The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 19, 1908, Image 1

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Klaiimlli ',aIlrt, F,wl
mid lira lully .
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Willi Vi:ah. No. WB.
Price, 5 Cents
Aspen Lake to Be Made Resort
for Wealthy Sportsmen
limber King and Associates Will Hove Opportunity to Revel
In the Pleasures of the finest Shooting in the
United States-He Neighbors of llurrimnn
j it tmiiliT. nf tli W'-yi-i
Inner 1i"'r Cntnpmi). mid J V
KlmliU 'I" '"",l rei'tem-ntittlu' nf
Ihi-iiiiniorp Imi" Jn.t t turned (mm
Hie iimtiiT in Hi" lilnll 'f Aspen
jl(- tnii' they have '"''' ItnikltilS
liter tin uimpnn' pinpeil) mid nl
V) lHl'UlllflllHllt tln sowing of v
ml litii"li"d pounds nf wild ! mi
thr marshes surrnunilliiK ,sp"ii l.nk"
Tli ive'erhmlsi-r Complin) owns
i.trr I'm "'"' '" "' t ItnloT Irtlids
In tin- ililnllv f tlm I'iuht Uike
Thu al" own I'1" ''IK' lk l-l
if AaHii Ijike lilh l nl-niil l
talks limit and I"1"' '"I1'' ' ml In
nJ hall wide, ami nlin tlm land
IllDE oil tl' "il ll' nf Hi" !"'
Aifx-n l.aki l " "I I"' I"-"' 'I'"-1'
toil jii' -miuids In tin' itiMr coun
try nil li the nir f ill" Compuri)
In havltiK II ntrsh" l llu lake
win In IM rim. In git II In readl
tni fur Hi" liililMiiniiii of n limit
Inn IkIk mil sinsiin. II In liiillewd
lbt llili is III'! Ilmt step III tin' build
hxof a private resort Hint will 'nnl
l( not surpass Mr lliirrlmun's famous
I'rllran lln) Ilium'.
On-- nt tin' best tlmlii'r bells In
Kltmitli rounl) ll" Just wrt nf ''
I'pprr IaVk TIiIk vnt terrllor) l
dotlptl llli iinnll lakes iirriiiinili'il
tr mountains invon-d v llli gneti
limits of tiiworliiK pine iu (if
the prill I'll t of IhiT" l Aspen LuVii
Hire iiilllliinii nf durks nn geese
mile tin ir tiiiiiii' In III" early (nil mid
la ll.i' tirrotitidliiK 111111111111111' tli'
ilwr nr mid other wild ';nu
s.liuinl liuikllii: II mi I'li'nl I'lar ' 'nr
a hunting Indue mid result
A tin' lake It In private ownership
It Ims iinrr lii'i'ii IiiiiiIimI out nml Hi"
ramo In vi-r) plentiful mill It will I"'
rit to by tin' plmitltiK n' wdld "r0
tni ntliir feed Tim lodge will li"
alaMlslii-d fur llm tle Hint moili'iiio
"litliin nf llm iiii'inliiTN nf tin' Wit)
irritiii-r Company Thi Cniiipiiiit
hlili In IimiiIi-iI liy Kri'ili'rlrk Vi'Sr
I.HIMT till tlllllMT kliiK "f tin' 'ilil
Our Tape Line is
displaying five hundred brilliant new Fan weaves. You'll be
interested if you call
U tlllllMIi'l ill lllililll llilll) iHt.,l
'lit f lt II 1 1 Mt ei. lln linllni; hiiiiii' it t'n
iiilllilil mi ii in Hi,. I'mtiil HMli-
t'lnliT iilillliurv i III illiliitiiliii'H 1'ila
lllllllllllll ''llll'lll Hlllllll In-rni li it M It II
lint 'iiinr iiiiinlili-riitluii. fur li -rinmili
Hi. i' II U Hi-It kniiMii llii
V- i-l till ilk f nun til lit i tlnilmr llilll
In tlil omit nnil lln- Iniiriivi"iii 1 1
III llilll Mllllll llll- tlll-ll'llt In till' nf
nltilill llliiniliiini' llnl IliU iililinniii i
niniit Ima iiiuii- I linn nnllmir) Uhl-niuiiu-
ll ni'-ali tli- lii-r.llinllU. "i
rillln-r lln- intitlniliilliili. nf udi. U
In In- tin' iIi-m.iiiiii til nf Kliituilll
Count u ii ti-nnil lur tin' i-iiitli
tUlri'ii nf Atui-rliii Mr Iliirrli'inii
tni tin' lift. Mr Vi.)irl;aii' r li- H.'--ntnl
nml mhiii It Mill Im- of allium
"-kl) OM-itiri'liei' In In-ur nf nl "in
fnlliiMliu-. In llii-lr fnnUli'im
Nimliiti- In tin- I'nlli-il Hint) .in
In In' fnninl iiitiilltlniK mi lili-rl .'i
liny mi' In Kliitniitli nml tlila fml i
rnplilly Ik-Iiik k-iokiiIi-iI Ii tin- lin-u
of tin aim vtlio an- m-i-klliK (ilnnM In
n-i n-ntlnti TliU i-ntiiuiu' of Mr
Wi')i-rliniiM-r i.nilial.'-H llm ti-'.i-lt
for lln- ixitiktrnitliiti of lln Kla-.i
nth Kalln-t'riiti-r Uiki-Mi-ilfont lill.
mid Willi Hk (iiiiiili tlmi Kl.m.nt'.i
roiint) Hill laki- lt .lai- In tin' fluiil
rmik nl tin- n-iorl m-rtlnn nf i.o
Aini-rlnui mntltn-nl, ulilili n in
t lut t Mllliln n i' )-nrH lll In- r--Ih-.iIimI
tin' lilklnt) nf 1'lnrliln ntnl
M'i.e m. sai.i: ii nttn.
Tin Motuirili Mi-nmitll" l'uiipnii
Iiiih 7.'i limi'H nf 1'i'iiilii'N nml Till linx-i-n
nf Tnin.iloi-H ttlilrll Mill I"' iIoki-iI
mil nt II ii hot Thin ktilHimnt will
lio llir IiihI Ininiiloi-H till m-iiHilt
Our pinpleari' Inteil.Keiit and keen
Thoy an? ahlit alter experlenrn to
Ktiaitu the Impnrtaiire tn lie attaeheil
and tlm uinfldenre to In- lurnnled In
HlaU-ineiilH ho i-xtreiim that the) lie.u
liilweeii their llln'H tln refutation of
what 111") expreHH W II T.ifl
Ready For You
Have Your Clothes
Made to Order
No two men ore built exactly
alike which makes it abso
lutely imperative to take
measurements of the vat ions
parts of your body nml have
your clothes built uccordinly.
To have your clothes made
to order by the master de
signers and tailors of America
and pay less than so called
swell local tailors charge is
now your privilege. The
modern, money saving way is
to order your clothes through
Strauss Brothers'
National Tailoring Strvlce.
You will receive the kind of
' clothes which you can wear
with equal pleasure to yourseir
and admiration of your
friends. We have the cxclu
: incal naencv and are now
ki,.m'iii i'i:oi'i,i;
i:kiv hi:i:in(i tiii: di:vii.
Illl-H- UIIU HIIIIII-I) liti-nililiii; ni'
III llll- (Ill'lll Hlllllll- lllHl l-M'tllll)'. Ulll'll
In- Kil'lianll inniiiiii iiti-m-tili-il lint
fii at 1 1 it ii i'.u i In ii piny 'Tim Dnvll "
llilx uim llm til Ml tlim- Hint I Ilia i'iiii
iinti pi i-Hi'iil i'il tlin iluy ntnl llm
ii illttilili' iiiiiiitn r In w hlili i-itili
iiii-iiilii-i ri'inli-ti il tliclt '.'nt irnvi-il
Uiul l.'iklniiilt liana linn iii;i:ri-Klitloii
nl hli-li i Iuhm nrtlklH Tim lnti'tiri'tii
Him or Dm I 1 1 v. hl li uiih ilacil
in flit I lliittiiliii-, unit ilii ml in lr:i
iii. li nl dm miilli-tiii- nml litottclit
lotth ii iiiimi lliitti.tlm; iiiiIiiiihii Ivi
i mi w H iiii I'.i'iitilni' Tim uiit In ii
muni illlllinlt inn- lint Mr llniiiiilib')'
liiitnlli-il it ultlt i-iikM nml It wax the
i'i-ti"iiil iiiiiKi'tiioiH of opinion tluit In-tii.nli-
n tiiiiHl niiionlli nml lonvlm Iiik
I Minx Immmi im llm li-iiilllii: lady
n-i tut tin il hit illlllinll imt w llli
jiK-illl lo Inint-ll nml tin- loiuiMiiy.
I'IIi'ki. tun wrii- nlil) miinii li-il li)
1 Mlnu MiIioIn Mr llllii"tli ntnl llm
iiIIiit tn -iii Ik m of llm unit.
'I mil tlit "l.iiiikliiK fnr ii WTfi'." nr
IIiiihu'h In Town." will Im n-i .il-il
on miotitil of tin- initiii'toiiH ii-itii-Hla
In Mill luii linn mail" fin tlila
. I.iiiulinlili ioiin-il
i i-ri:i: i.ji: nous.
Tin- Htiani'T Maniin.i In still lit llm
Imtloiii of tin' Inki' Thi' rti'W with
Hi" lliirint ati' siillliiu fm lln' Htorin
tn Kiiliilili' tii'fori- atti.iiitltu; tn rain"
llii Tli") will iiroliiilil) iiiiii
iiii. in ' work thin nfti-rnnnn
lln- Hn-mimr IIiikIh m III lie in com
tnlHnloti loilny or loinorrou
Tim lutnlii'r for tlm Kiivrrnint'iit
llillll" U kI 111 intnltiK ilnwil tlm lak".
Th" miiiln moiinil tlm l'ii"r latnl
liiK arr mt tmiilil) niakliiK It nliiiiim
lniiaKalii- for ti'.uiiK
Tin' llli; l.iik-1- Iiiih tl"ti m-wral
InilifH In tin- I.ihI ni'i'k nml In r- Ml
iImiii: x
Tln linimli llni'tiii VIhIii will In
ilin 'il in InT winter lit-rlh HiIh wiik.
Ml I V IIIith Ik tti.iklliK i-xU'll-l"
liiiiioitin-ntH on Ills ilwrlllni;.
litnl.H mi- ili-ntlfiil on tlm ttiior
lilllt hIii-t. tlm iiuimih lnukn In IliK '
ii-iliill In o lili'iii"
I'ri'il KtiKHtioin, ii Hinknmi Inml
(tiilm'i, Ih on III" t'in'i l.ak" look
lui; fm n liiintloii
iii:(;siiitkis notiiis
ruisi: TOMonitow.
HI It Till! I'ltCHIIIKNTIAI, i:i.kc
THIN Wll.l. fl.OriC AT B O'CLOCK
TOMOUItOW i:Vi:NIN(l. Vi-iy few
Iium- rt-KlHlered en far, lint II in the
duty of every rltlzcn tn roRlnter mid
iiIk at the iiinitiiK elertlnn
1 liefoie iiulttliiK tho military kkiiiiiiIh
...I iniiuiru vtlii.r.. Im him unit nil the
Iwnild'H aeroplane records, Wilbur
.WrlKht annnmii-ed that lie would at
'letnpt to nail IiIh aeroplano lit a
helithl of I, nun tniiorn. nr 'i,'iua feet,
land a Uo would attempt n IIIkIiI with
h.iIIh, dUcardliiK Ills inolor. The an
nnuuceuient wan Hindu In thu presence
nf l.azaro Welller, who headed tho
,Kren(h Hyndli-nle Unit paid 1100,000
fnr llm French iIkIHh to the WrlKht
liminem aeroplane. num. uiu m.i
my liow he would eiiulp his ueroplniio
with sails, merely HtntliiK that ho was
innvlneeil that u motor was not nec-i-Hsmy
for propelllni; tho nmchlue.
The lilBhest that WrlKht hns )et sail
id is i:T. feet, llo hii)- that ho has
hnrniiKhly tested tho practicability
of tlm maililuo uiul that a tllitlit ut
I he lii'lKltt nf 1,000 meters will be
mi nun n dlflleult than ono ut "h met
ers, tho IicIbIiI at which most of his
lllKhts liavu been made.
Our Flock Is In early to gtvo you
all nn opportunity to select your Holi
day Ktfts. A small doposlt iMcurui
puichuso. We'll lay It asldo tor yuu
for futuro dullvory, which give you
a ctmuco to niako your selections
wullo m stock Is complete.
Kvon, It you should not cnio to
purebaso, wlilla away aomo ot your
tlmn listening to tho Phonograph
Concert which will be going on oil
tho time.
HEITKEMPKU'B, Next door lo the
l.lfo in Washington lomN most tnon
who uto Impartial and who tnko broad
views of affairs to n condition ot rea-
Bonwblo optimism as tho progress to
ward hotter things. W. H. Tatt.
HM.N.vioit rriio.v (-iii:.ti:s
I'lotn MiO in iniili i"iiili- frotii nil
IhiiIh of lillllmii Coimly nml u law
lililllnti of Wlii'i'li'i County i;alliLT"il
nt Comloti I'rliluy nlKlit to IIhIcii to
llm intmliu: aililr"H nf H"iiatnr I'nl
tmi, wlin Hidk" mi lln- la-mi nf lln-!
I'ri-ilili-tilliil ianiialnii '
tiiii-rmii ('liiinilii-rtlilli Iiiih Hiok-n
ttn-l" H""inl lllin 1, win li tin- (milt
liiiii" wan it i it i I InrK" ' ink') inn
nf lln- itnwilH, lint tlm lair"l tmlilli'l
lilill in tnwn wau iiniilili tn linlil nil
llm i"0l" whn umili'il tn !mm Mr (
Til" IIOWll UIIH "llillll lIUHtll fill.
Tuft ntnl Hlii'rtiiun, ami In a i;noil
Imllintloii of llm Ki'iiiililiian ntn-iiKt li I
In Cunti-rn Ohkoii Hmuitor rultuii'H
nriU w,ti. fM-itiL-iitly uiitutiill. Al
liiK"tli"i tin- iiii'i-tltiK miih tlm rrat
int ""iil nf It k klml "Mr li"lil In tin
i (mill)
hi:vi:ntv.tiiici:i: cuts or
i'.vi'ii.i: ix rout ims.
Mi lli-liion Ih uitnliily a Milpiilni;
n. Int I A I'ltzpatrlrf, Htii"rln-li-mti-nt
nr tin- Y.X riinili 'lu l.ak"
Cntinty. on I ilil.-i) ami Kntiinliiy of
hint ui'i-k. illHpulilii'il f.T carH of rat
it" to tin- lliiKiin ramli. llakem-
Hi-til TIiIh Hhlpiiii'iil r"iiilri.'il two
'hi"(IiiI truliiH. TIiIh. with 14 arH
iHlilppi-il Siitnlay nml two Mnmlay
mnk"H T.T inrn In fntir ilayn The nr. iH
thlt) In inltl" uhlptni-nlH toKotln-rl l H'" arid and aomlarld riKlona i... rr..ii,i .,,.,,.t,i fur tin- no itucHtlun in of liinr" v tal Imnort-
llonmira nml Merrill dUtrlitH. KlvcHlmite than that of water nupply. for,
Mt. Il.-lnon tlmiipix-arntic" of an Itn-'a- I'li-aMi'iit ltooelt unld In lila
i.i.rti.i,. iliHirllmtltiL' ii-nti-r. Cow Iiojk' firm inenKaRe to CutiKrcM In 1901,
land freluhliTH a I no mid their iiinta
lo the K"in-ral activity
-DnrrlH llniiH-
ftiwc.vuov or m'iiooi.
r.oAiius or tiii: ror.TV,
The Klninath Comity Teathem In- luntlinie fcSt'
Htlliilu will Iw-Kln n three da) eH- Th" United Slates. Geolnmial Pnr
hIoii on Thtirnda). It will lie one of ey linrt for inanyearn been makinK
the Kreati-Ht InalltiltiiM ever held In j h; rtfinatlc Miidfes of water Hiipplli-.i,
theioimty. This Ik thu II rut ( otiveti-1 Until etirfnce and aubaurfacc, and In
lion of thlK kind held In tho inunty cnriuitlcn with the worl; under way
mid pnitnlHi"i tn he n very Inxtnutiut n man) li.ialltirs. hoih tn tho hast
ineetlni;. Hintii Superintendent Aik-.uml In the West, mi Invei.tlRatlon of
et limn will ho present uiul will lmV(5jhr'i;iiil(ii;y and water renourcea of a
iHiinii'lhlni: of p.irtii uliit Intereat 'to
Hay to llm dlriclom. Superintendent
Swan Ih iiiuKIhr iiii erTort lo.KOt tlniibultiK a8Hli:ned to Ceroid A. WarlnK.
mIiooI Ik.ih.1k to take iiinrf Interest. -l0 nren Hd.dlcd by Mr. ;.rtnK In
lu tlm elTortH lielni; put orth liy tliucui)l4 tu, Krcater part of Lake coun-l.-arlierH
and iIiuh eiinblo nil to workitJ nm) eJ )n t0 northwestern ex
lu harniouy fnr the ndvantement of kCnMl:l f tllllt Brtal roon cf In
eiluiutlou In Klntiiath County ,,.r()I drninnco fro-n which no
iiohhks i.v (r:.Mim:uv.
.J. C. MoiiKold found two hoircs in
tlm Odd Fellows cemetery this morn
Iiik. The Odd Fellow have recently
liiillt a nuw fence and It Is In soud
inndltlon. As tho Kate was clow.l
It Is evident that tho owner nf the
nuliunls opened tho :ato uiul
thi tu In. Two tombstone were
knni-Aed over nnd other diimnKo done
by tho horses. Mr. Mongold took the
horses lo 'Ilennelfo Stables nnd re
ported tho matter to tho officers of
thu IoiIko. They were two bay geld
ings, welitht 1400 each. Ono had n
stripe in face and while hind feet
with blotch circle braud on left shoul
der. Tho other had n spot In face
with bob tall ami branded 40 on liKht
Thu Hoard of Kqualizatiou met this
morning In tho County Judge' officii
and as' tho tax rolls vveio not ready.
It ndjourned until tomorrow. Tho1
Hoard will bo In session for thirty
da)v but It Ih not expected that tho
lolls will bo ready before tho latter
part of tho week ns tho Assessor is
checking up tho larger holdings to
uwlhat there are no double assess
As thu fruit season closoa tho Mon
arch Morcnntllo Company will add
to thilr stock a complete line of fresh
crabs) shrimps, halibut, soa bass, sal
mon nd all salt water and frc'i llsh
in th6 market. A full stock of uicss-
od fowls will also bo catrled.
Wo aro not In tho Philippines for
tho purpose of making trade but
wo are thero to discharge tho highest
duty that ono nation can toward an
oUter people. Tatt.
Of Arid Region of a Portion of
South-Central Oregon
Soils, Mocks, Lakes, Irrigation Methods and Reclamation
Projects Discussed liy Gerald A. Waring of the
United States Geologicul Survey
Tln- ruplill) Im ri'.-ulni; Huttk'iiii'tit
nnil il""loitii"nt nf tho Wi-hI tliut liaa
ii'iuiiipunlul th" r n-nt Imliutrlal ex
pntiilnn of III" I'nltiil Stat "a linn loJ
to a mow Hi nf li'"ri.t In all tliosc
factnrH wlilrli afTi-it tlm ailaitaljllty
nf that UKlnti to Imrnari ii""(1h. Oil"
nf tin- i-lenrcHl "vlili-ncf nf tliln In-
, cri'anlnK Inti-rnkt la the innatant de-
iiianil for il"lltilt" nnil truKtworlhy In-
f or mat Inn (nim-rnlni; Im dlmatL'.solU
nilncrnl rco'itirrcii, timber nnil water.
So mi-ill Ih HiIh dt-mnuil that tlm
Ki'ik-rul ntnl State bodies which hatu
Ih'Oii nrt;aiil2id tn atmly the natural
rwourcim nr" iicarccly ible to meet
i . .. . . .. .
In tin- arid ri-KlmiH it la water, not
land, w tilth nieaKitpti nroductkm."
Wliiro wnter tnti ho Introduced or de
veloped In uhundame, 'ulonlzntinn
will take plare; where water elsu
in limited iiunntlty, xparm- wttlemont
In pontilhlo. but where water la not
to bo had uiwnt (imutllcin must
portion of wiutli-central Oregon was
ordered In the fall of mot!, ilit work dlfiliarpo to the ocean and
khich U therefore l:nown as tho Great
llasiu. The noulhn intern part of the
county Is mountainous but tho sur-
face of the northern part and of the
region to the rnit Is that of a broken
plateau, whoup mean elevation above
bca level Is between 4.500 and 5.000
feet. The man) depressions In this
uneven luifnio cither contain shal
low lakes or are sinks lu which tem
porary pond cut only during the
wet scaspn lu this plateau region
tin re are no ilveis and even well-de-lined
stream channels nro raro.
iyIHHimi in npiwiii. r in imm iq py iiawMMastajBwt;
I'll llrCMlJi' "( ' '"i.C"1'
A Peck of Grain in the Barn
is worihaBumhet in the Field
ProvUa fto Barn Imm a Good Root
IXL Roof and Barn Paint
Provontm LeakB-aMa muoh to a$nearanoB
In the report on his work which
the- Stitvey hns Just published as
Wator-.S.ipply Paper No. 220, Mr.
WuiInK Klvis nn n count of tho sur
faco features of the region and of Its
F"ttlinc-nlR and Industries, dlscusies
tin rocks and their relations 10 un
iloiKT.iiiud waters, and deicrlles In
dctjll the hiktu which Klvo tho namv
lo tl o (ounty. llo dlscusies also
rolls, Irrigation method, and recla
mation pruJcttE. In the summary
with whlih tho pnper concludes Mr.
WnrlnK says:
'The suppl) of Kti'ince Jst'cnm)
water is available for Irrigation In
Iiko county is fairly well 'known,
and should It ho developed It will by
no means bo sufficient to Irrigate all
thu arable land. Tho underground
supply Is as yet unknown, ,kul on tho
wholo Indications seem
toarornblo for the"'"(Ic-velopment ot
'such waters la tho valleys ot Silver,
Christmas, and Summer lakes at
"The reclamation of theso valleys
will not only Increase, tho agricultur
al wealth of tho State, but Its stock
raising Interests will also be greatly
benefited. In severe winters the sup
ply of wild hay from the marshes Is
very Inadequate, and many head of
stock perish every )ear from hunger
and exposure.
"Grain, alfalfa, and sugar beets
promise to bo the chief crops In the
valleys, and It seems that for several
enrs to como nearly all produce will
find a homo market. Tho rocky high
deierts will probably never be Ot for
other than grazing purpose, but It
feed can be raised In the valle)s to
carry greater numbers of sheep and
cattle through the severe weathcr.tho
winter losses will bo decreased and
many more head of stock can bo
ranged In the country. Tho scarcity
ot water on tho high deserts during
tho summer (when It Is sometime
30 miles between water holes) will
remain a drawback to tho grazing ot
cattle and sheep over theso areas dur
ing this season. In other regions, as
In Texas, wells have been sunk at In
tervals of S or 10 miles, and wind
mills nnd troughs supply this defici
ency. Dut until tests havo first been
made In more favorable localities, It
can not bo said whether It Is posstblo
or feasible to thus supply water on
tho Oregon plateaus."