ti : : f If!- m m!M s KluiMlli I-'nll' ,',rHl mi lit"1' M,y Mr' Our , Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . hiiRii Vi:aii. No. W7. KLAMATH FALLS, GKKGON. WKDNKSIMY, OCTOBKK 21. 1008. Prick, C Cents Ik fttnuna Hefiuft. MAY OPEN ART STORE 'lOMOItltOWH I'KIXiltAM mil THAI II Cits IVS'lll'I'Ti:. vn:vi:itK itci'oiti is not r.N'.i.viMors. C.R. Miller One of the Best Photographers J on the Coast Will Return to this City llllll-clilj. 'p ito.ii i--()imiiK Aililli'SH lo-'.i :r, -A.liiil.ilHlrnllv.t Tiilk . . Jinlj;" .1 II (Irlllltli ."Hi Hi- Aililri-iM Chji II MHIfi. i' el"rl liliK- f - ,,,,, M.nc.u.l. rnlirur.il... who' " "'" ""i""'"' miii ...i,t..,t.,i ripw' " ,1 I'lhity mm. k il iillvit in Dm iiiiimri- wlDliilb-Hi h.r thu.mil "VWU1 , , ,,, ,,,, ,, ' ,11 MTiirnl mini.. ti'O llli.) views of lutlt.K iiHhllli.il ..I Ml Ki.n,..i'li uml ' kltmilli I"11" 1""1 v' '""' aiming Mint II inu.mi lo l In iiIUth nr tin. i . i i I Infill Tln.v iiiinriiLii a.f il i .u(h li n tulMMHHIir hum in mum; ' " in. mimi . ... i-.ii. I..... f.-t I....,: i.) ...... r....i ;,,7, k'",tt ,,",, M,r '!"': '"" "" ",J m '"" ' in. nli'il ii t.i in in i.ii.i ,u inn jP TIm' l-w "!"' "'"' '" wl.) nml .im..M..IUt.y. ttut ...., i., ,, of tin. Mil '"' "" I""" """' MUH). In tlio muni, i-ml i TlllTi. ID I I I Oil IH Ml-1 I Do ll no-1 1 :mj- ,gui ihi .) " " "" i... ...."..ii iiiiijinr. hi i oo-i on lii.p.trtmeiit Work in Hi.. Ilnl H.rl.it:i Mr I"""" " '""'"r belle.. Hint Ui. s ,i -ineulng Hesslmr ii. hi ...... . ... .ii.nii nun. ,rm. mo. , "iniiiti i.allty lo $:io Mr. Henry asked Address Kiiil It P. Huhlmiiiii , :oo ., r ... .. . . it Kit l'l. Miller hM l . at... Li.illl.nf li I t . I ft I I illll. ' ' '"' ,""' " '" "' l..'il In. Iia. mime) In Hi.. Imllk. no Mill" " I Inilii'i. nf mini n alral in. I., i. .1 i i - --........, ... ......,.,. Tin. viewers ii.iiIMimI liy llin City Cminill in ili'ti-rmlnu Mi dnmnge lo lio awarded lo j. i, Hcnr) fur llio iiiiroirliiil(in of llin property for tlio oik iiI.ik mi ii.i.t cxii'imloM of HI Ml. Hiil.f It. P ltol.liionlKtM.vti ,iin.... in tli..- i ,.,,! to tlio Tin. Personal ToiiiJi ( f'lty Attorney Hilt. nN'inom. Fred Pn.s lliirrj M Sliiiri.r.M(,inni. uml W T Hh';e, two of the "''"'"K' i vliiwi-rn, reumiint'iiilod Jinomiwlinl (J. ll.'k Wlirlt . I.,.y MlllHlllrTIM' lllHl lIlllllIll'fH. A . I'lof It. II IMiiilntr Cant. the other vlow.., v.n In favor! I--Hllir llimnl It.ld Olll- lr nnM,,.. IMlfl for tin. iirminrlv. An. i-r I un Ii-mh. ...Mini Mny lliililmoiHii,,,, t)iu r..'iiorl will !,.' takin l,y : ini-l an- Noun ,tlii. Countll :it Hi., next n.Kulnr rm-i.. ':o .' :'o t.'nri. uf Srlmoi l.llinii- i.... ...,,i u ... 1...1.1.. .. m I.h MIm Cornullu Miirvlii Hclvl,t t1(. mujorlty r.'imit MS r.o -AKrl.11lt1iM.il. Our I'nli. . ,.. , MlllH, nttorii.-y for i:. II ll.-n- lie fUlicolM. . I'rnf. Jolin T. Iluuln-r Ty. hIiiUmI tlmt lliuy .onlU not ui 'lU-S 00 ItC'C.'BB limit 1400 H Mil. .Ill' U'nrrm.lu u ..r.. ...... w.... , .. ,.. only world !i0 ni.itK on tin. dollar 1111.I tli iliimiiKcti woulil mil) ninoi.iit INDIAN SHOT IN ROW Dave Alexander Shoots Burnside in Hand With 12 Gauge Shotgun-Now in Jail 11 :i.i-i: alioul fifty ncriM. lylni: Juut north of tlio city )ui In on Hclcctvl for tho liiiriioieii ut tho Htntlon, and ntxt ca mm will M. iirartlriil loxsOns In ccry llni' of iicrlrnliiiral und liortlcultunil oik 1 ..... ..I .. ii'i fii.ffi mi.', ulll ............. . . . . ... jinj nn " i - - iii'nir.aK" mi nm iii'i. linn iiiiiii) (DlnUm MiMutrn). Ili'iicrnl ran .fMrr Ak.'.ii nl I'.irllu.i.l lir Mlll.'i ' rxoK.ilo'il in nm. of ii tftl irriilc ilmlfi;inili.'r on tlio nail Jtiil lilt llin' of H'i.iia lcvi lire it In' i'tr laki'.i Hi ulal.'i Hint iilll r.'tiir.i luti. In Hi.' NprliiK ami i;nd tl'c .'Hill' mini in . Iii'rr i!vl 1 tf tlr "' li"' iiiinlr (m lil !. lain to MrClnilil. In' i li" In i'oIiir iDltj-tml illtpiiu.' ol till iro.'rly nml itudloild II inri'.lnl n will movt. u Kltnmili Pulli iMTiiiiiiii'iitly ami ltouia moil.r.i arl lui" wllli pli-- lurr tramltiK in lie I rrr miirli Iiiiim-i'i Willi Iiki Klitnalh ruiiiilry nml li niulmin u rrltirn next mr n at In got a hooftilc llni' of li' of IliU met Inn llioinut . ni nf tin. rlty thin morn iU 0j tut tt view dIiiiwI.ik llin IIc l ml liir luki'., tin rUi-r, Ml Mint, ar.il Klmimth Pnlli In tin' iirttroun! i I prolint'li' that hi lll iiicIisi. mi mi' r.'ilitvnri. iroi. I'ttj kflori. ho luitiii ami If ho In- kiln In tin' iirliip. will Iniy Iiiml.i.'ii lirotnt) (or 11 morn tmllilltiK PIDW Till: I'AUMCIIH Wll.l. VOTi-:. 11 low liiitiilrnl mil at Inlir.-m." niil.l 11 limn .i'(.'iiti) wliu hmi trni'li'i 111111I1 i.l l.iii' lliiniii'li tin- 111 lit 1 1 ! wrt '"llii'y aii'ti I .miMiiHllii); tu Mr Mdiiii'ii iiIi'iih, ami 1 In') ilim't h)ih- lintlllli. Willi lit! Iitina till') II I.' mill' tli.' own tln'ir in mT!t) in ..i.'Klul.'). ltiHnii'i't uml 1 hi. Iti'imli Hum ni. I), nml tln' mi' mitliitli'il to Irl iIiIiiki run mi tli.-) art' Wh) I lii'iinl of nni' fiirmliii; mil Inn nut fur from ChlrnKo wlii-ro allium: tii'tmim llii'M' wrri. (ml)'tun t11nl1tl.11 nwiii'il What Mnmin liuM'i tln-" fnl l.i fur lakliiK a rlimui. inl. tli all) !) tntliiK for llruiu. tin. mi ni. -it lli.iirlm. annlii'l Tafl ' r.ivi:iihiiv up uin:i(i I oitiiuspoviinvo: cinitsi:. ; ll.'iiitliiK noli 1 ti'd MlM'i HIiIvi-k A'IiIii'iih MIih Cnriii'tln Marvin (;, (, Vlnllii Hnlo. Ilflh all, vnr. . . i I'rnf U10 A. Wlrl I ;; 1 1 111 Pinuniiii :t:.i().l:oo. ' IIU'.ll S.IiimiI N'llliill, ' Atlili'llm . Prof fohii T. Il'.t.'lii'r Itmiml T1.I1I" Hui't It. P Itolilnv ill lillltllllllir (illltlr. (Iwii'tiiili MIhm Cir.H'llii Mil in I An. I. in. Hi Prof It. II. iMinlur, I'llniniy lirnili'K. Iluny Work .Ml mi Pool HOOD ;(),., ,,,j MIi.ii Marvin until-1 im iiitsr i'iiuici: iv itospinu Dit.wi.(J. KAiitv iri;n, Thin ti.'.tl.iii .;ot Ihi' lit'iitk'Ht rntn In iiiaii) 'mih Wi'ilni'Hila) ami TliurH lii) Tlio llrsl mum of th wiinira fi'll Ii.t.' 'lliu.ml.i) Imt mum ilUup I 'en M'i Tin- Vmiiiii iliri'KliliiK .michlnu wan Th. llrHl nmno to bo drawn in tho Trlit totnily laml lottory wuh that of May A. Motwr of K.-nnohoc, S.D., who Kclii firm cltuiic of all tho Uon- liuil Iii.iiIh tluoxii. (ipi'ii hy tho Kocrn-ini'iit. I Tho drnwI.iK bvitan Ti.pinln). Ai i'.nit to tho numhor of lH.TGli limn ri'Kluti'M'd for tho lottery durluK Hi. iuul four wiM'kn. ! iinilnii'hiTH nrrlvo.l curly In hie crow ili to wltnoHH tho drawing A Idrlzrllnp rain and hcuvy wind catnod cnnnlili'inlili' illtcoiiiforl hut did not iIIiiiIiiIhIi tin- alio of tho crowd that th.o.iRi'd nlimit tho iilntfur.n on whit li hi mill 31 italt'd cimku contain I.ik tho aiiiillratlo.nl. Willi tho nrrUal of tho itowiIh of lifa.MA'l IPS If K(ilVni.TIO.N hi:vi:ti:i: TllIlltvML,. Clumath County bun t3'J otcrs aicordlrift lo tho rculatrullmi book whlih cloKi-d last nlKht. Tho roRli tratlon In tho different precincts la an follows A n-w liull.Hi. of 11,.. rorr.'.pun.. ''r,,k" ,,"tt,, " c,w- ''"",' ,lt ,"h; 'applicant., noarly all of them farm- ...ir.. Mud) .l.u,rtn....t of ll.o I nUer- .U , 1rl tn(,K,.vl.t ,,. illy of Dt.'Kii.i linn Juut hiin rtclvi'il ,unlt). mi ruie m.lil.lo Indlrntlonii The kiopc of tho work linn hcim rrrui-' In-. i- Tint, tliui. Hit xtorl: inlti'd tho I. I) i'iilnrKo.1 o.r Ihn Ik'IiiiiIiik innili. '"'in.' "I .'"U l inrkim ami nil 11 I..I )er. and now ,.r. uum-. In ".""', ',"mi" '"' 0r,,,l",r 1C"'' ,,,,,1 llinll U Kti nrtiiiil jitt Mill iuvir tifiw. L tll. l..l.. -t... t. ...... ...... II...1.. I ' rtlir-tti"" ihkiiiii nhinvp'viii v( vwn Mhln I'M.l.lriiiiilliiil Hint Hip Till- if of tin- Soil htiui.l. Odp ol ilin mont Infalllhlo Indlnv ''lollllril riinilllliiriM I mippll.'d by ititlllluilv nml opliilnni of tho far.n- ti. If a piillilrlnn wiintu to kmlw lo a itnti. In whlih the furtm-r oli l a factor la koIiik. In linn In r.i't 'wk to tin' noil Papi'dal caro ha ntaltcn to aoumt Nontlinent atnonc l farimri lu hull n iuii Matm, MludlriK New Vork, Wlaionalii, Ml..- f ..! ami Nurll. Dukoln Tin- funic K"i:. botaii), hlalory nlcebra, Kiimc Mr), trlKonunu'try, ntinl)alc Ke0111.tr) ui.-l irnwrnl roiir.in In inutlirliitilUii for lindnia II) iiii'an. of tliH work nny Html out who una not llin tluio In ut li ml colli'i:.' or IiIkIi m-IiohI ciiii iir-.ii. with hurdly mi) mat, irnctlrnlly thi amin' workhy lorr.poml.'ti.'.i throiiKh tin. i.nUr.alty inuraea, and ri'ioUo credit for It Thouaiinda of dullum en. h )enr aru aeiit out of Oregon lo tmloim iiirreaponileiiie mliooU ami the uiihi'lill) lii'tleea Unit 11 l.irr.e part of till- mUlil Ji rt aa well be land lo the pconli ol IliU atate The uilollui.nl of till- 1 1 .pail nient will tenth .iiinii Ktiidi'tila for Ihe )(iir Our Tape Line is Ready For Ypu Have Your Clothes Made to Order No two men are bu,ilt exactly alike which makes it abso lutely imperative to take measurements of the various parts of your body and have your clothes built accordingly. To have your clothes made to order by the master de signers and tailors of America and pay less than so called swell local tailors charge is now your privilege. The modern, money saving way is to order your clothes through Strauss Brothers' National Tailoring Sarvic. Vou will receive, the kind of ;' clothes which you can wear 1 with equal pleasure to yourself and admiration of your friends. We have the cxclu aiN lrvl urencv and are now laying five hundred brilliant new Fal waavea. You'll be "weMedifyoucall. L w w-hII '' m ihkMmm .-- ,i'i:"" . ! MHl LW W K. K.K. STORE I tlrmulinn lluitidorf la HiiflerliiK with Uicrlppe Win WIkIiI piirrhased a now wn-l Kim laat week, which hIiown that the tlm.'it an not mi had for a dry year. P II Cm) letiirne.l from Poo Val I') Miimlii) where he Iiiih been iIIr KllU apuiU He loportH the clop er IlKht ami tilhem -mall Mlaa .ilma KimIko hna been ery tick with au attack of bronchitis uml iiKtliliiiitlr nrfei'llou hut Is far enough rinixered to he up iiKnln. Mr and Mm. Chnrlen llurKdorf wont out to Hen the now boy at Kinll Plackua' Hlimlu). W. P. Sedi: nml wife took dinner ul the home of J. II. Welch Sunday. , Mr .1. Uleckman and wlfo started 1 foi their new homo lu California Thursday. ' Dan l.lakey was around attain this week with Ills pleasant smile and (Homo beef. Vol.iey Dixon mid n Mr.Mooro wcro 'lu Dairy over nlKht.Prldny, mid Sat- urday called on 11 number of Yonnn farmers sollcltlnK ordcrn for PaKO wl.n fence. We are Informed that they kiiI an order from Mr. D. 1. Shook for 1000 rods. While hero Mr. Dixon called 011 V. P. SedRO and family nnd toKethor we had n K"oJ lull. ImvliiK been nelKhbors In yo olden limes In DotiKlns County of thli state. Mr. Dixon needs tin Intro 1I111 linn, but we can freely say ho U a worth)' )oiik mnn and 0.10 who 1 an ho relied upon when he makes n promise. As ho Is presentluK a Kood article wo bespeak for him it shnro of the fence business of this country. Miss Itosn Deck was trading In Dairy today and took n pood horuo lond of RiippllOH. lien, Killer was In to mnko sure of bin winter supply of overshoes. Ho believes In tuklliK time- by (ho fo re link tinyway, nud hna Btartod hl plow for next year crop. I Wo aro too busy to write ruoro thl.) tltno) era, cnnics Kcnrcs of Kumblcrs and "thimble rlKKcrs." Uxlra deputy sheriffs were sworn lu to keep the tlilews movlnn At IU u'clock the little Klrls select ed to draw tho applications, were lift ed to the screened platform, while tho crowd cheered. The metal milts wen. then broken open and the 114,000 nud more ap- .plications wen. scattered on tho plat i form and thoroiiKhly mixed with po- Ituto forks Di ma Hose ami Virginia Wagner, the girls chosen to do tho drawing, Jmoed forward to be bliudfuldcd. Mlrs lloso rcfuMv) to submit to hav ing her eiM coered. After a slight delay Judge Wltlon announced that owing to thu girl's nervousness she wjiuld not he blindfolded. l.lnkvlllo mo Tillo I.nki- 233 Lost lllvcr 144 Wood HUer 114 Dairy 109 I'levn.i ss Hpraguo lllvcr CC I.a.igi'11 Valley C4 Poo Valley 34 Snow 24 Odell 22 Klamath I .alio 11 A.VUTIII.'lt .M.PAI.IW Mi:.l, I'L.NT William Dougherty and C. il. Mur phy, of Portland, are planning the ettubllshmcnt of an alfalfa meal plant r.ear North Yuklma with n ca pacity of r.o tons eery 24 hours. They are now operating a plant at Kcho. Oregon, and say tho demand Is greater than they ran supply with the present capacity. Dr. Pndcrlck K. Cook is reported lo ho within 3C0 miles of thu north nolo. Tl.nt is a little less than the distance between Klamath Palls and Portland or Snn Pranclsco.but there arc no railroads In the polar region. Miss Kose picked the first slip. Miss Wagner followed, drawing tho name of II. Swift of Ponca, Neb., from the mass of papers. The names of K Nuntien, Meadow Grove, Neb., and Otto Sn)dcr, Mitchell, S. D., fol lowed. Thu drawing of thu namo of Miss M)e.s was received with cheers by the crowd. When tho nolso ceased the girls alternately plunged their tin tiiln Into the pile of nppllcatlons nml drew forth tho lucky wtilto slips. On tho whole, when one looks Into tho system of government at Wash ington tad regards It from tho stand point of an Impartial, tolerant citizen and critic, taking Into consideration all tho limitations of structure nnd constitution which prevent nn gov- "rnmctit from becoming a pet feet ma : Ine, h.i cannot but tenth tho con- j elusion that wo aro a fortunate peo ple, who have progressed far In the development of an efficient public icrUco and In vindicating tho theory of popular sovereignty. William II. raft. Wll.l OIU.AM.i: KAItMKHH INSTITl'TK AT UOItHIS. NOTICE. Owing to tho condition of tho roads It Is nocossary for us to advance tho freight rata 10 conts per 100 pounds on nil classes of freight until further notice. Prom nnd after this .Into tho Joint rato botweon tho Southern pacllir railroad company nud tho Molntlro freight teams Is cnucolled nud In fu ture combination ratoa will apply. J. M. Mclntlre Transportation Co. so-et Professor V. T. Clarke, Superin tendent of university extension In agricultural topics, ll0S-01. will ad dress the people of Don Is Octobe. 2Iith and "ilth, preparatory to the or ganltatlon of n Partners' Institute Tho subjects to bo handled by Pro. fessor C'larku will bo Agricultural IMucntlon.' Tho Experiment Stn tlon nnd Us Activities, The Furmeis Institute Movement, Good Honda, Planting nnd Caro of Eucalyptus, Alfalfa, Establishing and Maintain Ing n Deciduous Fruit Orchard, The Walnut Orovo, Irrigation and Con swat Inn of Soil Molsturo, Kcrtlllrn Hon nnd tho Uso of Cover Crops, Spraying to Control Insect Pesta nnd Fitugus Diseases, Poach might, Pres eut Day Insect Problems, nud In aects of the Flower and Vegetable Garden. Professor Clarlto Is accompanied by Professor Hopper, alto of tho Stato University, who will handle tho aub- Joct of horticulture In all Ut pbasos, nnd by Dr. .Macki a veterinarian of wldo reputation. A movemont wni put on foot some time ngo looking to the establishment of nn agricultural oxperlmeut station at Dorrls, nnd tho Farmers' Inutttuto which those, gontlomen will organize hero will doubtless answer every pur pose. A tract of land comprising SP1X IAIi hALi: OF I'ltUIT. Tho Monarch Mercantile Company has 73 boxes of Peaches nnd SO box es of Tomatoes which will bo closed out at M n box. This shipment will bo tho Inst tomatoes 'his season. Davo Alexander was arrested this afternoon by Sheriff Ilarnes for shoot ing an Indian named "Ilurnslde." The Indian was shot In tho hand by a 12 gt.agu shotgun. The shell was lond ed with No. C shot and practically tore a nolo tli.oiigh tho palm of tho hand. Old man Alexander has long been a source of great annoyance nnd trou ble to the clly police. He has a shack mar the O. K. Harn nnd it Is said that ho Is continually causing troublo with a.bunch of Indlani which ho al lows to hnng out there. Tho marshal has been called there a dozon times In tho Inst week, hut by the tlmo he arrived thu troublo would bo over and ho would find tho Indians and Alexander cooking dinner. It Is nlso alleged thut Alexander furnished tho Indians with whiskey and that It how tho rows would start. This morning Alexander mndo com plaint tb Deputy Sheriff Scrallock that Polly, a squaw, had stolon hit bridle. Later Polly wanted Alexan der nrrested as sho. claimed ho had itolen all her things. Tho Marshal liml had vnoug'h troublo with tho out fit and refused to do anything unless il-o got n warrant. Apparently tho tnlllnns went back to the shack for iliortly after two word was sent to the sheriff that they were having trouble. Marshal Low and Policeman I'erllngs had Just started is that dlr ctlon, and before they arrived with tho sheriff, they met Ilurnslde coming with his hand nearly shot off. Ho was taken to Dr. Hamilton's offlco and Mexandcr was placed In the county all. It Is hoped that some disposition vlll bo mndo of Alexander that will rid tho town of him for somo time. He has been ordered to leave town many times In the past but always turns up again after a short absence, lie has been nrrested and placed In Inll but would have to bo let go as ho was only an cxpenso to the city, This time It Is believed the officials a 111 bq able to send him to the pen. THE MAItltlAGE OF KITTV" AT OPKltA HOVSE TONIGHT. Eckhnrdt's Ideals are at their best In finished comedy. Tonight's play Is a delicious comedy, containing real laughs, and a well constructed plot. Tho stago settings and costuming will be especially elaborate. This company has been here long enough to dcmonBtrato that no matter what tncy put on, It Is dono well. Now specialties and moving pictures will be presented. "Tho Flag of Truce," as presented last night was a treat, and was witnessed by n good house. fre-!-':- '' , A Peok of Grain in tho Barn is worthaBumhoi in tho Field PtevkMtlf Bmrm hmm a QtHkft IXL Roof and Barn Paint Pfovonti tmmktmMarnuoktompiiemrMiHw IS AS NECESSARY AS FIRE INSURANCE ROBERTS 5c HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS !' U JA Iii f3 f'Li !S m