"ONfl 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KIAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. EASY i'i i m a po it T AMTVg OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY THE EVENING HERALD Issued Dally, Kxwpt Sunday, by lli HRRALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor SlMJSCKIl'TlON KAT.KS Dally, by mall, one ) ear Dally, by mall, lx monlln Dally, by mail, three montlii Daily, by mail, one month Dally, delliered bj carrier, one week 1 ' I & . ' . If' KLAMATH FAIJ.S. THURSDAY. SE1TKMBER 10, 1'JOS. wousi: than it(M'Ki:n:i.i.Ki:. ItiinKm") ' ' Ullll'Il al 11 III' leilVi t' i' caller naked John lllllliiril b'uii If "Undo Jot'" Cannon lltened . . orward toward tin- llliir with haul n ho al on tho front porch oMd- hand on hi" knoei. n ihnr.ioioi hla homo III DanWIIe. III. tnlklliK lollMlc iillllii.lo Joel.' anlil ho. In n obi neighbors an.l onjovlny the boan- Kuanled ton. 'ho lofl It nil ' Ami t of an earl) full ila . hi mini! iu,ihi'ii llllll.ir.l slr.ilKhtoned i uuli a rout ami his fool cooked with ihotwlnklo In hi ih.it oml.'.l Hie in Kinio unfile na Mi Mat k ilcir, he ton lew in Ik lit hao ho.inl tho nppl.iuao of 2S.00O labor men In l.lnioln Park. na they listened In ooldent delight to a nlu brown rnnalini: administer- fj to tho wnor.iblo atntesm.in b I'roaldont Gumper. of tho Aniorlcan Federation of Ijibor. Allium: the tlilnpi. Mr. (lompcra aaid was thla: 1 from Mr on nulla comes mis uv of u tor. anil somehow or other thoro aecina to bo a tit t lo aonutlilni: familiar In lt sonor.il tone. A u til th) tnorih.int iiiIhm'iI a .ilnablo ilia iiioml from hla stock.nml romomboroil I .Noun: rou puhi.h'Ation. I Not t'oal I. unit ' Department of tho Interior, t' M I Land Oltlce lit l.akolow, Olonon AllKllM . I'JOS. Nellie Is horoby kUoii that Hor linilo I. Ilolli'innn, of Klniniitli Pulls, Orouim, who. on Mil) 25. I'JOS, miido Timber and Stono Application, No 4I.NS, (Soilnl No 02!3), for w ifcHO s.ctimi w.r as . it. jo i:. w m Vat llloil notlio of Intention to tiuiko tliuil proof, to oitnbllnh thilm to the, I niul nboo iloin'rlboil, bofoio Comity j Clerk. Klamath Co., lit hla nffleo, at iKInmath Calls, Oroiion, on the 12th rtn of October. I WON. Clainiant name na wltneses I AllKUHlu J lliDiloli, V W Melid onhiill. Win llollemali.il i: ilii)lui. 'nil of Klainiith I'.illii, Oioi'.'in J N WATSON, .VIU-JO-II lloRlator Mirici: im I'Ciii.ic.vuo.v II. H. Land OIUco. l.nkvlew, tint- , run. Jul) 11. lllUS. ; .Nollio la horob) y.lveii that Ihn i State of Oiei'.on baa lilnl In (hla nf tlie Ita iippllcatlona under tho pio lnliiiia of tho net of Connroaa of AiiKUst II. 1S4S, and tho acta mip- plemctital and iimotidiitory thereto, for tho follow Iuk iloaerlbed lamia, to-wit: Mat No. 085, for Mi'J, S-c. jW ' '"' IF .ir. i.i.mi.o.1 ....... . - ...... , , ( , lia(, lrvn t Cncle Jih. Cannon atanda In this ... ... ' ""'" .?." s,- ' Ji "' I difi-.t ttitil I Iml In hit I nrl in! atuurili' country a. tho worat euoi.iy "f -,,,,,; ,. , ., ,, . tr., nnmte, aoclal and polltlo.il reform and tho trail led h) doloua w.ia in J the ahop of a pawnbroker Tlior- It. 21 i:.. W. M. Mat No. JSi!, for Hw'.iieU. Sec 3, T. 3 S It. M K. W. M. An) and all pvraona clatmltiK nd- SHERWIH-WllUAIIS Buggy Paint it the ltt (i.tlnt made lor Imi" In. Cooil, too, lor nii li ainl Uwii luiiilliuc or aii)thliif uli )ci t to oiiltiile etKiiiiir S-W. Buggy Paint wen well iiut-ol-iloori in all limit ol wcitlicr. K'r blight, iliirjlilc yloii, tpicndt evenh, tovrit w-ll ami roinn in iiun .itlrartiko culoii. It It ci oiunilU .il lireailtc it sact tc-ultitlne, loo toon, ami it .ilj)t tttitlJitiiiy. C'liiuri tcaily (or the timtli in lunily out, tut; ami little, at )o ic finite. MBMBHI rOHSALCtlY i Geo. T. Baldwin, HARDWARE DEALERS Klamath Fulls, Orctton THERE ARE REASONS Vtff You should ouy your Croccrlcs at Van Riper Br' j I at. They huve inc nooa you whim 2nd. Their Croccrlea are always fresh 3rd. The price la within reason 4th. They deliver phone ordcrn promptly Phone 516 - VAN RIPER BRol Get the Hnbll Use Chaae G Sanborn Correct ! J I I I :.'..'! :: !, Sheffield Marine Gasoline Ending jt Uuy it flood Engine fur your boat. Easily na AmoiitMiiliiTiiwiicni ln'n Mr. K. I' lliiiiilllon has J tl ... t t. ... a. J ti ttil att.llllilir Wit flft I III llirilli.iftntliik ' IUIM Wi liri iinn uiiiiimjmd'h ' nt i mi U(r FAIRBANKS MORSE & COMPANY . 1st and Stark St.s., Portland, Orison. ".'' WH4H(9 thai tho tioonlc hate" n. unfii, ill ii linn iiuriiKi'r it I .... .... ..i, ...... ..I..I...I.... .. Mr Rmmu.ri p.nil nncl Imlnraoil ant "" ,,lm "" ri",u 'i. "" ...... .......... .... JnK tl, object ijecauaii or mo minerni iilltorlal which nppe rent laaue of a weokl) i li-iibait it.t1 traul llil IIIilKiKIIll' . .... nmnii' ht r ti.t in tv ii uititi t r tiitktiatv a kit .a . . . ttMrli .l.wlnr.1 llinl of tho two etlla 'UiaracUT ol UIO lauil. or lor nnj Ti , T1 iu '"l l-nl 2 .o ," lhl " -. ""'" "'"'." :.ll.-r roaaona. to the dlnpota. ., .p. " " " . , ' , . ., illacotereil tnat tho olllcer of tlie law and Cannon tho speaker la liel,,. ,. ,,.., 1VV. lit" .....t.M ..I. p. , isreater evil. Tho Speaker m pic tured by Mr. Oompera aa nn obttruc tlonlat of tho deepeat, moat corport-tlon-bound t)pe. ahop and had alojod It aa atolou ! Boo.lt. and then had hlui'elf pawuiil It. Ilaikvrard the trnll waa still fol- I lowed, throiiKh two other officer It appeara that tho original thief hml boon alezed b) nn otIWor and !. 1 forced to Klve up tho atone. Thla atarted the Journo) through the ipawnahops and tho handa of tho ol!i era. Kadi officer would alozc II In I turn and pawn It onl) to hate a ; brother aleulli alozo It ttculii Hut ei- en then the owner did mil cot it The nrilriT Intlatid that ho woiilil hate to hold It for ovldoiuo. The lowner, made Miaplclotia. trailed the I officer and aaw the follow- actuull) KO right hark to tho pl.no where tho The landlord uaod to hand ua knocka ,tom. ia, lvvn a,t ,i(i and again Ilecauae we had a cat. ipuwn It Ite.nla nlmott like nowa A bird, a rabbit In a box. ! right from clone at home, where it It And half a Iiunilnsl l'l)inouth Itocka 1 1., :lK ,)IU. f ,,. nrat riiloa of :tl- TIIK KINIIUIItll. The landlord uaeil lo come around Ai regular na a clock. Itpon tho door we'd hear him pound Oh, 'twaa a glad and Jo)fut sound To hear tho landlord knock! lie knockid upon the entry-way. lie knotked upon the door. He came around tho flrat of May, And aaw the puppies at their play. And then ho knocked some mon What think you, now, of that? Hut when ho acted meanort rt Was otcr Gwendolen; When iho was born, the little pi t. Ho growled and said, "You iniiatn' let Thla thing occur ugalu." Wo have another landlord now And ho la different. Wo'vo bought a parrot nnd n ow He doesn't holler, anyhow. Or press us for tho rent. Now Uwendolen has Rliters four And she has brothers tro; They pound the walls and pound the floor, And still this landlord doesn't ronr Mku that one used to do. We've put the landlord mean to unit. And I will tell )0U how: Wo huvo a cottage farther out, With vinos und roses 'round about, And I'm tho landlord now American Lumberman. lit police work that It In well to -I a thief to rntih a I til.-f ' i;ow few friends we reull) have ' wo measure friendship liy the hiaudard set up by Kmvrsou "A friend Is a person with whom I lino be sincere; before whom I may think aloud" A friend who will not re joice out another's frailty or misfor tune Is rare- Oregonlan. pllcant, should tile their affidmlta of protest In this office, on or before Iho 10 duy of September, I '."IS. J. N WATSON, 7-21-9-IJ Itcglater. Mll'll'i: Foil IH'III.IC.tTIO.V. (Not Coal l--ihd I DopartuifUt of tho Interior, I S I .mid Olllrn nt Ijikotlew, Oregon. Augutt l'.i, 1 90S. Notice la hereby glten that Dunn W. Iluraidl, of Merrill, Oregon, who, on Dim'. !;, IliUl, lundo llouioaleud Cntr). No. .1 :!.".'. (Serial No. 03S2), for H'U. See. 13, T. 37 S, It 10 V. . W. M . haa flb-d notlio of Intention io make tlnnl Couimutatlon I'roof, to ilalillah cl.ilin In thi' Iniid nlmte do se rlbed, liefori' IteglHt.T nnd HecelV er, at UtketliMV, Oregon, on the .Mb da) or ()( lolicr. lilOS Claimant names aa wltneam-a Mark Howard, of Merrill, Oregon, Krunk JoliiiHtnn. of Klamath, '''" j I Oregon, Hoy Whltne), of Klamath Kails. Oregon. Chas. Wagar. of Klum-' f i nth r.ilH. Oregon WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESORTS the I-.-I 'i nit li'limtf in One l.tit'lli'iil iii.Kinuudtli' ii '' partie., (aiiiilig otltltl. loi relit f-i'!.il r imping gii'iind. nnd larnt. Inr rent I'lne iM.turo for .lii'l. I ri'lct'iionr colltifctinn, Aciiimuo.latliiu. to go to Cinlrr Like. Will Hint l.uliin nt Mam ill. I Agency. FRANK SILVIES r-KOI'KIETOK Klamath Agency, Ore. :.' '; 'i i t Heavy Prelghtlnft a Spcclclty. Baggage Orders A Given Prompt Attention i ': 0. K. Transfer & Storap Company HavlntJ up-todate piano trucks we solicit your rine piano moving PHONES offlcr mi ! lUrn M) KENYON a GRIMES, PROPRIETORS :- t !l J N S-21 WATSON, Iteceltor U.-.IIO ACKKM KltliK. BRICK WORK AND PLASTERING Curiosity Is not confined to women. Neither Is the pernicious habit of meddling in other peoplo's affairs. Nino times out of ten, when a suc cessful citizen pastes from this world the first question of both men and women has something to do with the eatalo ho left. This is well Illustrated by a llttlo (.lassie that comes out of Merlden, Mass. The father of tho prespnt John I.. Milliard of that town wuh conceded to be, as his son, a Uoston & Maine lallroad magnate, now Is, ono of the best Informed men In the (ouiiuunlty on the Ilnanilal condition and position of his follow townsmen. Thla was probably due to the fact that the Billiards have ever been known as a close-mouthed family. On one occasion an acquain tance sought to take advantage of the senior Bllllard's knowledge of the estate of a mutual, friend who had died, There was a ureal deal ol controversy laxhu community regard ing how-iniieh money the deceased had left und few were willing to wait until the will was. probated to ascertain the facts. Bo the acquain tance vent to Billiard. ''John.'" ho eaiu. "J seo So-and-So Is dead " "1 guess be Is," remarked John Billiard; "they aay so, anyway," The caller moved closer Id a very confidential way and ipok in that Intimate tone that is presumed to looiin men's WE ARE LOOKING For up-to-date people to carry our watcbea. We can cup ply watches for anyone, from the joung out to the M-dittB old man. Kach watch la guaranteed to give Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES i Tho 1-akenldn company has 230b acres of land uuder tho Adams ditch that II will glvo KENT KHEK for one )car. Tlili Includes tho use of I tlie land and water. The renter must I j clear and place tho land In culutlva-, 1 (ton. Tlio renter gets nil tlie crops but wo reserwi the right to patturn the stubble. I KLAMATH FALLS, OKECON 1 Tlie latkesldr 'oiiiwtiiy, I $$$' J. 1'rank Adams, Manager, 1 Merrill, Oregon. ! ailM.NI Nt ASD HHK H.ACO A.HI'M'IW.n H. E. CHILDERS 1 i i 1UTTTTC A TMTTTMMT T TkTC iTxxujjo rLwiM.ijL uvrii) are Advancing in Value When hlockri in Milln Addition were oIUtiiI nt Imrvuin priccH n iiuiiiImt of ithrt'wd itiven lorn UiUL'lil, Hincf that time vnlum hnc uicreasoi) nuttcrinlly. These Lots are Bargain Buys :it present jiric'H, nnd thcru is ovi'ry rca.son to anticipate nn advance in priei'.s. Hoiniin Iter tlii'nu lotH nro FIFTY feet in width nnd ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET tlfi'p more than double the nreu of most town lots olTi-rcd to invo.Moro. FRANK IRA WHITlj Office on Fifth StrtJ CAPT.O.CAPPLECATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. v r '' f t. I ' -:--.. 4Cc4fil 7. J tin. I '......- AIA a. a .. .. ... uniiraminn i.. .11. in ph. iiwuuviuig Vice-I'ich, and Tim B Dos J Zt unatT, I'ri'aiilent I: For Lease, Hotel with ever) thing now, dining room kitchen, eight rooms, parlor; line patronage, feeding from ISO to 'J 00 dally. Inquire at Hotel Dorria, Dorrls, California. g.fttf KODAK? There In only one Kodak und that is the EASTMAN Cream of Tartar Rochelle Salt Epsom Salt Sulphur I GHITWOOD DRUG CO. T J Evry Koduk teHted here. Frfe lessons hv one who t know to every pui chaser of a ivvuarit Maude E. Baldwin Dealer In Kodak Supplies BALDWIN UIK. KUnmth rails Zim's Plumbing Shop Contractlnt and Jobbing PimtclasH Line of I'luinb Iuk 8ecialties nnd llrnt elaaa Workmiimdiip. A. O. U. W. Building Klamath Falls I Maps,:iUns, BlucIITtnts, Etc. i Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Hi .t K W iriiatw, Secretary Klamath FallsOregon Wf14f4f4f . XDR. C.P.MASON Dentist American Hank A Tnmt Cn.'a llulldlny CIIAS. II. W0KDKN I'reaideut A. M. WOltDKN Cashier FRKD MKI.IIASJ VIWNlWd The American Bank and Trust (m CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining i'arl'jr Oysters Served in Any style J. V. HOUSTON. Prop. DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Office over Klamath County Hunk C. F. STONE Attorney ul Law Offllcu over iwatolllie, Kluumtli I'ulU, Oregon TlLSTUOHlC i D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falls, Ongra A JL$ rpS3SSjs55E "SrSS&"Sri " . I I rf I V -?. iiJl..iMliiiiI i f ts &&5 i m il a um mm aa m. s hi i j i CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. Sth and MUi Street I 1 fiai,i)iiM1iaiiinwpilffjpj))aRHB