The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 08, 1908, Image 1

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imiith FhIIr' Flrnt
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
jWid ItoaL Dally ....
Yi-iau. No. (!.r.().
Price, 5 Cents
iter Users Assn. Will Assist
Farmers to Sell Lands
Are llulnq Perfected So I hut the farmers Under the
Project Con List I heir Lxcckm Lands and the Same
Will He Sent to Colonization Bureaus in East
Forest Fires Start Again
Doing Much Damage
eM limited tluil them lire ill).
lit uly 10,01)0 nrres of 1'ircai
der tlin ICIniiinlli ptuject. Tlil
lluil In mm held In irlvuln
lilp In i'iihH of l ln Co in res,
In nil l luil mi) nun person inn
it water rli'.lil In iiiiiIit lint
ntlnn Act It menus (lint there
MMniit acres of Imut which
tWfca" In In' Imimferriil In other
IWMTI within tin' next few )i'lim In
MsTstrllno Aironllm; In IIik i-un
llIU III! ll'l.l..P lt.... ........
I Mv. I " . if llll' ....., 1 '! nn.,-
MIn' noil lln- Ili'ilniimlliio HitvIim.
MMll OWImr I t'.U '( Rlllll'lelll up.
efttstjity In ri'll hlit excess IiiiiiI, lull
tllM.fnlla In iln mi, It run limn In
Bar liliu liy IIik Aimiii'liilliiii The
i nf llic I'XK'im In ml m wn made
(MMhe reduction In llii' iiiiiiiniit or
llll'll Will I tereil by till'
'iiinl Lower I'roji'iln, I lin iiiiiii.
aires which tlm Kovcrniiit'lil
In trrlnlm being Im),O0ii.
tuiitti'r nf mntlntlng tlm fariiiiTJ
otitic ipi IIik IhiiiIh tin')- inn)'
fur mill', wiu thoroughly ilN
nt tln recent meelltiR of tin'
irn nf I lio Will it Users AxMirln.
.11 In expelled I tin I plan Mill
)' perfeiled mi Hint nrtlmi rnn
It'll lit tint next rt'KOlur Ilict'tltiK
liiliimi'it to allow nil ini'iiilii'm
AhHIM lllllllll til nt llllllU till')'
in fur nail- with ilm Hecreinry
,kiii lulliiti, Willi n complete
Hun mill pi Ire These lists
nriuiiRcd nml printed ami unit
tlu furniliiK m-illuim of tlm
Ki'ilniiintlnn Hervlit linn re-
fnliilillHlii'il u brunch Cnlnnltn-
Dlttrn In Chlrni'.n nml lhi)' ran
fcese IIhIh to riiuiI advantage, to
InIiii ninlliin tu InimeHeekers,
niliinl runt will Ini charged for
tlm IiiiiiI In wiler tu rnor tho
nf lirliitlliK mot di'IhIIiik ol
In mi Hint It will nut In- n bur-
in Ilm AKniii'lnllon.
nut tlm liili'iilliin nr purposo
Amhiii'IiiIIiiii In ciiRitRo In Ilm
ntnlit IiiikI nciKH, It ii t iih Hid ornun-
In In riiinposeil of Ilm fnrtiliTH n(
nur roil nty, thrill In nit reason why
Hit')' nliuulil nut ilu itiDthliiK wlilrh
in If, lit benefit Hii'inni'lvi'N. Tho Asuo
rlntliinn of other projects are meeting
with nii'-ri'nn nluiig thin Hint nml nr
nnnUtliiK their members In inn n y
wnyn. Hiiiini nf Iln- project report
Hint llilm plan does not Interfere with
tlm liiinlni-nn (if tlm ri-nl eslatn men,
hot tnllii'r thnl Ilm Iwo nro nf mater
Inl nnnUlMiiro In i-nth other.
Mnny liuinlrlrn ntn ruining In In
ilm AnxH-lnllnn In regard tu secur
Iiik hiniU iiiiiIit the project mil thu
Hecirinry In kept i 11 1 1 busy answer
Iiik thi'no li'lli-rn Tlm pamphlet n
M'tilly tmnplli'il hy Mr. Ilcllcman, nr
tlm Itiylmiintliiii Hcrvlre, linn been
viry useful In nnnwi-rltiR Inquiries an
tlm Information It rontulnn la reliable
nml Immesooker lm full confidence
In tlm statements iniiiti'. Those whn
Inre natln1 wllh Ilm advantages of
thin section nro now desirous of se
cnrliiK liiforinatluii an In prln-n nml
Inmln fur naif Thin In where tho land
llnti'il wllh tln Anniiclntluii run ho
oni-il to advantage
Forester Kloni')' loft thli morning
on Iln' r.tciiiiiiT Wlnoum with tlilrlv
llicii fnr Odessn. From there Ihtv
will en In Ilm iiiiiiintnliin nn tho wi-it
ulili) of Ilm lake lo flKht tho lira whirl)
Iiiim Iii-vii rnxliiK In Hint net Hon of thu
Ciincniln Koriiil lli'm-rve fnr to
Thu fir i' Uirk nf Odeum, linn been
itoltiK hi'avy ilainiiRv tu tho tlmtt-r In
Ilm ri'iicrvii. On account of Iho rnn
tlnupil tlry wi-nlhiT and lane nf mini
II linn been Impunnlhlu tu control tilt?
Urn nml It linn nprrml until It In cant
Iiik nlnrin. Kvury uvnllnble man ban
hi'cn Hi-ciin-il to nnnliit In checking, tho
(lro buforo further tlnmoKo Ii tlono.
Mr. Kinney with thu thirty mon ho
look with lilin thin morning hope
In In- nlile In Kit thu flntno la tbli
Mttlnn timler (otiliol
No wonJ linn been received from J.
P. Kimball, who In wllh Hie party of
men fli.titlnr, tlm lire near Clover
crock, ('linn, llnldwln whn went there
with a crew nf eli;lit men linn nut re
titrnd mid Ihln lendn In tlm belief
Hint the lire In tint yet miller cnnl rot '
Thoy liuvu not lelephuned fnr more;
mon so It In nupponeil 1 lint they feci
able to tope with tlm fire without fur-1
ther amlitance,
Forcnt fir en nro nlnu rnRlnK In tho
northern part of tlm county nenr
Odoll. A mennoKO wan received from
that HPctlon lat nlclit for Jnck Kim
ball aiklnK that hu crime nt once tu
look after the Weyerhaeuner timber,
Indian Kills White Man and Con
ceals Body In Rocks
Sheriff Barnes With Coroner and Party Leaves for. Scene
of Crime-Indian Who Committed Deed Left Two
Days Ago and Believed to Be in Alturas
nautlcnl work and tho boy,, who aro
both young, deserve Krcat credit for
their prompt nnd efficient action.
Such yoiinr; men would mnko valua
bio recruit tu the Ufa aavlnic nervlco
i .. .1... uii . a
but Kimball hnn not returned from "v "" ,u "'" """"'' lo w,c rcnl
ivanhoe, I wlnh to volunteer a little
Clover creek. It In prnbablo Hint
nomeone will be Kent tn Hint nettlnn
to nee whnt dnmnKe the flro In doing.
Excursionists and Passengers Too Many
for Stage Accamodations
Heventy.four paHnennern ramn In 'curnlonlntn were outipoken In their
JIIMIK lt.l.lVI Wll.l, UK
Tlm Klamath County Agricultural
AKMiclallou hnn lippoltited Judxu tlen.
T llnldwln illrertor of elilbltn for
the Klrii't Citriilvitl and Knlr. Judge
llnldwln will noon ntart the cnmpalRii
nmniiK Hievfnriiiern of the county tn
Hcriirn exhlhltn. 1300 In ranh will be
Klwn In prlien fur tho belt dlnployn
utiil It In proponed to inuke thin n Mr
feature of tlm comliiR cvlobratlon
diirlnr. the week rummenclnR October
12th, The bent exblliltn will bn kept
tu be lined at thu Bent Ho Fair next
yenr, and tlm pornoim iimkliiR thu ex
hlblln will hn Riven full eriMlIt for
their prodiirlH.
I. Conklln, panlnr M. K. Church,
In offerliiR hU huiuuhold RiHidn at pri
vate nnle. Cmik ntove, roller-tup deik,
ornnu, ilrexner. rhnlrH, niRn, etc., etc.
Corner i'lnu and 'J nil, near I'-enby-lerlan
churrli, H-r.t
WHETHER you pay
us $15. or $40.
for a Suit or Overcoat
-you get the best Suit
or Overcoat that $15
or $40 can purchase.
on the bnrKe Innl nlKht. They were
hmiiKhl in Hie bar nu the ateamer
IKIiiinntli nod irnunferred tn thu bargu
and bruiiiiht on lo thin city by tho
Cmiby ()er Ihlity of thenu panscn
Kern mum (nun Portland on tho ex
I'tirnlnii. The rrnwd wnn no lurRv that
there were lint teiimn nufllrlent to
IiiiiiI them from Calor tu Tuvteri
landlnK. nnd many of them had tn
wulk. Thin they look Rood naturedly
nnd mndu it joku of II, renllzlnc that
the bent wnn beliiR dune under the
At Teetern landing Hicy were met
by n deU'Ruilou from thu Chamber of
Commerce, mid after enjoying a fine
dinner, they left for tho trip up tho
river. Seatn were arranged on the
bargu nnd nllhoiiRh thu trip waa rath
er cold from tho bnr to thli city, )et
thu threo inlten wero noon covered
nnd the excurnlonUls and pataongera
bnd nn opportunity to got a flno view
nt the ilty by moonlight. The electric
IIrIiIi nf the city, from the water
front tn tho hclRhta nnd for a mile
along Main Mreet, presented very
pretly picture from tho laku.
While not a kirk waa heard on ac
count of tho poor Htago facilities from
Calor to Teetern, yet many of tho ex-
condemnation of tho xervlce on the
California Northeastern railroad. The
train did not Ret away from Weed
until after 'i o'clock and It wan long
after dark when they reached Calor.
At every little station thu pasienger
coachen were left standing while the
englno and crew spent nn hour or so
switching freight cars. Thus thu en
tire afternoon wan eonnunied, until
everyone wnn worn out and nerous
from the delay. II In unough to ills
gust nil) one with thu trip and make
them never want to see thu country
aRuln. It In to be hoped that a few-
days rent and their Interest In seeing
thu advantages of the country, will
help them to forRot thu Inconvenienc
es of their trip.
This morning the excursionists
wcro nround bright and early, ready
to seo what tho peoplo had to offer.
Many of them spent tho forenoon In
looking around the city while others
wcro driven out Into tho country.
This nfternoon many of thoso who
stayed In town this morning liavo
gone to thu country, while others
have gone to thu Upper lako and out
to tho Hot Springs. Altogether the
party seem tu bu making themselves
at homo and lire enjoying their visit.
ndvlro to sailors. Yachting
In tlm mint noble and clean sport
known tn the true Anglo Saxon, but
It must bu understood. First, always
turn your boat towards the wind
jwhen going on another course; when
ruiinlriR dead before the wind, It you
turn, utwa)s turn tn the side opposite
)onr sail; when running clone haul
ed, Hint In, up against the wind, never
haul )nur boom end Inside the lea
rail. Ilemember this and llvo long
er. Nn yacht ever built, but will
turn over If not properly handled,
nml Ignorance Is not excusable any
Commodore Alex. Nosier.
Good Attendance at the
Opening of Public School
Today was the flint day of work In
tlm public schools of thu city. Classes
wero enrolled, lessona assigned and
(lie routine work tnkon up. Tho en
rollment In tho city schools today
was: l-'S hoys and 134 girls, a tot
al of 2C2 pupils, Thirty or forty of
thu regular pupils are temporarily
baont from tho city aud oould not
lo hero for the oponlng days. Princi
pal Dunbar states that n bsJUves
the enrollment 'Will ptmtA 100 be
fore tho wook la out. Tue grails
teachors and tho onrollment of pu
plla In their classes ar u tolWnrt:
OrtU Tssctwr 9m CM Tvto
First MUsos Jensen
and Pool 'ii
Mabel Campbell 14
Third Miss Baker
Fourth Mlsa Davidson
Fifth Mlsa Bell
Sixth Mlsa ApplegaU
outh MUa Draw
Eighth Stella Campbell It! 10 2C
Total 128 KM 2C2
Thu enrollment for Inst yeiir was;
Boys. 12 !l, girls. 12S, Total 2.17.
A Good Weeks Hunt
A. I). Miller, who has been hunting
on the Upper lake, returned home to
day. Thu JuiIrc promised a largo
number of his friends a nice hunch
of ducks nnd told them tu call at ono
of the stores, where ho said ho would
lene the game. Tho store has been
besieged all day by peoplo who called
to Ret their ducks, hut they had to
ro away disappointed. Tho facts In
thu caso finally leaked out and It has
been learned that tho Judgo secured
ten ducks as tho result of a whole
week's hunting.
Successful Sale.
Tho big removal salo of the Boston
Store Is being generously patronised,
and people are laying In their sup
plies for tho winter. Mr. Jacobs
states that hu was agrecably.aurprlsed
nt tho largo attendance on Saturday
nnd If tho crowds keep up ho will be
compelled to add more clerks to as
sist his already largo force.
Sheriff Barnes was notified this
morning by Superintendent Wilson,
of the Klamath Indian Reservation,
of the murder of a white man at Yal
nax. Tho body was found last night
at rock point near Yntnax, and was
partly covered up. It Is not known
who tho murdered man was, but It
Is believed that a half breed Indian
by tho name of William Barclay com
mitted the crime.
Sheriff Barnes, Coroner Whltlock,
Prosecuting Attorney Kuykendall and
R. M. Richardson left for Yalnax
wbcro they will be met by Superinten
dent Wilson. They went by way of
Dairy and will not reach Yalnax un
til late tonight, as It is 45 miles. An
Inquest will be held and It la probable
that the identity of the unfortunate
man will be learned.
Very little definite Information
could be learned from Mr. Wilson,
oa ho was not willing to tell what bo
know over the phone, aa there ware
too many Indian phonea connected
with the line and be did aot wish
tbem to bear. It la believed that Bar
clay and anotbor Indian did the dead.
Barclay Is a half breed, weight about
165 pounds and is 6 feet 10 laekoa
tall, lie wore a stubby mustache aad
generally wear spectacles. He left
the reservation two daya ago beaded
for Alturas, and bad with him aa In
dian boy, 17 years of age. aamed
Ally Hardy. He la known In Modoc
county and the sheriff has been noti
fied to arrest him if be makes bis ap
pearance there.
The telephone to Yalnax is report
ed down and It ia Impossible to get
any Information from there.
Suit for divorce was filed today by
Margaret M. Provo vs. Josepb Provo.
F. H. Mills, attorney for olalntlC. "
Suit for divorce has been filed by
Mary A. Sullivan vs. J. E. Sullivan,
Benson & Stone, attorneys for plain
YHcht Ivanhoe CaiwUes on Upper
Lake nnd Ttvo Hniull Uoys
(Make Rescue.
Tho yncht Ivanhoo una capslted
on the Upper lako Sunday afternoon.
Ttoe man did nut get wet as ho did
the spulrrel act In nllmblug on to tho
upper rati, which wns some three
feet above water. He was roscued by
Robert Rlggs and Harry Mlckel, who,
notwithstanding tho hlgb wind, gy
rated their little sail boat around tho
overturned craft until the man was
rsasbsd. It was a very fine piece of
Going Camping ? f
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? j
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks i
Hardware Merchant!
1. .-
,r .xv $