efalft. Kltiumlli Fulls' Fifrit and l!Mt l.Hy Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . s Ilium Yi.ah, No. 07'A KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER ,J. 1008. Price, G Cents O MORE STAGES AFTER TfflRTY DAYS He VtMiriitn 9 IU' rV VvAt?w2gp lltltl M'tlMI I '"I " "UK iliivlin Willi h i lliniiiii i i, Kll MHll II M lt'inV. r mnl liiillltutii i lil. in. iii I., in I ini tun I null .. uw.i iiiiimI 'ii I In- I I v.ii'mii Hum Hi. ii ill tin l"ll lll lltl till ll III!. , n Hi Itlotiii lllllili' kii H i . . UH.'ll ,I I II i l u lio lin ill1 mil' initial I ,i IIk il fur I In' inllriitiil In ., i , tll or tin- I'liiiiiinkMiKiii I v I'liml bus trow "' " "'" il ,1 ,,!. lit Wlllk Oil tllll till ,, , iii im town ll. bus ii i i i i , tuiiki' fin ii illntiitii v iiml ii Inill mill Im U . Out lit tin- rnti nl in, nun ,1 . .iiUi It u (liilini'il l tint ..... .n. ..... kyr t I'll iiimi'm till, in. i, "i ij,H, , it trmui minium nun ji-i La,l ii, ..I. iiml iii tin' riiii tin It urn, I, ,iiii mull lompleto til" riiuil M i , il nil I. ill lliti'K fiiunt Iia. i . n iiiillni! mi "(Tort In '" .uim mnl nii'ii iiml If lu ...i.lli.-.l Hill Ii" ttlilh"d . , a llllll' tllll II tllll It In , ,1 . I vtuitli ttii' trli to tlin II.. inplillty u Uti llllll . i I., nut thrown up, n It . Hi i llili'. wh"li there (. rnnliliiK Hi" work mi uM.t mil httJ.Mt i toiiv i niti:ioN. h icri mirnr fiiilor) In Or- .on -ii 'mi III l.n iirmiiiii I uesunji i' nin .nl run. whhh will Imi roti duimI ii k t ami day mnl MiiniUys It a, ii ti.ii. n sugar lieinn nri' u' and irriiil Into sugar Alter iiit ii .i: wl.ii Ii tin? tiimini'.i'iiH'iit lai . ' it nrormu' romiiuoni, !' , ; mii (imiiiii'nrvil Inat -,rk an I .i!!i lout iumilltlo urv l ik "P In I'"' factory bins tn lwii ,niii coin t: Tim run will ll-.-'.j- i inilmiv lur twn monins I ui i.i i n li'li't spue of tliui' tin impnti will pa) out iiImiuI 135. ouu i ";' llmy illliiirni'ini'iil toi uiipiiK I. nut llnilti"! to tlnii' two mMi ii-r n tho n"rnxe p)- iuii ' I nl In 112 OUU inolitlil) One iiih' il nml lilt)' workini'ii en ,1- i .1 In pulling till' boots nil Itm' ! fiiriim uuiii'il Ii) tin' mi la o.utii On inn' of tliu big lla li. Mi Unit rulirli tlii'tf In il lliii'l louiln lit hoot nlld lulu Hit' Imi i in i III Unit wii) tin' lii'i'lH inn tit- tram puili'it In tin' fiiitnry ui Hi" luw.nl pnmillili' i'ip,'iiilllilii' or iliii' nml lllllili') llllWI'Vl'l, III llllll I l.'illi.HH .il III, Mill") till' lllll-llllllltl"l WII) of luntl- Iiik tlm linttH to Hi" fiiitury In wa gon Ih In miku" It tnkii a mnnll mm) of lui'ii to opi'ini" Ih,' fm tint i IIO.V... llll'l.iril.N 1 1 CMS. 'I In ni'W ri'slili'in " ui Jiiliu H HIiiHik I TERMINUS AJ WATER Trains to Run to New Station at Holland Near Channel ami soi-ms to li" holding Iot own i L'.VKNOU'.V MAN COMMITS ! Tliu (nminliii'" In furred to clone! SI'ICIIIi: AT ASHLAND tin iniiii'xt 'lin'Hitn) night, no thnl ' tin (in "it iii.i li.'i." H'lllli li'iit lime to prepare for tin- i i-ri'inoiilMi of the 'ip'tiilm: tin. I.i't nvi'ry public uplr- Itiil cltlzi'ii inn u few vott'ii for xmno of thf yotuiK IikIIi.'H t.'nt'iri'il In Kiln (diili'Ht. nml ilicrcliy li'-lp to make tlii' arfnlr ii nucci'DK. Mils l.oiilK" HiirK"iil S71 ,MIm CloMli! Ilarmii SflC lititulbocl I lirotKjh Marsh to Straits Will Soon He Ready !MIih .Mrio mcmii'iiui! ... ...... Iii l.ir Knils-1 rains to Kun to Water to Connect With Jf; j? H"11"; ::;;;::;;;; -JJJ Hoats Before Winter Weather Sets In i'M 8t,ll;i cnmnbeii soi .MIH1 I .Oil I HO l.'l' llilt MIhi i:ilz.i Hllltn 0, H In xputi'il Hint within nix wi'i'kn in t"iuilniin will Im iitiilillnlii.'il I rniiMD ii.'iirlm; (imi.l..iloti un.lir,,, ,,,.. ,-lifoi tiln Norllii'imti'iu mil- III" mipi'Dliiloti of I'mnk Cutli'i w.i, ni nullum!, tin Million lit III" I. Cm: Iluiiiiii'iiiil. of MiTtlll. Iinr .tuiitn on thi ni.tmli 'IIiIh will il" In "ii In lliU liliiltv tin' niit w,.i'k'Uu with rill utiiri'ii mnl I'.lv" illicit IniyliiK. ninlill" Imrhiii for tb" urniv Iiiinnii'iluii bi'twi'i-n Hi" inllroail mnl tli" Kti'iim lxiui 'II ui" now mil) two ilri'ilifvn wmkliiK mi tin- nun nil. Hi" Annum ili"Ju" IiiiIiik lii'i'ti tuki'ii off ii fuw ilm cliiii' Hi" two ilriilK1' nri- lluiiiri' liiinlnp win In town Moii Oh) f rum Klmintili I'nlU II" u- liHikliu: moiitnl uiiiuiir tli" utoi kini'ii i for lnvf uitlli' Woikiui'ti nri- i'IikukiiI tlil wi't'k In "Hi tin,: Dim Htili-nliitluti of Mixin IIkj powiT nml Unlit plnni II li to Im tiopi'il tlint .ni'y will noon rum nii'iii" wlrliu: Hi" n-slili'iii nn tli" 'Vt'iiltiK nri' Ki'ltlnr, lone nnii pinpl" un maloim lot "lirlili IlKhli A.NOI IICIl IIC( 1)111) itiiiaucit. Tin I i.i I "K of iiillt nml lilanknti riri'hiil li III" I'nrtliiiiil Htur" Will I," iiil on nnii' for uti Imnr ami a lint! Mimilii) lilKlit from r 30 to 7 It on nnil miy lilnuki't or quilt Ln tluT" .it nix You lamiot nruri) to tnl tiiiti mi uiiortunlt) ltiiim tier II Ik for mi liour nml n tmlf oiih nt milii'iiril of pilriii Dili' itimforti'i will In- Klvi'ti fi"" t nn i iinitimi'i wlio Iiii)k ID" ln' lilonlint fr" In I'ViT) riiMiitiii'r who Iiiivii four triiiti 13 up I'.xsinii: nii: i:m I will piintnri' liiir" lit in) I'l.ii two nml n hull inlli'i oulh nf low. i. for miy li-imlli of tltm' nt r. .nuti.-ilil' prlci'ii I'm lirmi npplv to :s-i;t ii ii w.uvi.i'ii.i.ii loiiflnliiK thilr woik lo iiiiupli'tltiK Hi" i iiilintikiui'tit on Hi" W"l ulilo of ih" rhnmii'l ami no uorl; will li ili.ni' on Hili el'l" uiitll Hint U llnUhi'il o tint th" truck fit ft hu lulil to tli" wnt'r Thli work, whlrh Iiiih In in III proKii'iii ucnrl) n yenr mnl u linlf, will hf (liilnlii'il mnl nin!) for tiill" within .In Una Th" work on tlu i lit lit Urn linwn inr i .null l pniKri'dilm: rnplilly nml it in p.millili' III IIIIVI' It lOlllpll'tl'll to lint n tnuipornry tormliiim lonlil In- .'hiiiI.IIkIii il mi thi mnluliiml it mil" Iri'iu ttiti ntiiiltit If thli w.m ilon i' It wiiultl lir pinnllilc to milk" iiilini'Ctlou will) Hi" lio.it. n tli" CiinliV iiiiuli' a trip tin- otlii-r tilpht from th" utriiltn in the tiinlnlmiil with u I an:" louil of wihhI Th" i mini foriui'il hy tho "Xravnllon toi lhi "iiiliaiikmi'iil in ;o (!,! wli!" ami Horn H in 1'' !'"' (IH l Ibv tat"lni'lil Unit iiililii'itliin will l iiiiiiIi' with Ih" wut,r within thli ttinrt II Il riiimI lU'Wn to thi pi'iiplo of thin it -v im li uii'mifi th" Una) I'llm Inniluii ( ih" utni'.i' n n nivalin of IiiimI in i"ii''llii: Klainiitli I'ullii. If ii. H-, i. limn lulnlliiii U nilopti'i'i for .. ii. u hi ic ilul" on ilx-' L'ullfornl.i Norlliiimlirii, Il will hu poHullili' with in n t"W wi'i'kH to li'iivo Wi'fil In tho iiinrnltiK, truvi'l hy train to llollnml. mnl ttikii th" hout nt Hint ulalloii for Klutiiutli Kn I In, nml nrrlvn Iutu i-urly In th" iiItiTiiniiii On moIiik out It IllCill SC'miOl, NOTCS. Tin n-coptliiti nhi'ii Ian nlKht by th" lliri'" iiimt ilaticii to tho Kronb. men wim n mirci-HH la ovcrr roitnoct. woulil not Im iii'ii-nnry to U-nxi- horo T. c,n,ntf njipolntcil by tho pros- iik .arly mi at pii'-i'iit ll()l,nl ()f ,lic Ft,,.nt U0(y hmi ,,. fully lulil tho plnnn anil tho ndmln- I'llOIM'tTIVi: lli:i: FAH.M. llntrntlon wan currli'il out nicordlnKly. ' I .Mf'tlni; nt s o'clock the Freshmen Tho riilnlni! nml rultiiro of bees won- Introdurei! ufter which nil nil- will Im one of tho iiiccoiHful Intltm- ijuurm-A to tin- rliapcl v; lie re a nhort trliii In thin willoy hoforo mnny yenm. i Introductory procrnm wm given. Alriiidy IKrniiui Knttenhorn hai a .Thli runilitfil of mmlc by Mr. Itolfe proHperoiiH nml honltby huilncmi In ,.10(1 Mr. WrlKht. MIbi Itutunlc and hoin'y Ho Iiiih ubout ninety hive ot.Mlm Iloyd nml talks by Mr. Carlisle Itnlhin. black ami h)brlil hen that Yeilvn, Mr. Kaiinlit nml Mr. Ilulchcr ordinarily hrliiK In n rich Utile bur-1 ami Miss Clsle Orem. The music was i'l ilurlns tin miniiii'.T umJ fnll This 'tinthuclnmlcnlly received nnd encored, yenr tho imp of honey Is nhort, owlnu iTho speechiti were IntcrestlnR and n lo the curly front which wits w iIIsuh-' proprlate After the program all re- troiiH to the potato and buy crop, paired to the laboratory where punch Honey Iiiih mild nl 1211 cents per1 and wafers were served. Kvery one pound HiIh yenr, leaving a good prof- icno)ed hlniholf. Il ti tho producer. Mr. Knttetihorn i Mr. nnd Mrs. K. Wells, of Palisade, li'VotcK hl entire attention to hlsJNevadn, nro visiting at tho homo of boo culture nml In n few yenr will (Mr. nml Mr. J. T. Ilulchcr. huo one of the bent and most produc- Hpeclnl chapel exercisej for every tho boo furius In tho Hint" Morrill J Friday morning I.avo been begun. Kivonl. I Some speaker will nddress the stu- 'dents at that time. Next Friday Ilev. i An unknown ami nimureiitlv tli nioiited man committed sulcldo In a sensational and novel manner at Ashland by climbing on tho top of the big railroad water tank and then Jumping Into tho water and drowning hi lime) r. Ills queer actions were no tiled by workmen nbout, who saw him first Jump Into tho receiving tnnk of tho big oil storago tank filled with fuel for tho locomotives of tho railroad company, thenco ho ran up tho ladder of the water tank en des habile, ami plunged down tho man hole. When rescued he was past re Hitscltatlon. On his coat was tho nlamp of tho maker, a Chicago firm. In addition to tho name "It. Johns." A Scattlo memorandum book nnd a tract from the recent holiness camp meeting at Mount Tabor were also found upon tho body, but no other means of Iden tification. The man was about 40 years of ago, very short but rather stout, with ono gold front tootb and a sandy moustache. UCSOLLTIOXS OF COXItOLKNCE. MCltltll.l, ItCCOIHl ITCMS. WWWWW? I HiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi I fH T 4sV BBisVHiiiiiiiiiH iB iT I I Good Clothes are always Made to Order BKCAUSICTlicy arc Tailoicd to your exact intlividunl requirements, not for Tom Dick, or Harry's. BKCAS.2Thcy arc made from the cloth you select Made i" ' style you dictate BECAUSE Tl.cy ;.re made from the very finest woolen suitings in the very latest up-to-date styles hy expert joutneymen tai lors. Buy Them From Us BECAUSE We will not charge you a cent until we fit you perfectly and give you entire satisfaction. Ciigluecr Meldriim tells us that the Morrill end of tho Mooro electric line will I'" prurtlinlly eonipleleil this week John Itntllu rold u spnn of big mares In n Mr. Ilanald of llutto Val ley, HiIk woel:, for f40U. This Is a pretty good price, but they were good nnlninlh. I I). Appleguto returned from his California Hheep camp this week. He wild tho sheep hud boon Htnrtod line to the lavi bods becnuse of tho Inck of witter In other places. II II. Cutler. Deputy U. S. Mar shal wns In town yesterday. He had lieeii down to Tn lo Lake Investigating a number of homestead Mings whlcn ho ny tmvo never been completed ns to resilience. Improvements, etc. These eutrk'H mo of course open to settlement now. C SwnnBton left yesterday after noon for the Dnvls much where bo will attend to the weighing of tho CrcHKlur & llonner cattle which went through heie this week. Thero aro ubout HOD head of these l.uko county hecen nnd every hend is a boquet for Oregon catllo growers. Mr. SwaiiHton will be back ngalu the lGth Inst to receive the Dnlton rattle, nbout U00 head In number. I'ratt of the rresbyterlau Church will speak. Mrs. O. II. (lotos Ih entertaining the llridge Club this afternoon In honor or Mrs. C. It. Iteames. Mrs. Kcatues, who was so signally honor ed by the Grand Chapter of tho East ern Star, will leave on Monday to complete her tour to tho local chap ters throughout the state and the Ilrldgo Club, as n token of tho high esteem In which they hold her. had tho special meeting this afternoon. ma i sox. Six pairs for $1 to last six months. The Portland Store will be closed Monday until 5:30 !. M.. on account of a Jewish holiday. Don't forget tho big kale In tho evening. Tho Rugby Stocking for boys and girls, sold tit $2 n box. A written 1 guarantee with every box of six to last six months. 3- Whereas, on September 29, tho An gel of Death visited tho homo of C. Fouch and boru away Gerald, tho brother of an esteemed member of our sophomore class, therefore bo It Ilesolvcd, That we, the members of tho Faculty and Student Body of tho Klamath County High School, ex press our sincere sympathy with our friend. Hoy. and his family in this, tho hour of their great trial; and further bo It Resolved, That a copy of theso res olutions bo spread upon tho minutes of tho Student Uody, and furnished to the dally press. W. E. Faught. Chester Hawxhurst, Myrtle Carter. Committee. MISS MAUD I1.U.DWIV llt'VS MILLINEItV STOCK. i Klamath Falls' Best Dressers Wear Continental Clothing. ASK THEM. & AltHKSTKI) AT CIIICO. Tho alter! ft Iiiih been notllled by the city marshal of Chlco, that M. M. Mnssey Is under arrest thero anu that ho was Informed that ho was wnuted In Klamath Falls on u charge of forgery, Tho District Attorney's ollU'o litis no record of nny complaint llled ugnlitHt uiiyoiie by that mono. Thero whb n man hy tho name of Smith who atolo u horso and forged n chock on Cluy Merrill nt Merrill, and who vu3 supposed to bo In that part of California. Tho sheriff thinks that possibly this might bo tho man, but as ho has no description of him, ho Is not In a position to do anything. Tho entire stock of Mrs. Fish's Ron Ton Millinery .consisting of about 15000 worth of millinery, dry goods, and trimmings, was sold yesterday to Miss Maud Baldwin and the Brick Store Company. Miss Baldwin takes over tho stock of millinery, Including the big shipment of fall and winter bats selected by Mrs. Fish at San Tranclsco. Tho gr.ods have been mov ed to the Brick Sioro, whoro they will ,o on sale. Miss Baldwin and Mrs. Van Sickle aro Invoicing the stock, today. oec.e44o K. K. K. STORE EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FREE DELIVERY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. PHONE 174. iiesixts p Contest FOlt'CAItNIVAL QUKEN. Below will be round tho toaultu In tho Queen contest, tnken up to 3 p. m, today, Tho Quocn contest will cIobo next Wednesday at midnight, nnd It In hoped that tho public will take more luterost In tho contest from now on. Mtsa Louise 8argont la still In tho lead by a very tew vote M DmmM msf 45aMfM M sfIA 04JrM r . ..Matila DmmMK Mmm mm CSalri I ProvUed thm Barm hmm m eMt I XL Roof and Barn Paint Provomtm ioafta-atfate much to appoaranco IS AS NECESSARY AS FIRE INSURANCE ROBERTS & HANKS I HARDWARE MERCHANTS KHHWHm ,WW