s 4H i Honest Goods Honest Work Honest Prices Honest Guarantee $ Will it pay you to go elsewhere for your Jewelry, Watch work, Optical work, etc.? J Also, while the quiet Summer season is on g thr intr!itind thinds doind in the J price line Pont fall to call, first or last, before you buy G. HEITKEMPER, JR. Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician REPUBLICAN BLOCK a BRItl f1 Special Sale I week nt ttio IV BRIEF MENTION on blankets nil ortlnmt Slot . 'h:.iii. iioivix i.i:i iv yi i:i: roMiisr. tills ii j Miss I'onil MttUIn I II"' mosl li-mulltlnte In Hi" 1 ii nil""'" """ It. II. llunnoll nml T. A. Hurro rlH tll t. .;i, of I he INI. IHik icamo up limn Morrill esioruny. i ., .,,,, H.rtl nt hor ihmh-h ?' See Virgil Son fur nil kinds r ' tomp.tli... . Ml. Uol.llo Hiim.-. $llnus,. KiirnlHliliiRM. Wo run s.nel MHi I! i'iiiii...n. f Mt-nlH. M Uonmonov. Jl "'""'1 "' "'" "" ""I ' I ! oa-e)- sS ,'!JJj- People say uur Perfumes are Best II. J. SnvhlKO nml Warren D.KIiik ilnn, of Port Klnmutti, ur In l lit' jelly. i For Concrctn Work, Cement Moors III fllMU of tlllH .M'HIIK Hull IN II"' ! v Hlllt UP IO lllKt TlHHHllll). nml II" "" turns liuto been molted (linn llH'l" J since Hint llui" U I" hiippoiimI lhnlj tho .Moiilllllos "III li'il'l l,:irl ""' "''' ..!.. iniill tuiiiitfPiili nml HIitimuIkH t.y the ilny or Jul., see "" ' ' '" ,., , , .. . , ,. . t N IIIIIIOIOI t lilt llioro IIIO NOtellll Jolin Mel.olt.mil. llntol Houston. " . ... ... ,, lllf ., . . purses lumlo up In iliN ili. i"i 'in , " feionl i-nmllitutos In tho ciintosl To ' SowIiik imirlilnot for ront liy tiny, mnriou will piolmlil) lo llio lltelt week, or month. At Mnllors, Phono iluy of tho contest Tho oonleii III IS4. el.ue loinorioti iilxlit ill iitlttti lutit Tho riuiiliillloo 4 fniioil In i lno II" t'.on. II. .sny.lor I pittlliiK up i. .(llU,M , ,,,, , , ttl , hulldltii: no.xl to tho tlnth Homo on n,iU ()) .,.,, ,,. ,.,,11111.101 for Hie tho Hot SprltiRi tulilltlon. to ho moil i0u H, nj n oonfoctlonory mul i-Ikiu store, j h 1(, , f , u flll J M. Hornbook nml mm nrrlvo.l .Carnival Queen up in 3-3 t in t In tin city Insl nlislit fiom Aiilitirn. . Jttv Cnlltornln -rwn into. BBac-l SbbSt ft -:- WRY SUFFER FROM -:- Kidney s Bladder Troubles When MYAL'S STONC ROOT COMPOUND Is sach a positive remedy? It stimulates the kidneys to the (nil performance ot their function, eliminates uric poisons from the system and acts as soothing, healing agent upon th.. bladder. By Its timely use, healthful conditions of these organs are promptly restored. ruCE, $1.00 per bottle UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY...... Klamath Falls, Oregon CORNER 7th snd Main Streets Com I Unit In J (I Hniiiiikor, oilllor of tho llo- llohllo lliiru.-s nnnru Ilullollu. It In tho olty !- Wnitoii i l.nul .o S.irr.oiit KOH UKNT-llousoktvplliK nml of. M,,, MrMUlun llri rniium In tho Worilou 111k. Tlic rooniH Imvo boon nuwly knlnomluril Kmitilro nt Stilts Company Store. SI t.r.ii r.i. iu.i ill! vn, I . , i ,ini! uu milt i pi' (mm ii li t n pioiiur tin- line Mil"' lunil 'I- '"I'll ,i nuii lill I'"''' "There'll :i Rcjisoii." luiw to l.tiv pfiliuiK". W'f lii" hi' I" i Iiiiiios W f kmitt h i' h" von iiiiiiiiiu KlIMWlfills'f ' lln""' IfMIKlll"' ' lli'.l till'1! HIM- i'll ttl flttllt - l!lll ll.lM' Hill lilt. Il.l III .iiiiiiii: niiii Mm p" '"'i ,, in t i u I' I "in I. it Mil' m'lii i VVK IIAVK IT. ""hlirii ".'0 1, ' KlIOW 'i Per Our n, tl) ' -Mice Star Drug Store 'THEY HAVE IT. l Vf$Wf4W4frQ44f4mmJl IIUliN -Momlny. Dtioliorfi. to Mr nml Mm II 1' Itnwiumi. of thin city, a hoy IINi'iinloil Cnrpii S.tmploi for Hum ' Vlrull Son. r. IMIior ('miimii, l.llllmi HllltH MNn MIIIh. (Ilu C;in:'i'll l.dllllii' l.oo . . Kllm Stills . . Motrin "I" $ : .4,l . Mii vr.: . :'ni IT.. ? Guaranteed Paints V havo full line of IIOIIN-To Mr. nml Mr. Sntillilil) lilKlit. lint A Stnno, AT Till: OI'KltA IIOl'Si: nut ovi: vi:i:k FOR YOUR BENEFIT A Ladles' Fine Leather Lined Hand Bad, worth $2.75, will be dlven away during Fair Week (Oct. 12 to 17) to the Lady purchasing the largest Bill of Goods at one time during that week, at THE DEAL "Klamath Falls Racket Store. Opp. Court House I CiitmnonrliiK in't Mnn.tn). Oriolior If you wnnl a loan nu your ronl ov 2H'- ' "' '"' i:klmr.lfi. lilouN 'into. it. Intoront ronsunnhlo. ,,,,'lr "I"'"'"!- porfnriiumio. Tho llolcnmb Itoalty Co. Ainorliiill llnnk VIIIjiko Kolinliiiii!or.' oil lll ml IIiiIIiIIiik w-lMk " ''I""1 'oiihiI otor m niton Mr. Uri ul llimiplucy. In tho lomlliiK John S. Shook, of Diiliy, Is In tho rolo iih Hi blionlnmilor. Nnlnn Criino city loilny. Mr. SliiMik N IiiiIIiIIiik ii MlH, virli !i lluurnii. nu llolloii llr.i) flno Ihiiuo nt tlonnntn nml will llt thoro ittirliif: tho wlntor For gcuornl house cloantnc and chimney iweeplnx call on Wvbb A MonKuUI. 1'hono 203. Carol C. (Jntos, non of Mr anil Mm 0. II. Catos, rotitruoil lnt ovonlni: from I'ortlnml tthoro ho Iiiih boon vN lllnc his crnnilfnthor. W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS A Dirt Line of Hcutlti4 Stoves Just Kccclved GEO. R. HURN .":; 'C'.-f.C'.K-.-. KiirnNlmd Whlto. rtMiiiit In li-l Ci. W. H-tmr John Kills. II. C. ToiiHoy ami I). II Campbvll rot una J hint i-vcnlng from thu nortliorn part of tho county whoio thoy haw boon on a iloor hunt Tho . Horiiriil llo iloor on tho trip. Jacob Knock nns In tlm city toitn f i run Dnliy on his tiny in Ashlnml I 'nftcc n louil of fruit. CO. Smith Is n roioiit nnlval from BiaMr sL A'.y' Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS 100 Designs by Fred Hodgson, Chicago's Leading Architect, to Choose From We also furnish plans mul niHcificnlionii liy HixlKiton nl 1-3 th n'Kiilar pmv. Votir pntrotiiiKo cordially nolicitol DWELLINGS A SPECIALTY CALL WATSON, LAKESIDE DfX FURNITURE TABLE PADDING it at Gillett's . . . . -You will find E. W. GILLETT & CO. I'nsiiilonn, Calif. You will sure money by buying Ecnlne tnachlnci anil all of your sow log machlno supplies at Mullen, cor ner Main and Gth streets. Willi ;t:niu;i. mciioi.s 'Kikhnnlt'o lili'iiN." WE ARE LOOKING For up-to-date people to carry our watdiei. We can fupply watches for anyone, from the younu est to the tediite old man. Kach walch Is guaranteed to give Perfect Satisfaction sMSssssssssssssssssSsssssTMBaBSssajfJiSaSBSJSssssss H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES BRICK WORK ! AND PLASTERING CHIMNEYS AND FIRE PLACES A SPECIALTY H. E. CHILDERS KLAMATH VALU, OKIOON f Use f moumMEjmo M FlOOH FHHSHES I f (or pnlahing your 1 g floors any floor P j I any style. 1 fl 'As M M I In the lonilltiK foiimlo rolo Mr Oll- t'..r ITi'LIiumIi tiu Tiiliv Tj.infililiid .1... 7'Jltf 'cnmoily pan A. AtihoMm anil wiro mmo In on I Tl"' ""h'vlllo bottto.n ucls In tt.ll tlm bout Iiihi ovoiiIiik. from Sacra-' "' ""' I""''" "' lolmlsslon. lo say lll0lllo, nnlhlnK of tho Mplomlld pin), ulilili mor falls lo rocolto thr hlKliost of K. W. Muller carries the largest , praise wherever It has boon pr-n.iito.l stock or Kdlson pbonoKrnplia and Heservi-il souls ?r. touts gold moulded records In Klamath ,i(. nt Kliiimilh llnkorj county. 7-lltf inilmlhslon, .u u-hih C. S, Slaillor Is In tho lty from Corona, one of tho InrKoiit lomon Honts on I? Jonoral '.S WOOD SAWING a specialty. All ordora will receive prompt attention. J. L. Fielder. Wo have XonioibliiK now in tho mattress lino. Vlrull tt Sou. r, fr.-.-.....,... a 1 0 SMHil j s EAGLE Pool and Billiard Room A Gentlemen's Resort All the Host cjrarti'H and fJrandi (if Cigars and Tobacco. Soft DrinliH imil .Mineral WiiUth. R. M. SARTER, Munogcr. :j: Main Street, Between Gth and 7lh Street! . ..,.,,., . t m Lit m Hll ft aitut Ikim. Geo. T. Baldwin, HARDWARE DEALERS Klamath Falls. Oregon II. I'. TIioIhr Is In tlm oily from Moilfonl. Tell your sowing machlno troubles lo K. W. Mullor. rhouo ST. I. I urowInK belt In Callfotnta, Hoy llnnk Is up fiom Dorrls. Tor Sale no Tiinlo ul a ltarMlii 1 sot Ainerloati Knc'ytlopodla. Kn oiilic nl this olllon. r.tr W. Iliuilfoid nml I'. It. (loodwln came In last nlKht from l.nkevlow. i AilhoiiKh Iron ore Is found In ul I most every htalo and territory In the ' Union, it Is mined prolllubly In only twenty-iilno, The Inland of Formosa exported ' -1,1 2 1 ,rj pounds of camphor last year, of which 1.C3M00 pounds came to thu United gluten. 1 CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlors Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. TsuraoNc la D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falls, Or- In buying Drugs, Chemicals and their : i official prepara- : ; tions, we buy only : : : : from the moat reliable ; : ; aourcea, lniurlng the : Higheit in Quality. : : ! CHITWOOD i: DRUG CO. J30tf ...t..v.. .x-4..K4fr New Goods for Fall and Winter Wc always have carried a ,;ood stock and now it is bicr and belter than ever. Our stock of DRESS GOODS never was as complete as now, ranKinK in price from 15 cents to $2.50 per yard. Wc have the best line of OUTINGS we ever had and the prices are low. It i:t itnnnuuililn !n ilil.i small space to brinK our stock before you in detail, but we Lave ,h,s to say-We never before owned so ood a line ...... ..v.ci r,uiu ,.00Us KQ C,cap cheaper. Our entire line is better and Stilts Dry Goods Go. mWWW ...h