The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 21, 1908, Image 3

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. .. ilti ill ji t it f if Orn
nrcull Ccnir fur Kliinmtli County.
Li K ' 'l',l,""r' v"' ,M'
j j- iicmt'.. "
.i.n.llH'"' '" H,"t" "f 0r,'""":
" . .I...I Mill I.. III..
KW ""' . .. I Hum I
I, i.v ,, .MIK'III"" .
II" ""' ....I III III. I. II
, imt '!) i"""
.,,, lit till l MIIIN.
.'.I Mil.ll.iillnll of Hlilrll hiilllK
.. !,,,., l,.' 2wl ilnv "f OiIiiIht,
ai mil If '' fill "' "'''. 'I,r
" . .. . I..I..HW ..III ,..,v
,.l IhtTK'I. ' "" ' "
.k.rnult for "I1" r,,l"f "'''"I
,k, foniillt '","1 '"'"I"' t"-a;
I I ,...-. ..I I. until.
I'""' . ... i ......1...1 .1...
flier "' I""""11 ' h
rJol. dli'll" "'' ,"""i" '"
nonr "u ',",nK "H""" ""'"
..nJilofi'iiilmil. mill for am h ntlmr
.. .....I t.. ...IllltV
lltf l ll "" "" '
Tkli lUnilllllll. I ITI"I 11 .1111,11
iiodidiiio i:-iiIhk ii'-riiiJ. ii iiniiy
i,lr "f Ki'iHTiu rircuimnm.
,tIUbnl I" Klainntli Couiity. HUto
O,,, I.)- onlir in in" noil
Nulnml. JiiiIK" or urn i iriuii
L,t fur tin' flret Jilillrlnl lllktrlcl
lulJ Hutu, iimlrr null' or iiriunur
itOI. lilil' l,r,l,'r K,,l'"ir '"'
L.f to h lniMlnlii'il for ill aurora
L, tr.k, cutitiiiflH-liiK on tint Zliil
L of Urtnbcr, l!(". ''in' il'i'liit: '"I
L (h Jar of Nii'hihIiit, 1XIK.
l'li:il(.'K I.VA.NH.
i.jl Allnriu'r ior iiniimn
Kriiimt Mi (turfy, iilvnln hxcri-inry
of Ciiitm lliirrlmui. Jr', wImmi A1moi
of CtiluiKii, Iiiih thin to kiiv uImiiiI Mi.
Hriin II unit imlilliilinl In tin, hi.
I.011I11 Mlmu Hh u r Annum
If., Iliu?
I luni with iiuIkIkiii.iI iilrauiii
Ill" tiilinlilriilliiii nr Mi lliyiin'n
HtlllllK IMlllltll
llu l iHiilmhly tint iilikiit mini mm.
ll. Ilml (In. Ili'inouiitli' imily him
llOIIOIIMl Will) . lllimlMulllMi ,,.
yoiii. 'ihuni lu mi m u iiini,,,,,,!,,
on thin iiolni
llu hna a flni', n riiimrll)
for hunlnlilii, unit i -fti nt tat I i puw
IN Unit imiln. ,MI ,, , (,., (11.
Umfl In wnnthlp icpalrH In IIih lilt
i'iil Tliwn inn hoiiiii iiicii who I'liulil
Kin 1 1 In. In llm Infer iikI hkIoiim.
IIUIioi Till I It. of HI I.hiiIh ili'dnrcri
Mini iiiiiii. hmliiN uro i Ii'il In thu
llllllll. II In not HO llllllll IIIIIII' lllllllIK
"'"I HI" I lll'll III! lll'lll'l- lllltll'lltlllll
of i In IiiiiIuh nil cmly iitovldi'tl.
- Jy.'-
' Mv ihllil, ttlm hiiiiln your lunly?"
imki'il llm Huuitiiy-Kchiiiil iiu(iilntmi
U'lil Anil Wlllli. irouiilly reiipuiiiN
ill. '"I'liuno, nil, I illil, hut inotlu'f
lilil In llm iili'i'vcii " Niiviiiiljrr Do
llni'iilor. 444
John N. Cnrlli'lil, of WiihIiIiikIoii,
I). (' , Hon nf thu lliMi.'liiry of llm in
llu In mi oiiitiii who in iiniiii.llou. I ",'rl,,r' l,,"H,,li Monh'iiKli', of Hitn
urn ioniuii wiin Mm iiiiihh,.,,, Imiini
li)K l llllllllllllUII IIIHUl'llll'H
I iiiioIh))). I'D'il Anilii'Uii. Now York
iihI lli'iny I')iwiii.m, I'litHhnri:, liuvu
Thu jiri'MK In tnmintliil to our ilvlll
znthni itml plnyH mi miolllrliil hut vital
rolu In llm iiffiilrM of K"viirniimiit llownril Tnft.
Hi' In ii iiiiiii win,,,, inn,,, r!' "iii'iiilf)l ly i In Tufl iiHiool,
.. It.) IV (ill. lll.l. 1. ..- I.... I.... I
K"" l'U lllllllini tin.) mi, " """"""" ) miMiiK i
with mi Inl.'ii... imtdoiiiiI iitnhitiui, ':"'' I
Ho lint, n Kill or im'ihoiuiI iniii;ii.i. MIH I1"!''"''! Wiirn-ii of lr--n- j
Imn In n iiiiiHliti.riihli. ill.,- , ihoiich I1''11, ('""" ' w"" '"" -"""" " l,r'-
lliU Klfl iid'iiIh iiioi.. I., ii,,. !,,,.,,.' Ul"" ,,"'1 "'" """I'1 '',,v"r lumry
tlhlllllf. ihuu in ll. i.M.l jnilcuiini V"" ''"" "l",", N,'w ''",l llirlft . '
nr iimn lm iiiiutly niciiil)'il tlm lotiilltloiiii
Illumine, nil thin. II. ,... Mini kirn li.i u ttmli-ni Kill, u limn !
Khli-h ll Inn.. . ,. ( ,(l. ;,, 'ilil li looki'il iih IiIk us tin. iuoii-I
ll.'liiiiriiillr Niilliimil CiiiM'iilloii Willi'''
h "HIiiiII Hi.' ll.tiiiKiiitli' luni) ,.! " "
)I)imii to )l..f..iii on il, 11,1,,! ,;. '"I"' I Hiilllvnn. tin fiiriiii-r ptiKl
JuM to pi.',,... Mr lloim. or hIiiiII th,.l"""' rl""l'loi'. In npurnliiK .in Invl
Plu. on 'llu. iniiiK Him- lm rlviu to """"' "' ,""" " ,l,l"k '" Hlllt'11 '"
mi hIiIit iiiiiii'" i 'Itopi or wliLk)')' luul hwii pourt'il.
tftrft - ""''' '' '' ,K''" "" ''ii' wiikoii lli!
Tim liimiiii:.inrut of tlm Ilmk In.'"'""' ""' r" r",""l,, "'"r" r, ",,,r"
Iiiii.I mllrouil I. I'l'iunl It wiih oi,ly,1,"M"'1 ' "" l" "" ",0" T,,' "crH
nlilii lu inru ii Dtiipluit of ll.niin.uuo Ml"" "H ".l''", '" hlith.lny,
In.l ,-ur. or IV'Min.uu 0,1,1. lt j l.l-l. lm .l.brnt I nl Hut HprlliKH.
rnnmil tin- iiloiii, ),nr. mnl ho hi, Ar, l""1 ,,,,,:
.IK I.!..... I tin i... I..I.I X
Ml Mnry l,,ll.-r I ni. HI l.nuU
Hill ham:.
Twnnty million fed of lino unvt 1
tliulmr, Knw Mill, (npiiclty twenty'
tlioiiKiiiul fc.'t, Unit cIiihh iniichlnury, ,
Iiii:i;Ini: uncoiiH, homi'ii, mnl hnnii'HM1
coiuplcto Now pliiuliii: mill, int-
I11K lliijoo.oo, Inti'Ht Improvi'il inn
chlimry. Now HIiIiikIu mill, ciipnclty
I'M.OOU. Ili'twi'bti i'IkIH ami tun thou'
hiiihI ilollurt worth of lunilmr on luiri'l '
I'lmilm: Mill, Hnw Mill, DryliiK lloiih.;
Hunk llouim, Cook limine, mnl other'
hulhlliii;. nrn nil i;ooil I)iiIIiIIih;h. TIiIh
proiiurty Ik hHiiiUiiI In llm lienrt of
thu Kliimiith Irrigation Trojcrt, n In
ly IochIimI nml 11 Kpli'inllil imirkct for
tin, lumhiT. Tin. I'lillrc iropi.rty In
oircrcil for u Rlmrt time for (30,000.
11 I. itmlly worth $60,000. lor full
liiformntlou w or v. rite,
H. i:. rrn'11, Mnrrlll. Uri'Kon.
rur Li'tv.
Ilo'.cl with i.'Verjthlni; new, dlnliii
room kltclirn, il,;lit room 1, parlor;
lino pntronii,:'., feeillni; from 150 to
200 dully. Ili'iulrn tit Hotel I)orrl,
Dorrln, Cnllfornla. 8-ftf
are Advancing in Value
When blockn in Mills Addition were offered
nt bargain priccfl a number of uhrcwd invefl
tors bouht; since that time values have
increased materially.
These Lots are Bargain Buys
Jit present prices, and there is every reason
to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem
ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and
deep more than double the area of most
town lots offered to investors.
Land Salesmen.
Office on Fifth Street
:-::...... 4,'-'srr's
, Heavy Freighting a Speclelty. Baggage Orders Are
!?. Given Prompt Attention '
WI'ltltllll'Dt lll'll, HN, llp,ieut. Ill llll III
lurvlcw lu ulilth Mm mi)n nhi. nml
,'liililt,. hdIiD'Ii. the) mi. Hiii'h llurH '
Hill. Willi till. ,1111 I depend II, Kin '
kll. for nwi,. Kr 31. T. 37
. R I K, W M , lin fll'.'l tiotlri. of
I'ttllon to Hoik,) rlunl proof. In
itilih tUlm to tin. Imid ahovn lie-
HW. t.'lnrc County Clerk I'lmn
iCo,t hit odlie, nt I'lniiinlh Kail
Hi e la n new luollo lo he liiltiK on
New York w:illn "WIii-ii ou tnkn
I he ntlmr woinnii mil lo illim, len
tlm kid In li In trundle hed." Con
r:nl D.'iiilelniin ton): nil iiitri'H to din
ner, nml hli !- t:tr-(lil .011 wenl
I1I0111; 'lh, hoy told hit mother next
day. mid lmr Jiiuh Mitipped, mid nhu
didn't mi) n word Hut Mm took her
.on to tin' iniitltme nml ho pointed
..lit mm tiftreuv f.11 llu. Hfiii.e Mm.
Wl.vti A.lulph llauil of llrookljii ,,, .,..,.,. ,,,.,,, , ..,.....
n. hurled II... other dn. hnlf 1. hmf n1(, )(Mo (. Ha(.(, ,, R.r(.f , ,
kfiitttntit of th lliteilor, I). H.
.i' OITlci) at l.nk)'l.'w, Ori'Koii,
;tmbrr l. ISHH
Notlti" It Imreh) r.Ui'ii Mint Ji'iinli"
...11. .., l.'lt.l....(l. I'nllM (lr,..
""'"' .,.,.,,. .,,. ,,ilv."ri1 Mi.-) It Mih 1'i.llerloii
t, bo, on AuKuat I,, uon, inadx,
ar ami Hum- nppllrntloii. No ''" Ju:, '"' ""1'1 J,"';" "" w",,",,
njr ner iireptiiinKer
of rre lireail na hulled with him l
U ruatoinar) muoni; Ceruiutm lo
r(0B,an Ihii- SMll tiny nf Nu.iiImt 1 " n l1' '"'ote rutllliK a freMl
II I lonf of hreail I'mir ur uko Mr
ruimiit ham n lttiiin' ' l made a ih mid limn droppid
W A Pfli-ll, J I llutclivr. Jt-aaolilMil "" Mil loaf n hurled In, Vl)rk ,llH v,.i,., heinler-thmi-nlr'
Crtni, Wllhrr Willie, all .flT ciimn ami nit olimr imir wimu (1)), ,,. ,,,, in mral ,,,..
111 11 ry in ner iiutunuii 1
pre. ine of n f.ti rinwil, innde pilil
'dim; of t tit other woman' ninrcelks
-X on 1111 Idea Hint mini' to him
, III n dream. IIukii M VluUllo of New
ttailh Kll, Uri'Kon
II) HrjtlKtfT
partuie (mill lh,. prlrlplc of all tho
.'leroplnuer. In experimentation. Vln
MHIti: Kilt I'llll.HMTIOX.
hreirtrtirht of tho Interior, U. 8.
Divorce la ktowIiik inoro and iiinre 1, tlo'n innililiie 'hrentlie!," 11a ho calla
,.p.)tialv(. Atinn tlould earnpeil Hltl j) u ninthe power N nlr forci'd
unotiKi to warrant 11 hitoiuI iimirl throiii'.h kId'I tuhltiK liy iwii lurco
nionlal triilim. hut tlm wife of tin1 ineiiiii,itl' puuipn I'ohllnK Iiik nro
Karl of Yarmouth, forim-rly Mla AI,.1B,., to Hiuir Hiroimli the nlr nfler
lc Cornelia I haw. Iib-i to pity lier ill. unrcndliiK Tli," iimchlnc wna shell
iU OBto at Ijikcrlow, Ori't'uuJ "nirrfil liuahntnl an Itirumo of 50 ,,;,rimlly urrnBful trlnl lint Mny,
'jiltmlMT (, l!!0. JU" " ,'Hr 'ri"" l'"' ""' ' U'Y' nnoilier Irlnl will lm inailn in a
Notlcfli lierehy kIvcii that William dine, und proinlao to ltae him 3uo. (l,w w,.,,ita Vinlello hna nlreiidy Hpent
lltjilm, of Klnmath Kalla, )r "u" " ""' i"1'"'" "'' l""'M , 1 1. nun of hla navlne-i n fori'innn in
n, Kim AtiKuat 'J, I90S, maili. '" - " fitrlm on Mr. Inveniion
isUr ami Ktoiif application. No, Inn mum In from llm rouinr) on . j-
IH, for no 1, n Kit. 2'J, T. 3, '"'r lirtli hlrllnlii) lo IMt Her roimn d Aiiiiii Joims of Nmitlcokc. I'a..
. It. 9 i: . W M , hna flli'J notlrti ol May At nlKht the) ith put to lieip , ,miiin who iiomt IioIIhth her
I'ttlon to niaku Dnnl proof, to pa fiirly An hour pnaied. iieii iiran nelshhorii Sim wiintnl to co lo tin
tilth tlslni to Ihu land ahovo tli lirnakliii? )iha went heard from Mm theater the other nlitht, nnd do you
rlW, brfnro County Clnrk Klani chlldrfii'a hetlroom "Wlinl la Iliu Htippoti, ttlu- nnkitl tho nolRhliora to
County, at Ida iinico, at Klamath imitliT. chlltlrnn?" nakeil May'it iiiiitli,.nii. for her rlillilron? Not hIio; alio
iii;i'Aht.mi:.t 01 tiii: intkihoh,
lieimrul Land Ulllre, W'anhlnitlon, I).
C. AiiKiiat 31. IMIS. NOTICH OP
Notice la herehy jilvun thut llm
ArtliiK Ki'cr.'lury of tho Interior hna
111ntvd depiirtmi'iitnl order of with
drawal In ho fur nr. llm nnmo nrfecta
tho withdrawal for IrrlKiitlun purpon
i"i under tin art or Juno 17, lo:
(32 Hint, 3NS), for uao In connec
tion with llm Klamath Project, Ore
Itou, of tin. follow lm; d'.scrlhvd land
In tlm Slate of Oregon, mid hy his
.iiithorlty such of inld trnita tin luivu
not lieen lieretoforo llnnlly roatored
mnl arc not otherwlao withdrawn, re
served, or appropriated, will lm
Hiihjert to Hettlemetit under tho pub
lic land Iiiwh of tlm United Htatca on
mid nfler Novemlmr '.'!, I'JOS, hut
hIii.H not ho Hiihjert to entry, IIII11K,
or koltrllnn until Oeccmhcr 28, I'JOS,
at the t'ulteil States Land Olllro at
l.nkovlew, OreRoii, wuriilnK hcdnic ox
liretml.i ficn that no pcraon will bo
permitted lo italn or i-jerrlao any whnlever under any neltlemenl
or occupation hoiiin nfler AiiKiiat 23,
lanh, mid prior to November 2S,
I'JUH, till Bitch Kfttlemcnl or occupa
Hon hi'li.K forbidden;
Wlllametti. Prlnrlpnl Mcrldlnn.
T. IU S., It. S K., SKJ, Sec. 33.
(Sd.) r'lli:i DKNNTTr. Coinmli
riloncr, (lenernl l.nnd Office.
(8d.) JKSSi: K. Wll-SON. Acting
Hecretury of tho Interior.
0. K. Transfer & Storage
Having up-to-date olano
trucks we solicit your
fine piano moving
Office 871
Barn 873
:::. 4---'sJ4
Save Time S Money i
By Arranging Your Railroad Trips and
Securing Tickets at KLAMATH FALLS.
I Eastern Trips Arranged
$ Over shortest routes equipped with through
I Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and
I Chair Cars.
iiwavio uuiu a. ajvttvoi. naivo 4
tilt. Orion nn in.. ?mi. .i..v ,.r er enti'iliiK tliu dark room l'mm
mlir, 190b. under Mm bt'drlotliea Inn rmlibeil out,
Claimant nam na wllnentoa: Mny won't kHc mi- miy of her pun
Albert llirrliuii. A. M. Jamlaun. nutu " "llul Mny hna no pemiutH."
'. 0. Bchallock, lien Carllalo, all repllinl her aunl "I know Hint.
1 Klamath Kalla, Orexon. Kiibbeil Inn, "lint he wtl'i " hiiu uiu
J N. WATHON, Iiiivi. peaiiulH m)ii' woiildn I ;l.i me
III Iteslater. nil)'" Nini'lilber Dellnenlor
left lliem In llie htreel III front of
the I In uler. uheie nln. ant Innldo for
two hotirH and 11 hnlf mid enjojed
Hie allow. It wna cold. Tho children
were only S nnd S yoara of oku. nnil
he pollro urreateil tho mother. Slu)
ilhlu I net nny tliniika for eoiiHlilern
thin of her lielRliborri.
Department of tho Interior, V. 8.
I.nnd Olllco nt Lnkcvlew, OreRO".
Ortoher S, 100S.
Nollcu Is herby Riven Hint Herbert
II. Mrl-nno. of Klnmath Fnlla, Ore
Him, who, 011 Sept. H', 190K, mnilo
JTImlirr nnd Stono Application, No.
ll.,2, for W'SSWll, Section 32, Tp.
37 S , It. V !.., W. M., hnH filed no
I Ice of Intention tn mnko Final Proof
to eat.ibllah claim to tho land above
deacrlbetl, befnro County Clerk 01
Klainntli County, nl hl offlco nt
Klnmuth Knlli, OreRon on the 22d
dny of December, 190S.
Claimant names na witnesses:
11. W. Mcl.nne, Mnry K. Mcl.nne,
J. 8. Mills. H. II. Lnwrence, all of
Klnmath, Kails, Oregon.
10-12 Kcgliter.
Baggage checked through to Destination,
Sleeping Car Berths Reserved.
j Southern Pacific
-t-4:atKtK ---
-Herald Ads pay-
A xMnh
J-s W -''A
v if X' f &' btl '
f . ' vM -T3 A
V i.4 IH
V i5' i'. . wm&Jm
' i u V. m
& ,,: yu'Mi
. &?$&
W- .- I.H'H-KW
C'i 'v. .' ; !.-:.' iaafei
The Boston Store
We invite you to make your
headquarters at our store
and while here look over our
immense line of
The Latest in SHOES, DRY GOODS,
Everything you need.
LfE---?TlT matters much ia the strenuous
social season 11 you allow The
Gotzian Shoe to aid you. It,
"fits like your foot
print" and
takes away the
usual foot dis
comfort. You feel
easy in the as
that your
feet arcf
well clad.l
The Store That Will Save
You Money.
t p.u
; , itrv vS''v vt.'vv v vv s t.