lie mmim Heftua. t II .1 .'... Klnllllllll l'im mm. ,, licit 1 .iIV . Our Atlvertiacra Get the Best Results . . . L Vmw. No. '" KLAMATH FALLS, OKIXJON, SATURDAY, OCTOKKIt 21. 1W)8. Prick, 5 Cents ATER CO. IS READY iiucr and r.vrn.i: kiipa-iidx. I'C( Ill.'ltS' l.NHI'f 1 1 in. .M fulfil lln) Is IUiiu lleef Men An-1 lining nf 'llioso lm Ciliimte Our Miming I'mlir Hie 1 1 lul I't l . Vniing 1'iilks. layor Stilts Receives a Communication, Seiliiuj forth Plan of Proceedure. Ilwlnr in I ln mntlninil ilry season In ''allfomlii iiinl tin' nlimtago nf fut ure in I Iim Hidden Hluli' beef i.itllii .Hi' being iimlii'il Ititn Hut mmkel re Kiinlli'Hii nf iirlim uliliiliii'il. These Arfi'riiiHiii Session, Minn Murvln'n inldroHn mi "lliinc fit h nf ii Hihool l.llinu.v." was IIiik In ili'i'il iiml tin- li-urlum may derive HUM tl hcill'llt, III Die HOlortlnll, IIM', In iiiliil'll""" with n ieiilot mini" wmiir rt'in- il'" Kliiiimlli I'hIIh ' ' ,i n.. Kit 11"' "'i'r"'. " " ., lm miIII.mI 111.. follow Iiik ivtiuillli'li 'r "" cniiililelutlnn "' , mrliilK" f Hi" IIV "'Uliill. """I ninth lln'"' ",' M'1""1"' H'Uill) iln' lli'ii"'"1"' Miin. KUiuaili Full. On'Kiiu- Lit Sir Arn-'ol't '" 'ii ri'ipiiiil lo-wlt. tilllir KUliinlli lulls I.IKIU ft VWI- lr Cutui n "" IM'i'ii'"" iiiKiu ft ,ttt Cnmpntn submit " proposal ion i fi'liK'ni'iilnll" "I Hi" fct;ol Klamath Fulls. li'Ti'lli wn lug i nitmlt nli'l Mnd mii (' in inn llloslluC tiindltlims "I Hill" i,t I'lii.Hitlni: nil. Hint pri'lltnln- ,; to nti, uMiit liegntlutlmis. Ill" ;t mint uunllb lUi'lf l liutk" H i.kUm mil" ' '""' "' " "" i;rr aiil'i'" Hi" li -lu mid : luui' nf Buini t til bunds lo rnlsn sdi nwir lur I'"' I'ltiilmi" prb" I tfcf (ill iiile tJ Ul' Will I'll I" III" I'll) IIJMIII liiliitlmti "I prnperllon I" I"' nriT- LltrJ l nrtiltriillnti Tli" llimnl uf rUtrallon I" Ii" niiiipiiii nf dlnlli- ntnl. i ti'irlinri'it iinilfliil t'tiKlli- Itl Tl.)' ll' n I'lliMiii' inn'. wi In Lumf mi- iiinl n llilril III nei-en-Lrr) in cl by Hiimi two I'ri- hi lo i In' rimming nl lli"" nrbl- ilon. aiiirli'H nt nriilirntni'iii. in iftn Hi" aiimii ul iirlillniliim mnl It ('Hill's lll'ltl-.tlil, IIIIIMt III' lltllHIl : ibI hkiii'iI ly Hi" I'll)' nml on. tv at'irii-r In Mm) nur"U" In )'l ami Hh' city i mn-lin" Hi" torritln nl Hi" Milnnllmi iktiTlillli- I j ll.iii' nrliltrnlum ltd Tlir irii'rHi"i In In- iulilil' nl, lalniil, mill Mililt All ili)lrnl ojfttlra Kuril ui ItrmTMilm, WnliT JElrrlllr Mnlna mill KltllllK-.l'iili-n lift, Caniliilt. Iiiii, MurliliHT)', 'tl Kilatr lUilrmitN. Htiilli', unit oil, Kir I'owrr WnliT llltrlitii. Dniiii'PlIc lift lllthl- l"tii'iilrril l'riillilil" i Ciitit'iii' (IiiIiik Viilil"" Hi" lofjraicl liualni'im, i'ttr)tlilm: nt ! latiKitili' .itnl ItitniiKllil"' I"- :ilee to Ixilli Ciiiiiintii'H 1 Hit Tlila litniiuanl In Ii" nri'iilili'tl tl liottila Milnl mi nr hcfiiri" Jan I' 190J nnil tlin fltitil ml" nml ulcr maili' lii'fiitii Jinn' Ul, I'litl, iMtlii' in ho mill mut vnlil. I .Illicit) t Tin' iiriilmlil" i'ii'iiiio tblt attillrntui'til "III ln 13000 n.- orMhi'i'iii'iian in lm Imiiii' i'iimll) ' tolh imtllfH Wi' unitlil lii Kill - Ullfil. II ii HiiiiiiiikIiI) iiinlllli'il. ill.. tfili'iixii'il ami i'tii'ii,'ii,,,, i.,i;iiM ' ilii'ii'H Ii) lid' I'll), lii mi Inn il III" 1 IK'Ml l. II III 11 1 llUt lllll tl, i ,, hi, J niilil ill" i''tiHn nt ii ,aii r mill- tlllt(il, lint wlllli' li'HMlii; In . en, Urn ilinlni nl mi i'iikIiii'it, In' mi t, on tin' KimilnU nl ihliili'ii",ii'iiiiiiH nml nlilllt). unit nnr iiiiinnl ll"ii'itliill) nuliiiillli'il, i: it ui:,.ii:u, I'ri'iii Kliiiniitli i.icht tt I'liHi-i film. I ) II V HATCH. I'rifl Klmtiiitli I'iiIU .i a Wiin-r ('milium) Klntimili I'n 1 1, nri'Kiui, Ditulii'i 2, I'.his niiilllliiiia ulll iiri'Mill until imilmlily iiml rnrn nl lllmiry 'nonkx Minn Mm IiiIIit tin- ImllilityH nml tlii'H' Ih ihi ' lti itr;"il nil ti'tii Ihtm In urn' tin.' I'.'iril sMiiii..ii.tiu;i s. Thi'tii will In' nii1i'tnnli''i tmlny In III" ill) nl ll.iklniiil. 1'iillf . m tin. Illltlll' III Ull' I'.ll'lllH III I III' lllllll', Hll' tniitrlilK" nl Mia I.' lm In Mr Wi'li ) I) Hlllll ti. Imtli nl thin ill) riin HiiitiniHtiK imrtli'M in nl nn In irniliirtliin In Hit' nnili' nl Kliitiuitli l"n I In, Klii'ti' Hit') nt" IhiHi mi ui'll mnl lnnrnlily known Mm Murium la mnl lilia I'ihii rlnii. i IiIIiIIiihi.I, iiiic nf Hi" popular fmorlti nl IIiIh ilt, ilii'ln nlm lina Ii lioit nl Irli'lnla mIiii Join lii'iirtll) In llitni: Iut nil Hi" JO) lllll) lltlppllli'ill tlllH lllll Hlllll) linlila Mr Hinllli lina lii'i'ti lili'iitllli'il iv llh tli(. ni',i.iiir Inli'ri'atK nt IliU (It) Inr liinti) -rn. Iii'Iiik nl liti-ii'tit Hi" 1'illlnr of III" lli'tiilil Hi' la il )imtiK linn III III" IllKlll'al 1)1 1 1 Itli'llhlllp. mlinai' ntirllnx woitli la (tllliil to li Hi" lil" ilri'd' nl Irli'lnla ln "tin). Itnrlm: lila n-nPlrtin' In IliU rll) Ii" lint nla) Inlmrnl lowitil Itu up building mnl Inr lln Mi'llnr" In tin rnnilnrl nl Hi" p.iirm villi wltlrli Ii" lina Ii i liti'lillDiil Ii" lii fiilliiwi'il Hi" nlil intuitu. "lii'W In Hn- Mil". Ii-l Iim ililp lull li"ri Hi") inn) " II" lint iii'it imialili'tiil "ir Inli'ri'al. In liiK Killiliil Ii) tl ill nl ilnD It fntliiti" ittilli'a iiimti liltn mil li-.ln Upon Mil) licr lliolii-nt IiIi-hhIiikh. ir la nlln.h ilolnn Inr ilnt). Inr Ii" la ulllllliil In till nil" rail Kl" Willi liU iiuilO' ftli'liiN " Join In I'tli'tiillne loncratiilutloim i.. MAHO.NH ATTCNTIHX: lli'l'.iilar iiimiiiiiiilriitliiii A. I'. A: A. M. l.mlKO Mimiltiy nlglil. Work In llm Tlilnl DiKrii'.. Ilntuiiul. VIUIiik MimoiiH iniillnlly Invlli'il. , V. A. I)"li'll. W. M. i pioh.iliillt) ni piii i'n mtviiiiiliii: until ' nlt.T Hint il;il" In Hio iiii'iilitlni". luiiili v. lip h ui" In Ini: li'il nn T mull '! Ini) imiki' IiIk Itiioinla nn tin- I I-j 'la' liank iiiuiiinla Willi tin' I'lintiiimiH miiutllit nf nl-1 I lullit laiiil In Kliiiniitli Comity. Hutu I khmilil Iik : nml Hum nl alfalfa luiyi I I nt liiftiitil nl I 'I. unit In K'.lillO nn i nl tin nniii'iit tlini' With lite ni'iir lintiipti'iliiii nl ii thrniiKli llti". In 'f la initio lilp Hullliik' for Knropc. Iinltli' ulli Iik Hliliii'il Ixilli In tin- It tnlnlit I." xnlil Hull Pri. Hluiler ' nori li'-rn mnl hiiiIIiitii inaat iIHi-h Ih n ii"' man In Oii'KOti, lull Klntn llrntn Klmiiaili I'iiIIh Alfiilfii ran lm I at Ii Coiinly'H iivi-hurH urn ki-ctily inlaiil lii'ii- nt J.', ii ton. .'ldliii: a.awaro Hint Oregon Iiiih tninli; it Kriiit IkiuhI ii'lniti nn $"r lanil 'nml kiioiI f.aln liy uctilrltiK lilm nn Wit hi ti tin' tii'Xl tun wi-i'kn tlii'ri'nti Inatrtittnr 'lll lm out s.ODO inltln put nn liny i ,.Hirliiii'iil Wnrt llluli Silmol. In III" MiTllll iniintr). lii'lotlcllIK In, jKil Viirvlnimp-p--"'- l'iirn tlllu !i" Mlnln'11 intiipiun. I' M Otii'ti. ,,.inrtiiiniil illni'imiliiK plnnn of IIIkIi C H Mnralmi. I. Hi rlnT ami V llnr- , , ((.iatln Him iirRfil In nn 'Inn C 8 Miitainn nii'lv.'il Hn-Cmr ..ffoctUo wny tlin rtri'.il mtvimlty of inii'i'M liiat ii'k. ntmiit Ion IhiiiI. !nirrvlni: tliln work on tiynti'tiintlnilly. THE NEW SCHEDILE Will Go Into EITect Tomorrow Morning, Assuring Passengers a Daylight Ride. riniiirti I'ri'titiH'ry Hui' tli" prlii' lintioi fat from ihf lm lo l.'tli of Nini'inlii-r Hill In' ''ilk ii'tiln nml fiom tin- Kith nl tin- month It will pny "! ii'iitn. In nil iirohahlllty tli" ptk" iluririK Ihn winter will not fnll IlL'lllW 'Jfi IflllH. Ml.Cltll.l. ItCCOIII) ITC.MS. n)nti'tii li'iiiliiiui'iiili'il liy III" Stat" l.llirnty Cnttimlmihui. i-xplaliilni; Hi" ili'tiilln of th" nvali'in In "M'iy p'lrlli- iiIiii I'ihii. Hhtifi-r b niMri'iii on "A Trnv- "I," win IiIkIiI) iiiiri'''l.ti"il by nil Ho I'xplnlni'd how one rim llml mc'ittin ol Ki'ttlni; to Fin many pnrln of Ihn uorlil. nl M-ry llltl" I'Xpviiillturn of inoin-y. cIIIiik bin own i'X)"ll"tK"H on lliThi'it AiiiKthoii lien very III with typhoid fiver nt bin lioni" nrar thin my. Mil.aucblln llron., Ibrmmh tbflr HKi'lil. Mr. M. C lllKKiTntaff, thin w"k dolil to It. T. Andurson, K. S. TerwIlllKiT, mid C (J. Morrill, a thor oncbbrid Imported Illnck I'crclicron KtulMon for thu am of I1;00. Tom Olili'M rt'tiirncil Tuumlay from Oiikliiml.C'nl., wlirr" lm litis been with lln- beet cnttli' of (J V. Offolil. hll brother Th" inttl" wuro innalRticJ 'l I m lii'ilii'i mnl ln lii'iul iiimi' l '...-nl I'ltitihnalii'il tlif furl Hint It hIiiiiiIiI 'lu Hi" Oaklnml Meat Co. Mr. Ofilvlil llri'i'lt'il Ii) inmK't"tit pernotiH. (iiimiuiir lii'iuiiliiii'iit. Knpt HhnfiT look up th" subject nnhy. Miylnc In part Hint .Merrill mii'ru.iy irnm inr niiniKn",!)!. KlM'i iniilitri C T Mi'Ki'lliIri'" Innk mil V nun Imuha ulileh wre Mlilppei from Ml llebioii to San I'taiiclmn, Mi-nma Diiiiimi mnl D.iil nml m-MTal , m ,, vnMnb,. ,nnU,.r Pnn )L. .ccitri'it other lattletnen nl l.miKeM Valle) from thi' ni'WKp.'ipern and Hint the DtittiM thut liu received the tory poor est kind of xcrvlcv on thu railroad. At different place on the road they went held up for hours nt a time, and In Sacramento, when they still bad s hours and 'JO minutes to reach Oak- took j.iii bead in Ml Hebron In luiw clfMin furllU Morehouni' of hiiiM1"1"1 "ll,l,k' ,ho f-.-Ilnc limit, the them billed 1'nilll lain mi loinmlnxlon In Han m:w CM CCS AT Till: (H'CIIA iitiisi: KivKiiir. Mi entile lien Mil" nf MiDlnc I'll-tllM-a Hill opl'tl III III" Opera llllllhe tntiltthl. opelilin; with Hie Kri'llt eli H.ttliuinl him The llhii'k Viper," "A Human Serpent Crunlieil In Carth." MimI appioprlite la ih" till" kUi'ii in IIiIh lllnitrnpti Ititn. lor It In tho l.nriniMil nt Hi" iiuiililiiiitlonn of one of l In' iiHint lperonn. enoninnn cren ttiren lu human Inrm one eoiibl IliiliK- ' Ine Tills brute hei-iimeH enamored 'of Jennie, a puny mlll-iUrl nhniti hu riidid) niinil an nbe In on ber nny lionie n iiiti nrk II" Ih ropnlaed mid In leluiti xliiletill) nltiicks her. knoiKliiK Jie" down mid klckltiK her. ji Mlki'. -n i HHi'ilhearl ruiihen In till' ri'Sllle. ItUIIIK I III' flir Ki'hHoliH Supl ItoblliHon follow I'll I'ren. Sbn fiT. but oHlnK l tl" Intenens of the hour, ho simply siippli'ini'iitvil the pri'ieedlnK npi-ocb. rrliimry l)i'irliiieiil. Supt Ackerinnn npiienred before IblH ipinrttni'iit mid In n moat beite Itclnl way iliacunncd the manner In wlilili h" hellovi'd llltl" penplo should j be tntiKht roadlnK. langum:?, wrltliiK nml Hpi'lllnc. lie Incidentally re marked that "children learn tii rend, mnl not read In learn." nrd mnjter refused to Ret them there, but compelled them to unload mid feed saylnr; that S hours were not sulllclent, the railroad requiring 12. After vain protests ami futllo efforts to ri acli the head officials In S.m Prnnrlsco. they wern compelled to unload and lay over for 13 hours. The next day they madu tho trip from Sacramento to the Oakland stock j aril a in l" than i hours, showInK that It was simply disinclination and not necessity which caused tho surly )tird master to Inconvenience bit company's patrons. iiiii i:k mkxtiox. Comi' mid hour Tuft and speak at Mullern. Ilr)nn 10 District Attorney I). V. Kuykendall nines in r,,lllrm., irom.l.iikevlew last uwnlue. ;i wiiiliil , . VmIhiiiI and Court Reporter tlirusliliiK l..iiei I" Hi" "v"'i'" MI,(0!itch:irilHon nre expected homo thin mnl Jennie y,n fur u nlroll but the lp- j,,v,.K. er. meanwhile ban Run" In bin linual j hnutit nml liifiirini'il bin kbiik of thu DIscuriM Carpet Samples for Hubs. holliltlm; Iheir aslhtance In Vlicll & Son. r a wise movi:, I Tomorrow morning will so" the In- "l.auRiiratlon of a new schedule for llm arrival mid departure, of passenger for this city, following Is tho sched ulu: I.cavltiK Klamath Talis at 7:30 I a. m., arrlvlni; nt Cnlor at 11 a. m. Leave Cuior 12:30, arriving at Weed at 5 p. m., where connection can bo made wltn train 13 for San Frnnclsco, which leaves Weed at 1:30 p. m.; and with train 1 1 for Portland, which leaves Weed nt -IMS n. m. ll.e train for Cnlor leaves Weed at T u m. Connection from San Fran cisco is madu with train 14, which arrives nt Weed at 4: -IS a. m.; and from Portland with train 13, which arrives nt Wood at 9:30 tho previous evening. This gives passengers from Portland a six-hour better schedule than they heretofore had. Arriving at Calor at 11:40 connection Is made with tho stages, which leavo that sta tion at 12 -SO.maklng connection with th" boat at lllldull, and landing pas sengers In this city at -1:30 In tho afternoon. That thli schedule Is far and above better than anything that this city has ever had beforo Is admitted on all sides. There is, howover, ono drawback, and that Is that the train between Weed and Calor will con tinue to do switching and general freight work. It Is the belief of those In charge here that mott ot the switching will bo done on tho return trip, as tho train crew wilt have plen ty of tlmo In which to do It. The Inauguration of this new Khedulo Is duo to tho Indefatigable efforts of T. A. K. Fassett, who bos kept persistently at It until he suc ceeded in Inducing tho Southern Pa cific people to make the change. Ills efforts along this line are certainly appreciated by tho people here, espe cially those who have to travel In and out. Our Tape Line is Ready For You Have Your Clothes Made to Order No two men are built exactly alike which makes it abso lutely imperative to take measurements of the various parts or your body nnd linve your clothes built accordingly To have your clothes made to order by the master de signers and tailors of America and pay less than so called swell local tailors charge is now your privilege. The modern, money saving way is to order your clothes through Strauss Brothers' National Tailoring Ssrvlct. You will receive the kind of 1 rinthea which vou can wear I' with equal pleasure to yourself and admiration oi your friends. We have the exclu- -i... i..1 and are now live wwu " Pying five hundred brilliant ntw Fal weaves. You'U be 9. i W fit 1 tmm i II I sissH Ml IS K l !H v vJ iM l'li V'lvi JMMIK. J JLV eedifyoucjul eplMid wri'.ikin!.' engeanr". In u wagon they follow Mike ami Jennie and, at a Innely plnci- In tlin road, slcro nnd bind Mlk" Hiriinlug him lutn Ih" Htunli. but Ji'iililn I'Srapes. Tliey drhe olT with him lo tbit foot of u rmliy i-llir up which tluy carry him. Jennie ban given Ihn iilnrm. and a I I'M il" pally hlullH nut lu iiunthiT n gnu They lenib tho font of thu cliff Hliern Ih" lper' gang nn- iiluiul half 'wii) up, wliu mil law locks ilnwn I in pii'xciit their iiMviit. The gang hemh th" lop of Ih" cliff with Mlku ' uml laki' him to nn old frame house, luck him In anil set llm to it. Mlli" i has. nnuhnerveil by llm gang, sawed with ii shaip Htnno tho inpo binding lus hands and no makes his way tu Hi" root throngli " trap, lie is ins- imi'icil, hnwuver, nnd the lper then climbs up uml u lerilDe light ensues, illtnlis up and ti lerrllli' light ensues, I'tiillug with their both rolling from the roof to Ihc giound below. Hero tho nlitigglo In renewed and Mlko sue I ho struggle In lonowed nnd Mlko sue eeeilii In gaining pnssosnlon of tho viper'H dngger nnd la) him out, Just ni .1011111" nun nor iiiemis niieiu, uu- appioiii'h of whom ban frightened off thu vipiT's gang. Also "Tho llnthYd Policeman," 'The Travels of n Flea," nnd "Tho Ciihiiinii Mystllled." Two lllustrntod tmiigi. All for 10 conts. A Social imnco lifter tho bIiow K. K. K. STORE CAUTION During Siimlny, on account of chang ing nmlii to I'onui'Ct new pump; Hie nnlv niiiiiiIv of water will Ih ii full lieM'i'Wilr In tho innriilng. It In suf llcloiit for nil DnmoHlle nml I'lro use nnlll pump will Ik ready again, pro vlileil thoi'o lb no uiiuei-i'KWiry use or wnnli', I Ho laioful lu the use of Watrr... KLAMATH FAM.S LIGHT AV WATER COMPANY. Prank Sltwis, l.roprletor of the well known Spring Creek resort, is in illi cit) today on htininrss Cx-County Sibool Supeili.tetulent Wight was lu Hu elty today from Dairy. Tho latest thing out. Columbia doublo disc records. Price Clc. nt lloltkempor's. 17-lw P. C. Kldred, the Ilonnnza harness man was in tho city today, It being his first visit to tho county sent since ho wont to tho metropolis ot thu Up per Project, onu year ago. Mr. Kl dred says that since they got electric light in llonauza that ever) ono sits mi nlchtB to watch them burn. At last reports no one bad been Injured i ' from trying lo blow them out. lie tr win leiurii mum iwmuiiun. Cdlson'H latest lmproed 4-mlmite A inhere! Itecorils nro In. Conio nnd hear them nt Mailers, comer Cth and Main stioets. 12 C. I). Wlllson Is making nrrnnge menu to open n meat market nt hU place of business on Main ttroct, near First, Among tho Fort Ktimnlbitcs who weic In tho cltv today nro, W. O Klngdon. F. Stuimim, L. 1) run nan, II. Looaley and K. Armstrong. On tho reiommetidatlon of Judge Gi'oige T. Daldwln, wlu has had charge of the exhibits nt the County t-nlr. th? public school of this city lins been awarded a premium of 2& for the exhibit made by tho pupils of that inst'tutlon. In makng tho rec ommendation, which was promptly adopted l.y the directors of tho fair nseoclntion, Judge Daldwln suggested that a premium of equal or greater proportion bo offered next jear, to bo lompcted for by all tho schools In the lount). This suggestion Is such a wise and hcnslblc ono, that It will un doubtedly bo followed. Tho advisa bility of tho schools preparing for such an exhibit will bo discussed at tho Instltuto this afternoon, and that the proposition will meet with hearty approval is certain. Judge Ilaldwln is to bo congratulated on the happy thought. IIOXAXZ.I HL'LLKTIX SOLI). It Is reported hero that S.C. Graves and Ilruco Allen have purchased tl.o Donanza Bulletin from Ilamaker and son. If tho story Is true they aro to bo congratulated. No better matched team of newspaper men were ever filched together and they aro certain to mako a success ot tho Bulletin. The Herald wishes them unbounded success. SKCOXD AXXIVKUSAItV. Tho Twenty-One Club held its sec ond anniversary danco and banquet In tho Houston Opera Houso last ev ening and l,t surpassed all previous functions ot this popular social or ganization. Tho attendance was very largo and the retreshments were delicious. ' y-f3? p. -rj.rT 'rriiMs'T"y'n 3- :'.aA.tJ;!SZ7L iTW Th- ts ft!tfrc , ;.H r rt j. Ti UOXAXZA HVLLKTIX ITC.MS. II Is vumoied thut A. D. Hnrpolil hns sold 200 nQi'Ctf ot land lying about u mile, from llonuuza and across Lost Itlvcr for J7000, and ulso that tho llui'iihum plnco hits been sold. Power was turned on tho Iionnnzti olec trie lino yesterday nfternoon but ii trunsfoi iner burned out at tho Falls nml as another hud to bo In stalled It was 10 o'clock today beforo "Julco" was finally turned on for use In tho flouring mill and for street lights tonight. Announcement la made- by tho Do- A Peak of Grain Nt the Barn is worth aBumhel in tho Field Prmvkhtl the Bmm 4mm m Good Roof IXL Roof and Bam PiWBti Fvcvonta leaks atltts much to ctfuoxra.too fV? &S NECESSARY AS fmZ' MSUrtMSGS ROBERTS 6c HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS Ji ! f.