He Ifcnftu L,mth FmIIh' I'lwl Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . i,l llest Daily .... Yi:ak. No. :. KLAMATH FALLS, OltKGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBKR 1. 1008. Prici:, 5 Cents GETTING WARMER TTST mperature Has Not Been Be low Zero in Five Years it Cluinnc of lour Ucqrees I here Will He No I urlher Midli'il'ity of Dtimuqo Irom Frosts in the Sprinij-- Sluiilo I reus and Population Raising lemperoturu l )iiihiik letter irn'UiMi rimn .. 1 . . ..... ..... Iiifiln'r III WIIKIllllu. l nun. ( II H.llllpll' llf SUtllll Of till! ill'- id iiii'Iiihiii nun hihiih iiniui- III Kimiiiith ('initily, whtili iln nun' nlnni' from pi'iipl" mi I tin ti tit In limn)' limtiuiii'X from ira III KliilllHlll Kill)' l.irHlr I would )' v.T) iiuirli tod tu juu mill would tin Mill- lur II, II )nil would send Iln nltliliil wi'iillier lecnru ur ntli I'iiIIk fr III" pnt 16 rr Irliuiiil n mini Hi' "tlH-r du In ell nun of lli' clerks tluit he d iilnu kill I n: . .. . a I...... ....I I.. 1 'i 'ulili'a 1 inn iui-i-i,-., ,11 Ln'ti I alio nml would Ilk" In K''l ll.lit. 1 blinking '"l. ri'lliiilli VlllltB, C i: MII.VA. Onkltilul, Calif riiriUwig In II ttWinl weather Iln ilnrllir. I"" l-il twi-nt) ) '!. slmiliil" inllilliiillil tempi'lulur" Lurilnl ik Iii-Iiii: Ii.'Iiiw rini hut tliin-K 'Iln iiiiitillm urn a It n tlitfrei's hi'lnw H'lii 11 11 J iiIho Inn r ln-fl" uti Ill Jiiiin. k niiil.il I'liruar) allium miliar) 'rurti.m ntiimr) lirimn is SO ISS ISSS ISO I 1)1 II II M I dl'K ' inlnua I it''K Ultima '.'I iti'K lllllltia 0 ili'K i;hi 111 1 mi 1. iIpk. i:mi; milium r iIuk lliit.i minus 1; iIi-k I'jii- mill IUih'. tin' temperature 11I n-rii, mill In l!Mi7 Iln' lowest i iIik iiIhimi nml tin oddest l.ir lii I'.ins wim lii IVhriuir) 11 renrhi'd '. d"g ubntii. In tin i' wan 11 general atortn K limit Hie I'litlri' rnaat liliil It lii. 1.. 1. Imt winter known Tin unlit it i'iil iliiwii In It I 1I11: bltl""' U II lll'lll'IIIUII. Willi Una il tin' iimltiti'iimiM' ilep.irl- 11I On lli'ilmiiiitlnii Kit. In1. Ii'ih kllnl n t mil of I In- li'iui'i'iif I nn. I riiiniiill nml Iiiih 111111I1' mini) tiiflmiH nn llin imulltluiia Iiiti' tin' Iterlmmitlnn Bertli" frtt mi'iiri'il work Hi' ilnlim Unit ' art mi I'klii'iiii'H In tin. wi'iitlit't" IIIiuih nml Unit llin rnlil Hi'iilliiT t iiiiltiirin without nn hiiiIiIi'Ii Ki'K It I horn was n iluini;i' In l iii.iTiitini' In UiIh hciI Inn nl iln'ii'iH iIiiiIiik tin' I'lill) sum- I tin n umiM Iiii nn dmnagit ilniii )i'iriiii, nml It Ih Mr llelloinnn's niiliilnii Unit wllli Iln' K.'titi'tin nt nl tlin iniiiitry nml iilmitliiK nl ahuil" trees nml tin' lii" uf iiinri' water fm III Ir.ltHllll, It Will ll'llll til llllHI' till' ti'iiii"iiitiiin Hiilllrli'iitly in Iiihiii" safety Irntn lute finals The 1 lliniitk iiitnllllmiN hate lii'i'ii 1 hunglug inn- IiIitiiIiIi' 111 Ui" in 11 1 1 y Hi'ltl"H 1 1 1 mnl tin wliili'i lit" getting, mm h Kiuiiii'r ll Kill Ih nullii'il Unit Ih" ti'liiii'rutiirii Iiiik nut li.-.tn lu'lim "nil CHICAUO, (Jit Id lli'iui'iii'litli 1 1 Cliiird'H N I'iiwI"!- nf Ni'W JurM-y, C llll It lllll II llf III" llllllHI. I'llllllllllll'll iiii ll.inl.liii'. nml Ciiih'iim. in mi In ii I tll'W Hlllll I ilimlit whi'lhei llii'i" Ih iiiiyniiK wlm Ih mm" niti'ily mnl iilmnlutuly 1 1 I t -! in Mi llimi'H iiri'pnatermi mnl 1I1II1 iiIimih nilii'iii" (nl cniillinlc 1111; I mi 11 It ii'iiHh limn I mn It In In. 1 nn nliminl nn It v. 011 III In- in .KH 11 law H'MiiliIni: nil llin liiHiinun " tiiiniiiiili'H In itluiii" nil llvi-H wltliniil 1111) I'xiiiiiliiiitlini nl tliimi) imiiiri'il, nr 11 Inw i"iuiiii: llin llitiiiiiimo ruin. niiil"H in linnirv nil rlnliH vsltlinut i'X miilinitlnn nt Hi" irii"rt Hi'Ji'ctlmi mnl iiitiili'ininillmi miint in-n-Mniirlly (nllniv nn tiiiil"iMfinilliiK nt Mm nilii'iiin uhlili iih put fnruiinl iih 11 Mil" 111I1 Iiii. mil linnnm tin 11111J1T hIiiii.I Ui" iimiiiiiiii iiimlii) mnl inm-i li.-H nt IniiikliiK Inili'vil, I iln mil H'cnll liln iiiiiillriitlnii nt miy "in In llt. ".iin mnl In Ui.. lii.t I.. "iin. ,. , ,(. (....,,. ,lM ,lk. ,,!,. II liim mil) ii'itilii'il 'j iilmti A.Mtl HCII IMI'KI.II IIHI SI). limn Tlmiii" ilri'U iiiiulli'T I1I1: hiiin." lut "Vi'iilm; i:vir iinll:ilil" i:hi una mhihI fur "itrn ilinlm mnl i"ii.i. ni'ii I'Vi'ii ktnnillm: In Iln nlali'i III Uii'lr i'iii;"riii' tn KlIIH'ra tlila iiiTtiiriiiniHi' liy tlin Ill l.liiinlt iniiil'.'iii) An mi i'ii'iin nf Iiiih tllla l'nlliimi) la il"imlliK III" ii'ni". nil" 1 11 it ri wiia In mil In trninrli "II Unit iiimimii) ilni-an't li-iivn luv.ii wimi I'll kii lirnki I klmiily iiin't k"i'p iiHiiy miy iiIkIii tliuy !! - l'i" r.nt til H"" Itll'lll llll til" "lll'tll." If It tnki'N tin Inat i "ill I IniM' " Tnnlr.lit tlirr" will Int tin in'rfnrin mn" na Ui" Krmiit Imll nf Un I'urnlwil lll li" Klvi'ii In tlin (ii'tn llinia" In liniinr nf Ui" (juci'ii mnl lur innliU Tiiliiniinw nl:lit tin')- will itn "A Mnti'H lltnki'ti rrninlt" " A unit hi"" "III l" Klvi'ii Kntiinlnj nfliTtiiHiti iiiliiliii'iirliiK nt I'-nn hlinrp jilt uiri'i'r Unit Iiiih In-i'ii hiiiiiiI I I'nlll llin Ininki'iH nf tlm l.'nlti'il HlnlfH ni" 11 tit In irl 7 t-il mnl innipi'lli'il tn aiiinitlH" tin iiihi'IM'h nml mini" I riiipniiallil" fm Uii'liiNi'lVi'H H" m iiii n tint Hi'iiit" tin1 ri'fnrm Unit nr" ia K.'lillul In Ui" iirnti'itlmi nf nil li.uik rri'illta. tn Ui" mni" tli-aily mnl per mmii'iit "inpliiyini'iit nf Inlmr, tli" prn ti'itlnn nf iln- iiiuiiiirni tuicr. Hi" HUT 'limit mnl inmini'ii" Ki'inTiilly iiKiilnai tint miiiiinl hpiihiii mnl itI mill' mini l)Hina "TIll'H" UllllltH rilll III'VIT In' HP- uitti'il Kltliinit iiiilfjlni: mnl in-nnli-it ill I n 1; Ui" liiinkltiK liiti'ii-klH nf Iliu I'nlli'l Ktiiti-a. ulilili imiiint li" ii( rnmiillalii'il If wi'Miirt mi tli" ilow n V.1111I ami faliil 111111H" nf UHiiInK I'liltiit Stnli'H nnti'H to mi'i't IjiikIiii-hh ri'ii'tlii'liiiTila In nniinliilir" tli tli" liciiiiirrntlr pl.it tin in mnl fatmitmly uml fiinllnlil) IiixIiik nil ImnU in In- Hiir" ili'puHlU In nunriluiiiii with tli" llrymi plmi, wlilili Ik Jiihi iih niimii miilr, hlinlln mnl Inn I iih IiIh fr"" till II llf." HI lll'lll" lit III" lllllllll nf hI li'i'li In mn, mnl IiIh pinpnunl In il" Hi 1 11 V mil Cli'.il I ill 1 v. 11 MyHti'liiH llirmicli 1111II111111I mnl Hint" iiwihthIiIp mnl nil nf IiIh nt lur Imll limlm-u hl'Iii'Iiii'h tutu Mini; I'iniiniiili' iiimtiiiiH "Tin1 imiHiimmiiti) uIhiIhiii lnvnrl nlily hIiiiwii h Mi Tnft In rt'lnllmi In llll llin Kli'lit pmlili'HiH li" Iiiih wi hih I'l'HHfillly III"! nml nnlvi'il, wIiimi lip pll"il In llin llniitii Inl mnl currency iienlliii. wlilili Ih Iliu :reut"Hl iii"K (Ion mm lctnrn tli" tlvlllzi-tl wnrlil, will li'iitl iih iiintrrliiKly tn Un rlKlit Htiltitlnii, mnl tlirmiKli IiIh Kiiltlmir" V.H will hi'tiir" fur nil imr liankii iri illlnm. fur nnr IiiihIikhh Inti'rvHtH mnl Aiiicrlnin rnnitni'ri", 11 m Ifiitlflc tin mirlal mnl 1 itrit'iic) h-hI-iii. wlilrli oti Klit In Int Mi" In'Ht In Ui" wnrltl. "Cu'i-MliliiK Unit Mr llrymi Iiiih Niiltl iip'in pnllllial mnl "cntinimo iini'HtlmiH iltnliiK tli" pint twclvi) yearn lina li""ii nttereil fur the Hpeilllc purpiiii; nf fnnlltiK the penpl" nml trnpplliK llu-lr wit" Tli" plimf nl UiIh HtntetiH'M Ih j'Vltleiireil liy Ui" tint that ttlieni'M'r Mr. Ilrjnn In n HlHteil by Hni iniiilnnn H"iii nf Hie American penpl", wlilth Ih ulinnnt In viirlnhly the rnne upmi mich tines HmiH, lie Immeilliiti'ly ritmrtH nml letrentH "On Hie nther hiiml. no ilerlnlonH ntiiliiHil li) Mr Tnft. when Jmle". tin win ilt ntlervil by him. no ileeilit iluii" hy him ilmltiK hlj) ptiblle career, call for npolncy nr ik'tonae simply be cmiHu he nttiTH iKithlniC unit ilnen nut film: for miy other reawm tlinn iKsntue hu believes It rlfiht anil wlu. To Mr. Taft, therefore, Iliu Ameri can people may lonflilently look tor liniKri-Mlw, )"t coiiaervntlvo nctlon npnn nil llnaticlnl nnJ currency itien- tlOIIH. ' IRRIGATION IN LAKE Valley Land Company Promoting Big Colonizing Scheme Project Will Cover About Three Hundred Thousand Acres in Lake, Klamath and Harney Counties, Which Are Now (icing Sold Under Contract been Hk'il by District Attorney. The nu miienilinent provides Miat no per Hon Hhull bu prosecuted except upon liiillitinent by u Kr.-tml jur. FINE BINCH OF CAVALRY HORSES Seattle for Shipment to the Philippines The I nlli'il Kliilffc IliHpi'itoi whiiiThe) were Hclei'tcil h) Mi'SSfH. Ailiim lllll OIT III' TOWN VISITORS. , our k ih m ...ri, ... .- p.ulArmy Inspector Has Finished lests-Horses Taken to all mi nppnitniilt) tn hcIciI : our lloli III) KlftH A Hliuill ilepoall in'rllleN1 purihliH". Wf'll la) It liable for Jim1 fur fiiliim ilellter), tthUh r,len jnu 11 iliiini" tn milk" our Helectlntm Willi" III) Htnik Ih inluplete Hteli. If oil hIiiiiiIiI nut enre tn pureiuiH", wliliu uwny hoiiiii nt our Mni" lUteiiliiK l Hi" I'luiuuitriiph Concert vt lil li will be itnlliK nil nil Ih" time. UIIITKIIMI'CHS. Next iloor In Ih rowioiiii" Tint Jiny K)Hlelll iopllhlllen the com I, mill Kites Dm people to lllliler Htanil Unit the) hut" not only nn ln leieHl, bill nlmi 11 purl In the lulmlu IhIiiiIIoii of Jllittlin V II Tnft Ihiiti been leMliiK the cavalry luiruM at the AilmiiH rmicli for the :ihI tliue iln)H will llnlsli IiIh work thh even- ItiK. Tim hnrhcH will be ilrlven to tlm nillroatl uml Hlilppeil tllrett to Swittl". where they will bo loniled nil 11 trmiHport mnl taken to the Phil IpplneH for line by Iliu United Slnte Army.' ' There are SO liorRCH In the hunch. mul Stewart mnl mo talil to he the fluent lot of horses ever nhipped out of Klamath County. They will nver- iiKe 1100 pouinlH. Kvery horso has been thoroughly tested uml as many as twenty men nsslstetl In the rldliiK lest. The Kovcrnmenl wauled IiO liorses hut It Is believed that they will be unable to secure that number In this section. I.A.Ml nt.U'l) Ul'Clt.VIOIt 10 assist (iovi:i:.Mi:T. K A. I. I'lilfi has returned from WaHhliiKtou, I) C. with the assur ance from tlio Department of Justice tl.bl nlil" Ii'kuI counsel will bu us slKiied to thN statu to assist United States Attoriiny MtCourt In prosocttt I11K the suits brought by the Korern- initnt to reiover nearly U.ono ucres of tnlunble tltnluT land In I,lnn county iilleKed to hnvo been ucqilircd unlawfully by C. A. Smith, the Mln netiotn iiillllonnlru. These suits were filed in tli" t'nlted Htaten Court In tl.U tit) May -Ti la.it. Somu ot the lands Involved In the i"iidlni; suits were Included ninoiiK thoiu IIUv'ull) luqulrul by Titter and hU confeder men, ami ulterwnrds tr.iniferred to the Minnesota man. "Wlillo In WnsliliiRtan I called on ('resident lloosevclt personally and priHcntcd the tacts surroundlnR the Smith lands." said Mr. I'uter jester- day. "The I'resldont appeared Krent- ly IntorLvted and assured me ot his co-operation in every posslblu way In any lcei that might bo taken to re store this land to the government. I nlso presented tho matter to Gcorgo V. WootlrulT.Asslstant Attornoy-Gen-eral, who told inc that tho Depart ment of Justlcu would send JudKO l'ui;li to thN statu to assist District Attorney MtCourt In preparing tho cases for trial. 1 was also Informed that It It were, possible, Francis J. Ilcney or some other man acquainted with land conditions In this state would be cent to Oregon to assist In presenting the caso to tho court when It came up tor trial. In tho suits to cancel patents which nro now pend ing In tho courts, thero nro Involved 90 claims ot 1C0 acres each, and ag gregating H.400 acres. Orcgonlan. o Two Faces Are Alike Evervhodv haa evea. ears, nose and mouth, yet each person ka UilTercnt from all other neople. This variation applies to all pfts of the body and indicates that to secure perfect fitting gar- lents you must Have Your Clothes Made to Order Irantintc the logic of this, it ia of the utmost importance that you feet a tailor of ability. You'll be certain of good resuiis 11 you tee your order through StTMSS rtfcW national iuiora ', the great modern way, represented locally oy K. K. K. STORE Call mil h imna aamrtmit of new fall woolens now on Ply Good workmanship, perfect fit and tow prlcea guaranteed. llllill SCIKMH, NOTKS. Judge J. II. (Irllllth, of tlm County 1 High School llourd, led tho Chapel exficlhcH this morning and gnvo us 11 tuiiHt Intel estlng talk on "Doing I Your llest." During his address ho gave us a brief outline of some of tho 'thiiigH being planned for the High Hchool. M. ). Williams has accepted a po sition with tho Valley Land Company on a big Irrigation protect In L1I.0 county, and will leave for Kakcvlow the first of tho week. It. J. Martin, president of the Company has arrived In I.nkovlow to remain until tho res ervoir aro under construction. This company Is tho t successor to the Oregon and ' California I.niid Company, and In addition It has acquired thu Draws Valley reser voir site, owned by tho Hewitt Land Company. Mr. Martin's first work will be to test tho subsoil of the Drows Valley and Cottonwood dam sites, to deter mine tho depth to which tho founda tions for tho dam must bo laid. This depth depends upon tho character of tho xubsollB. Tho foundations must be laid below tho porous soils. Next will como the surveying to prepam the plans and specifications for tho dam and tho canal system. Winter quarters will bo erected Immediately and men will be set to work. The Cottonwood dam will be seventy-live feet, and tho Drews Valley dntn fifty feet above tho present sur face of tho ground. Tho company Intends to put 60,000 acres on the west side of Goose Lako Valley under Irrigation, nnd It Is stat ed that they may decldo to Increase the height of tho dams and the capac ity of tho canals. Tho company has about 300,000 acres ot land tn Lake, Klamath and Harney counties, which It proposes to sell under tho contract and auction bid scheme recently tried out so suc cessfully in the San Luis Valley In Colorado. Mr. Martin says the com pany has sold about 5,000 contracts, and that tho opening will bo held next August or Scptomber. Water for Irrigation on tho 60,000 acres tn Goose Lake Valley will be available by 1910. A ilehallng leaguo hnH been orga tiiri'd In tho school having 15 mum lieis, Willi Chester Hatvxhurst nn the ptesldent, and Oka Swlnglo secretary. TIiIh tu ionization is for tho purpose of seeming priit'tli'u and training In public! speaking. Tho debaters for I ho contests will he selected from this organization. Our representatives IiihI year won tlm deliuto nt Medford, hut IohI at Grants l'ass. Wo hope to do better HiIb year as wo hnvo moro Unto fur preparation. Mliu Bhlves. uf Portland, la orgu ulzliiK a ilu") l Elocution. A Jury system must loud to failure If tho Intelligent and honest men of tho community togard tho service as h burden that thoy evado by excuses and lenvo for selection only tho unin telligent mid thoso subject to vonal motives. Win. II. Taft. Eternal vlgllanco Is tho prlco of good government. W. II. Tuft. A cotupauluuublu guest In tho home payH for her board. Tho smallest pouch often bus I bo boat flavor, NO I'UOSIXTTIOX WITHOUT ixtiicT.MKvr nv at.xi jruv. On account of tho constitutional amendment which was iinssed at tho Juno election providing that no per son shall bo prosecuted except upon Indictment by a giantl Jury. It Is claimed by 11 number of tho lawjers that none of the old cases on tho cnl nndiir previous to tho pusrago nf tbo law, can be tried unless tho evidence Is submitted to the next gland Jury uml tlit'V llnd uu Indictment. Thero are a latgenumber of old cases which huvo been can led over from term to ii'im and If this contention Is cor rect It will practically clean tho dock et, as in most cuses tho statuto of limitations has expired. Tho matter will probably bo decid ed by tho Supremo Court soon as a roheaiing has been granted In tho Jew Nun caso at Salem. Jotv Nun wna tried and convicted upon u complaint filed by tho District Attorney Ho appealed, aud pending the appeal, tho constitution was umended, depriving thu DUtrlct At torney of tho power to Indict. Tho cubo was therefore utllrmed by tho Supremo Court without any question having boon ralsod an to tho effect of tho constitutional nmendmont. Slnco then this question has arisen and the court grauted u potltlon for rehear ing because It deumi the qttustlou un Important one. In 11 number of cusen that wero ponding tor trial when tho constitu tional uuiendment wua adopted, tho dofenso has set up tho plea that slnco tho amendment had no saving clnuso It Invalidates all couiplaluts that had Orders hute been Usucd by the board of prison commissioners of Kentucky that hereafter only vicious and menu prisoners shall wear stripes Contlcts will wear dark gray suits nnd for each year of service will wear a hand of gold braid on the sleeve or collar. I'oor matches sputter most. FOIl BALK. Cottage, with out-bulldlngs, city water, electric lights, two lots, seven blocks from P. O, Must sell quick. A bargain. Some furniture. 3t M. D. WILLIAMS. Politics ought to bo neither distasteful-nor degrading, and men who enter them for tho purposo of keep ing them pruo and making them bet ter aro engaged In tho highest duty, W. H. Taft. ' 1 I A Peck of Grain in tho Barn is worthaBumhol in thoFioid FrovMstf thm Bmrm hag a doom Rami I XL Roof and Barn Paint Provonfr Immkm mtUt mttoti to t IS AS NEOESSAHY AS FHtE IH9URANOE ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS mmmmmmimmmttmmmmmimmtmtmtaamm