The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 24, 1908, Image 1

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Kliinntli ImiIIh' Flint
ami II.-U D.nly ....
Our Advertisers
the Best Results ,
'j, llitii i All. No. Ml.
Price, 5 Cents
Railroad Contractor Arrives With
Slock and Grading Outfit
Idiilroiiil (ir.nli! Hi'lwciMi Kliiiiinth lulls mid thi Miirsli Will
He I hushed Ihis lulMlelicved Hint Construction
ik Will Commence on Alttiras Itotid Nol Year
Kliillllilh iin wi if
nllrnllnii nl th" fnil
.ii I Iim riillriunl wim
inward llila It y
iliifiy nr intly lii'iul
homes nri drlwm
i m nml n Hutu IiiI.t
r. by Ciiiitriulur
I'M WltgllllS mill tl'IIIIIS,
i I milieu. ID niiKDim,
tents tun) wagons
.1 i . I.i mlml In III), direr-
I iiml ulll
uiilriiml sunny limit
i In- rlly Mr Hi'iir
. i i n t (rum KilrUaori
(In. mnmmi lion nt
I In III Ulll I'll)' in I In.
.mown as u aurieaiful
nil I innii. hri with hi
Si tmln
i ... i .,f t..iiiu ami i'iiilp. itlmi dftti'
. I. in wimlil Itnllrati'l '''' '"""''I' mn'rii tin. mirtlii'rn
i .ulil miiplii) a Utr." IM,M"" "' "" Ol'ir Klamnlli l.nki'
I 41 ii wn tin, Inti'i.llon of ,""1 "',",, "r Annr) l.alu. und l
i u. .fir in linn tin. riMdl"""1' ","1 ,,r'll l'd. That
i. iiin nf thu iniitnh nii.'1""""u "' ""' """"' "' Wllllnniwin
. w iii i ! In ll U bo I " n'"l " of tin. inki In within
i. riilltosd will ,'!" I'"""" '" "l"n Tlm ninth.
,'p -. tn Im'kIii wotk!',r" l""lloii "I th" tnwmililp
I..- inndo mirtli of lliiii"1 A"""r " """ nn" '",arl n" "
nrrlrnl of tlii'mi roll
ol'n t'.i'ir rri'w. In.llcntliiiin
. ii ri'ry hrlKlit durliu:
uli.i In vi' ln'i'ii oor Ih"
..ii. ul'lilti thu lint fnw iln
Hi- mi' throw Inc. up mad-
' li.i If no niildi'lit Imp.
i ' .n'tciliu to lay ii ti'iu-
ii. . ih" niarrh thin
Lull) klinwii for a
I iiKlii'er Kniiwltnn'it
rtililillii: the permti'
i f.
) Mmloc Nnillieill,
:''':4'',, - 4,,,
llulii Aim. a 1. 1 i until t wltli tlin
Hinitlii.rii I'm i nl .Mlillmnl. It In
said Hint tin. pri llmliiiir) surwy was
..... ...mi' i inn aKi mm iiml im mhih
n tlii' IM.riiiiiiHiit llmm nn. KiuhlMi.
' ""," mi tlm riKii.M-i,.t iliri'. hhh Iniv.. heeii u-jied loimnl In UiIh n ilii- larger elas-.'H inn
lllll TIlU Will Html OUt CI II V liillllu'l. I I, .-I. .11 ,. It... I 'l',l.,i..,. Ii. .............I I... .11. 1.1. . I .... I. n.. .1..-
llIK llll" Willi ll might Imti'
' .......
on tlila iiniiitr)
it i: is .iri:rii:ii.
'lllli l..lkl'i Ullld Olllll' lllll) K.'lll
tiilillnlii"1" """r" ""' "" I'lm of tlm mirvi.)
in in n . ii in i; , v , , i,,, ,r
VidiiI l Knlii.ri A Cinmlll. win ur
n'pl.'il Id Ih.' nn I iiinmlMlniii'r nf
llin lii-ni-nil IjiiiiI (HIU'i., Autsml 21.
Hum. mnl thai Ihn nlil pint will hr In Ilii' l.nk.'vli'w niriii. nn Sn
.'tnl...r ;. luofc. ami Unit nil tlir
l.iinl nnt ntliirwlsi' npiirnptlnli'il in
ri'inrimt will In- mitij.-ii tu i.nliy. fll-
IIiik. ni'lirllnn nr Iim nt Inn on mid nltir
IlK' ri'iiialmliT U In prltntv ownur
hlp ThU tnwnahlp wni liirliidcil In
Ih" land withdraw n fur Irrigation
iiirioi' to all Urn Land Oftlro notice
mtlly inrntii In Unit thu muvry Inn
Im'i ii iiriiili-. l.y tlm li'i.'irtini'iit.
n vi:it.i. in' inns-. iicMimciis
The funi'rnl of th" lulu Thnmni
lli'inlrlrlm nu held lit I n rim k thin
nflnriinnu from the t nderlnkltiK rr-
loi. Ih" kiivIhh weie under th"
aukpln'i of Klamath l.oilp'. Nn 137,
I ll ll I
Over AN0
Complete Stock
Cravenette and
Heavy Overcoats
Fall Suits
Sweaters, Mackinaw
Leather Coats,
Corduroy Clothing,
Etc., Etc.,
at Klamath Falls' Best
Value Givers
Citv Schols are Becoming
Overcrowded With Pupils
ll In . In'linil Unit In iinnl'ier )i'il
Klmiiii11! I iiIIm w'!l Inn. i i priivnli
'iihiIIiit liiilliltiiK lor I'M' nil mi iiiikIh
linn of H. mIiiiiiI 1 1. 1 lit r ii Till' new
!- UO'i strmii mruiliii" i. nlii'iiil)
full In m.TlluwItiK When this wub
tw IimI two years np.ii It wiib believed (l iwmlil tin liirgii "imiigli for
mill' Hint', lull iilrciiily 1 1 J Ih ii div
iiinml fur iniirit loiini
Mllliy III til" cltlKICH liru HHTCfClwd-
i'il iiml Inn n n larger enrollment tlimi
eini. leather inn attend to. liven the
playroom In tlif basement has
ini i . impropriated fm tut" by
,. f n. prlmnry i him" The
I'" " .... i.i...ii., .fii.ii iii.i'...
ililKliamnl wlill.. ilii.) nri' fuvoinlili' In tin-
pt.i'iiMiiiin. Ilii- nri' unable tn ilii ho
nil li'i'iiulit nf link nf mom.
It Ih mill i'il .1 Hill In lUliillllT )i:it
Mr. Murphy, ol ltoclimition Service, Has Never Said F hat
the) Would Refuse franchise (or Concrete Hume
A rPtiiDimiiani l hi'lns prvpiired , for n ml.' ri'i" lluino nlnne lliu portion
hy Ih" ri'nldt'nlii nlotiK Miilui-'f th" niktil. It would Inn"
tri"t. tiKOiiist ih" KrantliiK of u !l,w'" "'' '"'1
.,..,,.. , ,,
t frniirliUi. In the lli-claiunlloii Kcrtlrci,
j iiuiii'iiibv nnuiii ui; iiitii uwjit'u uy
for ii t..."ti ll.iiii" Tliln rPiiion-m s Moon-. 0"O. T. Ilaldwlti and
Irani o In In hr pn si'iilcil to ih" mini-1 ChaH II Wllhrow. At tho latter place
oil at lt lieu miilne. It mum that I mnnl or lliuiii) Iwim-h th" Mniit
thu woilv and lliu Ctiiincll nro want- ,aml rronra prlvatu prnpirty. Tho
I in: n cn-ni d-nl of 1 1 in" hut this CuinirH wniitd luitii no rli;ht to Kraut
ttmitiT a Irnnrlilm' m-roas thin iropi'rt and
tioiii" ilii" ntiit Mi Murphy, ol th" '" Rowrnini'iil would hau to deal
Itc Iniiintloii SiTili-c. rnqiiMioil a '"' ' it That U a mnttir
Irnurhliii' Ihuh Hi" Cuiinrll for nl"' rovrrnmitit would have to in-ttli'
lliimc alone 1 1 licit sint. II" hiikri-sI nd hot for thu rlly.
d thai It MlBlH Ii" iiihiIp a woodi-ti t many purtlou have bcim maklnK
cr ninrri'l" fliiim-. n ho mlKlil iinfi'r'ri'liniJientallonii In thu manor, that
putllni: In a iiiniuurar) wondi'ti mrtio-
tur" The I'limirll was oppoHed to
dotnc tliln. and If I lie)' had followed
lb" r'lMiiin of othei rltlis th"y would Ih" 'tri' t cm! let Ih" Koerntii"nt nt
linxc amended ih" iinllnami' hi im toi H"1' " KfttlUB a rlKlit-of-way
miH't with tlulr Mews thioiiKh the private pcopert). ThU
The Coin.! il had a ilKhl to do till
and It In ve" iriilialile that If the)
hud nfferi'd i lie Senile n Iranchltu
- : - ' - J,! - '!,,: - ,':,":,:,,c,.t
tfrx? !
All the Newest FALL
Stetson and Thor- !
oughbred Brands.
nil. .Ilii i Lull. Mm: will I. .v. i. I., it-,
(Mi'il The ill) h .i. i. til i inwini
iiml ilii' minis n. w n-:.! it niovlni;
'tollii'ilM lliln full nm m utili nf fnm
llli'ii mill hut" ihllilri'n nl t Imol age
Tin- in. i. .!. in poiiuiutimi iwn )carn
iirii wu niiniri'iii in i mil nip""!, unit
ilin ini-fi wim (ami' her" t work on
tin' tniiiml were "liber limln or with-'
out tiiiiillliti Today tM'riimni'nl renl-j
ili'titB with families tii" ''itnlni; to i
Klamath Falls to innki- their homes
Provision will liuvo to In! niuili' for
tin- niToiiimoilntlon of theso children
next i'tir Thu directors will prob-
;tilil) ilei Idi
)m fur III
m secure ii IiiiIIiIIiik fifxt
use nf tin- prliimry grades
u" tii.iu. i 'i. ijiii niiii" i ill it ill 11
Klin ii'iiiiminrv ii-llcf. II in only a
n.aii.T nf linn- In-fur" Klmnath I'alln
ttlll In." tn In..
Kr am Inn r ki I.iii.Ii
mil' nr twn inon
mi- nni) property iini'Cit'U ny uui
. . ..... , ' , . .. l donlri'd In not clearly under
ulno.l The Counrll should sranl a
franrhlm for a ronrretn Hum" tilotii;
could In done nt thu next meetlnK
and then It would he up to tho Itecln
matloii riorvlie. Tho Council should
remember that Mr. Murphy lint never
Mild Dial the i;o eminent would re
fuse a fratulilne for a enncrcl" Hume.
IICA'III III' .Mils. .MKIlllll.l,.
Mrs. Nathan S. Merrill died thin
miirnliiK al her home near Merrill
from cam or nf the liver. Mr Mer
rill had been sick for mo tlmo and
iv i.d tnL'.i.i t.i Cm Prniii.ljf..i ffir Intnl.
mcot but tho doctora could do nothliiR
for her. Him was hrouKht back to
her home with the knowledge
there wiia no euro. 1.0 when the end
canie It ai not tinejcpccted.
1 MIhh Nacy J. Newland was born
In Washington county. Arknumu. and
I was married to Nntliau S. Merrill
October -i.. tMlt) In the fall ot IS'JO
I she nccouip.ilileil her husband to
I Klamath county ami located near tho
piesent town of Merrill. Tho deceas
ed was Ctl years of ime. She uiih n
niember of the Hebeknli UkIko.
I Tho funeral will bo held from the
1 residence near Merrill at -' o'clock I
Ion .Satin day afternoon. I
HioutM. si.wi.s riiriT to
' iioosi'.vixt and ihxi:t.
Senator Jonathan llourno of Ore
gon bus ordered -10 l.oes of Coiulco
pinm from n Medford orchard which
ho Inteml.s to present to President
Koonovolt and members ot the cabi
net In order to ptove to them some
of his tnlen of Oregon's wonderful
pears, which he told In Washington
during the last session ot Cougress,
The work of picking und packing
tho peara wno undertaken Monday
morning and shipment will speedily
follow Oreat cnio Is to bu cxei
clsnd in choosing tho largest and flu
oat onea, and they will bo packed with
gieat cure po that they will be In the
best condition possible when they
reach tho east
somi: good ciii:ss.
Tho chosi players at tho lust meet
lng'lmd tho pleasuro to meet Mr. V.
Pearl, ot San Francisco. Tho gentle-
iCannot Reach Lake on Account
of Rocks in
River lielow Keno Rapid s Is
Reach Spawning Grounds-An Opening Needed or
Use a fish Ladder Should Be Constructed
man pin ed with J!r. Itoy Walker and
brought to tho tank hlii clear analyuls
of Hitfiit and lU'ffnui' When aaked
wl.o won. Itoy Wulkir hid very mod
mt In r'pl)lni!. "I had thu hint
tnnvi- " MiimrM. WacniT nnd Schmidt
nf Han I'rancliito promlRod to visit
tlm CIiiIj ini'f'tinK tonlnht tit the- Amo-
. rlrnii lintel
A th" day ar" Kottlni; shorter tho
hoy iM'i'in to have more tlmo and
turn out better, time Ih tho i-ry llfo
of the unine, ll Ih a kind of rtHorvo
capital: It In a crcat UiIiik In clien.
Tlm pliiy urn are rcqueitril to brlnu
hoard and ihemnieti alone tonight.
m: itirr.Mtv iii:.m).'.s
In better health than ho has been
In yonrs, Secretary of State F. W.
Ilcnson ri'turned Inst nlulit from Cal
ifornia, where he has been at Inter
)nl for h"i;ral weeks. Accompanied
by Attorney General Crawford, Mr.
Ilcnson will ko to Tho Dalles this
mornliiK to represent the state In
homo lltlKntlnn relating to tho taxn
linn of Irrigated land In Crook coun
ty. They will return to Portland to
night and after spending another day
In this city. Secretary ileuson will go
to Salem Thursday morning personal
ly to resume thu management of his
Secretary Ilenxon regards as a Joko
the report that was published a few
weeks ago to tho effect that ho was
crltlially III and his death was ex
pelled momentarily At the tlmo tho
report was published tho Secretary
of State was attending a theater.
"When the newspaper men finally
did locate me tho following day' ho
said at tho Imperial last night, "all
the sympathy I received from them
was to have them tell me that they
were surprised to find me In good
health: that If my condition had been
as it was represented they would have
had a capital story because ot the
complications which would have re
sulted In the official circles of the
state of Oregon.
While there Is considerable In
tense rivalry between tho so-called
machine and antl-machlnn elements
In tho Iteptibllcnn party In California,
the idate Is certain to give, Taft Its
electoral votes. Itcpubllcans very
generally will drop their factional
differences and give the National tic
ket their milted support."
. u 'ii, imrmr',nF.
vfiijt?SJBtr " ' .
XSW Willi ;j
?MiTlZ2m'i -Cmss-hb,--
i m recK ot uram tn tne uas'i
U - w ,M
gs wurwn a Bumnot an wnortcaa
ProvkM the Barm ham m OmotlRmot
I XL Roof and Barn Paint
PiKivont imakm-mtkkt mmom tm mtHtmtwanoo
$$) .t6
River at Keno
One Mass of Fish Trying to
Parties coming In from Keno state
that tho run of salmon In tho Klam
ath ttlvcr this year Is the heaviest It
has over known. There are millions
of tho fish below tho falls near Keno,
and It Is said that a man with a gaff
could easily land a hundred of the
salmon In an hour. In fact they could
be caught ns fast as a man could pull
them In. Tho Inw, howovcr. prohib
its thu catching of salmon ubove tldo
water except with a hook and lino.
There Is a natural rock dam across
the river below Keno, which It Is al
most Impossible for tho fish to get
over. In their effort to do so thou
sands of flno salmon nrc so bruised
and spotted by the rocks thnt they
become worthless. Thero is no
spawning ground until they reach the
Upper Lako as the river al this point
Is very swift and rocky
It Is stated that at a very small ex
penso an opening could be made In
tho rocks to allow of tho passage of
the salmon. It this Is not done at
least somo effort sbold bo made to
have a fish ladder built, as it Is noth
ing less than a crime to allow mil
lions of these fish to be destroyed ev
ery year. The attention of tho state
fish warden will probably bo called to
this condition and something done
to allow the salmon to reach the lake
to spawn. What few fish get past the
rapids at Keno are so bruised up that
they are worthies.
Deputy Game Warden Gibson has
received notice from tho state game
warden to strictly enforce tho law
In regard to tho killing of quail re
gardless of what is on tho back of
the licenses. Tho quail season Is over
although tho synopsis of the game
laws printed on the back ot the licen
ses Issued, gives the open season for
quail as from October 1st to Decem
ber 1st.
Agent Farker, ot the Wolls-Fargo
Express Company, has been notified
that the reduction In rates which was
to have gone Into effect on tho first
of tho month has been withdrawn,
on account ot an adverso decision by
tho State Commerce Commission. Tho
new rate was to bo practically a
25 per cent reduction on the old,
but It was declared Illegal on account
ot a technicality, by tho Commission.
Mr. Parker has Instructions to con
tinue the old rates ai In tho past.
C . m , AB Vw B 9