He rntmk Maiimlh PhIIh' Find im,l H-it I .iiy Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . w HE III if 11 HIKt) I Ml. N- "'" KLAMATH FALLS, OltKGON. .SATURDAY. .SKITKMMUt 10, 1008. ANNOT STAND DELAY i. P. May Put New Contractor on the Marsh Work . (. Inmks. one ol the Most Suu cshlnl Operators ol Dredges in Simp I witis on the Const, Will (Jo Over Work Willi Construction I iitjifii-cr lloey " HlMll Ill-Ill I'lll t) ' n 1 , i. Id.' pnie nf I In.""" "" "'" "" "l"1 "" "",r Wnrdeii PmcE, 5 Cents m i:n imii wine i'unci:. Klil.t .Miliitii" lia.l mi ..i.i.im' iMi-inl nhl.b huh full of I li r II Ik fur m mi. i imihmi nun ut wlil.li In- rmv. i MCllltlMi ItllCOItl) 1 1 CMS. 'I In. win- mi Mimii. Urn MiTrlll llll-llrlr llll". Iilivi' Iii'i'll Rtl-MMK II fm iih llii' lli'iilc) miuli, mid iIm-H' Iiiik l.il.l hill ulllll UIIH llll)tllllli: lllll ! lll'I'll II lelllplltlll) C HMI.IIlMI llf llpl-lll- .1 In ut- li I in: tniilii'i hi llm time lleltlun. It n III he lull a Hlnirt Unm iiii- nn IHi C Mfiilim fhiehllig new iiml mi iii. way in it new Helling llillliK mi llii. ii. llf lllll Hepurilllll IH'III II lelltt I. Mil lint Willie I IIIHH III Merrill will hato electric, light lietii. lit Mi'nxi Htti'i't iiml Mmli'ili, tin. i-uteriiineiit mill ti-fcd.ih. Imi. nlmiil inr tin. in li m" im-r AiIiiiii' imiiil iiniiiii'ii il ilieii inimra In Mi-iilll iiml ililnlty. iiml hate vi-rnl hundred CAMPS NEAR MERRILL Engineer Outfitting Big Party for Railroad Survey .in ii Hit. iiitilim tnr dii-ilKe hi in thi. til inn mi. m-n hiii Minn lie ii'iiily In imiiliii'iin. mi tin. mml ,i, in long (I,,. '') llllllh If III, il.i.nl. l. ilii-y in." llgtiHiig lliriiHii up id,, umi, ,,,,,1,1 , , 1 . 1 ..nisi, iiml I'M 1 1 1 1 r: I laid nml mm mulil 1 ..iiiiiiiiii haul- ,,n Hi,. ),,, '"K '"" ''" 'I'" lillilii'l :ilnl 1 ill In .k ..rrlt.-.l In il, ,n,jlM'' ';'''"'",: ,.,,. I .,.,, 1)111. nf tin- n-nann fin tin. mum. f ..in Hmi lriil.il..... 1.1..I ,,, , , ,, , IiIiiiiiiIimI Unit In lifted In he Hit- kind nf dieilKe thill 1 1 1. f CiiKlti.-i't llninl, nf " being u-.l If Mr Crunk 1111- jilirtiikf tin nnrk niiillili'tiii. In full Unit nil llliiln delll) Hill mull. 111. 11 llii . In Innk utel llii. t l.'H.I II I kliunu ilil" uimhlm-a mi- Inilll iHn.iHliillt imi'll'l "..I '" ''""'"" tt III.. ,, k,, lf ,,, ,, ,,,, .,, nll(..r..l IH'III InUII II Hll-e III, llll" Bill!" llll a Lull in- huh niti I in; hrnki. tliiiiiir.li 'In- plunking. imiHlni; ilii. iiuiililtii. Iii liiii li liln wa IClrliy huh huh. the whole lilmni. thing" wiin tumbling lulu iln 1I111 h Willi li I in im (In. under ii. - lie Hindi 11 ii-Hn-riili. dim Intii tin. nun r nf tin. iiiuiit A liiirln-il nlri" fi-iin. Kiri-irln.il 111111H Hiii raniil, mill inn- nf Hi.- win- 1 iimli-r nuler Of llii Klil.. 1II1I nut kuiiH until II Iiml aught In lil lot hint;, nml In-lil him fnl llll In- iiliii I) ilrnnini mid hiic- i'iii"l In it-Mini: Inline nnl nlien tile Inn In-lit) lien -.hlrt lie nntu were turn tn ulireil by hi fmiitli- ejtcr Him.. The water nml mini ni-re mil) nlimii ll.n-e fi-rt ,i-,ii hut t nit I111-tilinKllili- fin li I in In gel III heuil l llitn Iln .ill inilll hi hint till 11 11 will Imin tin- hiirlieil nh 1- The Hepurntnr ..- iln in hire Merrill 1 I M ,. it i. ie he h he lint fulliimil thl luiitlinhir Mud nl nnrk 1. I'lirlii.er lln". 111111" '""K I'm! Iln-) me fumllhir nlth h i'l t'.i liter the milk Milnpliii nf mill fiinu tlirlnun I lieutly parked nml luheleil in iimlen'u muilynl li) expert ut U'.iNhliiKtmi. nhn will Mien ie tin. finmerH wlin irnM will pint,- iiiiihI 1 ultiihle in grow mi the lauil nf Uiiir luuilli) .1 (.'rnten, the nell l.niinn llmher tiiIhit, IuiiI 11 i-ry uurrnu ean. friilii ilcnlh hint week. He huh ut the llnwuril rutirh In lireu vulli-y uml nil iri-iiitlni; In uxe the ii-i-ihnue when 11 hull nf IIkIiuIiik Blruck him mi llm tlKht uriii Just uliou- llii. e. hnH. iiMi-iiileil In hi hreiiKl, crnam-il over uml ni n ilnn 11 the h-lt nlili. in Hie llonr Miiilterlm: 11 dmlr mi nlilrh hi fool huh ri-ntliiK, nml renilvrliic him iininn! inn fnr iihniit mi Imiir rin- lli;hnliii' left a hlnnil-reil utrink ner It 1 inn hi- 1111 Mr f 'niton' limly, liul harrliiK 11 Utile iniiiihtn-K mi in lull effi-fl renulleil .'-ni'iiV. Sl,fl'0St!tJ 1 e the Commencement ol the Survey lor a Kunrodd from Alturas to Connect With the Cali fornia Northeastern at Midland eteiy ilelull .i.k H 11, 1 "in- nf the muni mir- .' 1 nf illt-ilKe nil the la 1 1111 nnrk nil ntrr- I I --I yenr he hut heeli I 1 11 1 ill I li 1: nuiiii IiiiiiI 1 ' il .hIi-k nhli li he till a 1 11 Ulllllll llltlntllllll) aiikll.-Ill mum the luiirli aii-.ii K Ihe Hmitln-tn I'nrl ii i- n uml 11111111) an. '. I'liiiiiii-iii eiiii-iii nf ihe 1 .- In, ti inn. ilelii) nr i-i mmiiier rven 1111-n 1 1 O'Ki nml eti-11 tin. Hull m:v i:sn:ii.tisi:. II. UlllUin. si, ill. 11 I'.ii kiiu'.' Hi Mil r) In 'Ilil. I'll). li Uk 1 l-jk'l li ok l bj.l 1 i ,. Im. lent ta uMl.tnuie in .. ,. ... When Mi llurrlmnii li k mi iipri-..-.l h illmuill- li 11111 111 nil'i'llil nf Ihe ilelny III 'k tit-ieiui- effiirl ni mmle i iln n.iuip nnrk lull w llii 1111 In ii I hall lii-fiire I'nr mum- li. 1 I.. iini. nnrk I 1 inn eill : iriiHmtnu The mil- Im ii-oHilm; In n Imlluitliin nl Ihe tnplilis t.ith nlilrh I hi ill) I l.'iklin: mi iin-inipnl Hun 11 1 m I. the furl Uml M Hutu hii iiimpli iiil urrmu'...im.ni in lull it li.iikime ilelltery III tin . lu ll I. hi lllleulllitl III etenlllllW iln 'llll nf Ihe lli'llti IlUK llf ll.llkl.Ke III Ihe ill) III hlllle I llllt til he a IiiiKKiiki- nr Ir.lllnlel mie. helllK lllll fllieil milely In the ill-liter) nf pin-1:-iiKi-h nml nn-ni;i-H Alteml) he h:i ililenil I til., iniitiiiil ullli 11 uuiiiher nf Die hurlm-H hnime In iln nil nl their ilellter) nnrk uml ux II Ill- plite III plnll he Hill I'lllle.ltnl In llllluili- ull nf Hi" lnt.'H The iiiilinlii) .mil miiii'lili'liie nf FIRST CAMP THIS SIDE OF MARSH . . Stih-Coiitotctor Ctunpbell Began Work loduy on Roadbed I wo Miles Below City Near Race Track i npiirullnn nr the mudilnery. TI10 i-n-KliHi wns Htnppi-il nnd pulleil nlonK lile tin m-pnratur am u utream of water tta phiyeil iipnn th fln and Minn i-xiIdkiiIkIiiiI thi) hluzn nlthniit tiny Hi-rlnii ilutniiKe Next neek the tnuiity' mail rnu 1 Mm. will IjvkIii nnrk nn thu nundy lane k-aillnK Into Hunutiza from the ttint Oniric in the (allure of rain tn park the ilirt, the cruillriK Uono on ih niuilii hi-tueeti Klamath Call and lOIune. and in the direction of Mor rill ha not ri-Kiilu-il HatUfactnrlly. Tin- rniutant tratel ha pulvi-rlzcd ihe dirt and the dut I frightful, makliiK tratel lilKhly ilUnKrocablc. When the rain tonm the dum will he imiverti-d Into mini. All thin bt rame the work na done lm liiU, or the rain iiilt tun unnli. WOltK AT f'J.i:.IC laKK. I. Mt rmnpli. II. a Miili-iniitrurtnr fur Krli kunii ft I'l'temnn, le-Kan thi innriiltiK i-il'lllilni; a uniip on the .nut tin 1.1 im ni. 1 nf ihe Knleiprim iron 1111 tin- new Inlr Ki-niiiul Till I null tan lulli-n frnm tin- nil,, fnr tile Kliiliiaih fall ileput. nml at ihe end nf the dike nhlih na thriinn up li Ihe Allium, ilr.-ilue Mr ( uuipli. II tin Ihe rnulrurl fnr the 1 11IIM tin Hull nf the mail I111I fnr nue nml mn-nniirier mile, nhlrh n-i-Iiiiisi a miiiill fill nml 11 tut IhriiiiKh the hill nn Ihe Kenine plai e. Till I prurllnillt III.- mil) 1 ill tn In- Hindi. hi.lwi-.-u Die deput III Ihl ill) ami lhl td' nl Ihe lu.imh at Midland It I nil dlrl uml Klnue nnrk ami nlll lint Im- u 1IIIII1 nil Jnli let fur Iln rut In hi- made liurtheant nf till ill), helm-eti the Hut SprlllK ndilllloti and the Cpper I.ake.aml thai uunpa are tn he entahllshed nuuii and wink I'uimni-i I early thi fall. ni:.vin or v. mu.i.i:x. Vorhel Mullen, who rami- here a fen day upi frnm Ahlatnl with hi daiiRhter. Mr (! IC. Vaiiltlprr, died nt hur limne In thi illy l:mt evonliiK. The ilereaenl wa til )t-ar nf ai;e. The funernl will he held frnm the transferred to thu dam on completion Vanltlper lelileun I' () CirKnim. C J. Heldtmnn, Ja. II. Drlninll ami II I.. Ilii1iatu (Iron up tu ihe ltu nf thu Clear Lake dam lam Sunday on a huntlnR trip and, In cidentally to not- lion- the government work I proKrolne. They bagged a number nf bird but nun- nn largu Kami. TI10 report that thu road crew, under the direction of Mr. Hol ler, are mnkinK rapid proRrc and will complete, the highway by the ciimlni: Saturday. So fnr a It wa completed tho road wa In splendid rumlltliin, Hinimtli uml with no heavy crude. There urc- about llfteen men In the amp uml all th.-ao will be 1 1 1 inn u iiku II a en. hiii iiu-'xuih 11 M-rtln- U tuiteul It nlll dm II li ln-lli-n-il that till I unit Ihe' ' - liiadi. tli an In Ihe'iiniit nllh the mi , -mill) of .-:n li MrM nf 11 iiuinlier nf rump tn lie,' ii..i linn uf ihe mail nlll liihllKlunent innliilaliilnc It nnu ne- nturted In lie- Hem future nn Ihe ru.ul 1I11I ilelitert hit tire ami n-Hiilt In a Ihl Hide nf il, i- nun nil II ha been r.rrul xatliiK eai h luiitith repinted Unit 11 HUli-ruutrait ha been nun run ultermmu. Intermeiil will he made In the Klamath Cull reim-ler 1 of the road, and the force Increased tn probably ion men llonania Ilul let In. 1 ill UlM-i k oKri-HKlin; Miiif.n' -f.4.fjA AA.-A..K.W f I IHWHI.I ft Ladies' Newest Fall Coats Silk Cravenettes Sweaters, Pony Jackets Walking Skirts, Etc. iiti:u 1:1,1, sciimov. The eteiilnc Heiinoii at the Mellio dlHt Church liimurrun- will be Hot. I'nnkllu' furetvell uildreiH. He K-aves Mniulii) murullic fur Salem In attend the annual tolifeieuce. Ho expert In link for an appointment In a Inner altitude fur the sake uf tils hoy, who ha had nertiuiM prostration. VOTIIKS C.X KKOISTKII. The Iteclstratloii book nlll open for the November election on next Monday, September "I. and remain open tip to and Inrludlnc tho 20th iln) nf Oitober. I'nrtles who regis tered In April fur thu spring election will not hate to register again, but all other legal voters should Tlslt the County Clerk's office and sco that their namiM are put on the register. Dr. !'. It. linker mid family, ami Thomas Hall, arrived limt etealuci (mm Portland. They will c to thel Upper l.aku for a few weeks oiltlng. IWI.I, MII.I.I.NKKV OCKXIXO. The City Is hut lug :i new crosswalk ciiiiMtiui'teil ncrnm Cmirth street tin 1 1 nn the suiilli side of Main. The Indies of Klamath Falls and vicinity are Invited to attend our shotting of Kail Millinery, on Mon day and Tuesday, Septembor 21 and Ml tho latest styles on exhlbl ItUNK & SCHNEIDER. Knclneer II. K. Knnwlton, of tho Southern I'aclflc.hn been In tho city slnco yesterday making arrnncoment for tho establishment of railroad sur vey ramps near Whllelake. Mr. Know Hon admitted tlml ho wan to make 11 surtey near Merrill but In what direction or for nhat purpose ho would not state. Ho went down on thu boat to Hlldel this afternoon for tho purpose of buying somn of tho stage company's horses. Tho crow will consist of thirty or forty men and from tho arrangements being made for stock and supplies, it would Indicate that an extensive survey Is to be undertaken. Mr. Knowllon opened negotiations with J. K. Adams, H. M. Anderson and oth er Merrill parties, who aro In tho city. for tho purchase of a number of horses. Including a driving team. Tho camps aro to be outfitted at Merrill and whatever supplies will bu necessary to ship In will be brought from tho terminus of the California Norteastcrn and taken by boat to tho landing on tho Lower Lake near Mer rill. It Is believed that this crew Is to make a survey from Alturas to con nect with the railroad at Midland. Tho survey will probably follow the lake shore as far as Whltelake.thenco to Merrill, and from there go around tho cast sldo of Tulo Lake and thence' to Alturas. Tapers of Incorporation have been filed for tho construction of a road out of Alturas, but It Is not known whether It will come by way of Mer rill and Klamath Falls or go out by nay of Lake county, and It Is suppos ed that this survey will be made for the purposo of determining the loca tion of tho route. The establishing of this large surveying crew In tho southern end of the valley, will raako things lively around Merrill this fall. AUCTION SALE. I will sell at public auction at tho old Miller ranch, 6 4 miles southeast of Klamath Falls, on Wednesday, September 30, several good driving and saddle ponies, farm Implements wagons, stoves, beds, furniture, house hold goods and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. Most anything you need on a ranch. Sale commences at 10 a. m. IS II. V. MITCHELL. ito.v.wz.i in i.i.irnx iti:m. Men's Latest Fall Styles Suits Overcoats, Cravenettes, Sweater Coats, Underwear, Etc., Etc. 1 Complete stock Fine Footwear and RUBBERS $ . si K. K. K. STORE Klamath Falls' Best Value Givers 0 .'r'sss j. ii inmriii, rei-euiiy 01 i-rine- t'llle, has leased the lllg SpilugH Ho tel mid feed stables fur 11 long term, mill nlll take charge next Mouilii). Ho uuderstaiiilH the art of pleasing Ihe public nun nlll get a goodly share if hotel pntliiuuge. He experts In Inn-Hi unite hugely In lloiiaiirn, Cor butter ful the Honntirn cream eiy In nun pit) lug 2D cenls per pound, hulter prices naiianllitg an iurre.iii. Thi Is tin. ruling prlie nun- paid for hnltei fut h) the larger rieumerles 1111 Ihe i.illioail, although of toiirse In the cities higher pili-f.s obtain. He- ceully lw ur threo outside creamery men hute t lulled ihe inuiily looking fur a local Ion. but mated that the pilcen pah! by the lloiKinra cu-utuvr) foi butler fat are too high, consider ing the distance fiom thu main, but ter markets, and that they could not compete with ouch pi Ices Ou lust Monday the Cllue thicuhei catiiK neat bring loiisumcd by Hie Co I' noun. iruHiu, which tin one call tell, the supinator was discovered toO! be on III o shortly after mot lug to thojjr bui'lu.t Ltncks of tho L 1), Hurl; pluco y Mr Uml; Biucllri! burning straw for 5. somn lime mid thought It nan thu en-' glue hut becoming Interested ho'y Jumped upon thu separator and dls-N covered the tiro smouldering there I J. and bolnc tanned Into a blazo by tho i -..S.:fJi.v.-; LS.V ."Vf IU2 J I -J . l?Wf A Peck of Grain in the Barn is worth aBumhot in the Field ProvMed thm Bmtm hmm m OmodRoof I XL Roof and Barn Paint Provonf Leakn-utkH muoh to apitemranco IS AS NEOESSARY AS HRE HtSURANOE ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS I m