PHONE MARSH LANDS UKMJUW a muniiaiov iwumj n, . -.3o .,.. .o "r.7 r"TOT BABfiAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. EASY Tt ov JrliR v&PU ViMriMMiUi mniiau unwiw 0 vi - - . ., . . .T. nTT.T.cT crTT ARVT AIW p THE EVENING HERALD ImiicJ Dally, Kxcept Sunday, by tlw HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor NOI'H'K ' niii.itwnox. subscription katks Spnro I lino Ik lean llim lllipplhcsa KlOpS longest where 1om , . 1 ! o I, ut , Department of the. Il.tethir. I . H Worry Ik waste. It builds mint) I.iii.I Oltli.i .it Ohuii, useless brlilKOt. August I!'. H'OS. TI10 parlor match will nut nlwn Notice I" hiirob) l'1''" ,,lnl l" "" IlKht the kitchen fire. ,W. Ilium II. t Merrill. Oii-gun. l.u. Some men i;o forth nt night lo on Doe. Hi. It'OI. made llmnealeml work: others to ho worked. Ilntry. No. a:u'' tw'rnii " "" ' o ii.. 1. ........ifi ..i.. I for so t. See. 13, T .1iH.ll uni idii 11 is r'"' " which Jonlousl) in i:. ... . . . . HI...1 1 t I tit nt Mi Hi strain It. . ji.. nn men "' to make Html C.imniiilatlun I'toof, to establish clnltn to tin' hind ahum d- Pallr, by mail, one year tMW, through Dally, by mall, six month! - il,,! Dally, ly mall, tntve monms - -" . . i.,..i.t..r .! It.-.-.U Dally, by mall, one month , .Mlchni'l Callahan, n s.-ellon Ih "J'",'' ' ..,, "., ,, ,, ith Daily, delivered by carrier, one eek 11 for tho Southern railroad In tho little ,r' "Vi? , , w I tow n of l.udlow . Ky.. ha. n ken line- ,,1,v ,,f 0fl"Wr' ' '0S' . lu ...1, .... f .,... ..1,11.. Claimant mum-ana wltnoso KLAMATH FALLS. TUESDAY. OUTUBKK U. 1WS. ,-,- "-""" T .. V . Mark Howard, of Morrill. Oregon. I'liink Johnston, of Klamath, I'.ill". Mnmnth It's Up to You mmi'mmmmm'm'mm'mmwm THE MATTER OK GETTING GOOD GKOCIJRi Eating is imtcli 01 your i"c- """v you v,iiUrooj good. Wc have ilicm and il'tt tip lo yen t , ct abv. luicly the heat. JUST IMION.-. 510 Weil 1. tltcrnt VAN RIPER BROS. CANT HE HKAT-CHASIS& SANIIORN COKFEEJ TUB UNKNOWN yt'ANTlTV. )0 or cnrofiil of Judgment than the Ono warm afternoon while walking along tho inllroail tracks In- fouiul a section hand plncldl) sleep ing hostile tho rails I'allahau look- .. $., Oregon. lto Whlltu'). of I Possibility of nrynn's election Is admitted. II la numiuiM, nina. ,..,.,,.., ..,,,...,. ..n.i ... r..ioltitloimi- wht-n ho It nn candidate, lit-cnuso It li admitted that every permm ho may b dlasatlifled for any renon. or for no renaon, may vote for llryan Kvcn the man who la dissatisfied with hlmaelf will vote for Hrnn. To this 11.. ton'y of tho men who constitute 0(, ,isKusti-dl at the delliiiiient for ". OrtfRim. I'I.iih. WuKar. of -j tin luiwr unlona. lint In tlmea of i fllli minute and then ronmrki-d ' ' ,,r' K""- , .,.,..,... X rndlcal action and In reiolutlonars '..ji ... i... ..,.,. i,,., i J N. .lsi., .. Iteci-ltir Minn: i'ut I'liii.uwritiN. Slatie on. .e laiy uimhiei-n. aliine on. tlmea. the iiKcrraslvv minority Is uM(nr UinK llM )ou 1M,0 oll-1. ,.t a "'-' wnja nt the front, with loudest nulso. , .,,t. h... ..,. .,. WIlkl, ,, you ain't On these llrjnn now dependa. as al- K1)t ,, ways neretoiore. nope spniiKa iier- .. . . mil Id the Itrjan breast It hanp. .,..., ,.,, ..., , ,.. ini.Tinr. V. H Ichloflv on niineul to those who nie ..... . . . .. . . .... . . . . ... wrt tho candidacy of llryan always ,,wt,l0cd w lh themaohw and at- l"''1 hl,,l,u,l"" ,m,riM ,M'"ni "'" ,n,"1 l""cu "l -"'" "" appeal.. .Ith Peculiar force. I J VCU k of um t "he r c,,nn,ry "TKi" nm '" w '" A'- S'-"l-,"r ,C' IV,,S Th ....-.,.., t month will .ot1"1..."'1.. .r . "'. "."!. "!.!. ' ''flea, lie sas they have no future Notice Is her.l.y KU-n thai .assumption that society somehow Is, Unit the ve them a Ttu-M- and such like. It will ho decided by the business vote or mifron.lly to thorn, and " Industrial vote, commonly called the!part). ln ,,OWl.r" Jl)wn-, KV, ludcpenaeni vote.uui uy me voio inai ;chnnco. Is dissatisfied Independent the country Jorlty of It supports Taft. llryan's piny Is for the votes of those who. since they haven't much energy or efficiency or foresight, and want to work as little, as possible and to fly as far as they can from the compe tition of those of their own class who et a hlRh pace, feel and declare that j they "haven t a fair show." To this sort of cople the effort of llryan's wbolo campaign Is directed. Parti san spirit and the name of the party will get for him, he knows, the bulk of his votes. Ills play Is for these others. He expecta help from the labor un ions. Some help he will Ret from them, tuey, too, have members of varying degrees of efficiency and pur pose. Then every tabor union has members of radical and revolutionary disposition. In every crisis and on every Important occasion, these coniOjHke h to tho front. Tho more nulct mom hers do not care to contend wlihj a new form of imposition on tlu-j them. Just now It Is advertised that government has been discovered. I'n-' tho labor unions of Portland are soon cle Sam has been paying non-reser- as u race in this country while In the c. llallliiK-r, of Klamath Knll, Or-- Krench province of Sonegal, the re- roii, who, u August 17, l!0V mnd-- public of Liberia, and the llrltlsh Timber and Stone application. No DON'T BAKE I. ,.t us iln u fur von. Evcrythlnrt Home Mmlc. prica Reasonable. 11KEAD A SPKCIALTY. V pul tip lux ItincluM. also IuiicIh'h f r I mt i k fi,nr. and picnic partifH. A triiil will nuium-.. j ,t that ih cheaper to lmy lliaii to Iml.c KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN Col Our Urcnd ul Cawklns. .u.v.uu. u; . ..... -ichance. inoo and sucn IIKe. It win, .. , , , ., , , , . .. u i. r t- I with Itself. The really nlttn,4 bo npct..,.ry , ...nt.M.d with H,r"vl,,cw "f M '""'" !",1 i-"' "-. f"r w l,w ' S,c' 3I- 3' and substantial vote of , end .?tlme ....parallel opportunities nwnlt them. S . it. K . W M . has ni,d notl.e of is divided: but the ma- -& lf ,,K' 1,I,,"II,'H I'1"" "hoiilil bo adopt- Intention m m.ike tliuil proof, to ' oil the result would irotinlily lie that talillsh claim to nie iniui uwiu- in- The result of observations of dou- ,(, ph,.,j stntes would keep the nn- scribed, before fount) Clerk Khim- ble stars made from 1V39 to liin; nt 'UenlrntiU element of negroes nnd hue alb Co . at his ulllce. nt Klntimth Kails the observatory nt Camhrldgo. Kng- ,, m,m,t. enegetlc.lndiistrlous class 'Oregon, on the :m!i da) of Niiimlr land, will soon be published in book ' aaa ttio.S. r"rn1, A man lau run a store without; Claimant namesas witness.-.- ss advertising nnd be inn wink nt n W. A. IMi.-ll. J I'. Ilutcli.-r. You know, of course, after this sug- r.,..v , i .i, dark- Hut what's ' t'riivens. Wither White, all of Klamath Kails, Oregoii J N WATSON, il.l'j It.itht.T (.MAS K WOltUKN I'reaiileiil M WOUDKN Cs.lll.T lliMlUKUlAIil e rrriU-t The American Bank and Trust Co gestion. why It is that Itoosovclt Is t, clamoring so hard for more ships for tho navy. No? Well, confidentially. it's because ho wants to send them out to meet the vessels of other na tions, nnd establish frlund-sbips. A Kansas editor sayR this story Is told on ono of their local teachers. She drew- a picture on the board, pic- OX- suoo ACitKs kiii:k. The takcsldn company has SCOO acres of land under tho Adams ditch that it will giro 11KNT KItKK for ono year. This Includes tho uso of tho land and water. Tho renter must clear and place tho land In cultiva tion. The renter gets all tho crops An ndtt-rllM'iiit-iit In the II will bring rv.ulls TltV IT. turlng the eruption of a volcano will. W(J e o turc fiery colored cra)on. She then nsked ,. .,,, . the youngsters what It looked like. One little Inwhrail yelhsl. " lookH I." The Ijikesldr Compnny. J. Prank Adams, Manager. Merrill. Oregon to hold a Bryan or antl-Taft meeting. These arc the extremists. Needless to tay, they can't control the union la bor vote. Tho solid cloment of un- vntlon schools Ili'.T annually for each Indian that they enrolled, it was a sort of subsidy Now It nppcnrs that agents of certain schools nn- Ix-aso. Hotel with ever) thing new, dining room kitchen, eight rooms, parlor; dno patronage, feeding from 1G0 to 200 daily. Inquire nt Hotel Dorrls, Dorris, California. 8-Ctf ion labor does not commit Itself to kidnaping Indian children in order bsssbs-b ?s effort through partisan politics, llut to get the government bonus. The rjW f P UACnu . T. tho element that Is violent and rash government was therefore called tip- often tries to do so much to the In-. on to piotcct the Indian against that' '...1.I..V. I. V. n .1 ..ani'l.... .. I .. ..n a.... mm ...... .....lit .1 uau (i.u.iuun.j f'liiiM.i t.H' . Jury in tho long run of tho causo of union labor. Tho "agitator" sort, in union labor or out of It, doubtless -a-111 now support Dryan. Indeed, .It always has. Dut the rational and steady element of labor, whether In tho unions or out of it, never has. There are no men more steady of pur- as being of benefit to him. AA Moro than 100,000,000 lobsters' were propognted nnd set free by the Klsh Commission last year, with tin result that the price was rut almost In half. Dentist American Hank A Trust Co.'s Building DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Office over Klamath County Hank WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESORTS The U-nt tmut t'uhln in (Irivmi. Kxorlleiil sceommsdstbiiis for parties. Camping outllts tut irut. !-ril camping giuuiid and lst for rent. Kim- imtture (or itock. Telephone connrrtlun. Accommiidstiont to go to C'rstrr lake. Will mi-ul pirth-s at Klamath Agency. FRANK SILVIES PROPRIETOU Klamath Agency, Ore. I I rfcs $ s. s, o tsk 2 aliay T i L I 1 - . ssssssl rT isssssl I last -1 iy.r-. -ywy .-- :"-v - "fiBn-v-itfy .'A .... uiii CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. 3th and Main Street 44-44.s-4-;-e.4.4-).. 4ssV1s-4-iHMtl J. L. CUNNINGHAM ARCHITECT and BUILDER t I'liins nml Srlllrul,,i,. fnnil.lMil. IMlntnir. git n all f I In...-, i.f inl,, frmii Snull Cutlnge tit Oltlie ltulldlng l i l.lillilliig )nii In. in,, iiiinhliii l)lr. nilgliinlll) mill riiiniilnr J I.) lining )niir phuia pri'iwtml li) m... riiiivi: ii i.i. J ItlMIHAI i: Uii.iiiKh,ii ,sir.-.. Ililuiiii Kill and 1Mb. J-c--e-::--:.. . .-4 --: ' (fiiiwi IB wlmmmlmfmtM liiissHiissBssVswa wOJfnLll' nfl agiUlMfciWI sLLLLLLCissss! b l IIIIjAW I I 1 IBH I If wafpuj ssBSBBMBsssss7gsui, Fine Suits for Autumn and -Winter Wear S3SmlS3i mtli rMnftnn.., Ccitny M.i.t.ktc THE NEW SUITS ARE HERE AND WE BELIEVE THAT WHEN YOU SFF THKM YOU VILL AGREE WITH US IN SAYING THAT THEY ARE THF ACMF OF PERFECTION IN TAILORING. THE NEW PATTERNS AND COLORINGS ARF AMONGST THE MOST HANDSOME AND ATTRACTIVE WE HAVF BROUGHT TO THIS CITY, AND THE STYLES ARE FINER AND BETTER THAN USUAL. While the fabrics are largely in the nature of novelties, they arc far removed from the freakish fads which some people have been trying to force on the public. Wc draw -t di-ti line between freak clothing and desirable novelties. ' " """ ' ' . FRIEND MADE CLOTHES MAKE FRIENDS: We've never l.c-ml nt , didn't feel better satisfied with these garments than any he could obtain ck wh" 1 Z you ever stop to consider that a nice shoulder in a sack coat couldn't make the v"'t in hee. to collar If it isn'tnght in the store it woJt bi'iJS.S Sn Tl "Z must be right or you can't have it from us. '' "ami. it Suite, $15. to $45.00 . s 1 Clothing and S The Outer Garment Shop for Men WE CLOTHE MORE THtl HALF THE MEN IN TOWN fMCaa Mllt t Iff Store