I - MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. 1'IIONE 30 EAST Tf I 'll THE EVENING HERALD Issued Daily, Kicept Sunday, by the HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor huhsckii'tion uati:s llly, by ntnll, one your Dally, by matt, fix months Dally, liy mall, three months Dally, by mall, one month Dally, ilellxcred by carrier, one week. At tim uiiiim; of tiio !tii semi xoru i: roit 11 m.it'A i ion. annual ounforeiiio of tlu Church of I int r I nit-iit nf I ho Interim. I ' Jesus Christ nf Latter Day Saints. It'lninl OlIUo nl l.nkelo. Oii-gnii WIIS llUlUlllllllUsly Mltcil tO pledge tl' September HI, 1 1 1 1 entire mciuhotslllp of I lie chinch for, Notice It lieiohi glion Hint Ji'imli pinhltiltltm legislation ; Itnllliir.ci. of Kliiliuilli Pull, "- """ ,. , -AAA . igou, uliii, mi August I", 1 li". mad" I Hold on to ..ur .l.iiln' ,:.,, TIiiiIn. and JUoii.. iuM.ll,mi..ii. ... NVkI.HI Thaw Iiuh ntiunuuccd her In-'":,s-' f'" 8W '' ""' ;'' ' "' jtentlnn of making n torn of ,(. high!- '' l! w M ' ,I"H IIM "" V -. 11.1 . . . .. . . .. i III... llllllll III tllllllO lllllll llllllll. Ill " f "' scnmus oi iiii intinii nil me inn- , '.' M liiwi. nf elvlne mlLs I.. 11,.. ..rL ll "I'llsl! I'llll UK' !"" """ KLAMATH FALLS. MONDAY. OCTOBER 12. 11XKS. rm tin inii' in ,,i,iiiK iiiiimi in mi' uuin nui' i I !i" HH SllO WIllllS tO gll llH'111 SlltllO W I "hoiiiuI advice " . w- AAA.. - Senator lllllll III' llllH engaged II "" motii npaitmont nt Sliinclclgh ('mill for tin- mining w Intel 'fills Is tin Hero Is a funny one. I.. M Shro- Arr.ir.llnc to the toloKraph. Mlih-' mrK,,HI hIiibI. p:ti tuit-itt In W'nsliliig cr. of Hartford. Cllv. Intl.. was kicked 11 I ll.msnm of Cleveland, mild his tmi. mill Smni'lflKli .mi I U tin- iiiohI liv a mule nml since then ho inu'l go'wlfos household furniture lo u ImmiuI-i ,,X,0,,H, Kl'uilineiit Iioiib.. heto. S.-ti-forward at nil; he has to walk back-jor In the house for $i:.. and he thr.w """" ""iiriu'. It Is 1..1I.I. cvpeeti. to wards. I his four children. Then In- wont ,"-"'" esionsnoi) miring 1110 iiuh. AAA . !nwa Ills wife has asked tlio iinlno '"i; "'"""I Yon know nil nbout the neighbor. 'lo "' 1,l'r ni"1 "' s,u' H;,H ,lu" til.v n...n,i m ii kind, i.nt ,ii,n.i Itn.s Hording to tlio telegraph) "Thoro was ..' .....,.. ..........,..- . - . their Intentions go astray The neigh bors of Mrs. James Howe, of New Vork City, told her they thought her liuabanil wna n mlchty sick man. Ho wasn't but It worried her so that she Hod. AAA Preliminary work on a subway y)stem for ChlraHo Is to bo begun Kion and full details of the plans will bo worked out. A sum of 130,000 has been set aside by the city council to furnish clerks to carry on the work of the transportation committee who bao the scheme under consideration. The money was voted from the city's traction receipts and, nlthoiiRh the Information concerning the work that litis alrejdy been done was sot fur nished the coiincllmen, they oted the transfer of the funds without a dissenting olce when they were told that the money would enable the committee to push Bubway plans. Col. RoethaU, head of the Isthmian Canal Commission, who has Just ar rived In Washington, sas the Pan ama Canal will be finished by Janu ary IS, 1915. Col. Cocthats took charge of the work on April 1, 1907. and has been on the Ibtlinius over hlnco. t'p to the time ho assumed charge the largest single month's ex cavation had been 1.100,000 cubic j aids. Since that time the excavation never has run less than that nmiiunt, and during the eight months ot the present year the average was 3.4S7, j'S" cubic yards. To September 1 nf this car the total excavation was 17,347.431 cubic yards, which is a the wash tub. two chairs, the bod, and mo, all for $15; too cheap'' -- . In order In show that tlio stou ilm-s nut ulwas cud the sauio, the Mnriuetto Tribune prints this- t'p In Mlciiignn the other day a woman ,was plnjlng tennis While plnltig slio lost a xaluable diamond ring The Orace Memorial Presb.Metlan church of Pittsburg. Pa . hns a reno vating committee, whose duly It is lo,Tlu' ,""xt ,la' ht' ''l'!''l l bfto n ( shake the carpets, polish up the al- l'll,,',i 'r dinner, and. upon cutting tar. etc. The renovating committee '"I"'" ,m ,l,'",t ". the llrst thing 1 got up a picnic to raise money for a !',1,' llvereil was sl grasshoppers, new carpet and nJvertlse.l ilanilng 'blo bug. a inoasiirlns worm and The preacher got out an Injunction !l ,ln,,l,, " restraining the members of his Hoik' - - J from giving a dance. His ail has 10- SAW Mll.l.. A.i TI.MItnt l.M suited In a split In the chunh. roll SAM.'. 1 li ui'lltmil. Iii'flllo t'.lllllll I'll Ik Klllln nlh I'n . ill his iillli.'. at Kliiliuilli 1'iiH ' Otogon. oil the 2Mb dm of N'.m'itil"'' I'.Mis. t'laliiiiinl names us Mliifso W A Deliell. J I" Ittili hi-i Joss. t" t'liixiiii. Wllln 1 Wblli. all l Kliiliuilli Palls, (in ttmi J N WTSON. tl.i lleKlster I DR. C. P. MASON Dentist Aiiiriiciin Itiiiil A Trust t'.i.'s Hnllilhig DK. WM. MARTIN Dentist Office over Klamath County Hank It's Up to You anatMsssasssssssaatasasaasasaasissssas mai,, T1I1C MATTKI Oi- GUTTING GOO!) u )C15REi Iuitmi; i'i "Hicli nf yom life Nniu.U Mnn ' Ktiotls. Wr have thru .nul It's up t. v .1 cl liitely Ihe best UST PHONIC 5I6--Wr'li . lC rtl VAN KIPER BROS. CANT lK HHAT-CIIASi: & SANHOKN COI'Pkq ! A47j TltT7I" U A 1T17 ujr 1 UjM.iviii Lot us do il for mmi. Kvcrylhlnrf Home Mmlc. Kcasunublc. liKKAD A Sl'KCIALTY. Wo put up Im Itinclii'H iiN luiii'lit'S f ir I ii ami pii'iiu' mi !" A Ulnl will i'iiiivii 1 , , IN llllMM'- til !tl lllllll tO ll.il, Hrlcw fmlnrj tbt 11 KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN Get Our Urcitd nt Cnwklns. -t'aa44W(JI .AAA. Within ten das preliminary work I Twenty mlllliui fool of lino saw will bo started on the new city hall , timber. Saw Mill, c.ipaclt twent) In Sail Frunclsco that Is to replacm thousand feet. Ill xl class iiiachluiT). the ruins of the costly structure do- logging wagons, horses, and harm-sn stroyed two years and a hulr ago. complete Now planing mill, cost City Knglneer Mnnson was Instructed IllR lUUOD HO, latest linprini-cl ma to present specifications providing for chlnery. New Shlnglii mill, capacity the razing of the mass of shattered -O.OUii. Ilctwcen eight ami ten thou brick and twisted steel. The recent bond Issue provided $35,000 for tin purpose. - Letters characterizing as "nhsurd' mi ml dollars worth of lumber on hand Planing Mill, Saw Mill, Drying House Hunk House, Cook House, mill other buildings are all good buildings Till.. property Is situated in tin- heart of Dr. LeGrand Norton Denslow's claims tln Klamath Irrigation Project, nice- that ho tan cure locomotor alalia ' located ami a splendid market for and protesting against the rending "'' lumber. The entire property Is by him of a paper to that effect before offered for a short I line fur $30,0011 the Academy of .Medicine hne boon received by Dr. John A. W'yeth, pres ident of the academy, from several New Vork neurologists. Dr. II Sachs, president of the Neurological Society, Is among those blllcrly op posed to Dr. Denslow's stand. "It would not be worth while to com ment on Dr. Denslow's ewx If his statements had not been made at a ' trifle over a third of tho total cstl- regular meeting of the academy mid mate. There are probably 6.000 given wide puhllclty."sald Dr. Sachs It is easily worth $i;u,onu. Por full Information see, nr write, i: K. PITCH, Merrill. Oregon WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESORTS The l-"t trmit iMiwg tiiOn-gun Ki client mcoiiiluaiUtliiiK fur parties, ('mulling iinllll fni leiil .s-cll csiiipiti.f grimiiiN .mil IhisIk fur rent Kiue ijlure fur lm li. folepliilie liitlhoi-lliin, A(CiiinniiUtiiiiii to gn to Crater Ijikn. Will uii-i't pjrtii-s at KUinnth Agency. FRANK SIX VIES pKOPHirroH Klamath Agency, Ore. CIIAS P WdltDfN Premili ut M WOltDKN t'aihler MlDMKIHAJt 1'fr.Urtt The American Bank and Trust Co, k; ics- - i . Americans who are voters on the ca nal at the present time. None of these will be able to vote, but Col. tioethals says he has given his per mission for u mock election to be hold November 3. The mock elec tion, he tnld, Is causing utmost as much Interest to be taken as If It were the real thing. In his letter. "His ((intentions are too absurd to bo discussed and In n secular Journal such discussion would bo Improper or Impossible. I inn amazed that he should have made , luch statements before a sane body of physicians." Dr. Joseph Collins and Dr V.. II Plsher also made protests. 44C44--a- ' 5 Dos J. sjejiwALT, Atatrflrtind i.m. iiu.m, f President ADSirBClUlg VIce.Pic.aiidTlcasJ Maps, runs, Blue Prtnti, Elc. f. Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers llktr K iTiiiitw, Secretary f Klamath Falls, Oregon ta4H4mA 444m4m CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. 3th and Mkln Street 4m0AAA AA.4.AAAAK$I 1 J. L. CUNNINGHAM ARCHITECT and BUILDER I'Iiims mill S,in,a,,, fnmi.i,,,! I Liw, n( Work, from Mmill t'olinge """ K )! Ill III" llllllll,. .I.l,. I) Inning )ihii ,l,,, ,Mt,, () , l.tlninli- gin n mi all to I Mill r lliiililing III mlglii.illl) nml iiniiiiiii) I'Hom: ii n, IH.slHI.M I: UifliliiKtmi Slr.il. It.in.,1, Nil Dili. AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4MI wWf ilwwmli 1 1 1 M I71IJ HI IIMIIlif 1 rfnTllll 1 1 III IITRbebI Mflll I ilSl You are All Welcome A cordial invitation is extended to all out of town friends to make our store their headquarters while attending the the Street Carnival, which will be the grandest celebration Klamath County has ever witnessed. Bring your baggage here and ask all the questions you desire. You will not be expected to buy, although we will not deny you the pleas- . ure or seeing tne finest stock or Men's and Boys' Clothi in Klamath County. CTRRF. We Yfil refund yur stae fare from any point in mm ath County if you will purchase $25 or more woi merchandise at our store. Portland Clothing and Sho The outer Garment Shop for Men ' WE CLOTHE MORE THAN HALF THE MEN IN TOWN mZ milr II 'istifflw tore '!.: ''V J