He fUfflttM atmb. Mumiilli Kullii' l-'it-Hl unit lli'xt Daily .... Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . Tinuit M'U. No- ,;,;7 KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 1908. Price, 5 Cents KLAMATH Best Advertised On the Entire Coast So Sns Mr. H(itkiniitT On -Kldiiiiilh lolls Should food Impression on Ji who him J lint . -..ii rriuii'Hio wlu'rei""' "' '"r" w' ' '"' '"ml'l lin- ' tili"'l.-H mill III- i ..in. ..trii.tli.tn. In. . .,, ,,. ,Uy ,., , , ,.. i ' Mint Ciiitiltnl, ')ti.ii iiml uiln'i iKiomiiir) ihmu-ia .M. M.'nw Hint il-:ii.i' i u'" ' "H wit. tll. .1. ImiI noii' i I.. -.i li.ii It tu Kliiimllii'"" l",,"", '" '"' disappoint, d In - . . ,. I llu: tin- Hl In li.ul (iiiiillilnii mnl hIII l an i luil. wiliI Mr Hut-1 1 .1 , . ... In. .Ilmiiiirngi-il Irmn miiklni; In ! . r ' Inn k where "') I in.. nl " i i lui'ka priinpeliui ntnl . . i,.. i . ii mi. on utery luitiil i i.i I iinliirttitinlo In 41. I l I .if ii r I wmit.l K'i null A I'Tl). . 'MiII.iii- of Will 1 1 hum . . ..ml just lii-Kln I..1'""- """ w'"'"' '" Mi'Doimld. I w Mit.l ,:.. out ..ii tin. M " Wniiinlir. N I. n..,l,.r mnl I ii. .1 K"ii lilmk with- ,,r "'"'""'"' ' H.UI Jim... return- I I...II a .liirni time.1"1 H,,,"r," ""'' ImiiiliiK Crip In ....I t.-KKurn kliiK lor ,l'" ,",,"',,r" l'" "' " '"it) mnl . - ..II mi.'. i.'i..ut. ... '" ""'," ltlr,,r 'rl" l" '"" ' .. Hi Klamath .mint) l""' "'""""' '' '' month, were g iiii.illi) lor u M l'l'i,i ! mnl returned with li n j III) i. .1 to In.' mi)wlrri .I I Miirl".t liow will l K mi nth I'nlla U ilowii In I i.i. . It) In liitt.r kniiwii Hjn I m ll ' a ' ii ' j.i limn 1111) ol tin. I J". II I!. iiiinprUIni; IICIi arri'M, i' 'ii. I iiltf.l iUuti-n Junlj known in the Wooili.ril Ttail Will .1 Klmuittli I'mIU iil-ltK' u( Mnrnhnll lliiiite, Klaiiuitli I'iiIIii itii.t.'nl nn.l attention I'll.)..), (idiilier Sail Alter Unit ilate 'du w 11I 11 in nf New' Vork nr I thai;' V nl i'ker)nlii )iiu talk 1 11 I'inr, 1, iiik to iiikiii liero III tile oritiR or oiiin tliui. ni'il )enr Hiinie onl 1 111. rr pi. mure ami minti. till lillltfil a ... a I -..in to I... 1.1 .liall .uii n ii.t... nutiiiiiolill.. roi.il 1 n'. Ink. ami I eiiliire to ki.) in.' .11 i' .. tnillt. tlioiKatiiU nl ..' ii 1 in here i'ery )i'..r "in I u 1 1 I 1 Tin" ii "ui.lil In hati. iil'.iiit It ...... . -.ii. on ItupriDeliielitii h. uti. 1 -1 .iil'l lie liiiinoteil Hie . .1. in k lliM up ntnl tin. lawiiN ami ji iU 1. uii'iD. l n tli.tt pi'iiple ruin- I K. K. ''.- 9 i:lWS7aWffr i fw MJiiiinH H$m.ts.4lt IS KNOWN City and County Ilis Nettirn IromSiin Iruiu.isto llu Ilt'dtitilit'd So As loMuku Visitors mid Strmiqcrs piene. l..'ll-ti. tin. ihatt.r might ,li In' mu.'ii.leil iii allow hi ll,,, hiiml 1 1 1 1 1 1 r i : i : n u s i.i k. uiirii.'ii ini't IIMItCII I lilt sl I Two itn.tn in ip 30, 1 1 ; , mnl n.lilri-m. Jll W Iili mreet. i:iik nc. Orccnti I'liller Won.liinl ss.ci A er) pli'.ix.uit mnl aKre.'alile v enlm; Kht'ii Mr anil Mr llut j',"r nl ,,,,r ,""n" -t"'l) Vel.lllt: ' a Inn)) of the llli:li Kclm.il KlrU I' a iniii.iti. mirprlm. to Mr Hull her lull hit ttlli' ini'llieil In lllle Ixi'ti next " Tin- KlrU imue prepureil with a vol) p.ilatnlili. mnl KeueioUH lulu In on ami a tin rr exeiiltiK wait "iijnusl lit all An 11.I11 rtleini'iil In tin- I Mill lnltiK rvklillo 'I IIY IT. '.-c04 Walk Over a Napatan Shoes Complete Stock RUBBERS Cravenette and Heavy Overcoats Fall Suits Underwear, Sweaters, Mackinaw Leather Coats, Corduroy Clothing, Etc., Etc., at Klamath Falls' Best Value Givers K. STORE nmtiiiih att itAcnoNH nut nrni:irr oaknival. l lli'llk.'iiiii'r, Jr, returned Hat iihIiii nlitlii fioni ii tilp to Htm Fran Jilmo. win. id in. vsi'tit In tlm Interest or tli C'lirnhiil U'lillo In till) lit)' Mi lleltkemper nrratiKoil with suv- nil iiltrni tluim v. Mill will liu priMimt 'ml ink.' irnit In tin. Iili liow, Hnv nil othi't miiiiH.'iii.'iit etiterprlsu un imxloui. to i oii.i. hero Carnival week mnl llif iirolmlillltl.'H aru Unit the vlv Iioim lo tlii Kali will wltnes lliu Kr..il..l iiKKri'Kutlmi til show over Kiiilicn il toKi'tlii-r In IIiIn pnrt of thu lOlllltt) Mi (leu () llimiili.nliuric mnl Win. WiiKiii-i i-ai. In l lie tuoritlriR lor Ho nmiiii, Merrill mnl other point to iitlwttlM. tin. fiilr In Hint section of tin1 ioin.tr) II) tlm lltnu thi'in gen tl.'iii.'ii ii turn tin. IIIk Carnival will In uih.TtlH.il from otii. iTiJ of tho ioiiiiI) to tin. other Tlii-y will I'll deiit.il lo inter tin. I'titlru (oillit)' be fori' tin') ri'turii The lomiulttoo havu milted m'M'M.I tliiii.KiiiiJ attractive poster. ioki'IIiit wIlli other adver tising matter, whlili will lie dlstrlb ntnl In illfl.'r.iii iiurtit of tho county 'llu. . iiinii.ltt...' will lioM ii niM.tlnK tonight mnl will emluit..r to Kit tin. irn.:niiii in uliiipe lor tin. wi.i'k. HI IMICMi: I III IIT 'KI MrMIl MClirollll l.igl'Olt AHK ('oimlilernlili' alletitlon will In1 Rlv en next week hy tint llijuur nd pro hlliltloti IntereHti. to thu hvnrlnK of the Mi'ilinrd llipior ram. In tint 8u pretii.i Court at Halein 'I he Mi'iUoril ll'iuor uto linn Ihiti net lor heiirliiK In the Hupreii.it Court Wi'ilni'mla). ()i loher T, at III o'clock. In thin .at" Circuit JihIru llnnna nl li.ikniiii lounty held that tho charter ol the .It) ol Mi'iHnrd. adopted by the people prior to the tcuipernnre tote nl the penplu laHt J111111, Kan au preiiie nter the local option law and lluit ihereliite tiln.i. thu chnrter gave the ill) the right to limine aaloona tlie letnpeiiitui. tote In Juno Jih-h not pn tall ai'imiimiiii 'io itini-MT hi:hvici:, 'rhe I'lirent Hertlin han JuhI an-noiiiic-il the lollnwIiiK appointment" nil National 1'oreHti. .I.mpiir 'runKiite. 1'or.Ht Guard on tlie Crater National Kor.-Ht, OrcKon, lot ilut) nu tint Klaniatli Indian Hen iTMitlou. Kohert J MrCanii, Korcut (liiatd .111 the lieNiliuti'tt National i'oient. Ori'Kon All the Newest FALL HATS AND CAPS. Stetson' and Thor oughbred Brands. ' 1 P ptft. KOIIKHT Hi:itVICK lli;il,I)H ;oou hoahh in oiti:io. Itnpnitirini'iit work to hi) perform ed by the IJi.ltml Htati-H Kort'iit Her vlci) In tint Htnti) of OrcKon ilurltiK the pri-Heiil HvaNon will i-ntall an ox- piimlltiirn of 176,00(1. Tint pinna tontoiiiplntii that thla money hIiiiII In. lit Mined In upon I nc the foreitt re- Ki.rv.'K lo 11 r. liter nan b) lint people rather than In provldliiK iiiiiiiuth lor thu renerwt oincem. (iKiiter effort h will a I no bo pill forth In prevvnllon and rontrol of fori.ul IIiiii HulldlnK of roadH and iiiiIIh Im now In proKrom. In tnnny portlonn of the atate, nnd when lompleted will bu InrKvly uti'd by Mock men, tourUtu and farineri. In croadnK tho ranxoi, which hato hi'rotofor.t lieon Inacccii llile. (or tho rt'UHon that tl.tre wax no one to open them up, A remarkable. pit-Mi of road work luta jmt been com lilrhtl In 1 ho Fremont National for. i-Ht. KlKhteen ml leu of road have but-ii conittructcd on an air lino be tween Ijikuvlew and Hlcan. Thla iiiakot. a Havlnie of 2H houra to thu traveller between thu two point. Hy the old tralU it required two and threo-lourtha ilaya to make the trip whti h In now accouiplUhed In 12 hours Hlcan la the outllttliiK and HUpply point for atockmen and ranch- en of the l.aki-tlew district. Kon-at Hupurvltor Uuy M. Ingram comtlruct id thin road on a 12 per cent grade, Korty per cent of thu dlatanco la cut throuxh aolld rock, and for a number of mile il lout about $1000 a mile. Ijiket lew Examiner. OOltM.l.VH CO.MKDV COMPANY. .1 Treat of Hit- Krakori Una lln-n H- run-d fur the Theatre Patron of Klamath Fall. J. M Cattleman, advance aptent for thu Gorman Comedy Company, Ik In tho city maklnng arrangements for the appearance of tnrcompany at thu Opera llouao on Thursday oven Inn. October 1st. Krer) thins; about thla company la high class and up to date. Comedians that are comedians and not has been or would bes, that are ulnger. dancers, the best In their lino and performers that aro known for their ability to act. Thi high class company will present the laugh Ing comedy success "Who Is Who." The only serious thing about thla side-splitting farce la to figure how to gel a few momenta' easu from hunt laughter. Everywhere from thn Atlantic to tho Pacific coast It hu been a great success and pro nounced by oil onu of tho funniest of all funny comedies. Ilesldus this roaring comedy, there aro seven all stnr Vaudovllle ucts. These nets hate been played in all thu leading Vaudeville circuits of thu East and West. In this great array t talent aro Alexis, the world's greatest Spanish dancer, pronounced by Prosldent Dlat of Mexico as tho greatest dancer thai over visited Mexico. Eddlo Lang, tho Dutch com edian, singer and dancer. "Enough said." O'Uay and Gold, high-class Mnotcli artists, assisted by Miss Dates In their latcstcomedy playlet success entitlod "Tho Man." Harold Yates, minstrel man In monologue sluglng, dancing and whistling. Ho Is known as Emperor Yute of tho Fun Trust. As a whistler ho has few equals. Jack Keys, tho ladles' favorite, will render all tho latest song hits of tho day. Illanchfleld ft Flsbcr, come dian, In their humorous act, "The Actor and tho Dutchman." Nothing but fun nnd lots 01 It and novcr fall to keep tho audience In n roar of aughtor. Mcl'hnll tho Great, peer of ill tomato Impersonators, known as tho mala Lillian Russell. This act has beon featured all over tho world md heralded by tho entire theatrical world an In n class by Itself. Not only au Impersonator, but as a so ?iuno singer with a wonderful voice .hat seems hard to believe tho owner s not a women, and as a dancer, Mc Phail Is a past master In tho art with il graceful movements and gestures, io all who attend Oormau's comedy ind vaudovllla entertainment can see high class performance seldom giv en by a travailing company and out )f tho ordinary. At the Opora House on Thursday evening, October 1st, for ono night only and at popular prices. AT THE OPKhA HOV9K. Now tonight: Tbo Night Watch man; Elixir of Strength; Uy Uncle's Tostam.nt, and th great coasting cone, Bobslolghlng. New Songs. PLEDGE THEIR SHARE Judge Neil Promises $50,000 From Jackson County Geo. I. Baldwin fells of the Enthusiasm at Medford Good Roads Convention With Klamath's Help Crater Lake Automobile Road Is Assured of Success Jude (Jwi T lliildwln returned Saturday etenlng from Portland and Mwlford. In spoaklnK of the Hood ItoadK Convention nnd thu Crater Lake Hoail committee at Medford,, ho n)H that It wiih ono of tho most 1'iilhunlnnllc mt-i-tlnKS he over attend ed. "inij people of Medford aro a'll alltit," said Mr. Ilnldwln. "They aro very much In earnest over tho Crater l.nko rond and If Klamath county docs as well n Jackson, wit nre as Hiireil of a state appropriation that will oaiiiro thu liullillni; of tho road. Wu cn hardly realize tho vat Im portanrii of this road for Klamath county I belleti) tbnl 11 vo ears af ter the rond I built thu people o. this county will get back annually, the money they have spent, from the tourist tratel from California alono. "Thu road from Medford to Klam ath Pall by way of Crater Lako will bo about 130 mile lone nnd It will become known a one of the greatest Kcenlc road in thu world. Thl will attracts thousands annually from ev er) part of tho United States, who will spend weeks and month on their trip throuKh the country. Tbo Up per Lake will become onu ast sum mer rciiort, and it will be impossible to estimate tho money that wilt be left In thu county by the tourist and sportsman seeking pleasure. This will bu a benefit to ctery property owner nnd business man In tho county- "Col. C. H. Jackson, of Portland. Is ono of thu moat enthusiastic advo cates of this road. Ill recent trip throuKh thl county nnd to Crater Lnku has contorted him Into onu of thu greatest Klamath boosters we have, and 1 only wlh It would be ponslble for him to attend tho Good lloads mectlne which Is being plan ned for Klamath Falls. I am afraid, however, that he cannot bo here, at least not until after tho coming cam paign Is nter. Judge Scott has prom ised to come. Ho Is tho president of tho statu Good Koads organization. Tho dato for tho meeting to bo held at Klamath Falls has not been set )et, but It will havo to be arranged to accommodate Judge Scott, who has engagements to attend a number of other meetings through out tho state." Four meetings wero held on Thurs day at Medford, ono In tho forenoon, two in the afternoon, nnd one In the evening. C. S. Jackson gavo an en thusiastic talk showing somo of tbo J A Wf yW$jlM AWl ' 9SSaaKaI2ia .. B - fyTSt3asssssssrasC2: v .. -. -- .. . H . 'tft&SsssssssssBsBr5 v " xX7?WKr fi $? 9 T-Jiy-VX galsssssf 7ntyrT:fcp-lJ A Peak of Grain in the Barn Im worth a Bushel In the Field PtvkM ihm Bmrm hmm m QmotlRwtt I XL Root and Barn Paint tVovmito t V mtttH IS AS NEOESSMY ROBERTS HARDWARE benefits Hint would bo derlted from tho building of tho proposed road from Medford to Crater Lako and Klamath Falls. In spenklnc of thu cost of Hiith n road, ho stated thot hit believed that Jackson and Klamath would each give 150,000 toward thu estimated cost, that tho stato would corao forward with on amount equal to tho combined appropriations of tho two counties, nnd tho national government would no doubt build tho rond In tbo reserve nrrd Park. When County Judgo Nell was call ed upon ho said: "I speak a tho county court nnd feel suro I shall have tho support of my constituent to a man and will nay Jackson coun ty will glvo $25,000 this year and 125.000 next year, provided jou will raise. In addition thereto an equal amount. Judgo Nell spoko with such enthusiasm In tho c.iso thnt It brought forth a deafening applause. It Is estimated that tho cost of tho road from Medford to Klamath Fulls will be about $250,000. Of this Jackson county has pledged $50,000; Medford, $5000, and the automobile owners $5000. It Is expected that tho stato will contribute $100,000; Klamath county, $50,000, and the railroad $50,000. Tho cost of build ing the highway would thus be easily met. Confidence Is felt that with a demand from tho entire state, tho national government would build tho road through the reserve at a prob able cost of $250,000. It has ben very liberal in building roads In oth er National parks, especially In tho Yellowstonc.whcre it spent $600,000. It Is easy to reallzo tho benefit of tho expenditure In this section of a half a million dollars for building roads. The greater portion of tho expense would bu for labor, as be )ond a number of road building ma chines the money would be paid out In wages. A largo portion of this money would bo left In the county for provisions and supplies. KY TAYLOR HOLDS RECORD. Whllo It Is well known that Ky Taylor holds tho record for other things he has added to his laurels and now claims to hold the record for duck hunting in this county, lie claims to havo never missed a shot on his trip Sunday and stato that ho killed a duck for every shell used. aud as evidence of the fact ho brought home the duck. K-j imtok to aMtearanoo AS FtRE HtSURANOC & HANKS MERCHANTS I