The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 09, 1908, Image 1

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intli FiiIIh' First
Our Advertiser Get
the Best Results . . .
fKAlt. No. (551.
Price, 5 Cents
.. l.... ,... I-.
lalh Falls to Have Only Mod
ern Theater in Interior
Council Gets Written Opinion
On Extending City Limits
riimi to lie lilted With loges With 32 Private Box
knirs, llnrsu Shoe Gallery to Seat 230, and fold
jiii( Scot Chairs-New Scenery, Drop and Flops
.-- r
Klni Mi 1'iilln In In have ii
til, modern In i' wry piirlli'-
liiiiiiini t'lin'Ml turn Im-kii Hindi'
I Mien In rilll1 It) till III pilpl'M,
i before linte n lii'i'ii ulili'
IIiii xliili'iiii'iit wllli mi)' do-
rcrtnlhti niiill now Annnit"
Jmi been pcrfei led mill 1 'rl-
nl UK Miuinr.i'r .1 V lloimliin
Marl tin- uoikmen tiunnfnimliiK
htraMiOpi'tii lliiimo Into u modem
kAlflJV 'I In ufirk ulll Im hiibIii.iI In
iii III order Iii liuto llii Audi-
ready fur tlm gmnd hall on
i in
Blhr meantime .Mr lloimtou e
iNttl iiiiillniiK tin1 plituro nhnun
rHfcihsjt f'' liiioriiiptlnnn ilurliiK llio
tragnSii iif remodeling The uirpen-
I Im nl work mi tin I "Mi r of
lir I in 1 1 UK out tin1 Imik of
il I ii K iiiiiI mnklng Hi" ntnge
ml iIim'Imt mill higher, iiiiiI
implcli-d ulll In- I In- nidi of
iilitllim nluge, C.J frel uhle
fi'i'l ilii'i mill Til fii'l hi nil
niir lll In tin' I'iiIU ntul n
lilt for ito'in'ry, trmikn, etc
ntul iiinifuriiilili' dn-nnliiK
will llll Urn spate iinili'i- lli
it .1 there will tin luvnlorlon for
ml Ki'titli'ini'ii eon) of urrenn
r lil(i of tin' iHiiri'
in ti l.nudln, iiiik of the Inrtc-
I ( nlmllori In llii' world, lum
Iriid for now turnery, dmp,
Tin- olil Hi) l drop rurtnln
ii no ulll lie rcplnri'il liy n cr
ill ciirliiln ((In I In gold nml
ulll Iik ilidilnilly ruined
i ml There ulll lie four fin
imlliiK from Ilic singe.
ililllorlilin ulll Im untile liter
I In' Illicit with logo mi either
tln bonne Them' ulll lie lltlnil
Ii Iiiiikh rnllliiK mnl olil rone
im, nml ulll toiitnln 32 private
mlm I'or ilmircH theno Inge
ii nculihg riipnill)' of 100,
a llli tliu largo homo nhoo gal-
llli a hi'iiIIiik iiipnclly of Slid,
vn ample room for nil spot In-
llmiil now dim;, nml ulll leave
iiln Hour iiiioIihIi in tcil. Tin'
nmllloiliim ulll have eight flm exit.
Tlio front of tlic Iioiiri' will liuvit n
liioml ntnlrwuy lending to I lit) nailery
(luni llm foyi't, where n lomforlnblii
Imtli'N wnlllhg room ulll do lonileil
In llii' lefl of llii' I'litiumi', Willi Hie
hot iilllin to tlm tight Mr llnimlon
lum nrrungfd wild I lie linker Art
Hiiiillo, of t'nlumhiin, Olilo, lo fumUli
pnrlnillN of fntmiiiH nlngo folkii to
K litre tin' uiiIIh of Hie iniiln entrance
Tli folding hiiii i Imli m ulll ln fur
lililinl Ii) llii' l)ieni Cluilr Conipmi),
of tlniml Itnpldn, Mlili
While, IK un llllte iinlil, the build
Im: will hit reaily for Hie hlK I'nrnlvnl
Imll, llio Ihenler ulll lint lie formall)
opennl until Dot-em her, when Htnlr
A llnvllii, I lie New York thcntrlial
inntiiiKeiN, who ulll furnlnh nttrar
lloim for tin' new Ihenler, ulll nond
onii of Ihelr big road companion to
Inaugurate tin rent opening of the
flrxt nml only inoilern piny homo In
Interior Oti'gou,
Ciiiiiii'lliiii'ii Ohftithiilri ntul Bunder
noil, who wi'io nppoiiited li committee
to make nn Invonllgiitloti nil Ket nn
opinion on extending til" lit) HtllltH
preneiilril to Hie Council Hut written
opinion of JiiiIko Plwin Kvunn, wlilcli
In lo Hie efTi'it lluil oiiInIiIii property
iiililiol he annexed ulllioul llii emi
nent of tlio cleilfirN renlillliK I hereon.
City Allotney Iruln hinted that lit)
luni uti'ImmI mi opinion from I ho At
lorticy (lenernl, which wan along the
Hume linen Mr llwinn' opinion U nn
follow n
To Metnrn Obeiithaln nml Hnndernon
"(lelltlelilen After tlio (Itroflll ex
ainlmitlon of the law In Kencral, ro
IntltiK to Muulrlpnl Corprntlonn, anil
morn piirtlt'illurly nn to tlm powern
ami iluili'H ileli'Kiitt'il to tliu City of
Klmnitth I'lilln hy it n ihurler nf Onto
I'elniinry l.'l, 1 10.1, nml other lawn
ri-lutlnit tlicrclo, nml nn lo tint extent
of nticli lawn, nml In no fnr n theyj
relule to a ihnni;o of l lie present
tnbllnlicil lioiimlnry linen of mild rit),
nn filed In Heitlou 2, of Artie In I, of
nald ihurler, no nn lo linludit ontJv:-
iioiih nn well nn luljitient lurrllnry, I
mil of the opinion Unit no power ex-
lulu, ellhered i-xpr'-nx 01 Implied, In
tint Municipal Authorllien of nald
city, or thf Klccton tliertof, lo make
nuch tlibiiKe exiept hy mid with the
('otinerit of n majority of tlio elector!
lenldlni; In tint territory propmud to
he mincit'il.
City Attorney Iruln Muted that lie
had received mi opinion from the At
torney (leneral on the iUtitlon of ex
lendlnK tlio ilty llmlln, which lie ad
milted unn nloiiK )ie H.mio linen nn
tlio opinion rendered hy Mr. Crnnn
Permits Granted By Council In
dicate Building Boom
Many Matter of Importance Come Up at Meeting of Gty
Council-Adjourned Until Thursday, When Action
Will Be Taken on Passing Hawkers Licence
In pant, u contaRloun fever known an
tlio Jlenr nml llucklfherry fever In
KoInK the rounds.
Jacobs Buys 54 Feet in Rear of Lot and
Has Room for 12 foot Sidewalk
lurinAi. oir.vrv mm:
lleforo Iih iiitjoiirumeiit tlm Com
mlloiiein mnl County Judge put
Ihelr nlKtintiiren nml oltlilnl npprovnl
on tin' new limp, uliltli Iiiik heen
ilrnun hy Kit' Klnmnlh County Ab
ut mil Couipnny. Tlio Court ncvorul
ueekn iiko entered Into a rontracl
for u number of I he liinpn, and )en-
lerilii)'n aitlon put the nppronl of
llio Court on thf mnp nuhmltled and
mnde It llio ofllrlnl ninp of tin' conn-
Tlm mnp which In to hit nlxiut 40x
CI Ini'lien, ulll Im lithographed and
printed In rolorn and ulll ho read)
for dlntrlliutlon Innldn of n month,
Tlio prlco of tlm liinpn ulll prohnbl)
Im ulioiit tin.
I.. Jnrohn jmterdny cotnpleled tlio
purchnne of .'. I feel on Die rear of
hU lot on the i inner of Third and
Mulli nln-eln lie tiow ounn ii feet
from h Urn feel deep on which ho
will build n modern flnt proof ntoro
nnd mill ' biilldliiK Tlm building
will be loimli in tid bU feel lintk from
thf propett) Ilni' In older lo kIu IS
fret for nldeunlk. In conforiiiliy with
Mhe other bimlnen Iiouhok In that
Chlldern llron, ha mi the contract
for the brick work nnd ulll begin op
eration Mondny morning. Tlio flrnt
floor will bo lined for n ntoro building
and will bo dUlded Into dcpurtmeiitn.
The mint modern pinto giant show
window n will bo put In both on Main
trett nnd the Third ntrcvt front. Tho
building will bo ntoani healed, tho
furnace to bo Installed In tho
inoiit. Tlio necond floor will bo fitted
for offlrp roomn. Tlm building with
i tho fUluren will cot npiiroxlmntel)
If I2.00H.
Tlm John V. Klood nhow loiuen to
tlio Opera limine tomoi row night.
Mr I'lood will bo remembered hy
many of our people nn Jumping Jack,
tho (linmplou barrel jiimber of the
world. Hinging, dancing, character
mid comedy nkltn, together with a
number of acrobatic ncln, makn up
nn eenlng'n entertainment that In
Hiiro lo pleano. At thf Opera, llouno
tomorrow night.
WHETHER you pay
us $15. or $40.
for a Suit or Overcoat
-you get the best Suit
or Overcoat that $15
or $40 can purchase.
Ik. k. k. store
Kitturdny morning ticket will bo
pluted on wile for tho Carnival Queen
lonlent and It In expected that tho
people of Kluioatii county will wit
neHM one of the llvellent riimpalgtiH
In the hlntory of tlm county.
Any oung lady, married or nlnglo,
will bo ellglblu to ontor tho content.
Vote will bo sold at five cent each,
nnd will bo placed on alo with tho
different merchant throughout tho
county. Tho content will clono Sat
unlay, October 3rd, at noon, anil the
renult of tho content will bo announc
ed on tho following Monday. Thin
will kIo tlm lucky )oung lady a week
In which In preparo to recelvo tho
gueslH of tho city. Tlio Queen will
aUo have tho prlvllego or chooalng
nix joung ladlen to act an nor retain
The Queen will ho provldod with
royal roboa, and will nlno have a
bcntillTiil booth where nhe nnd her
billion niny hold court every evening
during carnival week. A grand Imll
will nlno bo given In honor of her
inujenty nnd tho commltteo propono
16 iiinko thl ono of tho swellcnt of
falra ot tho eason.
Tho Carnival Commltteo will have
full charge of tho contest, and will
announce results ovory (ew days, so
that the public will be posted as to
tho standing of tho dlfferont contest
ants at all times.
The proceeds ot tho contest will be
used to defray the necoturr expenso
of providing tho Queon with her royal
garments, and suitable quarters where
sbo and ber ladles may receive the
Harry Pearson, ono ot tbe Ore war-
dons, telephoned in last evening. He
stated that the Are at Clover creek
was under control nnd that the party
had gone to I'okegnmn, where liiv
forentn have been burning. They have
llilit about checked and will leavo In
tho morning for John sou Prairie,
north ot i'okegama, where another
big forent fire Is raging.
1). Campbell and sons sold their
beef cattle to Mr. Mitchell of Klam
ath Palls.
Will Steven ami Dan Nichols are
hnullng lumber for building tho big
bridge In l.ungell valley.
II. II. Ilurnhmu thronhod his grain
thl week.
Walter llmkmanler wan down finm
hi placo luni Sunday visiting nnd do
lug bualnons at Uonantn.
Henry Vinson, tho oldest settler In
Utngell valley, found Juniper stumps
when ho llrst camo hero Hint had boon
cut n great ninny )cnm.
Walter nnd Will Campbell were
dellvorlug beef to the Morton ranch
this week.
We bad a 11 no shower Sunday.
It has boon Insinuated that I had
stretched that cucumber to inako it
three toot long. Not at all. my dear
sir. It la known aa tho nnako cu
cumber Ilouort nud Juntos Mulouo aro at
work for Undo Sum on tlio Clear
I.nlco Dam road
Our valley U deutlued to bo In n
thriving condition now that all doubt
has been dispelled concerning Irriga
tion, We novo just tho right soil for
raising an abundance ot everything
and with plenty ot water we are not
to be aneeied at.
Since haying Is over and the rush
I'red Melham- and C. K. Branden
burg were caller In Dairy Thurs
day. ('. (' Pearson. W. U. Welch nnd
I.ouls Klerzl panned this way going
to the Water Unern meeting Friday.
Mrs. Chan. Woelk walked from the
rnnili to Dairy on Thursday to do
Joo L'obiirn wan In from tho reser
vation on Thursday und purchased
supplies for the winter.
Wm rinckus, hi wife and two
children. Then., Chan., and some of
their children, started to tho huckle
berry patch Thursday. lleforo re
turning Mrs. Wm. Klackm will visit
her parent near Ashland
Ulll U Turin r (Indian) wan down
Mondnj. lln kas the Indians aro
making preparations to build a $1200
church at Whiskey creek. Some of
the whites might take logons.
HornTo tho ulfo of John Pool,
.September nth, n boy nnd girl, all do
ing well.
Climate and productiveness ot this
valley cannot bo excelled anywhere
If no further delajn prevent, the
Yiinn.-t Threshing Co. will start their
threshing mnchlno Wednesday.
(lei.Sm)tli and his wife and daugh
ter Deis, itnrted to Ashland Tuesday
after a four horso load ot fruit. We
will lay for him as he comes back.
Mrs. M. J. Thompson and H. C.
Ilenlck mid wife, tho mother, brother-in-law-
and slntor, of J. D. Melton,
aro in the city from their home at
Ukinh, Calif. It Is stated that Mrs.
Thompson came here for the purpose
of furnishing ball for tho releaso ot
her son, but that Mr. Melton refused
to bo balled out. J. D. Melton Is
being held In tho county jail on a
clmrgtt of burglary. His ball was
placed at $5000.
Tho largo number of petitions for
building permits which were present
ed to tho City Council lost evening,
I tho most convincing cvldenco ot
the rapid growth and upbuilding of
Klamath Falls. Permit were grant
ed to the following: Tho. Martin,
for the construction of a modern one
story and basement cottage In block
SI In Klamath Addition; Henry Stout
for the construction of a framo barn
on Canal street; J. A. White for tho
construction ot a frame blacksmith
shop 20x30 on Main street betwoen
9th and 10th streets. This Is just
outside the tiro limits; 8. T. Sum
mers for tho construction of a two
story, 8 room house on Sot 4, In block
11, on Pine and 7th streets; Nell
Campbell for the construction of a
bungalow 30x38 feet, on lot 3, In
block 3, In the Hot Spring Addition;
Mrs. Horace Mitchell, additions to
her residence In lot S, In block tS, In
the Klamath Addition. The petition
ot J. V. Houston for a permit to re
model the Opera House, waa laid ov
er until the adjourned meeting Thurs
day night, for further InformaUoa.
Besides the regular bill allowed
was the bill ot the Klamath Falls
Light It Water Company for famish
ing 613,000 gallons ot water for
street sprinkling. The bill aaoaaUd
to $134 and was for water used on
tbe streets during the summer.
8treet lights were ordered la on
West Main street near Elliotts and
the shingle mill, and a petition for
a fire hydrant on Mill street, aear
Moore's power house, waa granted
and the hydrant ordered Installed on
a four Inch main.
The street committee was ordered
to view the property for the purpose
ot opening up Sixth street near the
city limits, and report at the adjourn
ed meeting. The Council authorised
the purchase of 300 feet of 2ft Inch
hose for the Ore department.
An ordinance for a Hawker's Li
cense was presented to the Council,
and It was thought necessary to nuke
some additions and corrections. The
matter was laid over until Thursday
evening, when the revised petition
III be presented. The meeting ad
journed until Thursday evenlng.when
thoy will take action on tho ordinance
and transact any other business thst
may come before the body.
Going Camping ? I
We have the beat guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? ii
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks
Hardware Merchant!