lie mtimh hlmiinlli I'i'IIh' Mrot ,! Ili-Mt D.iily .... Our Advertisers Get tjic Best Rcsulta . . . h'liinii YlIAli. N(t. r(!, KUMATII HALLS, OREGON. TUESDAY. SEITKMHKK 15. HJOH. Price, 5 Cents I i t i 4 I i MOVE THEIR FAMILIES Many New Homes Being Estab lished on the Farms i m iRwiMit Piirdioscrs Preparing to Creel Mouses wd Huild- lii(siiii(l (Jet I nnd Reudy lor Next Sprinq-Muny cv Suit's Reported ot Property Neur City A Number of Cattle Sales Made to Be Shipped Later iii- ul hunt mill iiihh . Ill Ullltl"H III llll' 1 "ii.n iiirl' ii II it llii t lull ' I'm' a 'I ,iililli ii'i'ih ! Hi" "hi Ilium 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4ll HI K Ml.ll " I"1 lllUl'lllpt'll Mini Incai iiiH' nun' iiiii milium aiiuiu) .ir il-" n'liili lull llilinitl In lllinn llli'ir fiin.ll" a llt'l" mill IIIIIKl' win r i . ll- ti i (iHi'im iiml r r ila ''' """ '" ""' ni't'aiiit, UTi , li. lull 'III llll' lilllll Till')' llll)" , I". S ixlisnllmi I'miiii;iii) t. ii I ll -t,K mM.Ii nililiillia I'i mnliia, mnl Mum Mi 'Ii. i ..i ,.-.-'I III" Iiiiiiiii'IiiiIiI IiiiiiI' I' I'i. M till ll Will. Ullll.'ll . -Ii UK ill I'ul WIIMlia I . llll.'llll'll Mill t'llllll "..i liiinlUm mnl lull) llnlili.' f 'in ii ni'itililMim in i iiiiii Iiiti .liii. will In- nnllpliil ilmltlKi i r c MmiiHiiiiii, u tin linn iiuii.mI ilvi' iii ii-ii, iiiii ki'iiui.ii mi ujitiun ,,,r li'li illiyn mi lvw lulu In 1,1,,,), (J; Mm riiiinii' I. (iwi'iiN l.our.M two nl tint iiinnKi' (tin In iitljuliiliii: Mllln nililllliiti mi ,. MHitli, ,i, ihii , ,,. Mining iiiiiiiliiinli.) alt hi ii'ii, in lulu- ul 1 1 nun ,.,!,. ll,,.,,. ,,,,,, iili' inljiiirlil In ihi' IiiiiiI IhiiikIiI by Mr MiiiltHiuilt mnl m pi, ,1,1,1,1) . Hfi lur Kiiiili'iilii,: ni'tl hi'iimin I'nl M I. Alllanu. mIhi liiiiicM Hlll.llll'lIlM,. ,tll,.'t I) Mlli'll tiff t. ulili I In- August fit ii, alt, ii, puriliaai-il :j InlM In K'7. Mill iiilillilini ill"' liiilli Iiiiiihi' mi tin lint J M IIwiik. I Li" iniiii mIiii IhiiikIiI i'1''1"""11 '""' exiimitlnu Murk In llli" l.uki'i) nl llnli K.iiIit, him IhiiikIiI : . Ii 1 1 . 1 -I I mnl III" (niitrni InrM Mart tlini' IniK nt tin' MMitliMi'iit uifiiiT nl,''1' "" ''"' """ wnrk Hi In tnnriiliiK ilitiMk In;, Minn nililllliiii. Mliltli I... A" "" n 111" atmi" U lulil the tank I I , Vl IV ItlW Klll.l, III lil'l'l mn llf- inu iiiinli' jinit at tirt'Hi'iit, iiltiiiniiili ,11 lllllllll", III till' llllttlltlll'll llll)" Hlllll I llll lilt .T SlllpllH'lll I llll III" llllll- llll, Mill) llllH llllllllt 300 lll'tlll III Htlll'lt lilllll" Willi I, In. H feeding llll till' 'llli IiiiiiI Mi'llniK" pliii" ill I'nit Kliim- , nth, win tlmt ilin i,n' Ih'Iiik imlil fin mill" h lit" it'titH Ini iiimn iiml al t.'lila III, ah'.'iH, llll H llliril III Ml) Mllllt llll. iiiiii l,"l Mill tin lllli'l. Illll III' l."ll""M tlllll 1,1't'l Mill I," high- "I iiii mrmiiit nl tin. high prim til lui) II Ilin) iliin'l piiy iniiri', th" mt tli'ini'ii simply i iiniint afford to Ii'i'd I't'lliiii-Hli'i'iiiori' liiitn If, 00 lii'inl nl til" llmiit In'"! HtiMTH In Ilin Wornl ihtT Mill"). 'I liny llll)l lint Mllll )l't.J I, ill J. (' Min lull Mill pmlialil) l,u tin. IiiiiiiIi ii h In, iimiiill, limnlli'H llii'lr nitll". Mr Mlti lull nlilim to llm Ciillfnriilii market l, Miiy nl (la- Telle A. F Hunt lint pun ham-d u trnlii IiiiiiI nl Wood lilvi'i I'litfln Inr C ntiiln Hum. nl H"iiti" II" bought limn Ami Fnitl)i", Win ,i IihIhiiii uml Ulxiiii IIiiih mill" i W'iiiI , Mllt'lii'll mi' r.-.ilii): nl, , mi ICIIU Ill-nil nl Hlmk t:ill" nt Hie Kuril mnl li"t" 'Ilin) Iniv" Imiiglit "it head ol steels friiin Dan loan. Jin km, ii mm iiii)iii, nr (Silver Uiki', nro pas turing iilmiit .1U lit-inl nl li"t-r cattle nt Oiinli'iii'r'N il:u.'. lli'Hlili'K HiIm there urn large iiiiiiiIhtk of lok rat lln mill mi tin- l ii n K". EXAMINING THE SOIL Valuable Work to Farmers Being Done By A. T. Sweet H Maps Are Being Constructed Showing Areas Covered By lath Soil Tound in the Surveyed District-formers Cm Know to What Their I and Is Best Adapted NUIIK I'ltlltMtlisslM-J ON Vi:V IIATII 111)1. HK, J Mi Hiiinli rmm hIiiIi-h t licit Mnrk r mm irn,;ii'RiiliiK mitiHlni Inrll) nn Hi" .iii'M' Iniiii Ihiiih" mi tin' Hot HjirliiKH I'lltl.lC AMI HKill MIIIHII, ii.ivi: laittji: i:it(ii.i,Mi:.M. i w 111 I." ii'ini'iiti'il mnl Mill tin Inr th" uuiii'iiti'M Mr HaliiliTwin Mill lil Hi" mnl rni t fur Hi" tiri"iil"t b . Miiili- Hi" in. 'ii nif iiiiitliut I""'"'"'!"""- hmiik Inr Inillilliii: r.'.l i.i. .Iiuki tm Hit, iii)H'ii) 'I1'"! " Ini in i iii!iin mnl n-iiiiii ' i .if I'liiiliiiifil tit'iir llii'l " A KIiIit mnl A i: Kl.lir, lm"! initi Iiiim'iI lit" lull. lilmk In;, nl "'k IninniiiiM TIiIh Ik to lui coin i.f ,iiii mi, tin' klniMIIU nililltlnii.iiilJiiliiliiK I lint" IhiiikIiI Knii.o'li (iiiinly Mnnt mull'1 I'1"'" Tli" i:i,l"r lirntlii'm Ii.ivi' I I- nrr H'liilf tn miIiiiiii" , "" liHiklliK nti-i tin mlr) lii'in n' lariiii'm uii'l rr'i",r " "'""I """ "'' in" Inllli In Willi" Hi" Cniuil) IIIkIi Ki'luiol l,i KHM ll b Mork Mnnilii) iimriiliiK, I'rln ilpal llnli'lii'r i.tiiioiiiiit'H tlmt th" fur mnl ii,i'iilnK nf Hi" M'lmol Mill I," nn I'rlilny imiriiliii; nt IIiIh M"i-k, nt 10 o'rlurk. A Miort iriiKriiin will In rt'inliriil In tin, l'liiii", in Mlildi nil r "inly pal runs ami rlvniU nf tin- kiIiihiI urn t. it tn mnl ilit't nr" lioiiml in iniikt' '!! tl III. "I III" lin.'llll 111" Will 1,1 i..n' Mnf" iittiiiil Inr tni't k ii .... min lln tniinly In ll," 4.' li.. .1. III, in liinal n( ii ,i-.,,l,' i i' Mr Mnali'ii lina ini,,, t.ii in Hi.,iii"r ranili k It li ) i a) 'mi, iu inliiirlliiK tMi'iily i ii m-. it ami l.,,"a llila n i.i;' tiiiiulii'r nf Inrnm lint" iliutijjiil i imla in lln Mir, III iniuitry Nrnrl) i i' m ini'iiiia mi liiit." In Hi" -j-ii'ai l.-li if Hit, iiiunt)'. ii a ir) l"M t lln nut imiili'tiiii ntn ii'.ivliu: 1l. '.H.imIiii; anl"a in" ri'Mitliil i ' i i ,.. .... i.-i.i. I ' . .1.K .1,1 tl llll.' .. ii Ila hlllll" n a "ti.,iriil liy llnlr III Mltil"lil A I! CIiIit Ik li'iit IiIiii: aililMil In I'i,.. V.lll") III," in.'iiili"! nt Hit. "tiuralnn .t t) tlllll" Mllll III" iiirina" Ill lllDllIK n rant It iii'iir I'ml Kliimntli.dir mIiIiIi Wlllifr Willi" Iiml II," iii:iiry. Iml ,i wil" nl tin. iiii,"it) Iiml I n i'Iiiih Im'Iiiii' lila nrrlval II" ai"iit am "nil in)a ati'ltii; Hit' liaaln, tint till cullt'il iimii) tii'fii,i. Ilmlliii: a phi" that mill til Ilia rt''llllt'lll"llta llUlll'il. Tim "iitnllint'iit In ilin Ki-vi-ml iIiih-ai-H nn Momlny inoruliiK iik iix lol Iiim'i.: rnat-Krniluatfa, &; H"lilim, 7. Jiinliira. l; .Snilininr"H, 21; I'renli ini'li. L'S, miiklliK li Intul ol 7." ii plla. ScUTal pupIlK liiuc hIkiiIIIimI pli'liil Mlililn thlii) ila) a, in Mr. Han iIithiiii la iinxIniiH to linvn Hi" tank "lirlnai'll Ill-lilt" til" llllit Ml'lltlll-r Kl'lK In Tin- luhat" liatliH anil llnlaliltii; Mink inn I," ilini" nfiiT Hid roof lMiii.r iiili'iitlnii ol I'tirollliiK thin Mit'k on ami Hi" IiiiIIiIIiik "iiilimi'il inml llm iiianact'ini'iit "ip"ctK Hutu . . . - will I." '.in pupIlK I,)- Hi" him mnl Mnii- Alii: MM' fAMHIIATIX. tlay of m IiimiI , J Prliii'lpal Diuiliar. of tln City I I iit Iniiii liniii'hl Imii In! a. In "iiK-k I ' Miila mnl turn an i.i.tmii I- Iiii ilii) a mi Inur Inla III i.HK-k i Mr Nllarlli'lln la Hi" mull " I i:u ili'ii a li'iinr," mi i ii,. aanii II II WIIkiiii ami tmiill) ami Mm. 8 ll.iul.i), nm In th" ill) Imiu Kliiinalli AKi'iit) Mr ami Mr a Wllanii am h"i" In plan' lln-lr ilillil nn In kiIidiiI If th") i an Mtiir" a aulial.l" n-alili'iui'. Jim Wllann Mill api'iiil tin- mIiiIit lii'in mIHi th" tlillil I "ii Mlaa Hlt'lla l'mnili"ll iiiitiiiniiri-H that ah" la mil a imnllilali' for Carni val (Jni'i'ii ami naka to Iniv Inr nam" M'llhtlliiMii Mian Marl" MrMlllaii Illia nlati "ilt-ali'il Hint Inr iiniint til' MltlllllllMII Irillll till' llllltl'al SrhiHila, atntt'K that tht'rn Iiiih nin mi I nu "a" nl IT. Ht-hnlai ilurlliK Hit' Ural Miik ol ndionl. On Hi" nitnnil Mnnilii)' Hi" "tiriillini'iit ylioui-tl 111) ho)H anil 147 clrla, or n tolal nl li'liil.'llir.' nf ;s7. ThlK with thn 7. IIIkIi St'hnnl M'lnil.irK milk" a tntnl nf :ii.'J atnili'iilH allcmlliiK arhool ill lainltintlniiH Klain.'itli r.ilU (iiin'rm.i Chiiiiihi'ilalti liaa appnlnl "il Al"t Mmllii, Jr. a ilt'lt-cati' tol atlt'iiil th" animal iniivi'iitlnn of Hit'! hI Cnnnri-HH. uhli I, 'STI'lll-XTS Wll.l. II Will VI Tratia-.MaalHlii m li" hi'lil In San I'rmiiUio from Oilnliir I. In In Mr Martin liaa I i' nl i'il lila lotiltiilaalnii from III" (ln riini. ami Hint" t tint li" will aiti-ml Hi" Cniiitii'aa If In. la nlili, to arraiiK" lila hiialiii'HH no na to i;i't iimii). i.vsTitn-rioNs is mi'sic. ''..j:-W-f 444444it44 I Ladies9 Newest Fall Coats Silk Cravenettes Sweaters, Pony Jackets Walking Shoes, Etc. Men's Latest Fall Styles Suits Overcoats, Cravenettes, Sweater Coats, Underwear, Etc., Etc. i r T Complete stock Fine Footwear and RUBBERS K. K. K. STORE Klamath Falls9 Best Value Givers Tim llnarila of IMin-atinii nf lioth thn County IIIkIi Si Inml anil tin- I'nli Mr Sihool liavn t'liKiiKt-il Mr. tlwi. A. Will, of Chli'.-iKO, as MilKlral Dhoi- Inr nf tlii BrlinnlK. Mr Wlru In a Krailiintu of thn Clil rnKn Ciiimi'rvntnry ami han Immlit tuiiHlr limine Hi" paat Iwi'iit) jf.irK. For twvlvu )"arH ho Iihk liait ctitlr tliari:" of Music mnl Cohsit vatorlt's. Not IiiiIiik Ills tlini' all tn-cnpli'il In Him Hilmolx, m will lui nt lll.i'rly In tuko a f"w irlntt) .iipll. Any mn' tlu'ri'fort' iletlrliiK to ntmly Voice Piano, OrKiin. Violin or llariiinny aluinlil not fall to " liltu. For tlu pri'ai'tit lit. Mill lmvu hi prlvato Mini In In tlu 11 lh School IiiiIIiIIiik. Till Htm will I in cry ri'iitmnalil". .'IH.MI.S--(iltlHSIIV. Harry A (Irlincs ami Mlas Ivy F. (IrlKHby wen' 'iinltcil In marrliiKo last i'Vi'iiIiik nl tln Imni" of tlu bililoV pari'iitH, Mr. ami Mih. II. 8. (irlRliy. liy Iti'v. J. II, (Irltlltli. Ilntli )iiiiiik pi'iipl" tun mi'II known In thin city nnil county. Tlio kiooiii Ik t'liiplo.viMl liy thn (), K. Transfer Cniiipany. They will miik" their hiiiiin In HiIh ill). (Jim of tlin Kn-at Important workH Ih'Iiik ilonii ,y thn KovornnR'tit In Hil tlon, nnil one of which very llttlo liaa an )ct liven made public, In tlm noil mirvt')-, which I bclnB made of tin- lamia under tho Klamath pro J"U b) A. T. Swii., of Hiii IJurcau of KnlU of thn Uvpartmvnt of Acrlcul turn. Mr Hwi'i't Iiiih btn-n hero about two mo t. Hi and lia inti-red a Krent piirllnii of Hid lower country. Ilu In at presi'tit worklnc near Merrill, When uaki-il an to I lui naturo of Iho work In miik Joins here, ho .aid that Hi" Mork loimlatH of claaalfylnj; tho aoll of any slven aoctlon uccord Iiik to Hn texture of tho material of w. Iili li they are mado up; tho orl t:ln of thi material and tho crop val ue of the noil:. TIiiih." nuld Mr. HwiH't, mill may ho divided Into nmla, aamly lo.ima, loam nnd many other I'lawio easily dlallnculahed trom th" other and each differing ai to ea" of cultivation, best method of hiinilllni; and crop for whlrh they am beat milti'd. map In contrnct"il allowing the area, mvered by each noil found In Ilin mirvt')ei district, tho different .olli belnE examined cart'fully to do lermliie not only the character of the Miirfmi' noil but also of tho lub-soll to a depth nf nix feet or more. Many Held examluatloiiH and testi aro mado mnl t)plcal Kiimplei are Kent to our luhoraloifeK at WnhlnKton for mm- lileti' aiinljal. In niappliii; koIU not only arc ex- of thn Roll ttiemelve relletl upon. Inn the appearance of the tropH and tho character of the native eKet:itlnn often Klve valuable Inlormatlnti an to the kind or noli upon whldi they aro growing. Thui In thin area tho amall rabbit bruili I found on a noe, IlKht, Handy boll; the black iui;o on a Mimowhat heavier sandy mil, usually a sandy loam, and tho KrcnaoMond and several other plain Invariably Indicate a soil that contains alkali In consldorablo amount. During tho proxress of the work comparison aro constantly made, not only between the crops Krowu on dllTcrent soils, but also be tween the crop Krowu on tho same soils In different part, of tho area mnl between crop grown In this area mid other areas, where ilmllar soils are found. Thus In this Klamath county wo hae soil qulto ilmllar In character and origin to tho soil of Hip Ynklmn Valley, Washington, and barring the climatic conditions, soils which should produce as good re sult, -humiliation! uro also mnl.i to dt'termlnu the amounti and kicd or alkali In tho o whore It I. found in ruRlclcnt quantities to bo Injur ious to crops and a map Is construct ed showing tho areas In which It oc cur. ' Th'.so maps, accompanied by n report describing tho soil., crop, and gcnernl agricultural conditions, will bo published as a soil aurvoy report and may be secured from Congress man llnwley or by writing to tho Chief of the Bureau of Soils, Well ington. I). C. "A soil survey Is mado for sororal purposes, the mou Important of which Is to supply Information to the farmer, of the district surveyed which may bo of nsslstano to (hem In farming more successfully. Often wo arc able to suggest better meth ods of handling the soil, of adapting crops to soils, and of dealing with alkali and drainage condition.. Sometime, we aro able to auggeit now crop, which may be introduced with profit, or better method, of growing those which are now being raised. Tho next most Important purpose I. to supply to prospect rvo settler, and other, who may be in terested In tho development of tho country, rcllablo unbiased Informa tion concerning it. present and pros pective agricultural condition.." WII.Ii KL'RMHII IJEEF TO IMILROAD CONTRACTORS. Erlckson & 1'etter.on have con tracted with Alox. Davis to furnish them beef for their camp, during the winter. The beef Is to be furnished a. soon a. the contractor, move tholr camp, on tbl. side ot the marsh, which Is expected to be In the very near future. The contract doe. not state Just how much beef they will use, but It 1. stated that It wilt aver ago about 40 animal, a month for the present. ENGINEERS TO GO OVER WORK AM) MAKE PLANS. J. 11. Qulnton, consulting engineer for the Reclamation Servlco, arrived last evonlng. Supervising Engineer. D. C. Henny and R. O. Hopkln. will arrive tomorrow, for an Investigation of tho Klamath Project. These gen tlemen will go over the entire work that ha. been done and will make their plan, and recommendation, for tho work to be done next year. wwwo Tims. Iluiiliitt, n Moikimin on tho Hum building, hail Hm end of his little linger on the left hmid cut off tills iiuii'iilug by getting It caught under the, linn beniii ns ll was being placed, Dr. .Men) man muputnted the ut the Joint .1 M McKlula), a tn oilier of Dun can MclClnlay, or California, mnl l lie head of the MclClnlay-l'ei l;lni I'alut Faitory, of Oakland, is In the city on buslneui for his home. Mr ,Mc Klnlay U nn undo of Mia. zim IliM-win Suinliiy'H Ori' contains a full pni;o write-up, with IUiidI rations, of Mr. llurrliimii'a Pelican Hay home Tho story wni wiltten by Win Wag ner nnd tlio views were taken by J.n 1 1 nl se, during Mr. Han Ilium's leceut visit. Tho story wus syndicated nnd was used liy over tweuty of tho lead Ing big dallies throughout tho United I I $ I SJSH i Going Camping ? We have the best guns and ammunition. Let us outfit you for a trip to the mountains. We have the goods that hunters need. Going Fishing ? j Our rods and tackle are the best that are made and the stock from which we invite you to select is very extensive. Roberts 5c Hanks i ill VA Hardware Merchants mwn444 States.