The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 23, 1908, Image 1

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f " 'ifl
Klminitli '''"' Kiwi
ulll IJ.-SI I Lilly ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Boat Results . . .
Winn Vi:ak. No. h.
Price, C Cents
'I. W . .Ini) Iti'ulii I'mnlim linn of
hlilllll Itlilliili Ijlll'llll'..
ti:.w-iii:kh' i.VHriri'ii:.
Set mill il.iy of Hi). Seaalon r liliiiiinlli
f'lill) l.'lllltlllllls,
put unto
Shall City Purchase Light & Wav
ier Plants or Install Sewer?
'I In- illri'i'liiiH of tlii. Water t'ai'in
'IIiiiihiIiiv .Iflcriiomi.
. ..... . ...
ni union iiiih ween nt.'Ivvii iriuii, Afli-i the rimiii Ihli'Nrilsslmi
li.. U ... II... I. I... !... .....
- J "I nil' Illl-inn illi'liill- ,y HlllllllHOII Kl(l,
mill ri-ii..t inn. h"lw tin. iihmo- ,,., ,,.ril ,,! ,,. . H ,,,,, ,
. union mill tin- ltd laniatlnn H"llie. I,., ,,.V,..- yMH Id.l.limnu
I lit .Mllll III. L III, 1.1.1 . ...I l. I . . . . . .. .. . .
'" 'm-'-h "i"i i iii iwiuiii lit. Hniii iriiiiiiidrni u in ...
, ,. .. .,..,. i . .. .. . . . I''"" ',hl" l,,,,,""-t """ "l" "' I'b't handled the Hllllet Of "llcel-l
Ihis .s thu Question that is AfjUutmy the Member, ol the ... ru.u., ,), , ,. .. ,,y ......... ',,.... ,,. ,,,. ,.. l0 tlu;ms Tno, is . hns Awv. - Sf- . u . .
ll".H Of I III IIHHIIClllllllll. t llC llllV flir,, 'u I. II ll.i. ..I,.,. I.. ...II.... ' ..-..w. -..w ...
inn) to train tin- pupil to ilrtu. -dimly
thi' tlioiifliiH or tit- Inxo'i
Vl lliitrlii-i rni. tin. iMiilii-n ii.ihI
useful Inroriiiiitloii on ili mihjeit ,,r ,
Ar.Hi iilinri' " He mild Agriculture1
alllllllil I;" III Mi; hi III I'WT) school and!
whci" Hlii" Ik 1 i hi 1 1 'I . It may i-uhlly
In lorit' il with other subjects.
City Council Advocate of Purchase ol Light and
Witer Want are in the Majority I ive to One.
Wlin h ' ' '" '" '""' I"IH'I"'H"(
. .. ii. i.. .a. i.l .iihif uiitlm mill llOt
, IIM' IK"' -
.,,,11,(11,1. III. Hlllhtl III Hull n( II hi'Wlir
Dtli'iii mini M"t. or. Install u imn
Dttrin utnl .nt point lli' puirluian of
the Until nml water winks until a
PPM' nnipH Iiiiik IlinllU'lll' Thla In
U quraHim Itint Ik iiKltiitliiM llm i'f "i" " Miiinrll nml tin
mall (in' i'f Hi'' iinilnlliin o llii.
,11, i tin ini'urtit Mm" It In Ini
,ml 1. '" KUUK" public Hi'litlnii'lit
IB III'' 'I "'""I'll II" H b'n mil pill-
, fm IliiliK.I I" lirnlla" ilia
wlili II Ii to lie III wnrinutH. These I
wiiiiiiiiIm tuny hi. turned Into llm lice-1
munition Hi'Ulti. In iu iiM'iil for Hit'1
i in. i ol iiiiiHtrin lion nl ill.' kyiti'iii i
llii Dial i nut i in I In In- li't iiihIit I
thl nintiiteuicut wiih tlm nun Hlcncil
III Hill litll lllHt 1,1'tWCI'll (. IlKSOliU-j
Hun nml .1 W Jul), utnl wan lor Inn,
Man Accused of Horse Stealing
Declares He Has No Alias.
Winnies Possibility of Two Men With Same Name
Is Not Acquainted With Willamette Residents.
iiliiiiiti and Hi" amioiitiii'iiii'lil ol
i.lnlii 1 1 t III tin' lotimll II In
lilSi'titi' I' atamla u hunt Ihu In oin
g (iter ol tin' purchase ol tlin wnli'i
mirk! nml llii' electric light
Tin' m huincnt mlviiiii'i'il In lanr
(,l tin' jiiirl'.iiiK' l lhat II will ''ii
Un" thi' Jlii' nl iro'll)' I" "Uili
in Htm' tilnl Hill Itai'lf Ihtiiiiii' mirli
t limlilr niH't nl llii' city t tint II
kill thill U himIIi0 In Imili' nihil'
tlonal imiiilt llli uhlrli In ralm' Ihr
tioni'r ii'Tiint) (or tli" mtntriutliiii
it thu i'i-r aynti'in 'llmt iiihIit
lrtnt iiimlllliiiiii I In- hnllilliiK ol n
irr )'i'in It not lini"'rntUi' utnl
tLtt It til ri'jnlt.' iniiti' iniini'y l linn
Ihr rltr nii inmllil nil-" On Hi"
itlnr hnml Mhll" (lii iiuri linn" nl Hi"
Mrr nti.t llcht I'lnnl arc tiol Ini
rratlw Ihi'y nr" i-i'litlnl In Hit'
urrilni; mil ol thu KimtiT ii'iliii.
titnt u llii' i i Thi'jr ran Ii" linuclil
for li nniiu't nl thin tlni" Ih nn thi')'
(in one .:ir (rum mow.. Hi")- Mill In-(n-au-
rni'litl v In nlii. Hi" liiimni'
trmii tilth ulll Ini MUltlcli'tit In main
liln thi' iiliuit ami I'lti'iul llii'in, unit
katp MimiT iiinni') In llm tri'Mmiry (or
the ml In I- ut thi' it) In Kinn'ral
Hut iIkiii- nil ol thi'M innntili'rnHiiini
l the ntir Hint Hi" dty ("in liny nml
ny tin id. water plant nml th"ii he
Hi' In Iiimii' i'IiimikIi mlilltloiial IhiniIk
tu Itnlnll n iriiiir hi-mit h) hIimii
Twi in tit li water'" n)ii th" wwi'r
nJiiK-.-itct Von Iiiimi nlri'iuly hIiiiIii
il I lie litnii nl our cnilll In (lie 1'iir
H.' n( ihc ; ami wnlrr ilnntn,
)iir iiriruil iikhi'U nio lomli'il ilimn
anil nut atallalili. (nr fntlliiT innrt
rxim: The lltit nml ualii iiIiuiIh
lll hi- uiiiiIi no mini' than )nn nt)
lir lln-in ami ruin.('iiiinlly tun ran-
lal" an in in ti an tiny ion! nn
ilii'ii vslicii. will iin ri'l Hi" mini")
Ini )nnr m'wi-i Mviiti'iii'"
(in III" iitlii-r liunil. Hi" H'i'r inlvii.
iiiti'n ilaltn, hIi.'Ii )nn hnllil Hi" '
it )on mill to Hi" valiin ol tin. irui
irt) an iilnoiuit ) i) ill to Hi" tout nl
i niial t ut t I.iii (in thU )i,n uili hur
itiu inoi" mmi") Wi. havi' Hi" Unlit
ami until iiliintx now nml tin mil
limi. In moid almiit llit'tn Tli") ai"
mil a ii"i"ill) lint i lnni' nn
it ami that l ll iii'ti'iiill) I, it no
Inki tat" nl Hi" in i mult nml ami
Hi" Initii) nlli'iHiiriln
'I hat Hi" iiiii'Htinn nl wlili h Hi" ill)
Mill lint" In koIiik lo Ii.' wnrnil) ilia
iiikiiI la ii'ilnlii nml whli hi'M-r alilt'
win will ilo an only alter a hitler
alriiKKl" The lliiei at" mil) liilm:
(nrmi'il The mieallmi uiliiiiil Ii" H"l-
il,., i .,iii .....i ...... ii i .....i.i.'lli "ml aiilloii. Ihi'ii
null) iniii" l."I..r" the M.t.'iH nml ) !"' "I" Htl.tii
will ili'i hi" II la mil n( Hi" ili"atliin
In think nl a ai-w.'i until Hi" milium!
Ii'lllhm Illla tit), (nil In Hi" mean
tlni" It will lie mii'taar) to ha" the
ill"atlnli inaai'i on liV III" i''iiil". Hi"
liomla laaiieil ami antil ami tli" itann
ilriiwn ami niuny olher iirellinlnur)
atepa I nk en If Hie a.-wer nittirateH
(miatriuilmi ( a H)atLin of Ind-ralu ml( t,j ,()IU! fnriilnh wood Hiibjvct
iimi.'i a iinriioii nl tlm Hunt li ilrnni Ii i lul(U.r (or Uicmi'K.
iiii.iI Mr Jury immnumcil worki Tll ,.xl f(.ntr f tiu pniKmin
on Hila iiintmit yealenlny innriilm; ! WIIg ,, -f l-i.irt rm-tit Work." Th"
I'mliT th" alliinliitlotiH h" will iinviiirIIiry (ir,,.H aaaeinhled In on" of
'" """I'l IiIh "ik li) Hi iiili'T',!,.. iBIr i,,iiih. when. Mlai Alio"
Pool kiiv" ii iirnilUnl talk on "llnii)
Work." whlili wiih lilKhly niirci
eil, iia wi- all know Mia I'ooI'h uhlllty
In thla llii" o wink I'ri'S Hhufi-r nl
an iiililieaai'il Hi" ti-ailnTK on Primary
Work In another room l'rof. Ilut
(.Ikt nns Hi" IIIkIi ScIkioI tcnclitTM
nml nl turn an InliTcatitiK talk on
In th" (Irmninar (irnil" IX'parttiiiiit
Mil it llohlimmi kiim aome ckcelli'lit
InatriKtlmi on '(itiiKrnplijr "
'I Imrxl.iy i:enliiK.
I I Mh
When lilila wei" aal,"il for, Mr.
Jul) was tin imlv mi" ri-ri'lti'il.
I'l'lila waa aoini'Hiinl iIIm mil linlni;. hilt
liuiKilKiitim, iioei thai It wiih not
ilii" In illalnti'ii-al) ilnma on the pull
of Hi" l.iiint'ia. hnl lii'imii" III" work
(mil" at a hail a, .turn of tint )ear,
rmial'li'iliiK II n loinllmi Ah work
jirmiri'aa.'a ami Mila nm iiaki-il nn lal
"inla further ilnwn thu valley nml
i.e.-ui i In Hi" hnini'H of th" tninieia
will In. plenly
liniimiMir llepiillnenl.
Mlai Marvin ndilrcaaiiil thu Gram
mar iK'partmerit. on O(.'oira)hy, and
her runuirks weru lull of llfu und kiik
K'jutlon. Thu tcutliom In (hu dupart
tnon( olitalncd many practical plana
land HiiKKOxlliitm, 'iu worklriK out of
which will h"n'r,'. thu Kchoolx of
Klninntli Count) to a extent.
Knpl. Hall Hi, -ii i;.'imi fount very ex-
lli'iit plnn of dealliiK with gram
mar, liln tall. uiuiiiIijk much lnl.;reat
liiK dltrusilun.
I'llllllll) Dep.irlllliTlt.
Ti'iicherH of this department were
'Inluiiteil with Mies Calluhan'n way
of 1 andllriK a reading Icxion, and e
puclally tier tnethodi of nltalnlni; e.x
pri'islntm both oral and written from
primary pupils.
I MIm Marvin iilao appc'irod before
Itl'ir department und In n low mln-
1 .1X1 1, 111! roll HIM.
The Ural evenuiK Huammi of thu i u'c outlined much valuable) work Id
liihlllnt" waa well alien, led h thulccoKrapliy.
imlntei, incaliiK h) Hi" iiaiu" of U.
C Mi Lain, aiihcil In lllllahoro ulioul I
th" I id ol Hie mouth nml endeavored
I to inah a (hiil. Ini lU'nu. draw ii nn
.a h.ilik al Cliiieimilit, 'own The hank
lhn"e. lelllM'il m mail Hie pnper,
,ni tnnk II fill i ollei Mull
rrnfeam Head. Hi" well ktinwii' i hla aii-mi .1 acri'.'ulili' In Mcl.aln.
plann tuni'i la Hi Ih" ill) and will 'and lo hIiou that hi- waa nil In (lie
remain hem (nr aeveriil weeka Or-Kind. h" lenled a houao nml nrdorcd
,era (or piano IiiiiIiik may he left al l"ral hundred dollars' wmth nf fur
nr phnlieil Hi Crlaaler Ai Htllm mid Hilliiichavlni; It ilelUcied nl (he reiil
the) will hine prompt alleiilliin I'ro-H'd plnpi'lt) II" nlaii hmmht nil rred
feaam Head la imtlnK hlilpinent ntlll a lot of rmiKli liiuiher which hrd
pliiuoa inmi' and when the) nrrlw '"" '""'l ' "' ntreet fair and had ulahlliK in pnrrhaae will hale I'll!" load nf II llHUeil
nn iipiHiiiiiiilt) to i:et a liaimilii II. -Mcl-nln middenl) illK.ipi...iri'il. and.
iilimll llttei mini, wnnl wna receh"!
limn tin
cltliem. ami the priiKraiu was ix
i'(ipHnuiill) well letnlereil. l'rof.
Wlrtz furnlalied the iiuislr for the
uvenliiK. KlvinK a plann nolo and n
violin Koln. hnth of which were 11 1 1; li
ly appreclnted hy the niidlence.
Sllpt Itohlliaon rt'iidered a moat
exielleiit talk on "I'niKreKH and In
itiative." urging the niicaalty of rui
tlni; hefnre the youth of OreRon Ihc
luurxolnuH oiinriiililtle.H thla ntutu of
fen them.
I'rcrt.Shnter made a few very point-
It Hhntild alao !u taUl that l'rof
in; has had entire cbarcc of the
ipukIc durlnK tlie Institute and all
xpicu their lellcht with tl.u ntde
n In whlcli lu lniK conducted It.
.vr Mi:itmi.i. ht.
An educational meetlnK will bo
held at Houston's Opera Houao, Mer
rill. Oregon, October :4tli, at 7:30
p. in. t:ter)body is invited to come
e,l leiuurkH on tlm Kreat expendltiire and luar nblo dlscumalons of cduca-
ol public money mi bulldltiKM ami tlonnl themca of the day
eiulpini'iit, and luiidcntnlly remarked I The followinc prouram will bo
that manifold henelltH would bo real-(rendered:
lied b) the llicre.'isisl "xpundlttire on I Male Quartette
hriilns. hut did not with to convey
(he hli'.t that li'KH ahoilld he expended
Itcadlnn Ml9 Applegato
Kccltation Alex. Tenbrook
J J Ciirtmw. who baa In en In thla ll( ,,, ,,,, kntt Hlu, ,;,, I1(ir
riiillit) Ini Hi" p.ial aeeral weeka. ,! . .,I1X llim.j ,, ,,.poall Hllbject
returned Hila inoruliiK to Ida limiii' In , ,., nr ,. ,,, UM.,K t
I'laiervllle. t'alll Ml Curiiow flat-1 (,,.,,,,(,. .M,.aln waa her" nlmlll (wo
eil Hint he waa well pleaaeil with what ttl.,,H ,tll r,.,,.w., lt fir, on hla
he (mind here and luI'Mldeil I t11'11 tepi..seiiliillniia. mid part nl this he
lli'M apilllK nml 1I IlltS hla (.111111) Willi (1 ,1,,. tmvn p,,.,,,.,,! where
him lie lurther Htaled Hull If ''I ubiiutH inn iinknowii.
Irlcuda llalen to what he him til H.iy I
Ihal inmi) nl them will iiruiiiipiiii) ' , tt,, llf ,in Itepubllrati
him ami lieinui" realilenis in Mam- ,ial., ,-mnpalKit will nocur In In
Idlaiifi, (lliln nml New York, l-'riim
li.w.i bank that Ihc ..lll.lals "," ","1'1"' ''"l''''" :'"'1 'lulp.ncnt. , Male (Marte((e.
nth i mini
'now on until tlm day ol Ihc vntliiK
Our Tape Line is Ready For You
Have Your Clothes
Made to Order
No two men are built exactly
alike which makes it abso
lutely imperative to take
measurements of the various
ports of your body nml have
your clothes built accordingly.
To have your clothes made
to order by the master de
signers and tailors of America
and pay less than so called
swell local tailors charge is
now your privilege. The
modern, money saving way is
to order your clothes through
Strauss Brothers'
National Tailoring Sirvlct.
You will receive the kind of
clothes which you can wear
with equal pleasure to yourself
and admiration of your
friends. We have the exclu
sive local agency and are now
displaying five hundred brilliant new Fa weaves. You'll be
interested if you call.
'cM'i.v uvallnblc apcakcr nf National
icputnHnn will lie lieiiul in the three
HtatiH whliii both partleH rcKnrd iih
. plwilnl. The Natlniial cniniultlci) Iiiih
'nrruliKcd t Hunw the fnllowliiK
HpeakeiH Inln Ohio Mr Tull, l'nat-
luaalcr-Hcuciiil Secretary (lar-
lli'ld, Secrclaty StrniiH, Hcnatnr Dnlll
vci, Scuatnr l.iil'iillcltc, l.eallo M.
Shaw, (ienernl () O Hnward, Iteprc
Kciitathe INiatcr, o( Vermont, und
llcprcHcntntive l.ntiKwnrtli of Ohio.
The (iiinpiilmi In Indlanii will iiIho be
tiiuiliii'tcd with all Hie vigor the Na
tional committee can put ln(n It.
lleRlmilm: Mmnliiy. next, Ihn clos
liiK da)H nf (he iiimitb will be occu
pied with a wbli Iwlnil llnlsli of the
liouiiicrutle cuiupalKii in ('allfiirnlu.
Thcodoie Dell, returnliiK from u tri
umphant upeechniakliiK tour of the
Canlern Htntes, nml ex-Mayor l'liclnn
nf San PraiicUco, will hrliiK alt tlielr
forccfuliieaA to bear (o spread the
Ili.MintnitliH from nno end of (ho Btato
In tlm oilier. Ah ii nioanu for IiusIIIiir
the two peakoin from pluce tu place
and uuikliiK every lutnuto count, a
Hpeclal train luci been engagoU.
The 'J-yenr-old uon ot John Nlm
tiioiis or Lltchlleld, HI., wan (rlKhton
od to death by tho squealing of a
hog Hila week. Tliu baby wan noar
tho sty. wlieii tho hoc. flghtlug its
mate, omitted a loud equoal. Tho
baby foil over In n fnlnt. CoiivuIbIoiiu
followed that resulted In the death of
(be child.
IllKolow to. Adaiim do it wholesale
and retnll biialneim biiyliiK direct from
factory. Sumple ut K . ailiette's
Furulturo Store thla week. No Mid
dloman'a profit about it it
but mule on preparation.
Mlas Shite wan ut her best when
ahc pleased the itudlcmc with tho
leadliii; of 'Sarah Jnne'a Visit."
The entire pioRrum was Inatructhe
ami IntereatlllK.
I'rliliiy .MnruliiK.
The heennd dny'H hchsIoh of the
Teui'lieiH Institute opened promptly
at !i, ut which time l'rof. llutcher
cnudiiited a "Model Opening Kxer
linen," and it was an inspiration to
the teachem and u model that all
might well follow.
The tcniiier were dell;hted to
meet and ttrccl Supt. Ackermnu at
Hie moruliiK Hesslou, aUo Miss Mar
vin. Bccreinry of the State Library
Ilev. l'rutt favored the meetlnK
with n few pleanliu; reniurks, Having
that If lie weie not u preucher he
would be n teacher.
The day'u program really opened
with n most valuable talk on Heading
bv Sunt, ltohlnaon. Mr. Hoblnsou
made It clear that iiKsocl.itlou of ov-
cuts Hint lend up (o (ho writing of
n poem lire most essential to tho ren
derlng of n reading lesson. Tho ten
fliers derived gieat benellt from thi
Icskiiu on reading.
Supt. Aokciimiii appeared neM tin
notituing Hint ho desired to till
"shop" for a few minutes. Tallin
up tho coui'BO of study he made mi
brief suggestions urging each tent
er to ninko It really a text book Im
tho coming year, thus coming In
touch with tho real values of the
Stato's Course ot Study.
The teacher are ulwnys pleased ti
hoar the Superintendent for thoy ren
lite that it comes from the fountain
head educationally. Alter a brief In
Im mission the icuchcrs assembled li
divisions, known at departments, fo
special Instruction (or High School,
Grammar and Primary Work, lleforo
tho High School Department Supi.
Ackormnn discussed tho topic, "How
to Muko History lnteiestlng to I)os."
Ho made it clear thnt much ot tho
toys' piogress in this study was due
to the direction o( tho teacher.
Supt. Cooper of Donaimi also dis
cussed (he history question and offer
ed many suggestions la tho way ot
selecting referenco books,
Itemarks Co. Supt. J. (J. Swan
Addresn -Slate Supt. J. It. Ackcrmun
C. It. Miller, tho McCloud photog
rapher, who bus teen here for several
days securing panoramic views ot tho
city ami surrounding country, will
le.ivo In tho morning (or his homo.
It is his present Intention to return
to Klamath Palls next spring and lo
cate hero permanently.
If the Supreme Court of the stnte
does not return a decision in tho Med
ford liquor cum on next Tuesday it
will protabiy bo a month later before
they make a return In tho matter, as
they leave nl the latter part of next
week for Pendleton to remain (or
sntiui weeks
' if my nainu is not Stlckels, then
my mother was mistaken, and I hard
ly think that such Is tho case," was
the way Jay Stlckels, who Is confined
In the county Jail nn tho charge of
horse mealing, put P. in referring to
tho allegation that he Is traveling un
der an alias. "My lather died when
I was 2 year old," he continued, "and
I have no recollection of Mm. I was
born In Iowa and left home (or tho
Illack Hills when I was about ten
years old. Since that time 1 have
never seen any of my people and hnvc
heard from them but seldom. Tho
last time I had nny word from my
mother it was to the effect that she
bad remarrlod. Her name now is
Mrs. l.on Cuvctt. When I was a boy
her name was Stlckels and she cer
tainly would not assume a (also name
in thu neighborhood whero sho was
born and raised and where my father
married her. This letter that has
been given so much publicity Is a
"I have been In the Willamette
Volley, but am not acquainted with
anyone there, with the exception of
a doctor who lived at Cottago Grove.
I have no relatives by tho namo ot
Casteel, never heard of the name and
hnvo no reason (or trying to avoid
its uto If It had been mine.
"I have no knowledge ot tho pres
ent whereabouts of my mother, but
if I had and she was able to come
here, or communicate with tho an
Hiorltlcs, I would have no trouble In
proving that tho charge that I am
travelling under an alias Is a false
one. Evidently this man 'vho makes
the charge seems to think that his
brother is tho only one on earth who
might possibly have the name of Jay .
"My only desire In asking that this
charge be denied Is that 1 do not caro
to liavo It mllltato against me when
I am placed on trial on the charge of
horse stealing. I realize thnt a (el
low without friends or money has a
hard row to hoe, and I do not want
it made harder by additional charges
that are equally false."
Peter C. Peterson, of Kallskoll,
Montana, arrived in tho city Wednes
day, and Is looking over this section
with tho vlow ot locating. Ho Is very
much Impressed with the Klnma'h
country, nnd will buy property hero
l( he finds a piece that pleases him.
Mr. Peterson left this morning (or a
(cw days trip through the Lakevlow
miaaajatyiMii"!!! t itwrHaBNMau?)awBaKBSK3BAi
m m .- rj"xcc'. -j;-'.'.ia.M. . '
i 5ySrWx4 1 1 Vl AlK '
wm gsa..y.w 'iTviv ii2 tfrr ; S5:Ss-arbi;
h ummmfrymrmts&m
1 !WlHf5r5vVC-?rtr MKift
i 'ti? if svtfW H!St5a;
A Peck of Grain in the Barn
is worthaBumhol in the Field
fVovlafeaf the Barn ham a Goo Root
IX L Roof and Barn Paint
Provont iMlrs-MMs) muoh to anfiemrmnoo
irW444 s XH4s4
lfl7i '
I', r-i
., , I