The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 22, 1908, Image 1

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Miinmtli I'iiIIh' l-'lrnt
,,, II.'hI Diiily ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
'until i:.mi. No. i;i!i!
PmcK, 5 Cents
lid Indian hsh Runways Are
Uncovered In Link River
ti win. iKiiii h.i inhi rviiim: i luil
Ol W.l known tll'Clll I lllll.ll t i ,
l" III t llll'l lIlllUIII'll llllllhi'lf I-
i n i lii low ii ihi iniii.r imrl of IiihI
nil Mini Mini nil inn' of IiIh iitIimI '
'i ll i tm mil tu I hi- I iiiiii hi
Sumliit wliem lin Iiiih liii'ii iiiiliu' fin i
In' Iiiiikim l.iiiii iilnlil (In. hi) win.
x lniiliii: mi lli plan i nun' In Iiiwii
ml wild I hill Ki'lli') final I Irtil if-nr- I
llilusl Indians I iviiirj Do Not Kenu'inber When Hums Were
lluilt Are Still In furled Stole ol I'reservolion
Ilivf Hern Covered With Wtitur lor Yours
I i
iHIH an lilllll' Hull
M'lir llllK IllllOtl'lt'll
In' lli'W III tin- luri'llll
II I lllllltl- lllllllllllllllta llf
i Mm., iron iiko, mini)
Klii in-
J .mil in' r.'.iiiii hi' iimi iilli'ii into tin
iini whlili I linn iiihI IIiii iiiiii Ii
I' WH Hint Ihi' lin i'iiI iii iilinlH
. II I lull .Hill Ullllll Kl'lll'), hill till
mil' i m inn ni k mill wniilil mil t;il
. li I In- Hun Willi III Ihi' lower
i iiimli ti. Inuk iiHit niiini' uillli' iimi
On- amine iimi i in- mi. nth i, id,
Nlii mil, unit nt III imnllmi u almil H.
lilllll lilllll wlmli- Ihi. t,. 1. 1,, 1 1,.
lulu l.iil.i- Chiiiiihi Mnk u.i, hi,
otei. la nut n mill' In li-ngUi, mi tl.i
lit.' Imt ii hIiiiii illaluiiK' apart.
Mini mil' iiilllii'il I.) ih.. mum. i,
ill. ill", wlm wniilil liilluw ii i mi nf
allium linin iini' in ilia- iiihi't,
'Ihi' I. Ink ihi'i la lull ol 11111I1W iimi
win ii In Mini mil iilmnt II n i lui d
Ki'lli'y wiih cum'
I' II Mllla, Hlii-rlll Hum" nml tin.
utiilei inker wi'tit iluwn On- iIht IIi..
mornlm: In n Imiiuti TI.." -.i-m In it
il.i' lull". Innou unit limn nml nlunr
thi' llu l lull mull! Ilml no Iran nf
tin- mlnxing Kellet MlH slllllH Well'
r.mii' Imt iln- irniiiK'iM iimi Inn in- won
thii n limit iluy v.ere whi'i" In- Iimi '
li'll llii'in nl nlulil II In iiinllii t tut r
In IIIH) Iimi' m-rureil other elolhlfii: '
iiniiitiil tin- Iiuum. nml mine of Ihi
putty me of Iln- opinion In walk
I'll to IllllflH after a ililnk
ll I h ported lliut In- Aim Hi'i'ii In
No Bottom to Vegetable Matter
on Lower Marsh
Ki'iin M-ii'iiii mnl he
wa In ri
tun) In' on IiIh
inn rulorN of III
Ml .Hi . of till Kllitlllllll
...inn inlliil In ilm tut
i Hi' I. Ink. I it 111 1 ti n
wl ii Ii wen to nlil On- i
ilini.ii limine llii iini'
n iiko, when ulilln
I. iliia p.nt of llri'Kiui.
t iitlllfliiic tin ilulila.
i k-1 llliolll I h' ntlnlli
"link Hull" heuila nml
mi' no know
I i llnllnlla of Iln
Ii.i lio n lilllll Hun nf1 illilll
lilt III Link llltoi ii
'.I Hi; ililtna. In Ihi' inn.
i I n Ii mi n iilnllfiil nil
. . not loo Imi. to I.
mi H. iiitlli Imlliii' iiiull wnti'ifiill A I III' liiniil ol On
imlii ila n )iiiia limn i ii'i'i. mil me minima w.'li' in ioa
liil of On loimlii, tin!' wua all
imt.'il n lnrii' IIIiik', nml wlmu tin
Dial whit iiiiii iiinmii on Ilm aii-m
On llilnlhlluula til ihla IiiiIIiiii ill)
iim'il Iln iluiiia, hill lunl no eiplmin.
I Inn to offi'l na It Ihi'lr oilitlii
III nli hiiiK On Mali Dm iitii.iRea n linin ap.-nr. niiialailhg ol n
luil. aeteml lii'l In It'iiRtli, linlaliitl
Willi n aliiirlil deer a liiitll. A
otil wua Mill lilnliK III- hii mnl Ina-
l.ln'il In u aiiuill pliii of wi.n.l, wild Ii
wn nl in k lulu tin liotn tip. When
a llali wna pli'iKil Ii) On aprnr, tlir
nml wna pulled, with tin titnill I lint
tin. alii k llpp'l linin On liotn, ln k
lui; tin' api'iir through On' Hull, ulilrli
imlii Oii'ti I" llliiil front On wninr
Tlila nii'tliinl ol IIhIiIiir liiii Inni: since
In'i'li ila'iiii'tl Ii) On lliilllina. ulio
wit' ipilrk to iinnpri'liriiil til' nil-tiilitiiK'-a
In Id' iiienna nmil I) ilielr
whlli luiitlmia
I'nr On puat I went) -fit e )e.n Ilm
water Iiiih been loo lilllll In I. Ink r 1 v-
li'i to ninki On ilnnm of mi) Ha lor
llalilni: In On iiii'.iiitlmi nil On In-
lilliilia Inn i' iiiliiplml ininli'iii iiutlioila.
i . In
. in Iioiii
.. i in mi' Imlii with rum
. 'I, ll Ullllll till H.llllUltl
11. ..I'li-i in ki up thn ill- of llii-ai 1 llllllllnla
1 n.ltni Ina luiltl of IIMka,
' I In- llnlllllla V lilllll api'Ill hi na Iln) iiiihIi lliclr
1 in hwiIi 111 r ti'iit
in I tit llalilinpa ti.iv lit-
. mill' iilliiilliiu, foi ilur-
' 1 iiumli-r ii'iilni) On')
1 ihi In On iiiamil nln
1 li- (ml) ilnrltiK i-
fhe Voriotts Strata for This Distance Can Be Seen, and
the formation Consists of fule Muck, Volcanic
Ash and Deposit of Sand and Rotted Tules
mnl Oii'iit
. w ii r ii On
1 In- am Inn ,
1 11 mi ii' illtli- mnl I'Xrlli
..million Hi f tin .
1i.1l nl Iln Iniiil of Link
1 iitioiit tnliluii) Inl we'll
.mil On' 0I1I li'lli-a of tlir :u.i',i'B who
inn Inlnililli'il I IiIh l.ilnl hull' In'i'li
illmoal furi'olli'li
I I. I'oiililnln riliiriinl i'i'ii
I IK! f 1 imi 11 lalt nl KiiKi'iu
'll' Hill In- Ini hIkii
il 11 1 iiiiiin. 1 w Ii Ii On- KlmunOi u
tir I ara A -o'liiilon, niilliiulrliiK tin
Aaaiii lut Ion to mil rllni fm lilila n tut
11 w mil inlilrnila lor On i otiatriirtliili
of 11 rill w.nk on tin lnlii;ia for On'
Koillli Hi 11111I1 'I'll.' api'illli.i
llona for tin wink m 1ml m: ui;iiiril
li)r On lli Iniiiiu Inn Ki'tvln nml will
In i mil Itila w'.k Tin Anaoi liitlon
will iiiiiiini-iiri nilMillaliiK for Mil
lmtiiillntl) iiMin rnuiplilliiu of Iln
apii Html lima hull of On IiiIitiiIn luivi
hl'i'll liulll ll) Oil KIIM'I IHUI'llt. Illlll
On ri'innlniir will lin In In Imllt
lllla full i'i na to In ronil) In rum
wali-r lo On Iiiiii) In On apilm: All
of On rinitiarla will In lit In mniill
ai hnliilm nml On liinil ow inm with
on or nni' li'iuna will In c I imi mi
oiMirl unlit lo lulp 1 1.1) for Ihi'lr that
InmilliiH'nl for lln-lr wnii'r r Ik lit
No liioiii'i la to li piilil on linin
iinlriu 1 . Imt aliHli i oillllinti'n will
lin laauiil in p.'i.Mniiit liy On AhHiiclu
1I1111. wild Ii will In niTi'pli'il hy tin'
Ilm liiiiinlloli ST Ii i nit p:i) lui'lil on
tin wnlir rlitlita on On Iniul Tlntn
'ilinnla nl- Itnnafnriilili nml inn
tin aiilil lo Iniul nwimrs iiiiiIit On
1III1I1 Tlii'ii- la no i ii v IhIiiii Hint will
priviiil iiiiiHliira (nun I1I1I1II111; on
On' ..ik. Imi tin- Itiii'iitliiii of On1 111 1
a fin In. pnipi.ii' of iiIIouIiik On
liiliilowtii i' Urn pilvlli'Ki of 1 out rllint -Hi)'
wink In plmi' of riiali iih pml p.i-
lllrllt oil llll'll Wllti'r iluhU
Ah Inn ho: la nlmilt nrl. Ilm fnriil
111 Iium m ml iiidiilli- u In 11 llmtm
i" It i .ilil 111111 nri I'lli-. nml II will
Ik- u Kti'.il In-lp lo rotui of llii'in lo
In nlili' 10 work on I In 'Hi' lonlriictx
I'liyiui'tilK 011 wali-r rlclita on On luml
uiulir On Ural unit, Imiwi-i-n Imic
.mil .li rill, will Imti to tm pnlil ii"Hi
All of On lonltmiM lo In nt Ii)
tlm Viilr I'tb AMKorlntlon U for
inr Hi uoik 11 nil 1:1 ti In ilnnc with
Krnipir mnl ti-nin. Tin intitnirt with
On Koti'iiuui'tii Rii'(ilii a maximum
julii for tt lilcli lonlmi'tM mil Im lt
Tin AmujcI.iIIoii will pinlnhl)- lit the
Wlllk to Oil lllWI'Nt llllllllTH. Uni
111:111 11111) Mil on onu or tnnro irlmil
iiiiii. Tim work will In ilntii' titiiliT
On- nup.'i liiliiti of On olllrlala of Ilm
lilt l.lllllltlllll SiTtlli'.
tula will In (')iiiiiii'il up nml the rri.
On li'iiiitli w I'll tltnlmri'il. Junt now
thf fiiiiinlutlnn whlli hnril i.-mniKli
for ilrllln. In iry i-imlly lirok;n nml
himhI iroi;ri'K In lii'inx mailo. llnril
roik h i'xpi'li-il 10 ln i.-ntouritiTciJ
xhiirll) OioiikIi nml llio nilrunri. will
nui'HHiirll) In hIouit. Ax xt.itii tn.
for. nlr 1 ninpri'iiHiira nnil Hurley
IrllN nrii lo In iihciI. with nlcntn nlio
vpIh nml illnky i'IikIik'h nml ram lak
I111; inn of tin iiiiii k Tin Krlckann
'fi I'ltiTMin mmpiiny uri- Ki'ttltiK In
1111 iiniiiiriHi iimiiunt of i')iilpmi.-nt
nml pii-parlni; for it tun iarH' lain
palKii iih It la 1'ntlmnti'il ttmlr work
In Oilk vlclnlt) ulll otrupy neurly
Hint lenutli of tlnm- -DnrrlH Ilooitcr.
m:v Ki.vsditi.n, riic.M.
m.w mi: .w.incri.Tnt.ii.
K':::'::--.-:.-;-a- ::::::::::
It la H'piirU'il Hint it mill I to In
liroiiKlit iiKaliml Iln Klamath County
Af;i Inilt nml AHinirlallnn for pay for
work on III' ran truck lit tin- tmw
KtoiimlH. I: V. Smith al lil On moat
of ttork liy ronlriirt. nml soum mln-
J nmliTHtiiiiillni; lias iirlsn ulilrli may
J ii'tiult In n law suit
I'n-Klili'iit II. St. Iii'oiki lllalioii.
I wln-n Hi'i'li ul.-iti'il Hint all In- liail tu
mi) uaK that ' tlio AhmkIiiIIoii Ih nhlo
' ami wllllni: to tnuipl) with our part
1 of On intitrait Wn luivi Ilm inoiiuy
J to p.i) for Ihi' work mlmn tin.' men
Ihi' up to tlii-lr part of tlm umlrart."
It In mil known Juki what tin- illlllcul
ty Ih, Imt It will piolialily ili'M'lop
Newest Fall Goats
Silk Cravenettes
Sweaters, Pony Jackets
Walking Skirts, Etc.
ihmiim; uoiik t i t'.i:i.s.
I Men's
Latest Fall Styles Suits
Overcoats, Cravenettes,
Sweater Coats,
Underwear, Etc., Etc.
1 Complete stock Fine Footwear and RUBBERS
Klamath Falls' Best Value Givers
Wot I; 1111 (lui lutnit'ls at DnrrlH
iinixt Im piiHlicil to as t'arly a mucin
nli 111 ait posHlliln ami a full fom of
nii'ii i'inp)o)i'il from tin Mart.
Such Ih On' ultimatum of tlm Soiitlt
I'lh I'acltlc iiiiupaiiy to lliclr enntrac
Iiiih, Dm Krlcksitn & IVtt'isoti coin-
V ipatiy. Ami t IiIh rntiTprlsliii; firm of
A ciiiilractorit an niakliiK ivory cITiirt
In their power lo olu') onliTH to tin
vory lctli'f. Mr. Clint. Krlrkmni. on
lor titi'inl'i't- of Ilm linn, Iiiih iniivi'il
hit fainll) lii'in ami taken up IiIh per
iiiaui'iil ri'iililt'iiic at thn Olt-y roil.
ilt'tiii minus K lamti t ti 1'asn, whero ho
will Im In closii touch ullh tin) wink
from now mil II II Ih complctc-il.
Of coiiihii lht pri'lltnlnaiy work of
l.iIlii; fnumlatloiiH unit iilnclni; ma
chlui'O ' m"'1' In pnltlim ihroiiKh
thn main tumirl Ih lu'ci-tHatlly ultiw,
Imi nil rail)' u cii'W of iiiun Iiiih lict'ii
plni-cil at wink at Ihi'i onil ami i;onil
proi;ii'HH Ih IicIiik mailo uiiilci' Ilm ill
1 crl Imi of 1'iiri'iiuin ). Hunan. A
iitraiii shorol nml illnky ciikIucs with
lai'Ko iliiiiip iiiih in t In tiHii anil lit
present 11 hunt twi'iity-liMi men are
woiheil 1111 11 Kill fl . After Iln. poilal
has hei'ti ceiueiileil up mnl tin.' liuro Is
enlaiiii'il In full kIu thi'te will Im If
men on a nlilll at each otul of Iln.'
Iiiniml, makliii; In nil IS11 men on Ilm
Job Tlief.o with peih:int l"u nr niorv
men at the ueiiuiil tuniml will iiieuii
a foice of 300 moil c'liK.tfioil lit Don la
for mor a year on the luiinol work
ali'iit'- 'Tlila In unt rounttiic tho cleri
cal force In thn chief eiislneor'n uf
llu', 111 tlm eii;liieeilii)' iiirpn, or tint
leKiihir Hillioail I'luployeeM All of
thenu I'liiuitL'il will In Int; tho total of
men oiiiplu)eil on Southern 1'adtlu
work tit Don In up to 100 vory easily,
lui'.inlni; it neat llltlo payiull for the
teimluul town for mino tliuu to tuiuu.
Tlii'ie 1110 3100 feet of tunnel work
In nil. H100 lu tho first 0110 nml 1000
III thn Becoiid, Tho hulo U to bo S3
(out high ami 17 foot wide, Tho pur-
I' M. Itulfi nml Al Kubi-i havo pur
cliiui'il tlm llnll Harder Shop In the
Wltliriiw-.Mi'lliaKo luillillni: utiil will
takn iliari;.' thin week. .Mr. Itolfo will
remain with the Klamath Shop for a
week 111 ho limner. ArriinKvtiienlii
nrehi'liiK iiiiiiln fur a new location
ami about the llrnt of tho month Men
nrn Itolfe unit Kuhea pxpect to be
occupylnK n HUllable locntlon on Main
Htreei. Ilnth Oii-sn Kent lemon are
well known iih prollclcnt In their line
mnl are asanreil of Kiircesi In their
Some of the Cotinclltncn were ab
Hont from the city laat nlitht anil tho
othern wimti'il to iitteml thn Manotilc
luilne vo the tueetlui; wan adjoiiniei)
until IliU evenltlK.
T. A. K. Paniett, local UKvnt of tho
Southern i'nclflr, linn rocelvoJ a Hup
ply of tho new publication on Crater
I.alte. Tho booklet U an excellent
mltertlaetnenl of this county, ihow
ItiK the route nml kIvIiik a through
lime tnlile from rortlanil to Crater
Lake. Anyone wMIiIiik eoploH of Oil
liiautlful booklet to neml to frlendii
can nocure fame by calling on Mr.
The lailles of Klamath Fall and
xlclnlly are Invited to attend our
showlni; of Fall Millinery, on Mon
day ami Tuesday, September 21 and
22. All tho latent styles ou exhibi
A wonderful discovery hns been
tnnilo by tho Southern t'aclflc Com
pany In excavatlnK for n foundation
for cement plern for tho hcadgntcfl
that are belni; built on tho mamh.
All oponltiK Iiiih heiu ninili twenty
flto feit deep nml a Houndlni; mndii
of mi additional fifty feet, and It Iiiih
been discovered that tho Boll for tho
entire tllntnncn In of tox'-tablo na
ture. Tho qtHMtlon has often been rained
an to the depth of the title or murxh
noils. For xomo time a good many
thought that there wax only a thin
depoilt nf ttilo muck on top of hard
pan. That theory ban long ulnco
been exploded by tho government,
railroad and private Investigations.
Tho usual method of examining thn
soil strata Is by boring with an auger,
which of course gives a person a good
Idea of tho composition of tho soil
and also of tho strata, but does not
expono to view tho various forma
tions. In the construction of tho Immcnro
concrete head gates, an unusual op
portunity has been given to visitor
to the Iiwer l.oke. In tho past few
days, to view the lower soils. Sawed
piling has been driven all around tho
outer headgatcs, which makes a wa
ter tight compartment. The dirt has
been excavated from tho center of tho
compartment to u depth of about
twenty-fhe feet and lu width about
forty feet, leaving the hole free from
water and the soil exposed to that
The various strata can bo distinct
ly seen. Tho tulo muck runs from
four to fifteen feet deep, below that
Is a strata of volcanic ash mixed with
vegetablo matter, running from six
Inches to a foot and a half. Below
that comes a deposit of sand heavily
charged with vegetable matter.
Soil coming from tho bottom of the
hole was examined and largo quanti
ties of vegetablo matter, rotted tules.
etc., were discovered. Too railroad
men have made soundings fifty feet
below this and vegetablo matter wan
still discovered to exist.
It would bo Interesting to ascertain
just "how far a pcrsou would have to
go to get to tho bottom of tho soil,
but ll is hardly likely it will over bo
found out as boring machinery for
such depths is not easily obtnlned.
A Peck of Grain in the Barn
is worth a Bushel in the Field
ProvkM thm Bant hmm m Qmodttaof
I XL Roof and Barn Paint
Prevent imakmM muom tompmearanoo
' '.'Kn'-sa-W .a'-'--',,