w m if r U r , t ! i : I ! i f.ir . . iJt ,lJ K iS iW: F"T lil 1 M T N? t Don't Be In a Hurry-- My Stock of "DOUBLE SIDED RECORDS" are now in. If you are contemplating the purchase of a Talking Machine, figure on seeing the new Col umbia product, and get more for your money. From now on, all records will be made with music on both sides, and only 65c a piece, making the price of each selection cost you 32'jC each. A full catalog of these records will be here shortly and, in the meantime, we might be able to supply you with our temporary stock. Let us explain their advantage at any rate, and convince you of their superiority and clear est king of economy. TWO DIFFERENT RECORDS AT THE PRICE OF ONE. at Heitkemper's REPUBLICAN BLOCK BRIEF MENTION. . . . ....... . t.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAft A AAAdAAi.UAAA. . . . NlKclnw AilnniH il.t 11 u liolemue , wmmvvTVTVTv. . .-. ..,tv, v nml retail tiimlmwi IiidIiij, dlier! (mm V fiti'tni' .Sample ill 1! W I'virnlliii ' Stole till week illeiiinu'H pi nil! nlimil II Ullli'tie J It Yon can col our Tumnlei nl the lte Held Mali' of Millie (' I r.'i'tlo I'ool Ukoiii, or Sailer's IteMl-, Olefin, will lueni'li HI tin UM dome I'lione STl. .".' ehitii'li HiH evening nt 7:.I0 lie will Inltn luilil m-iWiea eai'li I'M'iihiB tint II 11 i.. i.ee. .uitm iiinncno icouuitttii j,lltl,ny ,.Viiilim Sel n !- Hiiudni nml II. II. Iloyt, of Merrill, me lit at tondntiro nt the Toncherii' IiihIIIiiIo. Have ou iieen those dimMo-alilcd i nun til nt; nl 1 1 oYloi'k , Try mil Chicken Tniiialen at i:nr IMnl H.imin IMiono r T 1 -1 record nt IIHikoitiior? Two -, , ln-f Innu fur Dm nrli'.i or im.i ?ll I stln.rlfT ll.'irnett ImH nlri'lldv llllll- X ,.,.- ...... ..lim-nwMl Uto .llHltllmtli... i.f Hi- "I.;.- l l IH- 111.11 .Ill' ll.I'M.Illll'l, hVIU i .., , I... .,, Ill llllll nui'i'ii.-r.. "tin Illl VMllmiH OtlllOIH lii'lllll A .... tl... ..I. ....... .. ....... .,!....- .... I.. .11.... - nil in.' i (,v .ii nil.'.', Ills lll lii'in.ti. 1...... ,,f i win ocrur loiuoirou ueioro mi minor IjudRo Miller. J Now stock nf ilouhlo-nUloil record ! i with music on tiotli hIiIim, t It 1 1 k i-1 1 1 -p.TS lit Mr nml Mim Chariot l.umtii'tt were i In tin' clt ttila , Tin- Amorlt-uti Hotel DlnliiK ItoniiiJ ' In open nil liUl.t. ' ir iln . I'roih ) stern r-1 IH-tt I I tin' 2ml of NiHi'tnlnM 'i Tin- lulett tliltiK out foliiiiililii j douhlo illo record. I'rlee '' "' f lleltkotnpor'x. Ill" J .1 II IIi-mIk. of Tort Kliimiiili. l III llii i-lly loila nil liutm.tt I am ii .'inn -il to ilu all Mini nl I'trtuio I'tmiiliiK. In Kilt of iiiIkkIhii Dulbeor. tin' I'littillitri' Man 2SH We Have It Ql Illl' lll.sl I III M II IMHIIlll.O AMI lltlMlsii, ,,. It, MIS. IMl.HHNK I.O.Wtltr.S, HUtd'Hi IINM Us 1(H. I.'HS AMI tMI.I.Krs, SI'll'lll. lilt's, l'l,MI.IS, , 't " UIIICII I.IVI.S. I'lIM IS I'ltOM .Mli to HI..VI ri:it Itl Ml i: uii.i. mis i:i:k itiiiimi: mm it u tMiKt.n. "mil' iiti.i: or n uii.i: ni anv oimii m, mVm' l.l.l I I'ltOM H It I VIIUI IIM I si. Itnsl t'lll M Mill lltl'l'l Ii I It MmhMk( Star Drug Store "THEY HAVE IT." ffipa-- WD -:- WHY SUFFER FROM -:- Kidney 1 Bladder Troubles When MYALS STONI ROOT COMMUND U such a positive remedy 7 II stimulates the kidneys to the full performance ot their function, eliminates uric poisons from the system and acts as soothing, healing gent upon thj bladder. By Its timely use, healthful conditions of these organs are promptly restored. rilCE, $1.00 per bottle UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY...... Klamath Falls, Oregon CORNUt 7th and Main Streets Will l-Mlrr. of Illy, unit In tin- cltj today on IiuhIiiosii LOST An i'ttVi'loic i-ontalnlnt.' Iilllii nml Ktiit.'iiiuiits I'ltnlor iiU-asc li'im- ut poHtotllrc. Win. T. Klunt't II U Itotilnion ami family, of Mn , tmtirr ari ri'itWlori'il at Hi- Amnl- an I lot.) i Tin- .NVtt tliiH-i'i) Slim' of IMiniiinl ,1011 Itlo'ilurf In tin- Hi lik Stun' . Dull. Ilu. villi In, IHHMI fill llllHllll"H I O S'ntunln). Tlii'lr I'lionn Call will Ih- J .:::;::: :...4.AHHtj . !. ..4A i r .J ! A ! Guaranteed Paints j. "i In Hi" Miss .NVlllo Wooil. of Ki'titi, In In Dimbli Si'ii'it On.' the city nttonilltiK tl.o In.tliut... Wo ,mwi Hnm,lltlK ,. On Snttinlny the Monnrch Morcnn- mntlri'im IIih. VlrRll Son tllo Compnny will liavi- Ml itrcnmil rlikkctiH ntul tiirkcyn on xnlo. If you want n rlilrkiwi or turkoy foi your Sitntlay illnucr ou -au plat-. (oiui ami ln-i.r Tuft ami lliynti yoiii iinlcr iiiia !! I ipi-ak nl MiiIUth. I" W O Smith. I'tlltor of th llcralil. loft tliU inornlni; for Oakland Wc liavc full hue of MIkh JihhIo llunitii, oni' of lloniili ia' popular trachriit, l In tlio ilt I:. I.aili ami ' Artimtriiiii: low n from I'ort Klatnntli in. Kui-iiWIiimI rix.iii to In II. . Willi,.. M.;lif II M Hull. tio Ih at pr.-ii'tii 'onrliltiK nl I'oki'Knma. Is In tin- rll for tin' liiitlltuti WOOD SAWIXO n nprclnlty. All ANNOUNCEMENT NEW FRESH GROCERIES at THE CITY BAKERY FRESH BAKERY GOODS AT ALL TIMES. Call and see us. We shall be glad to make your acquain tance. J. M. Evans & Son (Successor to R. M. SARTER.) PHONE 641. DlnciinKil Carpet Sampli-i for ItiiK" VlrKll & Son. r. Krcil llallironnvr nml family went out on tin.' boat tliM timrnlnK. KdNnn'H Intent Improvoil l-mliiiiti' ! Ambt'tol llvconls aru In. Cotiii' anil hrar ttioin nt MiiIIith, iiirm-r Kth anil , onlTs will rriilvu prompt ntti'iitlon Main Htr.ftn. 12 J. Kidder. J30tf lio iiowMt creatloim In Ji'ivi-lry nt . Mllrln-11. of Mrrrlll. Ih h-isIh-Wliiti-rii. The JfWi-liT. 1 2 ' t.-tcl at tin' l.akrxlili' Inn Mm OS. KaHor. of l.akrvlow. In ' Mulkry nml Mini Mulkr. of, r.'clHtcrpil nt the l.aki'sldr Inn. Port Klamath, nro nuiotiK tlnjn.- In the rlty tmluy from tin- Wooil Itlvi-r I I :."::::.:: -.':.-:';...:-....Aftj i W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS A Bid Line or Heating Stoves Just Received GEO. R. HURN New rooiU ami new ilmlKHH In tfllvorwnre. Jewelry unrt Clocki), nt Mclluttnn. 10 Conklln'H Snir-KlllliiK I'ein. The licit nml Hie rlfiim'Kt. At Mrllattann. IU city Will lluy TIiiiImt I linvo mime money to Invent In timber rlaltiin. It the prlre In rlRlit. I. JACOIIH, Klulii- atli Kalln. .'Stf We haven't always got it; but we get It if It is In our line We don't carry a $100,000.00 stock, but we are grow ing We aren't selling out. We expect to stay and help make this one of the busiest towns in Oregon. Come and see us. Lots of new goods. Yours in interest of the pocket book. THE DEAL "Klamath Falls Racket Store." Opp. Court House KiIImiii New Amberol, or 4-tnlnutt; i 1 ftecorilu only on tialo at Wlntem, The j Jeweler. 12 ' Sowing machine! for rent by ilny, roll HUNT Nle ItooniH fiiruUh- nl or unfurnished Steiirni, W.-nt Hide Kmiulre O A i m-i'itf! week, or month. IT. 4. At Mnlleri. I'houei KOIt SAI.K- drhliiK mnre One black rldltin or Apply nt () l. Iiirn 2t Watson S Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Estimates Given on all Kinds of Building! Store Fittings and Cabinet Work. We are Making a Specialty of Furniture Madeto oidcr for people who want something dlf. fercnt from the usual styles. SHOP AT 7th ST. AND KLAMATH AVE. Phone No. 36 I'OIt HAI.i: A baby '.i beil, new, collapsible K'lernrt ami a hiIi'k liatlii. 4&44.;.44-.-; 4ff.-4Hm I tub. Call at K ill nee. SiiKiiriiiau'i renl- S.. ! II. I.. Ilurilnlit nml ulfe .-imJ I. llurrlKht, of I'ortlnnil, nrrlvctl here Inst nlRht. They loino for the purpose . of looklllK over thin xvrtion, with the) KOIt HKNT-llouiukevptnK nml of-1 I possibility of lomtlnK lu-ie permit- flio roomii In the Wonlen lllk. The X 'liently. roonm have been newly kalHOinlueil, jj I .. ... ... Ktuiulro nt HtlltK Company Htore. 2t I i You wilt nave money by buyln; j.j- 'ewlni: mnchlnca anil all of your lew-1 K. H. Turner nml wife, of I'ort I 'las machine nuppllen at Miillcm, cor- , Klamath, wcie In the ilt toilay for y 7-3 ltf tin) iurpoHeof ariatiKlliR for the iililp- Z ner Main and 6th streets. Persian Patterns In Azminster Body Brussels and Wilton Velvets. :: :: GILLE1TES FURNITURE HOUSE ,..., ., , , .lI'lliK of n I'oUHlKiimeiit of hoiiHeltiilil October Killson IteeonlB are lu nil ., H"'"" "nun niv ' jiiii irinivii """'r,, fioni their former home In l.os An- j Seu VlrKll & Son for ill kind of JkoIim. I House KurnlshltiKS. We can nve ..ga ' you money. f j ' Tell your xcwlig maclilno troubles ' to K. W. Mullor. Phono 25 1. EAGLE Pool and Billiard Room A Gentlemen's Resort All the Heat CSratU-H and Hrnmls of Clrfnrs and TobaCCM. Soft Drinks anil Mineral Wutor.t. j; K- M. SARTER, Manotfcr. Main Street, Between 6th and 7lh Streets -4..4.4..4.4, ... '''::;.. a.4....4 I I WELCOME! I Carnival i Visitors We wUli to iiiiuouiire to nil Carnival vMtors Hut wo have bca enlarglug uuil liuproiug our itore bulldlug to cconv nuxWte onr Immente Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Cut Olais, Silverware, Musical la tnimuM, Btatlouery, Etc. Wtt hnv the best aelectml lock In Central Oregon. We invite all Carnival visitors to make our store your headquar ter While lu the city. A Souvenir for nil tlsltors. Come iu untl set acquainted. H. J. WINTERS I JEWELER AMU OITICIAV We Deliver to Any Part of Town. Pierce Kvuiih and wlfo left this mornlnK for San Krnnchuo, where Mm. Kvans will enter a hoxpltul for I ninllinl treatment. .Mr. I'.vaiiH ex- 1 pectH to rot urn here lu about two weeks. '. K. W. Muller carrlen thu largest i itock of Edison phonographs and ! gold moulded records In Klamtth I county. 7-Sltf TRUE ECONOMY Not mere "cheapness," but the best value for your money THAT'S TRUE ECONOMY BALDWIN Hardware STORE Phone 261 In buying Drugs, Chemicals and their official prepara tions, we buy only from the most reliable sources, insuring the Highest In Quality. GHITWOOD DRUG CO. CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlor Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. s v& y p'TUf J v xlrmnwiti &m WSELF-REDUaNG ' wittt euefStrap A 1.1. m:i AXI r, Xi:.M( Cdltsins CtlXTAIN AT I.IIASI' A lllll.MICS woifin Mfim: or vai.i'i: i .m.. ti:iii.i, -ihax AXV Ol not X.I AXII V.1 CtlHSKT, xi:.mo n cousins oitwkau tiiiii.i: oiiiiinakv vi coitmns, axi ki:i:i iiii:nt siiaim: ixiii, WttltX OIT i:vi:iiv M:.MocoiiNiri'ii,riTiii: 'ati:xti:ii simo 'i iciii,i:.s ticii iti:i:ximn:Mi:.vr noxi:s axi hti:i:i.s (axt it Tiiitoniii. this ioliii.i:s tiii: Mn: oi-ni,: cousur. :vi:itv xi:.mo cohhct is ax Ktn vai.uk si.mi'lv ah a con. SET SAVING NOTIUMi OP IIS INVALCAIILE AND EXCLISIVII si'Kt.iAi, ikatuiu:s. i:vi:iiv xi:.io cohsut doi:s so.mi:tihx(j ton voc that no otiikii cousirr can no. i )7Afy l-J'Lm Ttir-nfOurJNfi t-'.'.l aO RtllirSTW yuu Stilts Dry Goods Co. " aooooot