The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 12, 1908, Image 1

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i. fAJSLVl. s i .
i'lfli "fr'f I ill fefrtfaer9' "
hiinmtli KhIIh Flrnt
llll lll'.-U IMII.V ....
kit Vi:aii. No. (17.
ut Bidwell Man and Girl Arrive!
Here From Lakeview i
tries Drobnuy Say tho Report In Not I rue Unit Me Me-
surtfcl His Wifu for Indian Girl-She Tired Him nnd
I hey SeHiratfd-Guve All His Property to Her
ii' (illuming illspntili wim mill
(rinii Liikeww III leganl In
kt Hrntiiiey iiml lli'llii llinwn.
lirii.iii kuI who urrhi'il In KIiiiii-
i" Iiml rwiilin: frnlii III)
Ihai .-h litiiliiir), n( reil t lllilvtfll,
, itnp.'il fmiii llili plain Willi Hit.
lr n. mi iiiiiiiiii t'.iri iimiimy.
I linn n alckl) wlf" ullil eight i llll-
ii- nieiitly iMiiio)i'il iirmiiiil KiIiiniI ut Port llldwell,
In IIVl'll Willi llU llllllll)' III'
line itifnliittici miiii mi' nullim
.lll'l Ii l III" IOlllll li llli'li
Int. iiml Inter went in Cult
imili liming til" wlfi' iiml IiiimII)
tiiia IIhiwii, ilii. Indian girl rn mi'
ikrvli-w nliiiiit ii wt-t'k ngn I'll-
I mmnliiK liruliiii'y nrihi-il nn Ilii
li-rii ntni?" II" illlllii'illiili'l)' wilit
local liwniniiti iiml .iiiilii)i'i a
ki ii tal itrlt rr I want nii to tnki
lln nml fu)"f In Illy, unit
tiii"' Jim mi IIik Imrk utti'i'l."
lirnliiK'i l1i mut Din Kill win'
I nn Ilii' Imrk sltei'l nml with Ink-
li lll HIiitIIT I Cll I MUD lllfllllll-
nf ilii' tints nml liiiiiittllately ll-
ni-il In Illy mut Iiml I In- imiple-
tliK-il Ilii')- will Ih ri'liiiinil in
koliw innlght
lt Drulini-y was riinimtitilrati'cl
)i-liTilny iiml Mttlil Hint two
Ku ulin ti-ii'Ui'il ii letter frnm
ilmiT iuriorlllu: In minx ftntii
tlsnd In which lie unlit ln wn nn
ny In Klondike
Huix-rlnli'iuli-iit llnki'ntrnw. nf tin.
i'l Imlliiii KiIiihiI, admit t lint
ilim-r mlli'il lilin mi tin' iliiiin nml
ii lilln In liihiK III" girl putt nf
huiik t lint In- (llrnlini) I
lilil lake Iht In Klnmnlli I'nllii,
ri' n kIIiiiiIIiiii nwalliit Iht lluki-
11'liim'il In tnki' her. lull In'
tie no effort tu preu-til tin' elope-
Inl Itiikenlmw mi)h tin illilu't want
liiintilli' In liimlly afTiilrx
Mm llrnlini')' In In iIi'hIIUiIii dr
ill nt. in nti mut ni'iirly lillml, nml
ii Hie eight ihllilri'ii nrn prnrll-
ly IhIpIi-mh InwilliU "
IVIii'ii in'i'ii iy u reporter IIiIh nf-
""Hi Mr llrnlini')' stated Hint tln
nt was ii II", Hint In. Iimln'l run
ny limn IiIh wife nml Unit In- illit
Inl" ultli Ilii- Kill "I ill'ln't
rt my will.,' mild Mr Hinhiiey,
lie lln-il mi', unit I lut t lii'i'ii ii
iHii1' Iht nml llm ihllilri'ii mid
lu nml tin-in iiiiini')- hIiich 1 Imvn
-n away Iium. got receipts to
l' fnr II My wirn In unlni: I" get
n illiiri In lii-i i-iii Imt mnl I mn go
ing In linn t) Dili Klrl v. I.i 11 my wlfi
si-til Ilii' illvnrte nml nut In-fine Wi
legiMeii-il net" illnli'r urn uwn mimes ,
nml wi' Imvn i;nl mithliig In In- ufrnlil
nf Tin') stopped nn ill III), hill til")
iniihln'l tin mi) thing nml h-t nn gn
Wit mi' i;iiIiii: in wmk her" nml ulmu
tin' ilhnti" It r.mnli'il wi- will In-iiiurrli-il
"II mi)H HefetrliiK In III" ills
pnlilil Unit I hmi eight ilillilr. -ii nml
llint two nf I Iii-iii mi IiiwiIMh i
Ihii'I mi (Hi" nf II hllilien la wnrk-
I in; In ii pilnUiu; ollit m I'mt lllil
will I tin i ! iiIwiimi mippiirli-il in)
ihllilri'ii mnl iilwuin lull-mi tu "
ll'ttn llmwii in :t ).ur nlil nml
In a nil" Innklng Klrl with Mini" white
lilnnit Hit" win i-iliiriil.'il nl III"
iliiinl nt I'mt lllilwi'll mnl Imn Ihiil
linn- nil hi't III" nml hi-nrn n Knml
ri'piitnllmi Mr Inntiii") hii)h Unit
llntimiii- nf Hui'i-irrfijlilli' In Urn
lill). iiiiiiinpmili'il b) Iht MiiIiIh nf
' llminr nml i-mml 7 In I' M
I'miiil" HtnrlK finin ui-nt nlil" nf
jtiihU'", up Mnlti Hti""t In i:ii;litli
Utii-i'l, mnl llii'ti hmk In lln lln)nl
'llnntli In Hi" Court llmiHii Hipinri'.
, rmiiuitlmi nf pnruil"
Miimlnil nf Hi" ilii), Ni'll Cmuphi'll.
I'lmiuitli I'nllii MINIM) Iliiml
. f C ' ft I Alltniimhll" wltll ()il"i-M
Aiiln Willi t'lil'-f MnliU Mli
ll'ntlii'i Cmiiimi mnl MIkh Kntti'iiliurii.
I Audi wltii MiiIiIh: Mini Mititil Mar
tin. Minn IMiiii llntlnlmi.
Audi with M.-iIiIh Ml km riiirn Hlihc
I.MIhh Mii ki-I Hiimli'mmi.
In lli'i- Mnjisty, (Mi-'ii (inl.ll", lj 1 1 In
lliimir, lint Mayor
Ui-ccplliin h) l) ii (Jolill.., ul tli"
iinyiii iiontn, s..-:u in :i ,-in p. m
Conrvrt liy tin- Kltimutli Knlln Mil-
Itnry llainl In Court lloum- Hijiiht'-,
N-3()tu .3U I' M
(IrnTuI Cmifi-ltl Until" IiiiImih" or
i Iik "vftiliii:
TiHHkibt)', Dilnhir llllli, Ion Khun.
nl It Ilii).
2: 'Mi p in Ciillltliuiiiplmi 1'iirioli-.
tl'i prlJ" lot Hi" nniHt rlilli-iilniW
cnHliiniii, S H'-imnl prl?"
:i p. in. mul 7 : :i 0 p. in. TIkIiI win
wnlkllii: (ippunlti' cmirt limin".
Tin) Qtiii'ii will hnlil ii ri-ci'ptlnli
nl llm ltn)al llnntli from T..'!H In
. . (W4MPU..V-
ilHlnd ,
Auto Willi Miim nml rlp"iil:iT' of Mi p. tu.
Hi" .'"nlii(!
Ciuilnr." wlih Cmiilviil Commltl"":
id lli'ltki-iiipi'r, lr , I'ri-il lliniHlmi,
IK HiiKiiriiuin.
I Tiill-lio with Court Juki'm.
U'i'li omliii: mill -HR liy JiiiIk" Nn.
Imnl, Kpi-nki-r nf Hi" "M'IiIiik, ut tin-
lln) nl Ilonlli
Cotili-it ut Hi" llniiil Htiinil In III"
('mill Ilium" S'lUiirn from 7:30 In
!i.-:tli p. in liy llm Kin miitli I'll lis
Mllllmy Iliiml.
I'l-klinrilt'M Mi-iiIh nt HmiHtnn'ri Op
cm IIiiiih" nl K:4S p. in.. In "llrowM'B
In Toun. nr LmikiiiK fnr H Wlft."
Caught By Heavy Wim
Near Eagle P
Crew Removes freight to Barge Which1
Pole to the Shore-Water Only About 3
Where the Steamer Went
vn I
I'M'ni'lillitlnii nf tin- k")H nf tlin illy hiil
(Iliiml fri-i- fnr nil Cmtftlll llatlk-j.
ilnni" nf tli" I'M'iiltiK
fi-utiiri', tliij iiiinunl vlalt of the Har
rlinuiiM, wiili tin. mil nml Influence
th'i iiiiiKiuitb'H prifcnrv Implliii, kIv-
I in: It m Mliur'i nf Inipi tun In tlio for
want tiiini'ini'tit iiIdiib nil llm-H.
Mr A runt In n wry popular iniivr-
Intcnili-nt, nml or.'- nml nil who vUlt
tint wnniliTful ri-Kli)n iitilto In ay
Iuk tlinl Ii" In tli" rlKlil man In the
rlcht plnti-, nml n moilcl "lupcrvlalnK
iitcliltitt" nf tin' Kdvurnmcnt'R Krt-at
ri-Hcrvailon ilomnln Athluni) Tltl-
Al.llll llls l KLAMATH jlllltllCIIHIS MAMI'I'.ST
avii citiMiK rorvrnx. ax i(',
Killlnr lli-riilil
I IMirlnK hl Hi'Vi'Nil MnltH In tin
IClLliintli Priifi'tl. CiinHiiltlnif Mni-ln
,, ni-r.', ipr w ( (rf hf (J H w
lh"i:irl) I'litnc )ll)l(()ti H,,r !,., wotl y,,, rr1cnIl-
l'UINi:vil.l.i:. Or.-. Oil. Hi.- I'll
Iti-il Httlti'N K-nliKl'lil NUrvi')nm, (lip
liilni-il In I. I' IIIki'.i. nrrl veil lii-ri
Inilii) fioin AhIiIiiiiiI
h" in-"r W"lil with th" Klrl HfliT Hi" ' wii) nf Hi" liinutilnltiM In I'ppi-r irciinl nf tnnm nf nur pi-nili with
trnuhli' with liU wlfn iiml Hint ln- tl'lmniilli l.nk". Imi K In unit Ii. Klum- wlimii In- iitimt Immilntt. I'rnlinhly
kuiiHn Unit Ihi-y liiti'inl In nil innr-1"'" Mnmh. HimIhimI mnl ll"inl. inii-'u,,, .Hrcrtnrit nf tho Wnter I'mth Ah nmt Iiml li" Un prmnlmil tn km idinllim tln-lr Jnurii") m tin- I'rouk 'iioilullon really Intcmliil It uh u cum
,i ilUnrr.- II" I in mil hvit nil Illx "'iinl) imirl Iiiiiih" lriun Ihtu 'pllinent to Mr Smnlers wln-n llu-y tt
prii1"it) In h"r nml Hit') nKriiil Hint l"',- IH 'ak" whkiiii hmk In Ann- lnui-nlcil Hint In- ho pliuc-il In churKi'
In- wan m mippmt In- liiin of th" "' lii' Hu1 ll" th") ran fnunilf th,, Klntnntli l-rojcct; hul an u
rhllilti'ii ami uh" wuh in IniV" lln- 'M Imi-ptlnn inntlr ot fad, Hi")' havu ri-inmiiU'iul-
liriipcM) ami Innk afli-r llm nlhi-rti I i:i"nilntiH nf lln Niirfnrc linvn b--n ,., that lm Im ri'iliirril In rank ami
Mr llrnlni")- p'iit Hi" miiiiiniT m-nr ll'iKi-n v.t mil". Hi" alllltiili' In each wilary. CuiibiiIIIdk ftiKlnciTH rnnk
Klmniith I'iiIIk wnrkliiK. nl Hi" Alta-1"""' "'"'K nuukiil mi a make ilrlvcn hluhrr In llm Hurvlcc. nml rcrclvu
nioiil iiimli mul nn Hi" Klrl Iiml fill
IhIkiI mIiiiiiI ami ilhl mil waul In ki
Imrk wlih Hi" Imlliiun, Ii" wi-nt In
SIIASON (MtSCS ()(T()lli:i(
The C ruler l.uki; tourlnl m-nnon
will cIimii .in Oc-toluT 20. Will 0.
H.eel hint nlreinly .aken off tho lauo
Chen on tlu- Ink" am) ntoreil them on
Wliaril Islaml. To afford protection
a Iioiik" li.-n bi-t-n htilll on tho Island
out of the heavy tlmhers nnd the two
KiiHiillne launches hnvi- bii-n put In
ldo wliern It Ik U-llcvcd they will he
safe iliirlni: the winter. Tho Arant
en nip ha heen nrcotntnodatlnK vial
torH klni-e Mr. Steel left, hut after tho
-Olli of thin month tho cnmp'will not
I nt open fur atcomniodatlonH, and that
means practically the end of all trav
el fnr thin jear.
The municipal authorities of Hoi-
Inln Hie L!riiiinil Piu-li Hlnki. Iii.nrii I ........ ...... i i.. ....!.... ....i.u..u
In renueatll.K the i.ppblnlment of fn11 nr" "' I',rt",t'nt nrw '
I2r.ii ilii" fnr uii'ilillliii: wlih iIiIhm.. ,,,. ,., i i i, i,,i.. .ichemi'of wnrklnumon finrden plots,
II1 i n ni III lll'ltllll-a l' nrm in " '- (. iiiuniiiii in w in. (in Hiuuim im . . 1 i I 1
l.iikel"w nt Imt ieiiieM ami liriniKlil ll'l'"'' ' '' lunlaiiien. ep.-.lnlly ' projeit eiiKlm-er for this project, nnd "CK"n ," '" lM'1 a fw month
. I I ft 11 limlll llm lilllli I nail rW iti.k (3 n
her here, where Him will K' In wnrk l Hi" illlen ami tiiwiiH. hra-lnppi'il Ul llm Fanm lime (liurKlnK Mr. Mitr-i " "', ' "''" "" ok.u
in.lll they .an :el iimiileil ."I"!'.-, we,., llruil) liii.l.iule.l In riH-k ,,i, with ininmiM.iency. Hi.- .Ilroelortou" (-"tlnK, nrdcn Association. A
inll. Hlmwi.iK Urn nllll.i.l". Imanir-l an unlntei.llnnul ln(-.nlit.l",.art '.s ,,,a,U' ln 'V'.r ' .Ia,t wUh
Ik-ports haio,ijfuatkVthl city toj;
3 cfTett that tUVrBa-ntncr Mamma
was wrecked on thiiuppcr I-akodur-Iiik
a heavy wind yesicrdny. Tho
Kte.-tnier was Kolng to Wood Itlver
with a harso for a loud of sand and
nn It was rounding Kaglo Point It
wn struck by a heavy wind and cap
sized. There were six or seven tnon on
board. Including J. IJ. C. Taylor, M.
I. Parker nnd Jas. II. Wheeler. They
Kot on the barge and with poles suc
ceeded In reaching shore. There was
u lot of freight on tho steamer for
Kort Klamath, but practically every
thing was transferred to the barge
ami saved.
It Is stated that the water Is only
six feet deep at this point and that
It .lll not bo a difficult Job to get
the steamer afloat. Tho Hornet left
with a crow of men this afternoon to
attempt to raise tho boat.
I ' ' H.ine)nrs -.lulled W ,h gentlemen have been I""""1 ,n" ""' ' B,V,aca lM '
'Hie wnilil-iennwi r..ter Ijikf. i...r. ..f in.,., i ,.u fllr nertlous. the comllllons being that In
!"- " "" B ......... ....
Ilmlluu the ell allon nt til" wnter'H thin lirojeit
All nlil faililoli.-it ihlcken dllilier edKe In lie 0177 feel Where tin
will he mru-il mi Ihe llint llnnr nf the Irnll HinpM nei llm I mler eilKe, tin
Olher llillili'inenl hulldllii: nl lilioil eleviuiiin mnii ne.i level IH , II . I. lei't
U'...i.i..m.i.u Oiinliei II -M "ii" pirn " wh.'ii' there Is a sheer
M.,.h,..l .,.l,.l.-. Ilakeil ll.miH I'1'"!' "f -'""" r,,,,t " ll" WI'liT.llldllKll
K.llail. Hlleetl TnliuitneM ami Lett. lie
(In-" OiilmiH, I'likli-H nml (I v.
I'l" ami Cuke, Ten mnl fnrf"".
Iiliiuer r,u teiiiM (nr inlultK ami :''
renlM fnr ihllilren The pineeeil'i are
fnr III.' Iietiellt nf the "l.ailli-H Aid Hn-i-lel)
nf the M II Chilirh
(off III ad. Hie altitude In M77 feel
Oilier eleVnllnilH mapped nut by the
I'l'ileriil new mn Klainalh Lake, nt
walei'M edKe, llll'.l feet; Kurt Klam
ath list), Klnmatli Mnmh 4r'!!, Hea
der Miirnli 4r.Hi, Odell -I -1 T. :t . Itimlaud
' I :.'.. Paulina Creek ut Caldwell
liaurli I lln), W. P. Vundevert ranch
illSL', l-'red Shonquest plai-u 417.',
JI.UMI llutte 4r07, Mend USV. I'rlne
llli eteatliins have not )et been an-
rj fi.i ,.ii, i In, il lint fhi, iitilitnli,
Jlllll ill I I ininiiniiiiii tt-i-. -- - ---it
of llm Queen, the c-iirtnlii ."i HHi city II 2sr.ti.
AMilny at llm npera linusn tu-
llll mil rinii until U uVlnck
inner (II inn ween urn itnun
Bleiiie promptly nt S .til.
m a
i'---i i:i
r I tKT V7 t
' va
-. Tinr
r 4r4.P
ssssT I JsH WkiJst
bur Feet
a Pair of
Tho MiirvvyorB Jo ft AHhlaiid, Ore.,
.Iiino l&r'thus I'iiiihiiiiiIiik iiinri) than
three nunilliH In Hielr pnliiHtnkliiK
h:xrriiKioN's k.tkxii:i.
Tim Siiiilliern I'ailllo Company an-iiiiiu-i'rt
that rnmiuenrliig November
i:: u Hperlal HO day round trip rate
will k Into effect fioiu California
points In llm Klamath country. The
Hpeclal ra ten In Klamath I'all.i nnd
i elm n will he as fnllowH: I'roin Han
.lone, ;'. 'in. Han PraniUco, $22.CU;
Uaklnml, n. no; Biocktou, I'Jl.r.O:
Hai'iniuiMiln, $r.i.r..'.. TU-ltetH will bo
I'liuliiiueil on mile from Hint ditto un
til further notice, TIiIh Is an unusual
dlKvilmluatlon In fuvor nf tho Kliim
ii t Ii country uh It Id customary to
ilUioutliiuo ull innnmer excursion
rated on October Id
of Fine
K. K. K.
Klamath Falls'
ith County
Our stock hi In early to ulvo you
all mi opportunity to aolecl your Hol
iday kKIh. A muull deposit Hocurcs
piirchiiHe. Wo'll lay It asldo for you
for future delivery, which given joh
n chitucu to liuiko your seloctloim
whllo my mock la completo.
Even, If )ou should not care to
purchuso, whllo away somo of your
time listening to tho Phouogrnph
Conceit which will bo going ou all
the time,
HElTKEMPEIt'ti, Next door to tlio
1 .. ....1. lw .IIM..H..H' ... ...! .
nnd It was among their v" "- """"'' ,v"
.lutU'H to discover nnd report nny en-!ul '"-"' " brown. nu
glneerlng or nilmlnH.tratlve e'ror or i ms,,or,,1'r of1t,",1'u '" :,ra th" J.,Iot
fnllure. If Mr Murphy be Incompe- n",eJ woro 1hB,1h n"d ?cot
lent and the) failed to Iiml It out and i 81",Wr:me" 0,1n"lot;11 'n ho ,ocal
report II. they themselves showed In . "WpbtilldlnB yards. Although one or
...inpel.-ncv; the directors m Bccuw wo of Ihe ninnteurBar(lcneM retired
them In nrcnslng Mr. Murphy I ""er their lint enthusiasm bad cool-
if ii,.. ,,.,ri,.ii.,B n...i i.i. ..titr..'-'1'' "-'" !,l!"';'1 w"u quickly taken
.. ... ......v. ......... ........ .. .... ...... . ... ... .. . ..
u) oiners, ami tuo cultivation ot tne
(iiiiKlsteully lit Its role of volunteer
ndvlnnr In the Secretary of the In
terior, nnd n x the unconscious cats
half-rood plots has proved so popular
nnd successful that tho local corpora-
.i.... .... i.. . i..... i
paw of the Mason nnd I)n)ls Com-."""""1""' ""'"i" " 'u"
...,., v. it. i.,,r.ln int., unnuthnrU. tensive scnle In other suburbs of tho
ed fields of action might occasionally clly nwtl 'I'rliiK.
be marked with success.
lliiltuuza, October 10, 190S.
Webster Holmes, tho Salem attor
ney. Is In the city nnd Is arguing the
Mills t'Hlntc case before Judge Nol
and, Mr. Dolmen Is tho attorney for
the helm of Col. Knight, who luid n
claim ugaliiKl tho estnto for attor
ney's fees. The matter will probably
he taken under udvlsement by the
Judge, but whatever the decision tlio
rase will undoubtedly have to bo
settled In the Supreme Com I.
Mr. Michel nnd family, who have
resided on the Weed rnnch north ot
town during tho past enr, will leavo
tonight for Hono, Nov., where they
intend to make their home In the
Miss Rhoda Brandt-pburg and Mr.
Emll W. Mullcr wtro united In mar
rlago lastovonlng at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. MacWllllams, Rev. Price of
the Methodist church officiating. Mr.
Mullcr Is one of the successful bus
iness men of this city, being engaged
In tho sowing machine buslncsi at
Eighth and Main streets. Tho brldo
came from California but bat been a
resident of this city for tho past year.
Tho Carnival Commlttco has been
notified that several attractions for
tho Street Fair left Oakland this
morning and will arrive hero tomorrow-
evening. The Indian attraction
will not take place until Thursday as
they cannot como down from tho Ag
ency until Wednesday. There will
be a frco exhibition every evening at
7:30, of tight wire walking tn front
of the Court House Square.
Tho body of Alex. Scott, which was
burled yesterday, was disinterred this
morning and will bo shipped to Mich
igan In accordanco with Instructions
received from tho relatives last night.
oooo)c -.
Ml- and Mrs. W. K. Amnt. of
Klamath, were In Ashland early In
the week, callud hllhor by the Illness
of tliolr son Chuuncey, whose condi
tion, however. Is greatly Improved.
Tor Bovoral years Mr. Amnt has
boon tho superintendent of tlio Crater
l.uko National Park, nud each sue
cciiaho season Hud him suiierilaliiR
some needed Improvements peitulu
lug tu tnul noted resort. "Cump
Arunl" la favorite headquarters for
all thoso making tho trip to tho
l.uko, nml Improvod condltloun
throughout that region arc tho cause
for the great inllux ot visitors there
this season, the number for July and
August approximating over a.OUO
with the proapect of fully 1,000 for
tho present month ot October. It tho
weather conditions remain prom Ul iik.
Tho canyon has been bridged, ami
substuutlnl Improvements are the or
der ot tho day over In that locality.
Road botterroonts aro an Important
riiiA)IFft,'i '4fi
: iliOMl.s-fei -
A Peck of Grain in the Barn
is worthaBumhol in the Field
ProvkM thm Batm hmm m QoIRo9t
IXL Roof and Barn Paint
Provonis iealn-mildt muoh to Miaar-itoe