ftottraa Hcntlo. WW Kluiiiiilli Full' Fir.st Our Advertlaera Get the Best Results . . . fknd Kent Dally .... YiIAH, N(i. ;.r)2. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 11)08. Price, 5 Cents iANK THE COLONEL II. Ilolabird's Work Appreci ated By Citizens .is I lii! Moons of Intcrustinq Capital in I his Section "9!' l I...!....!-.. II ll,...'....... t.. V.UI Iho Ulamalh mill llllllll.llltj I.. II, nail Milan lu arin.l mo niaiiiaiii I ik Resort for His Summer tfome HARRIMAN PARTIES BEGIN WORK twUen toln II MmIiiIiIiiI, vvho Iiiin dull" lllll III lllll'H'IIIIK I! II Hiiirl- nml hiImib In Ibis hi'illon, will III II fl W )H (ill I.O AltKI'll'M ml tin Miiil.r ll.'fniii IrnvliiK (iluiii'l ulll !' iri'i'iili'il wllli it rlnl mkiii'iI h a luriiK miiiiiIm-i fjffct' liimln-mh iiii'ii n( HiU illy, pfeaeJm: tlii'lr npprei luiluii nf hi f ferfi in iK'iiitr nf kihiuiiiii inunt BVMnl II. ,1.1. it, I inn. I,, lilii llml re- I MURoUaiini' lii Ihln millnn hi I'Jiil I MtOfl I III'" rwmil In llitercteil tin I CaUfomni mplliillsl. wliii (iirini'il l In' KlMHltli Hi Vi'lnHlli HI 'iiliii:in' .Hi iUrti'il 'In iiilltnml mililily mill lum ,w,tkinu iiiiikIiiiiiIv fur iln ili- llll'llt III lIllH .I'tUllll. II" Im. rlnmh nllli'il wllli Mr lliirrliiiuii nnr ti'.iri ninKliiK u t r 1 1 in the HfcMJIpluc Inland ii lil" nm-iIiiI rip reMMtiilni Ihi Ilniill) Itili'ii'Hli-il tJeV'llnrrtiiiiin in this miilini. nnd wu mrii n n( InilurliiK .Mr llurrliiiiiii till till !. Ill t fill 11'Mllt mi tin' r I .iik i for lil" summer Iiiiiiiii, ll'llll Of Willi ll lllllt lli'l'll III lliakl' ulli known limn nun I'lul nf tin I Stair lo the other Tim me. I IK ptl'll'lltl'd In IIK fllllllWH ,". ilin niiiti'riilr.iii'il i lll'i'ii '' nth rul lit ami vlilnll). wUh Ii) ii nf Dili mcmnrlal, In i'pni In .'our uppni lathm uf niir I'dnrtH lut If nl Hi.' Klitmnlli iniiiilr) r.'tiii'inlMT cr well llml nl limn nf imr llml rrinnnolnnani-n (U. nu inniln nreal predlrllnn In' fntilti' nf Kluiiiulli I'nlln nml mirrnumlliiK iniinlry, which pro ms, vvi mil plenoil In nay, luivn fnlfllli'il ii fiml ii" liiliiK U Wlllllll MTIHll v in., ulmi iiwuri' llml lit rriiHim four InrKi' in-iiinlnlnnio Ihrcniuli- tllli I'.llllll I'llllKl, )llll llllVO llllhl' Ii In uihertlM' nml make kliinvn HilMiliUiK'-K nf tlilM Ii T.liin ,Vi' nli.n iippiiilale In Ihi' full ll"' rt which Mr. lliirrliiiuii. the Iit.1 flimni'lrr nml rnllrmnl limn- In Urn wnrlil. linn Inkcn In till lr). prlnilpiill) IIiiiiiikIi nnr ef- nml wo believe Unit hi' "ri- ii. lu ii tnimhlernhle ileum, nf lii'inlltH In tin ileilvcd Ii)' " from HiiiiIiiiiiii'h liili'ri'Hl here. ' Mi Hint Iiii I In li liimltlnn In iln fur IliU iniinlry nl llili linn iiiiv nl her iiimi llml liven, Thciofnre, II In nnr purpiim' III I'lillliU inn with Ihli inctuuiliil n iiu imr 1'iinii'Hi mnl sincere I,h fur jnnr uiillrliiK I'ffnrlK In lii'hulf iim ii nmmiiiiliy nml rculou riiiiilul nn wllli nur ilimlru In Mur , Kli- in-npi'Nil'i wllh nn full her, mnl In iii'Ht Iln Iinpii Unit )niir pleasant 11H1.1M hilliniH wllh ii h limy iiinllniKt fni liiiiny )nn In loine. Itrnp'i Hull)' ttilhliilllnil," AniiTliiin I In nk K Trust Cutniuiiiy, liy t'lui. K. Wnrili'ii, Piohlcnt. Kluiiiulli County Hunk, Ah't. tin, .It. I'hhIiIi'IiI. KIikI Niitluiml Hunk, J. W liii'ini, Al. faultier. Hint Tumi ft HiitltiKt Hunk, J. V. Kli'ini'tm, l'ulilir. (' K .V II H Miinii. Kliimulli li'Vidopmi-iil Ciiiiipuny, hy ll II ('iiiiipliill, ,K. Hi'iy. Ilnl KiiliiKK lliiirni'lui'iit i.nin luili), Ii) W H Wnrili'ii, AimI. Hii')'. Klmiiiilti lu I In IjhiiI mnl Truim im lut Inn Ciiinpuii), hy I! II llrmiii'fl, l'rtililiul. (tin. T lluhlwln. (' II lli'Liip, t.'niinly Cli-rk. SV II lliirni'ii. Hhi'ilft. J I' l.i'i', AHwinuir. W A. Wiilki-r. Cniiiily l.'nm. J. II I'llTCH. W II. lllllll.'.T. Klnmiitli KulU I'lniiliiK MIIIh. liy J. I. (Ini'lliT. I'liink K. Auki'k). II I. Iluiniiiniiil, II T. Cliltwood. A J. Miinnlin;. (I. (' Appli'i;ul J. V. Ilnimlmi. (1, lli'likcmiii-r, Jr. IImiiIiik iiitiiIiI, (. Hmlili, IM llnr. C. J Mnrrn), IMIInr Klntiinlli lit" piilitlimi. K K. K. Sinn, Krnl I.. Hiitmlini, MllllllK'T. II. .1. WIiiIith. II llnlvlli, IMilinlicr mnl Hli'iun I'll I ur. Win lllp'T limn. I'rlnli'i tc HllltN. A ll. Crmiru & (.'n. (' II. llmlirwiMiil. M irrh Mi'rrmillli Cnniimiy. hy Olln lli'ilrkli. I'limk Wiinl. Tin' lliinlim Htnri. I. Jnrnlit, It, Ii. Iliinuki'l'. K. HtiKiirnimi. MrH, M. Mi-Mlllmi. Cliimllllll H. Ohrnclmlll. Jnliii It. HllllN. Muynr. Hlnr llrtiK Hlorn. K.M. Whlti-. I'rop. Hclinlliifk DiiKKi'tl, by Kri'rt Si-hnllmk. Mimiiii ft KIiiiikIi, dy J- II. Mnxo.i, I'lTllVlll Hllllll. l.'luiM. Wnnilnril. I'rninlfii'ii in ml hy IMwnril II. Mm -rliniin Unit n mini hiiiiIiI hv enn Nlrmti'il Inln Ontrnl Oncun urn nl rinily In cnurm' (if fiilflllinrnt, a)H ihii I'nrllniiil Jiiiirnul. Alriinly nur wyliiK piirlli'M Hi'iii mil from Port Iiimi, nri lit work IociiIIiik ll"' miinl fiMiHlhln iniili Into Cfii I nil Oii'i'oti In iiuliil of f.nuli' mnl riirvi! mnl inn trm linn nml (Inn pin I y In HorkliiK Ihriiuiili III" CiimuiI" rmiKi fmiii lliii Di'troli in- inlniil of Ihii Coi'ViiIIIh & Kiinti'rn In win il lint Khiiiuilli l.ukc cnillilry. AniilliiT pnriy U mirvcyliiK iIiih-i Hi" I'.nriti'K nf lh" Dcucliuli'M ciiliih IIkIiIiii; III" Kiuilli'hl nml unit of run ntriii'llnli llii'l". HUH minUn-r i'irpM U mirn')'lliK fnr mi i'xIi-iihIoii nf lh" 1 1 II" nf tin' Colillu hlu KiiiiIIiitii frnlil Hhanlkii UirntiKli wlili Ii rontn will h" imml fi'imlhli of i-orinl i nil luti mnl iionoiiiliiil In op-iirntlon. ON MURDER CHARGE Willie Barcley, Half Breed Indian, Arrested at Alturas Urn Ci'iilrul Ori'Knn Inniln Inwiinl Hi" line to Tillamook. "It will In. iwo H""kn or ii nmnlli i hffori' lh" Hiirtoynm liiivn MiiImIii'iI I ihclr work," mihl Mr. O'llrlcn. "An noon iik III")' haw llnlnhi'i) nml (be flKiiri'ii mn nviilliihl" Ihii i'IioIiii of ii Zl: tJ?rt'X;l!: Murdred Man WaSidO. Jacobs .ad Uh, Coroner's Jury win ti'ii iii" ml" i 'Tim ii"xt uli'p follnwlm; Ihi'ihohi'j of ii rout" will hit lh" wiirk of m-iiu-' ItiK rlKhln of wny, mnl noun im IIiIh link can h" utcniiipllnlK'il III" 1011 Ktruitloti work will h"uln " Mr. O'llrli-ii rnlil Ii" iniihl milk" no Ntatoiui'iit iiKiirillliK Hi" Cook Hay llli" nl thin Hum nml t hut he inidiT Htnoil that K. I.'. I.)ll" hud iiln-nily ri'Kiuni'il Hi" inmtlriiitloii of I hi) I'n- iini- Itnllwny & NnvlKiillon lompaiiy'u Charges Bdrcley With the Crime Man Was Shot I hree limes and Body Hid in Crevice in Rock Klutiintli l.uk". AironlliiK to (IiimtiiI MnnuKi'.r )' III l"ii Urn llurrlninii b)I"Iii will liati) Iln i hull " of tin-Hit Ihri" rouli'K In loimtiiiillnK Din ("iilrnl Ori-unn rond. Mr O'llrii'ti "iillmnlfK llml ll will ro null" fmtii Iwn Hi-"kK In it innntli fnr Hi" mir'.i'yiii'H to flnUh thilr work nml milk" Ihi'lr riporlM In Um officii of thf lii'inl "iir.lm'1'r In I'ortlnml. An noon im tin-in' ri'pnrlK urn inmlo th" oncl iiiit'h onic" will Ink" up III" lk of enlliiintlni: tin nl of i mini ruction Ktnl f rrini Ihi""' flciiri'K will di-ti'rmlric Ut'iiiirnl MatuiKiT O'llrk-n nltio rIiiIi-k Hint tlii'in Ik no truth In tin rumor Hint Hi" llnrrliumi InlirontK hnw hi-ciiri-il conttol of Um Ni'Uon Biirvey up tin Di'Ki IiiiIiii Into tin- Out nil Orriton dUlrkl Shi'ilff HnrnuK, Coroner Wlilllork, rromi iiiIuk Attonify Kuykcndtll and 11. M. Itkliardnon will rMurn UiIk iiv 1'iilnn from Ynlnnx, wlivru Ihey went In liivi-KtlKnto thi? death of tho man foil ml ili'inl n oar that place. Tho foroner'ii Jury found that tho man'a timnu h.ik Kid O. Jacoba and that be cnnn In IiIk denth hy a plitol (hot, and lh")' tliarso Wllllo Ilarcley with tho irluif. NothlnK Ii known of the murdered man except that ha wai annul thirty yearn of ant'. Mo came "ThiT" Ik pli'iil) of room In Un ; from Alturas with tho Indian, liar- Dcmliuti'n for Ihii toaiU," nald Mr. O'llrli-ii. "Thero Ii nolliliii? lu tin Ktory Hint wu hnvo purLhated tho NcUon mirvey. Our mirn.'yltiu party la enlnbllahlnK n now- Krndo "tillri'ly Independent of any other that han cl"y, and claimed lo be a horae buy er. Tho erlmo In xuppoied to hate been (omiuitted for robbery. A UH-xiiaKO was received at 9 o'clock thin tnornlmc from the aherltf uf Modoc county at Alturaa to the "fTect Unit ihey had the man and the turn been made then1 " i Indian boy. Sheriff Ilarnea will leave nininii .ar- a -ww a-k m. i - rairnn , In tho mornlnn for Alturaa to bring OPINION OF ATTORNFY fiFNFRAI .! -.ndibob.notM.dtr. ' ""' " "i-" sm- Th" body w a. found Monday after- 'noon at Iho mi mm It of Yalnuc lluttc. Municipality No Right to Take In Additional territory With- which in about r.oo feet hi.h and two anil one-nan nines irom mo aiaiion OUl KegarO lO WSne Ol me MeSiaeniS I nereoi f Yalnnx. The body had been hidden 1 In 11 rri'Vlrn In Iho rnrWn about elsht 'flit deep, and wnn covered over wllh & Tin' follow Iiik letter, itiehed by City Attorney John Irwin, kIvi-k the niilnlnii of the Attorney (leneral of Um Mat" nf Orecnu, relative to in IiiikIiik the illy houmlarli'K of Klam ath I'uIIk The Attorney lleueral ha eery farlllty fnr obtaltiluK author)-IIi-k and Information on the xubjiit, nml wllli" III opinion I nut courlu h". It naturally will Iiiim iuilil-r-nbl" hi'IkIiI AiikiihI 31, 1U0S. Dear Kli . ll"il)iUK In ynillK of the I'll! Ill Ktmit, relnllv" In I'lilarcInK tho city buunilarli'K uf Klamath l-'nllx, permit me In tuiy that In our opinion u votn muni b" taken Homo Hum by tho peo ple In the dlnlrkt proponed to bo add oil In the city, an well .. within the city bouudiirlen. and If n majority in eaih dint rkl vole fnr annexallun, the lerrltnry can bo annexed. Our Htaluten are not very clear up on thin proportion, and Iho count I 1 111,1011 ban been amended no much that II In a little mixed, and I am un able In llml any provUlon of Iho con .tltutlon ur of tho .taluto which wilt deprive the people In the di.trlct pro poned to bo annexed from IiiivIiik a vote an lo whether or not Ihey iiiiihI be annexed to Iho city. I think tho city boundorlen could be enlai'KCi! under Section 2(190 of tho Code. provtdlnR n proper vole in taken, nnd under the provl.lonn of . gk era & J 'cl VI '.V Ukk. S lHI WHETHER you pay us $15. or $40. for a Suit or Overcoat -you get the best Suit or Overcoat that $15 or $40 can purchase. K.K.K. STORE Agents CONTINENTAL TAILORING CO. the coniitltutlou, if the city provide ; by ordinance for the enlargement of ll. boumlarlen and enact, the mode; of tukliiR a vote, mid, aim), at the name time deucrlbe. tho enlarged boiindarlen, and then provlik-K fur ill vote in the new dlxtrlct, a well an I the old, 1 am xatliincd the cnurm will hold ll Kood. but I do not believe that the cniiHtliutlon, nnr the itatut. In lendH to kIvo tu any iniiiih Ipallly tho rlKht lo taki In additional lerrltnry, "Kaidli'tiK of whether Um piuple of the new territory denlre lo be an-liexeil. It Ik Irue, when the lrlilutiire bad tho riKht to i-t4lnlillnli citlen and town. mid enact their charier, they could , do no, cnlarKltiK tbelr bnundarlen re- Knrdleii. nf the wltih of tho Inhabi tant In the proponed annexed terri tory, but the principle In different. Tho member of tho IcKlnlnturo rep-rent-n ted all nf tho people of Iho ntiito even In Iho new dlntrlct an well as the illy, while perinlttluK n city tu vote lo enlarge It boumlarlen, they only represent themselves, and no one I. heard for tho people resldliiK In tho new territory, and the people of tho city In mi way represent them. Therefore, I think that Ihey lire entitled to a voice lu the proi-eedliiKS, and that inunt bo by ballot. Very truly yuurn, A. M. CIUWTOIU). Attorney lleneral. bullet wounds and tho throat bad been cut. The crime was committed on tho JC.th day of AukusI, and Little John, a Kreat uncle of Ilarcley and who I hit w ecu Ml and 90 year, old, knew uf the erlmo nnd helped hide tho body, lie worried about It and final ly told hit wife and Ilarcley. .liter. The InltiT told her husband. The old Indian, Utile John, could not bear the worry and ho confessed to Mr, Fletcher, the reservation farmer. He did not put much faith In tho old man's story, but ho and Mr. Park., i who has cliarKO of the school, went to tho Hullo Monday afternoon after school wan over. After .earchlni some lime Mr. Park, discovered the body. They at onco reported to tho Agency and to the Sheriff here. Dr. Ilemenway, who examined the body, stated before tho Coroner". Jury that tho man camo to hi. death from a pistol .hot In tho back of the head below tho right car. Following In the nmlhiK of tho Coroner'. Jury "We, tho jury empaneled to Inquire Into the death ot the peraou found dead on tho summit ot Yalnax Butte In Klamath county, do make and ren der the followlnc verdict: "First Wo believe that the name HeiiHon & Stone, Attorneys ut Ijiw. J. M. Fountain. (ten, II. Hum. W. T. Shlve. Itohertn & llutikn, Melhuxo llron. I.. F. Wllllln. A. I., l.cuvltt. Police JiiiIko. John KIIIh. Thomas Drake. C, II. Wllhrow. VlrKil A Bon. MornlnK Kxprenn, by J. Scott Tay lor, Klamath County Abstract Co., by llert K. Wllhrow. Prank Ira White. of the deceased person wa. Fid O. Jacobs. "Second That he camo to his death on or about tho 28th day of Aut-imt, 1908, at tho .utnmlt of TaJ naz Ilutte, In Klamath county, Ore gon, within tho boundaries of the Klamath Indian Reservation. "Third That we believe that be came to hi. death by . plitol ibot, and that Willie Oarcley I. guilty of the crime of murder thereby. Signed and dated and returned tbl. 9th day ot September, 1908. A. L. Poore, Robert L Weir. Warren Turnor, J. T. Con, W. K. Anderson, J. If. Boyd. Earl Wbltlock Coroner. Helps the City Pay Expenses What wa at first reported to be . hold-up and robbery developed to have been nothing more than . drunken row when the case iu brought before Police Judge Leavltt this morning. The trouble eccurred about IS o'clock last night In the vicinity of the Bennett Feed Barn. The party, consisting of Ivaa Mid Al va Rowley.Robert Stewart Mid Claude Smith, according to the evidence be fore the Police Judge.bad bees drink ing at several of the mIoom nearly all the evening, and were druak at tbe time ot the trouble. .Some word started a quarrel between Stewart and Ivan Rowley. In tbe mix up 8tewart had bt. bead badly damaged. It I. not known whether he used hi. fist, or a rock, although the damage done would Indicate tbe Utter. Tbe entire party was arretted by Cblet ot Pollco Law. They were brought before Judge Leavltt at 10 o'clock this mornl.g. and after hearing the evidence, he fined Ivan Rowley and Stewart f 19.76 each. Alv. Rowley and Claude Smith wero each fined $10. The tinea were .11 paid, making a total ot 159.50 to be added to the city treasury to help pay the expenses ot the city. Eugene Spencer has been appoint ed postmaster for the new oflce call ed Wampus at Spencer's ranch on Tuesday. He has filled out his boad and the same will be forwarded at once. Mr. Spencer says he will have a mall line established from Pokeg ama to Keno by way of Wampus. "I have been named an chairman,' but an I muni necessarily be absent I from the slute u Krent part of the, J time I would HUKKfnt an Oregon man In head the movement. I will do niy! share, and Superintendent J. P. O'-i llrlen will probably act for mo w hen , I am unable In meet with the coin-' mission, "I am lu favor of Immediate ac tion, mid tho movement for a fine highway should bo launched at once." NKWH FROM KKNO. Ul'ILU THE IHQHWAY. Hpeuklnr. of the appointment of tho Crater lako road commission by aoveruor Chamberlain, Mr.Ilarrlmau said: "I am heartily In sympathy with Iho movement and will bo glad to do miythlnt I can do lu tho building ot a lino boulovard from Medford to tbe lako nnd Klamath Falls. No Invest ment Oregon can make will yield blggor returns than money Invested In making Crater Utke accessible to tourists, for it la the greatest natural wonder In the world, aud thousands will come from all parts to view It. Mrs. Fox returned Sunday from San Francisco with her little boy, who has been In the hospital having hla ear treated. His hearing has boon Improved and is all right now. MUb It nth Dnien Is Imvliii; good Aiiccens wllh her cat Inn apartment. 9lio foods aa many as seventy-live pereona a day and all go away well satisfied with their Inveatmout. MIhh Pitney, from Junction City, Oregon, has opened school lu Keno this week. Keno -hns had no mull from th south tor four days. This 13 the klud of mall service we are getting. There will be some complaints made soon If we don't got our mall ou tlmo. There Is no excuse for this delay and we don't expect to stand It very long. 1 t a : 1 J B 1 A ' l wv 5 1 Going Camping ? j We have the best guns and ammunition. Let us outfit you for a trip to the mountains. We have the goods that hunters need. Going Fishing ? j Our rods and tackle are the best that are made and the stock from which we invite you to select is very extensive. Roberts & Hanks 1 Hardware Merchants MHHIMMMIIMMMIMI sf,' .V