m III Pie Mefalo. KlAIIMlll l'""' FirMt , Ileal Daily .... Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . , YlIAU. No. HH. TllllH KLAMATH FALLS. OKKCJON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1908. Price, C Cents XEalSk Tssl m READY MADE HOUSES FA,R premiums are awarded: TEACHERS INSTITUTE wmna r . ,. -,. ..,.,, .- '""' 'llniliiiHiif On- KliimnOi I'liiin. Their Manufacture in this City Will Mean i-.ir uK.,i..ti.. ... ...wir com- . , r . I I i hi tt pli'ii'il their wmk nf awarding Oiu Much lor its Industrial Welfare . ,. r..r o i.imn t o.., I'niitity I 'ul i held iii thin illy iturlnK ihi ii.mt tfi-k 'I In. wnrk linn liuon iV V Mi'iiili'iiluill ... I 2 00 1 If-. I.. Armstrong 21 If.. 00 It. K Htm u n 23 16. 001 Mrx. C .1. Murray. t 1.0ft' J. V Hlememi l 3.00 ' Abol Ally I r..0o' Klamath County Educators Gather in An nual Session-Noted Educators Here. Tin lint "I'M' inwni'i" niiiKiiii; - 1...HI.W tint ili'liiyrit mi Hninilit nf lhu ci,uiil Ill iiiiiimfnilniliiK ill) !"" "'"" '' "' H'ln '!' who imi' ....nh,Ml ,y On. director, iih , , . ..... ,, ,lrB(l '"" ,,M "'""" """ '""" '''If""" "' they weieile.lroie. or awarding l'r-i. "" .' V m . i mi of H k m l"l' '"" ,""" " "r"",,",, ''' U..w..b.,von,,;o and worthy of .ho, tf..l, ...ul . HI ' '" ' ' at.... I,.,! ....., -II,.. ,..,, i,,,.. ,,,. ,... ,,,. , .., , " ,. I, I- la...... . ... l'"'" m'M " ''"""' ,"t ''""""''. II.U ...em) .n.. heavily handicapped "VT. . ., u . . I. m! ',1,,,,,,,,,,,'1,y ",r "'" r,l,1,,c"M ' " '' II... ..xl.ll.lt. speak w,H for IIllr, t,e l"'" " " ' " J"" 'Oil. .I...H.-. for y .,,,. ,., on..;,,, ,,,, , nll ,,, of . lk , ,u,m,r w , ';,"'."...''' ""' '" - '" " ' - ilc-ui...... ..ml horticulture ...! tho... imj, ,,,.,1.. I.... . 1 '""'; "lll. -t..rt from 0,1. .It, with it I.. ,,,,. ,,.,, .. ,mvu r,,,. M .- -" HI mil nn I.H.II..,.,,,,, ,,. ( ( Ihat v. Hiu ( f() (f ui ri,fo(!nll()ii "!, i r".m J her. Mr Short.1 '"""" T,M' "l""u,,u,"r" "f '' gUe them Tin. exhibit, were large ' i .. f.r ... ,,,,M"- ''' -Hn lh.. r.l.l UI.I..HI.I. ,, ,, UI d,.mun.rnt.d beyond IKu(i.l-l I '" I ' ''' I1IS .,t O... r.-o.t. of On. t',...r l.i,k.. , lllt Klni.mll. County la Bl ,U.( .I..I.R I.- in - '' ' I A....il...r ........... in .1,1,1, ih, ,,,,.1, ,,, , rilllrtl,. t..-, ...! II... w- I-" I" 111'- "M.iiuil.. l,ou,.. I, K..H.R I) .... li,.. -0,, . ,. .i f 0. ,ri.,.luini. otn mi I'liiiirprln' In Oil illy lli ,, ., , ...... ' iii n m I ti tri t 14, imiiiiiiiiii. iniiiiin i nti in iii.i, in iihii. liJ li.nl 'inn' ciiivrli'iiio llli Oil" iltit nt biill'll'iiC' ..'l "' ll."l "" trir K'Ul'llllilu to OlU lotullty ntlil uulJ iiiiiliiuliii'JIy iroi in In. vi't oulr II. x-riiri'il u iuniltt '( Hon, ilnn 'l "I1" lflniloi. nml l.il'l ihn iM-foi.' Hti-rnl imhiii Ihui.. t UtnlRK O.i'ir iiH'rltR .mil llnlr rot mmiMiaiil 'lny mi't will. fAor un.l lr in-iUll li.KotluOolia for Om I'l.r ibur of 1 1' ' rlr.li! t liminifnrtur.' tbtm WIhmi Oi i.irllon of OuMi umufiriuip i irmi,tuil to Mr liwllrr hi' ui Oii-lr talun mill pur ibitril On' I'lclualtn rlKl.l to liniiiil. Iitturr Oii'ii. In OiU roiint) Mr i;,IIiT nlrrmlv tia nll tin1 limrtillnT) trrrwary (or lln-lr iuihIih llmi. t a (iriHif of On. fnrt Omt On' tea ly mailn Iioiikk la KoInK to lm n alntrr u On- lurt Omt ulr.iuly iii'.irly fltf of Hii'in linn liri-li iiki'li for mJ hll" no ciiiilnirt (or lln-lr iur iUk' ha u )il tii'i'ii hIkiiimI. Ilila Isilnallly lll Li' rnrrlwt out na aoou at Mnira Hliortt nml (IimIIit liac iomikli Oii'lr (ilnna IVw rt-allii ttlint tl.la will im-nii to Ibl. clti It rniUlti'a tl.ii ai'rvlri'a of lour mm In Oi niHnufnrturi' of ibn-r l.iiiiicn Tl.nt la forty ini'ti urn rmturi in Out iroiliirtloii of to Iiiumi fjrh urck If Out p.iipli' lio tin iIriiiIiiI their liili'iilliiii of pur tbaalmc ihitr liuuKi-H rnrry out tliulr ilpwtatluii It lui'iina Omt Oiitii will ! fcoucli u.lir nt Out Unit to ki'i'p tbc furty iiiuii huay for alt montlia At an ntt-rnt'it anlnry of l: !io n itny II niruni ii iniinlilirnlili' iii)rnll for Mi til) fiuni tint Im'kIiiiiIi.k Hut It I. Itmrally ailmllliil Omt wltlilu it fry trl.l .itIo. OiU lure will Imw lo ! rn-ntly Inrrunai-il Dtii'Miiirti. Iliul will furnlHli i. koo.I llarkit fur llicn IniiixrH fur aoniit llmi. l ,.. i. it,,,,,., i.Hic. Tlii'in IKiiimit fiotiir la In luriilaliliiK liiiiii.'H i mw,,(., , j(,. I.. ...I- .1.. ....... I.. ( 1.. ..-.l,ll III IIIIF1 .11 .III' PII.IV.I.. nf hiiohi'M Li'ri. Iiai ti.Hi.ltril It. tl'i rliurKluK of ri'i.iN lii'i,ml On ini'imt. . ' nt On' utnritKi' l.iiuai llill'li'l I mli.r A Oiu plulia iroioi'il to In' n.irli'il mil ' III tin. anln nl llni' Iiiiiiki'h It Kill lii'j' IiokUiIi. fur a tun ti in pun Inn... nml pi.) lor om In ii cr altort Oi.ii', nml III mniill.l) m)ininta Hint will Iik lean Oinn In. la iiiih iiaylnr for runt It will tni'iiii Omt KliitnaOi Cnlla will In) ii illy of lioiiica liniiii'K iiwnnl Ii) llnlr iMcllpaiitN Kntryi.mn (J (tri'tii V I'li-I A Sli'iirna I. l.i'Hla No. Awuril . 'J 11.00 :i i.oo I 1.00 s r. oo Clnruiuu lliirrla . . '. I). WIIIhiiii . . . . W. V. WIIhhii W. II HltiiiiHiiu dull i:ivrt i:. It, Itwimi'H Clinrlcn l.lnrl Tlioa l.ymiH iHuldei. Oi'lo Mri. i'imi. Hum Mm. HoRtio Will Hliook Mm C. I). Wlllaon... Antolun I'rmrii. Joa, I'lnrro Kunt llnlluril "F'rnnk Irn Wltltc... Jniui'H .Straw II. Conn Mm. J A. Unwell Mm. W i: V.'hltni.y. . Iliinry Wubbur " Mm. I'rnnk Wunl I Mm. (1. T Ilnlilwln I Mm. Ik-uU 1 I r, .1 .:i l i .10 .1 .1 .:i . i .1 .1 i .it .s .1 .1 .1 I 00 fi.00 r'10 ""ini'ii'ijiiOi Annual Tcaclii'm' 1 y() Initltuti, turivcni.'d In tin; Clinpol of 7.&o"'u lllnli Hct.oul Oils forenoon, vllh n i)() I Suiii-rlntcndcnt Hwnn In tho chnlr. 1.00 """ '"I""1'', of tho provloua mci'tlriK 2 oo ' v'"' r'atl '""' npiiroveil. Sunt. Swan ...on ni'l'olnii'il Stillit O. C'nniibell seere rrnitar). ilo then unnuunccd that It 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 lO.Ou 7.C0 1.00 1.00 1.00 COO would bo n.fcaiary to elect a vlce- pr'Ht(lint. The nnmo of Mr. V. E. KniiKlit wai prvaontuil and by mo tion In v.hh clcctod by acclamation. After th a JuiIko (Irimth, In hla uaual jilvaalriK manner, welcomed the visit ing teuchem and Initructom. Tho JuiIkv said In pnr that the superior system of educat'on of today nns v. rouKht out or O.o Inferior lystcm of l.l earlier da), when Initltutes wore unknown. ilupt.Swan made hla maiden speech 1.00 2.00 ui;sii:it Atll-H- rn.iis MoitrtiAoi: Icoss is (jit.Mi:i ! stav or i:i:cf TIO.V. mo i. iti:.si:. The V.'ealern l'Arlflc hua filed u t2r..oon,ooo i" () ii 1 1 moriKiir.u with Ciiiitity Hii order In Hnrrninento. The limn la aei'iiri'il from Out Central Tr.iat Comnan) of New York City. i The main line road fniii. Hall I.ako HAI.i:.M, Ore. on po Tim liaiiku Ifn Onkland la Kiven aa herurlty for of Ou'Koti, ImiOi State and Nntlomil. the loan, wlilih Ih to lie uaeil na n Ili.M' f 1. 11110,0. Ill mnl" ilepoalta llilili littJUK fu.l'l Tile IllnrtHlil'.e ruin for the) hud lul Jul) und about IZ.n.io.-'fnit)-(mir earii, benrlm; live per rent nun mure iiinu iue .inn niai ....i iiuiere'it . Tllla la almwn Ii) the aliitemelit laaued Mure Ihntl h'MI mllua of rlltht of )eaterilli) abnwIliK the rnnilltloil of a) ale ileairllieil In tllu mortKAKe, ail Hint. i nml National hunks mi Hep. which l n formidable document of tiMiilior 23, Out date of for which the uni'ty-t!e pureB. rloaely printed ln lat ktntemeut wan mlled Thu Imll- rluded In the real ealntu mortKUKod ldiinl ilepoalta amount to $75.uii.-,h the abort llmt riinnliiK (rom llocn 000 nml the banka are rarrjIiiK In 'in lleikwlth The rhnttcl niortKilKo mil, 112,71.0,00.1, or alxiiil alxteen 'civern am I. property na locomotives uml iwii'tblrila per tent or the liutUI-, ami nltlce furniture The uttnu diic- dui.l .lepoalla umeiit la tiled III every county throtiKh Ittlilili I lie road r.llia v0'i(.. i 'Ihe llrst mortKUKu on the road was (llt-t I iepiciiiliel I. I '."ii. ami nn . 1.00 1 n county superintendent, and said iniiii.' ery good thine? for tho tench era to tnku with them to their work Ho was fouoned by Superintendent Itolilnson, of Multnotnuh county, who In i'. very pleasing and Instructive r miner address the nachcrs on tho S'lbjtct, "I'uplU at tndlvl luals." His fiuln thouKht was that the teacher rhould know what the pupil Ii before n'temptlnK to lead him to what ho v nuts blm to tin or what ho expects fc.m to be. Superintendent Itoblr.son was fol- iivt'd by President Shafcr, of the ) SAI.K.M. Ore., Oct. 20. Counsel ,Colls nml ttemnes today appeared .before the Supreme Court and secur 'ed n nay of execution In thu suit of ' thu State h. Com. Jndgu Eakln jalcneil thi) writ and It was uQIrmed i by the entlro court. Cims was on Monday sentenced to U ,,.th,.rn Oregon Stato Normal at . aevun )cnm nt hhrd labor, having JAaliluu.1, who held tho teachers' nt-Ibei-n found KUllty of n statutory crime ! txntlon to the one great thought, immraltlcd upon the person of Cnrrlol "icronnl Touch." In his romnrks JBlnKs. a H-yiar old girl, who waslll0 a(j that we can never measure emploed n a domestic In tho Cs or ,naKlno llic Inriucnco wo are exort I household. nK mt.r those with whom wo como Tho" arrest and subsequent convlc- ,n xlall contact. t Ion of Coss aroused much Interest In Aflcr ,, rhort Interralsslon Trof. II. .Southern Oregon, owing to tho prom- t, i,unLnr tave a verylntcrestlng ad jlnenco of tliu Coss family. The grnnd ,jrM1 on QUCk Work." Amoo? the I Jury returned n true bill against hlmj,nat.y other things ho said to Interest for tho crime nml he was later found m t. pupils was one rauln thing, not guilty. District Attorney Mulkoy, as- t0 ow tno pupi, to sleep with their slated by Altornu) bmlth and Kelly, nyes open, but to get their undivided ,i Inaii nf li'.ii.iiuo.iMKi This nmmint wua aeciu.'d finm the Howling Green ITI.TON IIAI'S IIHVAN. OmIiir I" the condition nt the roads .. . ... .. i.... i... II la nereniiary inr iia ." m.in .tv freight rule 10 cent, per 100 pound. ;Tru.t Compat.) of New '.orl. on ull clna.ca of freight until further not lie. Krom nml alter tl.la date the Joint rate between tliu Southern I'aclflc rnilmnd cotniian)' and the Mclntlre freight teams la cancelled mid In fu ture combination rate, will apply. J. M. MrlnOrv TrnnMirtnOoi. to. o-r.t Our Tape Line is Ready For You and friend .i playing five hundred briUtant new ""weetedif you call V V )i JCVi Have Your Clothes Made to Order No two men ore built exactly alike which makes it abso lutely imperative to take measurements of the various ports of your body and hove your clothes built accordingly. To have your clothes mode to order by the master de signers and tailors of America end pay less than so called swell local tailors charge is now your privilege. The modern, money saving way is to order your clothes through Strauss Brothers' NstloDtl Tailoring 8rvk. You will receive the kind of clothes which you can wear with equal pleasure to yourself tion or your ive the exclu- and are now You'll be STORE i'i:ndi.i:ton. ore., Oct. i. Holding llryan and hi. policies up to ridicule and showing that from th eatabllahmeut of tho parties down to Hie present Omu thu llepubllcnn party has iilwaa been on tho sldo of pros nurltv and progress and tho Demo- Irriitlr party on the opposite, United jStateH Senator Fulton Oils evening 'elicited frequent applause from an 'audlunro of 300 people. Had It not been for u cold, stormy night, thu theater would have been parked, I'liltou declared that Urun Is not ' honest In thu views which ho promul gates, nml that ho adopts and (lis- cauls policies In mi effort to bo pop ular und secure for himself tho Dem on title nomination for President. Tho Senator ulso paid his respects In the HiiiHipuion who would virtu tho Democratic ticket, and Intimated that stub men should havu guardians ap pointed. Fulton Insist, that wher ever ho linn boon In Enstern Oregon ho Iiiib been greeted with tho largest nml most imthuslastle crowds of his career us n campaigner, nnd that Tnft will carry this part of tho stnto with mom than tho iiamil normal lloimbll- can mnjorlty. : 20-3: 00- n-i: 1-30-1. to Opening. 1:40-2:20 School Libraries Miss Cornelia Marvin A Trnvel Tnlk Pros. Harry M. Sharer Department Work. High School Section. History Prof. Chas. Cooper Hound Table.. Supt. J. H. Ackerman 3 : 1 0-4 Mathematics. . Prof, tlutchcr Itound Tablo Prcs. Sbafer Oninimnr (irndes. 1 1-12 Geography Miss Marvin Grammar Prof. Uyron Hall 3:10-4 Geography. . . .Pros. Shafcr Itound Tablo. Supt. H. F. Koblnicu I'rlmnry Grades. 11-12 Heading Miss Callahan Geography and History. Mini Marvin 3:10-4 Address. . . .Supt. Ackerman Address Pres. Shafcr livening HcMlon H I. M. Piano Solo, Llcbesllcd, Schuman-Ltstz .Miss Evelyn Applegato Address "Somo Advance Movements In Our I.'duratlor.al System" Supt. J. II. Ackerman Vocal Solo.... Mm. Don J. Zumwalt A public rccnvtlon In honor of the visiting Instructors will follow tho program. The public It cordially Invited. conducted the case for tho Htnlo.whllo Colvlg And Itcntne. were attorneys for tliu defendant. Pending the nctlon by the supremo court In tho cme, It Is In tho discre tion of Judgo Hnnnn to say whether Coss shall stay In tho county Jail or lie re .aaed on bond, and If so, what tho amount shall be. (leoixu It. Hum Ih putting on thu Mulshing touches on his mngntllcont uow block und will huve tt ready for occupancy next week Work wna com menced today on tho cement side walk lu front of It, which, wuon com pleted, will add materially to tho np nonranco of tho structure as woll as to that Miction of tbo city. Piosldent Roosevelt has signed a contract with tho Outlook to net us uii associate editor after his rotiro muut from tho Presldoucy lu Mnrch next. This Is mndo aubjoct to tho existing contract to write a story of Ills African travels for Charles Scrlb neiu Sous. His work In connection with tho Outlook Is to cover political and economic topics. Mll.ll LIQl'Olt; IS FINED 2.1l. UOSEHUHO, Ore.. Oct 20 Scott Jefferson, a liotelkcopcr of Yoncalla, this county, has beun found guilty In tho Circuit Court of violating tho lo cal option laws. Tho prosecuting witness was Fred U. Kothln, a Port land detective, hired by tho Anti-Saloon League. This Ih tho llrst conviction under tho local option laws In Douglas Co., nnd tho second case to como to the attention of the court. J. Falbe, who was up for trial on tho same charge wos found not guilty. Jefferson was lined 2C0 by Judgo Hamilton. attention and make lasting Impres sions upon them. Ills plan for quick work is excellent and much good may be derived from It. Following Is tho program for this evening and tomorrow: S:00 P. M., High School Assembly Itoom. Piano Solo. . . .Prof. Geo. A. Wlrtx Address. .. .Supt. K. F. Iloblnson "Progress and tho Inlatlve." Address. . .Pres. Harry M. Shafer "Shall We as a People bo Ed ucated" Violin Solo, filth air, var Prof Geo. A. WlrU Friday General Session. i00-9:15 Model Opening Exercises Prof. John T. Butcher 915-10:00 Address Supt. J. II. Ackerman 10:00-10:50 Civil Government Supt. It. F. Robinson SECOND ANNIVERSAIU'. In commemoration of tho second anniversary of the American Dank & Trust Company, tho officers and dir ectors of that institution attondod a banquet at the Houston House last jvcnlng. Thoso present we'e Major C. E. Worden. Fred Melhasc, Vf. T. Shlve, W. S. Wordea Al Molhase, Os car Shlvo, C. F, Stono and A. M. Wor den. Tho banquet was prepared and terved under tho direction of Mm. J. A. Houston, and was a gem of the culinary art. It Included all tho del icacies of tho season and was serTed In courses. Tho record made by this bank lu a rcmarkablo one and It was with con siderable satisfaction and pleasuru tint tho offlcers and directors cele brated Its second birthday. It Ii one of tho four financial Institution of tho city, the prosperity of which speaks volumes for tho material prog ress and prosperity that 'has been mado by Klamath Falls during tho past fow yearn. Tho deposits In these banks demonstrate that this city Is founded on a sound financial basis and that Its citizens belong to the progressive and prosperous element of the comtiunlty. MASONS ATTENTION! Regular communication A, F. & A. M. Lodge Monday night. Work In tho Third Degree., banquet. Visiting Masons cordially '.nvltsd. , W. A. Delxell, W. M. . i tatiammmumm A. II. ADAMS. Representing Illgelnw & Adams I nuo Company of Oakesdnle, Wn ' will bo at tho i:. W. Gllletto St. for O.Ib week only with two very II high grade pianos. If taken this wo will sell at a great sacrifice. Come and Inspect them THIS WEEK Mrs. Charles Wallaco, of I.nkovlo arrived hero last night from Wood lam!, Calif., wliero sho has been vis itlng relatives. Sho wns met hero her husband, and they left for tl homo this morning. Mr. Wallace i Lakovlow's uudortakor. iwyaimiBii'iiiaaaiM fi i main wwim i m aaiaja Tho Monarch Mercantile Company hua 7u boxes of Peaches nnd CO box es of Tomatoos which will bo closed out at $1 a box. This shipment will! bo tbo last tomatoes this toason. Roger Hnrvoy Ruck, bookkeeper for Erlcksou & Poterson, tho railroad contractors, uica at wtoa nionuny or consumption. He was 27 years of age. Thu body will bo shipped to his former homo In Idaho Hot Chicken Tamales at the Eaglo Pool Room. it A Peak of Grain in the Barn is worth a Bushel in tho Field ProvUM the Bmtn ham m QoodRoot I XL Root and Barn Paint Prevent leak adtla much tomapeanmno IS AS NECESSARY AS FIRE INSURANCE ROBERTS 6c HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS i OMeeoeoeiecM 4x4WMO)m iKHsHfeTsflr mIbsB'1 apJsHR.' ShbHsv. IHR; f hi' uu i-i I