nl his beat In
u pleasing a-dn-xa on "What has been
accomplished, what ix being accom
plish' d, and what we hope to accom
plish " Thu schools of Oregon have
(ittiilncd einclency under his direction,
and It Is generally udmltted that our
slate rankk among the first education
ally. The evening program closed
with a vocal solo by Mrs. Don J. Zum
wait. In which she delighted her
After tne program the cntlro au
dience waa invited to enjoy tbe recep
tion and to partake of light refresh
ments, which were served In ono of
tho spacious rooms of the first floor
of the biilldlug. This was onu of the
most pic.nhing features of the session
and was enjojed by all.
SuturiLiy Session.
The last day's session of tho Insti
tute opened with a general conference
meeting with Supt. Ackerman as
chairman. In this meeting Profess
ors Lee, of Merrill, and Cooper, of
Ilonanzn. lead with some Interesting
suggestions nnd questions. Follow
ing these short talks many of the tea
chers took nn active part and were
greatly benefitted by tho explana
tions und suggestions offered by tbo
state superintendent In answering tho
many questions put to him.
After a brief Intermission Miss Mar
vin addressed tho teachers on tho
'Ono Itoom School." She urged tho
reading nloud of at least one good
book each term; also tho organizing
of debating Middles and local read
ing circles. Theso suggestions were
especially for the district schools and
wero mot with the hearty approval of
tho rural teachers.
The city teachers having extended
nn Invitation to thu visiting teachers
to go through the public school build
ing, the last hour was spent in Inspect
Ono of the Important features ot
the day's program was tho directors
convention which was called to order
at 10:30 a. m. and adjourned to 1:30
P in , ut which time Supt. Ackerman
addrease.l the meeting nnd mado
many helpful suggestion to thu
school officers.
Tho afternoon sexslon was devoted
largely to general talks and reports
.of committees. Tho following Is tho
I report of the committee on resolu
S.itiirihi)N Hi-solution.
We, the committee on resolutions,
do hereby submit thu following re
port: Whereas, we, realizing and ap
preciating tho great benefits derived
from tho Institute now closing, do
therefore resolve:
ITrstly That much credit Is duo
Supt. J. U. Swan for tho buslnessllku
way In which tho present Institute
has been managed and for his untir
ing efforts in making this Institute
one of thu beat.
Secondly That we do earnestly,
hereby express our high appreciation
of tho most excellent and helpful In
struction received from Supt. Acker
man, I'rex. Shafcr, Supt. Robinson
and MIsj Marvin. Wo feel that tho
porsonal touch along with tbelr sug
gestions has placed every teacher on
a higher level and will work great
good In the Klamath County schools
in the years to come.
Thirdly That wo express our
gratefulness to the local editors for
publishing the complcto reports of
thu proceedings of tho Institute
Fourthly Feeling that tho success
of the Institute depends In no small
degree upon tho entertainment fur
degree upon tho entertainment offer
ed therefore bo It resolved that wo
extend our gratitude to tho follow
Ing named persons: Prof. Geo. A.
Wlrtz, Mrs. Don Zumwalt, Miss Eve
lyn Applcgato and Miss Sbtves.
Fifthly That It Is tho will of this
Institute that tbe people of Klamath
talis bo made to know that wo ap
preciate tho efforts that they have put
forth In their part In making this In
stitute a grand success.
Sixthly In view of tho fact that
Judgo Baldwin, a member ot tbo
awarding commission, has on behalf
of tho Fair Association ot Klamath
County, requested that the schools ot
this county during tbo coming year
prepare samples ot their work to bo
exhibited at tho 1909 fair of said
county Be It resolved that this In
stitute urge each teacher to make an
effort to have an exhibition ot tbelr
work at the coming fair.
Seventhly That copies of tbo
above resolutions bo furnished to tho
press for publication.
Respectfully submitted,
W1M -tfsvfwvr nbv.t.-
' fftJ-O') 5 I 'Kv-
7 ll -Auia.-ri!lutiluucpaK T
- .
t I 1. s. .!- .(."..I stilL la ' I I .T?.-..
t iUII Jryyff-
A Peck of Grain In the Barn
is worth a Bushel in the Field
ProvkM ih Barn ham a Good Roof
I XL Root and Barn Pmavt
i Ppovcnta loakaadda much to nppaaranco
)) (iff 9f 9f f f f f 9f yvf 9f f f 0) )99s;99aipajBi'v"
. vd:LyKKJjQl kyJ, jj&yi'
. , . ., M - . ,,,,,,,,"1sssasasaassaiasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasiaaaa 'Ksafaasa,