I MPs 1m f'tj 'i , l,mniint-t""""M"'w? I Honest Goods f Honest Work Honest Prices Honest Guarantee DRICr MENTION . ,,.. m.nm. ..j ,n-l ..., nml JihIrii ""'I Mm, '' '' llvl ClonnliiK nml preimltiK ' " '' atiiilum. Wo rail for nml deliver our clothes. Phono 15. 3 Ml IIohiIo lliitnunmil will leave i.. ii... .n.iriiiiii! fur I'nrtlnml. thrriun InM III ill"- l""l H"H .-.- HllO Will ll'M'll III till' ! M'lii'ol. Mn I'mttfnril penrlii'K from 90 cent n !" up. " Monarch. 3 will lento liiliiorinw fur u ttcok'H out lim it lllnmin' linuvi bunt in winn creek. .1. T. 1 1 i will on" of tlm lit l It'll In t limit nun H in IT School Supplies i'WmIuk'h DI.T.O, fiillf J. Wmiti'il t" Iti'iit - A fiiniWuM ' 5 I.uiIkIiiij lliiimi'. Iii'iuliii l tl'l" 'f- J f.-lttk iJ. Comity ('mill niljourueil tlili niter- flee. Albeit K l'Uler linn been Krnntetl ....null 111 liMl'll nml "III liiivc L. , i vn..e .rii.uil. ,ti"on until September S.'.tli. A I'llillhi ' ' '" i ; . .. . vi... iiiinv (Vnwfuril IV-u'hrit. SI win it Mv vou to do elsewhere for your lTJrrlZ . - .'..,. .. Jewelry Watch work, Optical work, etc.? ami on-kihi mniket. : t. r Nicimiu i'inriui nwtu cmhii 5 Also while the ouiet Summer season is on r i.nn. Arm.i.i. .inm-iuer ..t amnesia ,.t.....i eeu iumpim- mi- .... 5 f flv , . ii. t, ,., ..i.,.! ii,.f nii to t'lii.rrv rieek. ?. I' II MrCumber l In lh" city finni ' v Unlit V You ttlll ante innin'y b butlnc'l ttluifeii-r " il". ' ilo tliiiiiinttlil). Of niiiiw, inn I Iiiiox I- Hints nml Miilliliii", Imt Hlnlli ry lui U ... .1 . .1..... ...... I., h.i i..l nftillt III I mil.... II.... n ii'Hiilii'H lin" i ' "" - ' Mlilih mil- luiK" .link of alnlliitiery tti- lioulil mil)' n .mil. nf Siliool Siiiplle. Nluileter l new nluileter l .liiiiilmil -ttlpiletrr Ii iMIIIimlliil ttliiiH'ti'l- ! H"ln " '"' ti'iom.lml In mi 11I11111. Ilntiiil tin) ttlll Ih finiinl In oiii mure, tthlili wi irlil" 11111..I,,., ..11 ImIii iltflil iih(i.iliilr. ininplete nml imitnnll) k"il ,., LS '"' fist 1 interesting things doing in the i there are price line Pont fall to call, first or lasirbefore you buy rnolil. nicomimiiloil Prof. Hm mi to I'horry it""k. in TTUTTirT'TLTWT?!? JIT? J $U. niiiiiviaiui, v. Sls.iU'111. ttlifrc hIio will "iitor tlio uliit" J'hilinol for tin' Oi'.tf ntnl ilimili. I i:illnii Si'iili'tnliiT H-voriU mi' In Ss K1IU1' ..1 Oiill nml Invir lliim .it .Mini". .1 ,.. , ....fhin,., nml nil of tour m-w Inr iimclilmi kupiiIIi'h nt MiiIUt nor Mnln nml Ctli Ut r iii'W- , x 1, ror- , v 7-3 Itf tniiii until (' l' I'liltttooil U III til" ilty loilii) i from IiIk Sttnu uik" mmli a . 11 1...... - - T 1 I I I I XIIII't)"HI'l'll IIIIIIIITB Hiiiinin Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician 2eMmr7plB7lleSvbb,,i, - -"- " "" PTPttRTtrAN RIOCK S Moiiki.M. rimiif 23. tinnlitli TliU I im iiwruK" of tmirr REPUBLICAN BLOCK ; Tl...... .,r,. four " Tl... t.-,.i.tftiii P11I la I nil nml Trillin, t - 10rlM,0ll f.imiuny lutto equlpM 1 1 llf'ti-. I--U.-.I for .,.,i.-r. ..I.l.'nl JAAAAAA.s xrn ,nr" w1,1' w". "U- Como In tin' I'ntittiti.rliiln for mtr I i Wit Invn full lino (tf x.ml.l.. Tin. Mmuirrli rairli-H ('Very. , $ .1 n.l II... ..H nrn n.itmiiinlilo.3 Hn'lr rnlilillli: tllp. ; ? Si-tornl ,l,..lral.l" rooiiM for r.'nt ' '- ' 1"'" "' '"' ""''' $ otvr tlio Stilt liry (ioo.l,. Co. Kn.1-'"" "'"' ""ll l-'"nB ; i .,lr,. nt tli" Htot". V5tf ll.lnt..M..,t from ,..,,1 ..rlhi.n from the ii-ilillir. i Imllnllon li.ite tiivn Imui'il li ..... ,. .... , .. .. . . , . V. A. Atnnlil nml Minn Jnur (im'ii V tlio Twoiity-Ono Club for tln'lr firm i ... ' MflC KrilllUit lU'OlllM til ICIill tonliT ".' .I....1... .f ft... ti'n.i.n u lilrli I III lii T .... iliiv lit' SiiiM'rlnli'.iilonl rtttnn Mr Star Drug Store THEY HAVE IT." J1 ,aaAaaaaaaa4AA4,S66464 &'-4M4a,i VfVTVTVTV-'V' ,--. ............ .. Guaranteed Paints ,"' tniiii. in in' .... Tin wliwU won' tmitlo nt Hi" Klnni- ,. n)lll winlor Sulti. ntli rail roimilry Work. . , ,(V, fr,n, V You nro lutltoil to rail ntnl Itrnporl our Ini.ui'tiii" HliH-k of fruit nml vtw Dun J iimwnll. Ilurr." Miimili unit I. W. Ilr)nnt ri'liirm-il linlny from W. P. FuUer's Pure Prepared PAINTS I A Big Line or Heating Stoves Just Received GEO. R. HURN J liolJ Krliluy cii'hIiik nt lb" Oporu f lloun" Tlio iiiombrrM of tin club P' Vrnulil will liiuli nl Spring Uik", nml AIIm (iltin. wliii urrlti'il Kuml.t) "t i.1nni.ini In hnvi. II hll? Illlll.. mill II M I & ntilnt! ftmii I'liiiNiis. will Irnrb til 1011 . . -- . . ... a .... .... ..... . .1... r. . ... ...... . .. II... " ' " 9f 9t9VVV9fVrfVTVV.V tlllN will II" III" lirni uuini- miiv mv r-i-.fe III rirr u- 1 1 a ii i 1 ml T M't.iS'KiV nil. i : WHY SUFFER FROM -: Kidney I Bladder Troubles! When MYAL'I ITONK ROOT COMPOUND Uluch poalllvcIrcMrdyT II itlmuUlci Itickldntyilo itw (nil performance of ihclr function, ilMutti uric poUoni from ib lyiiem nd m-ii m toothing, htillnd tent upon lh. bladder. Ity Ha timely use, healthful condltlona of theae organa ire promptly reitorcd. CRICK, I Looker bolllr UNDERWOODS C0"NM PHARMACY Slretl. Klamath Falls. Oregoi m i "mmlmm' uiH-nliiK nf lu'liiMil, tb" nffalr will b" n 44K4 , . ., w ini ri iT.v'ti"ii . DON'T BAKE Let us do it for you. Everything Home Made. Prices Reasonable. BREAD A SPECIALTY. We put up box lunches; also lunches for huntincr, fishintr and picnic parties. :: A trial will convince you that it is cheaper to buy than to bake. KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN Get Our Bread at Cawklns. Kluinntb too boxon of rl.iilio Crawfunl pra clii- from '.in roiitH up nt Ihu Monarch ?' 4f4frt-W 7. K. V. Mullvr carrlr tlio largoi stock of Edison phonoKrupli and Itofk In b"lim linulnl tmln) for tin i Kold ninuldnl rrcorila In Klamatl. riiiimlntliin of lb" Jiii-oIik IhiIIiIIiik J county. JHi UlRbtli Krail" rxamlnntliiiiH will bo lifM In IliU illy nml nt Kurl Klamntli j on Svptrmbrr 17 anil IS. I'tofrsnor Dunbar will romlui't tbo riainlnn- .ii boro nml Mm II W H)nn, tb" j on" at tin Kurt. ' Trll )onr tottliiK lunrhliin Innibbii In II. W. Mullor. I'lioii" -.'.'.I. :' 44rJwijZJiii t;lilli lion SowIiik inni'lilmii for rent by ilu), work, or uinutli. At Mulli'lK, rbiili" jr. i. V. S. O.li'ii nrritiil In tb" city lant j cti'iilm; from Hairy. A Diltmni. ll.-Ko your fatbrr tliuuitlit I walitml to marry you fur your 111011.7. NVbat I did you m) 1 County Srliool Supi-rlnli'iiilonl Svtan t Hll,i irrniiidnl blm tbnt ou ilMii't. 4f4b:--ri K--:--C-a-Crt-!-:. ,.ft ttilH mornlm; fur S.il"iu to attend and tben be ald If that wa lbs rai Sheffield Marine Gasoline Engines Buy a good Engine for your boat. Easily run. Anility; other owtu-nt hen', Mr. K. V. Hamilton hart otic Write lift for prices and catalog. We are the manufacturer!. FAIRBANKS MORSE & COMPANY 1st anil Stark Sts., Portland, Oregon. :'...'- '-)) J. L CUNNINGHAM ARCHITECT and BUILDER tllU Ktllt" innti-titloii Of HlllOOl Xl.plT- InlfiiilriilH wlili Ii imi'tH lii that rlty Plans and Specifications Furnished. Estimates Given on all Classes of Work, from small cottage to office buildings. In building your home combine style, originality and economy by having your plans prepared by me. PHONE 645 Residence-Washington St., Between 8th and 9th i f jThnmlay nml Krlilay of thin wrrk f. i WOO T ordfra f'J. I.. V i you didn't Inn any inr. Jntltli . Ltilgcr. Not th. Simi, IIm WHlby-S Mr. Smart rrjlly WOOD HAWINtJ a apcclalty. All aald br co.nlilrml tnr trry ttltt). ib will receive prompt attention. la Mun-.Ni.t cmctly. Ilu miiil lie; ii . p liotf i ""' ,u 'aUKii try iiui un mei j.m - ' ' I'blladrlpbla l-rwn, I I'urnlOiul riHiniH tu lei H. W. --" i While. H-lSlf Cupid WUmi. Mm .(i. K. Van Itlper loft thl.H' mornlnR for Aslilaml, where hIio baj been inlleil by tlm HlrktieKH of her fntlier. Mr. V. Million. Dan Cu.l.. ''II. I.l rm, II. ikiw tir.n l.ruiiglit t ah. in. W. have I'lacuvc rvil inl.t ItU kli.va Ilia tiny arruoa otl iiiak. Mia Janira HchrrlUir, Jr., In I'ltnlniia I'oat. K C'-'' KK0 The Only Place to Buy uAuMMAAIr o.99 nuicpiuui oua Guaranteed to last Six Months Large Stock of Hunting Coats and Suits. :: Gold Seal Rubber hip Boots. Warranted. ulldlng Not. In 1923. ' In onler In complete I lie four hun dred and truth itory or the Hkynilh, cats building the contractor ttlll bate, to rata the iky three or four feel.- i llarper'a Weekly. Haw Ha tnjoyad It. I Brlgga How do you enjoy your mo tor cycle? Orlna Fine! All I need la a coat of I tar and feather to feel Ilka a bird. Saw York Life. Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS 100 Designs by Fred Hodgson. Chicago's Leading Architect, to Choose From We also fiirniHh plans and stiecificationB hy Hodgson at K! the regular price. Your patronage cordially nolicltetl DWELLINGS A SPECIALTY CALL WATSON. LAKESIDE INN Oolng th Limit. Her-Yoo lay you'd ilu anything on earth to prove jour devotion to oie. How far would j ou en V I Hlin-rd-1'd-by Jote, I'd marry you!-Cleve!aud U-uder. J t Portland Clothing & Shoe Store iMMMMMMMIMMmtMMMimWvMmMt;lHM Footwork. H. want to . Ii.r fath.r Tb. maldrir. haml lu uak. It. failed, and y.l Ii vu. you bat, Vr from a UmjIIh. m.k. -Kanaaa City Tlinaa. Abaurdl lawyer In my opinion your dlvorca won't hold water. K.utuckUn-My deub auh, I wouldn't Intuit It by aiklng It to-Browntoaa I afatazln. Cream of Tartar Rochelle Salt I Epiom Salt Sulphur ! CHITWOOD DRUG CO. I WE ARE LOOKING Fur lli.ii.iliilu a-0l III tarry nur uiitvliea. Wo ran eupply walchea fur iiiiyoue, Imm the yoiinic etl to Hid H-iliiUt old man. Kucli ttuli b la v:uaranteel liiKivw Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlors Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. VJ V3 SHEKWtlhWlLUJm Buggy Paint U the litit I'.tint made lor bug e,ici. CoihI, too, (or porch ami lawn lurnilute or anything at.l jeet to oulilcle exposure. S-W. BUQOY PA NT wean well ouio(dooii In all kimU of weather, glvet a bright, ilutaUe cJoti, ipreadi evenlyi covet well and comet Id many attractive colon. It ii economical became il savct tcmlntliK too toon, and Ii ultvayi latltlactory. Comet irmly (or the buuli in handy cutis, big and little, at you re quire. arawBHtaa fori balk NY aajajaajj Geo. T. Baldwin, HARDWARE DEALERS KkMata Falls, Oregoa 4m3 mm WjLi?- UmTcK lortaaj ?: ejnTW m -r trwtttmrfi