The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 18, 1908, Image 1

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    f touting If fali
Klmimili '""' '"''wt
Our Advertisers Get
the Best KcsultH . . .
L, Ilfil I Miiy
, VI A. N. C'.r!l.
I'mcE, R Cents
Lim-rimr ll.ikiT, Irii'ndul """" '''''"'"'""'.
llie lute Prince Ortvid, In-
W"n iniiili' li n In liln iiiilluliiilll) III
lathm wat an I :n Kllitli iiimi . is 1 1 1 1 Mm
llllltllltl HUH l. llllllllllll'l III Mill' III
tin) Hawaiian i IiIi'IIiiiih HIiiik the
M'lt'.n r Klin: KiiliiLiiiiii tin unit iniirn-liu-nl
In Him i: v ii iitt-ii I nf I In- u
Intuit which now IiHiiiii; to I li- ( ' till ! I
li IHH of Kliluknuii '
ruler' l.oi I
gnnnl llutlug Hi,' ii'liiu nf Jiii-iiii
l,lllllii),lilmil lie wnn i-.uvi.ruut nf nni i
jO)S hltllllUtll Illintif1( "l tli piniliin-a mimI over nli.f I )i-'
'lilllH'tiilliili lie lum liecu i oliili noun '
. tin i in. i...iitij .. ii... i.i .. ii.. i.
,,,l,tt Ii km fill III" ma( i " '" '" '"""
lu.ti niiiilullilni; line ul h"' '' ' will, II ,
,.i,i i lllKiiM ul llio "l liimlll-H mill liable In. in Im'Hik;
,l,l- hlll. 11.110' lll'l In I""" "' "" liUK-l Imnl llWIielt In I.
,,., ,1, tin ik wlili li I.,11 ,""" "' Hili'IIU I lilt'li j
ititluu. whlili inn Wit lilin iiin nf I h-1
liinnl liiltiH'iillul iiH'ii ul III" lalmnl I
.la in .I'll
. i I
Farmers Will Soon Know What
Water Is Going to Cost
Siii'rvisiii( Infjineers llcnny und Hopson Here to Determine
I nml to Constitute first Unit to He Irriqutcd mid
the Cost Per Acre to the Lund Owners
High Price of Hay Compels
Stockmen to Look Tor
Other Feedgrounds
Mtiti known In nil
I., i n T ll.ikoi Ik ii
if. n mill it large lulul
I. iiimU Hoiotnl week.
. ft llliwull Willi HI"' llllllllllg
, hi ul' 'I I.i I'lllll" lH III. Illi'll
, ht; lii' wild ul IIH-
rtcllll .! ami Miiakii ll will
,.in. i. i.i .1 Dm) upon Hi" nrrlviil
l , i ii -lull I'llllli lam. I't In
i, ... '.ik'ii in Willi iiii'iiiiiiiiiiii
,l ,. ki - - I'lnli'il In ili'itlli Ml
I li'ilni' Willi Urn IhiiI)
i. H'l ii" I iii'-rnl mill ihi'ii nun"
I, t.. it I ruin lam iiiiini' ii "iin
Hi. I. i i in' iii ink" III" Hli plan
I " ,' i mi hi' llHlllli'i lit
i.i,! I . '""1 ) ll ill I UK Kliiillnl
i .' hi 'I II n Iiiiim'Iiih Ililil
n,ut. t,ll
VII1K '"
Illxll" ll
i,i r in h
Telephone Service
lli'inn lmnriviul "'lt ""'" wl" i,r,,,,",,' i itii- n
IfiMIIJ lllll UYtll ,,,,. MI, 1t(,r ,. ,,, 1,1'lwi'i'li Inn
'III" IiiihI'i in in under uluil In In
li" kiniwii in ilii- liriil unit nf III"
Klmmilli Irrigation Prujii I Ml" to
i iiimini'Iii " making (In HrM pa mints
mi t licit water rights mitt hiilm:
Tli" Mlilwm ri'l"ihnii" fi Till uinih
Cntnpuii)' l tanking mini" extoualvo
lininni'lii"M In IIh li'leplium. Mil"
liilwi'i'ti llil ill) iihil IIiiikiiii:. i mi I
Mir Nearl) nil llm limit phum-i lie
Iwi'i'ii li"ti 11111I llii lini Hi" being
ii'iiii"! liil with wlint I known n
Hi" l.iiiniTii' nt 111111I Ilii" 'I lilt will
,.,! of Klmiiutli'nii.l '-"" "' nl "' 'nrtlrnlly ""
li" ri-milt Him '""n local mime, tluim ninl will r.l'"
Inr Iniii: il.
hill,. I..I 'I n with
Hal,' 1 'Hi" h'l" HIihiII) nlti'r n much IhIIit nerUi"
a, I.i- n.uil" utiiuiKeiiietita ,n, iiliiinlni: The Ilii" inuiiiiti
,11.1.. M'.w t.. lilinl ., i.i,,.m.u 11.,,. m mi' t.'i.l
, n . 11
w a
Kl .' I a li'llhlii'r III lli'i-r III'
. fi."inhl lllipt i-oai-.l Willi llil
i,it. that In Ii. r" li-ulllig Hi timeil
he W'l.iM r- 1 urn h ciii 11 next mini-
'. in 1 ,n. outing mnl n iIiiim.
It hi khii"
l( i-miI.i-. ii Kliillllltll (Olllll)
...liillia w ln.ri. tll.'l KlK'lll ,
., i.,.i !, ' ''t' Hi" rlimit;.. Hi" liiiiit i.'littnl in
".l n . Iwiki-vli.w illriil wltliuiil'iL
in lilt" tin. Iliii Kinni'i I11I nt III It'
lit ti'luliiri' 1''Im w'II I'ltiiliti. Until
1 Ri-t iniitii'itliiiit .villi Ulkl'Vll'W' .
litKllt ItltiT III" III)" lilllll' In
'Hi" llni' linn li'.'.i l.ntli'iii'il n'
in 1 i .imk. inpirliilly Hi" lintR-1 i- .1 mlli'ii I.") mih! Mil. Cup. I' run
ainmN l 1 u nilititlim II" a ,i .. .,. wt,,. mrMLlil niton tli
liltl Innliiiil nl an mil', Uy Hi" I'm'
mini im It wm Intiiii'rl). Tlilt (iimiKi'
him hiH-ti 11 rnthiT illlllinll iinn ai
iliminll" hull In ) iimmI In iIIki'.Iiii:
' riit.K 1 in . ii-mn-il with III" nlllnT-
i.f II .- h'.i.i'H nf lilin mi (lull
li. iiimli' iitninri'iin'nlK with Mr
L I.. 1 . i'. I.u.i n rnrlunil nl innri'ti
I. it,, ... I., n!,i!i,'i Iii liln In 1 1:
niliilnn ilnil Hi" iimt will In. innil"
pillilli- "l.. Muni, mi I lull it will lint
In. linn: lii'lnri. ill" mhiii will kniiw
)iml iinrlh ulial 111" Irrlrtutlnli nf
Ihi'lr lninl U cnltiK lo mil. Tin'
mil nf nil th" Imnl iittiliT til" prnJiTt
will nut li" Hi" Mill" 111 Unit nf III"
Hint mill, lull th" ilinVri'liti. will tint
.... . 1 ... .. 1 . .... .. 1...1 11 1... ...,..-
hi mi IIUiiiiI nt tin- rnlirh nf lit llll I"'"" i" miin."
IUk. M, H.r..w will, u! t"" Th.' i.-m.ii f.u ill.l" in rr.. nl n "r nni.. i-i.
i. . . t !.. Inl. da .nt tin nttii'il mltir nf Ilii iMIlil
.1 f !... I.I.. ...1 ' I 111 1 llll II CI R I II IHIIMI II ll Hi'- tm- Him'- 'in
i-uiu i' " -'i)tlillll lt inr ri 1 - "
if 1. lli .1 i.iiiilllli.tii mtliiliirliio itmlnti .mini wlilili l Ih-Iih: '"'
Tin- mini" lii'lwi'i'ti th" hill mnl un
print Inn hnil hi'i.'ii mail" Inr tin. work
tin th" Kl.imuth rrnji'il fur ni'Xt yrnr,
hut thai In. uiih lint at lllnTty In
luiik" It klinwu, 1111 kiii h lufnririutlnu
wniilil lull" In h" mTiiri'il illnil frnlii
III" W.iMiliiKtnu nllit". IliitluK th"
iri."tit tiii'ciliii:, hnwi."t, it will l"
fully ili'li't iiilui'il Jiuit what wort: In
in In. iliiii" lii'i" ni'Xt )i'iir. Ci'rlalii
work linn nlii'inly h""U iIitIiImI iii(iii.
hut Ihi.p. nt" 1n.u1 il.'lalU "t In h"
iii:i or i:.mi:k. iiask
i.iiokim; ovi:it uiti:;.
mnl M.rrlll
Hiii rvlltiK KiiKlui'i'iH li (' lli'iiny
mill i: ll llniion mnl rmiiulllni:
Cnr.lni' 1 Unlnlon urn now In th" tlty
fin Hi" inirpiMi. nf ilriMlliK mi th"
11 1 "a In hi. iini'M'il liy Ilii. unit wlilrh
la In h" ollli lull) oii'liiil up lii'Xl
yi'i. niul a iiiIimiiIIiiIIoii wiim h"il h
tlnw Ki'titli-uii'ii Ililn alliTlioon wllh
th" lilti'iliiia nf III" Willi 1 I'f.rH An
urlitiluii ' I Jninnt J Mill at work In looklim
Mr llfiiri) Hint Ilin llnunl fur thn n""iHury IlnanifH with whlih
wmilil ili'ii-rmliii. mnl uiuki. IIb ri'iuin- " " '" '"" ''nirnl OrvKun?
tnonilni I111111 i tin. Iii.piirlui"tit on Tin- urrhnl In Miitfunl yi-atcnlny nf
tin. unit in In- pur Hint iniJiilm II. CiilRiiti., u liaiiknr nf Now
Hi" Imnl iin.l.'i Hi" timt milt Af'Vnik 'lt). nlliT fnlluwIiiK th" ruiitit
innlltip. in 1.1 tnriiil with thi- Wii- Iri'i'i-nlly tru"rn"il h) Jnlui l. I'ur- I -mtii. th" Intuit iiiiiIit Hi" "titlii'!'1''. IIIII'm nilltnail hiillilii. wniilil In
piujiit will In. ithlili'il lino utiltn mi.l!Hi"li' " " Mr CiiIkiiIu iuIiiiIIm
11 tinlfiirm rmi .i. int.. will lm K. Hun h" th" iniiutry in nruYr
iiriil fur "iirh ilUIMim j'" il'liTinlli" llm rituinrieii nf Unit
SI. ll.iini mnl lliipann i.intl nwlliui wllh n I"W nf plurltiK liuim
1.. I. ,... 1 Mntiil:,! mnl thi'lr ri-r-, HiiTi- nt fciilii" fuliiri" tllil". hut In-
in tin rri'Khyli.Tlnn Church, heKlri
nltiK thin I'Vi'iiliiK ut 7 'SO. The mil
Jul nf th't mlilritiH 1I1U ijvi'tiltii; will
h". "Th" Kiililintli Hi'hnul, It'n S'0."
atiil I'lirpui"."
OllnT Hi-atluiiH of th" Inhtllllln will
h" h"hl Hal unlay mninliiK nl 10 :i'l
mnl Hnl unlay iifti-rnonn ut 2 .10.
Thi'B" will h" In Hi" nut urn nf run
firi'iiim un liiplcH of vltnl Intercut
to Hiitnliiy Ki'houl worki'rx. Hnturilny
'.it T.:i0 p in Hut" will In; an tltun
itrntfil li'diiri.. All the tciinliint will
h" liflil In th" PrcHloti.Tlmi Church I Tlio RliortnKc In the Klamiitti rouii
'.ititl it cunlliil liivlluiltiM It i-xli'iiOiMl'i,. hay imp lum had tho Ifmli-nry tn
to "V"riiii" in nlli'iiil th" Inatltut. jiiinicu tin nlfiilfa KmwiTM put up th"
prim until It In licyoiii lhi ri-ach ut
rollMIIlt i:i:sil)i:.M' ult. ,u)i.n, uml ffi-tlurM. A fi-w day
MKWTH WITH Ml.Cl,ss. ' Bni V. M. Miller ami K. M Orcein.
- hoth of whom are. prominent laku
Thi- fnlluwlni; fmtii tlm Tacomn county cattlemen, carnc to the Klam
l."ilKir will hoof Intercut to the pi-o-'mh bnaln to buy hay for 3000 head
plu nf Klnmnlh I'alln: jof cattle which thi-y Intended to tnko
Tin- upper eleven MorleH of the pa- ( market hy way of thi county, hut new WuiiiiliiKtoii lint"l, now un- wtn-n they attempted to htiy huy tho
del iiiiitlriiitlun on upper Hecoml prim ntked wat S und JS.60 per
uti'iiti., Henttle. will hn ilecornted hy tn. They lontldered tho prlio pro
It. 8 Alhrlcht U Co , Taconm's well hlblllve and have made nrrnnRementii
known llriti of derorntorH and paper to ship to Item.
Iiminert. The lower three floor hnvu
Jun heen decnriited hy a 8t. Iiul
firm and the work to bu done by tho
I'titerprltlnK Tacomn firm Include
Local buyer are facing the name
dllemn. They xay It It out of tho
question for them to pay tho prlo
nuked. II. V. Mitchell lint purchased
the adornment of no lett than zoo 112011 ton In Shntta valley at $7 per
riHini The luiitrai t for the work ton fed out and will drive initio there
to get them In ibapc for tho market.
uiiiuienilntlmiM an In the mat per ail'
will lm ti'lit tn the Si'itetiiry lit ollli
If llila riTnuiliii'iiilmliin la aiiriivi'il
li) tli HiK-retnt)
un... thi. fnll Tin. 1 1 In- hull Hi" i-lillln illatntir... .Mr
Mil 1.1 in iluiri;" uf Mr Htrnw wliu'iliii- I" "''' aiiutlnn 11 rli:ht nf win
I tuii- it. .uiMrvlaluiiiiMheiii un-jiiiriiat the hill nl (lli-im mid Hie line
l -
' hiion In local" llni"
iIIwiuwh an inmii-illun with Mr.
ll wnn 1 mly a few week 11K0 that
It It Mr. Ilinny't ' John I). Turti-r. n mi-inher uf Porter
Unit. mtitruilltiK mtupnny uf Kpo
kali". Wmli.. who lum- luiltl many
mile nl mail for Jmiu-H J. Hill, made
11 Hip tiuiii The I).ill"H In Mcdfuril,
them i'
When Mr. Purler arrived In Med
fuiil he xahl Hint he hud no inntn'i'
Hun wllh .Mr. Hill, hut wa i-lmply 011
n pleutiite trip Thi "pleaKtiti. trip"'
n Imnl whli h are morn illflU-ull J hnii laler to lime been tmule
tn iti-t wtit-r lll iintiirnlly rnsl ,111 tne itin-retu ui iir. 11111. nnu men
wai nerured by the Albright com
pany In the fate of the troni;et com
petition from Seattle firm and tipenkt
well lur the tuct and push of the Ta
comn .-onii-m Th" exact contract
figure it not mail" public, but It It
tinted to he a handsome turn.
The tlro-pritlilent and tocretary of
the Albright company I Prank V.
.leiinlugt. formerly n will known ni
Ident ut thlH city, and hit hotl of
friend will lie glad to learn of tho
tureen of the company. II. P. Cnl
arneau It one of the valued employe
nf the mmpnny.
Mii:itu r is iiiti.NciNo
ll.XIICI.KY KUOM .ll.TUt.tH.
The I'nlted Ktaten Marthal left
Portland latt evening and will arrlvo
'In Klamnln Kulls lato tomorrow night
heme tn Portland by rail. ThU, ,. w( RO , M,.rr, Sll ,., wncro
ame niul.. wan fnllnwed b Mr fI-, ,,,. vx.,wla , ,llc,.t tll0 sh,.rlfr of Mo.
link, ta n mull uf pirullntl) rlut la an tin
iruw Hint the preti'iil I inure thnn tin- Intuit where the wilier j Is but llllle ilniibt lit the present
1 , 1 llm. wmilil hu" to lm ihuliged an in I iimie iiihIU iiueiulliiV
'lint In llilirfel" wllh Hie rulinl Mr in-mit tiiueii nun uie aiin..
I .
f Hit" III) llinll) glleatet
llni" but thai lllll i-unti-mplnte iuhIi-
doc iiiunty with Wllllu Harcley. Har
cley, who It charged wllh tho murder
uf Sid Jncolm, will have u prelimin
ary hearing before I'nlted State
Coiiiiulttloner Alex. Martin. Jr.. and
will probably be bound over to tho
rVderul Court nnd taken to Portland
for hi trial. Harcley1 uncle. John
l.lttle John, who It the principal wit'
lug a Hue lulu (Vntml Oregon ut nn- n(.a,t , ncc0d, I still In
curb .lute. In fnct. Port.-r ''" ,. ,. nt,,K to give hi evidence
Newest Fall Coats
Silk Cravenettes
Sweaters, Pony Jackets
Walking Skirts, Etc.
Latest Fall Styles Suits
Overcoats, Cravenettes,
Sweater Coats,
Underwear, Etc., Etc.
hui. MirwwirH in the Held nt th.
pn-Ki-nt time.
"The trip wiih nut mad" for pleas
ure only. I'll admit," H.1I1I Mr. Cnl-
Kale. ' I hero wan 11 buslnetK Hide to
llm ileul and It was hlmpl) n mutter
of looking nier Hie ri'snurces nf the
i-nillitr) with 11 lew of placing a few
nt the hearing.
The ladle of Klamath Kail and
lclnlty nre Invited to attend our
showing of Kail Millinery, on Mon
day nnd Tuemlny, September 21 and
loans. My House keep i-losu watin .,., ... ,,, ,,...,, ....... clhbl
011 iiinteinpluted railroad line, and l(mi KUNK & SCHNEIDER
fur thai reason 1 maun tin trip,
Complete stock Fine Footwear and RUBBERS
Klamath Falls' Best Value Givers
"I am not connected with Mr. lllll
In any way. I am hern in my own
Intercut cntlicly. Of courne. If Mr.
lllll decide to build Hitch a Hue, It
Is possible thai we will furnish some
t the money fur it construction
This, however, must nut bo construed
to iiieitu that I am heie al his re-
"Tito resource of Central Oregon
are wonderful," continued Mr. Col
gate. "I inn very much Hiirprlsed
Hint a road ha nut boon built Into
that sect Ion hefoie. It I bound to
pay, for the con 11 try ll will open Is
a 1I1I1 0110, liih In soil nml In timber
Only what It will become will be
known when the road is put thiougl
thul Ht'i'lloii. It I rich beynnil belief
In pussllilllHoH."
Mr. Colgate nnlvod III Medford
Monday afternoon In Hniu to hoard
train No !' for I lie uiiitli. HI cliuf-
four took the car mil Hi, expecting Ui
roach Piiitlaml Ihl afteiniiuu. J
Mi iNilgulo Bpenl 11 day hy the uu-
ulde when Ci nter Lake wa louched
He tstatod Monday that hid vlult would
hnvu tepiild It 111 for hlu trouble had'
ovur) thing fulled with the exception I
of seeing the marvelous beauty of the I
Ink". I
"ItMs a vvondeifiil iilghl. and when'
luuile a little miiro nccesslble. It will!
prove 11 wot thy ilvnl of Yoiiomlte. It
1 grmiil." Meilfoid Tiibnnu.
You will bavo money by buying
sewing machine and all ot your low
Ho sny ho would rather buy In tho
Klamath batln, but ho cannot afford
to pay the price demanded by tho al
falfa grower.
laical stockmen In speaking of tho
price of hay expressed themselves
willing to pay a reasonable price, for
Instance f 6 to $G.C0 per ton fed out,
depending on tho location.
Tho fact that I-ako county stock
men are shipping by way ot Hono
and local buyers are arranging to
feed In California may leave some of
tho hay on tho hands of the produc
er If they do not come down on the
Lewis Oerbcr, who has been In
Langcll Valley for several days has
started a beet drive of about 4 50
head to tho railroad. Ho say that
thero has been another raise ot $10
In the rate from Mt. Hebron to Sac
ramento and this Increased rate
makes It Impossible to ship from the
Untto Valley point. It Is his opinion
that the Southern Pacific does not
want shipments over tho California
Northeastern as the road Is not In
shape for heavy traffic.
In common with all of tbo other
stock buyers Mr. Gcrber says that tho
alfalfa growers are holding their bay
too high and that the result is that
largo drove of cattlo that should bo
fed In tho Klamath basin will be
driven to other sections. He, too,
is of the opinion that $6 or 16.00 per
ton Is all that the buyer can afford
to pay for hay and unless the price
Is reduced to this figure ho think
that much ot the alfalfa will remain
New tonight: Plcturcsquo Wales.
Cherries are Ripe, Klnanclal Scare,
Ing machine supplies at Mullen, cor- Onion Fiend. New songs. Admission
tier Mnln nnd 6th streets. 7-Sltt 10 cent.
vw3 Ji flJE3' - sk-iHfes ES? j 1
, if .fHWHRtb. " .,--- I K
1 '(.-JiiS3jiiiiiiM?25!v: r-"--c ..yWMT J(VJV ll 1
I I WFW . 1
Ilov J. V. MllllKiiu. n. I)., of Port-
liiti.l tin. 1're.ilivtei'liiii Hviinillcul Sun
day School Mlsslonury tor Oregou, ur-1 ?
rived on lnct night's boat and will 5.
conduct a Sunday School luatltuta'
A Peck of Grain in the Barn
is worthaBumhol in the Field
ProvhM Ihm Barn ha a Goo Roof
IX L Root and Barn Paint
Provontm iBmkm-mtM muoh to anieranoo
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