fie fit riu tin Hemo. Klnmnth VnW First uml Ik'Mt Daily .... Our Advertisers Gt the Best Results . . . TllllU) Ykau. No. WW. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1908. Price, 5 Cents DEMAND FOR LIMBER Rig lluildinq lloom Now on Is I heir Mutter Gradu Stock--1 tired Hint I here Will Ilu Short mju ol I inish lumber Hy Spring Tin- iiiiilrniinia nnd liiillili.m nil Klamath r'lilla "r" '"tliu: lumhei imnliif In Hi" lty mm Hprlng Tin liurtiig" will ll" !' "'" better grndi-a uf lumber, ailf-li aa l Hi"'il for flnlali- InK mill Interior work In tlm mrl) tart of tin- nr then- wna mi) Illtlii'WlVI.'ltllsi: Itlt.VIVAl, ilolliK I" Hi" building Mil" III lliuj TIIIIHI'OIIIMT MMNTV. ill) Ttil mi account uf Urn un-iim-cli'il lint it limes, wlilih Mil nm affect llil ton tit in. hum n n ll illil iiiiornliii: fur a lrli tmough lln conn tin. outaldi- ll 'H "N I" I'"' "'i'"- lly '" ""' l"1' ' "' ''"' C'lrnlwil llf hut lrfnrf hhiiii regained null- ilrncn enough I" Ko nlit-ml with I ln-lr ltlrm tin- pii.tei mid other uilierlla IuIMIuk nnil Inve.lmeiita I'iik mailer, it tut li) llii. tliim In. lum Mi it looked nit If llmrt. wna lo i.p'niil.liftl liU til. .hit) iiimii. woman ll'mltttl .tinlil for liliulxr til.. mtlH "' I"'1 "' Ulninntli Count) wll tin miirli anwlng till, mi t Moutea uinl Ackleya Iiml n lonalili - r - ...... M amount if dry lumber finm mt ,rm-. rul which waa eipecti'.l lu I tiiffltlinl In mint Itif ili'iniiiiil Tin. U,nt Lake mill wna Ilm unly une,"' "" "'""" '" '""" '""inK "" nlch put In u full mimiii.'r-. inn ,,""il'tl I'.- ut.. mtere.te.l l It a late in Jul) t'f.r.- Itn l.ull.l- . in. I.-, in nut nut himlwnt uinl II ... ,ut a .hurl Hum In-fur.. there''" '" ""ll1" ',r'H'K "''! tome ... . Lie demand for lumber. .-.l.. claliy for finishing Tt.l. wna on at- lt-"iiJyiiioiil count uf tl. Inrge number tif .tin, " Ul" '"I""" '"" ' ' ' t.i.ll.tlnr. rnlnx till, whlrli are muliib of brick mi.) u. .-ry Hi.'"""' "' ,,,"",, "" ' l-rmiKlit ll rtiuKli ItimlHT otfil III r.. ' w """ '"" ",r" ,,"rl,,K ""' tnr' ttuitJIntr. fir Tin- mill tm-n tnt..",v"'' "'" w""1'1 '' '""," wllll,K " tint If tlii-fo I . miitli bull.lliin lii""ui ' t'liiiUti- In lli'lr work. lhiirliK ttitr.ilm. tin-n lliU fnlli"1" ''"I"'1 """ "' laii.lrn.-i. limn Ihcy .III run mil of liimti-r .ii.'" ' " ""' '" " lril.Tl ami .I- . . , ... Turn- U picnty of roii:li lumber ' Ill tho ynnl-i to lnl oni tlmt' M.hii.- ' ilto. tiAn nbiiiit n inlillnii ami a, UN frci uf nry r.immoii Tli- ImtiM unly about CO, 000 fuel uf clenr .rk" lT Hro. Iimi utiout KOO.000 fi'W.I Ith only xninll iiunllly of clear. The Uinx Ijiki- mill lin Ini'ii n Inc all atimmor mt Into of t III lumber limit n. fn.l ll lina lieuu ' rut Arkloy Urn., mill l rutiiiliiK tow Tliey liatu uim Iuhiiu of l'iK Kblrti art- beliiK rut for aperlul order (In account of tin- Iowihik uf tlm n.( trrtbuy ru uunblii to brlni; nny nmn - In, over tin- Imr In tin- rh.-r The prlco uf roinmon lumber la the i in ii ilila irnr n last. It la aell Inrfnr I12nlliim..l ( lum- 'iljBJBMf '' 1 1 i paa SaV ' ' BF aw a V X V 1 Mk. aHal lEf .aHIIIIIIIIIV i Emm .apaBBKgBBBBBBr ftp JWM ppppppp I i i r , i "awP i i i U i i vaaVSJ aaaW SBBBBBBBBaBBBm v AfaffafVSft i B i WjBJBJBJBJBjajBJBjW bVJbVJbVJbVJbVJ aVjaVjaVjaVJaVJaV BWaVaVaVaVBaB EffAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfM BBafafafafafafafafM "SBfHfHfHfHfHff "JBBBBBr" aVE-BJ I K4 H l)epluliii( thu Yords of All " , ' t It bunging '.'. $25 iiml :tu. nt- i.ii.uiig in inn r.iiKii' n Ih claimed lliii I lllt.1 Kl lulu lumber Ik hi'IIIiik Hi linrrla fur f.u n tlioiimiml MniiiK'i'r llrnuilenhiirg lift this ' .ri wiin loin tioveinl itiounutut """ '" """ "'" " " !" "' '"""' '" ' e"-r lu.itL In Hi.. ..r .1.1- i '" 'n';'" ' "" ''""," '"" "'"' 'l'"" " ' "'" """" "" ' """ " ' ""i'r ii 'fur I.1II.U1 .... I ,1...., I...kl..u ' ""' '" l'i"'"iiin. "" ,0,,l" "" ",r '' w,ul ' "" '" ""' """ "'"" '" "" l...' I'll.lll. ... .I11IJII.II' 1IIVII .'WI.III" ' iimiiiii'iiii. i.-'i ii join in mitiKinK . .... ,. ., . ., Ilin li nialk iif lluil uimiU Mint Mm l.iuk. ' ., ' .. ' ..In j.f l In. mil li I'iiIIm nr.i ulilu iiu ibn ,... ... . in in. nHn. nnil ullllni: In nbo-v tliem Un til! f their life Del biiH)' Mr. Mill! mill ilu KtllllellilllK I'Iiiiim In a few miIib in tin Queen ronleiil Hlniw Hie (tiuiinltt.i' Hint ).ui nre wllllni: In put )our nliuilliliT to lb.' wli.t'l makim; .mim:v wiiii.i: vor M,i:i:i'. Are im IikiIiIiik fur properly'' If ho, l lum- .oine c.uo.l linrKnltia. ami It will pay mi m .. tin- Nim la iinr tbanre Will aiirprlai- )m next aum- r Inuillre of , CAMHV, ill Hotel lloimlou from U lo T I' M S'J-St - Wak Over a Napatan Shoes Complete Stock RUBBERS Cravenette ana Heavy Overcoats Fall Suits Underwear. Sweaters. Mackinaw Leather Coats. Corduroy Clothing. Etc., Etc.. at Klamath Falls' Beat Value Givers . K. STORE WhoWou,dntB!ErorCounci,man? IMIIor llerulil In )uu Ixiuiii uf Dm 2.1 IiihI, untlnr it islnrliiK litinilliiK of "Iniioru Lot OvMieia," uii hhii fit fo try to Inipunn the inulhcB uf tliu InrK'ir innjorlty of the IninliieHH men uf Hie (own who iilKlieil Hut iielltlim ItaklllK tin- town eiiiiiii'll lo cram n ftiiiiclilHi- for n "toiiiieiii or wouiliin fin mo" it Ion k the Htreet line of IIIkIi Htliel III WeHl Klaiiiutli KiiIIh, i liarnileilrlnK tint aatii.i n u "very peculiar re'iu.iat In iinuiiieh uh only ttirey of tin- property iiwiiuIh afteiteil alKIH'il tlm petition wIiIIh nearly a liundreil liiiMlne.n men on Main atreut ho huvu uu lutvroal In that aerllon, dumaiiil Hint Iho council piim. tli.- ontlnnncv." II uuld neeiu Hint )uur vlvwa aa to Hi" liilereala uf tlm people of the town ami the rlxhta uf property own- era lo ubatiuet Krent Improvonioiita, have iiliderKun.- it revillalou or flop, hIihh )uii, iim editor of tin- Itepubll- call aume fuur )eara men, chnmplunml tlm Klnuintli Cnnnl ('o, and In lie feiiHi- of their deiiinud fur nn open iiluliowa) uf Iwuiity fit' I In width, mid depth ar)luR from eluht to twetily-llve leet, thruiiKli tho lntr if the lon and over four or five of Ma prlmlpal atreeta, rhnrncterlietl llinie prupeity uwuera wIiok.i rlglita wen- arfeited and hu ruinouatmUMl nKiilimt the Krmitlnr. of tlm frnticlilae, at "pin heiida and knocker. " Of ruurae, tlm two cnaca are not punillel, Innamiicii na tliu Klnmnth C'miiil ('o wna n auppoaedly rich pri vate iiirporntlon. Hhoao only object una to build up the town and enrich Ita InhabltuM. They would build other atreela un In ml of their own, n that people rould enally chance tlielr lealduiirea to another part of town utioliHtrurted by alulcuwnya. The fratithlM- naked for In till" peti tion ink fur n rlitht of way not ex ceedlliK tell feel iiliuiR the hlllaldl where no ati.t'l exlata except un pa per, ami where nn Irrigation ditch for ronveyliiK water lo tlm UiiiIh be low haa exlaletl aliui- the citrlleat be RlnnliiK uf Hie lown. nnd which la an Hllunted Ihnt It la ample protec tlun lo th.- prupeity below from nny poialbl.i lenkm;.- from a flume above; bealilca, the (' H llerlnmntlon Sor bite have alKnllleil Ihelr wllllnKnvaa for the city lo plan.' the aupurvlalon of the conairtii'llou under thu charno uf Hie city eiiKiueer with autlinrlty to aiti that It wna ronatmrled In auch n manner that It would not leak. II look uh (IioiikIi tlm principal ' I tatasiw All the Newest FALL HATS AND CAPS. Stetson and Thor oughbred Brands. 1 Hi ? 1 I Q I or real aiiluiua of onr nttnek la be cauau tlm frmichlac la naked for by Iho U, H, Itetlumatloti Horvlce, nnd tlm Water Uavra, na )our poaltlon when formerly edltliiK Ilu- Itepubll-1 I'HII llllll lull llfmll III flu. ilililif.i .if I I IiijkI It lly u I tut liiklni: uvei uf the li rlKiitlon a)Htema of UiIh inurilry by ' (In- United Hlati-H nnd yom paper dur Ilu: Out period prior to the withdraw ul of the Klumatli Cunnl Co. contain oil a (treat many nncoiiipllmenliiry ar-tlcli-a iiKnlriNl tlm U. H. It. II. nnd the dlrvctora of the Wnti-r I'aera Aaitn elation. I'lirmlt mo lo kIvo u brief Itlntory .... or trio ult.irnpta lo aecur.i n franchise for tlm Keno Cnnnl, fur tin- benefit of )otir readura nnd the I'lllllcntlon uf our ill) dada. Thu llrat attempt lo le-cure a fnin clilao for Iho Keuo Canal waa In lle cemlior, liiOT, when It wna tonteni plnted lo innatriicl n tamil ua far na Hit- aoulli boundnry line uf lot 1 1 In Wiat Klnmnth I'alla, where tlm wn ter wna lo he delivered to tliu Moore hrothera, at a power plant near their p reno lit aawuilll. Ho much oppoaN Hon waa developed toward the build IliK of a Inrce inrinl thloiiKh the went aide r.-alileriro lota, thai the council rufiiat-d to Krmit the name uuleaa the U. H. It S. flrat aettled with thu prop erty ownera nlonK the line uf thu pro poKi'd cnnnl, nnd In order tn enable. thu Scrvlcu to proceed, thu Moore brothcra changed their pinna and aKrcod to a delivery lilnher up at thu point where the power houau la now under I'ouat itirtlun After adjiiailnr; tlm clalma of r' I.. ArmatronK nnd flndlnK It Impoaalblu lo urrlvu nt n antlafnctory arrannetnent with W. II. Mllla, tlm frnnchlao aa amended to terminate at thu pre. out power alte, waa pnaaed iinnnltnoualy by thu coun cil nt Ita meeting February IS, 1907. On April 30, mob. I). W. Murphy filed an ordlnancu aaklng for f ran - chlae to count rurl telephone line for Hervlre, upon which no action haa ev er been taken, nor roaaon therefor (tlveti. On May Mh, Ivat, tliu ordln a nre waa Introduced naklni; for a fruni'lilae or right of way for thu ton atriutloii of n "concretu or wooden fluum nlong High street from prt'nenl terinlnua of canal, acrovi llrldge street to tin- aoutliwcat corner of lot 7. W K. K." Said right of way to bo not to exceed ten feel In width, and to be constructed In n good atilmtan Hal mnnner, ao ua to avoid damage or Injuiy to tin- atreet or property own era, Ua manner uf construction waa explained In detail by Engineer I), W. Murphy, who went over thu ground with all the members of thu city council who desired to Inform them selves; but nt a aubaequelit meeting of the board on Muy 1Mb when Alex. Martin, Jr., and tho writer appeared on behalf of the Water Uaora, the bill waa culled up, read second time and laid on table Indefinitely, the board through Its inuor staling that they would not entertain it until 1). W. Murphy changed It to read "con crete flump" and flrat nettle with tho property ownera along lino of the propoaod flume. Tho writer hereof, being appointed by tho board of directors of tho Wn tor Uaora na a committee of one. to Hocuro an agreement for rights of way for the flumu nnd cnual, and hav ing failed to get any proposition for terms that would bo entertained by tho U. S. It, S., then drew tip and circulated tho petition presented to the city couiirll. Evoryono signing wna presumed to undoratnnd tho situation, nu it had been freely discussed on tho streets and through tho papers for nearly four months whilo It had been held up without action or olllclnl not lie to tho 11. 8. It H. Tills petition wna pre sented nt tlm meeting of tho city council Tuesday evening, the 22nd, and the question wna raised by Coun cilman Sanderson that probably- thu signer of the petition were not In formed that tho ordinance called for a wooden fluruo, and objected to by tba Mayor because thu names of all tho property owners along the lino of tho propsed flume did not appear on the petition. Ilu was told that two of thu parlies had refused la sign, and It wna conceded thut tho othera whoso names did not appear would also retuse. The council decided to defer any action on tho matter until Iho next regular meeting In ordor to glvo Iho property owners who oppos ed tho franchise an opportunity to get up and circulate a remonstrance. The Mayor, bowever, stated that tha WORSE THAN STAGE Traveler Over New Road Thinks That Business men of This City Should Ask for Separate Passenger Train for lletter Accommodation of Traveling Public totiif.'ll would crnnt tlm frnnchlai for a t onc.rf.-ti flume, without nny consent ut property ownura. Now, cent lemon, f you decide that a wooden Hunm ronatructi.-d under the anpervlalon of tlm city onKlnccr ' '" K'A"K l" "!nk ,,n,,uKh to oTcrflow '.I... ....... .......... . .. tlio ditch below It nnd damnxo aor lomly tho atreut or private property below, lo Justify boldlni: up thu ton alructlun work nnuther year to tho dmnaKf of thu Wntur Uacra In tho aum of several thouannd dnllari, cith er turn It down or amend It to ault your Idena or Juatlr i and public Rood. Hut ir you think Hie dnmoKo likely lo remit from leakage la amnll aa coinpnred to the Rood that will result In the early turnlnc of water on 2C00 nrrea of land owned hy the people whoao Influence nnd energy for the past aoveral yenra haa clone to much lo build up thu town mid enhance tho value of your property, then paaa It In Ita present ahnpe and let us bavo the wntur nre to pay for. Do olth er men or monkeys nnd do aomo-thlt-.K. Yours for Irrlnatlon, O. A. STEARNS. .m: I'.wiNf; tiikii: taxks. The property ownera of Klamath County nppear to have plenty of ready money. At least that la tho Indication from thu way they aro paying up on their second Installment of taxes. The shcrlff'a office baa been rather huay ibe pan few days making tout receipts for taxca which have been paid. Over 1600 was paid In yesterday nnd between $300 and $100 wna received up to noon today. Taxes will becomo delinquent on October fifth, the first Monday In the mouth. There aro now approximate ly $17,000 of unpaid taxes, but It Is believed that by the end of tbe week this will be reduced to nearly $10, 000. This amount of delinquent tax es Is considered very small for a county na largu as Klamath and with so ninny non-rcsldont property own era. It simply shows that the people of this county are In a prosperous condition and consider property here as n good Investment. HEATH OK GERALD FOVCH. (iorald Kouch, tho 11 year old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Grant Pouch, died nt tho homo of his parents on Mill street In West Klamath 3:30 this morning. Tho deceased had appendlclila aud was recovering, but took sick a icw days ago and grad ually grow weaker until the end. Tho funeral will bo hold at 10 o'clock tomorrow from tho Under taking parlors. A Peak of drain in tho Barn Im worth aBumhoi in tho Field I XL Roof mnd Barn Paint Provmnf I If Wj IS AS NE0ES3AHY ROBERTS HARDWARE Parties coming In from tho rail road aru loud In tbolr condemnation of tho accommodations on tho Cali fornia Nortcastorn road from Weed to Calor. They claim that It la even worao than tho old stylo stago. Com mercial men, who bavo boon making thla city for years past say that they nover dreaded tho trip half so much, even during tno worst acaaons of tho atago travel. Thoy naturally expect better accommodations on a railroad but atato that If anything they aro now gutting worao. Parties reaching Weed from tho north havo to lay over from 12 until 3 o'clock the next day. Ono party who nrrlvcd hero tho other evening describes hla trip aa follows: "We left Weed about 2 o'clock. The coach was crowded and a number of tho passongcrs wcro ladles. They wcra bringing up a bunch of Greeks or foreigners of some kind. They wore a dirty foul smelling lot and would have been offensive even In tbe open air. The small smoking compartment would not hold them and they partly filled tho only passenger coach on tho train. Ono party of four had a quart of whlskpy along which they proceeded to liven up on. Through oversight or otherwise no notice was taken of them by the conductor, al though they attracted tbe attention of all the passengers. The rest of tho bunch literally made a dining table ot tbe seats which they covered with stale bread and crumbs and Ut tered tho aisles with the paper and other refuse. "The smell In that car was some thing flerco, even for a man, and I am unable to understand how. the women stood It. The only relief we had was when tne train stopped about every flvo minutes and wo were able to get outside and get a few breaths of fresh air. We stopped at every station and every place where there was no station from a quarter to a halt of an hour, while tbe engine switched freight cars. The short stage ride after we left the car was bad but I did not hear one person make a kick. It was a relief to get on tho boat, but wo were all In when we reached here at ! o'clock In the morning. I believe a man Is Justi fied In making a kick, when we might Just as well arrived here at 6 or 7 o'clock. It certainly seems to me that there Is enough travel to war rant a passenger train on this line, and I believe If the business men of this city would see tnat the Southern Pacific officials were aware of the conditions that you would get one. I come here because I have to. t like the country and do a good bust ncss here, but at present I cannot recommend It as a pleasure trip." I MHMfc and awn. AS HUE mSURAMOE & HANKS MERCHANTS J HH